Newspaper Page Text
Don’t Speculate in Your Clothing Buying-You Take a Risk of Being “Stung” if You Buy Haphaz
ard From Unknown Quantity in Clothing Make-Chance to Get Mercerized Stuff That Appears
Good at First But Afterwards Proves Sadly Wanting of Wool and Wear-The Important Parts.
You Run No Risk If You Buy Dannenberg Company's High Character Clothing!
From Best Producers in the Business and Backed by Our Own Guarantee for Satisfactory Service
Hart'Schaffner & Marx and Other Famous Makes Sold Here Exclusively for Macon and Territory
.It's one °f *h e certainties of dealing with The Big, Fair and Square Store—Satisfaction. If anything goes wrong we will mate it right,
\ mediately, then and there, without-question, without quibble or controversy, without argument—that’s our way of merchandising—the modern
—the way that bears the stamp of public approval. We give no premiums, but guarantee our qualities and pledge our prices to be as low as
~be procured anywhere for the same goods. tJBe on hand today or tomorrow if you want the very best values in clothing.
■ JSjT .v We Will Boom Business Greatly Friday and Saturday By
Astonishing Value-Giving in Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Etc.
Note the Saving Opportunities on Best Clothing Made and Be Here on Time for Yours!
All the New Effects—New Grays, Browns, Olives, Etc., the “London” Black and White
Stripe, also Blacks and Blues in sizes to fit any man same as if tailored expressly for him,
Fine $30.00 Suits $25.00 Value Suits $22.50 Value Suits $20.00 Value Suits
That's our price, $25.00 for fine actual $30.01
value suits, tailored to fit any mau by famoui
Hart. Schaffner & Marx, und other great maki
era whom wo represent exclusively In Macon.
Such handsome Suits as these at $20.00 could
not hi expected for less than $25.00, yet we of
fer finest makes, latest styles, black, bluo and
fancy Suits at $20.00, tho beat ever.
If you want a real nobby Suit for $15.00, one
that Is actually worth $20.00. you should come
Here. You can pick from blacks and blues,
and the new color effects, too.
For $!*.00 you get such cleverly tailored Suita
that you'll be surprised what the prlco will buy;
all the new color effects and black and white
Suits that command gront notice.
$12.50 Value Suits
Men’s Pants Special
$15.00 Suit Values
$10.00 Value Suits
Men and youth's, now's your time to buy a
Suit for everyday eronnmlcat wear; we offer
300 Suits of stylish wool materials and properly
constructed and actual $12,60 value for $10.00
only. •
Never have such dandy Suits been sold In Ma
con for $12.50; you get best $15.00 duality In
the newest styles and colors; also -black and
blue, and the same tailoring skill as tit $15.00
600 pairs of fine ^striped worsted and plain
woolen Pnnts In new winter weight garments.
Sale for two days of aetual $5.00 values, tho
best >‘«t offered In a $3.49 salo hero.
Never In your life have you seen such good
Suits for $7.60 as we’ll sell—fact Is they're real
ly worth $10.00 everywhere same quality ia sold,
and coma In blacks, blues and fancies.
Knee Pants Sale
Bis Values for
Great Raincoat Values
The best stock In Macon and tho moat conservative pricing. Kind
ly note just what you can do here in tho saving line at present and
come In early for yours Friday Or Saturday: •
$32.60 fine Raincoats, the very finest makes and tho best AO
and most wanted colors and black...
$26.00 Raincoats, best made for the price In the world, fiO
all new goods, our prlco.......1
$20.00 Raincoats, excellent garments, correctly made and d; 1 C A A
best for tho prlco; special price here. *P *
Grays, tans. etc., absolutely waterproof our specUt 4 1 *) C A
price for $15.00 values I L,J\J
$12.60 Raincoats, tho best you can secure for $12.60 d» 1 A AA
elsewhere, on sale hero at only *P I v.UU
Roys* Sturdy Knea Pants of best
casslmeres. cheviots, serges, etc., in
sixes 3 to 17 years; actual values 75c
nnd 85c; we place on salo 600 pairs at
tho above low price for choice.
These Suits are our popular Boys'
Strenuous Suits with two pairs of
pants, one straight and one Knicker
bocker. Suits made of fine all wool
cheviot; best colors, etc.
