Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 24, 1908, Image 2

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THE MACON DAILY TKLEGBAPH: SATURDAY MOBNBTG, OCTOBER M, 1908 There’s Nothing So unpJoaiantly contpicuous as an unbecoming Hat—and for this reason every man should use moer care in its selection than in any other part of his apparel. With a Hat Store like this there is no excuse for any man weari Hat. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY “You Can’t Eat Your Candy and Keep If and you can't spend your money and hare It. If you work for a sal ary and spsnd tt as fast or faster than you earn It you have no one to blame but yourself If one day you are an Inmate of the poorhouse or dependant on kin for a living. You must spend Inside the Income to ever be anybody or hava anything. Remember old age with Its nereealtlas and decreased earning powers Is coming—save for thst day today. Today Is ths time to begin saving. • We pay I per cent compound Interest. Read our free booklet. EQUITABLE BANKING & LOAN CO. " Safest for Savings ” Geo. A. Smith, Pres. Macon, Ga* ONLY THREE MORE DAYS BEFORE (HENRY CLAY’S CASE IS THE BIG STATE FAIR WILL OPEN TV COBB AND NAP RUCKER MAY! Is all their r merit and mean I at Central City Park on evldent - b%n U oon * # - lt GAME DURING FAIR—STORES ” BEGIN TO DECORATE. Fair Days. Macon Day—Tuesday, Oct. 27. Military Day—Wednesday. Oct. 28. Circus Day—Friday. Oct. 80. Football Day. College Day and La bor Day—Baiurday, Oct. 81. Secret Order Day—Tuesday, Nov. 3. Rrown. Smith and Jones Day—Wed nesday. Nov. 4. Negro Day—Saturday. Nov. 7. Effort Is being made to arrange a baseball game for one day during the fair, and If fne details are perfected It will result In the coming to Ma con of the famous Ty Cobb and the almost as renowned Nap Rucker. Is believed that a game with these two matter will be acted upon fiday by the privileges and concessions com mlttee. Prof. C. H. S. Jackson, principal of Resale Tift Female College, at Vhr. syth, waa In the city yeaterdiy ».o ar range for the viHlt of three hundred young ladled of the Institution on Edu cational Day. This big party will arrive on a special train nnd w»»l be guests at the Mercer-GeorfU foot ball game in the afternoon. During the morning they will assist In ihe college day exercises In Mu«!c hall. Two of the big agricultural dis plays have already been Installed in Agricultural hall. These are thy Worth and Bartow county exhibits. The material for all of the others on the grounds and will be put In condition today and Monday. SPECIAL NOTICES JESSE B. HART Funeral Director Lady Asaiitant Private Ambulance Personal Attention Given All Business. Office Phono 467 Rosidr-oo Phono 760 S. O. Purat.y. , Lwr.i- Cl.y. PURSLEY & OLAY, UNOERTAKIRB. Atway. o„n. ><< ><> Mulkarry tt. Oldest exclusive undertaking house Phene <il. Prepared to fill —orden Maeen telegraph or telephone notice. short HEIMATH HALL 648 Walnut Street. Regular meals for man and women *9 cents, aus'nsic women II cents. Breakfast 7 tc. I a. m. Dinner 15 to 1i*'i a. m. •upper* 6:00 to 7:00. A free rest rooms convenient for flat. eMown shoppers. Notice^ City inxos for the % wnjt dne September 15th. If not paid ou or beforo November 5th, II fns will bo levied nnd ndvor- tieed on Nov. 6th, 1008. B. L. HENDRICKS,. Marshal. Saturday, October 24th. “Under Southern Skies” Written by Lottie Blair Parker. The most original and diverting play of southern Ilf# aver written. Maaalve production complete in every detail. 