Newspaper Page Text
>St>. ' a\
H. G. A. NASH,
CHA8. NEVILLE, Vic. Prc.ld.nt.
H. G. A. Nash Audit Go.
- 203*204 National Bank Building. Savannah. Ba.
Expert Accounting in All Its Branches.
•A Mistaken
Perhaps you have an idea that in order to have a
hank account you must have a largo sum to deposit;
that a bank doesn’t care to bother with small accounts.
This is not true of the “Fourth.” This bank wel
comes new accounts, no matter how small, and extends
the same courtesy and service to small depositors as to
large ones.
Let us prove it to you.
LIVERPOOL spots closed 6.03
NEW YORK spots closed 9.20
NEW ORLEANS spots dosed ...8ft
closed active at the following quota-
uoou Middling 3 13-18
■ Spot Cotton Movement.
Recta. Ship. Sales.
Oct. 10. 1508 8*4 479 131
Oct 1*. 1I0S 491 163 288
OCL 18. 19o8
Oct 14. 1908 99ff
OCL II, 1903 987
• Stxk on Hand.
Sept. 1. 1908
Oct. 10, 1901
NEW YORK, Oct. IS.—There wta only CHICAGO. Oct 15.—Weak cable* and
a nominal stock-market today, after the an absence of export demand caused a
brief period of the execution of orders break of more than 1 cent In wheut prices
for foreign account until a sudden revival on the locfl exchange today. At the close
In the last half hour. Whatever Impulse; the net losses were 1 to lftaftc.
may account for the withdrawal from j Corn was also weak, but oats and pro-^
active operations of the strong bnancial, visions were steady.Hmm
element which has conducted the recent — ■■ - ■
speculation. It was evident tbday that I
with those operations subtracted noth-1 Wheat—
ink was lett of the market. The attl- j Dec. . ,
tude of reserve on their part may bo .due . May . ,
to unwllllngnesa to encroach further on j July , .
the money martlet supplies In tho fur-1 c.-rn—
theranco of a movement with the elec-1 Deo. , ,
Uon still three weeks la the future. The | May . .
Immobility of prices became very marked July , .
today and there were few. sven of the Onts—
Open. High. I-ow. Close.
1.0044 101ft
•a* S2 T » e*
62% 62% 62%
looay aim mere were iew. even wi
most active stocks, which fluctuated
an extreme range or one point with a'
sudden rise at the end. Discussion of
the government finances came up In .con
nection with the money market position.
HP London was a source of some strength.
W1 to the local market, both at the opening
814 and in the dosing spurt. Money lenders
i reported an Increase Iii the demand for
call loans, while some of the largest
“'idrawn from
4i 41%
in. i • U
while i .....
..1.178 banks have practically wlihdr
.,t0$5 that department. The result
I little flurry in call money rates todai
2 per cent. The buying of stocks wl
n irntivelv nfifiit rinsin^iteadv bear * for recent selling of stocks. The
£? Tl'S^n. .tTpo” w »n c o«S8. “iSi:. ja'? 1
the) other months net unchanged to 2 vaiim «2 «*? oao****' Tot,u ■* ,e,u ^
® .jjm JSrw •*«•» *•» s»
The opening was steady at an advance
of 3a7 points tn response to higher ca- nw\m vapv ernew i ia«r
ble*. but there was continued aottth*rn\ m<ll "*7^2** U>T „ t .
soiling of the late months, presumably £?5 P !£
for hedging purposes, while exoslknt ^"*$2®*** xj! *"$ .5?*
weather and reports of rapid progress CoiS nil y P d
SS feu n i tr sr? m hi«r. pSM. ..JSi 'SSIS5 Hme t0 £na LithVr pm:::: Sm
oTk , sw^Tu'. r ik-SBr« «!* fr„43 uriU -" ••••• %
***** ^a-sugh s eJ#
movement American Smelting and Reflnlng ... 8744
Amer, Smelting and Reflnlng pfd.. 101*4
American Sugar Reflnlng 112ft
American Tobacco pfd MH
American Woolon 21ft
Anaconda Mining Co. 44ft
Atchison .... 91
Atchison prer. 93
Atlantic Coast Line 8*Vi
Baltimore and Ohio 91
Baltimore and OM« nf<4 •
Brooklyn Rapid Transit 48ft
Canadian Pacific ,176ft
Central Leather 25*4
°entral Leather pfd 98ft
„ .. ; Central of New Jersey 197
tor the Chesapeake and Ohio
. ..'g showed!