Excellent strong made all-wool Suita
for boya' school wear and otherwise
made, of all wool materials In new mix
ture effects; actual $3.50 value, too;
sixes 7 to 17 years.
Copyright 1908 by
Hart Schaffner Sc Marx
Our Popular “Racket”
$1.50 Shirts $1.13
Jew Oxford Shirts, heavy weight for win-
wear, white shirts always so d* 1 1 *2
,t; regular $1.50 values, special....*P ■ • * J
$1.00 Negligees 69c
>0 white Negligee Shirts with colored stripes,
., all sizes; actual $1.00 quality, ACL,
two days
$1.50 Pajamas 98c
Other Boys’ Suits and Furnishings
Great Values
Boys’ $12.50 Suits $9.98
The new Derby Cut Coat with yoke effect In back and flaps over pock
ets, etc., finest materials that are used In uaual $13.60 4() QQ
Suit*; oup orlee $7.70
Boys’ $10.00 Suits $7.49
Grand collection of season's beat styles In Suits Including the new Derby
Cut Costa, with plain or Knickerbocker pants; beat d?7 AQ
materials in solids or colors; our special price.......... • * 7
Boys’ $7.50 Suits $4.98
Very nobby new Suita of finest woolen*. leading colors and beat de-
aigna; finest tailoring and finish; special salo of A QQ
$7.50 values at this storo *.7U
75c Socks 29c
400 pairs of fine sample Hocks, of splendid lisle,
in all colors and patterns; Socks that retail for
75c and 50c pair, to go out on sale 90s*
at, pair
25c Handkerchiefs 15c
Fine mercerised Handkerchiefs with fancy bord
ers; very correct thing;, great line on 1 C-
sals at choice 1
These nro of heavy Outings In boat colors and
patterns, many designs, regular $1.60 QQ
suit, our sale price only
This Is our own brand, which has built up & big reputation,
being equal to moat $3.00 Hats in usual stores.
All shapes in Softs and StlfTa ready for your Inspection and
the price Is only $2.00.
Get a Hat this week and get It front this store, which car
ries a larger stock by far than any store- In middle Georgia.
300 nobby Fbur-in-Hand Ties In best colorings
and of aU-silk as a special leader for 9Qr»
two days, choice of lot A
35c Suspenders 15c
300 pair# of strong Suspenders, best web, usual
36c kind elsewhere; all colors, our 1
special sale price 1
Men’s Fancy Vests
Beautiful now linn from Joseph Yoaka, the
celebrated maker, who knows no peer In the
business All tho new and nobby styles and
colors now ready. Bee which of these you want
thla week, and sec how much you save, here.
Great assortment of fancy Hocks, worth 20o
and 25c; excellent quality, too; go on sale for
this event at, two pair for 25c, I C r
or pair 1
20c Handkerchiefs 12/4 c
These are of excellent weight white linen with
narrow or wide hems; cheap at 20c, 1 9 1 9 r
our special two-day sale, choice.... 1
Headquarters for Stetson Hats
Showing All Shapes; All Prices
This popular Hat In the correct shhpes and colorings are
morojn evidence here than In any other Georgia store.
Tho softs, the stiffs In all prices made by this big hat con
Macon Agency for Dunlap
Great line of n*w shapes for fall and winter now ready. Can
you bo here # Frlday or Saturday for one.
more largely from Taft than from Bry-
tt, 'ilr. Mason says that while Pmn#ylva-
nl* will go repunllcsn as usual that lights
sre bring waged by democrats In the
cities snd towns, and that many munic
ipal governments will be overthrown and
captured by the democrat*.
A man In the south can have no Me*
of what the panic meant, saw Mr. Me-
son. He says thst business Is paralysed
In the north and cast, and that the unem
ployed la suffering greatly. Factory after
factory Is either shut down or running on
short time. This affects every llna of
business, and tnonsy Is very scarce. He
ssvs thst |h** south *s In flue shape com
pared with the east ami north.
For Rent
he was brought Into tbe business.
