Newspaper Page Text
The Tragedy of a Quiet Life
Author of "The Master Christian,” "The Sorrows of
' Satan,” Barabbas,” "Thelma,” etc.
r 'A dramatic story of love and hate, of great striv
ings and splendid unselfishness contrasted with shame
ful greed and ignorant sloth. Here, the plot flows along
sweetly and calmly as a summer idyll; there, it leaps
and surges over rocks of passion to heart-stirred depths.
The characters are lifelike men and women: the most
real and inspiring that Miss Corelli has ever drawn.
We Rent You Any New Book for 25c
Piano Persuasion
The smooth talker entors your home and does all
that he can to get you to purchase a piano without think
ing for yourself for one minute. He usually wants to do
all the talking and the larger portion of the thinking
that goes on. After the deal is made and the goods are
delivered YOU AWAKE to the PACT that YOU DIDN’T
think for yourself at all, but acted merely upon the im
petus of thought suggestion. Then you become painfully
conscious of the more important fact that yu have to a
great extent been imposed upon; but the iron clad agree
ment which you have signed holds your dissatisfaction
in check and you are powerless to take such action as
you really desire to take without a loss.
You can avoid all this unpleasant after effect by
going to the sales-room and making your own selection,
doing your own thinking and then purchasing the in
strument that you like best. In this connection wo de
sire to impress upon you the fact that our line of Pianos
are all guaranteed. That our prices are as low as any
on the market and that if you call to see the instruments
it will prove much cheaper in the long run than to have
an agent come into your home to annoy you by a whole
hatf day’s stay and talk.
Wisdom is justified of her children. See us.
Macon Phonograph Co.,
609 Cherry Street.
Michigan Hoiocanst Grows
More Appalling as De
tails Come
DETROIT. Midi., Oct. 17.—Spec lain
to the Free Press and the Detroit
News from Alpena, Mich., Indicate to
night that the number of doathp In
the forest fires of Presque Islo and
Alpena counties will exceed fifty and
may run well up towunls one hun
dred. In the vicinity of Metz, Hol
ton and Poa Posen the Area have
burned sufficiently to leave several
hundred women and children camping
with comparative safety In the open
fields, but near the city of Alpena to
night the fires wero so threatening
that Mayor McKnlght called out a
volunteer force of several hundred
men with shovels to form a patrol
and construct trenche* to stem t>.e
progress of the flames In the direc
tion of the city. The same south
west wind that swept the fires through
the village of Metz is still blowing
tonight with consequent great danger
to villages and forms.
Aged Coup's Cremated.
News has reached hero of the death
of an old couple named Pachlnnkl. who
were burned to death In their homo
near Posen* Their charred bodies
wero found In the ruins of tnelr house
today. The badly burned body of
an unknown man was 'found on tho
railroad track between Posen and
j It Is now estimated that twenty-
three people lost their lives in the
I detraction of the Ill-fated Mez re-
I lief train Thursday evening. It is
j doubtful however If tho names of
; eight of the victims will ever bo
i known. .With tho certainty that a
sudden drop in the temperature would
bring untold dtrtress upon half-cloth
ed victims huddled In temporary shel
ter In the open fields, every effort Is
being made to organize a comprehen-
i slve system of relief measures. To
day the Detroit and Mackinac Railroad
| sent out three cars of provisions to
be distributed among the stricken vil
lages. One car was left nt Metz, ono
at Belton and one nt Posen.
Manv Without 8helter.
Several carpenters nnd a supply of
of lumber arrived at Metz today from
Cheboygan and Chief Engineer Water
man of the Detroit and Mackinac
railroad took charge of the work of
erecting temporary cabins for the
homeless. It is estimated that at
least 500 people are utterly depend
ent upon assistance contributed from
outsldo the burned district.
Beautiful Reception tor Met. Wofford
Felton Edwards, of Atlanta*
urauy rroin
of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. F. Ed
wards. of Atlanta, a charming bride
whose wedding was a beautiful event In
Atlanta the past week.
The reception was a very delightful
function at which about forty matrons
tornoou toilette of tan foulard trimmed
with lace.
Tho parlors and recootlon room were
decorated with vases of pink and white
and a pretty arrangement of palms
•w.d Mrs. llnsell lleyward.