October was relatlvriyVMPIHMH
selling by s*>ot houses, and offerings which
some thought were Intended to make a
better December buying basis. A largi
part of the trading represented varloui
•witches or straddles by local profession
als, and the commission house business. I
which was a feature In the earlier part
of the week, was less In evidence. Ex
ports for tho day were very heavy,
more than doubled the port receipts, and
[the spot markets were generally wmm
of cotton at the n« r ta todal
elm t i k, i • • T.
.12.70 11.70 12.70 13 70
9,87ft 9.45 9.27ft 9.43
. 1.23 1.25 8.18
1.80 1.30 8.20
Refrigerated Bottling
The word sounds good, doesn’t it?. Just try a
Bottle of Coca-Cola
Bottled by our process. Thero's nothing to compare with It. Wo
. want to show you our plant. Call and Inspect. You will be delighted.
If you want n perfect drink drink BOTTLED
week and 42.214 _
week (estimated) 260,000 bales against
i.422 bales last week and 274,732 bales
last year.
Spot Cotton and Futures.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15.—Spot cotton
_.os*d yulet; nu(“'“
tiling gulf 9.43;
closed yulet; middling uplands 9.20; mid-
Cotton futures opened and closed steady
January 8.41 8.42
February —
March 1.30 8.52
May 8.44 8.44
June 8.87
July 8.87
October 9.05 9.03
/>W. CI«s<
8.54 8.56
8.45 8.*“
8.37 8.
Receipts and Exports.
Receipts and Exports. Today.
CoBolIdatcd net receipts., 46,202
Exports to Great Britain.. 45,269
, Exports to France ■»-— ....
Exports to continent 53,421 116,i
Stock on hand all ports....525,587 ...
Slnoa September 1. 1908—
Consolidated receipts
Exports to Great Britain...
Exports to France
Exports to continent
Exports to Japan
Ship Me Your Cotton and
Get the Best Returns
As Manufacturers of
desire to call particular atten tlon to the High Grade Engines we are
turning out and to say that we guarantee without hesitation that there
la no better engine of Its class put on tho market today in the United
States. The perfectly balanced valve makes 1* of high value, and the
workmanship being first class, and a substantially put up engine,
adapts it particularly *> work requiring hard service. We are fur-
nlshlrg them to almost all kinds of power plants and particularly 1;
it being used largely In saw mill, planing mill, oil mill, cotton mill, anp
ginning plants. Wo are prepared to demonstrate to prospective customers
who can give us a call that It has no equal. Wrlto for full Information
and do so today.
Schofield’s Iron Works
Macon, Georgia.
(Incorporated) ,
EDWARD. L0H, President.
Formerly of Macon, Ga.
The names imply that everything bought here is
the highest grade of all standard whiskies, at lowest
Send ns yonr orders which will receive prompt at
Write for Catalog
29 W. Forsyth St. P.O. Box 1098
Jacksonville, Florida
. Price, Receipts, Sales, stock.
Galveston . .
New Orleans
Mobile . . .
Savannah . . . 8ft
Oh ar lee ton . .jSft
Wilmington . .(8ft
Norfolk ... .19
Baltimore . . .J9ft
New York ....|9.l0
Tloatnn ... .T9.IQ
Philadelphia ..9.45
Texas City....|
Ohio go Greet Western
Colorado Fuel and Iron 25ft
Colorado Southern 42%
Colorado nnd southern 1st pfa *5ft
Colorado nnd Southern 2d pfd B8ft
Consolidated Gas 145ft
Com Producta 17ft
Delaware and Hudson *..,..167%
Denver and Rio Grande 25%
Denver and Rio Grande pfd 08ft
nunuers* Securities .......... .... 29ft
Erie 8lft
Erie 2d pfd 211
9.22 8.24 General klli-etrlc 144
8.11 8.93 Great Northern pfd 13*ft
Great Northern Ore ctfs 58ft
Illinois Central 118ft
Interborough Met 10ft
Interborough Met pfd 61ft
International Paper oft
International mper pfd .'61
International pump 38ft
Kansas City Southern 18
Kansas CJty Southern pfd
Louisville and Nashville .....,..*..101
Mexican Central II
Minneapolis and St. Louis 81
Minn., fit P. nnd Sault St M 11.
