Newspaper Page Text
i l
Has moved fhto his new factory, op
posite Wilder's on Third street. He Is
to continue making the best wagon and
dray valued on earth. Darsey makes
plenty of wagons and plenty of money,
so he can afford to treat his custom
ers right.
J. \V. Dar-sey
, • Begin* to let dnjlr At night—doesn’t it? Won’t be long till there’* boat, and not much
How . s THE ROOF?
&ciit7u ~ uS'SL&a
quota pnea. — you il never regret it. far Cortright Shingle* mAo everybody happy.
I don’t cut the quality of whiskey in order to pay express.
If you want every cent of ydur money’s worth in Whiskey Quality
instead of a lower grade allowing for expressage, send me your orders.
Below are a few of my specially popular brands, every ono of
which represents the very highest quality obtainablo for tho price:
4 full quarts Ok! Cabinet Rye 2.00
4 full quarts Rphnont 2.60
4 full quarts Hamilton Co. Club JLOO
4 full quarts Gioson’s 4 Star-..w... 400
Brandies •
4 foil quarts Apple Brandy. 92.00
4 full quarts Imperial Apple Brandy.. 2.60
4 full quarts Fine Old Apple Brandy.. 3.00
4 full quarts Very Old Apple Brandy.. 400
4 full quarts Georgia Peach Brandy.. 3.00
4 full quarts Old Hickory Lin, Co. • •• • f.69
4 full quarts White 0.»k *00
4 full quarts Moccaain Club ....... 400
4 full quarts Hamilton Co. Corn 92.00
4 full quarts Sweet Mash Corn .
4 full quarts North Carolina Corn
4 full quarts Old Mountain Corn -.
4 full quartn Old Cobb Corn •
Remember. I pay no express, but give the beat goods to the consumer at the lowest
cash prices. All goods guaranteed under the Bure Food and Drugs Act of June 90,1004
To the Consumer at Lowest Cash Prices
19 East Seventh Street Chattanooga, Tenn.
Send for complete Price List and Order Blanks.
yiVERPQOL spot* closed.
NEW YORK spots closed...
NEW ORLEANS spot* closed 813*16
J Thn Macon cotton market yeaierdr.y
closed steady at the following quotations:
Range of Prices.
Good Middling
Strut Middling
Strict Low Middling..
Spot Cotton Movement.
Rents. Ship. Sales.
479 *91
Oot 10. 1908 114
Stock on Hand.
Sent. 1. 1909
Oct 10, 1901..
NEW YORK. Oct. 10.—The cotton mar
ket opened steady at an advance of 4
points In response to bettor cable* then
due and after casing off to within a
pclnt of last night's, finals under a re
newal of scattering liquidation and south
ern selling, sold 4 to I points net higher
on support from Wall street and covering
for over the week-end.
Reports that near months here we.e on
practically a parity with high grades in
the* ,smith vc* ter day caused some selling
In djnnnectlon with bearish week-end fig
ures. The market closed steady with
prices 10al5 points higher.
Receipts of cotton ut the ports today
were 47.701 b iles against 48.087 bales Inst
week and 37,891 bales last-year. For the
week (estimated) 360.000 trales against
.*140,922 holes last week and 276,782 bales
receipts nt Now Orleans were
6,176 bales against 3.569 bales last year,
and at Houston 12,443 balea against 0,829
bales last year.
Cette* sod Tutu**#*.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10.—Spot cotton
closed quiet. 10 points advance; middling
unlands 0.10; middling gulf 9.35; sales
Futures opened and closed steady as
Htrh. I.nw. Close.
...8.39 8.45 8.35 8.45
8.43 8.38 8.42
898 8.29 8.36
_ „ 8.31 8'S6 8.31 8.34
October 8.79 8.87 8.78 8.96
i NEW TORE, Oct 10.—Th, (I'll! luid
Sluggish stock markot today indicated
that the speculative element was Uttls
inclined to take chances on what might
occur over Sunday in the Inflammable
stnuCof'.affairs In Southeastern Europe.
There was some relaxation of the ten
sion on that account, but this was owing
partly to the fact that business for the
day was over in London before It began
here. Tho London market Itself, while In
operation, showed a decidedly more tran
quil tone and some tendency toward* re
covery from the acute weakness of the
day before, British* consols sharing In
this tendency. ..
The local market, was free from the
pressure of foreign liquidation which has
overwhelmed It on each successive day of
the week and,the way was thus opened
to moderate advances. _ , _
The prominence of the Harrlfnan stocks
nnd of Rock Island In this movement was
tciiilmony to the influence of yesterday's
development pointing to llarrlman inter
est In Rock Island uftaira.
Another ground for the h
irregular stock mnrket was
of gold exports and its possible
“ —rket.
lurge exports of agrlcultu*
the money market.
September's largo L........ -
ml products reported today,
ligation Incurred by temltti
pay for them, supply
additional . In*
. offset In order
adjust the excliangee.
by rantlmiance week's liquidation
for forolgn account The stock market's
closing tone was decidedly heavy.
Honda were heavy. Total sales, par
value, 81.044.000.