Miss Marguerite Taylor presided nt the
punch bowl In the hall, and assisting In
serving tho dainty refreshments In which
tho pink and white —
Stanton, tho wedding to take plaoe on
Thursday. December IT, it the itomo "of
tho brldo In Vlnevllle.
Mrs. James C. Shaw announces tho en
gagement of her daughter. Annie Laurie,
to Mr. Roland Aldrich Thayer, of Green
ville. 8. C.. the wedding to occur Into
In December.
Qllleland* Ramsey.
Mr. G. T. Gllfeland announces tho en
gagement of his daughter. Mabel, to Mr.
J. W. Ramsey, tho wedding to occur in
For Willlngham-Norfleet Wedding Party.
On Monday afternoon Miss Lillian
of Col. and Mrs. Claude Kstei
St re.
sill follow
. ... nrtil take
’.•lock, and In the uvenlmr the young
of the party give a theater party
The Merry Widow" at tho Grand.
Dex Parly for The Merry Widow at th#
‘ Monday Evening.
• have been taken for
rhen The
H. M.
Monday evening nt the Grand.
Wort hr
will l»o preeci
i.l Mn
motif was emphasis-
were Miss Emma Snyder and
little Missed Margaret AUerman, Margu
nnd also Mr. nnd ftTM
ret Ferrell and Ruby Taylor.
Among tlie ^cniliTH were Mrs. Annio
I Mg M. H. Signor. Mr«.
" Till
Speer Rurr, Mr!
James Holt. Mrs. u. *•»»»,
John R. I.. Smith. Mrs. Ross »>wdre
Mrs. l’lercy Chestney. Mrs. Herbert
Smart. Mrs. Adrian Thomas. Mrs. Mar-
earet Ferrell Mr-. T. M. Jelks. Mrs.
Frank 8c‘ott. of St. I .mils, Mrs. R. A.
Seandrett, Mrs. Charles Holt, Mrs.
Richard Mllant. Mr*. J. M. Mason. Mrs.
John Dunwoody. Mrs. Charles Adams.
Mrs. Emmett Barnes. Mrs. OHn Wim
berly. Mrs. Nellie Kean Troutmun. Mil
G. V. Rankin. Mrs. Hariy RoberLMrs.
lonry Griswold. Mrs. Charles
Roasted Almonds
7c Pkg.
Mrs. Bridges Is visiting her sister,
Mr-. W. I. Lawson, on Vlnevllle avenue.
Mrs. C. T. Osborn, of Columbus. Is vis
iting Mrs. E. W. Warren, at ISO High
....... . , street.
Mrs. Clem Steed Mrs. Flewellyn Holt. ; Mrs. Frank F. Jones Is visiting hoi
Mrs. Ed. Rvnls. Mrs. Cecil Morgan, j parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Massey. In Mu-
Mrs. W. 7*. Winchester. Mrs. Furman Junta. Ala.
Lawton. Mrs. Georgo White. Mr*. J. N. j Mrs. Hen L.
ijuwion. airs, tirur*™ nuiw. ■ *
Neel. Mrs Mnlcnhn Jones. Mrs. Moiling^
Andrews. Mrs. Charles Coble Mrs. Lou Is
Mr. Rubright, manager of Kress, ha*
been fortunate In securing Mr. Dan
Mitwlck, a popular baritone singer of
Nashville, Tenn., who will demonstrate
Lew Roberts' music all this week.
The music department has been
greatly enlarged and Miss Heller, who
haa charge of this department. Is al
ways willing to demonstrate any piece
by request.
During this demonstration all of Lew
Roberts' music will be sold at 10c. Fol
lowing are a few titles:
"California Is the Place for Me.”
"The Loving Kid."
"Spooning with Your Lady Love."
"You are My Own Sweetheart”
"Won’t You Please Come Back
"The Devilish Rag."
"You are the Girl for Me."
"You’re the Only Flower that Blooms
the Whole Year Round.”
Everybody welcome to hear these
pieces demonstrated.
One of the Many That Infest the Place
of Mr.. Monroe Phillips.
One of the five hundred and forty-nine
bears on the place of Mr. Monroe Phil
lips. near Reid’s Station, was killed yes
terday. and for a day or so can be seen
at the Southern Packing Company's
place on Cherry street
Yesterday young Itabe Phillips, ~
Cliarlte Ransom, the watchman on the
place, volunteered as the guide, and
with another negro, Charlie piloted tht
young hunters right Into the dense
swamp where the Inyirs are so plentiful.
