Newspaper Page Text
' 1 ! ”'
Tomorrow, the opening day of
our State Fair, should find every
man dressed in his best, to wel
come visitors, and do honor to
the fair.
If your suit is not what it
should be for the occasion, come
in today and let us help you
with a new one.
Tonight—No Delays Nor Hitches.
In ons more day the groat Macon
HARRISBURG. Pa.. Oct. 25.—Albert
Georgia State Fair will open Its gates j {*»•. a 12-year-old school l*>y. was
415.00 to $40.00
$15.00 to $40.00
Ons of the fortunate* with a
hunch of tnonsy; In that oaso
you sued a bank.
Teu ma<y he a salaried man,
defendant on your efforts for a
living; in that case you need a
In every walk of life—the bank
U needed tf suceess Is th# goal.
Rrery man should have a sav
ings account, earning Internal,
wfesre every possible cent not
absolutely demanded by neces
sity should be put. (lit down
and “
reasun with yourself—then
TT«. pay d per eent Compound
Read our free booklet, telling
about our safety and $ per oent
interest. Ask tor It.
"Safest for Savings"
Equitable Banking
& Loan Company
Geo. A. Smith, Pres.
rnnenl Director
Lady AsriaUat
Private Aratmlaaoe
Perec cat Attention Given AT
Offioe Phone 487
Bcaidr-ce Phone 760
U. O. Ptwfley. t-smae Clay.
Always open, 111
eye open. 111 and 111 Mulberry ft.
j earieeiv* undertaking haunt in
Meeea. Pttor# 4M. Prepared to flit
itieersph or telephone orders on short
notice. Carriages to funeral IS.Id.
1 8T. PBTBR8BURO, Oot. 25.•
| announoement was mads today by tbs
i foreign office as to the progress ot
negotiations at Berlin between M
1 Iswolsky. the Russian foreign Mini*-
ter, and Prince Von Buelow, the Ger
man chancellor. The conference, so
tar as can bo learned, baa scored no
definite results and will be continued
to Monday.
Advices from Berlin, however, have
In no wise loosened the confidence
here that the proposed International
congress will ultimately be accepted
by Germany, although tho negotiations
sro apt to be continued for some time
after tho return of M. Iswolsky. Tho
Invitation to take part In the congress,
therefore, will be correspondingly de
M. Iswolsky. It was understood by
the Novo Vremya'o 'Berlin correspond
ent today, declared that Austria’s ac
tfon wns a blow at tho Slav’s Interests
and that the Indignation of ths Rus
sian pres* and nubile could easily be
understood, but he asked that the pe >-
pie sustain Judgmeht with regard to
hts activity In this connection until
his return to Runsla, when he h-med,
with tho •mperor’s permission, to
make a statement before ths duma
Any prematura publication of hla pro-
gram, ho said, would have an Injurious
offset upon tho progress of negotia
tions. ft Is reported that octoberists
In the duma have decided to support
the foreign minister, but President
Khomyakoff. In an Interview said that
Russia should rafuse to recognise the
annexation of Bosnia and Herxagovlna,
which was p mare prelude to further
aggressions on the part of Austria-
He also opposed the opening of the
Dardanelles, urging.that Russia’s In
terests could be better served with the
straits In the hands of frltndly Tur-
the (Servian crown prince was ths
moat Interesting development today.
The coming to St. Petersburg of the
under flervlan, who hae been utter
ing warlike sentiments. Is rsgarded In
certain diplomatic circles as a direct
menace to peace since. It la believed,
the favors shown to him hsre would
encourage the war party In ftervta.
Hut It la believed In other Quarters
that the prince has been given per
mission to accompany, the envoys to
Ft. Petersburg In order to give the
Fervlsn government a better chance
of taming the mob spirit prevalent in
.... .. Debs, socialist candidate
president, arrived In hie “red *p*c.„
today he requested that without delay
be be permit ted to visit the tomb or
Abraham Lincoln,
Steading by the sarcophagus of Lin
coln. surrounded by a group of socialist
candidates for state offices, frera gover
nor down. Mr. Debs delivered on eulogy
When Introduced to a large audience
at the courthouse this afternoon Mr.
