Newspaper Page Text
Brand New 6.50 Petticoats
These Are Dandy
Monday's site at THIS STORE concerns brand new
Silk Petticoat* just mad* up of good rustling Taffeta
Silk In black and colons and actual 2 AQ
▼alue $S.SO, but special Monday at
DAILY, *7.00 A YEAR.
Great Rush of Buyers to Macon’s Busy Big: Store ®
The Busiest Establishment in Middle Georgia
All Over Georgia the Supremeness of Its Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods For Style and Price Saving
Is Known and the Economy Store Is the Mecca for Thousands of Best Informed Buyers in Georgia.
If you want the best values in Ready-to-Wear, Dry Goods and
Merchandise of every kind, you overlook your interests if you
don’t come with the crowds to this store that serves them best.
. Suits at $8.98
We’ll soli a lot of Black and Colored
Suit*, worth $12.50 each, Monday
a strong special, for choice
Handsome line of Sample Tailored Suits, mostly one
of a kind—stunning $40.00 and $50.00 Suits, purchased!
from leading makers.
Our prices will create much enthusiasm, as they will
go in a rush, at—
$25 and $35
We are even surprised ourselves that snph handsome
Suits (fan be sold right in the beginning of the season at
$25.00 and $35.00.
’Twas indeed a fortunate deal onr permanent New
York buying office made.
We are ready for tomorrow with a grand collection
of black and colored Suits, in late models, recently cre
ated new effects, in the long Coats and smart Skirt styleB.
Every woman who wishes to pay $25.00 to $35.00 for
a Suit should get one of these tomorrow. Come early
for yonrs.
Those $15 Silk Suits forTomorrowV
Sale are Dandy and the price will be
Very effective Dresses of Taffeta Silk, in one-piece
styles, black, navy, brown, etc., with the stylish long
sleeves; Suits nicely made up and finished; get one of
them tomorrow, hut you’ll have to hurry. •
Many Great Values in Tailored Suits
Suits at $14.98
Cloth and Mixture Suits, the equal of 920.00 Suits
elsewhere; the very newest effects long coats and
flared skirts; the designs are beautiful. Look at the
114.98 Suits tomorrow.
Suits at $17.98
Very dressy/ Suits’; models that command $25.b0
In many storea and you’d think they were reason
able and they would bo but wo marked this line of
fashionable plain and mixture material Suits In swell
designs at $17.98 each.
Grand Collection
Suits at $30.00
If you want to see a swell line of Suits Just let us
show you those at $30.00 now to be soon here.
All the new color effects and tho designs are stun
ning. Materials aro plain cloths and charming mix
tures. Such nobby ooat styles and the pretty flaring
Skirts in latest modes. Make It a point to see these
v.Monday at W0.00 the suit.
Swell New Opera Coats and Satin Costumes
Mover were such value* brought to Mooon. We searched the markets for the very best styles and
we’ve taken care that price Is right. ’TIs well that you have a store whore you can get these beautiful
CarT Bpect8l attention is called to the charming Opera Coats at $29.98 fine satin and cloth garments, lined
with best and would be priced In usual stores at $40.
Also thr exqulBite *at| n costumes In the "Directolre” adaptions; all the leading colors and designs;
garments that would command $25.00 to $50.00, our prices for them run $18.91 to $35.00,
Sale of Waists—Special
Value, to 17.00 In Mercerized Waist. In black and
white check.: also th. mannish tailored white QQ-
Ltneno Waists neatly tucked; til new, special....
Silk Waists at
One day only we'll otter this scant bargain of *4.00
Taffeta Waists at *2.26. They're made of dno finish
ed Silk, In black only, and are splendid value at reg
ular price. But wo say for thla apeclal sale choice
of the lot Two Twenty-Flv*.
Sale of Skirts at $4.98
Over twenty styles In these new fashionable Skirts;
they're of hard finished Panama and VoII# In oharm-
ing design*, colors are navy, brown and black; the/ra
actual $8.60 and $7.50 qualities, our price for choice
of lot tomorrow—Four Ninety-Eight.
65c Heavy Outing Night
Gowns for
These are splendid full made garments of excellent
warm Outing In good colors; regular value
everywhere for these garments Is 65?, price,...," 7 ''
35c Women’s Under muslins 19c
Splendid Muslin Drawers and Corset Covers; all
mado up full. In trimmed or plain style; regular
value Is 36o garment; on special sale 1 Q_
at each 1 7C
25c Childs’ Underbodies 18c
For one day we shall sell all sizes In IT. and W. Un-
derbodles for children regular price every- 1 Q_
where Is $5c; our special price will -be....,.,,.,. 1
12 /4 c Childs’ Drawers 6c
to a customor) while lot lasts we offer, pair at. <
New Kid Gloves—the Best
in Macon at
We make a specialty of $1,110 regular length Kid
Gloves giving to the people $1.50 value in many In
stances—the producing sources of the world are anxi
ous for our account and tha best made are at our
service. We tick them over, and you get the best
Kid Glove* In blaok and all colors here <t 1 Art
that Is sold over a Macon counter at ,,*P •
More Glove Values
Long Silks at 95c
Best $2.00 quality, full 16-button Gloves ol
Bilk, double finger tipped; all colors, black,
-white; our price.
