Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 13, 1908, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, iB 08 The Macon Telegraph Published Every Morning by IKON' TEI.I:fiKArii IT I?. CO. •M Mulberry Street, Macon, Oa. 0. R. PENDLETON, PRESIDENT AND MANAOER. THE TELEGRAPH IN ATLANTA. The TMsffrapk can ba found on tala at tb* K'mba-l Hausa and Piedmont Hate! in Atlanta. FUND* FOW THE CAMPAION. The Democratic national committee |r in **••€ of oantfMOrn fund*. It la s very Important matter, and hara In i;oor«*a orb ore tea do not have to bear tl. a brunt of Che battle wr ahould chip in and help funvkfh the alnawa of war for tbm proamcutlon of the fight other MUtae. Th© Talagraph eomeafly win thoaa of tta restore who can and will to •oantrlbata aomathing. Forward It to thla paper and wa will arknowladgt the receipt of It and farward ft Vr Pendleton, who la a member #f 1> < Utielnecn Manta Committee, and ti - > of the Prara Adviaory Commit* t» *, received yesterday from Chairman Non., n EL Mark the following argent | ttar which explain a Haalf: 1 *©- ocrattc National Committee, 11^. iqugjiere, Auditorium Annex, rii!. go. OL. Oct. 1, HOI. Mr. a R- Pandleton. Macon, Oa.— P nr Sir: Bryan 1# making the gr* last poll Heal fight In the hla* tor of the world. Kwaty day am. hi* nomination hla cauaa h»' grown stronger until It haa BRYAN NO LONGER A BOGEY. t'roeldent Itpoaevelt h1m*«ir la said lo ba dismayed by the graat number* of Republican manufac ture re and bankers and railroad rnen who refuse any longer to be frightened by Bryan.—New York Kvenlng Poet. The newspaper - quoted crushingly adds that "the man who haa made W. J. Bryan cease to appear alarming I® Theodora Roosevelt." Th* Kvenlng Post also Bays: "We agree with Mr. Bryan that for the Republicans to predict that hla election will bring on panic and hard times Is the height of Impudence. That try wae raised against the Demoerits In 189$, 1900 and 1904. But after more than ten rs of undisputed Republican ae- denry, we had one of the worst panics In our history, and the hard times ora still upon us. Under therm irruinstancea the Republican orators might Intercut• their hearers more by explaining why the miraculous Intel- llgcnce and administrative skill of the Republicans failed to aava us." Yet the Evening Poat calls for the •lection of "Me-Too" Taft who seems to aspire only to "clinch"—that la hla own word—"my policies" and become only an ad Interim President until the terrible Roosevelt shall return like Napoleon from Elba and make con servative souls one# rnorg quake In their boots. Truly there fa no ac counting for tastea. trraifirttble force. he- brought cheer to every Dem- ocretlc heart and dismay to the on -»sitlon. ♦'tales that a month ago were regarded as surely Republican are t • *<t ■ i>• claimed by Democrat* and con- • dad as debatable by Repub licans. ■\v« are now In the last month of the conteet nnd the battle will b»* waged fiercely In every debat able procinct fn the United Htatea. Tunda are needed. Every Dem ocrat ahould make an unusual es'-rfflee In tbIs. the last hour be- fore the final triumph. Not a dollar la to be accepted n'hlch re- quires any promise, either ex it. 'Mil or Implied, other than for Mamet, Impartial government we appeal to you to taka the matter up at once among your acquaintances and send theTr con- trit.utlons to the treasurer of the committed without delay. , . , Act quickly Yours very truly, NORMAN K MACK, chairman Democratic National Committee. Come. Oeorgla Demooratablet ui help. The Republicans must ba da. fasted thla year. THE STATE FAIR, f*peaking of State Pair*, the State Agricultural Society's mat# Fair to be held In Macon this year, and perpetually thereafter for ten years, beginning on the £7th of October. This la the Rtate Agricultural 8o- ri«-ty that was chartered, and haa been In perpetual existence for seventy-five or eighty years. Thla Is the Rtate Fair that that aoclaty has been holding an finally for»Rfty or atxty years, barring th* (ntrrrafufon of the war between the States. Th*» indications* art that thla Is go ing to ba one of the best, It not the very best, Pair the Agricultural Bo ciety has ever held. The Macon and of the Fair la being pushed by the Macon Georgia State Pair Aanoctatlon. working In eon- Jun. tiqn with the State Agricultural fcoctaty, Exhibits are already coming to a record-breaker # In that respect. la being awarded every