Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 11, 1908, Image 17

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Keep a Ti&ht'Grip on These Facts
It’s going to be a great season for the
more pronounced and extreme effects in
young men's clothes; for rich, handsome
The garments we are selling are more
notable than ever in these respects. See
the grand array of good things, represent
ing the cream of the market.
$15 to $40 $15 to $40
' Stop Looking
Stop looking—shut your eyes—even your instinct
will tell you that you can’t find a better place to trade.
Stop wasting shoe leather walking around looking for
bargains when we have them too numerous to mention.
Macon Cash Grocery Co.
Tel-the-phones 325 or 290. 670 Poplar St.
“Success breeds imitators,” but the original will re
tain its friends solely on the basis of reliability, purity
and true worth.
Get The Best
Fancy A. & P. Elgin Creamery Butter
30c Pound .
Made from the Purest, Richest, Cleanest Cream; in
the most cleanly and modern manner known; no wonder
it is better than other brands of butter. It is worth
more than other brands, but we are selling at cost for-a
short while. Order a pound and please note the fine
rich quality.
Sold only at A&P Stores.
The Great Atlantic & Pacific
Tea Company
Importers, Coffee Roasters, Distributors,
A nice, new 6-room cottage, on shady side Johnson
avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
No. 461 Third Street.
’Phone 360.
For Sale For Sale
East Macon homo; six rooms; eaiy
terms; or will build hooto for purchaser
on rood lot aod glv* terms.
Ctty homo; tiro-story; all conveni
ences; gas, hot end eold water; elec-
trio switch os throughout house. Terms
If deal red.
ColUfo street homo.
Jno. F. and W. H. Cone,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans
Phone 206. £07 Cherry St.
’ *•, 558 V %, Mnut * Street.
Regular mealt for men and women 25
cents. Eua'resi women 15 cents.
Breakfast 7 8f*a7 m.
D'rner 1* lr n. m.
Supper, 6:00 to 7:00.
A tree rest room: convenient for
Of-\Qwn shoppers.
Southern Packing Co.
Choicest Native nnd Western
<>2ft Cherry St. Phone 351.
Jones Dray Line
Residence Phone 649.
is no longer with
nnd this bis home nnd mutn cmnorlum
will In tho future he run bv Mr. ltm 1*
Jones end hfs son. Mr. W. H. Jones.
| if c a Word)
Advertisements tnder the heads of
Wanted. For Sale, For Rent, Lost. Found,
Personal, Miscellaneous. Etc.. Inserted b
this departmert for 1c per word for each
Issue. No notice will be Inserted for less
than 15 cents. Remittances of $1 and
leas may be made In postage stamps.
w CONSTANTINE Chapter No. 4,
A R. A. M.. regular convocation
V y Mondav night at 7:30 o’clock.
Work In the Mark Degree. All
^ * Companions In good standing
welcome. O. E. Dooly, II. P. W. B.
Chapman, Secretary.
UNIFORM RANK. W. of W. meet* 8 p.
m. Sunday. 16J Cotton ave.
CUSPIDORS, both metal and fiber. 23 and
87 cents. Huhn Fire Sale.
WANTED—Neat, reflned young lady
stenographer desires position at once;
references given. Address Experienced,
care Telegraph.
WANTED—For positions that must be
filled at once: 1 stenographer. 2 book
keepers, 1 timekeeper. 3 clerks. 1 foremnn
and 1 cook. The Mutual Employment
Agency, Cordele, Ga.
WANTED—Painting. floors st»dned.
graining, plastering, patching and wnll
tinting. H. C. Walton, First and Cherry.
Phone 8488. •
WANTED—Carpenter work, building and
repairing; lesky roofs a specialty. Wes
ley Jackeon. First and Cherry. Phone
WANTED—Bright Intelligent man or wo
man to make money for himself. Call
Sunday between 2 and- 6 p. m„ room 1.
678 Mulberry at
WANTED—Posiuon by lady bookkeeper
and stenographer; three years’ experi
ence; best of references. "Change,” care
WANTED—Board and rooms or small
furnished apartments for small family.
Address Apartment*. Telegraph.
WANTED—To swap a well established.
paying grocery business for a good
fnrm. Address Wholesale, care Tele
WANTED—Young man to share room
with me, In private family, close In,
quiet and comfortable: references _ ex-
changed. Address "Will," care Tele
WANTED—Room and board by young
man: would like reflned young man
as roommate; references exchanged.
