Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 26, 1908, Image 3

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, • OCTOBER 26, 190? 200,000 Souvenir Post Cards atlC Local Comic, Sentimental, eto., etc.—65 Different Maoon Views; Wo have Cut the Prices on High Class Cards to 1o. No use to use government cards when you can get such attractive cards for la TV# have thousands of Tuck’s finest cards to go at this price. All the public buildings, schools, colleges, churches, cemeteries, parks, giver, street scenes, cotton, practically every place of interest in the olty. Special Prices to Dealers or Large Buyers. . ... Cards Made to Order—10,000 Received Today. *" McEVOY’S, 572 Cherry St •A Mistaken Idea DOCTORS COMING IN CONVENTION The Physicians of the Sixth District to Meet In Macon On November 10—An Interesting Program Is Being Ar- ranged—Some Important Papers to Be Read. i Ail the physicians of the sixth district will meet In Macon on November 10. It being the annual meeting of the S.’xlh Society. iHtrlct Medical 8 Dr. Eugene B. is been busy for . Elder, the secretary. _ I . _ . for some time prepur nur for the meeting, notifying the members and. urranging the program. Fronting by past experience, tire selection of the papers to he read and the topics for dis cussion for the comli meeting ling rn< . before. Thai m of subjects. and tiro ter than vast range m R change of Ideas will ho of benefit to all the physicians attending. n...SB. ttend i. ■ AH the members'will renremher with pleasure their last meeting In Macon. They will recall the pleasant time given them by the resident Physicians, under the leadership of Pr. Elder, who knows every law of hospitality and obeys them from a to t. The coming together once each year, of Perhaps you have an idea that in order to have a bank account you must have a large sum to deposit; that a bank doesn’t care to bother with small accounts. This is not true of the “Fourth.” This bank wel comes new accounts, no 'matter how small, and extends the same courtesy and service to small depositors ns to large ones. Let ns prove it to you. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK MACON, GA. the doctors is productive of They can consult on this amt mat mm swap experiences. They can tell of the peculiar and unusual cases that have come before them since the last meet, and the remedies applied and the effects produced. Thoso meets give the patients nn op portunity to tell the doctors how far wrong they are In their treatment of certain cases. The opportunity will ho ripe for thoso who have suffered and nro likely to have relapses of wnat Is com monly called grip, to toll the doctors that all their remedies are wrong. Men who have had prlp and who are apprehensive of I •• ■■ '■ * - --- *-* the . that there la oni.v < remedy tor ' the legislature. Oyster Season Now Open We are headquarters for Oysters, Fish and Fresh Meats. Oysters all the time. Your orders solicited. Phones 242—951. W. L. Henry Co. Out of town orders receive prompt attention. A Beautiful Mantel .In your home is no longer a matter of tedious work and bJg expense. You can come here and pick one right out all ready to put up. You can get anything else in mill work too. Grill work, newel posts, railings, balusters, columns and a hundred other things. Have a look at them and see how you can save both time and money. WILLINGHAM SASH & DOOR CO., 457 Third St., Maoon, Ga. The Welcome Glow of the Electric Light Is hospitality in itself. If your residence is not wired let ns show you how small the ex. pense really is. Its conven ience will repay you in short time, and when once installed yon will wonder how you ever managed to do without it. Macon Railway & Light Co. Sam and Ed. Weichselbaum P. O. Box No. 55. 610 Market St. Chattanooga, Term Phone No. 820. ' Our stook is complete with the finest and best brands of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, etc. 1 GaL 2 Ga! 2 Gal. Old Virginia Corn Whiskey 13.SO $« 75 SftOO Express Prepaid. # Bottled In Bond (Rye and Bourbon) 4 BoL 8 BoL Sylvan Grove $4.50 White Mills Bourbon 4.50 Belle of Lexington 8.00 Mellwood 8.00 Atherton (Kentucky's Best) 8.80 EXPRESS PREPAID. BEER * . ' Schlits Per Cask $11.59 Blue Ribbon Per Cask 11.50 Budweisor Per Cask ’. 12.00 Bi::e Grass Per Cask .