Newspaper Page Text
l lal lor Wolff, to w*!l known In Macun.
| *n recently the victim of an ur.fortunats
» accident, and la oonaaqoenoa will ha un-
7 able to walk for aomo time to com*.
A faw flays ago t ;a received u severe
carbolic acid,
to the ankle,
he a as almost
New York Medical Claim
Dysjepaia Cause* Conaumptlon.
The i>»et n-.ortem statistics of the biff
» York hospitals show that some
car** of oonsumptlon are due to un
checked dyspepsia, especially when the
\ letlm wn* predisposed to tuberrulo-
jjytpepMh wears oat the body and
brain. th 0 weakened. Irritable stomach
b umt'.u to digest food, the body does
ii t i- elvo the required nourishment.
<-.n»tij.r,tiort ensues and th«- victim be-
«<>mes this..weak and haggard. Ae a
r* -alt, the body becomes u fertile field
f<.r the ffertoa of disease to ludffe and
no Irish.
Th*v* fore, the person who permit*
Dyffpmta la etwable If property
eat.-rt. The Taylor-Jlayne DniffOo. sell
remody which.they positively guar-
ntr. will ours *n<Ufeatlon or dya-
rpsla or they will pay for all the med-
ir • used during the trial. This r*ra-
< Inc used during the trial .. B
>ly la sn absolutely new medical rils-
overy and baa been named Itesall
[>>rr*opsla Tablets. Certainly no of-
Vr -old be mere fklr. and the offer
>f th s company Is proof positive that
«■ II Dyepepsu fa bleta are a dr- j
id able and Infallible remedy. Inas-
ch v the medicine will cost yon
hing if It does not benefit you we
We are going to give a prize 4 with every package this week, or as long as the Shoes and Prizes last
Your Money Back On Every Pair If You Are Not Satisfied!
This stock was larger than the Insurance Companies thought
and now the Adjusters are just THROWING IT AT THE
PEOPLE! The prices are_ so low that PEOPLE ARE JUST
Keep your eye on- this store this week. Something is gping
to happen you are not looking for
Tf \ mi who'are suffering with In-
laeft :"n or dyspepsia to try thle rent-
rty. A twenty-five cent bo* of IfrxaJJ
fapmffta Tablet a contains enough
>ed|p|ns for fifteen days’ treatment.
:emember Rezall Dyspepsia Tablet*
sold In Macon by the Taylur-
)nig Company.
Your choice of any
Ladies’ $4, $5 or $6
Shoe on the racks
1000 pairs of Men’s
New Fall Sample
Shoes worth $5.00
and $6.00, at
•lino of the Grand Ledge of Ma»on«
en the ttth—Many Masons Are
‘he Grind Lodge of Maaone wlU meet
the :7th. and It la expected that eome
e«n hundred Masons will bo In Ms-
i for the two or three days of the
•nc of the matter* to be brought un
the meeting of the Grand Ixwlge will
the Improvement of Masonic hall. Kbr
hag time It baa been thsf Intention of
i building committee to lower the
r of tbe store* underneath, hut for
|-e rniaon this has never been dene.
*T that the stores are empty. the pmp-
iinn fttnnds a batter chance of being
rled out than ever before. It Is un-
stood that Mr. C. Huhti will use one
t;.a stores for an automoblls repost-
7 pU "lid the floor* be lowered,
i It therefore quite probable that the
•T- will be lowered so as to make
t.» the stores from the sidewalk
v There may he other Improvements
the building. |>oMihly an elevator.
and a fine China
1909 Calendar or
50c'Plate free with
every pair.
and a fine pocket
knife worth 50c
f r$e with every pair
BETTER STILL—While these Shoes are being sold at such tremendous sacrifices, below the
cost of production, get enough to last yourself and family for at least a year.
Mr- A. O. Town, of Untnrn, Cl.,
.rlii-.: -I plck.d up from my door-
•up on. day . Itttla book In which I
bMM viry much Intcrailtd.
»<> iittic tiri of nv. mn of >n had
been troubled for . Ion. tlm. with
I o. of appetite, extreme nervouxneet
an t undue fatigue, aha wee >11 run.
doti n »n.l In . vrry dellonie rendition.
