Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 23, 1908, Image 2

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► ■ (THE mTCY TELEOUAPH: ' FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1908 1 Umbrella um M NHL IS RECIPROCATED Is a mighty good thing to keep off the rain—but it won’t keep out the cold. A good Rain Coat or Cravenette does double duty-keeps the rain off and the cold out. Then too, they are dressy in appearance—suit able for any or all occasions where an Overcoat is needed. OriflatUy a toreWlght procession of li.flW ptoria wu plasma* as part of th* day's program, bat this faaturs want bs- yoad expectation* and developed Into a .irrsat popular demonstration. Japan's war celebrations aftsr paaca with Russia. "London's Mstaking night." and even New York's election night revel would enem almost tnaignlficent compared with To- klo's calabratlon tonight. At tks dinner . given by Minister of GENUINE PRIESTLEY COATS $15.00 to $40.00 ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY Break a Ten Dollar Bill . mny t< You do not keep tab oa what you spend It for. Now, ir yon had put that tan dollar Mil In this bank, carried only a little pocket change, and made up your mind to leave it In tba bank, you’d have U pow. Rut la gona—Just ramembar th* lesson and put that ton- P the nest one hare for safekeeping, It will grow grow—earning oompound Interest. X Wo pay • par o*nt compound Interest. ' Road our frao booklot—it tails all about uo and plan. Equitable Banking & Loan Co. Geo. A. Smith, Pres. Macon, Ga. IN THROES OF SENSATION MOin.TRlR. Oa., Oct. 11.—A sensation was oausad at tha meeting of tha Msrrer lisptlat Association ham today, whan Z. IV. Clark offered a resolution denouncing night riders, lynch law and lawlassnaaa in *erural. Tha modarator, Rev. J. M. Kushlng, In an loipaaslonad speech, point I Ing to whsrs tha Woman's Missionary Union was la session, proclaimed: "Not until my right hand forgets Its | ounnlog and my tongue cleaves to the roof vt my mouth wtl| 1 refuse to protect tha woman, lynch law ar no lynch law.' ‘ The resolution, however, was unant i moittiy adopted. SPECIAL NOTICES JESSE B. HART Funeral Director Lady Assistant Private Arobulanoe fMMtsl Attention Given All Bniiness. Oflloe Phono 467 Rob! dr-oo Phono 700 g. C. Parsley. Lamer CH PURSLEY & OLAY, UNORRTAKIRt. Always apsn. 111 and til Mulberry I Oldest < < . live undertaking haute Meton Phene Prepared t* (•(•or• 0h ar telephone ardara an ahe Notice) City tnxw for the 4, was due Soptcfeber 18th. If not puid on or before November 5tb, li ins will bo levied and ndvor- t on Nov. (5th, 1908. E. L. HENDRICKS, Marshal. Hiturday. October tttfe. “Under Southern Skies” Written by little Hlalr Parker. Tha ipnat original and diverting play uf southern Ufa ever written. Massive production complete In every >7—Remarkable Cast-17 .Over three million people have aaen tltla play. Monday. October 21th. Matinee 3:11. Night 1:1* D. K. PotttlKHTKU PrwgenU Yorke & Adams Playing the Ponies win he sold to hUrheaf bidder for aaah, fore Ihr • Dirihous* di*>r •aturday, 14. It o’rluck. alt mules belong- e "T'*. ROWDML CWr*. III—Mlngera and Dan mm—B0 K BIBB COUNTY HUMANE SOCIE TY (CHARTERED) The famous T*dBV Rsllet. I.ttna Park at Night. The Rherpahrad Bay Race Truck. The famous Race lioraea, ' loidy !x»vo** and ••DUvolo." "HaneraUy Habilitated for years. Had •lek. haadachts.. lacked ambition; wee worn-out aod all run-down. Burdock Dlood Bitters mads mo a well woman.” —lira. Chas. FT el toy. Moo sup, Conn. MORGAN LINES PURCHASE $2,000,000 WORTH CARS NKW ORIJBANg. La.. Oct. II.—An aouiicrmsnt of tha placing of orders for fl.sse.oon worth of new ear equipment by the Morgan Unas of the Louisiana A s iaa Railway and Navigation Company, i made tonight hr Thornwell Bay. man- r of this branch of (he fouthsm Pa* i Railway Company. Ms said the new pment will Inelude freight and , We arc making a run on Lumbor Mill Blocks at $1.25. Got a supply as the price will soon advanco. Redmond-Massee Fuel Oo. Phones 100 and 223. SHIPS ORDERED AS ESCORT ROME. Oct. It.