day. an i the queetlon of apace ts the only Problem row confronting the man- brer* Derge tents are being rented 11<« hoi,J the exhibits. it looks aa If it U going to be a record-breaker. , A TRANSPARENT SCHEME. in botf Republican and Democratic newepaprra of the vicinity have ap pvnrad the announcement that the Sharpies Separator Works at West- ehcwfr, near Philadelphia/ will | shut down If Dryan Is elected. That U to a^v, such fa the threat made by F. M Sharpies, proprietor of the plant, In order to coerce hla 1.909 employee and send them to the polls for Taft. On Friday last, besides Issuing i statement to that affect. Sharplea •'or dered hie employee to appear in the Republican parade" In honor of James F Hherman, Vloa-Preeldfntlal candi date The "order" reed in part: • The blight of the possibility of such dlra calamity to us ae his ctlon arcroa remote, but the ur a# ere convinced autA a will occur, that hour these ploy •ecenf ii, inn nuur i to elate down un- slock of tubular separators y ts reduced by sales three- s. This will be done aa a of self-preservation, land i grtst regard aa any out- mud possibly have for the And yes It te claimed that e qualified American who wish a* to vote the Democratic ticket la free to do eojj * Republican newspapers make* mistake »h.n they feature this etory un<R r t'.e Imprasslcn that It prove to the public that Bryan's rlrctlen will bring hard times We have had hard times for a year al ready and that la what la the matter with Sharpies, who. however, aa a tariff brnoflclary. wou.:d prefer to trust to a turn of fe tide under Republi can than ui.dnf ivmocratlc rule, and BEGINNING TO BEE THE LIGHT. More and mom The Telegraph has hopes for the political salvation of Col. Georgs Harvey, fhe editor of Harper's Weekly, and of ether «elf- respecting and conscientious editors like him on tho Republican aide whose stomachs have turned against the din honest methods ef the Republican campaign management under Rooae velt’a domination. In the place of the far-fetched accustomed cartoon en dcavorlng to ridicule Rryan, the Issue of Harper's Just to hand leads off with a picture of Roosevelt mounted tho Shoulder* 0 f Taft, Ilka the "Old Man of tho Sea" on the shoulders Hlnbad, the Sailor," and an editorial leader In the following language: The disingenuous attempt President Roosevelt to put t presumed stigma of some rort of relationship with tho Standard Oil Company upon Mr. Bryah was to have been expected ae a char actirlstlo exemplification of thi cuttlefish polities with Which In recent yaare wo have become fn- miliar. Thera la nothing la be surprised at, either. In the wilful misrepresentation and'gross cari caturing of the lien ret papers to the same effect. Rut whqn decent, self-respecting public journals llko the New York Mall and Globe fol low suit editorially and d>lctorla1ly. one cannot but feel the necessity of taking notice. It la all too slllr for words. We venture th* as sertion that not A single intelli gent uerson In the United States, not Mr. Roosevelt, not Mr. Hear'!, not the editor of the Mall, not the editor of the Globe, not anybody, believes for an Instant that Mr. Rryan haa now or ever has had the remotest connection, direct or Indirect, with the Standard OH Company. Because he refused to read a lot of unsubstantiated chargee drawn up by an Irreepon- elble newspaper man for prejudi cial use In a local campaign, Mr. Roosevelt declares, and these par tisan Journals tacitly assent, that ha "must have known" about Has kell. R Isn't trye, aa every sens mao knows. Thgt an experienced politician would ha\> deliberately established "high In his councils" a man whose character ha knew to be bad and which would aura- ly be so proven under the roarch- Ing light ef a national oanvaas. la an Idea too absurd for considera tion. Whether Oov«vnor Haskell be guilty of Innorent of the va rious charges brought against him by Mr. Heerst. tt may be—and wo believe la—accepted as a certainty that Mr. Rryan believed In the man. and probably waa deceived. If ao, he l« entitled to sympathy, not condemnation, and not unjurt Inferences. Thla la honest and decent and just and will meet with the approval of all Intelligent and fair-minded men. The editor of Harper's la not only one who haa been forced In epite Of himself to protest against President Roosevelt's reckless, rabid and un scrupulous methods, and It will strange if hfi conduct