United States 1
on call.
Totul sales today 234,500 shares.
American Car and Foundry 4<
American Car and Foundry pref....l0:
American Cotton Oil 31
American Hide and Leather pref.... 2!
American Ico Securities It
American Linseed >
American locomotive 4!
American Locomotive pref 10<
American Smelting and Refining...
December ....
.8.57 8.69 8.66
Amer. Smelting and Henning
American Sugar Refining
American Tobacco pfd ...
American Woolen
> Anaconda Mining Co. ...
Mining.... 80li
Receipts and Export.
Consolidated net receipt*..
Stock on hand all porta...
612-14 Poplar St. . ^
Provided You’re Grown and Avoid Ex-
ceso—It Stimulates the Brain and
Affect* the Heart, but the Adult who
Use* it in Moderation Will Probably
Not be Injured Thereby.
that It la not easy to approach this
hygienic question with a perfectly open
mind, says the New York Herald.
When applied to animals, tobacco In
small doses first retards and then ac
celerates the action of tho heart; In
strong doses It-reduces the beats and
Increases the pressure of blood on the
heart, while the pulse also becomes
more rapid If the doses are toxic.
Tobacco as used for smoking or snuf
flng usually contains but a small per
centage of nicotine: thus symptoms-of
Intoxication are of rare occurrence.
When smoking It it not nicotine that
enters the mouth, but pyridine and
other products of tho dry distillation
of the tobacco, theproportlona of which
vary vastly according to the method
of smoking/
With a cigar only a small amount of
pyridine fa formed, but oollfdlne Is pro.*
ent, while a pipe gives a considerable
quantity of pyridine. When the nar-
ghlleh or the cigarette Is employed the
smoke Is very often breathed in a prao-
tlcewhlch Is very harmful In the oaso
of the cigarette, but not with the nar-
ghlleh, which la provided with a spe
cies Of water Alter. Besides, when ci
garettes are used much more tobhcoo
Is consumed aa a *ule.
Smoking In moderation does not ap
pear to be harmful .to adults, but It Is
otherwise with young persons. With
adults tobacco seems to stimulate the
activity of the brain, and also to calm
certain forms of excitement. However
this may be. tobacco smoke affects the
circulation, as is shown by the* palpi
tations and pains In the cardiac regioi.
which It produces, and which may go
even so far as angina pectoris, irre
gularity of the heart's action la a fre
quent feature, especially with certain
kinds of tobacco, often- all these
symptoms do not entirely dlsapear un
til months after the use of tobacco
lias been given up.
Tobacco smoke Increases the secre
tion of saliva, and those who do not
spit swallow their saliva unconscious
ly. Tobacco diminishes' the secre
tions because of Its action on the
nerves of the glands, and thus reduces
the movements of the stomach, which
may develop an Insufficient activity of
that organ and thence Ms distension.
Due reservo Is neverthrieea necessary
In fudging the subject of the Influence of
tobacco on the gsetro-lntestlnsl func
tions. for people who do not smoke are
quite as subject to derangements of this
nature as those who do. The effect of
tobacco smoke mar lead to an excess of
gastric activity and an hvernroduetton of
the hydrochloric arid In the stomach,
but In a more or less Indirect fashion hr
the swallowing of a large quantity of
8mok!ng after meals may Interfere
with the digestion, s'nee the arrival of a
largo smount of saliva In the stomach
fa capable of neutralising the gastric ac
idity and so stopping tho wrortc of tbs
Julc*. In oome coses an abuse of to
bacco may ho the cause of serious nerv
ous Cv-p-ps!* which disappears wh-n
Is discontinued. In short, tho
tain subjects enjoy a remarkable Immu
nity from tho effects of tobacco, These
people caqn'ot. engage, somewhat actively
In brain work without at once smoking
Immoderately, but they aro exceptional
cases. Tobacco can. on the contrary,
produce very appreciable nervous .disor
ders. Trembling is a frequont feature.
It Is slight, rhythmical and mbit
effects of tobacco on the digestion of
who begin to smoke are well
Th-r* Is Widespread belief that tobacco
help* the regularity of th* bowels, al
though thl« le far from -helmr proved.
In<Wd. perhaps all that can he demon
strated is that an abuse of tnbaooo leads
to nervous _ depression and Irregular
stant, but It tends to beoome -per*
and disappears when the hablf-ls; stop-
^Tobacco produces chillness In the ex
tremities, paleness of the face and per
spiration of tho hand. It would appear
that an abuse of It leads to arterio-
eolerosis. Insomnia is one of lta most
disagreeable effects. This comes on sf
ter tho first sleep and then after two t
four hourc a disturbed slumber followr.
The effect of tobacco 6 nthe mucous
membrane of the mouth and tongue are
seen by the production of excoriations,
and even sometimes of warts (With
alight degree of hardness. The ^
marked development of this hardening
and the beginning of ulceration warns of
the appearance of .epithelioma, or smok
er’s cancer. It forms In the same way
hard spots and cracks on, the lips, espe
cially in the case of plp6 smoking, the
hmt of which aeems to Increase the evil
effects of tobacco.