It was not long before they came across
a fine fellow, rat with forages on tha
field, and tht negroes
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17—Bishop E.
Cottrell, of Holly Springs, Miss., of the
African M. E. Church, made a call on
the president today to have him Inter
cede in behalf of a friend in whom ,ie
Is interested.
•Bishop Cottrell said he had just fin
ished a tour through Mississippi with
Booker T. Washington, and Is now on
his way to Hampton, Vs., where he
will tomorrow address the students of
tho institute there.
7c Pkg.
BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. Oct. l?.-ln two
speeches m Connectlout today, John W.
Kern devoted much of his attention to
tho bunk deposit guarantee plan advoca
ted by Mr. Bryan. He spoke In the
business men.
In this .city Air. Kern addressed a
largo crowd, mill workers and laboring
men predominating. In a big armory.
After saying that confidence Is the chief
factor in national prosperity but that the
confidence In people In American banks
and great financial Institutions has been
shaken within the past few years by the
mismanagement of "funds entrusted ..
those Institutions, and by the banks de
dining to pay deposits to depositors
demand, except In such sums as suited
ths convenience of the banks, though
the banks reasons therefor have been
shooting. He was brought to Macon am
sold to the packing company.
Maraschino Cherries
Chocolate Covered
50c box.
Delightfully delicious.
Frazier Apartment House Walls Qultt In
Twenty-Eight Days.
NEW YORK. Oct. 17—With her rud-
dsr gono and crew laboring at the
pumps to keep down the water flowing
into her hold through many leaks, the
overdue schooner Earl of Aberdeen,
British, was towed into port this aft
ernoon after a trying experience In the
southern hurricane.
The Earl of Aberdeen was nineteen
days overdue on a voyage from Turks
Island to Providence with a load of
salt. She was sighted by several ves
sels which on arriving reported her
disabled condition but a wrecking
steamer which went In search of her
was unable to find her.
Art Now at Doody's.
The following salespeople have toe
come Identified with the Doody Co.:
Geo. H. Walker, R. S. Davies. W. C.
The remarkablo feat of building the Hauls, Thornton Marshbun, Mr*. K. C.
great high walls of the Frasier apart-: g, ul, er. Mis* Rose Holder, Miss Clara
meut house In twenty-eight days, was | p, «nkett, Mr*. Hugh On.
ths work of the veteran brick mason, I
Mr. Bryson I. Drlggars.
It has been generally commented on
as quick and good work, but Mr. Drig-
t ars say* that be can repeat It on any
ulldlng given to him.
“Cllnchfield—The Cosl of Quality."
The Central will sell tickets to At- t —— —.
lanta On October 21st In addition to T t UI
lets »V n ”\Vf« SESinStadw Oc* Kjgjj&'jjlSjg'r-M ».«».«& won"
tob.r ZM. Train l.avlns 1:15 p. m.
reaches Atlanta «::o p. m. giving you
ample opportunity to get located be.
for, night. .Special accommodation,
wilt b« provided on tht. train which
also carries Parlor Car. for further
Information telephone 10i or call at
City Ticket Office, corner Cherry and
peco.d streets. Jno. W. Blount,
Xhatfict Pauanger Agent.
BY $250,000 IN 1908
good. Mr. ‘ Kern' described the' plan pro-
posed for the estcbllshment of a guaran
tee fund through a small tax on deposits.
He then said:
"The objoctlon urged that such a sys
tem would encourage the establishment
of 'wild cat* banks is not a valid one.
Tho liability of tho stockholders will
continue to bo tho same, a rigid system
of examination and inspection will be
enforced and every honest banker In the
country would bo active In aiding In
auclt Inspection. The rates of Interest to
could the fl n an dal Interests of the
try be disturbed or adversely affected."
The Inevitable result of such a system,
the speaker said, would be a spenly re
storation of confidence In every branch
of business and the bringing Into active
uio of all the money In the country
which, he said, would Insure the carry
ing forward of development which (s now
said, "the fires. In the furnaces will again
be lighted, the factory wheels will again
revolve, labor will find employment and
honest capital will receive adequate re-
WAYCROBS, Ga., Oct. 17—On ac
count of improved conditions, the At
lantic Coast Line announces In Way-
cross today the addition of two now
trains, ono, the Waycross -Jacksonville,
and the other, ths Jacksonvllle-Tamp*.
Through train service for ths season
Is effective tomorrow.