of Taft's cam paign, alone does net estrange enough Republican voters to defeat the latter. LESS GOVERNMENT AND BETTER One of the greatest' of the principles of Democracy Is the Jeffersonian ax lorn that that people which la least governed Is tjjie best governed. There la apparent a reaction In sentlmept all over the country Iil faV6r of this wise doctrine aa one of the distinct results springing from the officious and; per nicious Presidential Intermeddling In all the affairs of the people and the disastrous results of tha paternalistic tendency of tha National and State Governments under tha Impetus of the President's example to regulate every botjy and every business by law. Thera Is reason lo believe that even New Yoilt la chafing tinder the too Moral If honaeily-lniendad rule Governor Hughes along these lines snd that the people of that great Htntr are turning with relief to the Democratic doctrine aa recently enun ciated by Oovernor Hughes* opponent, l^wls Stuyvesant Chanter, In tha fol lowing: Wa are governed too much. We hold that Ignorance- of the law excuse# no one. y©t we add to the hugs hulk of statutory enactment hundreds of new lawa every year, many of them crude and 111-con sidered, soma of them worse than useless, until It Is difficult •RAH(more correspondent of the Philadelphia Record, writing of the treat fight the Democrats are making In that city, refers to the significant act of Joseph McGregor, secretary of the Federatlen ef tA^or. in with drawing from the race after accepting the nomination for Congress from tha Independence League. McGregor quoted aa saying that Inasmuch aa "the Democracy has unqualifiedly pledged lleelf If placed In power to a# cure the relief to which the tolUre of our country are justly entitled." Cede hound In conscience to Advocate tho election of Rryan. •Thla," says the correspondent, "la one of etrawe that Indicate how the wind It blowing hereabouts.** even the trained lawyer to know the law. ■ Laws without public sentiment behind them amount to nothing; public sentiment, even If unex pressed In statutes, accomplish much. We should trust the peo* pl<- more and rely less upon leg islative cure-alls. Now York Is doubtless going through much the same experience that Geor gia haa endured for the last two years, bringing about the reaction that re sulted In the signal elevation of Little" Joe Brown to the Qovernor’a chair. That Governor Drown ao In- terprets hla election la clear from the tone of hla campaign speech made In this city In which he expressed a dis like for the word 'Governor" and spoko of himself as the jervnnt of the people elected to carry out their will. "I Am tha hammer." he said; "you are the arm." Wa have no doubt that Governor Drown and IJeutenant-Governor Chan ler Art one In sentiment with regard to the thus# Involved In the great multiplicity of lawa with which we are afflicted. It waa said of tha laws of Draco that they were written In blood because the penalties were ao severe and they were hung ao high tha people could, not read them. But our legislative mills griftd so often and turn out ao many lews that the people do not attempt to keep up with them and they fall a dead letter. It Is aa much ns the lawyers themselves oati do to keep up with tho new stat ute* and th^ changes In tha old ones. And yet with It all, tha Legislature, aa recently happened In Georgia, haa to be called into extraordinary aeaston to pass tha lawa that are found to be Indispensable. As an Illustration of the extent to which the legislative trifling Is carried It Is not perhaps Improper to recall that while the re cent regular session of the Georgia Legislature wan all too short for the purpose of passing tha bill In relation to convict lessee It waa sufficiently long to consider a measure look Inf to curtailing tha freedom of our spin atom in the exercise of the Arts—In hereht and Ihaltsnable In the lex— through which thoy have from time ImmemoriAl conquered and ted cap ttve members of the male sex. It must be evident to any one who oonsldere the subject that we have too much legislation and are burdened with too great an expenditure for tho benefits derived. Wa could better pay our legislators to stay at home every other year so that the people could know certainly what, to depend on for at least two years together. Since Oovernor Drown regards himself In the light of their hammer tha people cannot do a better Job