Missouri Pacific 5ift
Missouri. Kansas and Texas 80%
Missouri, Kansas and Texas pfd..,. 65ft
National Lead ? 82%
New Yoric Central ...105ft
New York. Ontario and West 41
Norfolk and Western 74
North American 43%
Pacific Mull I.!,.»r
People's Gag
Pittsburg, C. C. and St. Louis ...... ..
Pressed Steel Car lift
Republic Stool pfd 79
Rock Island Co 19
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour steady.
No. 2 spring wheat *1.6?ft; No. 8 98a
11.04: No. 2 red 99ftatt.01ft.
No. 2 com 73; No. 2 yellow 7*\7*ft.
Oats, No. 2 whltn 60] No. 3 whit. <5Ua
No. 2 rye 75.
( ,rt '»d barley 65ft: fair to choice
molting 57afll.
Flax serd. >* 1 Northwestern 11.22ft.
Prime timothy seed 13.40.
Clover oontmot greet s <x 00
Short ribs, sides (loow^ f 8 75a*.97ft.
Mess pork per Imrrel $121?ftal4.00.
l.srd. per 100 pounds. S!M?V.nlM5.
Short clear sides (boxed) $9.60af.75B.
Whlskoy, basis of high wines, ^
Wheat, bushels .....V> P 44.100
Com. bushels 131 300 14 700
Oats, bushels 321,000 253,000
On the Produce Krctnnge todsv t‘’A
butter market wns steady; creameries
20Ha97ft; dairies 18fta?4.
Eggs steady; at mark, cases Included,
17n?0; firsts 28; prime firsts 24.
Cheese steady; 12ftal3ft.
New Verk Money M*rP«t.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18.—Money on call
steadier at 1ft to 2 per cent; ruling
lft; closing bid 1ft; offered at 2.
Tlo*e loans Anil end steady; 60 dxvs
2ft to 3 and 90 days 3ft; six months 3ft
P'*r cent.
Prime mercantile paper 4 to 4ft per
Sterling exchange steady with a
business In bankers' bills at 4.84.*Bn4.l5.05
for 60 day bllie and at 4.86.55 for da
rn nd.
Commercial bills 4.84fta4.84ft.
Bar silver 61ft.
Mexican dollars 45.
.. 112.81
..' 687,0'
Grain and Provisions.
These prices are at wholesale and not
to consumers.
Corrected by S. R. Jaques & Tinsley Co.
CORN—Backed white 81.00
3375 120097
Interior Movement.
nousion • . . s
Ix>ttl«vllle . . . 19ft
o Rock.,. .|8ft
I Prlco.lRects.lBnles.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 15.—Spot cotton !n
limited demand, prices 1 piolnt lower to
! i - - > 1 > 11 \ m<-r|p;in middling fn>
5.57; good middling 5.21; middling 6.03;
low middling 4.78; good ordinary 4.19:
—"nary 8.71. The soles of the day were
bales, of which 200 bales were for
speculation and export, and Included 3,200
bales American. Receipts were 14,000
boles. Including 10,400 bales American.
Futures opened quiet and closed easy;
American middling G. O. C.:
October 4.71
Octnbrr-Kovrmhrr 4.6
November-December .„... 4.61
December-January 4.B1
January-February 4,11
February-March 4.6!
March-Aprll 4.5-
Anrll-May 4.61
fesSS jl
July-August 4.6!
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 16—BpSt cotton
was very steady at unchanged quotations,
middling 8ft. The sales — — 1
■Pi2,000 bales, and to arrive 4,580 bales)
During was chiefly by those who are
abort for October delivery,
Cotton futures opened steady
advance of 3 to 4 points on better cables
than expected. The weather map, howf
/•v< r. m i* rnlr.M tho t.inrl<<-t nn-1 prl-< •
fell nff under renewed short selling until
they v.or» 2 and 4 points below th-
level nf yesterday's clo-imr. Toward the
end of the session the market took on a
better tone, on rather free covering of
shorts, and the closing was steady with
the active positions 1 to 6 points higher
than yesterday's closing. Futures dosed
as follows:
October, bid
November, bid
I December, bl d..
Jshusry. bid
February, bid
March, bid
HitM-ar** Bwi A CO.»s Cortop L*rt»r.