In spite of a pretty general opinion
which attributes to tobacco pernicious
effects upon the pharynx and the upper
air passages, there are celebrated slngt
who have never given up smoking. Nt.
erihetaM, It Is Incontestable that tobacco
. — ur-atlmulatlon of all
, — In contact with the
smoke, which Is far- from being con
ductive to a good condition of the organ.
American Souvenir-Hunters,
From ths London Telegraph.
There la In tho Johnson museum at
LlchAeld an armchair with a tapestry
seat which belonged to the doctor. The
seat shows an ugly rent, where a
piece of the tapestry waa hastily cut
out. The .culprit Is believed .to be an
American Votnan who had visited the
museum thres, days running and
waited patiently for her chance. When
It came she used It ruthlessly, and
Was seen no more. The chair Is now
Imprisoned, for aafety, In a glass case.
Custodian* of historic places are
specially on the alert when they hear
the American accent, for the spirit of
Autolycus is strong in th$ breast of
the tourist from the other aide. Last
year a letter appeared 1n the papers
describing the visit of a party of
Americans to Stok.* Poxes in a motor
car. They examined the church,
roamed over the charebyard, cast
"longing, lingering looks" at the yew
tree, and at M*t, despairing of the
chance of looting on Elegy souvenir
unp**rcelved. tore up from the gate a
small notice-board beging visitors not
to injure the shrubs and vanished In
a cloud of dust. What, It may be
wondered, would their cholee have
been had they been left alone In the
Rellc-huntlng and souvenir-collect'
Ing seem to be a mania with a large
number of Americans who otherwise
Are perfectly well>behaved members
of society. A splinter of - wood from
an old balustrade, a fragment of ce
ment or brick from a Roman wall, a
Rower - from a poet's grave, a few
threads from a duchess’ counterpane,
the stump of a celebrity's cigar, a chip'
of alabaster from a mouldering effigy.
-~the possession of these things makes
them deliyfoualy happy.
- .— October .4.Si - ,
rslstent October-November 4.67# Rock Island Co. ..
November-December ...*''4.6.1
Rlnre September 1. 1908.—
Consolidated receipt* 1,409,664
Exports to Great Britain 323,695
^xmrts to France
Exports to continent
Exports to Japan
Price, Receipts, Sales, Stock.
Wilmington ,
New York
Boston ....
Philadelphia *
Pensacola . .
Jacksonville .
Brunswick . .
8 13-16
8 11-16
8 9-16
Interior Movement.
Little Rock.... SH
dull with prices unchanged; American
middling fair 6.58; good middling 6.16;
middling 4.96; low middling 4.72; good
ordinary 4.12; ordinary 3.72. Tho sales
of the day were 2,000 bales, of which
200 bales were for speculation and ex
port, and Included 1,600 bales American.
Receipts were 10,900 bales, all American.
. Futures opened steady nnd closed
steady; American middling G. O.* C.:
July-August .
NEW eosu?w 8 - a „-, cotton
was steady today nt unchanged quota
tions, middling 8 18-16. Sales on the spot
were 350 bn lex and 1,280 bale* to ar
rive. Very llttlo demand was In evidence
from any quarter and tho market received
Its tone from the advancing tendency of
Cotton futures opened quiet, un
changed to 3 points up. Liverpool cables
were fnvomhl* and the weather newa
was had, t... ap showing frost In the
western belt and much rain In the east
ern, shorts covered freely and put prices
lives, tdtt!e buying for long
In evidence. More optimis
tic cahfn messages concerning the polit
ical situation In Europe also helped the
mnrket. The mnrket closed quiet nnd
steady with the actlvo positions showing
a net advance of 8 to 11 points. Futurt
closed as follows:
October, hid 8.69
November, bid 8,47
* W *,48
Hi'hhsed Rroa. A Co.'s Cotton Letter.
NEW YORK. Oct. 10,-Cables were re
assuring 1n regard to the prospects of the
strike settlement and predictions of cold
er weather l» tl e psnhandie district of
Texas were the bullish features. On
them the local interest evened up for
the week-end. advancing prices on the
demand. The trade Is unwilling to as
sumo any positive attitude, while for^
etgn complications ars possible and fluct-
uatlnns may bo expected to be of short
duration and on tho other side of pres
ent prices so long as tho uncertainty ex
ists no confldenco In a permanent advance
Is yet ahown.
Weekly Bank Statement.
Atchison jireY.
Atlantic Coast Lino ; 87
Baltimore and Ohio 95#
Rnltlmore and Ohio pfd * 66
Baltimore t
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather prof. .
Central of New Jersey.,
Chesapeake and Ohio ...
Chicago Great Western
C.. C., C. and St. Louis
Colorado Fuel and Iron 34#
Colorado and Southern ......#40#
Colorado and Southern 1st prof
Colorado nnd Southern 2nd pref.,,. 57
Consolidated Gas 145#
Com Products 17#
Delaware and Hudson 165
Denver and Rio Grande 26
Denver and Rio Grande prof 66#
Dlstllers' Securities 29#
Erie *1#
Erie 1st pref. ....... 441
Erie 2nd pref.