I hammering Una than would mult from flattening out our Central Aa aembly Into biennial sessions. Fifty days out of every year la entirely too tong an engagement of ao large and expensive a body In the business of making and changing lawa, more for their own amusement than from any demand for them on the part of the people or for any uee the people put them to after they are made. The Brooklyn Eagle, an esteemed j recipe FOR Judge Taft, carries the following DIXIE ICE CREAM Wadley Investment Co. among Its "Wall Street Notes:" Speaking of the outlook for Taft a confident broker said this af ternoon: "You can bank on one thing—the big paople hare will see to It that there's money enough to do the trick. If Sheldon can't get It In they'll go round with the hat them selves. Yaa, even Morgan Leave Wall street alone to know which aide its bread la buttered on. Andrew Carnegie la ao anxious to see Governor Hughes re-elected that ha save the Taft committee a $20.- 000 campaign contribution, and asked the commute to do what It could for Hughes. President Roosevelt fn 1104 also prevailed on Harrlman to ralaa $290,000 all for tha benefit of tha Stats end of the election. Richmond Pearaon Hobson wIII on# of the delegates to tha Ptaoe Congress at Greensboro, N. C.» thla week. Hla mission to tha Congress doubtless will be to lift hla voice and cry. In the language of Patrick Henry: "Gentlemen may cry peace! peace! but there fa no peace." "When." ni tit, rtiiuo.lpht. tur. onf, "th. 6un4«rd Oil Coarany co»«»»d up I1M.M* (or BaoMv.ll'a rtmpalpi In INI It la a mm manor nt conjreiure at to how much non *•» l.vlod upon th* BU.I Tn»L tho Lumbar Trait, tho Sufor Tro.t and othor tarlR-brrd mooopllaa- If th. Republican campalm contribution hooka of I HI could bo opened mo otould ad) know a coed del mora about that Una majority far than It la poaalbla for thy mcra Ram- octal to know at praarnt A negro candidal, for Conor... hla appeared In Baltimore, "much to tho dt.may of tho RapubUeua" tt haald, d to forco hla | but U la altoy*th«r llkaly that tha I to vota for j ilopobllcan Irad.ra f,|t forced to briny ubllc — ill hot fall to ao. j ho out In order to aa.Ut lo boldlnr a Mb,mo l«ha reauv. block roUro In Un< The Department of Juatlca haa a.k.d tho court for alx month, more Ir. which to make up It. o... ayatnri I ho Powder Tru.t. It I. plain the Re- publican admlnl.tratlon la determined not to break It. record by flnl.hlny up any proceedlny ayalnat the truata. Jamaa Hamilton Lawla haa a liner and mora Dowlny beard thnn tha Vlee-Prealdentlal candi date. Rome any that Mr. Lawl, la a better apeaker.—Savannah Pre.a, Remember Mr. Kern did not have the ndvantaye of briny horn In Clror (tin. Barring thla handicap he la all rlyht. Taft aald to a Mlaaotirl audlenca Ibat he wl.hed he had tha voice of a aleatn whittle. HI. voice la like tho ateam whistle In one reapect. blowa only when Enylneer Roonevelt pulla the cord. Tha Vlrylnlan-pilot come, to conclu.loh that Monnett la n “cheap akata" and that no bribe worth men tlonlny waa ever offered him by any one. Wa truat Theodore Rooaevelt, Jr., will accept the ettentlon. paid him nnd hla new Job aa trlbutea not to Mm pcraonally but to hla father', ton. 81. Louie woman tayt "Society women are Hare." Wonder If aba .In In society T The Archbold (attar (Ilea continue to ho n boiler teller than John D. Rocfco- foller'a "Remlnl.cenCea.” Turkey la belny carved up before Thank.ylvlny Day thla year. Mr. Howard RL Smith, of Now Toth, lo aulny Mtaa Orylhta V. Knapp, of Newburypott. Mata., for breach promt... Th- announcement la almo.t atarillny. ao rare I. It for a man to capoo. hu wounded heart and bravo public ridicule In Ihl, manner. If th. train were known. It would no doubt be round that there are more men lhan women with a of Ihl. •ort, but lilted men take medl cine oal.tly for varloua rraaona, one of which lo that, by common concent. younc woman I. yranted rlyht. do nled to youny men ond may "break U oir at any time and for almoot any reaaon without expoelny horaelt oerloua critic lam. Mr. Smith aaked tha court to cocnpo! Ml*. Knapp pay him IM.M0, and aa bar father vary rich, th. money would (orthcomlny If tho court oo ordered. tbl. fart may porhapa ba found the explanation of tha remarkable nit With T.fl'e untgieplrlny "me-too" rreyramm*. "llurchard" Lonyworth’. Interim klv.