Debs was termed ths ‘'Abraham Ltn-
A°V>SS*SRfoi5Jjhat ths slsvs pow-
sr. which teethed and despised Lincoln,
was no mors heartless than the power
of capitalism, which today, holds ths
woeklagmsn ot ths nation fit byidoiti*
Ml Walnut Street.
Reaular meals for m«n end women ft
cents. Purines* wsmsn II cant*
Breakfast 7 is s *. m.
sf^tswn* ifftilii* 1
cenvsnlsnt fee tut*
City tnxss for tho *4 wns duo
Boptomber 15th. If not paid
on or before November 5th,
fl fn« will b« levied and adver
tised on Nov. 6th, 1908.
hto society will srosssuts cess* tf
r-leading, wounding, starving, or drtv-
S r unit animal*, end ether rets* of era-
y to animals, reported ts It.
to the public.
By f o’clock practically every detail
of preparation will have be^n com
pleted. and every department of ths
big enterprise will be In perfect readi
ness for the opening.
Arrangements have Just been com
pleted by the fair association for a
balloon ascension and parachute Jump
on every day of the fair. This Is a
feature that wJJi be of unusual Inter
oat to hundreds and one that has not
been seen In Macon In quite a long
while. The balloon will not be a cap
tive one at all. but will ascend to
dlssy heights every day. and. a para
chute Jump will positively be made on
every occasion.
All day yesterday score* of men
worked at the park. Superintendents
hurried hsre end there, while on every
tide could bo heard the rap of the
hammer end the voices of workmen.
Blank wills were rapidly covered with
various kinds of exhibits and by night
nearly every foot of floor space was
taken up by displays. Throughout the
night the work progressed, end Will
by his id-year-old brother,
while hunting In Wildwood l'arK iat«
this afternoon. With tt.r brothers on *
hunting expedition wre thr<>** other
boys, one of wt.otn. wUlmtt -ayinv wor
thing to any one, slipped a cartridge
into ths rifle whT<-n •*.>-- i*‘\
they had. Later on Raymond playfully
pointed the rifle at hi* : finer nut pu;.»
ed th* trigger, the youth sank to the
The Grand Exposition
ground wltn a bullet in his braiu.
“Generally debilitated for years. Had
tick headaches, larked ambition, was
worn-out and all run-down. Hurdoca
Blood Bitters made me a well woman.''
—Mr*. Chaa. Frcltoy, Moo*up, Conn.
be continued with the coming of day.
Three of the largest buildings are
already crowded. These are Machin
ery HsIU Poultry Hall and Agricultu
ral Hall. In the former there are
displays from every section of the
state and a number from western
states. Agricultural Hall Is filled
with displays from many counties
Poultry Hall Is the home of hundreds
of chickens, fowls and dogs. The la-
dies art fast making Art Hall a thing
of beauty, filling It with exhibitions of
womsn's work and art studies. -By
neon today ths three booths in Music
MANILA. Oct. 25.—Seven new cases of
reported hi this city
f Sunday -•-** —
Hall—those of the Maeon Book 8tore.
tho Confederate Veterans and Ths
Dally Telegraph—will have been fin
The greatest appearance of bustle
and activity noticeable yesterday was
Happy Street, destined to be the
best of all midways ever seen In Ma
con. Practically everyone of the two
ecore of attractions arrived Saturday
night end yesterday, and they lost
will have been taken, and all ahowa
will be ready, for business.
Tho race horses are also here.
Nearly every stable ts full, and still
more are coming. The running races
will be run on the first day of the
fair and will be Just ox good as those
later on In the week. The big pre
mium* offered by the fair association
have attracted stablemen here from
oil of the big tracks of tke north and
west, and na a result some of ths
fastest horses of the country will be
seen In action., A special train of
horses, thirteen cars, arrived from At
lanta yestqrdny
While the absence of General Man
ager Huff, which Is due to eevere In
Juries received in an accident Satur
day. are sorely missed, all work Is be
ing properly looked after. Commit
teemen have the many departments In
charge and are seeing to it that noth
ing la overlooked.