—Tha Italian ciutser Plrramosca has been ordered to await the Duke of the Abrussl at New York, whither the cmleer KtrurU also will ha dis|«ched. It la understood that fa* two worships will escort the duke and hi* hi Me to Italy. Tha atBttmsQt la tnailf also that no member of the BUtlns family will attend the official caftwmony 1* lha tr.vnecrlptlon of the marring* tired'tn Romo and that when Henator HOtln* vlslla Italy later he sin b»‘ given the title of ‘Chevalier of Annunclnde. The cruiser Fleramoaoa la at pre»« This society will prosecute cases of over-Ire.Ung, wounding, starving, or tfrlv- it « unfit ar.linale. nag other rears of cru elly *■» art|male. renotlt-d to It. _ HLtllt/vT WASHINGTON. Rrest. —GO TO— WESLEYAN Ths best Instruction is the rheapoBt. Canfield Oil Co. SELLS BEST GASOLINE 15c Gallon. PHONE 637. t prt,. ent in New York water*, having ar- I rived here Saturday night from Bridgeport,.where e*e t«w>k pari In tha W'ulumbus day calebratloa. THE LYRIC WEAK, WEARY WOMEN nday. Cat Itth and all week. . ANOTHER STRONG BILL. Ferried end Re Luo. Matinee Favorites. Four Court lamia. Musical act. featuring tha Juvenile Court land*. youngest performers In Vaudeville. Learn the Cause of Dally Woei and End Thera- When th# back aches and throbs. When housework Is torture. When night brlnm no rest nor sleep When urinary disorders set In. Women’s lo*. la a weary ost. There I* a way to escape these woes. Roan's Kidney Fills pure such Ills. John Wttlenbrlnk. Coon ahouter and a little nonsense. Amateurs TealghL WANTED r«r tn -^l..m ■ FOR SALE On. .ptMdttir iiaprrv*d pb mi IlMM rtrr bmt CM4itto— parse of etty. bat pay well as Pictures changed dally begin at 10 It and run until 4 p. in., ft rests; vaude ville after I p. m., 10 cents. mw?jiamr Sot**. JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY Lumberman Meet. NORFOIJC. Va, Oct. IE—The Norih Carolina Fine awmetatlon. controlling the targe lumber mills in eastern Vir- ■fell. Mdrytapd. North «M. Booth Caroifea. met here May In^nal- annual session Rwfftlt K. (V|)V»- b# -R 6 . rcftiri# Tif the office?* ~|bowed tha omoc tattoo to ha In i condi tion. wKh many new q»emVr« added Trade Wert a feature of «««.. mmym; spoui i»ir» mrMfO I wm suddenly attacked with paint about the email of my hack and In my sides. I was told hy doctors that these fr<>m their treat meats. 1 wn» also sub ject to headache* and dlstr sue)Is and was bothered at all times by th« it regular action of tha kidneys. ■■ ln<t KMrt - f0rlU -- ,0 Mira of nils and concluding to Doan’s . .... »„ trv ttwm. I skat to the TAVtor-Rayaa Drag Co for a supply The u*e or several hogee cured m« satire tv nnd X have had no trouble from my kidneys since.” For tale by >atl dealt-*. Price ft* cents, roster*Mltbuna Co- •BulThK New York, sole ageatg for the tTnlted plate*. Unrein her the name—Do&n’a—and lake no other. SJ»OCM IN TWO MAriOtU 1 Hi 6 TORY. TOKTO, Oct. 71.—Tbs capital of Japan witnessed tonight the most extraordinary evidence of the spirit of tne new Japan. After having an audience of the After haring an audience of the officers of the American battleship fleet on Tues day, the emperer issued an order direct ing the people lo fucreaae In every way possible, the enjoyment and pleasure of the Amerteaa visiters, who same, he said, iatoric friends of tbo Japanese na- The rerpopse to this Imperial man- wae seen and heard tonight. a reluctant goodbye. He asked, the ad miral to take back to ths people of ths United flutes the message of good will and kindly feeling seen on every face and heard In every voles of tens of thousands, whloh was a sure redaction of the sen * sentiments of the loyal subjects nf ef t „ — the emperor. Japan never forgot, said Minister Komura. that In her hour of strssa she had net looked In vain to the greet republic for sympathy, while In her forward struggle ahe had example and encouragement from the American people. Rear Admiral Sperry. In replying. naM that the character of the welcome giver the fleet by Japan could not be mistaken and It must be perpetuated for genera firms, for no better guage of hurting friendship could he given than the ban sals of the tens of thousands of cltlxent massed In the streets. "No two countries.’’ said the admiral, "ever Heaped hands across the *ea clos er than on this occasion. Path coun tries may rest content that Intelligent, friendly sympathy has drawn th# ancient friendly ties elater than ever before.” During an Interlude ef the theatrical entertainment given tonight hy the bank era’ club. Ttsar Admiral flnerrv the oth» rear admirals and their aides appeared or (he stage together .with a committee of beakers, on behalf of whom Baron Shi- busawa presented to the Americans an eloquent address of welcome W engrossed and Illuminated and f — — — — dml In a handsome box. Rear Admiral Sper ry gracefully expressed his thanks. At Yokohama today WO girls, all pupils of a music school, visited the flagship Connecticut and aang American national airs In English. Th* Japanese girls all rarrled American flags, and on leaving the ship the lighters sang "Hall Colutpblii," all tha wat across th* hey. Oil. Takes the sting nut of outs, burns or bruises at once. Pain cannot stay where it Is used. JUD6E TAFT MAKES 16 SPEECHES IN INDIANA EVANSVILLE), Ind.. Oet. II.—Wil liam II. Taft hag talked to more peo- R l* today than any previous day on 1« campaign. In e«um of his sixteen speeches tha listener* and applauders have numbered thousands. Judge Taft talked today to jnany^ labor audiences and It wax noticeable that what he said was more educa tional than heretofore. At Linton, where he spoke to several thousand coal miners, he gave them th* hlet< of the writ of Injunction, Mmeth! h*- hba not previously don*. At Te., Xlauto he made a clear distinction bn tween the republican and damosratlc platforms on the use of the Injunction and declared business to be property. While Mr. Bryan has not been over looked during the day, there were two ocoaslons when Candidate Debs came In for attention. These were at Terre Haute, the home of Debs, and at the two meet ings at Evansville addressed by Judge Taft today. In both Instances Mr. Dsba waa cleaned as a socialist, a doctrine regarding which the candi date expressed tha belief that the American people were not prepared yet to accept. The largest outdoor ' UMfi' gathering. Mr. Taft aald. tie had eves addressed was assembled at TeTre Haute when tha Taft tnacla! arrived I there thle afternoon. There were many in the carload of local politi cians who escorted tlfe candidate to the oily that aald It was the largest gathering ths state had aver had. Where Bullata Flew. David Parker, of Fayette. N. T.. a veteran of the civil war. who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: 'The good Electric Bitters have done Is worth more than flv« hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then triad Elactric Bitters, and they cured ma. I now take them I iga a tonic, and they keep ma strong and well.” ftOc i I drug store*. JOHN TEMPLE TELLS ’EM WHAT HIS PARTY WILL DO OLQVERBVJI«L& N. Y., Oct. II- John Temple Graves; vice-presidential candidate of ths Independence party. addressed several hundred vobtr* of GlovfreviU* early tonight. CoL nravkft dovHted.Me attention to a discussion of the industrial conditions of th«? dniMlf and point** out thi relief which tht platform of the.Inde pendence party would afford the workingmen, nayliur that the tftreat of Industrial alavary makes Instant ap peal to the buggeation of Ihdustrtal liberty, and aald that 1* Just what ha and the advocate* ot hla party atahd TWO FATALLY INJURED BY RAILROAD TORPEDO UCWNOTON. Ky.. Oet. SI.