-ewty. th. aliened “cold feet" of th. Trait*, and Mr. Roo.ev.lth uryovemabl. determine- Hen to proro that ha I. tha Prendent. not of tha nation, but only of tb. Re publican party—with all thla to aid hbn, In addition 'to hi. permiulre elo- oarnoav Mr. Bryan certainly baa a _ „ -hanc. anch aa c*mes only to tU 1 lucky. Jn? u SL!! , 4 IT™ ,h * » '**• "Trraeurr of itk« Ufcltej la t*e btaok. j Can be made and frozen in 10 minutes at cost of One Oent a Plate. 8tir contents of one 13c. package Jeil-0 ICE duo Powaer into a quart of milk and freeze. No cooking, oo beating, nothing else to add. Everything trot the ice and milk in the package. Satisfaction guaranteed. This t quarts of tha most delicious ice cream you ever ate. Fit* Kindt t Ckonlntf, VsnilU. Straw b«rry, Ltmon and Unjtmvrred. 9 packages 95c. at your grocers, or by roailif he does not keep it. Illustrated Recipe Hook Free. k TM Qmm has Food Co., U try, W. V. A Leaky roofs hard to remedy, but we have had 40 years experience with them and can certainly fix youra. Tell us your roofing troubles at once. . . We manufacture the best grades of Roofing Materials, such aa Asbestos Fibrous Cement, ! k Standard Roof Paints, Pitch / ill Tarred Roofings, Rubber Roofings, Painted and Gal* vanlzad Iron. XoDOBbei w* tte e*p-»lenrpd rpecia! IiO In nod. Don't trait jrwm to auybudy elM. Writ* St ones to* ptice* wi information, SOUTHERN ROOFING CO., Mid 3 ATLANTA. CA, Beal Estate, Insurance, Loans, Qrand Building, Phone 627. FOR RENT Immediate Possession. Two story Prick store, corner Fourth and express office alley, next to- union depot. $75.00. " r t 42S Carling Avenue, five-room. $20.00. ) 27* Orange street: very desirable i two-atory house, cine rooms and Wtb, toilet each floor and servant's house In rear. This bouse has Juit > been nswly painted; plumbing thoroughly repaired, and la In perfect condition, $40.00. FOR SALE. Two-atory, six-room residence Hardeman avenue. Vlnevlllf, for sale to home owner on easy terms. $4,000. Vacant lot 70x210. In very best part of Summit avenue. North Highlands, beautiful cottages on each aldp and oc< cupled by owners, $1,100. Vacant lot 70x215 on Laurel avenue, North Highlands; thla Is very best lot on Laurel avenue and is between two of the prettiest cottages In this very popular suburb. WADLEY INVESTMENT-00 Grand Building, Phone 627 For Rent Immediate Possession. 487 Duncan Ave., 9-r $20.00 Canfield Oil Co. SELLS PERFECTION HEATERS AND RAYO LAMPS Phone 637. BANKRUPT SALK In the District Court of tho United States. In snd for tho Southern District of Florida. In Bankruptcy, fn re South ern Marble A Stone Company, Bank rupt. m Under and by virtue of an order granted on the aoth day of f .. September, a! f>.’1909. A. Hollow**. Jr., referee by the HonMP -— — In bankruptcy. In and for mid district, the undersigned, as trustee of tho estate of the sfor*nam*d bankrupt, will put up at public sale In Maron. Oa.. at 10 o’clock a. m.. October 14th. 190S, the following articles lulonging to .the said bankrupt October 14th, 190S, the following belong*— --** estate, to-wlt: of marble,'holi... rlefcs, 49 nlr hemfoere. machinery, appli ances. rupee, hoe#, truck*, and ml»r<*)»«- neons stone-cutter*' toole. heretofore used by the Southern Marble. A Stone Compnnv In tta work bn th* United Rtatea postoffic*. and courthouse fn the city of Macon. Terms of sale cash. For further Information, and Itemised list *bf articles to be cold, npply to W. P. Kelley, trustee, J- •-- *** — Oct. 12th. nnd at trustee at lintel where he will chasers, and give further Information. W. P. KKT.LBT, Trust*# In Bankruptcy for Estate of Southern Marble A Stone Company. ME.—PHHML About 1.509 cubic feet of mnrhlo. hoisting engine, boilers, der- ‘ itnc— •* and Kelley, trustee,' Jacksonville. FU., until Oct. 12th, and after tbit dnte to said a a., .. Lanier, Macon, Ua., meet prospective pur- 11 Hill Park St. 7-r... 130 Highland Ave.. 8-r... 588 Columbus Road. 9-r..* First and Arch fits., S-r..., Cleveland Ave., 6-r 530 Washington Ave., 4-r.. 101 Clayton St., 5-r........ 221 Duncan Ave,, 6-r...... 406 Rosa St., l-r ..... 408 Rosa St-. 6-r 116 Cleveland Ave., 8-r.... 209 Carling Ave.. 6-r 128 Rembert Avfe., 9-r 45 White St.. 6-r Lilac St.. 5-r 120 Grace Ave... 5-r 116 Piedmont Avd., 5-r.... 210 Duncan Ave., 6-r .$27.60 ....$20.00 ....$15.00 ....$40,00 ....$18.00 ....$20.00 ....$18 00 .... $20.<*0 ... .$25.00 ,...$22 60 ....$20.00 ....$20.00 ....$26.00 ....$12.50 ....$ 8.60 ....$12.50 ....$1400 ....