Great Northern pref.
Great Northern Ore ctfs 88#
Illinois Central 187
Interborough Met 10#
Interborough Met. pref.... 31
International Paper 9
International Paper pref 61
International Pump 27#
Iowa Central 92#
Kansas City Southern ............. 27
Kansas City Southern pref *9
Louisville and Nashville ..4.194
Minneapolis and St. Louis...........35#
Minn., 8t P. and Sault Bt M.....-.112#
Missouri PoclAo 62
Missouri, Kansas and Texas ...» 29
Missouri, Kansas and Texas pref... 63
National Lead
CHICAGO, Oct. 10.—Ths wheat market
presented a strong front today owing
to talk to ths effect that the acreage In
the southwest sown to wheat this season
would probably be reduced because of
ilsture. At the close prices
would pi
were #a#c. to #e. above the previous
Corn and oata were alio Arm. but pro
visions were week with the exception ol
October pork, which closed at an advance
of fl.8ia27# per barrel.
Doc. ,
May .
July .
Open. High. Low. Close.
. 1.60# 1.01# 1.00# 1.01'
, 1.01# 1.04# 1.03# * -•
, 97# 98# 97#
64# 68# 63#
15.37# 15.60
. 9.95 9.95 9.60 9.62#
. 9.60 9.60 9.25 1.35
. 9.37# 9.42# 9.20 9.27)
* 7*9.05 9.25 8.82# 9.25
May .
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour llrm.
No. 2 spring wheat 8l.Q5n1.07; Nt
97u$l.OO; No. 2 red 81.00#al.0l%.
* No. 2 corn 7fa?8#; No. 2 yellow 80a
So. 2 oats 49; No. 3 white 47n51.
No. 2 Fyo 75#u76.
Good feeding barley 65#o66; fair to
choice malting 57#u01,
Flax seed. No. 1 Northwestern $1.23#.
I’rhne timothy seed $3.50aS.G7#.
Clover contract grades $9.00, k
Short ribs, sides (loose) $Q.60a9.75.
Mess pork per barrel S14.50al5.60.
Lard per 100 pounds $9.07#a».70.
Short dear sides (boxed) $10.2tfn!O.60.
Whisky, busts of higher whies $1.37.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bushels, ......144.000 158,200
Corn, bushels 134,400 4H7.900
Oats, bushels 343,600 293,000
On the Produce Exchange today ths
butter market was steady; creameries
20#n27#; dairies I8#a24#.
Eggs Arm; at mark, cases Included,
16ul9; Arsts 23; prime flrsts 24.
Chocso steady; 13al4.
Arm at $1.90: receipts 47. Crude tur
pentine Arm nt $1.50, $2.00 and $2.76; ru
cclpt? 8 barrels.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Ocl. 10—Turpentine
Arm at 35; sales 697: receipts 670: ship
ments 2,240. Ilosln Arm: sales 8,498; re
ceipts 1,998; shipments 6,698; stock 120,-
990. Quote: A. 11. C. $2.60; I). $2.65; E,
$3.65ab7#: F. $2.60n62#; O, $2.66a70; H.
»s.20a:s : i, ,3.50: K, M, 14.Mi N.
33.SO; W. O , SB to; W. W., 10.00.
CHARLESTON, Oot. lii—Turcentlno
quiet nt 31#. Rosin quiet. Quote: A. II,
C. $2.4«; D. $2.45; E. $32.50: F. $2.57#;
O. I2.C0: II. $3.15: I. $3.40; k’ $4.40; M,
14.45; N, $6.40; W. O., $5.76; W. W.,
Railroad Bonds
Central of Go. 1st mort. 5 per
cent, 1*35 114
Central of Ga. collateral trust
6 per cont. 1917 105
Central of On. consolidated.
1945 103
Central Ga. 1st Inc., 1945 64
Central Ga. 2nd Inc., 1945 45
Central Ga. Srd ina., 1946 $9
' Ga., Macon A North-
Central 1
New York Central
January, bid ..
tMJUmoij, /TwAro.
vsria usrow* to fail.
Tattmi's XsWMt of Oubobe sad
TbetaAfaM. fofcbuf (W-mylooro fw
|0C' fi' 0.0.*Uol, whUM, •»«. Eu;
to uko. ooevoMoat to am. Vtlg
j ui ,g«Minu wo. Pneo SL «
H. J. LAMAR A CO., 612
Cherry »t., Mircon, or by mall from Tno
Tarrant Co* 44 Dudoon sU Now York.
of tho clearing-house banks for the week
_L—h th*t th* bonks hold $34,707,225
.-than the requirements of the 25
, __ ent reserve rult. This Is a decrease
or $7,681,925 In the proportionate cash re-
aerve ns compared with last week. The
statements follows: Increase.