The rolling stock Is stored at Way-
cross shops and will be rushed Into
Mon heretofore with no rcgufcr work
will bo given employment by the Coast
8alvation Army.
The Salvation Army meetlfigs. Open
meeting, comer Cherry and Second at
10 a. m. Meeting In county Jail to
prisoners at 11 a. m. Junior meeting
(Sunday school) In 8. A. Hall at 7:30
p. m. Open meeting In front of Brown
House at 4 p. m. Open meeting in
front of Hotel Lanier at 7 p. m. Sal
vation meeting In S. A. Hall, 320
Fourth street at I p. m. All are in
Just received, a very fine
0cL Tfc » t «* «p'-| and fat young bear. Place
U| m iTSi5tj? bil*tSrj&ii.yog order immediately for
th«! imSl‘rtir u d2ArJ515 rt it 0 S 0 ’JS? steaks or roasts to be delivered
fiSSJ'A*-#*..*-* * I-*- first of week.
Southern Packing Co.
The Ladles Aid Society of Christ
Church will hold a sale at the chapel
on Wednesday. October 21.
The sale will continue ull day, and the
ladles will have all kinds of delicious
cakes nnd home made pickle* and nre-
rerve* nut nn bv the beat housewives
In Macon. wlilch will no doubt meet
with a rpady oale , .
They ho»>o to he liberally patronised as
♦hey are endeavoring to finish raising
the fund necessary to cancel all tho In
debtedness on the new annex they had
built. _ ^ m rnMw TBn
"Visit them
. .. ... Jones and Miss Josephine
• iit home from & delightful sev
eral weeks' visit to New York.
Mrs. J. F. O'Connor, of Atlanta. 1* ths
guest of Mrs. J times C. Sltuw on Second
Bt ||on II. A. Turner, of Fort Worth.
Tex., arrived In Mncoh Friday nnd Is
vMtlng his unde. Mr. A. W Turner.
Mrs. W. J. McBride, of Atlanta, I* In
the elty visiting Mrs. Frank W. Haale-
Mrs. Helen C. Lane and Miss Joxetto
Brown returned homo Friday from tho
mountains of North Georgia, where
thev have been for Homo time.
Mr. C. It. Willingham has been con
fined to his home a few days by a trouMar
some carbuncle on bis face. Ho was
considered better yesterday.
Hr. Mary McKay has moved her office
from over the Commercial Bank building
und now has an elegant office on the
sixth floor of the Grand.
Miss Sallle W. Lake has returned to
her home nt Ocean City, ^N. J. t after
pleasant visit
Mrs. E. “ "
iimrnnm. jr.. mo; ^
yMterdny rarryln^hh.^umbrelj*
■ few who did not know him.
In the otty
Y£aiii if ill “ ‘linen™ shower ” which I vesterday making lilmself known to the
zsssuss IIS Vhj'SJS'pitr;; h n; r iS n M. b c u 'A n y”“rry.' ! “" 01
voun,t woman, a hovv of beautiful „lrl. In M |,, A nn lo Pltnor! of Athens, 1. belli*
lovely afternoon toilettes. rntte.rn delightfully entertained In the city *s
The hostess’ lovely 1home on College of her sister. Mrs. Henry J.
street was thrown open to sruestw of, r who w ,jj entertain at two bridge
the afternoon, and after 4 o’clock the durIn|f hnr „tav.
rooms, nil beautifully decorated, were P * pamllle lamar leaves Wednesday
thronged with pretty young women In . ' umu,n . 51. —... ....
dainty party dresses, and fun and mer-
rlment reigned as the lovely young hrldo-
elect was showered with tho many dainty
and exquisite articles presentad by her
fr A n plnk and green motif was observed In
the decorations In all the rooms, • exqui
site pink rosea and big. long petitled
chrysanthemums filling vases all about
them in every available place, and ef
fectively used also were many htndsomo
palms and ferns. ; *
cut glass nnd silver compotes and
handsome mahogany, the polished ta-
was laid with exquisite cluny lace
.ts. The renter piece was a tall cut
glass vase of pink roses, with smaller
vases of the same beautiful buds at In
tervals around It, the sparkling glass
fled with fluffy bows of pink tulle,
v* ««ns-tn.bra held white candles.