17—Remarkable Cast—17 Over three million people have seen this pUy. Prloos—Matinee. Adults 60c, Chll- Exhlhltora are working both night and day In an effort to have their respective booths in readiness for the opening. Work la in progress In every building and on every dart of the grounds. Evan Happy Street nl ready gives the appearance of a mil way. For the first time In the ilvtory of any fair In Macon, the midway will be In complete readiness on the day of the opening. The entrance to Hap py Street Is artlatlcally lighted, near ly five hundred miniature globe* hav- tng been Installed on the Imposing arch front. ting races, this change having been made In the program. It la believed that there will be more general Inter est In the running events. The races will begin on the opening day of the fair, and will be run every day ex cept Friday, Clreu* Day. Practically every one of the large stores of fne city will give their em ployes a half holiday on Tuesday, October 27. which will be the open ing day of the state fair. Tt Is to bo known aa “Macon Day." On this day the general admission will be reduced to twenty-five cents for the benefit of the hundreds of clerks whi will at tend. The White Elk Water Company wds the flrat to decorate for tha fair. Its offices In the Grand bplldln? have been draped with multi-colored bunt ing and flags and makes a very at tractive appearance. Although the public was exeludeff from the fair grounds there were al most four hundred people on the seen# of action yesterday. JAU cf them were busily engaged In arranging something or other. The Orest Clroua The octopustlc like trust thst has made Itself felt In every line of business Where something waa produced for which there waa a demand by the common people, did not even overlook ths drous. One of the moat gigantic affiliation* of J identity with long since >vicea It ude will be day. October .nu be > mads that they act xS wisely In refus ing ;*> link Its merit '* * “*“ * any circus clique ths become rerognfsed f«<i gain by sacrificing the Inte.vsts of its patrons. On cirrus day a sale of rickets will be held at Taylor-Bayne Drg Comnany'x store for the accommodatl m or Maccn I public. “ ■ 1 aa cm*i show grounds. the MAKES HOMELY WOMEN PRETTY. No woman no matter how regular her feature* may b»- ran be called pret ty If her complexion* I* bad. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup nlds digestion and clears sallow blotched complexions by stimulating the liver and bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit flyrup does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to tnk ORINO and stltute. H. J. I/imar & Co.. Fourth National Bank, agents. THROWNJUT COURT hib Wipe** previous bad c&touct 18 WHAT SAVED . ! HIM. c Henry Clay was bafora ths recorder yesterday, and the ease of disorderly con duct against him waa dismissed as soor as the evidence was heard. Henry's wife solemnly averred that he had not only tried to cut her with his knife, but tnat he tried to break open wife, the mother-in-law and a neighbor. Henry waa one of tho worst men that walk the streets unhung. Then Henry gave tits side of the stqry. He told of the frequent abaence* from home of the wife, her fighting proclivi ties and her general furslncrs. and the mother-ln-law'a upholding her In all her devilment Henry waa followed by.De tect! vo Jones, who evidently thought Henry was being Imposed on, and h~ stated that while be knew nothing o Remember the name be knew that the wife had boat to accent anv sub- I conv *d®J of vagrancy, and waa forever m-5 if p r*n S2r** nd on the streets. mjr It was then that the case was dis missed. FINES MUST BE PAID TO CHIEF Of POLICE NEW ORDER POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARD AT POLICE STA TION. A new order In reference to the pay ment of fines by thoae fined by the re corder. was posted on the bulletin board at police station yesterday. Not long ago It was ordered that all fines must be paid to the clerk of the court direct, and could not be even handed to the clerk by the chief or any member of the force. The new order re quires that all fines must be paid direct to the chief of police, and In his absence to the lieutenant on duty, and the amounts must be turned over to the city treasurer dally. The chief and lieutenants must provide themaelvee with a cash book In which every fine or fee mutt he entered. Ae In the