Address X. Y. Z., care Telegraph.
WANTED—Large or email Jobs of paint
ing. plastering, kalsomlnlngjr, graining
nnd floor staining. Geore Glover, 468
Cotton ave. Phone 997.
ONE LOT one quart milk bottles, fOo.
tier dozen. Huhn'a Fire Bale.
-WANTED—One good milch cow. H. D.
Adams Co: Phone 90.
WANTED—One good milch cow. H. D.
Adams Co. Phone 90.
WANTED—To rent a small farm. In
good locality, near Macon. Addreas lb
H„ care Telegraph.
WANTED—Boarder for one room; also
table boarders. 758 Mulberry st
WANTED—Couple or young men to oc
cupy suite of rooms In steam heated
flats. First class table board. No. 6
Nevaro flats.
WANTED—Those desiring table board
with private family apply to 657 Plum
st Phone 3030; also furnished room for
WANTED—One good machine hand for
furniture factory; must be sober and
reliable. Apply <14 New sL
WANTED—Gentleman to occupy nice
furnished room; reasonable rate. 215
Washington ave. •
WANTED—Couple to board; large room,
with al| convenience*. 742 Walnut st.
P08TOFF1CE clerks and carriers
wanted; examinations will be held In
Macon and many other cities in Novem
ber; particulars free. Washington Civil
Rervtne School, Dept, 458, Washington,
D. C.
WANTED—A young man withes a posi
tion; office work preferred; can give
reference. Addreas Work, care Tele
WANTED—One or two fresh milch cow*
guaranteed for certain quantity,
"Cows. Cash." care Telegraph.
UNCLE SAM wants railway mall clerk*.
mall carrier*, poatofflce clerks; $1,100.04
yearly; examination* here November
18th: common education sufficient; prep
aration free. Franklin Institute, Roch-
estro. N. Y.
WANTED—Table boarder* at the Olym
pia Hotel; reasonable prices. W. T.
Ragan, prop.
WANTED—500 MEN to learn barber
trade, and take positions waiting our
graduates, few weeks completes, constant
practice furnished, scholarship Includes
tools, Inatruetloas. demonstrations, ex
aminations and diplomas: write for cat
alogue. Holer Barber College. Atlanta,
WANTED—Young man of good address
to sell specialties to business men;
state salary and full particulars a* to ex*
ne*i*nr* In first letter. Specialties, care
WANTED-A NV 1 solicitor: .gnoft pay
for a hustler. Address L. 8. W., care
SO!Jr*»T0ltJ—Experience non-»rsentlnI;
P’lrltlmi paying salary, commission, spe
cial prises, premiums: for complete out
fit enclose 25 cent* to dofray postage
and wrapping. Couple's Home Magazine.
9 0 8. CMcngo.
SALESMEN WANTED—For the seneon
iff 19ft9; no former experience required:
iiundrels cf good positions now open;
traveling salesmen can eirn big salaries;
If you deslro to enter this hlg’dr ••irra-
t|ve nrnf«*"|on. our free bcok, "A Knight •
of the Grip." will show you the wav;
write (or rail) for |t today, and teaMrm.;
nln»a fr-.m hundred • of our graduates.
Pin ceil In r'*od positions. Add-ops l)rpt.
731. National Salesman's Ttrln'ng As n-,
elation. Gtdengo. Kansas Olty, New York. 1
Min enpoii*. Fan Francisco; write our,
nearest office.
TWO TRAVELING salesmen wanted;
$2’>.00 week salary. $23.00 week ex
pense*, nnd 10 per cent commission on'
rale*. I^is Angeles Cider Cp., Atlanta,;
A GOOD business man enn earn $4.r.ft0
per year; exclusive territory given; ref
erences that wlH bear the stHela.-t jnves-
Ing up branch office” and 'superintending
agents. Forntacono Co., 60 Church st.,
New York.
FOR RENT—Second floor of 869 New st.;
possession Oct. 16. Ring 2011.
FOR RENT—Second floor, desirable lo
cation. College st.; two car lines: nil
conveniences; rent reasonable. Phone
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, with
bath and all conveniences, cheap. Ap
ply 22! Tattnall'st.
FOR RENT—A nicely furnished room
for one or two gentlemen. 465 Orango
st. Phone 8586.