-colored silken shades, and the
white and pink mints, bonbon* and cake*
In cut glass ami silver compotte* and
dishes emphasized the pretty col*
Mrs. Willingham received her guests
In a beautiful pink messllne gown slab-
orate with real lace and having touches
of black and gold about the costume.
The lovely guest of honor stood
her, beautifully gowned also In whli*
over a satin foundation and exquisitely
trimmed. .... „ ,
Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Alfred
Willingham. Mrs. Leon K. Willingham,
Mrs. E. Trlscllllan Napier, Mra. Marlon
Massee. I
Mlsa Eleanor Fries and Ml
fleet assisted Mrs. Albert —.— -
Mrs. Wm. C. Marshall, who presided at
the punch table, where the big cut glass
bowl was banked with pink rose* and
asparagus fern, which mado a lovely
contrast for the dark polished mahogany
I Vaughan
empire an- — —
and with it a large black hut with
plumes. Mrs. Mnrslmll was gowned In
n mulberry meesallne trimmed with Her-
slan velvet bands and gold braid, and
the sleeves and yoke or Mechlin toco.
Her hat was a large one, to match the
dress in color, snd trimmed with rose*
In the same mulberry shade.
About 75 young women were enter
tained. Including moet of the unmarried
set In Macon society, snd the afternoon
was a thoroughly delightful one to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Winter Wimberly to Cele
brate Wedding Annlvereary.
Among the delightful affairs of the com
ing week, which will be quite full, one
of the most beautiful nnd which will
bo attended with much pleasurable Inter
est, will be the evening party on Monday
at which Mr. and Mr*. Mlnter Wimberly
will cetshrats their fifteenth wedding
Theater Club Reorganized, Will Enjoy
Series of Brilliant Parties This Winter.
The Theater Club, composed of eight
or ten couplee among Macon's most
prominent society people, which wss such
a potont factor In society affairs last
winter, has reorganised for this
and on Wednesday. November
...... Wednesday. November 11. Mil
end Mrs. L. O. Htevens will entertain the
club at a brilliant bo* party nt "The Red
Mill.” which will be presented at the
Grand on that date. The box party will
I he followed by an elegant late supper at
their home, which will be a very beauti
ful affair.
The club win be entertained at many
of the best plays booked for the theat
rical season In Macon this winter.
Ths membership Includes Mr. snd Mr*.
W. M. Wortham. Mr, and Mrs. Louts O.
Htevens. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wlngblp.
Judge end Mrs. Wm. If. Felton. Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Duncan, Mr. snd Mrs.
Wm, MrEwen Johnston. Mr. snd Mr*.
Roland Ellis. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Burke,
and Mr. 8am Dunlap.
ig 1
Current TopTrs Club „ ...
Monday afternoon nt 3:30 o’clock at tha
residence of Mrs. Mallory Taylor.
ports only amounted to 114,012.
Announcement, •
Mr. Tom R. Johnson, who has been
connected with the Renfroc. Ellis, Per*
inenter Shoe Co. for th« last two Fears
wishes to announce to his many friends
that be Is now with the Macon Shoe
Co., where he will be glad to welcome
his friends*
Ing unfit animals. sn<Kother cases of cru
elty t<> aali-Als, reported to It.
Lsrqe Party of Oussts to Arrive Tutlday
for Willingham-Norfleet Wedding.
A large parly of guests will arrive on
Tuesday from North Carolina tn attend
the Wllllngham-Vorficct wedding, which
will he celebrated at the First Baotlst
church on Wednesday, the list. Those
from Winston, the groom’s home, will be
Mr. and Mr*. George Norfleet, Mr. and
Mra. Robert Norfleet. Mr*. M. W. Nor
fleet Mrs. Jsme* Norfleet and Mr. Fred
Wheel* .end from Charlotte, Mr. Worde
Bheets, and from Charlotte. Mr. Waite*
Thomas will arrive from Columbia, fl. C.
Mrs. Anderson Reess Entertains Family
Mn^Anderwm Reese entertained at a
delightful family party Friday afternoon
at "Bonnlebrae/’ the beautiful and hos
pitable home of Mr. end Mn. McEwen
Th* afternoon was spent !
— — Tatt- r . ..
sml white tliiae,
snd. in there dainty ^snd delicious re-
osrty included Mrs. R.
