Newspaper Page Text
• We hope so, and extend to you a special invitation to make our Ex
hibit your headquarters. ; • ,*
We will be located in the Art Building, with a complete line of
High Grade Pianos. ■•••■' v •
After you have visited the other attractions and want to take a rest,
come in and make yourself at home.
Mr.- Ferd Guttenberger will be in charge of our Exhibit and will
demonstrate all the latest popular music.
v 'J m
,. Dealers in “Everything Musical”
Chamber of Commerce Asked to Co-ope-
rate in Support of the Movement—Big
Meeting to Be Held.
A large number.of cotton men in Ma
con received notices yesterday announcing
that a mass meeting of cotton buyers,
glowers aud other* Interested In the cot
ton business would be held In Memphis
November 10, 11, and 12.
1 The object of this meeting Is for the
purpose of discussing the best plans for
advancing the price of spot cotton to lo
cents.’ A large delegation of cotton^men
from every
pected lo i
A meetli
buyers of
In this m«i
a commltt
Interest* o
tlon. v
A letter
the Macon
Mr. Her vie
he cotton belt is ex-
held by the cotton
\d others Interested
few days to appoint
se to represent the
m men of this sec
»y Secretary Jay, of
of Commerce, from
_ ires (dent of the Cot-
ton Growers* Association, Is as follows:
Atlanta, Ga.. Oct. 2S, 1908.
Dear Sir:' A mammoth mass meeting
of the various cotton growing and allied
business Interests of the south has been
called at Memphis, Tenn„ November 10.
n. 12. 1108.
We want your co-operation and support
In this movement -tw secure conceited
action to advance the price of cott«.n
(spot) to 10 cents per pound.
The business Interests of the south are
as vltslly Interested In good prices for
cotton aa the farmer*. Co-operate ac
tion along business lines will do much
toward advancing prlcas to higher levels,
Please call a meeting of your associa
tion and send >a strong delegation to
Memphis. November 10th.
Kindly Inform me of action taken and
number of delegates appointed. Tours
wrjr truly, KARVI] , j6rdan .
* (Continued from P«*« Two.)
cam. Sown Thurtd*y an* ara belnr
entertained nt the Ocean Pond JFIah
and Huntlnr club by Mr. A. 8. Pen-
d, M?M Vera H!*htower, of Atlanta. I.
■pending a few diyi In thl. city with
Jin. Jame, Oreena and will r> from
here to Wilmington,- JT. C. to
relative.. . . ;
Miss Vinci# Thomas has returned to
her home at Jacksonville. after spend
ing some time .with Mrt. A. G. Hoag-
land w
lire. 1* Holtxendorff And MU. Bene
Hunt have returned l»m Atlanta,
wheat they have h«»n .pending aome
11 Mra Anna. Hinson. of'Qulncr. FlJ-
I, spending a few day. with Mr., t.
Randall Walker. ■
lira. J. E. Thigpen and her daugh-
ten.-Ml,ms Addle and Sadie, have re
turned from Saluda, N. C-. where they
have been .pending the enmmer. -
Mis. -Bessie Wells hss returned
Savannah. after spending sevt
wtckg with relative# cere*
Miss Marlon»Pfeeples has gone to At
lanta to bo the guest of Miss Alino
Terry In that city.
•Mrs.'M. A. Morgan has returned to
Valdosta, after spending some time at
Athens. J
Mrs. <3. B. Walker, of Sycamore, who
has been spending some time with
Mrs. B. C. Weeks, has gone to Jack
sonville on a visit.
Mrs, R. J. Coates and daughter have
returned to Macon, after spending
some time with Mrs. T. M. Vinson.
The young ladles’ working band of
the Presbyterian church have been
conducting a "rummage sale” this
week and have added many dollars to
their treasury.
• ~ PERRY.
MUi Ellin# Baldwin, of Fort Valley,
visited friends in Perry several days
this week.
Mrs. W. B. Norton, of Fort Valley,
is visiting her father.
Mrs. C. F. Cater, of Macon, visited
Mrs. J. P. Cooper and other relatives
Mrs. H. T. Gilbert was the guest of
Mrs. R. P. Holllnshead while in Fort
Valley last week.