FOR nENT—Second floor, $12.60 per
month. 758 Spring st.
ENAMELINE stovo polish, 39o. por box.
Huhn Fire Sale.
FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, to parties without chil
dren. 477 Spring st.
WANTED— bo«riW«. .Ian o
Pants for s large pleasant room.
Poplar st
WANTED—SI.4CO to Sf.MO; ample real
estate security; will pay H oar c
yearly. "Finance,” care Telegraph.
WANTED—Ladles to niako aprons; I8 60
dosen; no cost to get work; materials
sent prepaid; ondose stamped addressed
envelope. Hume Apron A Dress Co* Lo*
Angeles. Cal.
AGENT8—Show It to the colored folks
and they hand you their money; the
magic combs positively makes kinky
hair strslght; 200 per cent pront: great
opportunity: write today. Specialty Man
ufacturing Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.
Huhn Fli
lue in cans from S cents up.
AOENTS—Enlarged portraits 80 cents:
frames. IS cents; SO stereoscoole views
and scopo 28 cents: sheet pictures 8
cents: Taft nnd Bryan picture? 5 cents.
Fidelity Portrait Co., 120 So. Paulina st., i
MEN nad women are earning |35 week nn tt» VHTT TXAW
selling my newly patented nrtl.l.-s, Uxt 1JJ xUU JH.ilVila—
needed hy every woman, , rapid seller , .. , .
no .chant". A. M. Youn(r, 29 Howland, A SeWmff Machine
Uhlg., Chicago. - .1 s
A Horse
Or Mulo
Or Harness
Or Buggy
Or Wagon
Or Carriage;
A Cow
Or Pig
Or Chickens
Or Eggs
Or Gccso
Or Guineas
WANTED— Sidesmen to call on retnP
store ; popular line with advertising
tlint prys; holiday season Just open: hust
lers «vl»h nMllty rm easily make gSOb.oo
wittily. P. O. Box No. 185, Dept. S2.
City. Iowa.
Or Furniture
Or a Stove
Or any Tools
Or Anything Else
Or a Dog
A 15c AD IN
NOTICE—All who take a part In the
Old Maid's Convention *
lame rooms
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished
berry. Curling's Fist.
enlenet*. 673 Mul-
- WANTED BY THE LADIES™ 3 Y nvestment &
Stephen H. Shipps.
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms nnd
huge hall on first floor. 258 Washing-
FOR RENT—Seven-room house. 1161
Elm st: 770 Ash; 6-room cottage. 812
Ash st.; 8-room flats. 758, 757 Ash st.
B. L. Harts, corner Orange and Forsyth
streets. 11.
Apply Mrs. n. U Hendrick. Park Hotel.
FOlTnENT— Five-mom cottage Beach
live.. Napier Heights: city water. Ap
ply I, A. Thorpe, Fourth National JJunk
FOR RENT—Two choice apartments.
Nev.tro Flats: lights water hast
furnished. Apply at office Ideon 8. Dure,
Fourth National Bank nidg.
minutes walk to busi
ness center; modern conveniences. Ad
dress Alex., cave Telegraph; references
ONE FINE comet self-feeding heater was
iSft.OO. now 810.00. Huhn Fire Sale.
FOR RENT—Two At ground floor offices
. ... • ~*#um heat nnd
Apply to Ms
•cm Ilium — t wo ai gruunu uour
In Washington block; steam heat nnd
Itor. nil con von' A •" M “-
flnvlngs Bank.
will rent two
un nnni-* — ° connecting
front rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
to voung men or a couple without chll
to young men nr a
iJren. I am In two minutes’ walk to bust*
lenccs; refcrenc
Add rose
FOR RKNTrrOno warehouse on Sixth st,
fronts aid* track. Apply Park Hotel.
FOR RENT—On4 furnished room: vacant
15 Oct Call 207 Washington ave.
FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room.
Apply 120 New #t
FOR RENT—Two large connecting un
furnished. first floor rooms. Apply at
805 Mulberry st.
FOR RENT—Three or four rooms on
Vlnevllle car line. Phone 2425-L.
FOR RENT—One seven-room house,
lnrge lot. on street car lino. In East
Macon. W. R. Phillips, 716 Mulberry st.