... Mrs. Wm. ffemr Ross,
Mrs. Anderson Rre*e. Mn. Wallace Mc-
Csw, Mrs. Felton IT*Inner. Miss Merthe
Ro**. Miss Ida Holt and Mn. McEwen
Enuagement Annooneed.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Thorns* Moor*
announce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Dell* May, to Mr. George Grimes
tile reunion of tho Confederate yeteraW.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W -J. Massee Mt yes
terday for New York to bo gone a month.
This leaves tho house In the earn oi
Cant. Bob Brown who will bo all alone
unless bln friends call.
Mrs C. A. Turner ntfd Mrs. Brondu*
E. Willingham have returned from Fort
Valley where they attended the Rfhobath
Baptist Asnoclatlon and were del'/riitful y
entertained at aomo of the hospitablo
homes thero.
Among ‘
i In “
the out of town guests who will
Win Macon for tlio qrlfflth-MmrUn w.a-
iIIok on Tuc«d»y. tho 20lh. nro Mr».
Homer Ntcholeon. Mr,. Chnrlee nrimth
Mr. Arthur Orlfftth nnd Ilov. Tror
neatly, of Athene. Mr,. John Sohley nnd
Mire Sohley of Aucurta.
ttJBSW ~ *»:
ler. Joeenh Comer nnd Tom Shenherd, of
Now York.
ker, snd Masters
* _ T U..M *..... ..r"-* — *
nnw imn, , lv spending tho week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Crawford
Stevens at their country place near
81 Judge W.*H. Felton, Solicitor Wm,
Brunson nnd Court Stenographer Em
mett Barnes returned from Houston
court yesterday, having finished tha
court business In that district for this
term. . ,
Mrs. Thos. S. Fry nnd her two
charming daughter*, Misses Ethel and
Elsie, and her son, Mr. R. L. Fry. or
Mobile, Ala., who have been visiting
Col. nnd Mrs. J. W. Preston, left
yesterday for Columbus, where they
will remain a few days en route home.
They express themselves as being de
lighted with Macon, and tho many
pourtcale* shown them by tho people
during their stay In the city.
Miss Sadie Dettre, who spent part or
the summer In Vlrglnln. has accepted
a position In Montgomery Female Col
lege. Sho has chnrgo of the primary
department nn0 also assists In tlio
English literature class In tho study or
Mr. A. M. Hast, of the W. A.
Doody Co., wishes to announce that he
will hereafter be found In the lkdl«s
ready-to-wear department, where n*
Ik In position to show the swelleat line
to be found. He cordially Invites hta
friends and the public to call and aefl
h ‘L Loulle Bates Fjdwards and Miss
Louie McMasters. of New York, who
have been charming visitors In Macon
for sevoml days the past week, went
from here to Dublin, and will spend
awhile there with friends. While In the
dty thev were.guests of Mrs. P. Vt.
rtftmtirrl! wtm l, , wwwln of Mr,, rvt-
- - - Hyhtful'y ontcrulnoil.
, tour of tho youth
.. v.ry rhjirmlmr trip.
Ktonplny ot. vnrtou, plflcr,.
„ Min, Kul, Till., tin. rnturiuol from n
nlwnt for tht, «««on. n V,unlit to hor rou.ln Ml". Mnmlo
Hu»h««, at Toombnom. Ml., nitey will
mnko her (Irhut to Novembrr. wlun .ho
„ * Inreo rrcoptlop
tho ovonlmr of fho lit
by Jmr parent,, Mr. ,nd Mr, floor,, B.
,ll Mr«. Robert Be»non, of Alton,,!,. S.
C. ,fter a brief vtult to her mother,
Mr,. C. A. Turnrr. returned home ye,*
terdey evrnlnir. Mr,. I.urlde Turner 1,
down from Co, Cohere epemllnj th,
week-end ond S.belnk welcomed by her
friend,. She will to' with her mother
Mr,. Turner, until Monday.
Ml,, Kdn, Middleton, of Weohlnrton,
who accompanied Mr. and Mr, Holt
Vlritln homo. I, nt proient tho rue.t of
Mir, Ethel ione, who , h- 1 ; J"
Wnahlnrton loet winter. Min Middleton
who I, a very rhermtur yoiinr woman,
haa quite a number of frtende In Mecon
nlrioity and to tvlo* alven a moat wlrdlal
welcome, (the will epend eomo tlmo In
the eltv. end wilt leler be tlio (ue,t of
hire. Vlrrln In Vlnevllle.