Long French Kid at $3.50
The very finest; the $4.00 quality eliawhera, full 16-
hntton length and every pair mad* of per- £*2 C A
feet skins; black, white, brown; all new
Big Sale pf Blankets, Comforts, Household Goods, Etc., Monday
Housekeepers from all over the Territory Should Benefit from the Underpricing
Blanket Sale
500 pairs heavy Cotton Blankets,
tan and gray colors, with contrast
stripe border*. These aro blankets
that are worth regular $1.60 pair.
Blanket Sale
These are great bargains, being
twelve-quarter size and worth $2.50;
300 pair* of heavy White Cotton Blan
kets with striped border*, red, pink,
blue, etc. Your opportunity to save.
Blankets at 49c
For 49c you can buy single bed
blankets of good cotton; gray and
tan color, ‘ striped borders; 100 pairs
to go.
Blanket Sale
Comfort Sale
200 pair* of extra heavy fine purft
White Blankets, large size, being full
200 regular $1.00 Comforts with
heavy filler and floral drelgn covers,
twelve-quarter—a great dhance to
save by taking advantage of this big
sale of regular $3.60 Blankets.
In aevoral colors. Greatest bargain
ever sold In Macon In economical com
Blanket Sale
Comfort Sale
Fine all wool whlto, grey and plaid
Blankets, large sIzp, $6.00 and $6.50
Blanket* with pretty borders; warm
covering and great bargains at special
price for pair.
1E0 heavy cotton tilled Comfort.
with good thick covers ot floral da-
elgn goods. These Comforts nell reg
ularly at $2.00. Special tomorrow a*
Odd Lot $3.98
Special at $1.98
To dose out quick few odd pairs
of soiled Blanket* from displays. Wo’ll
200 $2.60 Comforts, full fcize. with
splendid covers and cotton filler. ICx-
sell $5.00 and $6.00 wool goods ot $3.98
pair while aniall lot lasts.
cellont offer for this sale whllo lot
lasts. Better get some of theno.
Comfort Sale
860 fine hsavv flatting Covered Coma-
fortu with fr*fTi rot ton filler; all oolor
* fforiM Juki pretty floral ilr*ij-ns. Tha
actual value of theeo Comfort* 1* $4.,
A great offer for tomorrow.
Comfort Sale
Best $5.00 Comforts In this lot; se
lected cotton fillers and heavy sattlne
covers, In pretty colors and design*.
Every one wishing good Comforts
cheap should buy some of tills lot.
Special at $4.98
150 Wool and Cotton Ailed Com
forts with fine quality; sottlue ooerera;
best designs. Comforts that aro
worth from $100 to $6.60, go for tho
ubovo small price.
Ladies’ Handsome Shoes
for Fall and Winter
Pleasing assortment of the oorrect things for this
season; among the prettiest yet aeon In Macon.
Wo undertake to ahow you the.widest variety of
styles and at tho most conservative price* to bo
had In thla territory.
Wo are spoclally strong on \ u i
$3.00 and $3.50
Shoos—oil tho correst shape. In Pal.nt and Dull
Leather.; th. right widths, th. most durable loath-
New $5.00 Shoes
Smart now Tan Shoos, with Suedo tops, correct
dull black calf show, with grey undressed uptier.;
Brown Suedo Shoe., button atylo; very nobby thl.
Look at tho groat lino tomorrow, whether you buy
For the Best
Come Straight Here
The designer* In our workroom* are ar
tists who have mado a long study of the bus
iness—people who have a gift for creating
the beautiful In h&t*. Wo have spared no
exponso to give tho ladles of Macon ana ter
ritory the very boot talent, aqd they havo no
(superiors In the south.
We show many French ITats togother with
tho compositions of our own artists and
thousands of ladles throughout Georgia de
pend on thl* store for tho best In hat Htylo.
And last but not least, there’* a goodly
saving to be had here which tho publlo Is
not slow to see and got the benefit of.
Large Smyrna Rugs at
When you get aomo of thee. you're bought the best
Rug value over aold In Macon; they're the 30*40-
Inch elio; *1.60 grade, apodal here on-
at only 07C
Other Rug Bargains
We*sell more Hugs than any two houoes In Mid
dle Georgia, giving great values Is what is doing It.