$15.00 JORDAN REALTY CO. Real Estate. Insurance and Loans. Phone 1136. Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg FOR SALK. $700—Two brand new 2-room houses an annual rental of oent Investment. Little of Everything, Mias Mary B. Cheek, of Toboao. O., ts tha only regularly appointed woman rural mall carrier In the atate. She haa served In thla capacity for six years. A physician upon opening (he door of his consultation room, asked: "Who has been walling longest?" **I have," spoke up th# tailor. "1 delivered your clothe# three weeks ago." Mrs. J. M. Darrts, wife of the author, la aald to ba one of the moot expert mo torists in Great Britain. BIW owns three rare, tn which she takes Ion# tnura with her hu*l«nd. but she always manages the ■vt herself. In the Conge the extravagance cf the average white man Is astounding. Cham pagne Is the Invariable order of the day for men setting a few hundred dollar* a yea*•. and tha official vsttally lands In Antwerp after three years with enough money for a spree, when he must sign and go back—-Woride Work. George Hayward, age 91. who haa Just died at Needham Market, lived nearly all Ms fife In. the asm# house. He never had a day’s holiday and never *aw the sea. Ilayaard was formerly In bualaeae as a butcher and he was tn the habit of wear- In# an apron at church on Sundays be neath hla frock coat.—London Dally Tom Reed and Jerry Simpson, noted populist congressman, were great *sLr<h , r&rdg t t-»xii Htmpsoa. “that you are a republican. The majority of tha people of our reanecth dlatricta ara of our way of thinking." Wills All <e His'Country. From the Seattle Poat-Intelllgeneer. Because he haa soldiered in the ranks for 29 years, during which lima he con' alders the Government has cared for him. Miner H- Whitney, a first -class private In Company K ef the Signal Corps, today made hla witt. leaving all his possessions tn the Treasury of the (Tatted States. The unusual will waa regularly witnessed and filed with First Lieut. Paul W. Beck, commanding the company. Tho filing of this peculiar document was the re*ult of the Uw passed last winter. astEs ksSk every officer and soldier must put down In writing the name of Uw person to whom he wtshea this money to be given. This sum in tn addition to any sum that may be due the soldier tn pay or allow- anees at the time of his death, and la to provide members of hi* family with a ne*t egg again»t starvation bAuablank* which the aotdlera are to with the names of the person* ii they wish the mower left, were tetrad yeeterday and were signed UP by £«£r|fiE syarrai as 49 per cent have named wtrea or »!• - broth****©? ©t ■SgygFs is ?5.S EFFECTIVE BEST AND MOST STATI OF QKORGIA, Bibb Cotinty.- Undar and by virtue of the power of sal# inverted In (he undersigned in a deed made and.delivered to it by Lu- cetta Stevens, Peyton Stevens and An drew Stevens, dated the 4th day of Feb- ruanr, 1908. recorded In Book 84. page 7:\ In the office of clrrk of D|hb superior court, the un.iersigned will s#u at public outcry to th*' highest bidder for cash at the court horn# door In Dlbb countv iieorgta, between the usual hours of sher- jltmte, JLtt.'B Ma£5i! CMunt ref n:>h .nd gi.t. of Orerrla, Wnr In bio., .la 111. nre-th-eil non. of aald ritr. and rearlnd aa loU rannlnir frSm Colira. alFrei 'lo’ MadUoh •treat aU.tx-a.TM fret and rei.ndlnr ha nt w,J,h - & _T« be acid as the property of Lucetta Stevens, Peyton Stevens; nnd Andrew Stevens for the purpose of paving an in debtedness secured by aald deed. The amount duo of principal »nd inter est oo the day of ante being$s^2.?$. bj- •idea tha expense# of this proceeding. The aald Lucetta Stevens. Peyton II *na and Andrew Stevens having ma< default in th# payment of ths notes fa J«a# 6th. Juh f fth and Augv ..... .J0»,..respectively, ths powsr or sale In said deed haa become operative and^oaM indebtedness haa become due. - - eedeof said sale will be ap. to th* payment cf mI.1 m- tbe balance. ff any te i Stevena. Peyton ste- Tbla lth day cf October. 1999. W1LLJN OH AM LOAN 4k TRUST that bring $104. A 1$ par Terms $200 cash, balance monthly to ault you. $800—Fifty acre# of land, T miles from Macon. In good settlement. One- half cleared, balance In woods, Plenty of water. Terma if de aired. $1,909—100 acres of landL 6 miles from town, and on the Tine of Bibb and Jones counties. Land partly cleared. We can arrange reason able terms on thla. , $2,109—100 acres of land, 6 miles from Macon. 