A lante party rolnr to Eufaala t,ter
In Uio week for fho Iterrv.CBltnway wed-
dink will Include Ml«« File, Matthew,,
Ml,, Kate Call,way. Mine Mary, (Wilt
ding will Include
Miss Kat« c!bIIij.-- v —^
wav, Mr*. Charlo* Holt. Mr. snd Mra
Jams* Cnllewsv. Dr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Jon»*. Mrs. Walter Lamnr. Mr. Ilnwril
Erningcr. Mr. Bdm Taylor. Mr. C C.
Williams. Mr. Holt Cal la wav. Mr. Pato
Stetson, nnd Mr. Merrril Cailawsy
Father WInkrire.ld will be In the city
for several dny*. and will be greeted by
his countless frieml* In Macon. For
eighteen years Father Wlnkelreld was
In charge of Bt. Joseph's Ghuech. and
I that r *
ng th«.
whole people.
Belms, Ala.
time he endeared himself
himself to
living in
((Continued on Page BIx.)
Deaths and Funerals
Th* funeral of Mr. Emanuel leases
will take glace fromJhfl' Volunteers Arm
f thl* sftemocn at 2:20 o'e
11s*ry Weiss will officiate.
The remains will lie In state today from
11 o'clock until tlie.hour of th# funeral.
A Confederate flag droop* at half-mast
° V The fttnemj >r liii b. .... ndeA by th*
full company of tbe Macon Volunteers
■ 1 by th* member* of R. A. Bmlth Camp,
“ “ » both of which the deer
Beginning tomorrow, Monday, and continuing
throughout the week, we will run a
offering our complete stock of Furniture and
Housefurnishings at a
A few suggestions will explain what this big
saving means to you.
$150.00 Bed Room Suits at .-..$120.00
$100.00 Bed Room Suits at $ 80.00
$ 75.00 Bed Room Suits at $ 60.00
$ 60.00 Sideboards at $ 48.00
$ 45.00 Sideboards at $ 36.00
$ 30.00 Sideboards at $ 24.00
$ 25.00 Art Squares at ........$ 20.00
$ 20.00 Art Squares at $ 16.00
$ 15.00 Art Squares at ....$ 12.00
Everything else in the same proportion, and if s
a great chance to get your WINTER HEATER
at cost. You need the goods, we need the money,
lfef s swapr
452 Second St. Phone 876.
ng member of the Volnnteers. and only
hi* week Ills photograph was hung la
their assembly room.
interment will be at Wm. Wolff cem-
ery, and the body will ha accompanied
.j Its final resting place by the two mi
litia organizations. Mllltnry rites will be
performed over the grave.
Notice to U. C. V.'s.
Tn connection with Mr. Iinac'e funeral,
tbe following imttco to assemble )m«
been Ismted to members of Camp It. A.
Bmlth. U. C. V.:
The members of It. A. Smith Camp *484,
IT. (?. v., lire earnestly roqucHted to moot
it the courthouse this afternoon nt .1
/clock to attend the funeral of Comrade
Emanuel Isaacs.
ltOBT. A. NI8BBT, Com.
T. E. YOUNG, Adjutant. (
Mr. Jatnes W. ltalney. a well-known
member of tho Macon fire department,
died at his late residence. No. 554 Ash
street, last night at 8 o’clock, after a
brief Illness, while not altogether unex
pected, his dentil was a severe shock to
H* many friends and relatives.
Mr. Balney Is survived by a wife, two
sons, Messrs. John W. and Jeaae Raney,
and two daughters, Misses Flo and Louise
Rainey. He died in the 61et year of his
% . Rainey went on the fire department
.he year after Its organization. Ills
record shows that he was appointed tn
1888. He has been one of the engineers
for a number of years, and there Is not
u member of the department who doe*
not feel as though he has lost one of his
closest and deareet friend* In the death
of the veteran englnenr. He was n
quiet man. always attentive to business,
nlwny* had his engine In the beat condl
tlons and randy for active service. Hi
loved every part of his engine, end be
stowed upon It as much affeotlon as If
It had boon a human being, A man of
the quietest, beat of habits, of splendid
character, full of symiutthy for Ills fel
low-man, ever ready to respond to any
call for mid. he wse beloved by all the
firemen, not only In his own Immediate
company, but In the entire department.
His death falls like a heavy blow, ire
was among the last of th* original de
partment, and waa regarded more as i
father than as a fellow fireman. Tht
bovs will fee] his loss keenly.