• ThU lltlle book wi. very compre*
hw lively written, erul told of the new
I method of extruding the medlrlnul ole-
».'.ent« of the rod’a liver from the oil,
V Imlnetlng the obnoxloue nil which la
• o hard for chlldnn to take.
lust the thing/ mild I. Tor my lit-
lie c. ightor/ end I Immedletely went
for » bottle of Vlnel. It helped her
» onderfolly. Sh« hat gained rapidly
II Ite.h end otrangth. end the done not
tu, > old huJt 90 oeully.
I am extremely grateful for the
good ii hue done her. and I hope other
I; other, who have weak, delicate ,,r
-tltnv 'dran will be benetlted by my
. ipert, nee and Ju.t glv» Vinol a trial/'
Vinol I. aold in Macon by Taylor-
Somebody Will Get a Whole Bale of Cotton Next Monday
Morning, October 26th, 10 a. m., for Nothing. Ask the Clerks
Will buy your choice of a big lot of Men's $2 Work Shoes
and light Shoes. Also a big lot of Ladies' 1 IQ
Samplo Dress Shoes X»XZ/
All $1.00 Shoes for Children and Babies, from
the Union Shoe Store’s stock
Small lot Men's and Women’s Shoes, Gun
Metal and Patents
A btyc of candy free and a pair of regular $1.25
Children’s Shoes, all for
Men's Low Shoes, Women’s Slippers and House Shoes
and High Cut Street Shoes, mostly small sizes, Q Q _
some worth $4, all go at ”OC
One'One lot of Ladies' and Men’s new $2.50 Blucher
.Did Luce Shoes. Also Buckle Work | 2Q
Shoes ... JL»*y^7
ng • Daughter* to Offer Pries* to th*
Ltttl* Girls With Dolls.
"hr King'll Daughters win have * now!
•"re i i th* park during th* fair.
’ i* will b* a l>ror«»alott of <t,,u» and
1 carriage*. and prise* will he offered
the prettiest doll, amt the tw*t dressed
1 carriage. Afl admission fee of ten
>t. for apptleant* to enter the contest
*tr*. Trouimin WlU ho’at the drug store
King St Ottphant tomorrow nft*rn.*«n,
lw**o 1:50 and i'.to o'clock to book'
Mkaats. At the same hour wmr mem-
* of the King's daughter* will he nt!
i drug alnra nn IVM.. . .
$3.50 new Shoes and $4.00 and $5.00 Sample Shoes from’
the Union Shoo Store's stock to ^
go at jLmO J
I Big lot Men's and Women’s new full Dress
!>: Shoes, go at
•tor* on Friday, ffaturdayi
» the aam»> purinvu-.
i the city that has a doll
iter the contest.
"G* mllr debilitated fbr years. Had
u headaches, lacked ambition, wg*
n - out and all run-down. Durdoek
>d Bitter* made me a well wem*n."
r». Chaa. FYeUoy, Moo*uiw Cunn.
Men’s and Women’s new Fall Shoes, bought by tho
Union Shoe Co. to sell for $3.00, and they are worth it.
The adjusters say a prize with every 1.89
All $5-00 Men’s and Women’s Shoes, all sizes and kinds;
some very fine hand-sewed ones; tans, pat- QQ
ents and dull Leathers A.O J
Boys' and Girls’—all sises and kinds; Pat-
ents, Tans and Dull Leathers, all go at...,
•bound train No. 7 from Lum -
tty will arrive f:2& a. m. AUI
atteodu!** remain unchanged. On
dat* Colorado 8piing • -Bruns-
sleeping ear line, operated nn
IS and 14 will he altered and
• Colorado Bpriiiff*' {
iff car line and local Atlanta-
wick Bleeping car line will fl
irated on then* trains..
, It. PETTIT, Trar. pa
v 89c
-M-H-H-H 1
; Big lot of Girls' Shoes that sold for $1.50;
; you get your pick
; Boys' and Girls’ New Fall Shoes that sold at
; $1.75; and a go-cart or candy free; all for ...
98c ii