On account of the enormous amount
of work still to bo dons, the public
will again be denied admittance to
the fair ground* today. There will be
a crowd of people as It ts, with **v-
•ral hundred exhibitors and workmen
o n the scene. Th* gates will be wt’.e
open tomorrow, however, and the fair
will be In full blast.
Among the horses coming to the fair—
jt. rather, those that have already arriy-
a number of th# favorites of th#
big northern tracks, which have tfen
closed because of adverse legislation.
There are Plea#*. Gltverdear. Usury,
rercedencs. Scotch Lass. Black Bat. and
ftpanale Banner. Accompanying these
horse* will be some of the country’s most
famous Jockeys, Including Harry Farrar.
Charlie Horn. Tommy fiteele. Rornanell,
T. Bums. Tony Smith. Htrschbergsr.
Parle Rice. Twelve canoads of hors**,
with tholr owner*, trainer*. Jock#!* and
other race track employs*, arrived In the
city yesterday.
President Ben X* Jones announced last
night that arrangements had been mads
with th# focal traveling men’* organisa
tion*—th# Travelers' Protective Associa
tion and the United Commercial Trav
elers’ lodges—to hay# "prmnmerie Day"
during the state fair. As Saturday. Oc
tober II. suited th# drummers best It
was decided to combine College-labor-
Football nay with Drummers’ Day and
make It th* best of the fair.
TJiia means that n*xt Saturday, In ad
dition to the thousands of school and
college attendants, union men an C
other*, there wiO be hundreds of travel
ing men from aft portions of the stab
They will he allowed th* use of one
ths day ending Sunday night. Tho slight
Increase In the spread or the disease is
ascribed |»y tlie authorities to ths many
gatherings of the people on Saturday
night and Sunday and the feasts that
accompanied the assemblies. The situa
tion Is not considered to be grave and
ths health department feels na though it
has the epidemic well under control,
expressing no alarm over tho Increase.
It is probablo that the government will
further restrict tho gatherings of the na
tives and also th* sale of dangerous
roods.^ It la believed that .the cock pits
located In (he suburbs of tho city whoro
it Is difficult to maintain u strict watch
over the wile of foodstuffs are responsi
ble for the slight Increase In the number
of cholera esses noted at each wsek-end.
While in Macon don’t fail to see the great line of Books, Stationery and Offioe
Supplies. We aro in our new store, 616 Cherry St., {next to Citizen’s Bank) and
onr stock is fresh; positively no shop-worn goods will be shown—only the cleanest
and best will be offered for yonr inspection.
During Fair Week wo offer yon two hundred popular copyrighted- fiction at
50c each. Write or call for list.
On some days wo will sell any Bible at one-fourth off the regular price.
The commercial world needs and demands a lot of stationery and office ap
pliances. We have everything needful for office and store in the way of commercial
stationery, blank books, letter paper, envelopes, pens, inks, litter baskets, docu
ment files—well, everything, we said, and that tells the whole story.
Macon Book Company
615 Cherry Street.
T. 0. PARKER, President.
Telephone 383.
John Temple Had It Alright
Because He Proudly
Exhibited It
ATLANTA. Go.,* Oct 15.—If John Tem-
R le Grave* hasn't gut a Job with William,
andolph Hearst. as Intimated recently
by Hearst, Atlanta people conversant
with the leaving of Atlanta by Col. Graves!
ore wondering what became of that ;
$13,000 a year contract.
For that there was such a contract;
there Is no doubt, according to several-
Atlantans In the newspaper business, who
shown tint Interesting pa
Central of Georgia Railway Co.