Misses Luclle Cater and Loll!#
Bloodworth, of Forsyth, were the re
cent visitors of Misses Stella and Eliza
Mrs. L. F. Cater had for her guests
last week Mr*. J. E. Wllgs and little
daughter, of Dawson.
J. Alva Davis spent Sunday In By-
honvllle with his brother. Dr. E. B.
Quite a number of citizens are at
tending the Friendship Association,
which convene* this week at Pres 5
ton. Among the number are Dr. and
Mrs. W. T. Simpson. Mr. H. Luns
ford. Mr. J. L. Wells, Mr. nnd Mrs*.
W. D. Wells, Mr. J. A. HUI. Mrs.
Lydia Ansley, Mrs. O. C. Gonekeand
Misses Winnie <BeIle and Jimmie
Jossey, of Americus. and Miss Bank-
head. of Macon. Miss., were gueitz
of Miss Nettle Burton.
Little Miss Hilda McAfee, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McAfee,
entertained about fifty of her little
friends Wednesday, the occasion being
In honor of her sixth blrthdx;*. Th*
color scheme was white an J rM, the
birthday cake being ornamented with
efx bright red tapers. A hifnt for nuts
waa greatly enjoyed, as well ss many
other childish game*. The large num
ber of pretty birthday gifts attested
the jxipularlty of this sweet little girl.
The "Happy Hooligan Club,” com
posed of the young ladles of tke town,
is the laflst addition to Smithville so
ciety. Miss Nettle Burton Is presi
dent and ML*s Nell McKenney secre
tary and treasurer. Th* first meeting
was held at Miss Mary Lizzie Ans-
ley** home, the last at Miss Nettle
Burton’s, both of which were very Vn-
joyable occasions.
Mrs. J. C. McClain and Master
Curtis McClain have returned from a
month's stay with relatives at Line
ville, Ga.. nnd Fort Deposit, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. MUI* are .vis
iting relatives In Marian. Ala.
Mr*. J. O. Pruett and Masters Joe
ar.d Caract Pni#*tt ' r-turn^ today
from, a visit to friends In Eufaula,
Miss Elm* Evans left for Oakflold,
after* she has accepted a school. •
Mrt. C. A. Rhodes and children.
Eileen and Mariam, have returned
after a two wzeks* vUJt to her pa-
rents Mr. ana Mrs^ C. E. Long
of Atlanta. — ~ « ..
Mies Susie Lunsford, visited .friend*
in Atlsnta and attended the fair.
Mr. and Mr*. R. P. Balter are
tending th* old veterans' reunion in
‘Mr. and Mr*. B. I. McKenney are
visiting restive* In Atlanta,
Mrs. W. D. Well* aM Miss Lizzie
Evans made a short visit to Daw
Mr. Alten Chkppfell, of Macon, and
Mrs. V. B. Jossey, of Atlanta, at
cus and was brought hero for burial
Mr. Emmett McAfeo and Miss Julia
McMtchael spent the day wtlh friends
at Plains.
Miss Blanche Pryor spent several
days with Miss'Julia McMIchael.
Little Helen Hays, the sweet little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo
Hays, entertalued the little girls of her
age, nt a birthday party Thursday, in
honor of her fourth birthday. The
decorations .wore In pink and white,
;i also tin* If'* and other dainty d'-ll-
cacies that were served. It was in
deed & delightful occasion to all pres-
The Century Club will give Its second
entertainment ytieyt Wednesday even
ing and it will o*? one of the loveliest
social affairs of the season.
Mrs. Charles S. Dubose has returned
from Savannah, where she visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Wood.
* Mrs. J. W. McElhannon Is visiting
relatives in Jefferson.
Miss Elizabeth Swift has returned
to her homo in Klberton. after visiting
Miss Lydia Hutchins, of this city.
Mrs. J. C. Anderson and Miss Com
Anderson, of Farmington, are visiting
in this City.
Mrs. Guy Mlddlebrooks has return
ed to Appalachee, after visiting in
Mrs. C. M. Walker, of Westmins
ter, is visiting relatives in this city.
Misses Pearl and Addle Williams
have returned to Dowdy, after visiting
their grandmother, Mrs. Calloway, of
this city.
Misses Luelle and Julia iBrand are
visiting relatives in Lawrence ville.
Mrs. Earle Colbert, of Colbert, Oa.,
visited relatives in Athens this week.
. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. .Bills have re
turned to Turnervllle.