NEW YORK. Oct. 16.—The strength
of the market continues, and on any
decline the intent strength speedt'y b-|n<*
about a rally. The trade is not affected
bv the heavy port receipts so long as
the cxo- its continue. Larre hu»!n n sx l*
confined, however, to local operations,
and the extensive selling of Me -—
tea Vy the large spot Interests |
___ .. —_ tat'
comment as a result of the dullness and
the steadiness of prices. Operators are
in the primary markets at present prices.
NE7W YORK. Oct. 15.—Cotton seed ell
was dull, but steady In sympathy •“"*
hog product*. Prime crude In bat. .
fob. mill* 2laft: prime summer yelow
37ftn 19: off summer yellow S7«28; good
off summer yejjow 27fta29: prime summer
whlf« 28fta41; prime winter yellow 41
to 4<C.
WTLMTNOTON. Oct. 16.-Spirits tor-
pentfnoi nothing doing; receipts 15 cask*.
Rosin steady at 12.df redpts 11. Tar
i firm-st SI .90: receipt* 47. Crude tor-
| pert tin# firm at 81.60, 98.04 and $2.76; —
celots 1*.
1* CHART.E8TON. Oet. II^Tumenlln*
msrk'*t wns strong today: rales 50 caries
at 35ft. Rosin wax steady: sales * *
barrels. Ouote: A. B. r. I2.4A; D. M
r. $?.4«: F. «2.6»: O $2.80- H. $3.24; I.
II P: K 91.60: M. $6.46: W. O.. 88.44;
W. W.. $6.10.
sir. o*.. oc».
lft; sales 6*2
13 —T-irncni
receipts T93: In cotton
“I sales t«*2:
Rock Island Co. pfd ....... m
Ht. I/Ouls nnd Snn Fran. 2d pfd.... 31
It Louis Houthwestem 1st
It. Louis Routhweatem pfd ........ 4$‘
Hloss Sheffield Stpcl and Iron
Southern Pacific 104*
Southern Pacific pfd 118}
Southern Railway
Southern Railway pfd 68}
Tennessee Copper 48*
and Pacific 24*
i, St. Louis anil West.
*. St. l/>uls and West, pfd „
Paclflo *X
Paclflo pfd
L States Rubber ..............
S tates Rubber 1st. pfd ....
tates Steel «
_ States Steel pfd .11
PnTOilnV Chemical ’!!!!!!!. lift
irginia Carolina Chemical pfd....
Wabash pfd’
Westinghouge Klectrlo
Western Union
Wheeling and I^tko Erie
Wisconsin Control
Standard Oil 821
B. refunding 2s, registered ....153ft
, 8. refunding 2s. coupon 104
H. 3s, registered ....lboft
U, 8. 4s. coupon ..101
ir. S. 4s. registered 120ft
U. 8. 4s. coupon fl?
American Tobacco 4s 71ft
American Tobacco 8s 193ft
Atchison general 4s lift
Atchison adjustment 4s 94
Atchison cv. 4s Nf
Atchison cv. 5s 102*
Atlantic Coast Line 4s fij
Baltimore and Ohio 4i ••••Ill
■laltlmore and Ohio Ifts M
Irooklyn R. T. cv. 4s %
lentra] of,Georgia Is ......
JfRtrel ©^Georgia 1st Ine.
Central of Oeoigfa Id'Ine.'
Central of Georgia 84 Ine.
Chesapeake and Ohio 4ft*.
Chicago and Alton Ifts
Chicago, O. and C|. ^new 4s
::::::: II
Chicago’. 1L I. an3 TTSE'ik:::®*
Chicago, IL I, and Pa. Ry rfdg 4s.. 88J*
C. C. C. and St. Louis gen. »6
Colorado Industrial 6s 74'
Colorado Midland 4s. 87'
Colorado and Southern 4s..' 94 1
8.84 Delaware and Hudson cv. 4| 100
Denver and Rio Grande 4s 95
Erls prior lien 4s 87'
Erie Genera* *- **
Hocking Valley 4ft s 1MU
Intcrborough Met Ifts lift
Japan 4s *"
Japan 4fts 90ft
Japan 4fts, 2nd series 89
Louisville and Nash, unified 69
Manhattan consol gold 4s 97
Mexican Central 4s 82
Mexican Central 1st Inc. 1*
Minn., nnd HL Louis 4s 78
Mleeourl. Kansas and Teaaa 4s.... 99ft
Missouri. Kansas and Texas 2nd*.. 8.1 *
National R. R. of Mexico consol 4s.. 86ft
'ew York Cetral gen. 6fte 93
*w Jersey Central gen. Is 125H
'orthern Pacific 4s ,167
'ortl.em Pacific 3s 13ft
orfolk and Western consol 4s 97
OATS—White clipped
No. 2 white
No. 2 white
Hpeclal quotations made
car lots.