FOR RENT—To gentlometi or couple
without children one or two unfurnlsh-
ed rooms. 262 Washington ave. Phono
FOR RENT—406 and < r Ross at.; both
new houses. O. M. Du*!*;
FOR RENT—If It’s two rooms you want
cheap apply to 454 Broad st, East Ma
con, Ga.
FOn RENT—Three or four unfurnl.hed
rooms; price reasonable. Phone 1864.
FOR RENT—Furnished room, close in,
all conveniences on same floor. $65
Mulberry at. Phone 2099.
FOR RENT—Two new furnished rooms
for housekeeping. Phone 2076,
FOR RENT—Two furnished bedroom*.
with all conveniences., or will rent
three rooms on first floor, unfurnished,
for light housekeeping. 101 First st
Phone 2220.
TO RENT—A desirable room to gentle
man; meals next door* 669 First st.
SILVER POLISH. 25 cants size for llo.
Huhn’s Fire Bale.
FOR RENT—Rooms, close In, bath on
^ame floor. 718 Cherry. Thone 1473.
FOR RENT—Furnished room, with bath.
207 Second st., corner Walnut.
WHITE Oak Mineral Water Is nature’*
prescription for the cure of many dis
eases. Delivered 10c a gallon. Phone
1800. * .
FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms; con
veniences. Phone 2712.
FOR RENT—One nice furnished front
room. Phone 2076, 817 New.
FOR nENT—No. 18 Montpella ave., flve-
room cottage: city water; $16. Milo
Abel, Napier Heights.
FOR RENT—One furnished room. 765
Poplar SL
FOR RENT—Two front rooms, unfur
nished, private family, delightful neigh
borhood. 70 Arlington Place, Phone 8241.
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms for
light housekeeping. No. 610 New st.;
no objections to children.
FOR RENT Three delightful connecting
rooms near Wesleyan; references ex
changed. 584 Waehington ave.
FOR RENT—Nice elx-room cottage
cheap on Montpella ave. Apply J. if.
Hellker, Holt ave.. Napier Heights.
FOR RENT—Three-room house Lee st;
•-room house. Broad st.; lot* tor sale.
Fort Hill. A. B. Quinlan, real estate,
renting agent Phone 1022.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room,
close In. Apply 619 Pine st Phone
FOR RENT—Rooms to gentlemen or
couple; most desirable locality. Ad
dress Home, rare Telegraph.
ANOTHER slash in builder** hardware,
hinge*, trmceehalns. avs and pick, han
dles. Huhn Fire Bale.
FOR RENT—Six-room house Woolf oik
st, with pantry and flower conserva
tory ind oiithouae*; fine well of wafer
and gas. W. T. Womack. East Macon.
FOR BENT—One front room, furnished.
close In. for rent. For Information
phone MM.
FOR RENT—Nlne-room house 110 Park
FI sea; excellent location: fronts park
and car line; convenience* both floors.
"D.” car# Telegraph.
FOR RENT OR SALE-Ncw. modern 5-
rooin cottage, Lynn Avo., Vlnevllle;
will sell chenp. Arthur S. Harris, 112
Vlnevllle Ave.
$19 CASH a drnphead Singer machine: al
most new; $10 rush for a box lop Sin
ger. J. R. Burnett. Cotton ave.
FOB SAt.E—Hoct; lot of unroll ;nd
large shotes cheap. Telephono 8586.
FOR SALE CHEAP—Buggies, delivery
and milk wagons; must bo sold. Ma
con Buggy Co.
FOR SALK- One gas stove, novelty
range; will sell cheap. 2001 Third st.
WANTED—Everybody to >co liow chonp
tho hat, arc In mllllnory d.pnrlment at'a.
FOB SADE-Ono ,tnndlti» donk ,nd .tool.
Call bnsoment American National Bank,
or Phono 187.
Ton BALE—Milk shake machine, new.
$6.00; can be used during fulr. 407
Walnut at
THE Whits Oak Mineral Wells are In
good sanitary condition; your aro Invi
ted to call snd partnko of the water fret.
Delivered 10c a gallon. Phone 1300.
LOTS FOR 8AF.E—Nine lots f*Hng
Boulevarde. opposite the pavilion,
North Highlands, price $100 to' $300 a
lot; also Tot 9. Laurel ave., $400. Ed
ward A. Horne, 460 Cherry.
FOR HA I.E—$22.50 at $12.60 genuine Mc
Clellan nrmv used saddles; leather cov
ered. 8. 8. Parmcless Co.