—Char!,. •M MlltaM 1UI* wd < and I y,»n. rMPMtlrrir. horribly wound*1 hy th. upionkMi of n rallroud tor- Itrdo nt haul. In Brtmfl.ld, in Ilovle county today. Th. i'hlldr.n w.r- playing along th, nttrond track., found «h» torpedo and took It bom. t. um an a tarot to throw at. Th. lint ir lull., thrown hit th* torpMo tqu.r-W, rau.lmt It to or- p'.od. The t—IMrcn an nth ,*r-ct.1 U Bn, Vn«l, Collide KOOPOtJC, Vn.. <V+ tr—Th, it*- nt anted achoonrr Edward D j. Law rence, rapt. Kelor, Brum Rxatow to Norfolk tietit. an.1 th* the, noted ■ehoaner (Mac T. Campbell Cap tain Waldron, from New Toth t# Mobile, wer* In eotlWon In Lynn n«. ven noad> dnrhut thick wnwther yon. terdwy. Th* CampMt, which ewme In fnr harbor. *w» at- anohor when the t.rfer xe—ft era,bad Into her. Neither wa* vrlmuly dimancd Tie lAwrrwe* proeWded to New- : ert New. and th- t'wmpbell wat j towed U Norfolk for fwpwtrw. BLIND TIGERS IN STEEL GAGES ■MfiSaan ■r~ (Wist la t» Beta*# ot the Two Parises Worth bfj Uquor* Leaked at the fetation House? Whet is la to* isffof the whisky now under lock end key ut tbe station house, and which was taken at varleua tim»0 In raids by ths pebceT Ytstsrdsy morning, whan three Jugs sod a lot of Lotties, supposed to contain whisky, waa carried Into the recorder's court roam to be used aa evidence In tho Then what 1* to become of it? There la enough whisk? end other liquors In the rison cells to start a regular old-fash prison loned there 1* some that Is said to be of the flnest water. There Is wine, and a basket of champagne, casks of beer—real beer— and there Is some that is near. Really, (hers la beer of various grades of near ness. even to that which is near and yet So far. because of the steel bars between. To those who know, the whisky that is good can stay there for agei and Improve each shining hour, but what about tha whisky that Is not good, that which wgs taken from some of the blind tigers. 1 and which la all to the had? Connoisseurs know that .gopd whl*ky gets gooder and bnd **hlsky hadder " They know that beer car, last a limited time, gome say teer Is better after a few thousand years, and there are others who say flatly that It grows flat after six months. If th* champagne botth-s are turned down, be,t toins up. It will last Indefinitely, but who know* In what position those bot tles were placed? Who knows hut what the foolish water, as It is sometimes relied. Is Slowly efTervesring Its sparkling life awsy by reason of th* cork end* of tbs bottles pointing upward? As the matter stands, there never was a more aggravating punishment Inflicted on human being than to lock msn up In a cell next door to a cell that has con fined lo It a large and varied assortment of wines and liquors. These mornings, after a night at It whan a few kind words and some Ice wa ter. or Just ope drink, will save Ill-spent lives, to be In smelling distance of any amount of drinks, to a man accustomed to getting at It without trouble, such punishment is said to be the worst that can be Inflicted. According to estimates, the city author ities have In their bonded warehouse something like if.MB worth of liquors, and with no definite Idsa aa to what will be done with It except to keep and ags it. lawyers disagree as to what should be done with It. end they also dis agree as to the city’s right to confiscate It, rlaimlng that the city cannot take a man's whisky and Imprison It, but like the man It was said could not ba put In Jail. It was done. The prlaoners say that It gives them something to talk about, to whllt away the hour# in prison, flometlmaa thay argue what th* liquor was put In there for. They can’t understand It. it seems paradoxical