Misses Jessie Gunter, of Social Clr-
cle, and Bailie Lowa Price, of Madison,
are the guests of Mrs. Graves F.
Mrs. H. K. Nicholson has returned
from a visit to Macon.
Mrs. L. C. Brown I« visiting rela
tives In Bowman,
Mrs. C. E. BJgby has returned from
Washington, where she has been vis
iting tela lives
So Tired
It may be from overwork, hot
- the chance, am Ks from an In*
active LIVCS., —.
With a wall conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatlfua.
It add, a hundred per cent to
one, earning capacity.
It can be kept In beaKMul action
by, and only by
on the Boulevdrd. 1 . , V* {
Miss Geneva Blacks tone, of Jeffer
son, visited .friends. ln^ Athens this
Mrs. W. T. Haygood ha# returned
to Farmington, after visiting friends
'* Mr. and Mrs. John N. Holder, of
Jefferson, visited in Athens this week.
Miss Annie Winn, of Lawrencevllle.
Is, the guest of Mrs. Chan. A. Ver
Nooy, of this city.
The Athens Woman’s Club present
ed "Living Pictures” at the Colonial
Theator last night for the benefit of
rural education in Georgia. The en
tertainment wag mdst beautiful and
scores of local boys and girls ,*nd
young men and young women took part
In the presentation. A neat sum was
realized for the use of the club In tula
Mra. Lamar Cobb and Mrs. W. C.
Davis have returned from a visit, to
relatives in Americus.
Mrs. Billups Phlnlsy and Miss 'Bol-
line Phlnizy hav# returned from New
Mrs. James Jackson and Miss Izzle
Treadwell, of Watklnsrllle, are the
guests of Mrs. Pierce Jackson on the
Mias Martha Jackshn. of GlUsvlUe. Is
the guest of Mrs. Hugh H. Jackson.
Miss Susie Wills, of Jefferson, visit
ed friends In Athens this week.
Mrs. Eugene Jackson has returned
from Cornelia.
Miss Lnclla Linton Is spending a
few days In Thomasvlll*.
Mrs. Clarence Calloway, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Mrs. J. R. Brantley.
Mrs. T. B. Key has returned to fter
home in Commerce, after Visiting rel
ative* in this city.
this week with friends in Atlanta
Mr. and Mrs. Jame* MUJ* Have re
turned to their hom* In Griffin, after
visiting their daughter, Mrs. James M.
Kimbrough, of this city,
Mrs. Preston Brooks Hi vlisting her
parents In Eatonton. \*
Mrs. R. B. Dixon has returned from
a visit to CarneavMle.
Mr*. John Hopkins has returned, to
Augusta, after visiting Mrs. D. D.
Mrs. T. J. Butler, of Atlanta, Is-the
guest of Mr*. T. J. NlcbOlS, Qt this
city. •
Miss Callle Watson has returned to
Jefferson after a pleasant visit to Mrs.
Geo. H. Hulme.
Miss Mary Dillard, of ArnoMsvIlIe.
visited friends In this City this week.
Laura Rutherford Chapter of the
Daughters of the Confederacy In this
city has named as delejrw'w to the
Atlanta convention of thbf organization
Mrs. E. A. Crawford, Mrs. M. A.
Lipscomb. Mrs. T. W. R«ed and Mist
Celesta Parrish, and as alternates Miss
Hamilton, Mrs. A. L. Ijull, Mrs. H.
H. Williams and Mrs. E. C. Branson.
A wedding of much' social Interest
was that of Miss Anoa Hatfield and
Mr. E. Clarence Momand, which took
place at the home of the brldo’s par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hatfield, on
Wednesday morning. October Slat, at
10:10 o’clock. Rev. J. M. Kelley, of
Vienna* officiating.
The bridal party entered th# parlor
to the strains of Mondslsiohn’s wed
ding march rendered by Mrs, George
B. Carswell.
Th# bride was attired in a taupe
traveling suit, with hst and glove* to
match. Bhf carried a bouquet of white
rose*. She is one of Irwlnton’e bright
est girls. *
The groom Is •secHated In busfn©
with the Smith Premier Typewriter
Th© many elegant presents of Silv
cut glass, etc., received by the couj
from all over the country attest
their popularity. ..