FOR RALE—Counters and show class.
Phone 851.
FOR BALE—Counters and show esses.
Phono 851.
FOB SAI.E-At once, thrM pood mill..,
three dray* and also on# cracking good
horse and bugr- "Hi work anywhere;
Stylish, well proportioned, JK®"*
tie and eafe. Apply L. I* Adams, East
man, Ga.
FOR BALE—Monuments, slabs and stat
ues cheaper than any P are In Macon,
Slabs nlways In stock. Tho Bell Marble
Co., 308 Fourth st.
FOB 8AI.E-A vary !«r*« lln« palm In
h«avy oak tub nt 517 Arllnaton Pino..
$19 CASH a beautiful Wilcox A Olbbs
sewing machine. J. R. Burnett, Cotton
FOR SALE CHEAP—Oha combination
harness nnd saddle mare, a beauty;
one 8 minute harness horse; two or three
good plugs. Dennerds Htnble.
WANTED—Position by hustling young
man; best of reference. M. B., car*
FOB BAf.E—Dot of Mulborry poita.
FOB BADE—On. route 'rood only a
few months; perfect condition. 8824
Second st.
FOR HALE—Good stylish, well bred
horse; also nh«- buggy snd harness.
Apply to 616 Mulberry at.
FOR HALE—Good stylish, well bred
horse; also nice buggy and harness.
Apply to 616 Mulberry st.
FOB BADE- B«,ld«nra. South Ma™;
pood repair; roomily Pflnt'dl *»S0;
rent' d for PH.WI pm year; 1800.00 M ho
carried nt 0 J"r rent; thin leave. M0, IJ
per c^nt on $2X0.00. Geo. H. Birch.
FOR HALE- Three hundred share* Mon
arch Mining stock at bargain; need
cash. Bargain, care Telegraph.
A BEAUTIFUL Adam-Srhnnf piano nt a
bargain. J. It. Burnett, Cotton ave.
class In expression, which Include Phys
ical and Vole# Culture with Emerson
system, meets Wednesday afternoons 3
o'clock and Het irday mornlnga •:*•; terms
per month <s Iromnej. $1.0*. payable In
advance. 624 Washington ave.
FOR GOOD rooms and Man* go to fhe
Olympia Hotel; merchant’s dinner 25
cents. W, T. Ragan, prop.
else. Huhn Firs Sale.
LAMP8—-Kitchen and wall, 16. 17 and 19
ci-nts# Huhn Fire Sale.
HAIR I^OOpS—The noweat hair rat; can
be mid* from your own-combings; bust
thing yet. entirely different from any
other; If you see It, you will have one;
switches, puffs, pompadours, cluster puffs,
latest in everything made from your
combings or cut hair. Mrs. M. Keppler,
407 Walnut st., Phone 1967.
11. MOLL, care Irvine's Georgia Music
House, Jtwelry, watches and (docks re
paired; old gold and sliver worked Into
tew designs; diamond setting snd arils-
tio engraving a specialty.
ORCHESTRA music for reception and
dances at reasonable prices. Moll's
orchestra. Phone 199.
BE HU RE and read Mr. White’s testi
monial in this Issue In regard to White
Oak Mineral Water. Phone 1100.
LACE CURTAINS and blanket* nicely
laundered 25c a pair: work dono satis
factorily ; can give best refersnses. Send
postal to Harriet Cunningham, car# Paul
SHORTHAND Is the greatest help to a
position. Stanley's Business College
ias placed 15 students In good paying
(ositfons In Mucoi} alone within the last
t*w weeks. Enter our night class.
PALMETTO scrub brushes. 1 cents each;
original price, 26e. lluhn’s Fire Bale.
FINE OPENING in Macon to build up a
inngaslue business; make $1,050 to
$?.nfto first year; no capital or experlenoe;
dignified; permanent; big future; chance
for Insurance men snd dark* working
tew hours evening*. Write Phllllne Pubs
Hshlng. .145 Fifth ave.. N. Y. city.
FRESH meats and green groceries cor
ner Spring and Walnut sts. Thone
GEORGIA seed rye $1.50 per bushel at
11. 1>. Adams’ Co., Phono 90.
SINGER nnd Wheeler A Wilson sewing
machines for caeh or on easy terms,
cull at 663 Cherry at., and get pries*.