* 9.00 PIEL'S P~r Cask 11.59 F. O. B.Chattanooga. REND FOR PRICE LIST-LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS. $ 8.00 8.00 9.75 9.75 10.75 22 (Bot. 111.76 11.75 23.59 13.50 25.00 Tit* urogram for the meeting Is as yet Address of welcome. Dr. K. P. Moore. of welcome. Dr. * !9. A. P. White, n l Its treatment. Dr. A. H. BfneK. TUomnrton. / The doctor and his relation to mddli •nntt'itlon. Dr. J. C. Beauchamp. Wit Pome observations enreerulng deaf’ "0tene3S with clinic. Dr. M. M. Stapler, M. A. Clark. Mae Mastoiditis. Dr. F. M. Cunningham. Dr. IT. J. Williams. Dr. J. IT. Sliorii. imKothers will ropd papers whoso titles vlll he announced later. Letter to A. B. Small Co., Macon, Ga. Dear Sirs: "He's a very good man s men go, he’s only about fifteen per cent tricky.” Whut do you think of that? There are eight paints not-adulter- ated and full-gallon; thero arc more t'.ian two hundred in all; sum.* adul terated three-quarters, some two thirds, some half, one-third, a quar ter; and, when you get down to lifted per cent, they seem very good w paints go; they’re only about fifteen per cent tricky. How much Is It fair to cheat. In gallon, by measure; und how much by water In milk; or whiting, r.hina-ciny, ground stone, barytes, bensine, and water, in paint? Fifteen Is tho least; It Isn’t worth while to cheat for less than fifteen; they seem to think so anyhow. Maybe,*it isn’t wortn wnil* at all. Devoe Is the strongest of all. gallon goes further: 10 g<T«b>n* D< is enough for a job that takjs 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 if the rest, and n gallon costs $5 when painters are paid. Now reckon the costs. Dn*oe $50; the rest $55 $60 $65 $70 and so on. How long will tnev wear? Tho strongest wears longest, of course. /Is it worth whllo to cheat when .... honest paint costa least and wears longest? Yours tmlv F W DEVOE ft GO P. 6. Birch Hardware Co. sell our paint. TALLULAH FILLS LO BE PRESERVED CONGRE8S TO BE A8KED T PURCHASE THE FALLS AND CHASMS. U. 0. c. THI8 MEETING WILL BEGIN IN SA VANNAH ON TUESDAY. OC TOBER 27. ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. 25.—The official program of the state convention. U. D. C., to be held in Savannah this week, be ginning Tuesday morning, October 27, Is as follows: Tuesday, October 27, Opening session. , Music. Invocation—Rev. Clua. Strong. Welcome on behalf of city. Welcome on belialf of veterans—Capt. F. D. Bloodworth. Welcome on behalf of sons of veterans —Hon. C. O. Edwards. Welcome on be ha" B. Hull, president. Response on behalf of division—Mrs. C. Heuet Plane. Introduction of distinguished guests. President's address. Music. Recess for fifteen minutes. Report of credential» committee. Report of officers—Recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, aud itor. registrar. Adjournment. 1pm. Luncheon served at hall through cour tesy of Julia McLeod Chupter. the King'* Daughters. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -4 3 P. M. csslon., Minutes of previous session. CotnmUtee reports. Free scholarships. Business Announcements. corgi* room at Richmond. Text-books. Sin editor. State registrar C. of C. State orgnniser C. of C. ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. 25—Renewed report of activity In the direction ojf harnessing Tallulah Falls, In Haber sham county, northeast Georgia, and converting them to commercial water power purposes, has revived the ac tivities of those interested In the pre servation of these fays and the sur rounding scenery In all of their wild end natural beauty. Some three or four years ago on effort was mado to secure this prop- erty for commercial water power purposes, but for some reason or other ft fell through. At tho time of the agitation the Georgia legislature was asked to make an appropriation sufficient to purchase the property and maintain It as a state park. This the legislature declined to do. The property Is now owned by pri vate parties, but Is open to visitors _ Tallulah Falls from all parts of the south, and those who havo traveled the country over and who have looked upon the scenery, have declared It Now It Is proposed to Interest the federal government In the matter and to see If congress cannot be Induced to make an appropriation for tho pur chase and preservation of these fall# and vast chasms before It Is too late. President Henry C. Howell of the Piedmont college of Demorcst, Haber sham county, writes: '•The stata of Oeorgla Is In danger of losing the Inspiration of one of the most beautiful hits of scenery in the eastern half of the United States. Be cause of Its somewhat secluded loca tion the Tallulah Falls region has not been so well advertised throughout the country at large as if* beauty de serves. Wo are In hopes of being able to Impress our national congressmen at Washington wfth the desirability of bringing the matter before con gress at the earliest possible moment In order that the Tallulah Phils region may be permanently reserved as a na tional park. There can be no question but that It is wholly worthy of such distinction. It Is purely a question of the appreciation of the aesthetic and spiritual value as compared with com- merclallim.” Farmer*, merchants, railroaders, la borers rely on Dr. Thomas* Ectectrlc Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, bums or bruises st once. Pain cannot stay where It la used. • , <n schools. Adjournment. 