Bavannah and Augusts * 1:25am
Savannah, Augusta
Covington and Eatonton *11:55am
Eatonton and Mllledgsvlllt. .f 7:50pm
Athens and Madison * 7:40am
Athens and Madison * 4:50pm
Atlanta (D>xi* Flyer) * 3:35am
Atlanta and Griffin * 4:30am
Atlanta and Griffin.... * 7:23am
Atlanta and Griffin.... • 1:35pm
Atlanta and Griffin.. 4:40pm
Columbus and Birmingham..* 2:45am
Columbus and Birmingham. .•11:25am
Albany and Montnomery * 3:00am
Albany and Montgomery....*11:40am
Amerlcus • 7:55pm
Current schedules corrected to date.
Savannah and Augusta......• 2:30am
Savannah, Augusta
Covington and Eatonton......• 1:15pm *
Eatonton and Mllledgevl!le..t 9:00am
Athens and Madison *11:00am
Athens and Madison • 7:45pm
Atlanta, Chicago, St. ‘Louis..•12:05am
Atlanta and Griffin..,, • 1:05am
Atlanta and Griffin.. • 2:35am
Atlanta and Griffin *11:2Gam
Atlanta and Griffin • 7:35pm
Birmingham and Columbus..* 1:15am
Birmingham and Columbus..* 4:35pm
Montgomery and Albany • 1:25am
Montqomery and Albany • 4:25pm
Amsrlcua 7:15am
District Passenger Agent. 003 Cherry 8L
Oct 25.—Oh**.
Joseph Harness. husband of the daugh
ter of.the late Bei ~
land, who was
nator Gorman, of Mary-
arreated In Louisville,
charged with being a deserter from the
United State* navy, was brought to the
Philadelphia navy yard today. Mngne*s
was placed in th.* brig of tho re '
ship Lancaster where he will b<
until th# time set for hie trial by
martial. Hla wife did
with him. He la the first 1
carcerated under the
does not oompe" “
oner in Irons.
law which
doe* not compel the putting of th* prls-
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Oct. 25.—Dele
gates representing forty-live out of slx-
ty-ssven division of the nouthesstern
branch of ths Order of Railway Conduc
tors, met In Birmingham today to agree
on it man to be recommended as u
ressntatlve of thUfsectlon among
grand officers of ths order. Resolutions
urged the national organisation to create
lbs office -f fourth vice president and
Tor this olileo today’s convention named
T. A. Ot * “ ' *'
Gregg, of Roanoke, Va.
Gtn. Gomes Gets Ovation.
SANTIAGO. Cuba,* Oct. 25.—Gsn. Jos#
Miguel Gomes and Alfredo fiaysas. re
spectively the presidential and vie# pres
idential candidates of the Znylstas and
MlguellsU*. were given an enthusiastic
B reception hsre today. Many people ar-
ved In Santiago from all over the
land, as numerous excursions had been
previously arranged, two coming from as
far os Havana.
Severn! thousand persona took part In
tho procession In - the afternoon, the
length of which woe moro than two
miles. A banquet woe given In honor of
the candidates In the evening, covers
being laid for 2.000.
meetings and a grand rally of Sunday
S r hoot workers mad# up the program to-
ay for delegates to the thirty-fifth an-
ventfon of the W. C. T. U. At
nual convent!— .— ... _ .. _.
the afternoon meeting Mrs. Margaret
Dy# Ellis, of New Jersey, natlonab su
perintendent of legislation, delivered the
sermon. There was a similar meeting
tonight at which Seaborn Wright, of
Georgia, mad# the principal address.
Both meetings were preside*'
th* national president. Mrs.
Lillian Slsv-
Korea Insurrection Ended.
TOKIO. Oct. 25.—The so-called fnsur-
ictlon in Korea la practically ended.
Th* troop# are still on active duty, but
the Insurgent* have dwindled to merely
a disorderly element.
It la stated that Prince Ito, former
resident general at Seoul, will probably
....ilttg to the rair. in* drummers will [ return to Korea early In November,
also bring along several of thrir friends. 1 Two-third* of the Japanese troops in
or be ths means of Inducing their eus- j north China will be withdrawn In a few
tenters to attsnd. days.