that good whisky should be nut In Jail for being had. and had whisky for being rood. One prisoner said the stuff was th# on hr thing ever locked up In that place that kept up Its spirit*. Tn th* meantime the tigers are In tbe cages. jure, ana i,. uraom. ma widely known pronrietor of tha Croom Hotel. Vaughn. Mlsa.. says; - “For several months I suffered with a severe’ cough. grip on me. when a friend recommend ed Dr. King's New DfarovOTy. t be^ gin taking It. end three bottles ef fected a complete enra.” The fame of this life saving rough and cnld remedy and lung and Ihront healer fa world wide. Fold at all drug stores, BOc and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Deaths and Funerals BARKLEY,. Mr. W. D. Barkley, «*ed <( ye«r«, Bled ye.t.rdar at th* rutdene, of hi* too on Plo Nono avenue, alter on 111- n*a* of two month*. H* I* survived by thre* *on» »nfl one daughter. D. H. Richard and Til ton Barkley, or Macon, and .Mrs. P. D»ly, of Kocheater, N. Y. Th* tuneral will take place from tho residence Friday at t p. m. Rev. Mr. Thnrau will officiate. The Confed erate veteran, will attend In a body. Interment at Tucker graveyard. MATHEW*. Or. A. R. Mathews died In Wad. ley yeiterday momln* at the home of hla .laughter. Tht remains will be taken to Statesboro, hi* former home, for funemi and interment. He ta survived by on. son. Mr. Will Math.wi. of Milan; and five daughters, Mrs. E. T. outland. Statubero; Mrs. Matcher, Wadtey; Mr*. T. C. Ayer. Itapevlllc, and Mine* Marvar-[ and Nellie Mathew*, ot Macon. Ill* Mathew,, i POOLE. The funeral of Ml.. Mamt. Toole wilt take place ftom the family real- denoe, till Fourth stmt, thla morn ing nt 1° o’clock. The Rev. Mr. T. B. Stanford will officiate. Interment at Fort JIlll cemetery. BRANNAN. The funeral of Leon Brannan took place yealerdey from tht home of hla rarenta at ts» Walnut .treat, .tip. S'*: During the Fair Don’t Fail to Visit ■♦34 ‘A - -vow r * K ' ’ r .>4If • , •'■''i • LAZARUS’ NEW JEWELRY STORE Handsomest Jewelry Store in the State 513 Cherry Street* WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE CUT GLASS Largest Line Wedding Presents Ever Shown in Macon 1 m., Rev. T. D. ElUs officiating. Six little boys, the members of hla former Sunday school class, acted as pall- bearers. The Interment *ai at Rose Hill cemetery. FORSYTH. Th* funeral of Mr*. L. A. Forsyth, who died on Wednesday at Mllledge- ville, took place yesterday from Hart's mortuary chapel, Rev. T.‘ B. < Stan ford officiating.. Interment wax at Rose Hill cemetery.. . Jr . DOCTOR KILLS HIMSELF ACCOUNT GRAVE TROUBLE trial far i growing put'i eiise of olieged criminal" practice, Dr.- Ir vin. J. Cook, a you*, doctor of thl. city drank a do., of a Powjrful POtjnm and .hot hlma.lf at th, Waldorf-A.totl. hotel today. HI. body wn* found by hotel attendant.. The man l.rt a ,,»!,d letter addreaaed to rtn wife, hut accom- panylne It wa. t.r*. net* In which b» asked her "not to uk. thl. affair Dr. Cock vir uireeted Ujt Ti and ha war rolea.rd In JlJ.*® *»“• It. waa to hav. taten pro.eooled for tho-dMih of a yn'.injff woman at Summit, N. J.. tut summer. A Healthy Family. Hltny . W •Our Whole family ha. enjoyed mad health »!nce we uiln. Dr. Kin*'. New Life Pill., thre. yum a.c.” say. L A. Bartlett, of Rural Route 1, Gull- ford. Maine. They clean., and ton. the ayetem In a *.ntl. way that doe. you food * 2Se at all drug ntorea. PICKPOCKETS ARE BUSY IN VICINITY OF ATHENS Jons*, a negro, who had been following th* lilngllng circus for ten dnye. wax dstoted in the act of robbing a former and was plac«a '* Jail. John Oary, white, living near Center,.’was robbed of fl8d while In a crowd on College atemi*. An old nsgTO Hvlng near the city lost ft.ft by trusting a strange negro m with his money to go and get u.gfeaofed. Chairman OambLe. of the Clarke county dsmocrttlo executive committee, has