20 acres cleared, balance in second growth pine and orig inal timber. Plenty • of water. Land level and very productive. $2,$99—A veiy desirable 7-room resident on Cleveland avenue. Vlnevllle; Pay us one-halt and we will carry the rest for you aa long aa you like. . » $4.699—A brand new 6-room house on Appleton avenue; A cracker-jack for the money. Terms, "" balance 5 years. $5,100—A 9-room residence on Plum street, between First and Second. Up-to-date In every Way. Terms If desired. $$,609—Residence No. 119 Rogers avenue, Vlnevllle. containing 9 rooms. Lot 79 by 299. Plaoe ha* servant's house fn 7he rear and Is a bnr- afTan*fd tb * Pr,C *’ T§rms MlffrON-MORGAN CO., Real Estate. 4SO Cherry St. Phone 1192. FOR SALE large lot. stable, and all conven iences; 6 rooms. <2,819—Property In afllendld condition, renting for $11.00 per month, and no city t~— —■- vestment. I 899-Two houses renting for $10.09 per month; this property haa Just besr put in good condition, and —~ yield a splendid Investment. We have $15,000.09 to lend on good property at 7 and 8 per cent. Murphey & Taylor Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE 267 Citizen's Nat'l Bank Bnilding S. S. Parmelee Company, Carriage#, Buggies, Wagona, Carte Harness, Saddles. Bicycles, Baby Car- Largest stock In the South to select from. A pleasure to serve you. 8. $. PARMELEE CO- M.oon, Oa. ALBERT McKAY, Maker of Men’s Clothes, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. IKE WIN8HIP HERBERT SMART WINSHIP & SMART, INSURANCE. ACCIDENT. HEALTH. FIRE. Washington Block. ARCHITECTS. CURRAN R. ELLIS, ARCHITECT. Office phone 289] residence phone 2819. Offices: 4, 5 and 6 Efffa Building. Cherry SU, Cotton AV*. and First St. Macon, Ga. Certificate of Authority Commercial National Bank MACON, GA. " Opened August 6th, 1908 Offloe of ComtroUfr of the Currency, Washington, D. C.. Aug. 1. 1908. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned It has been msdo to appear that "The Commercial National Bank of Macon." In tha City of Macon, In the County of Bibb, and State of Georgia, has compiled with all of Macon. In the County of Bibb, State of Georgia, has complied wltt _ of the provisions of ths Statutes of tho United States, required to be oomplled with before an association shall be au- Unlted States, required to bo oomplled with before an association shall b* au thorized to commence the business ot Banking; NOW THEREFORE, X, Thomas p. Kane. Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Commercial National Bank of Ma con." tn tho City of Macon, tn the County lof Bibb, and State of Georgia, la author ized to commence the business ot Banking aa provided by Seetlon Fifty-one hun dred and sixty-nine cf the Revised Stat utes of the United 8tates. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF wltne#* my hand and Eeal cf this office, thla first day of August. 1991. Deputy and Acting Cornp^troUer^of the Currency. BEALt Currency Bureau Beal ef the Comptroller Treasure Depart- FRANK R. HAPP, , Architect. Office: Rooms 22 and 28 Fourtl anal Banw Bulfdlnp. Telephone—Rea. 632] Office 990. ALEXANDER BLAIR, Architect. Oflle. Phone 71. 673 CHERRY 8T.' CHARLES A. CALDWELL, Civil Engineer. WASHINGTON BLOCK. Room 11-1). Water auppiy, water power, sewer- je and municipal engineering. Re Port*. plant, specifications, estimate), and superintendence. Office Phone 1142. Residence phone 3288. P. E. DENNIS. Architect. 703-4-r ‘ • Dldg. phope 2747. CARLYLE NISBET, w- Architect. Office Phone H9. Grand Bldg. Residence *41. Macon, Ga. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. Residence phone 696. PROFESSIONAL CARDS MISS ANNA SMITH. Phystoal and Voice Culture, and Ex pression. Phone 2167. DR. JM. M. STAPLER, Eye. Bar. Note and Throat. Doctors’ •Ylcor. American National Bank Bldg. Offlco rheme. 2742; residence. Hut. OCULIST AND AURtST. DR. J. H. SHORT1R, Eye. Ear, Nose and Threat. The Grand" Bldg., next to Court Hou Phones: Office, 972; residence, 910. OPTICIANS. GEORGIA. 5County—Win be void tfor# the courthouse door tn Macon. .: i> cv>u»»tv, during the legal hour* of first Turi*,Wts in N -\. mber. i. R.alo- Cm- Farms for Sale - H ecre* tn Crawford County: two WSA. vT m Knoxrlile; gvod Improvement*; Mill" acres, three and a half mllea fro mRoberta. Large quantity of fine second growth pine. $1,280.00. 