FOR SALE—Old hats look like new If
you come to Leaser's to have them
WHEN you want to move ring up 2711.
Abel Dray Line.
WELLINGTON Spring Dairy Butter, for
«sle only at O. w. Moore’s. Phone 412.
MONEY TO LEND on real esUto, repay
able monthly. J. J- Cobb. Commercial
A Savinas Bank.
FRESH meats and green groceries cor
ner Spring and walnut sts. Phona
IXJ8T—Stick pin, opal, surrounded by
diamonds. Reward. F. B. Coates.
WANTED—IntelIgent colored boy about
18 years old for my office. Dr. W. H.
Whipple. 672 Mulberry.
BOARDERS—Reevea House, Macon, Ga.j
a reflned family hotel; $1.00 a day and
up; weekly rnto given.
WHITE Oak Mineral Water will cure In
digestion, dyspepsia and kidney trouble.
Delivered 10c it gallon. Phone 1100.
SAVE MONEY on your old shoes by hav
ing them repaired at The Modern Shoe
Repairing Co., 224 Cotton ave. Phone
1120. Work exiled for and delivered. All
wo aak Is a trial. Dobbtns A Wilson.
OLD HATS made new; new ones
changed to any etyle. 407 Duncan
THE BEST ladlea* ehoe In the world for
$2.80 Is the "American Girl." Com#
nnd see our elegant fall stock. Parks A
GEORGIA seed tye $1.50 per bushel at
II. D. Adams’ Co., Phone 90.
LOOK here gentlemen, how about that
hot hath. W# have old John Uyara
with us again. He hae been up to Indian
Spring for the aummer. but you can And
hlin now nt the Royal Barber Shop.
Come In end let him give you a good rub
STRAYED—A epotted red and white
cow. If found ring 2026.
AN EASY WAY to start a business that
will pay several thousand dollar* annu
ally, selling merchandise by mall; Im
proved plnn. wo furnish everything and
show you how; $25 to $100 necessary.
Mllburn-JIlcka, Chicago.
Continued on Page 3.
$9,000—Elegant home, First Bt., for
$10,000 home In Vlnevllle for $6,000.
100 acres land near Fhrsyth road
For rent or sale fifty dairy farms.
For rent 8-room house, College St.,
5-room house, College St., $16.00.
Phone 1108. 609 Cherry Si.
For Sale
660-acre farm near Barneavllle, Pike
county, Ga. Hlg^t atate cultivation,
with plenty wood and running water
Hplendld new Improvements. Write
for particular*. Msp In office.
1050 aero* In BUrkc and Jenkins
counties, Ga. Best cotton section In
state. Land will produce 1 bale cot
ton to acre. Well watered and wood
ed. Good Improvements. Investigate
Tho Varner Hotel and three acres
of old' historic ground at Indian
Spring, Ga. A SURE WINNER. Com*
to set me.
$25 acres near Forsyth, Gs. ITS
10 acre* and 7-r. dwelling near city
Can mako It 21 acres. To have the
deed to this "In your Inside pocket”
would make you feel at "home, sweet
Home fund* on long time st 7 per
Geo. W. Duncan, Manager
Wanted for the Fair Exhibit of the
Daughters of the Confederacy.
to borrow, or buy. one of t
used during tbs Civil W. ...
The Indh s will have an exhibit at the
faly.of relics, still reminders of tho days
When the good women wort* thrown upon
thelf own resources, and wh.*n many
maids their own cloth, weaving'. It by the
glow process of the loot*. and th«*h with
the doth not only make tho dressus
they wore but the tops of tholr shoes,
and tho huts for their husbands and
Bomcwhcrs, In some carrot, romo
covered with the dust of tho ioity odd
years that have elapsed since th<*ee stir
ring. those saerlllclng duyr. tlio».« days
when fair flngero deftly handled tho
hanks of thread and manipulated the
nrp and the woof, but
wherover It may be. It la sacr<
That the people of this tin:
il fear* with tho
looms, the ladles ank foi
taken care of and return* .
Is over. Mrs. T. O. Chestney. Mb
Bryant or Mrs. J. W. Wilcox will
It will bo tondcrljy
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans,
Grand Building, Phone 627,
Imm odists Posrfcsslon.
Two story brick store, corner FoartN
*nd express office alley, next to ualoa
depot. 87500.