Loans 81,224.258,000 812.227.300
Deposits 1,402.752,100 5.811.700
Circulation 58.514.3'ie *242.200
Legal tenders .. 78,426.000 *459,700
Sped* .✓. 206.419.500 *8,426.600
Reserve ......... 1*5.295.600 •3.090.500
Reserve required. 850.633.276 1.4*5.423
ffurplua 84.707.225 *7. Hi. 925
Ex-tT. 8. deposits. 87,019,228 •7|l74;«78
The percentage of actual reserve of the
clearing-house banks at tho riot*.of hus-
lne*S yesterday was 27.40. Ths statem*
of banks and trust companies of Grexu.
New Tork not members of the clearing
house.-shown that there Institutions have
aggregate deposits of 81.9CS.<91.6*0; total
rash on hand, mom 700. and loans
amounting to S961.627,$00.
’ *■ New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Oct 10.—MonejF on call
Time loans Aimer; 80 days 2#«2# per
cent: W> days 2aS# per cent; six months
S#a3# per cent
Prime mercantile paper 4#at# per
v Sterling exchange weak, with actual
business In bsr.kera'. 4.87a4.3S.lO
for *0 days and at Vf8a4.8l.60 for»de-
Commercial bills 4.84#*4.84#.
New York. Ontario and Western,... 40 1
Norfolk and Western 71 1
North Amcrlcnn 4 .. 62
Northern Pad Ac 18IJ
Pacific Mall .24$
Pennsylvania *»P%
People’s Gas 95
Pittsburg. C. C. and St LoulO.
Pressed Steel Car
Pullmnn Palace. Car
Hallway Steel Spring
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pref
Rock Island Co. --
Rock Island Co. pror................ 47;
St L. and San Fran. 2nd pref.L. 81-
St Louis Southwestern ......
St Louis Southwestern pref..
Rloss-Sheffieid Steel and Iron --
Southern PaelAo 162]
Southern Pacific pref ,,..e*ll7
Southern Railway 21
Southern Railway pref. 61#
Tennessee Copper 40#
Texas and Paclflo si
Toledo, fit Louis and West....... 26
Toledo, Bt. Louis and Welt. pref... 53
Union Pacific 1*3
Union Pacific pref ...........1....; J7 1
United fltatea Rubber 31
United States Rubber pref 101
United States Steel . 46
United States Steel prof ,108
VlitfnSJSfrollna Chemical ’ J
Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical pref.....108
Wabash 7 1$,
Wabash pref. J*’..
Westlnghouse Electric 74 -
Western Union *2#
Wheeling and Lake Erie 6
Wisconsin Central 95#
U. S. refunding 2s, registered 103#
II. H. refunding 2s. coupon
tf Vfc. rr»l.t.r.d ....
U. 8. 4s, coupon
•J. S. 4s, reglciered......... i-’t
U. 8. 4s. coupon 122
American Tobacco 4s 74#
American Tobacoo 6s
Atchison general 4s ....
Atchison adjustment 4s.
Atchison >:v. 4s I
Atchison cv. Is 1Q8 \
Atlantic Coast Lina 4s 04#
Haltlmore and Ohio 4s 99
Baltimore and Ohio 3#s 98<
Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s 74'
Central Of Georgia 6a 1084
Central of Georgia 1st Ine 62
Central of Georgia 2nd Inc.,...,,... 421
Chesapeake and Ohio 4#s... 101 j
Chicago and Alton t#a..r
B. nnd
Chicago. B. and Quincy new 4s.... 97'
Chicago, R. I. and P. it R. 4s 73'
Chicago. R. I. and P. R. col. 6s.... 76'
Chicago, R.-I. and P. Ry. ring. 4s.. 87
g... C.,.C,.and St. .Ixrala gen. 4a.... 96#
n Vi *4 :
Delaware and Hudson cv. 4s... 100
1 Rio Grands 4s 9)
lien 4s 87#
al 4s t.73#
Erie prior
Bris general
Hocking Valley
Interborough Met. 4#s 45#
Japan 4s 30
ItSS lifc
TiOulsvill* and Nash, unified 4s 9%%
Mexican Central 4s 81
Mexican Central 1st Ino 16
M'i-n sr.-l SI J -. 4-
Missouri, Kansas and Texas 4s 99#
Missouri. Kansas and Texas 2nd*.. M
National R. R. of Mexico con. 4s.... 81
New York Central general 8#s.,... 92
Now Jereey Central general is 125J
Northern raciflo 4s 102
NoHhani Paclflo ts 74
Norfolk and Western consol 4s M
Oregon Abort Line rfdg 4s..... I
Penn. cv. 8#s, 1918 I
**_— 101 4S ..
... 78
Texas and Pacific lets,
nMgJt LouismM
Southern Pacific 4s 91#
n Pacific 1st 4s (6#
n Railway ts... 102#
Iflc lsu 112
uls and Western 4s.. 71#
Jv. '4a!*.!!”.K'!tJI"rm#
. Steel 2nd 6s 102
Wabash lets l'<*#
Western Md. 4s 72
Wheeling and Lak* I?rie 4s 77
Wlxr-onsln Central 4s 84#
N. T., N. H. and If. cv. 4s. ctfs....129#
I Lake Share U of 1981 96#
Aiinnuc, .100 101
Routharn R. It.. B pc.. 1994....101 102
Ga. SOU. A Fla. 5 pc., 1945....10s 104
Seaboard IL R., 4 po.. 1*50.... 64 66
Seaboard R. IL 6,pc.. 1911.... 91 92
Southwestern It. R. stock 105 106
B88rt J WBPSawS^::::l8 1!5
Atlanta A W. P. deben 104 106
Ga. Sou. A Fla., com.... 15 16
Ga. Sou. A Fla. 1st pref 75 80
Ga. Sou. A Fla. 1st pref CO Cl
Soul hern . IL IL, prof 62 63
Southern R. R., com..., 21 22
Oity Bonds.