Is- auad n call (or a mrating of tbe com mittee Friday pt which time steps will be taken to perfect a campaign for getting out th* democratic vole on No vember-** A mass meeting will probably vembsr - I ffffPI— „ be held next wssk and several known ».r>eakefs will be arked fo-jttdre it. Working committees for election di . will be named Jot each precinct. • Ben Jn4 Heard, a negro/ man, tyanted in Elbsrton on the charge of murder, was arreeud kere yesterday. Burglara attempted an sotrance Into Mr. I. T* Kilpatrick’* residence on Hill street last night- and .were fired«at by Mr. Kilpatrick.. * ‘ 1 Henry Smith and J*hermnr. Hawks en gaged In a .fight yesterday In which Hawks was knoeked In the b^ad- with a ruck. The Injury wmr i:*»t a tlnngcrmjn For Sale $15,000.00 TWs amount will buy one of thl plantations in tho state, contain ing 475 acres, situated; 2 miles from tin station of Holton, 10'miles from Ma con. • 225 gcreo cleared, 60 acres In original oak' and hickory, balance In second growth pine. - Owner made SI Fnlvyrilty ntuUvnt._ to a mn,. I mc,tlnr WjWl'W thl. year. Note tb. yoRt^rdar. r^n 1-ti:?:*■ 1 r*- • rt pa'ntlnc "t private property Jn this city. W. S. Kellar, government expert rood builder. Ir here-to build one mile of sand Improvements: A 12-room dwelling, cost ft7,500. cJay road aa a demonstration. PERSONAL lft/tenant houses, cost ftl.SOO. . Ghi house and machinery, coat $l.!Sa Raw mill outfit, cost ftl.000. Mis*_A11o* Cumlev hns gone to Dothan. Two large barns, cost 1400. One store, cost SS00. We can sell you this on a *95,000 cash payment Balancee asy.’ ley ! _ -j--. -M.— will attend the bedstiS of her eietejv Willie Ree, who la seriously Ala., where. rhe ill with meningitis; Mr. and Mm. Chas. F. Baumgartner are receiving the congratulatlons^HMI friends over the safe arrival of their I dsu - 1 little daughter. Ida Rstelle.^^^^^^l I The many friends of Mrs. W. R. Burdge ^ oMmi ^}^-- fo - r . oW -- f th ? death, of Minton-Morgan Co. her oldest siiter, Mrs. aeorxln Burdgs; which occurred last week In Charleston. 420 Cherry 3t* Phone 1192. Where the Door Opens Constantly You can quickly heat and keep cozy (fee draughty nal or cold room— no matter what ike weather conditions are—and H you only knew how much feel comlort you cai have irom a PERFECTION Oil Beater (EtilrM Saakrien kiW t you wouldn’t he without me anolher hour. Turn the wick u ki«h or as low ai you please—ihert'i no danger—no smoke—no smell —jusl direct intense ImHmi because of the smokeless device. Beautifully hnixhed in ntckd and japan—orna mental The braat (onl holds 4> ing heal mr 9 hours. It b lighl in weight—easil carried from room lo room. Every heater warranto The JteyoUmp ZZtrt!i aleady light—ideal to reed er study by. . Made of brass—nickel plated, latest im proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. 11 vour dealer dwa not carry PeHerban Otl Healer and ftayo Lamp Wnle our nearer! agency. STAftOAItn Otl, COMPANY Under United* States Super- Macon’s New National vision. 1 ”" S U Bank Commercial National Bank E. Y. MALLARY, President. W. P. WHEELER. Asit. to PrexL CECIL MORGAN, Vice Preat. # With Ample Capital, fcyriencsd QflOlia aM t liOflt Representative ■ Board. WE INVITE Y'H’K AiVfd’NT. The Welcome Glow of the Electric Light { Is hospitality in itself. If your residenco’ is not wired lot ns show you how small the ex pense really is. Ite convent-, ionce will repay yon in short' time, and when once installed- you udll wonder how yon ever; managed to do without it. Macon Railway & Light Co. Now Is the Time, Fifty-Nine We have just received a large shipment of book* that are slightly damaged, some aro as good as new, all written by the most popular authors. If you are wise you will call TODAY and see them, for they will not last long at 59 cents each. MACON BOOK CO. Telephone 382. 615 Cherry St.