Tho court took tho statement of tho
attorney undsr consideration, and as the
city attorney, aeelng the six* of the tiger
and listening to the relation of the cir
cumstances, Interposed no objection. Hal-
zraka was fined 150 tor the violation of
tho blind tiger ordinance, and tho ease
for violation of the nrolilbltlon law dis
missed. Th® fine was paid by a number
of his compatriots who were present at
tile trial.
ffslxeaks was apparently a ver v pent-
tent man. and the court snd officer* do
not think they will have any further
trouble with him In the way of operating
another blind tiger.
PAZO OINTMKNT Is guaranteed to cure
any case of Itching, mind. Bleeding of
Protruding riles In $ to 14 day* or money
refunded. 6 Ic.
•flNIY A PIIR u^ , . tor prd5"ru 1 p; d „ l ««n n .
UN LI H UUD ffircssrar ss c *isa*^ ,, sfvsf
— - _ _ _ char** of violating the prohibition law.
■■■■** ■■■■%# ■■***■■• eighteen month* ago, and had been In
—. Macon only three months. lie was not
. . .. _ . ... _. . _ . .... familiar with the laws of thla country or
And ths Operator Was Fined Only Fifty the enforcement of them, and‘that while
_ „ _ ... . j . Ifafzrak* frankly admitted., through an
Dollars and Not Committed to the interpreter to him. not being able to con-
_ * yera# In Kngllsh. that he bad violated the
City Court. law, |t came about In this way: A num-
• ■■■■- her of the customers of his place would
It was a very small blind tiger before *ome In and after buying a bottle of some
the recorder yesterday morning, only a r*oft drink would pull out a bottle of whla-
cub. ky and drink the twW together. This
The police had raided the soft drink gave him tbejdse. If whisky was drunk
place of Steff Halxeake. a Greek and not With soft drinks, and the customer
a Syrian, as was reported* and found 1 brought Jhe whisky tn Me rdaee an4
whHkjr tn soda water bottles, and three; bought fhe soft drink to-drink with it.
jugs, all empty but ooe. and tpet-one r why nothave the two oa. hand and ssll
with only a small quantity tn It. them. *nien a customer took an order
Halzeaks was cterged <u» the docket on a Jacksonville house for some whisky
with violation of the city’s blind tiger. for .MAI. and he had given three eufh
ordinance end also the prdMbtUon law.iprd^a Then again same of his custom-
When the case was called. Attorney > ere had told him that others were selling
Bruce Jones appeared for the defendant . the whisky In the same manner with
and aty Attorney Cbas. A. Hell for the tbeir soft drink*, and that the law was
city. *> dead, lstter anyway, and thus It won]
11* acres, six mllea from courthouse,
on Howard Road, near Rummerfleld. Good
n. <1 w < 111 in; 1.11.1 -I'lH'-s fenced In;
running water and directly on public
rondj a flno road all the way to Macon,
Would make an excellent dairy farm.
A B0-arre farm on rolumbu# Road with,
rood improvements Including a two-story 1
dwelling; running water and moot of
nirnUN, Oa-ToctT22.—Mr. W. L. Ma
son, formerly editor of the Dublin Times,
has returned from a three months', visit
to Pennsylvania and talked very hopeful
of demortratlc success.
He visited New York twice while away
and as ye that Hryan's chances are very
bright. He seys that the democrats are
united and enthusiastic while the repub
licans are divided and^ opr»th«tl<*.
The large army of the unemployed,
which le greater than ever en account
Of the panic, is against Taft. Debe, he
thinks, will ret the milk of this rote.
CepL P. R. ConanL imelrtant engineer,
L'nlu-d KUtee river *crv|« c. was Tn tho
fftFTeeterday.r-looklns nttcr me work
tti»- government Ivin iien d-dtir. making
fhe giver navigable between Imre and
Brunswick. .
A party of worknvn are busily en
gaged tielow the rl*y raising and Milling
In J-ttt* and constructing Shore pro
tection on the river front; annjtur parly
Is working a dredge and rock-hre«ker
above Hawkinertife, sad * snajr-hoat is
working between her* and IIhw kin«\Ml|e
removing snags and old stumps that have
t.een Irr.beddid in Uis river for many
Telephono 100 am} we will
(jive you “THE REAL REA
Redmond-Mawee Fuel Co.
nlm»Oi«m.ts. g-i
sispauri.tMH *
Georgia Loan & Trust Co.
66S Mulberry Street.
■. ■ . . . * . - c.