HAY—Choice timothy 1.00
No. 1 timothy
No. 2 timothy
No 1 clover
Timothy and clover mixed..
Alfalfa hay 1.20
Bedding straw 85
BRAN—Pure wheat 1.50
Mixed bran 1.46
FLOUR—Prlvute Stock, fancy pat... 6.00
Royal Owl. best patent 5.25
'Top Notch, first patent 5.10
MHAT#—Water ground Juliette 96
MEATS—-Dry salt ribs 11
Extra half ribs 11
18-20-lb D. 8. bellies 12
Bulk plates 7
Smoked meats, fte. over
HAMS—Fnney sugar cured.. 14ft
Standard sugar cured 18
PIcnto ham*
puts* „ _ r
Pure, in 60-tb tubs 10ft
Pure. In 10-1b tins 11
Pure, In 60-lb tins 10ft
MnCsw's compound lard.... 8ft
The same additions for
other sixes as named
SYRUP—Georgia cane (new) 98
New Orleans 28
Black strap 13
BAT/T—100 lbs. white cotton sack... 50
Imported rock salt, lb lft
CHEESE—Full cream 16
GRITS— Hudnuta, In bbl
Hudnuts, In sacks 2.60
SUGAR—Granulated, in bbls 6ft
New Orleans clarified I
New York yellow 4ft
COFFEE—Choice Rio i\
Prime Rio 13
lard eugar cured II
o hams 11
tierces lift
In 20-lb tins 10ft
in r,0-lb tins 11
Medium Rio
Common » to io
Arbuckle's roasted 15.94
RICE-i-Cholce head 7ft
Mmllum Ml to 1
Railroad Bonds
Central of Ga, let rrtort, 8 per
cent. 1515 A 114
Central of Ga. collateral trust
S per cent.. <017 >05
Central nf Ga. consolidated,
1946 .^....... 101
Central Ga. 1st ine.. till 64
Central Ga. 2nd tno.. 1941 45
Jentrat Ga. 3rd Inc., 1045 SI
Central Gs., Macon 6 North
ern, 1946... 101
Central Ga.. Middle Ga. A
Atlantic, 1947...
Southern R- II., 5 pc.. 1994....101
Georgia R. R. A Banking Co.,
5 pc., 1992 102
Gs. R. R. A Banking Co., I
per cent, 1910 1® 0
On Bou. A Fla. 6 pc., IW....!®*
Reiboard R. R., 4 pc., 1650.... 54
Seaboard R. It, I pc., 1911.... 91
Houthwestern It. R. stock.... .165
“syannsh A Atiguefs stock....104
..tikata A West Point ,..140
Atlanta A W. P. deben 104
Ox. Bou. A Fla., com.... 15
Ga. Bou. A Fla. jst pref..
hern R. IL, com
8 ll
21 22
Who Will Dare Spike Me?
Goes With Every Roll of Our
Congo Roofing
The Best Composition Roofing
On the Market Today
Three-Ply Guaranteed 10 Years
When Properly Applied
Prices Very Reasonable
Cheaper Than Shingles
Telephone 1840
Lumber Co.
Macon, Ga.
$tate of Georgia Bonds
Ga, 4ft, 1922,
Ga. 4ft, 1916
Ga. 4. 1128..
....107 108
..108 104
ROPE—Manila. 18e: 8cmI. 9c: cotton.
*\VIRE—Barb, 8.10.per pound.
PI.OW BTOCKB—Harman. »6c.: Fergu-
Ga. 4. 1121....... 104 105
Ga. 9ft, 1926 to li35 99 100
Lumber Quotations
Common framing (long, leaf) slsed 16.60
Common framing (long leaf) 18-lncb
City Bonds.
Macon < P«., 1810.....T........100 101
Macon » po.. 1988 .107 109
Maoon 4ft fl2i 104 104
-^rAr^,VnVu;«." ,o ".
Augusta 9ft. 4. 4ft. 5 4k po.. H 11*
Baron* sodas, sc.
Herons nlenaes, ifte.
Barpna oystar crsrKers, Cftr
N. B. C. Bod as, Ifte. _
Oltiger anspn (N. It. O.), 7c.