6U acres on Flint River, contains e fine, river pasture, $4,090.00. _. acre* In Bibb County on main nubile road. «lx miles out. close tn school and church; plenty of running water and nice Improvements which could not be re placed for $2,599.09; we sell for $8460.00. The Georgia Loan & Trust Company 645 Mulberry Street. For Rent No. 278 Orange at. 19-r., No. SM Second it. No. :;i Duncan ave., 5-r. No. 110 Duncan ave., ve.. 5-r 5*r......... No. 971 Oglvihone st. 5-r. ia *»$ Cedar sL, 6-r L.JR. U.O« No. 9 A!ontpelt* ava. J-f,,..,... jj.oo Stereo. 1 • .$80.09 . 35.00 . 20.00 . 1*.09 IS f*0 & __ w. IS. burn. Graduate Gpuciaa. >18 Cherry ■» 1YB, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Eye, Ear, Note, Throat OSTEOPATHY. DR '.F. R £ NK f* ^ 0, 1 E8 ’ Oataooath. 854 Second at Phone 920 and 841$. PHY8ICIAN8 AND SURQffONS. Phones: Office. 2664; Residence,‘l4M. Washington Biock? rr ^our's: 9 to 10 oblI 12 to 1 and l to lp,m. Telephone con nections at offlco and residence. DR. J. J. SUBERS. rcrmanentl-- '*—* „*e .venerea.. Female Irregularities and poison oak: curs guaranteed. Address In confidence with stamp. 610 Fourth *t., Macon" Ga.- DENTISTRY. DR*. J. M. 46 R. HOLMES MASON. DR. J. E. WALKER. Dentlit ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ROBERT L. BERNER. _ ^tjornsy at Lew. bS33i* " Am ’ rU “ But Leon S. Dure Banking and Investments. Stocks. Bonds, Real Estate. Mortgage! Macon. Ga. Money lo Lend on Real Estate Weil rated commercial paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank 570 MULBERRY STREET. doss to. WANTED For cash two medium priced residences FOR SALE One splendidly Improved plantation ®ear Macon: very best condition; would make grand country home. Farms in various Im-aNtf*-*, lumber lands, vacant lots In different parts of city. Several improved city lots that pay wen as In vestments. JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR SALE . A well located piece of property con sisting of 7 house* renting for $48.91 per month, at $4,500.00. Can carry a loan of $3,000.00 on it for three years xt 7 per cent. Will be glad to hav« you call at our office for one of our rent lists. B. A. WISE 358 Second St. European Hotel MACON, GA. Rooum, Restaurant and Cafa. Table excellent at Popnlas Prices. # Everything New, but th* Name. M. O'Hara, Prop. L D. Draw- ford, Manager. Brown Bouse, Union Depot—MACON, QA. American Plan eeeee F. BARTOW STUBBS. Proprietor, W. ARMSTRONG. Mannar. MACON, D £“ A L i" c * M »AVANNA RAIL- Arrival and Departure of* Pg* Mn aer __ Train* at Macon. Effective March 1A 1908, J}®* 1? TiOOaml No. 10 HtOSsm No - M >:30pmJ No. 17...". JlSeJS s«iiw. n y SSK * nd TTrnWlF” O.nre.1 Pereeneer ApeAt. LOANS Negotiated promptly on im proved farms and city proper ty on easy terms snd at lowest market rates. If yon need money call on ns HOWARD M. SMITH & CO Mi Mulberry St. MACON. OA Hi. ««• Srex»wl pi inc state; *5°- 414 Fourth St.. I MulbejTy it. , of ike cartui stock of The rany, a ».*rrvv.»t -o ur.dsr the J- Gp r| . w tth tt* print Inal off.,* or WfinPM tn m 4 county and state, ©erttoratea nvheredl reape«:tlvvly 19, JO. No. 458 Second *t. . - 1 -, ujji iwh cf t\e said MttBcaMM No. 444 Poplar Ht..., be i* . r jf i a;, . The Mm* I.-1 ,*c i a No **•»• . S as the p- petty Ot TV. 11. f*,arks to satis- ' eareeutSoa Issued from the city court Maron. B hb county in fagwr cf the lUak against North Il.a.tian.u Land Cor-.rar.v and W B. R]*arke prlncipata and L-on a. Par* en dorser. H. C. ROBERT. Tfcie 4lh day ef 56.04 . 50.00 . 80.49 *2,600,000.00 SAFELY LOANED. « t 1 ^l B J^0?*o , n , ' n X c S.K. h ? o 7 ir.- reid loi.un invrel.jV" Thot, irelrtn, to l» *nrret Mil And It to thtlr lot,r.,t to JKM 8SCUHITY LOAN AND AMTRACT CO T.-HI r« Ct,jrm,rc|,|_ nrek julla"' a AtoreiMy., B. W«rt. Sreretary J Geo. B. Turpin Sons Reel Eit.ta iNfc 1U Third ,L Lrata 1m. 77 OffOHOIA AAIt.itQAQ. Are-vat Drere« il 0*07. U:3ij^ ra«y.'...„ 77. San. re!,.. Kfe* •- i'tT- «* ,W. W. HAAOWJSK^a^A^ fi. s. S F. 8Y. Schedule Effective Jtme 7, Hot, DEPARTURE*! 11i80 a. Ne. I, Through Train la ®Y TlM Observation Pop. fackeoavtue vfi^&deeul^ooS madiatetSBr, Sretlon'Sr.w. Inf Horet B.reHnA Cir° *■« P- m. in th. Uhl.ii :wA‘ Molt,, connection .t Jara^rtK for .,1 point, ut rorldr^fH] •rain olre hondlre Urorek matt alrepor. and ooxonZ? KzT . #on\iJe via Tiruw nag a. C. L. arrivals* T" No * t : Q «o**ala Ssutk- ! S3- •Irepre jKkreovtti, t.N.ooT-. •***+».'fre. j fiScaoovfi* to MaSn* 000 ^ , C. B. RHODES. Om. Paso, *-—- - Macon. Oa. *