^ a£t.d ln D r P et;i“ »« <*nry °n th. work ho
dispatches ns saying that his'candidate j h a< I hi* whole heart Upon All liU
on the independence ticket for vice pres- associates went to work with a will
ident was editor and part owner In an | to do his unfinished work. President
Atlanta paper. Once again these samei Jdnea forgot about his big stables, his
R^r'o »"■ TP'S"!"*1 J,' W - I L 1 ? 1 ??” mod.) farm, hi, beautiful home, hla
that the colonel severed his connection!
with th* a«.r*ia» In a bl.,« of .lory
a public banquet and before going to the 'arloua entc -
metropolis, n contract calling for the em- J help out and take up where Mr. Huff
ployment of Col. Graves os a Hearst left off.
editor nt a salary of $11,000 a > year was jf ho continues to Improve. It Is
exhibited by him. »ay aeveral who are posa | b i e that Mr. Huff will yet be able
elose to him. i to go to the grounds, but those who
That Hearst Paper for Georjjla. j have matched and envied his energy,
be in- i** , *» pl S5?iTmJiieS! ; ft 1 ® active movements, hs Intelligent
been sot aside temporarily for *ampaign .limpfinn R n,i noted his absolute fa-
purpose*. but known that Co*. Groves 5J55S2SS £v/L “
i one after
earst carrier out his
purpose*, —
la not now an Atlantn editor,
able that he may sgalu becoim
the campaign If Hearst earrl
reported program and establishes
per here. When last here Mr. Hearst
rnhl he had the matter under considera
tion: that such a sten had been favorably
reported upon by hla right-hand man
Carvallgo, but that he would wait until
after the election before making any
It is generally believed here that Mr.
Hearst desire* to see what sort of a show
ing the Independent" *-
ticket makes In
the national election In Georgia, and If
the result Indicates that his party may
ho built up here, the pnper will be estab
lished. Friends of Col. Graves say that
he would like very much to come back
here as editor of a Hearst paper.
mlllartty with every detail of getting
tho fair in readiness, will miss him
and miss him much.
All Macon Joins In the wish that he
will soon recover and be on his feet
Monday, October 26th.
Matinee 2:80. Night 8:15.
B. E. FORRESTER Presents
Yorke & Adams
Playing the Ponies
50—Singers and Dancers—50
Tho famous Ponv Ballet, Luna Park
at Night, The Sheepshead Bay Race
Track. The famous Race Horses,
“Lady Love” and “Dlavolo.”
Prices—Matinee 25c, 50c, 75c. Night
25c to $1.00.
Seats now on sale.
And Come Along to Macon’’s
Big Pair Where Giant
Policemen Dwell
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct 25.—Judging from
reports now being mads to the police,
pickpockets did a land office business In
Atlanta during the Confederate reunion,
notwithstanding efforts made to prevent
this. One of the biggest crowds In many
years thronged th* strttta on the last
day of the reunion, brought here by the
fair, th# circus and the veterans. Many
of those who lost valuables think they
BOSTON, Oct 25.—Eugene W. Clfi-
fln, of Illinois, and Aaron 8. Watkins-
of Ohio, prohibition candidates foi
president and vice-president, ad
dressed several well-attended meet
ings in this city today. Tonight Mr.
Chafln spoke In Lynn and Beverly,
while Mr. Watkins remained in (Bos
The most importert of the meet
fngs was held on Boston Common,
where n big audience applauded tho
“There Is no republican or dermv
cratlc pnrty at the present time,** de
clared Mr. Chafin. “It ts it Bryan and
Roosevelt party. The loner In this
unusually strenuous campaign wl',1 be
forever down and out.
“Mr. Bryan is an elegant gentleman
and a man of great Ideas, but ito lacks
executive ability. Mr. Taft, on the
other hand, possesses that executive
ability 1 , but he Absolutely has
An Easy Task to Curs It Vhen You
Know How.
Thera are three kinds of dandruff
Cloud dandruff cures.
Bad dandruff cures.
And plain liquid junk.
The first la good to put on the head;
at the fair or the circus.