case with the previous order, is prisoner muit be detained until the jurt adjourns, though with the clerk to receive the money there was an op- rtunlty for the time to slip around portunlty for .... . ._ „ _ to the clerk's desk while other caeee being tried and nxv the fine. Aa the chief occupies a different seat and posi tion, this cannot be done unless one of the lieutenants Is detailed each morning to fill th* seat occupied by the chief at the left of the recorder. given by Miss Gertrude Freeman to her friends, Misses Florlne Johnson, Annie Miller and Rena Henry, at Tur ner's Place last evening. Tne honors of the game* were won by Miss Free man, who bowled the highest score, 144. MONDAY OF NEXT WEEK Judge Wm, H. Felton. Solicitor Brun ‘ Mr,-I Si-D.-mm i" r Marne* will tomorrow to attend Crawford superior court, which opens In Knoxville .on Mon- ‘fhls afternoon oases will be set for the lrat Monday In November for trial In 3lbb superior court. Quite a number of Mrs.Winslow’s Soothing Syrup been used for over SIXTY-FIVB BARB by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTltES jha CHTLP. SOFTENS tha GUMS, AL LAYS all PAIN; CURES WTNr* COLTC S d la thebwt remedy for DIARRHOEA Id by Druggists In every part of i wortd._ Re sure and a*k for “Mrs. WIi low's 8ooth!ng Syrup," and take no o S * kind Twenty-five cents a bot uaranteod under the Food and Drugs 001 SEVEN YEARS FOR SHOOTING A BAILIFF THE OLD NEGRO ENTERED A PLEA OF GUILTY IN JONES COUNTY COURT. Detective Tom Jones has Just returnsd from attending oourt In Jones county. On Thursday tbs negro. Croft Williams, who shot and severely wounded Bailiff Doo Chambars, of Jones, and who was arrested In Maoon. and carried back to Jones for trial the other day by Sheriff Bob Etheridge plead guilty to the charge of assault with Intent to murder, and waa sentenced to seven year* In the pen itentiary. Monday, October 26th, Matinee 2:80. Night 8:18. I. E. FORRESTER Present* Yorke & Adams w,th th * flva |>riNt " h °^ i * ^ consolidated, the amaller on would be crusbed out of exlitence. K lee of admission raised. Inferior rmancea extremely probable, and ui inn mopi kikiuiiic i .. . Interests In the amusement world was j . WiUlamr am,. who was arrested at concentrated when four of th* largest ’ ***• **?*• 9L*l} e ?f*°2 ,, . n,r M ,. an acc «»*ory, | Shows In America were affiliated andacquitted. It telng-aaown that he I then th* three largest of them absorbed to pull Ms father off of the bailiff, th* fourth smallest on# to themselves; H* wa* later arrested on a warrant nd wiped th* one abeorbed entirely , charging him with interfering with an -im the face Of the amusement world. I officer, its la the same trust that during Its iad* overtures to th* Cole .. jfld Famed SE „ Influence them to Join ... to make the strongest sho strest parade. Will be sold to highest bidder for ceah before the * our thous# door SaUirdar. October .4, II o'clock, six. mules belong- “• BOW OR*. CM. THE DIOS COUNTY HUMANE SOCIE TY (CHARTERED). see eeetety will prosecute case* of Milng, wounding, starving, or <lrlv it animals. an,t ether t-asee of «ru ant mala, reeened to ft. OW V WABHJNOTON. Preat. -GO TO— WESLEYAN The beet instruction is tho cheapaet. Canfield Oil Co. SELLS BEST GASOLINE l*c Ion. PHONE 637. For Rent crea. «U mile* frvn courthease. «rd Read, near luuMrtm. Om« suing nnd entire place fenced in; l water* and direct hr on public : fins redd all the way to Mason, make an excsUem dairy farm. FOR SALE. A M-acre farm en Culumbue Road with “ taetudina a two-story mttr and meet et tf S5S plana Can make reasonable terms ». * VMM. scree In Crawford op be# .T.won dweC.tng and tw* art v.. ie<«; xbcut ncrea la Ngmyth pfne reads t— r >f*<tly handled yield than' pay for Mac#. Terma If desired. Playing the Ponies 10—Bingen and Dancers—80 The famou* l»ony Rallat, Luna Park at Night, The Rheepaheaj Bay Race Track. Th* famous Race Ho "Lady I/>ve“ and "Dlnyolo.'' « Pr . ,c, !rJ^* Un## ,l0 ‘ 7*0- Night 81c to II 00. Seats now on sale. THE LYRIC Peopla’a Popular Playhouse. Monday, Oct. 10th and all week. ANOTHER STRONG BILL. Parrish and DeLuo. Matinco Favorites. Four Courtlanda. Musical act featuring ths Juvenile Courtlands, youngest parformrrs In Vaudeville. Leet Chance ta See e Strong Bill. John WlUenbrlnk. Coon ahouter and a little i and run until 4 p. m, ft cents; vaude ville after 4 p. m.. 10 cent*. WxVw'ssvr'jraw ssvn. WANTED Pbr cash two medium priced residence# lot* In. FOR SALE Ckie apleudldly Improved pUnUUon near Macon: very beat condtMea; wooM arand country heme, .farms m yartous lecnlltlee. Tamber lands, vacant lots tn different parts ef city. Several Improved city lets that pay w»U aa In- veatmeata. # JONES BEAL ESTATE AGENCY Co?s brothers with becoming American Independence ntwolutely refused to en tertain any proposition that the trust wanted to make, and even told th# pro- motors that they even did not care to listen to thglr overture*. M. J. Col* said: "Th* Cole brothers hav* a reputation of over a quarter of a century*# stand ing. Their name Is a household one, and for honesty, fair dealing and square ness the show's name ta too clean to be affiliated with any other. I would not b# doing my friend* and patrons the treatment due them If I entered Into any agreement with the circus trust. As for anolUMng the street parade, never as long ss I am In th# show business. There gr* the little children who look for the parade with equal delight aa they do the coming of Santa Claus, and the poorer elasa of people, who never see the per formance. but to whom th# parade la the event ef the year, what would they do without th# naradet Deprive them of It? Not as tong as the Cole brothers are In the show business. On the con Iran*. 1 will please them more by addlm to our parade and * free exnIMilon on .when the parade reiu; adding grand (rounds using only Its reputation aa a weapon. Is a show with a reputation that Is un equalled. While the circus trust has done and will do everything possible to place obstacle* In the way of the Cole brother* shows. It has not been able to plac# any ohetacle this aggregation could not overcome. Defor* the opening of the present season th# syndicated again tried to enter Into an agree- gtth the Cole brother* allows for a division of territory, ao as thetr Inter esta would not conflict. Again fhtj were unsuccessful. Cole brothers refus ed to make even this concession. Th< w'a Itinerary waa made out. and tt I be ndhffvd to. even If thev have — show the same city, dav and date, with the circuses In the trust. Tha Cole brothers world famed shows grip on me. when a friend recommend, fd Dr. King** New Discovery. I be> gan faking It. and three bottle* ef- ft#' - — 21.00. Trial bottle free. Today Special Values Rest Gran. Sugar, 25 lb. sacks....|1.82 Finest A. dk P. Elgin Butter, a pound Finest Patent Flour, a sack «» c Fresh Cranberries..a quart Fresh Malaga Grapes, 2 .lbs. for. Pitted Date*. 15c pkg. for Persian Dates, 10c pkg. for Seeded Raising, 15c pa kg Whit* Asparagus, 85c can for, •npa, a Asparagus Tips, a « Good Rice, 10 lbs. for...... Evaporated Milk, email, 8 < mrocnclng Monday. October 2«th. : - recept Sunday, train No. K will 1 i* ftstenton 8.21 a. m.. Instead of a. m.. leave MtUedgvvlUe 7:!* a m am Macon ».oo a. m. T"' Georgia Loan & Trust Co. | heretofore. Jqo. W. Blount. District JM Mulberry StrssL •Passenger Agent. HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. IVosa Uh Uas th# raw mil trial# mekMr fhMor? ih-y trv fc v-U.J esUirijr by Sk- ffreiZfTg* c!mb, No JilF-0 ICE 6BEHJ11 Pawner I. hl.M MuliML h U HtMt szsusisz- ICt CRUM I. lu) ta Mid*. t JtLW> tc* CREAM IW«. mUuUsstemi#f sbretl restspUw. 