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Every Democrat In the Sixth
Congressional District to go to the
Polle on November 3d and Cast Hit
Vote for the Democratic Nominate
for Presidential Electors and Con*
Hon Chariea' I*. Bartlett, Confreia-
man from the Sixth Confreaalonal Dis
trict cf Georgia, lesurs the following
stirring appeal to the Democratic vot-
• t* of the district, as well aa the
Democrats everywhere.
Judge Bartlett Is a contributor to
thn national campaign committee fund,
KlvJng $100.00 out of hla owrt
j-ork't and forwarding the contribu
ting of‘others that came to him. Ilc-
uldee, hla services wore tendered In the
early part of the campaign, and ho
!;«• been actively at work In 'tha In
terests of tha pemocratlo nominees
from the beginning. Tho following
Is the address:
^ Macon. Oa., Oct. 20, 1001.
To tho Voters of tha Sixth Congrea
slonal District:
The election which occurs on Tuer
day, November Id. Is of such vital 1m
portancc. not only to tho Nations!
Democratic party, but also to tha In
i' rests of the South nnd of Georgia,
that I foci Impelled to urge every
Democrat, who feels an Interest In tho
nucoess of his party «n<l the welfare
of the State, to go to the polls and
cast hla vote for tflio Democratic can
didates for presidential electors and
The laws of the Piste require that
fhe electors who cost the vote of th*
BtAto for rrcsldent and vice-president,
shall receive n majority of tho votes
cast In the election. Therefore. It will
bt itec^asarv for the democratic elec
tor* to receive more than nil the others
combined, t'nler* this shall he the re
mit, the Plate will be put 4n the ex-
. f&Mto of holding an extra session of
, the legislature to select the electors.
Tliate i« no doubt that liryan will re-
calve a • plurality of the votes of the
Plate, tnit the apathy. Indifference or
pver-copfldrnre of the voters inny re
sult In failure to »enire for him a ma
For years past the republicans have
taken the fact that nt the general
elections the democratic candidatesfof
congress In the Southern Stole* re-
ctlvo so few* \ote» in comparison with
<ho»-e>aat tor candidates for congress
In other Ptates, ns u basis for their
r*fe-* to tednee the represent at Ion of
the South In conrress and In the elec-
t*rftl roilege. This effort to reduce
the eftpnaentatinn • f the South In
rdnifreafi and the electoral college has
been attempted to he cnrrM nut
l« still n. etanding menace to the
pie pf the South from iho republican
majority. On May 2-d. of the present
year. In the tioure of Ueprcsentatlves.
what Is known as the <*nimpack*r mil
was passed ns sti amendment to a
Mil requIrhiR political parties to give
publicity to contihbiitlonK for ram*
rtlgn purposes. This hill |»assed the
Home on that dnv. every republican
voting for It. and It Is now pending In
the prnnfe. This bill not only under*
takes to Interfere with the representa
tion of the Southern Ptates, but re*
enacts the old federnl election law of
r< construction days, nnd goes further,
and undertakes to regulate the pri
mary elections for the nomination of
congressmen In the various districts.
The republican platform endorse* fhe
action of the republican House in
parting this bill, and the republican
candidate for president states that he
1% In favor of the enforcement of such
hvl'tatlon In letter and In spirit.
I therefore appeal to every democrat
In the 3 Ixth Congressional district to
go to the polls on the Id of November
♦ and cast hla vote for the Democratic
rindblates, in order to have as full a
vote ns pdarlhle to meet the attacks
of the republican leaders in congress,
nnd to swell tha majority which the
State should give to the drmmpwtla
v.omlneea fof president and vice,
] take this method of urging upon
TOO tha Importance of a full vote, he*
c*u»e l will be absent from the State
until election day, nt tha reoueat of
the national committee, to render such
resistance aa I can In other States.