The last time Rtngtlng’s circus cam* ta w
jSc1kS5c h k,u"l?rt ;".rtu‘o C ?"v| C , flm”Snt 0 n .?«°" d •* *“ od '» «**“
Valdosta was reachsd. where the entire head, and the third is good to flush
crowd wan arrested. The members of th* “ “
out the sewer.
The owners*of good dandruff cures
say our remedy will cure you In two
and one nf them actually crippledRi J
* 0 This* * no if * have * r« el ve d* W fo rrrnt V. i n "wnuri u«u uauuruit cures
that the^gang which operated here in-I guarantee nothing. b ”t^*pend^. tholr
tends a visiting Macon during the state
NEW YORK. Oct $$.—T# several hun-
drtd Germans, numbers *f the Osman
independence eemmltt*#. Wm, It Hearst
and th* leading candidates ef ths inde
pendence party oMiens) axd state tick-
eta hvks in favor cf th# persona! lib
erty dec trine* which the committee
steads for at a reoeptiea In the Hotel
A Mr r Hearst mtd that white he was
fever ef periranal liberty be did not th!
that the Idea ef nrteeasl llberi
» i qqseriated with esceas and
s bald that be did see wny mn.v
coal outdoor starts should be prison*
l&TK pu$m la his speech, refer
red te ths fscT.tbot Ms parent* i
bora In Oemtsay sad then recited
**£? RfttaEsd freely during the #v
ins te various caller*, in alT ease* w-.
pressing confidence In the outcome of
- r
To Heal
a Cold Comer
Don’t sit in the cold—s touch
ol a match—a study (low ol
geiial warmth and in the cor
ner that's hard to heat you'll
have real solid comfort with a
00 Heater
(EqMpptd with Swekekes Device)
l Asked to pnrticolortae os ,
ts Ul various states. Ohio I
Mr. Taft saM be bad not
that Okie would be strongly i
to the results
for instance
a doubt hut
for him.
*if I couldn’t carry my owe state I
wouldn’t deserve ta be nutaing for presi
dent.” he eaM.
Jus! whit you necJ to help out tn
» cold snip or brfwern seasons.
, . No smoke—no smell—no bother
—tl t the smokeless device Rut ac-cs it As easy to
opttitf and dean as a limp. Dross font holds
4 quirts—gives interne heal for 9 hours. FinisKcd
in nickel and {spin—every heater warranted.
MOttLS. Ah.. Oet 1$.—Major reward
ire?. ‘
The beet instruction it the!
cheapest. j
vWrtwVrtit kSLai
Utt, N* eauee for f
t i . . . . Equipped with
latest unproved central draft burner. Made of brass
throughout, nickel plated. Just the lipht to read
by—bright and steedy. Every lamp warranted.
If your dealer doesn't eoray the Perfection Oil
Heater and Rijro Limp, write cur nesrot agency
for descriptive circular.
The hospital physlrlana reported the
condition nf Mr. Huff an being Im
proved last night. The forearm that
was broken is bandaged and I* now
ready to begin* Us own time In knit
ting together, but the most painful
feature of the accident was the bruhxd
side. This is painful, but It Is yield
ing so well to the treatment that tie
prospect for Mr. Huff to see the result
of hts great work at the fair Is bright
He may not see the opening days,
and may not be there to direct In his
skillful way ths doing of this and that,
but he will see much that will have
been done by his direction from «hls
bed In the hoerltal ward.
There Is no pain so great that will
take Ms mind off the fair and the
preparation for It. 8o well had he
covered every Inch of the ground, so
completely had he mastered every de
tail. and so well has he tn mind every
rartlcular and the exact location of
every exhibit, .that he carries in hts
i head, without a single note on paper,
th# entire groundwork of the fair.
• But of course this Is not like being
on th* greund, walking In his brisk
way from this building to that, this
exhibit to that, this corner to that
x'oraer. telling whdt to do and how to
do It and answering every question—
and there were thousand* of them—
as If he were there In per*on. And
: vet *o well ho* he drawn the plan*
In hla mind that hi* dlractlons ore
I easy ef following.