0#m t#t kwy Ik TVidmemsIVf rmsC^U^. k Y MISS SUN TIKES THE FEATURE EVENT 6ENE0AL UTILITY MAN IS MADE OF THIS OFFICER Detective Nat Harrison is ered the genera] utility m headquarters. In addition to his work of looking after SPECIAL LADIES’ TODAY SHOES PAIR $2.98 PAIR About 600 Pairs of $3.60, $4.00 and $5.00 LADIES* SHOES in Patent, Gun MetaJ, Russia Calf, Brown and Black Kid. v- - v - All New Stock that Ar" rived Yesterday ALSO EVERY PAIR OP LAIRD, SOHOEBER'S SHOES, TODAY PAIR $2.98 PAIR Entire Stock Being Closed Out at Cost TAYLOR SHOE CO. 519 Cherry Phone 66 orlmlnals, he does a little of everything else. If the station sergeant Is sick, or not on duty, he takea that place and handles the prisoners like a veteran. ’* out of town after anybody, h* man .to aond. He seems to be r all the time. LUMBER MILL BLOCKS Try them just once—at $1.26 per load. Thoy go as far as load of wood, at half the price. Redmond-Massee Fuel Co. Phones 100 and 223. WELLMAN TELLS WHERE THE REPUBLICANS 60T BOOS CHICAGO. Oct. 28—-Walter Wellman in the Record-Herald aaya: During tho past week the repub lican national campaign fund has been enriched by contributions of several hundred thousand dollars, and James J. Hill U the man who raised tha money. Mr. Hill has thua taken the pine* In the Taft campaign which “My dear Mr. Harr!man” held In the Roose velt campaign four years ago. For the flrat time since tbe opening of this year’s battle the republican national committee feels comfortable financial ly, and able to push the work with vigor during th* last fortnight of the campaign. President Roosevelt's In- fluent was enough to get a hundred thousand dollars from Andrew Carne gie, and some one stirred up Mr. Hill It was Jainss J. HIU who came tc the resdue of Mark Henna during the dark days of the flrst *Bryan-McKlnley fight, when It looked as If the west was going' for sliver and the notion In danger of being plunged down to the monetary basis of Mexico and Gua temala. Mr. Hill used his personal Influence among the rich men of New York and procured for Mr. Hanna a considerable part of tho 26,000.000 fund thst was used in that campaign. Now he haa coma to tho rescuo of Mr. Hitchcock in a similar way. Ho has spoken the words In the right eara In New York. #hlch have resulted In a surprising Increase of the funds Jn the war chest. That this accretion "was welcome may be imagined from tha fact that the chest was nearly empty, that various states were appealing to the national chairman for financial aid. and that poor Mr. Hitchcock did not know where the monay waa coming from to pay his ordinary running ex penses. let alone sending snug sums to the fighting states. SAID HE WAS 6UILTY OF WRECKING TRAIN ALBANY NEGRO MAKES UNIQUE AT TEMPT TO DITCH THE TRAIN. Sped*! Agent j". W. Patterson, of the .antral rail mad. ta back where he haa been In Dougherty superior court. The case In which be waa Interested mostly waa tnat of a negro named Chaa. _ daeperat* and foufteen - 'miles' from Albany some time •fo- At this point he first opened the switch so that the train would be ditched. nbout e ‘ opened then be'ptsUed down "the "•lenNnrd which Indicate# the-point to blow the whistle •«*d placed that aeroaa the track, and ,1 wtthln a ahert dlatance of each other. The case vm# worked up by Mr. Patter son. and oa Thursday Jefferion entered a olea of guilty. Tho only motive the negro had was revenge for hating been dis charged from another train. CINCINNATI. Oct. 21—In ths opin ion of the management of the LutonU Jockey Club, the present 24-day meet ing Is certain to be completed, since Governor Willson ha* taken the case under advisement and stated that there I* no necessity for the militia at the Kent counigjtrack. . ;r In today'* events three favorites won. A drltxllng rain Cell reoat of the aft ernoon. but a.good crowd we* pres ent, Miss Rain won tho feature event easily. Summaries: r‘l First race. 5 furlonga: Gretna Green. S to 8. won; Be Brief. 4 to 1, place second; Col. Blue. even. show, third. Time 1:80 4-8. Second race. 8 furlongs: Dr. Bark ley. 2 to l. won; Homerun. I>4o 5. place second; Harriet Rowe. .even, show, third. Time 1:01. Tf Thirl race, mile: French Ntta. 15 to l. won: Sorrel Top, 7 to 8. place second; MaM Militant. 