M.eon I pc.. W0 i 1»» 101
Macon 5 PC.. 1121 107 109
M acon 4U. iiit 104 lot
aeon 4(5. W0 to lM........ SO 19
On a 8.10 per cent basis.
Savannah 6 PC., 1808 «
Savannah 8 pc., 1911.. 105
Augusta 8#, 4, 4#. 6 A pc.. M
State of. Georgia Bonds
8a. 4(4, 1922 107 101
80, 4(4 1915. 102 104
0.. 4. 1020. 104 104
Oa. 2(4. 1028 to 1028 »» 100
(Corrected by Dunlap Hardware Co.)
WELL BUCKETS—84.25 to 14.60 do*.
ROPE—Manila. 18c; fiesel. fc; cotton,
**WIRE—Barb. 1.10 ner pound.
PLOW STOCKS—Harm an. i)5c.j Fergu
son, 85c.
PLOW BLADES. Be. per lb-
-IRON—2#co per lb. base; Swede 4#e.
^XBft-llOO do^^ bass. ^
NAILS—Wlro,' $2.60 keg bass; ....
$S.CO keg base.
SHOES—Hyrs^$^« to $4.50 keg; mule
BUCKETS-Plain, $2.00 dog.; white
dar, three hops, $4.00.
CHAINS -’I rncs. 44 to $| dps.
GUN POWDER—Per keg. Dupont crack
,h SIIoT—$L0& sack.
TUBS--printed. I2.86: cedar. $3.i
SHOVELS—$7.66 *11 per dux.
CARDS—Cotton, $4.80 per do*.
Lumber Quotations
'Corrected by Massee-Felton Lumber Co.)
Common framing (short leaf) slsed.$14.00
Common framing (long leaf) filed. 16.60
Common framing (long leaf) 12*lnch
alsed 18.50
S o. l heart pine shlnglea 4 *"
To. 2 pine shingles
tsndard pin# Jatha
Random nine laths,... —
Dressed flooring. No. 2 common.... 12.50
Pressed flooring. No. 1 common.... 11.60
)rnss*d flooring. B grade 22.50
>resed celling, No. 2 common 10.00
>reased celling. No. 1 common..., 17.V)
Treased celling. B grade. 22,50
hressed weather boarding, No. 2
common 10.00
Dressed weather boarding, No. 1
• common i-—
Dressed weather boarding, B grade. 13.00
Special prices quoted on car lots direct
om mills.
Did you know that Macon enjoys the
distinction of having tho largest laun-
ii \ »--t.ib]l8hm«-nt In th- mmih
And not only Is it oonceded to bo
the Urgest, but tho bext equipped.
And as ’ to its capacity—If every
collar, cuff and all the article* of wear
that ore washAble were poured Into
the Creecent Steam Laundry tomorrow
morning, every collar, cult and every
other article would be reedy for de
livery on Tuesday mornlnr. It was
not built for today’s demand*—It was
built to meet the demands of years
Tho handsome building on Second
street waa erected for an up-to-date
laundry and for no other purpose. The
baaement la deep, and is covered with
concrete Aoor. with a view to drain-
ago end sanitation. It covers an aroa
of 87x125 feet, and on thla la placod
the heavy washing machinery, every
machine of the latest make and pat
In this basement Is the largest man
glc, with the greatest capacity of any
In the south. This Is used for tho
Tho second floor Is devoted to tho
various stnges of laundry after It
leaves the basement. The automatic
drying room Is one of tho attractions
of this floor.
The travel of a collar la Interesting.
It comes Into the office with Its soiled
rim. and shoots down stairs where It
receives tho helroglyphlcmsrk and then
into the wushlng machine. Then It
goes through the drying room and
through tho finisher. Rapidly It goes
through ths hands of a nlmble-flnger-
cd young man who separates this col
lar from another, and In fact all tho
collars, and as rapidly It finds itself
In the hands of a young lady who
wraps It up neatly. Into the wagon
bln. according to the location It la
to he delivered, the bundle goes, and
thence by wagon to the owner.
In twenty-fours hours all the laun
dry Is received and finished.
Tho establishment Is complete In
every detail. It Is located in the heart
of the city. It has Its own stables,
nnd is provided with ovary facility.
It gives employment to a largo num
ber of people, among whom ars young
men and ladles.
Mr. K. Elkan IS ths president of
the company, and In building the
was done waa with ono special and
single object In view—that of mak
ing It the largest nnd best equipped
laundry In ths south.