Oqt-of-town guests were Mr. Cleve
land Land, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Messrs.
Fermsn Momand and Goorge 'B. No-
therton. Jr., oLJacksonvlIIe, Fla.; Mr.
J. F. Hatfield and wife. Messrs. J.
W. and S. VV. Hatfield, of Macon;
Col. J. W. Lindsey and daughter. Miss
Annie, of Atlanta, Mr. Lem James, of
Tlfton; Mr. J. T. Hughes, of Mllledfe-
ville, and Mr. F. B. Chambers, of
Mr. and Mrs. Momand left at 12:08
p. m.jfor Washington and other points
Mrs. J. D. Maffett has returned fro*m
a pleasant visit to her sister In Amer
Misses Myrtle Felton end Evelyn
Rutherford spent Wednesday In Fort
Mrs. Arrie Bell Lawson hss return
ed td her home In Griffin, after spend
ing a week with Miss Llllln Marshall.
Misses Georgia ami Mamie Lewis
are spending several weeks in Dublin
with their sister, Mrs. II. E. Brook*.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. II. McKensle aro
in Atlanta.
Dr. T. A. Cheatham, of Macon,
spent Tuesday In the city.
Mrs. N. B. Bussey, of Chsuncey Is
spending some time with her mother,
Mrs. Loiila Brown.
Mr. Claude Maffett, of Roanoke,
spent Sunday In the city.
Mrs. A. C. Urannen. formerly of*
this city, but now of Roanoke, Ala.,
visited Mrs. Jule Felton last week.
Mrs. R. L. Munray returned Tues
day from Birmingham.
Mrs. Coley J. Lewis an£. little
daughter aro visiting Mrs. Council in
Americus. %
Miss Leah Eptlng hss returned to
her home In iBolIngbroke, after *
pleasant visit to relative* nnd friends.
Mrs. Minor I^wls and children hsvs
returned to their home in Macon.
Miss' Myrtle Felton entertained at
bridge on Thursday afternoon In honor
of Miss Howard, of Columbus, who
is her attractive and popular guest.
Miss Lillie Marshall and Mrs. Jaa.
Harrison entertained at the hom# of
the latter on Friday morning in honor
of Mrs. Lawson, of Griffin. Miss Em
mie Chambers and Mrs. Kd Marshall
served tea and sandwiches In the large
reception hall to the guest* m they
entered. Dominos was the game of
the morning, efter which delicious
cream snd cake were served by Misses
Brown and Marshall.*
Mr*. Sam Turner entertained on
yesterday afternoon at a stocking
shower In honor of Miss Annie Lee
Netherton. a charming young bride of
next week. «nd who we* unusually
lovely In h blue meg|sllne dress. Mrs.
Turner received the guests in her own
cordial way and after the shower serv
ed an elaborate sslad course. She
wan assisted in receiving by Miss
Netherton. Misses Ida and Isabel Ham
ilton, of Decatur, and Miss Meadows.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
plean-d to learn that there Is at least one
dreaded disease that selence has been
able to cure In all lie stage*, and that ts
ternslly, acting dirtily upon the Mood
and mucous surfaces of the system, there
by destroying the foundation of the dls*
giving the natlent-strength by
nuiiaing up ih*> »«»imiltutlon end assist*
In* mti-'o in doing Its vork. The pro
prietors have so much faith In It* cura
tive pow-rs that they oflf-r One Hundred
. Dofisr* for any c**«• that tt (alls W
Bend for ll-t of tesllmoMal*.
Address F- J. CHENEY & CO* Toledo.
I Bold t>v ell Dmrslst*. ?lc
Taks I falls Family r;lis for coastlpe-
i i y" v '
visit to the city, guest,of Miss Mar
guerlte Blackshear.
Mrs. 3. JI. Roby has returned from
a visit to Albany.
Miss Jennie Dawsoa has returned
from a visit to Rtatesboro.
James A. Thomas, Esq., and wife
have returned from a visit to Ma
con. \
Mrs. W. D. Holloway and daughter,
Miss Mary, of Atlanta, are visiting
relatives in th# city.
Rev. J. T. Smith attended the New
Ebeneser Baptist Association at Dan
ville this week.
Miss Lois Walker has returned from
a visit to Tenlnlle.
Mra. E, J. Tarpley has returned
from a visit to Eastman.