2 to 5, ahow. third. Time 1:418-1. * Fourth »*«ce. .three.quarter* ef a mile: Mia* Sain. 7 to 8. wojfc' A! Mul- • ler. I to 2. place second: Sally Pres ton. out. show, third. Tim# 1:18 8 * 1 Fifth race, mil* and a sixteenth: F ■ t«ad lavtweealtag IIop^ product, but Sixth rare. ttbey. t t4,l rTae# •eemd; Sea Salt. 3 to 2. ahow. J and soft drink stands, third. Time 1:828-8. i A&fceuatr-Bujch. HM race, mil* and a sixteenth: En list. 12 to I. won- Gresham. 3 to 2. i HeaHhfal, R#fre#bli place second: Stone Street. 1 tl> 2. show l A pure Malt »m third Time 1:808-8. contain* leas than .—.ML. * " #ni . \r«r ' <* nt - °* »l*ohoi which bring* .. „n«r, vl V thr U * B- Revenue regulation# for soft ’-rOmo. 2 to l. drinks. Ask ilf of 1 per IHAGHN MOTORISTS TO SEE SAVANNAH RACES MANY TO JOURNEY TO THE FOR EST CITY ON THANKS GIVING DAY. Maoon motorists and many others here are Intensely interested In the Grand Prize automobile races to be held In Savannah on Thanksgiving day, November 26, and tho day pre ceding. These races are to be held under the auspices of the Automobile Club of America, an organisation composed of the leading automoblllsts of the United States, -with headquarters In Now York city. On November 25 the International light car race will be run as a kind of preliminary to the Grand Prize race on the day following. There are six teen entries from three nations. They follow: America—Three Maxwells, 3 Bulcks. 1 Chalmers-Detrolt, 1 Cameron, 2 Gy roscopes, 1 American Aristocrat Italy-One Isotta. 1 Lancia. France—Three DeDIons. There aro twenty entries for the Grand Prize trophy, Italy, Germany, France and ' America competing. Among the drivers are the world's greatest racers. Louis Strang will take a French Renault car over the new Savannah course with a determi nation to win. Many Macon motor- lets have Been Strang on the track and have marvelled at hla superb nerve and expert skill in handling his machine. His head work is said to be the secret of his successes tbus far. He works his brain rnrhlle *he shoots the machine at reckless, wln- ig speed. Nazzaro, who will drive Italian Flat, la another dare-4evll on the course, who looks only to the capture of the prize, forgetting dan gers In hla reckless abandon to make speed. Tho Grand Prize entries and the drivers are: Italy. Flat. Naazaro, driver: Flat, Wag- !*r.. driver: Flat, de Palma, driver: Itala, Fbumlfr, driver; Itala, Cagno, driver. Germany. Benz, HemerV. driver; -Ben*. Han- riot, driver: Benz. Erl#, driver; Mer cedes. Galzer. driver; Mercedes, Pogge, driver. France. Renault. Szlsz, driver: Renault, Strang, driver; DeDletrleh. Durey, driver; Cirment-Baynrd. Hautvast, driver; Clement-Bayard, Rlgal, driver. America. Loxler, Mldhener, driver; Matheson, Chevrolet, driver; Acme, Patschske, driver; American Locomi Bergdoll, driver; B. L. a driver. The two races, one to and one for racing cars, two International races mat win or held in America during tho year 1808. The Automobile Club of America and those w*ho are closely ldentlfled qrlth the movement, declare that the list of cars is excellent and from the en thusiasm manifest this early. It Is to he assumed that the greatest motor ing event America haa ever known will be witnessed. A leading local enthusiast In speak ing of the Grand Prise race declared .. ... in. nts In or- tad ess ttle In which they were entertained In Atlanta. Macon citizens are glad that Ha veta were ao well taken care of. To treat them well kindles the fires of gratitude. Macon loves the veteran. It will be tha biggest thlr *d off In the south In sports. He stated flat were usually scheduled t the north and east, nnd Ists and other* of this the chance of a lifetime real, flret class motor rac cost or Inconvenience. The railways have announced re duced rates on all lines to Savannah and prohablv the biggest crowd of people Savannah has ever hM within ■ft gates will be on hand. That city ilf