428 Carling avenue, fire-room.
178 Orange street: very desirable
two-story house, nine rooms and bath,
toilet each floor and servant's house
In rear. This house has Just been
nawly painted; yiumblng thoroughly
repaired, and Is In perfect condition,
Two-story# six-room residence on
Hardeman avenue. Vlnevllle, for sale
to homo owner on easy terms. $4,000.
Vacant lot 70x210, In very ben* part
of Summit avenue, North Highlands;
beautiful cottage* on each side and oc-
ipled by owners, $1,100.
vacant lot 70x215 on Laurel avenue.
North Highlands; this Is very beet lot
on Laurel avenuo and Is between two‘
of tho prettiest cottages In this vary
popular suburb.
Grand Building, Phone 627
thankful for the loan.
fn the absence of Cspt. Colemnn, who
has gone to officer*’ council In Birming
ham. Ala., flergt. Major John VV. 8.
Pousse will run tl»o Salvation Army meet
ings right on as follows: TIiIh .morning
an tpen air meeting will he hold In frjnt
of l,amur A Lamar drug store. Second
and Mulberry streets, at 8.45 a. m.i In
county Jail to prisoners at 11
Junior meeting (Sunday school), ... —.
* ~:I0 p. in.; open air meeting in front of
“ If - — • —
Trains Noe. 7 and 8, now running to
Ibanr, will, In future, stop at Antcrlcu*.
id train service will bo discontinued
itween Americas nnd Albany on those
ipedal trains.
At the same tlms tho Central of Geor
gia will put on a new train botween Co
lumbus and Albany that will nil the
'lace of trains Nos. 7 and 8, between
tmerlcus and Albany.
on the Russian cruiser Knnl*
’otsmkln, who have been employed
In tho petroloum factories In Roumnn-
la, have left for Canada. It will be
remembered that tho crow of the Knlaz
Potemkin mutinied nnd many of the
men took refugo in Roumanla.
A well located piece of property non;
elating of 7 housea renting for $48.00
per month, at $4,500.06. Can carry a
loan of $1,600.00 on It for three yeare
at 7 per cent.
Will be glad to have you call at
our office for one of our rent llate.
B. A. WISE :
358 Second St.
Rown Horn
meeting In^ron^of I'f'.lri
n. in., and In Sevatlou Army hall. 820
Fourth street, at 7:48, when Rev. Jacob
Burke will do the preaching. Subject, for rant.
’’Man a Threefold Oemg, Spirit, Mind and
Good tinging and speaking. Al
irdlslly Invited to any and a!| met
rumeux Aim scsotnx
Storage apace, 88x207 nnd 79x88
wltn Southern Railroad track facilities
In English Compress building; also
space 176x175 under shed suitable for
lumber storage or mill purposes.
Stores. Immediate Possession.
No. 451 Clinrry street.
No. 581 Mulberry siroel.
Blurs. Newman bldg.. First at
504 and 608 Fourth street, with R. R.
track facilities; vory desirable for any
dass of business. "
Ground floor office, Fourth, near Cher
ry street. _
Possession October 1.
The old "70" corner, 8th and Ocmulgee.
Throo small stores, Fifth street, near
Office of Postal Telegraph Company,
Very dcalrablo office location.
8-room dwelling. 457 New 8t
I -room dwelling, Host, near Ash at
•room Cottage, Lynn eve.. Vlnevllle.
For list of every class of real estate
for sale, or Information about loans on
and to be made on real estate, call at or
phone to office Grand Building. •
$20,000 to loan on Improved Real
Estate at 8 to 7 per cent, according to
amount and locution.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Phone 484.
For Rent
17 Arlington Place, 7-r....
notch Ave., 5-r
$10 cerllng Ave., 6-r,...
742 College st., S-r.,
810 Duncan Avo., 6-r.....
487 Duncan Ave., l-r....
620 First Bt.. 5-r..
...... 20.00
....... 40.00
fit HmS.
401 Roes,
401 Ross Bt.. 7-r
For Sale
I havo a nice eeven-room houee In
Vlnevllle, on large lot, for sale at |4,-
500.00; prominent location; well worth
price asked.