"I had located every county except
one” be said yesterday In his bed.
unable te tnm over so great
was the pain tn Ms bruised side. He
wad In the best of splrlte. however.
i and he take* his enforced absent
from the fair grounds as one ef the
l things that cannot be helped.
I AU over the city there was empa
thy expressed as wen as regret that ha
money howling fake at the, good dan
druff cures, which policy they con
slder Js a clever method of enticing
tlie slteckels from tho unwary.
Parisian Sage la a good dandruff
It Is guaranteed by King A Oil-
R hant to euro dandruff, atop falling
air and Itching scalp In two weeks
or money back.
It kills the dandruff microbes. It
promotes a new growth of hair. It
makes hair soft and luxuriant, and Is,
without doubt the most pleasant and
invigorating hair dressing made to
To every reader of The Telegraph,
both man and woman, we want to
aay these few words:
If you have tried other daridruff
cures, hair restorers, and have failed
to receive any benefit from th*m, don’t
give up hope, try Parisian Sage at our
King A Ollphant will sell you «
large bottle for 60 cents with a money
hack guarantee if it does not do os
Orders shipped by express, all
chargee prepaid, at regular price, by
Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Mr. Gerry Cahaniss is Ill at the
Macon City Hospital, aufferlrg from an
attack of appendicitis, and will be op
erated on In a few days. »Hls many
friends In Macon deplore hlr Indispo
sition and wish Mm a speedy recovery.
The condition of Mr. C. B. Wl'llng-
ham. 8r.. was quits aerlous last night.
Th* forepart of th# day was passed
In a way that gave hts attending phy
sicians hope that he was rallying and
hla condition Improving, but ss the
night drew on they were apprehensive
of a serious turn. They pronounce him
a very sick man. and hope that this
morning will find him with a change
for the better. In this all Macon
Dr. W. P. Carroll, of East Macon,
wore a larre smile and ws$ rejoicing
in the possession of six young Carrolls
at hts home, th* sixth arriving on Sat
An American Comedy of Modern Life,
The Womans Hour
By Frederick Paulding.
Management FRANCIS X HOPE.
Prices—25c to $1.50.
Monday, 26th, and all week.
Bertie McGarvey, :r
A Glorious Voice, Divine Figure and
the Moat Exquisite Gowns in
Qourley and Keenan, '
In Comedy
Featuring, th. F»mo«« Shoatb Skirt
that Sot Savannah Agog.
Wolfe and Vaughan,
Presenting the Rural - Comedy, “Th«
County Sheriff.” with a world
of refreshing Rube Comedy.
Gaumont’s Animated Pictures.
Pictures 10:20 to^i Vaudeville 4 to
Ladles may attend Bandy Bros.’thea
ters anywhere, any time. Only polite
vaudeville Is presented under their
And Why He Brought a Bottle of btrrin*
ed Honey to Mscen,
an unsuccessful raid on what
be an illicit still.
morning from
a backwoods county below
off he went to make a raid.
The slgaa were all right and promised
th* capture of * still and the workers
therein. He proceeded with his usual
caution, and had the privilege of seeing
a man at work. He saw the supposed
moonshiner ns he carried on the work of
making ths liquor, and from hts vantage
I ground thought It was about the boldest
proceeding he had ever witnessed.
It la probable that he might have re
mained a spectator a long Urn*, but he
was finally reminded of his duty and be
irushed In on his man.
Great was his surprise, which he suc
cessfully disguised to find that the nan
■■■had been watching violate the reve
ls ws. and whom hf Intended briny-
■RS to Macon as a prisoner, engaged In
straining honey! .. J
EEsraa as aaraws
Bull nut tin min m
broutht III, bold. t. M*ra>n in ornvn
that th. )-JO«r ™ Botonly nto. »rU-
K but that It »«. awfully chMD.
I Th. man 4m, nut know. u>4 p»rh*r,
will n«r«r know whT Mu-ttni Rllnr h*p ;
f*uM to dm. In and buy • bath, of
•trained honor.
Only On. -MOMO OUMNE," Chut k .
Laxative JJromo Qumine gr
CmiCMkOHku, OVtaJftiy, ”