Mr. M. E. Burts and wlf# have re
turned from a visit to Atlanta.
Mr. J. E. Coleman and wife have
returned froa visit to Htatesboro.
Mis# Mitt tin Rates Harvard, who ts
attending the Georgia Normal and In
dustrial Hchool nt MUIedgevllle, has
been visiting relatives in the city.
Mrs, George Hill and children have
returned to their home at Sylvsnls.
after a visit to th* family of Mr. B.
B. Fordhsm.
Mrs, James Jones and children, of
Vldalls, have been the guests of Mrs.
John W. Cheek.
Miss Lena Clark visited Danville this
»Jr*. Gtissle Robison visited rela
tives in Toomsboro this week.
( Judge p. M. Roberts, of Kastman,
was In the city a few days ago on pro
fessional buslnese.
Mrs. \V. !>. Walker visited Fort
Gaines this week.
Mrs. J. R. 'Bsggett is visiting points
in Mouth west Georgia this week.
Mrs. M. A. Rmfth Is visiting In
Mrs. E. C. T/iwther has returned
from a visit to Maron and Atlanta.
Miss Mattie Jolnea has returned
from a visit to Ssndersvllle.
Miss Ethel Driskell is visiting rsla
fives In Atlsnta.
Mrs. D. J. Clark is visiting Danville
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Roberson. Jr.,
of Chester, were here this week.
Mrs. Wllla Bridger. of Gainesville,
is visiting her brother. Mr, 7*. White-
Miss Rosalie and Melt Smith, of
HatoklnavUte, are visiting In the city.
Mr. J. T. Pope and wife visited
Danville this week.
Mrs. C. O. Brown, of Eastman, hss
been visiting in the city, guest of her
niece. Mrs. R. A. Jones.
Dr. and Mrs. Chss. II. Klttrellhsv#
returned from a visit to Wrlghtsvllle.
Mr. Richard Hamlet and wife hsv©
retiimcd from a visit to Atlsnta.
Mrarw. A. Slnquefield. of Wrights-
tllle, wss in th* city this week, guest
of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Beall.
Editor Claud Methvln. of Eastman,
wss among the visitors to th* city this
Mrs, Annie Tompkins snd daughter,
Miss Florence, have returned from a
visit to Wedley.
Mr. W. F. Schaufele snd wife and
daughter. Miss Alpha, have returned
from a visit to Macon.
Miss Ida Rachels, of Jacksonville,
Fla.. Is visiting In the city.
P. L. Wade, Eso.. Judge I. B. Chap
pell and K. J. Hawkins. Eeq.. have
reutrned from a •visit to Sandersvllle.
Mr#. T*ee Jones, of Worth, ts visiting
reaitlves In the city.
Rev*. Allen Fbrt. W. E. Harvfll.
J. T. Smith, T. Bright. H. T. Smith,
T. .T. Barnett. W. C. Fiord. Messrs.
J. O. Persons. Wylly Lwk snd others
attended th# Annual sessto nof the New
Pheneser Association at Danville this
Misses‘Martha Mathis and Ka*le
| Harris, after a visit to the city, guest
, ef Mrs,. y A K flUAley, srs no* jcU-
,f .
Sam Weichselbaum & Mack
P. O. ?ox 163 Jacksonville, Fla.
The Mack Boys will giro them prompt and carefui
attention. Note tho following. All express prepaid:
is. so
XXX Superior Rys. 12.50 gall. Jug, 4 quarts,—....
Six year old Coni. IJ.00 gall. Jug, 4 ouarte
Mount Vernon Rye. 14.00 gall, jug, 4 quarts .....
Our Choice Rye. 85.00 gait. Jug.. K quarts
Anderson Co. Bourbon, four quarts
White Milli, bottlod In bond, four quarts
Lewis’ 68, four qOarti ,
Black lAbel, four quarts ».»•>
8 year old Corn, foul quarts
These nro only a fow of our many good things. Send
us a trial order. AH tho standard brands of BEER.nt
lowest prices. Write for prico list. ,
i Jacksonville, Via.
Itlng Macon snd Columbus.
Mrs. Llewellyn Edwards and Ml**
Louisa Mararten, of New York, are
visiting in th<* city, guests of Mi*.
II. H. Hummers. .
Messrs. J. K. Inman snd Wm,
Pritchett have returned from a visit
lo Havannnlt.