123 Phono, Birch Hardware Oo.
O. T. Rice. J. B. Stewart, H. T.
Fielder. Sell most everything,
Coronsr Holds Inquest—Died From
Natural Causss—Probably
Coroner Young held an Inquest yes
terday at the convlot camp at Roff
Home, over the body of John Nelson,
a negro convict, who was found dead
In the early morning by one of the
Nelson had been convicted of ear«
breaking, nnd sent up for threo years.
He began this sentence In March last,
nnd had endeavored, so the records
show, to prove himself a good prisoner.
Ho was at work on Friday, nnd did
not complain of being sick.
It Is supposed that some time during
tho night he was stricken with apo
plexy, and died Without making nny
sound, as It was not known until the
morning that he had been nick. *
Tho Jury rendered a verdict to tho
effect that Nelson died from natural
causes, presumably apoplexy.
Meteorologlral data furnished by tha
local office of tho United States, Wsathor
Bureau, Department of Agriculture, to*
the 84 hours ending at 4 P. **»., locsJ
Thermograph Readings,
6 pm...61111 pm..64
6 pm...69 12 inn..13
7 pm...69 1 am..61
8 pm...57 I am,.60
Stick candy In boxes. 7#o.
Stick In barrels. To.
Grocers. Mixed, pall 7#c.
Cream mfxed candy In palls.
Baron* sodas, sc.
Barons nlcnses, 7#o.
Barons oyster rrarUrs, *#r.
Otnger snaps <N., R C.), 7*
Assorted rakes, 10c.
Cotton Seed
any quantity. $14.00 per ton at any rail
road station In Georgia.
Dry Goods—Wholesale
SHEETING—4 to *e.
TICKING~4#e. to 14#e.
SffiASKSfffiP MM
PRINTS—6# to 6#C.
3 am..49
4 am..48
5 tun..43 11 am..57
..4112 m .'.10
i. .49 1 pm. .40
2 pm..«l
2 pm..40
4 pm..40
tho lord high
Tlivvr n••
Th, Ocmul*»» nlv.r ;t Mnron nt 7 »•
m. 2.2 f'«t: nt H.wklntvlll,. 1.4
f«,t: nt Ahbnvllln, 1.7 feet, and nt
her City, 1.0 foot.
Horn, of Lord, H„ No »p,«k«r.
Now York Tribune. .....
i;nil«nd', hnurrt of ford, nnjoyn thn llt-
tln known dl.tlnctlnn of holn* thn only
Icftnlatlvn l«dy In thn world that rnrrlen
nn 11, dnhntnn and,.Iona without
any.praalrtlnk ofricnr tn rttrrrt lta drill.-
eratlon, and rrernt attnmpta to mortify
till, alranur rnnrtltlr.n of nffalra, which
haa anrtur.rt throuah many conturlc,
Imvo m.t will, fallurn. Tha ff.noral pub-
voting as such In nil divisions, tnklng
part In tho delates ns n member of tho
administration, nnd nosrasnlng no mor*
right to Interfere In behalf of n point of
order or to determine It than the Junior
baron of tho house. Indeed. If the dis
mission of the education bills In the
house of lords was so abnormally pro
longed left yaar. It was becauss there
wns no presiding officer qualified to pre
vent Irrelevancy. In th* house of com
mons, when a member In addrenslng the
chair strays from the matter under dis
cussion, h* Is at one# railed to order by
the speaker, whereas In the house of
lord* peer* who startM speaking on th;
subject of the education bill meandered
on until they found thsmsshrss at the
close of their speech soliloquising often to
empty benches on matters In Afghanis
tan, th* now Persian constitution, Chi
nese reform and the "suffragette” move-
rn Mortower, there are occasionally scenes
In the bouse of lords which could not, by
reason of the discipline maintained by
the speaker, happen In the house of com
mons. Thus. In one Instance, when the
late Lord Denman exasperated his fel
low peers Into murmurs of protest by
the prolixity of his Irrelevant speech, ha
turned upon them with tho exclama
tion: ”1 tony not be your equal In de
bate, but I am the equal of any one of
you In my shirt sleeves!" Another time
the late I,ord B»aronsfleld nnd the late
I/>rd Granville both g«A up nt the same
moment to address the house. Neither
would give way to the Other, and after
a most unseemly wrangle the matter
had to be decided by a full-fledged di
vision. Htlll another lord, who was snx-
lou* to address the house on the de
ed wife's sister 1)111. missed his train
did not reach i^>ndon until tho fol
lowing day. Wfcen he arrived In the
house he found that tho question then
under discussion was the opening of the
musrums on Kundnys. Hut without thn
slightest regard for relevancy,
under discussion 1
on r
the “lord VC'
, kS.MUl _______
In. Ms Place and got off_hlei _ape<
about The deceased wife* _____ ^
which had been decided by the house
the day before. It la no wonder that
Lonl Campbell/ when b.r.i high ct.nnoi-
lor, was wont to declare that tho British
house of lord*, although the most august
and assuredly the most nnolont of all
legislative bodies In existence, was like-
, Vise the most disorderly.