making active preparation to ac commodate the'Immense crowds ex pected. and Ihe entertainment com mittees declare everyone, whether motorist or not, will be properly cared for and that hotel accommodations will not be exorbitant In price. •Many Macon it es who do not own automobiles and probably wont until they are cheeper—which consumma tion may never be realized—are equal ly a* much Interested In the event as those who own cars and are ac tively Identified with motoring. With a great dm! of Interest, all Georgia appear* to be Savannah-bound on Thanksgiving day. And It 1# not a bad place to spend that or-anr other dav. resmrdless of tbe nation's best motor raoe. WAS COMPLETE SUCCESS Large Crowd Attended and An Were Delightfully Entertained. simply splendid «hsiacters. The many that attended the old maid's convention at the auditorium last night went away feellnr os though they had spent one of the rroat delightful evenings that has come their way in a long time. The music, under the direction or Prof. Poe coca.. was especially good, tha per formers^ selected -by him charming tha The convention waa replete with bright thing* and parts weH rerformed. There waa much in It to amuse, and the ap- plaua# was unstinted. The ladles were • * “ | n the rendition of th* i WELL PLEASED WEREJHE VETS They Return Home Singing the Praises ’of.Atlanta for tye Treatment Re ceived, and Say That For Ones the Gate City Certainly U: Did the Right :i! TTQ' ti Thing. The*-Incoming ' trains on both the Central and Southern road* last night brought In many of the veterans, re turning from attendance on the re union in Atlanta. Some of them were bedecked with badges and buttons, some were tired and sleepy, and some came off the trains as chipper aa young men, and all seemed happy. 'All report the re union a most enjoyable occ&sign, and that Atlanta certainly did do the handsome by fhem. In addition to having a place where those inclined could go and got some thing to eat, coupon tickets were Is sued and with these the old veterans were privileged to eat where they wanted and as much as they wanted. This was a privilege they baa^tilY enjoyed. Lieut. - Mosely, In speaking of this feature, said last night that It was one of the best arranged things he ever aaw at a reunion. He was particularly well pleased with Atlan ta's way of doing, and says he la free to confess that ln‘ viaw of other re unions in Atlanta he did not expert anything, but this time that he was very, agreeably. dI*appo|h£d. The parade yesterday* was another pleaalng feature that the veta enjoyed. It was well formed - and tho program well carried out. - * As for the attendance. It wa* re markably good, tyhen one remembers that death Is busy with the thin gray line, busier now than ever because.ap many havo, reached the three-scoro years and ten. There ware many in line who will not be In It’ next year, and from this on the ranks will grow lesa In numbers more than before. The weather was Just the right thing. No one suffered, no one had cause to complain. There are many to rejoice that Ath- is will get the reunion next year. The fame of the hospitality of this little city has grown to the extant that the mention of the fact that Ath ens gets the reunion next year almost causea a rebel yell to rise. In addition to the members of Camp Smith and Macon who returned last nlg'ht, there was quite a number of those who passed through on way • to-their South •Georgia- homeff, fordo of I them stopping over to wait for train*. ___ i These lent their voices , to the Bibb 1 county veta in praise of the manner tn wVilnV tVrnv wr-ri* nntei*i*tn»a tn i was realized for the Would Mortq»n* the Farm. A farmer oa Rural Route 2. Empire, Ga.. W. A. Floyd by name, says: “BuHelen's Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw; on* on my hamf an one on my leg. It Is worth more than It* weight Infold. 1 would not b* witboat It -if I had to mortgage the farm, to get it” Only 25c at all