Read the following specials for Monday** sale:
$1.75 Smith’s Pal Velvet Rugs. 27x64-lnch 1 O £
size, go for only
$1.60 Smith’s Axminster Ruge. 18x36-inch QQ.
size, go for only.,... 7UC
$3.00 Smith’s Axminster Rugs, 27x64-lnch *9 |Q
.size, go for only • 7
$5.00 Smith'* Axminster Rugs, 36x72-lnch d*T 40
»lse, go for only «p./.U7
$16 Kashmir Art Squares In 9x12 feet d* 1 O
size, go for only »P •
$80 Smith's Axminster Art Squares, 9x12 <t 1 A QA
feet size, go for only
$6.60 Ingrain Art Squares, 9x9 feet <fc A AQ
size, go for only
$8.00 Ingrain Art Squares, 9x12 feet size, $5 50
•, Toilet Articles Special
2$o Roger and Collet's RIze Powder,
our price
$1.00 Roger and Gallet'* Violet toilet
Water for
20o Roger and Oallet'a Violet and other
Soaps at
2Eo Paper Face Powder Book, special
25c Pear's Glycerine Soap, the
20o Colgate's Talcum Powder, Cashmere 1 £„
Bouquet or Violet I ->C
50c Peroxide, large bottles; our 25c
"Ideal" Extract; jQ
$1.50 Houblgant’s Rose Ideal Ex- d»9 QA
$1.00 Roger and Gallet's Vio’rt Extract AO.*
Extra large bottles of fine TaJc.'m 1 A.
Powder, Monday at only C
Colgate’* Trial Size Shaving Stick, In 1 A_
nickeled box, on sale at I "C
Trilby Soap removes stains, paint, etc ; C r
Macon agency; cake J ^
25c Peroxide
14.00 HmihUanfi
our price only.
Domestic Bargains f
It you want tho best price* on Domestics youstaeuld
depend on this store. The following values ane for
tomorrow’s sale (Uid show what bargain-giving la
going on here:
’’Barker" Jlleachlng. the old reliable goods, 1 A/»
full yard wide, on af
16 yards ’’Farmers* Choice” full yard wide d* f AA
9c quality Blanching for *P »
8c Canton Flannel,heavy unbleached goods, C-
regular width; special at yard..,...............*..' 7 *-
lOo Canton Flannel, bleached andjin- Q_
bleached goods, heavy quality, yard.....a.,,,,,t...' J ''
85c Pepperell Ten-quarter bleached and
unbleached Shooting for, yard only
40c Utica Ten-quarter Sheeting, bleach
ed goods; the bent made, yard
Good yard-wide R«a island gore on sal#
special a yard
10c Outing In light colors for gowns,
pajamas, etc.; good weight, yard........
lOo Dress Ginghams, plain and fancy
designs, on sale at. yard.... H
Lot of best 12Vie Outings and Flannelettes C)g
7e Bordered Calico in reds, blues, grays, eta. £ r
our price; It and all other collcoee
12Hc "Alpine Rose’’ out «n special sala 11-
at yard only....
16c I/onsdale CAmbrlc; the old reliable I J-
Cambric, on sale here at, yard.... 1
Special Values in Materials
Great number of pattern* and col-
ora In pretty French Plaid Walstlngs,
with the Mcrcerisod finish and looks
like silk; 35o quality, 17 19.,
special at * 1 •
Plaid Suitings 12 l-2c
All colors and nest nlalds In Imlta-
tlon Wool Dress Fabric for school
dresses, etc. Regular 20c quality in
this lot at M Mr
yard, special »-£C
50c Wool Plaids 29c
For nr.a day we'll ioll neat Plaid
Woolen, for children', uchool,
etc.; full 3* Inch., wide material;
worth 60o yard on .ptclal aale OQ
at yard “/*•
75c Waterproof 45c
Tile I, the lightweight material that
hu a flnleb that shed, water and
duet. It'a 40 Inche. wld* and com.. In
grey, blue, etc. Our price Aft-
for thle lot, ynrd nJC
$1.00 52-incb Panama 79c
$1.04) Panama
durable, nil '
$1.25 Broadciotb $1.00
When we say $1.18 Br -adrloth we
mean exactly,that la 'wh. t you are
obliged to pay for same from the usual
stores. All colors and black. In full
60-Inch wide, fine finished .1; 1 A A
Broadcloth, at yard I .UU
75c 40-inch Mohair 50c
You nnver aaw such a bargain In
firm black Mohair or IT rl Ilian tine, full
45*Inch heavy goods, finished CA_
with pretty sheen JVJG
85c 45-inch Mohair 69c
tfilack, navy and brown heavy Mo
hair for skirts, suits, etc, fine all
JSLrSS.Zti*.?. 69c
And many other special* tn Woolens
and Cotton materials. Ceme se« all
The Dannenberg Company
The Macon Daily Telegraph