The simplest and best of thorn alL r
The nearest light to daylight known. J
The cheapest and best light known, f
Want a good agent In every town In f
Georgia. Liberal terms. Write
Dublin, Ga.
Four Large Furniture
Having visited and purchased our furniture and car
pets nt the immense furniture expositions in Grand
Rapids, Chicago, Philadelphia and New York, we are now
prepared to show tho best selected lino of goods ever
brought to Georgia.
What a Difference
You have noticed It and perhaps told your friends: that It makes you
hungry to go to Flournoy’s. A great many people do not take time to visit
tho store that supplies their table. Some of them will spend hours in the
•election of a hat or tl« or some article to wear, but no time to call and ace
the aouroo of their auppUes. We take It that you aro satisfied with our
taate, but we want nn occanlonnl visit from particular folks. Come and In
spect the store, the goods and soe our facilities for catering to your wants*/'
Flournoy Grocery Co.
Negotiated promptly on im
proved farms and city proper
ty on easy terms and at lowest
markot rates.
If you heed money call on ua.
583 Mulbtriy St. MACON, OA.
During the last 16 years wo have loan*
ed $2,600,000.00 on Real Estate for homo
and foreign Investors. Safest and most
tiiofibihlo Investment. Thc«sw desiring tq
borrow nr having money to Invest will
find It to their interest to see us.
Commercial Bank Building.
Thoms* B. West, Secretary and Attorney,
ABOUT IT. THi ■ - — -
European Hotel
Rooms, Restaurant and Cafo
Table excellent at Popular
Everything New, but the
M. O’Hara, Prop. I. D. Craw
ford, Manager.
rt is; « ir Bio. ilioit:
Brown House »*«»■»
Opposite Union Depot—MACON. GAa
F. BARTOW STUBBS, Proprietor.
F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager.
Certificate of Authority
Commercial National
Opened August 6th, 1908
No. 9212.
Treasury Department
Office of C'omtrollcr of tha Currency,
Washington. D. C, Aug. 1. 1904,
Whereae, by satlBfarrory evidence pre-
»<1 It has been
National IJenk of Mu
*>f Macon, In th# Cat
State of Georgia,
"Tho Commercial
:on,” In th# Clt;
nty of Ulbb. am_
oomplled with all
with before an asHoclatlon ehal| be l
'sosi to commence the buslneai of
— do hereby certify that
The Commercial National Bank of lfa-
_on." In the City of Moran. In the County
nf Bibb, and (Bate of Georgia, le autlior
tsed to t
the buslnraa of Banking
utea of the United Fiat,
my hand end Real of this office, this
first day of August, 1908.
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of
Currency Bureau
Of tha
Treasure Depart-
Leon S. Dure
Banking and Inrsitnunts.
Stocks, Bonds. Real Estate, Mortgaged
-it Macon. Gs. —f
Money to Lend on
Real Estate
Well rated commercial papas
and very low ratss on Mar
ketable securities. ... -1
Macon Sayings Bank
71, dally. 11:16119, dafiy.^^.,
p m.10, daily.
ft. Ban. only.. f:W.
r ox. Sun. 4:loill, dally.
ral and Departor* of Pataenge*
No. 18 TtOOaml No. 10..
20...... 8:00pm| No. 17..
Qsnoral Paseenaer Agent.
G. S. & F. RY.
Schstfuls Effective Juno 7, IN#
A Iti30 a. No. t, Through Tratn to 1
-a Florida, carries Observation Far-
4 lor car and luiu.-s, Ataooa to
4 Jacksonville via Valdosta: ooa-
4 ncction made for White iprinia,
4 Lake City. Palatka.
4 4:06 p. nt.. No. 6, "Shoo-Fly," Ms-
4 con to v’aldosta and all later-
4 i-, >i i. tjs
4 12:16 a. m., No. 9, "Oeorgla South-
4 ern iiuwanee Limited."
Jacks'jnville “
Maoon to
- . Valdof UL Botid '
truln with Georgia Southern and '
Florida. Twelve Section Draw
ing Room Sleeping Car; opon at
6:80 p. m. In the Union Depot
ctlon at JackaonvlM* *
for all
train alao handb
for ail points in Florida.
through I
sleepers and coacbet
Chicago nnd St. Louis to Jack
sonville via Tlfton and A. C. U
4 3:30 a. m.. No. 4, "Georgia Bouth- «
4 ern Suwaneo Limited,” from -
.f Jiicksoiivllle and I’alatka. looeu
4 rlceper Jacksonville to Macon; •
♦ paasongere can remain to ..k>eil
-w sleeper In Union Depot
4 until 7:30 a. m.
^ 11:30 a. m.. No. 6, "Shoo*Ply, 1 -
4 Valdosta.
4 4i25 p. m„ No. 2. from Pa I a ttm, 4"'
Jarksonvlllo and ail Intermodlato ■ ■
Ya* k t "onvnT rl to j^ b ** rvatl00 9** 1
♦ C. B. RHODES. Qen. Pa*#.^^^^
X Macon, Qa.