. Miss Theresa Raalftnskl hss returned
lo her home in Tennllle, after a visit
to the city, guest of her brothers,
Messrs. Issle and Sani Bashinskl. N
Mrs. M. J. Oliver has returned to
her home in Waynesvoro after a visit
to h©r sister, Mis* Addle Kellsin.
Mrs. C. G. Brown baa returned to
her home in* Eastman, after a visit
to her niece, Mrs. H. A. Jones.
Mr. John M. Blackshear and wife
of Wrlghtsvllle, aro visiting Mrs, Geo.
Mr. George Mallory and wife aro
visiting Atlanta.
Master Robt. Kitchens hss returned
from a visit to Deveresu.
Mr. R. A. Johnson, wife nnd daugh-
ter. visited Atlanta this week.
Mrs. B. T. Smith nnd Miss Addin
Joiner have returned to their homo
In Tennllle after a visit to their broth
er, Mr. W. L. Joiner.
Vila* Rosa RlacFshenr. of Wrlghts
vllle, visited the city this week, guest
of her sister, Mrs. C. R. Guyton.
Miss Claire Green, or MIHodgeville, Is
visiting in the city, guest of Mrs. Claud
W. Brantley.
Miss Myrtle Fenchel hits returned to
her home in McRae, after a visit to
relatives In th# city.
Mrs. E. J. Blackshear. Mr*. J. H
Simons. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. M. A
Bhewmake, Mr. and Mr*. H. P. Shew,
make, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. ScJilff,
Misses Marguerite Blackshear. J^oulse
Hmlth. An file Simons. Mabel Harvard,
Louise Orr, Messrs. Frank Lawson,
Hill C. Thoms* and J. T. Smith. Jr.,
formed a pleasant party to Mu< <>n to
witness the production of th* "Merry
The past few days hss been gay
In society circles. Mrs. Isxto nashfn-
skl entertained aeveral times in honor
of her sister. Ml*© Theresa I’.ishii kl.
of Tennllle. Bridge #•«* t*w> gamo
played. At the first entcrtAinm-nt tho
prize was won by Mr* <’h«* Wachtvll,
of-Macon, and (h<* oth«*r prize was
awarded to Mrs. D. F Brandon. At
the second series of gamo* Ml** Alva
Baum woo U« first prise. Toe eun*
solation prize was awarded to Mrs.
J. Toolo.
Mra. D. S. Brandon entertained
bridge in honor of Mr*. Hal P. Sh«
rnako. Mrs. E. R. Jordan won
prize, which ah© graciously tend.o
to Mrs. Bhewmake. ■
Mr. Ham Bashinskl cntortalned’aftoM
tho performance of "The Other \Vo4
man." In honor of his sister. Miss Th*-*
Bashinskl, of T annul*. Thosaa
pregent worn Mis* Basblnkl, M|z« LJ
Hinlth, of Mariana, Fla; Miss Floremw
Stokes, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mr*
M. Finn, Mr. and Mrs. Izzle Baa.VnV
ski, Messrs. J. 'B. McGoodwyn. Is mom
Pritchett, D. A. Walker, Sidney WalJ
ker. ’ ’
Friday night Mrs. Paul Verpoeifit
K vo a piano recital at the school sud-w
rium which was highly. «i-Iightful<,
Bho was assisted by Prof. VerpoentJ
music director of the public h. hoolm
of the city. Miss Nelle Chapman i-~. u J
or of elocution, and Mr| Alex A. 1 >«]
4ng mu ilc In the city.
One of the prettiest social fun* •>»%
of the week was a "Crystal
given In honor of Miss Adah And’-"#
by Mrs- Frank DanteUy. The provuti.
were displayed In the dining ''mml' 1
where tho brlde-clcct uns ton
after which refreshments were served^
Thor# present, vrero Mosdapicr .Mu*i
Lowe, James Dent. Scaglrr. K sidMsO
Robert Reynolds. Grant, Saylor, Bov
Walker, Bond. Johnson. Webb. AnV
draws, Le Sueur. Danlelly. ard Mi»W
Dozier, Andrews and Lucille Dan: >l ^
The wedding of Mis# Adah And><
and Mr. Earl W. Howard occurretm
Thursday afternoon, October 22. 1