The funeral service* will take plaet
from the residence tomorrow (Monday)
morning -* " «— **- -
ton. post
The remains of the late Robert B*
Collins will arrive this morning at
10:46 o’clock.
The funeral, as announced, will take
place from Ilnrt'a mortuary chnpol this
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Mr. G. W. Oxley died at hlg resi
dence near Lornlno on Friday night,
after a long (Uncos.
The funeral aervlces were held yes
terday afternoon at Mt. Zion Church,
Rev. Lumbas officiating. The pall
bearer* were. N. A. Powers. Guy
Taylor. C. W. Howard, John Mims,
John Culverhouse and Jack Reeves.
He Is survived by a wife, Mrs. Kath
erine Oxlev, and eight sons, Messrs. G.
W„ J. O., L. E.. F. R., R. D., E. D.,
G. C. and J. B. Ox|ey, and ono als-
NEW YORK. Oct. 17.—'That loans of
authorization or ITeeldent Curtis of tho
National llank of North America In "Ice
stock," which the cashier did not regard
ss "adequate collateral;" that some of
this collateral was withdrawn from tho
bank's vaults from ttrp* to time by em
ployes of Morse before the loans had been
satisfied; nnd that the assistant cashier
sought to absolve himself of responsibility
for these loans by affixing Presldept Cur
tis' Initials to the entry In the bank's
loan »x>ok. whs some of tho evidence nt
today's session of the trial of Chn*. W.
Morse nnd A. H. Curtis In tha United
States court. • -
Today's only witness was Adolph Redo,
formerly assistant-eashtfir of the. defunct
National Bank of North America, which
Curtis wag president and Morse th* prin
cipal stockholder. Hi described In detail
various transaction* Involving Imslle F.
Whiting, the youthful brokerage clerk,
who wag revealed yesterday us the bor
rower of vast sums of money and «*f
other loans In which "Ice" and "copper"
stocks figured as collateral.
An unsuccessful effort waa made by
the defense to have him admit oonvsrsn-
tlons with Mr. Curtis to the effect that
he was being pressed by the government
to give testimony for tho prosecution nnd
that he himself feared that he would he
Rado said that he was not so much
oonoemad about tha collateral pledged
to secure the Whiting loans because he
deretood that "Mr. More*, a multl-
llllonalre," was personally behind tne
WANTED—Colorod butcher for small-
nuburtmn meat market; must be neat,
sober, honest und industrious. Apply
717 Third at.
FOR RENT—Ono furnished front :
<24 Pine st. Phone U&68.
FOR RENT—Rooms for light house
keeping; modern conveniences. Apply
7(3 Spring st.
party In Cooper Union tonight. In the
expectation of hearing more Standard
Oil letter* read, a large crowd gathered,
but Mr. Hearst disappointed his audience
In this respect. Mr. Hearst devoted his
speech to an attack on the Democratlo
party, to which h* ■arrastlrally referred
as the "grand old demoral zed Demo
cratic narly;" "the grand old disreput
able Democratic, party," end "the grand
old defunct Democratic party.
FOR RENT—Store and residence corner
Telfair and >Jlm nt*. Apply Bander*,
at Becker Furniture Co.
FOR RENT—Threo rooms, second floor,*
ctomi In; furnished or unfurnished.
Call at 713 Cherry.
era conveniences. Address at <
STOVES, stoves, stoves and heat*re.
cash or credit. Becker Pmnitui.i r.o.,
Cotton uve. Rugs, tugs.
LOST—Pooketbook. Finder return
Telegraph office and receive )lb«
CHEAP for cash, leather couches, aide-
IK*, matting*, dining tablen,
dlately for steaks or ronst to l>e do
ed first of week. Southern Packln,
SEWING machine, drophead, choop for
, „«), H.-i k. ! I■ ’111 .iii'ji'- <'■> . ' *ott<m
ave. Leather couches, rugs, nldcbonrd*.
OTIBPTDORB, both metal and fiber,
39 nnd 48 cents. Huhn Fire Bale.
BEAU In mind that wo have Just re
ceived a very fine and fnt young »<eer.
It 1* dressed and readv for use. rla««*
your orders for bear ntenk und roast nt
once. Southern Packing Co.
POTS and kettle*T 19 and 23 cent*. HuIjwJ
, Page Five.)
fmanrot in hu ikpvbika*
afteh TAFT amts
after HIM CONES he-