Frank B. West
For Rent
No. 178 Orange at.. 10-r $60.00
No. 655 Second st, e-r 35.00
No. 821 Duncan ave., B-r 20.00
No. 310 Duncan ave.. 6-r... 18.00
No. 971 Oglethorpe Bt., 5-r 15.00
No. 893 Cedar st., 5-r 11.00
No. 9 Montpella are., 3-r 11.00
No. S20 Second St $60.00
No. 414 Fourth 8t 60.00
No. 45$ Second st.
Geo. B. Turpin Sons
Reel Estate, Insurance, Loans,
No. 353 Third »L Phone 77.
For Rent
By Edward A. Horne
Rose Park, 9 rooms and bath. $40*
204 Spring’St., corner Walnut St.,
8 rooms and bath, $35.00.
878 Orange St., 12 rooms and bath,
toilet euch floor, and servant house
In »re*r. Would rent either upper or*
lowor floor separately.
1854 Boundary St., 7 rooms. $28.©0«
754 Third St., 6 rooms, $18.00.
116 Cleveland Avo., 8 rooms, $21.60.
Cleveland Ave., t rooms and barn,<
109 Rembert Ave., $ rooms. $11.11,
114 Cole St.. 9 rooms, $15.08.
103 Hardeman Avo., 8 rooms. 819.00.*
468 Duncan Ave., 5 rooms, $16.60.
Several desirable atores and office*
Edward A. Horne
For Rent
Immediate Possession. r
180 Highland Ave.. 6-r
688 Columbus Road. 9-r
First and Arch Sts., l-r
Cleveland Avo.. 6-r
630 Washington! Ave., 4
101 Clayton St., 5-r....
221 Duncan Ave., 6-r...
406 Ross St.. 6-r
408 Rons SL, 6-r
116 Cleveland Ave., 8-r
209 Carling Ave., 5-r.,
12$ Rembert Ave., 9-r..,
45 White St., 6-r
I.llac St.. 5-r
120 Grace Ave.. 5-r....,
185 Piedmont Ave., 5-r
210 Duncan Avo., 5-r....
-. .$1740
... $20.<>0
...$22 50
... $20.00
...$ 8.SO
Real Estate, Insurance and Leans.
Phone 1136. Fourth Net. Bank Bldg.
$700—Two brand new 2-room bouaee
tint brlnr an annual rental of
$104. A 15 per o*nt Investment
Terms $200 cash, balance monthly
to suit you.
$100-Fifty acres of land. 7 miles firona
Macon, .In good eettlcmenL One-
in If clcured. balance la woods.
Plenty of water, Terms If 4e«*
$1,000—100 acres of lend, 6 mflea Irene
town, and on the line of Bibb and
Jones counties. Land partly
Cleared. We can arrange reason
able terms on this.
$2,100—100 nores of land, ft miles froea;
'•-con. 20 acres cUared, bahuioa,
second growth pine and orig*
iial timber. Plenty of water,
ind level and very productive.
$8,800—A very desirable 7-room reside*?*
on Clevoland avenue, VlnoVlBe.
Tay us one-half and we will <
the rest for you
Appleton avenue,
for the money. T« . ,
balance fi yeare.
$5,100—A 9-room residence on Piero
street, between First and Second.
Up-to-daio In every way. Termal
If desired..
$5,500—Resldenco No. 110 Rogers avenue.
Vlnevllle, containing 9 rooms. Lot
has servant's
79 by ibo.
house In the rear and Is a bar
gain at the price. Terms c«a bs
$4,100—A very attractive oottoge oa end
of the nicest atrsete In Tfoevfllei
largo lot, atable, and all convene
; 5 rooms.
$1,210—Property, In splendid oondlt8e%
renting for $16.00 per month, and
no city taxes to pay. Good la*'
$ 900—Two houses renting for $10.M per
month; this property has Just been
put in good condition, and will
Murphey & Taylor
Keal Estate, Loans aad
Citizen's Nat’l Bank BuUdlng
Farms for Sale
262% acres In frawford County; tw*
mil** from Knoxville; good Improvements!
303K acres, three and a half Bailee
fro mll<>b«rta, Large quantity o< flne
►ocond growth pine, $1,250.00.
844 V4 acres on Flint River, eontaAa*
some hns river pasture, $6,000.00.
60 acres In Bibb County on main yeMla
road, six mile# out. close to sohoat «md
f hurch: plenty of running water and nlTO
Improvement* which could not be ro*
placed for $2,^00.00; ws sell for IMR.H.
The Georgia Loan
& Trust Company 1
M Mulberry • trust.