Shoe Store’s
which was turned over by the Insurance Companies to us to he sold at any
price it would bring, is now being closed out entirely at the old stand of
south out of
Mention was made a few
that Mi 1 . J. A. Newcomb hVH
the flimst garage In tho south out
the old building on tho alley In rrar
of the Telegraph building.
Yesterday Mr. Newcomb sold tha
property to Mr. Jeeec II. Hart, tho
condition being that ha would carry
out tha plans of building tha elegant
Mirage for Mr. Fred Kills as contem
plated by him. This Mr. ltart was
glad to do. and he will on Monday be-
Having an abundance of room. It la
juopoved to make this garage the Oueat
In the country. It will face on Sec
ond street and run back to the preo-
. nt fctahh* of Mr. Hart’s undertak-
it't establishment. *
peal estate men say that Mr. Hart
3 s» thus secured ona of the bast
pieces of property In Maoon for tha
pun"”* he Intends It and yesterday'
» nogratulated klm In getting It after
their unsuccessful efforts.
)|Ag Cholera or Swine Plague as It
I sometimes called. t* a highly con-1
toons disorder.
winn a hog showe any symptoms of
this disease, be should be Isolatrtf at
. r. and the pen fumigated In order
to gave tho other hogs if possible.
Ills one part Bloan'a Liniment with
two parts milk In a bottle and give
• very sick heg a tafclespooafut of this
mixture night and morning for three
<<> >*. Sloan’s Llnlnrnt U a power*
antiseptic, kills the disease germs,
r ■ r all inflammation and acta as
a t :ile to the animal.
a. J. McCarthy of ldavtlte. Ind..
► r "Mr hogs had tug cholera
tars* days before we got bloan’s Ltni-
t tent, which was reccnmrnded to me
i « m gtibnr who waa using u with
1 have weed tt now for three
da*, and mv -‘toga are almost wetl.T
hog JUm before 1 got the Llnl*]
j. •» • utfl nav* not loot any ai»co."|
Mi. • W. BaY. haugh. «f Peru. led.,
vni'. ‘1 had Pair pigs that were I
rou*;r. z and wer* not doing we^. *i
pm i .>.*m earn* of •lean’s Uaimant I
*m<i th» cot b'lter nt once.’*
gloan’d book op Horaea, Cattle. Hogs |
IRA A. WATSON & CO., the adjusters, have CUT PRICES and now
CUT PRICES again and in order to close out this stock QUICK and
stop expenses we. will give a prize with every purchase a ■.
Calendar 1009 Plates and Pocket Knives
constitute the prizes lo be given away free to this
weed’s purchasers.
Costs no longer rule the selling prices of these shoes. We don’t ask
cost. We are not trying to get rich or make money off of you. Our in
structions are, Get Rid of the Shoes.
Here Is What Will Get Rid of Them This Week!
COO pair of men’* and wom
en’s $5 and SO Shoes, patents,
tnns and blacks, all sold for
$3.89, but now wo have just
taken off one dollar. All go
this week r • °
One big lot of men’s and wo
men’s fine dress shoes that sold
for $4 and $3 50 that have been
selling at $2.39, $2.67 and $2.89.
All go this week at.
1,000 pair of boys’ and girls’
school shoes that sold for $2.00,
$£.S0. A priso with every pair
and tho price is only
$2.89 ■ j
The Entire Stock Is Now Going at
One big job lot of men’s, wo
men’s, boys’ and girls’ shoes,
odd lots and sizes, some worth
$3 to $5. While they last and a
prize with every pair, all go at
per pair
Two big lots of baby and
children's shoes worth from $1
to $1.50 to go at 69c and
Only a Mere Fraction of Its Real Worth!
Everything is marked plain and lower than ever. Besides g’iving a
prize with every package we are going to give away another BALE OF
cotton. Keep Tab on This Store From Now on; You Win at
& Co.’s Old Sfa
Corner Third and Cherry Sts., Macon, Ga. IRA A. WATSON & CO., Adjusters.