* n. 10c.
ils and Ban Fran, fg 4s.... 78%
«t. Louis Southwestern con. 4s..,. 74%
Seaboard Air Line 4s 64
Southern JPadflc 4s tift
Texas and Paclflo lata........ It*
Toledo, 8t. L. and WesL 4*,....... 15ft
Union Pacific 4s ..................,102ft
Wshssh lots ...I...., 110
Western Md. 4s 76%
Wheeling and Lake Erl* 4* ....... 77
Wl»cotisln Central 4s ............. 64ft
N. Y.. M. U. and 11. CV, Ca 129
Lake Shore 4s 1931 95ft
NEW YORK. OcL 16.—The movement
f dry, goods appears to be enlarging,
The call for spot goods fs more aetiv*
►r spot goods Is more active.
goo-ls prieee are flrm*r and
at moderate advances rite trading Is still
veriers, printers
F. S|.85a<7U: G. larger Inquiry li-
In men's wear
__ i-iugh individual
aw silk Is somewhat
fot.eraliy UgLL
AXES—14.00 4o*., bsse. t ^
V*TIJI-Wlr«! U IO Veg Uni cut.
*° ** 10 ktf: niulfl
BUCKBTB-CT.m. M.I0 iot. 1 whlu M-
dsr. Uiree hops. 11.00.
(TVt*TNB- Trace ft to $t do*.
Gnw POWDER—Per keg, Dupont crack
n5. M .v
mto, M.K.
CARDS—Cotton. >4.CO p.r ini.
Dry Goods—Wholesale
nmuTiNij-«' to «o.
rmtt t.tvo—7»te.
CITF/’KItr to Tc.
PIUNTS-tlt to 4'AO.
Btlrk candy In boxes. 7fta
Stick In bsrrtls. 7c.
Grocers. Mired, pell Ifte.
Cream mixed candy In pells,
Cotton Seed
Assorted cakes.
Use Horse Sense
in the selection of a carriage. Don't
buy It from a picture. Be* eh.' ear*
rlage Itself before giving up fur goo#
money, /
you'll acknowledge they are as pretty
ns any pictured ones.. Test them and
you will have to approve of their
splendid model and fine material.
Price them and you'll decide to have
ono before we have time to correct
the mlstak* you think we have made«
j; macon. ca . Phow. 2 p J
218-220 Third Street.
Phone 2546.
Alania, Gs., October 8*24, 1908—Low
Rates Via Central of Georgia
Tickets will be sold October 8th to
29rd, Inclusive, and for trains sched
uled to arrive Atlanta before 12:46
p. m. October 24th, except that no
ticket* wlty be *oid for trains arriving
Atlanta on Sunday* OcL 11 and 18th.
Final .limit to leave Atlanta not later
than Tnldnlght of October 26th, 19U8
For further Information call on or ad-
dre*a Jno. W. Blount, District Pas
senger Agent, Macon, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga* Octobor 22-23. 1908. Ex
tremely Low Rates Via Central of
Georgia Railway.
On account of the above- occasion
tickets will b« sold October 22nd and
for morning trains 22d, final limit Oc
tober 26th, at rate of one cent per
mile, plus 26 centn for round trip;
rate from Macon 82.05. Flvo dally
trains Macon to Atlanta on conven
ient schedules. Special coaches Tor
jetersns will b** provided on train
leaving Macon 7:25 a m. October 22;
this train carries parlor car. For
Information call at City Ticket Office,
corner Second and Cherry streetj.
telephone 206, or address Jno. W.
Blount, district passenger agent, Ma-
MA Oa*
Sam Weichselbaum & Mack
P. O. Box 163 Jacksonville, Fla.
The Mack Boys will give them prompt and careful
attention. Koto tho following- All •express prepaid:
XXX Sup.rlor Rye. »:.50 gill. Jug 4 quart..,
Mix year old Corn. M.00 gall. J»r, 4 quart.
M-iunt Vtrnon Ry. >4.00 gall. Jug. 4 quart.
Our Chute, Rye, 15DC qati. Jur 4 quart. ...
Anderson Co. Bourbon, four quarts
White Mill., bottled In bond, four quarts •
Lewis' 66. four quarts
Black I-abel. four quarts ••
8 year old Corn, foui quart*
These are only a fow of our many good things. Send
ns a trial order. All the standard brands of BEER at.,
lowest prices. Write for price list.
Jacksonville, Fla.