5 p. m. 8:30 TO 11:30 P. M. Reception bv chapter at home of the president. Mrs. A. B. Hull. Wednesday. October 28, 10 A. M. j Business session. Announcements. > Minutes' of previous session. Chapter reports (In alphabetical order.) I Reports limited to live minutes. Reports of chapters having no delegates to he handed to secretary. Reports to be heard ono hour Unfinished business. Wtr* monument committee report. Shiloh monument committee report Soldiers’ home. Revision constitution end by-laws. Adjournment. I p. m. 2 j*. m.—Oyster roast nt Tybee, guests of Confederate Veterans’ Assoclar* Historical Evening, 8 P. M, Music. Medal Committee Symposium—Mrs. A. Van I loose, chairman. Historical Committee Symposium—Mrs. If. M. Franklin, chairman. Music. Report of historian of Georgia division. Music. Arlington Monument Committee—Mra. Janies A. Rounsevllle. Savnnnah, and her sons; Mrs. Lula Kendall Rogers. Adjournment. Tuesday, 10 A. M. Business session at casino. Announcements. Minutes of previous meeting. Chapter report*. Report of committee, Bartow dormi tory. Report of treasurer. Bartow fund. Revision of constitution. Revision of children’s chapters. Adjournment. Luncheon, t r. m. Business session. Announcements. Minutes of previous meeting. Chapter reports, Selection of meeting place. Adjournment. 6:30 to 8 P. M. Reception by Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution to Miss Donning. Tho officers of the Georgia division are: Mrs. C. Helen Plane. Atlanta, honorary president; Miss Alice Baxter, Atlanta, president; Mrs. R. L. Nlabett. Marietta, first vice president; Mrs. Walter Lamar, Macon, second vice president; Urn. T. D. Carswell. Augusta, third vice president; Miss Mattie B. Shelby. Romo, recording secretary; Mrs. It. O. Stevens. Atlanta, Tomorrow hike Day FOR THE OPENING OF THE GEOR GIA STATE FAIR AT MACON. 1 Great preparations have been made for tho entertainment of the immense crowds which are coming to our city for tho noxt-twelvo days to attend tho Fair and the Grand Lodge of Masons. , „ • - One of tho principal ways of ontortaining tho concourse of peoplo is to provide . a suitable place for them to make desired purchases for personal, for family and for home purposes; there is no better placo in Georgia than Tho Empiro Store for buy ing in this line, much caro and thought aro given to tho pleasure and convenience of our customers and friends. , ^ r A most hearty and cordial welcome is extended to all to make our store tlioir mooting place; your headquarters, lcavo your packages and hand baggage hero—we will give you checks for thorn and keep them safely for you until called for. I , Should you wish to make purchases, you will be shown a most beautiful assort ment of Piece Goods and Ready-Mado Goods of various kinds. Our stocks of Ready-to-Wcar Garments for Ladies and Children embraces overy Gannont necessary, from tho Hats to Hoso, for tho grandmothers down to the in- fonts. Men’s and Boys Clothes except Top Suits and Hats. Houscfurnisliings and Piece Goods, such as Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Cotton Goods and Domestics. Wo never allow quality to glvo placo to shoddy. Inforior stuff Is high at almost any price. We sell the best goods for tho lowest prices practicable. Of unusual interest today aro tho special bargains offered in Silks, Dress Goods, Sheets, Pillow Oases, Blankets, Spreads, Bleachings, Cloaks, Suits and Skirts, X t I t I $ l § ! i I ! Trammell. Madison, registrar; Miss Mil dred Rutherford. Athens, historian; Mrs Herbert Frnnklln, Tcnnllle, acting histo rian. The Savannah charter chapter officers Mrs. H. A. Urnnrh, honorary pres* A. B. Hull, president; Mrs. secretary; Miss Nona Buussy, treasurer pro tern.; Mrs. Geo. D. Lamar, registrar. A Healthy Family. ''Our whole family has enjoyed good health since we hegan using Dr. King's Now Life Pills, three years ago,” nays L. A. Bnrtlett, of'Rural Route 1, Gull- ford, Maine. They cleanse and tone tho system In a gentle way that does you good. 25c at all drug stores. IS BECAU8E OF THE GREAT CROWD8 OF STRANGERS TRANSFER SHED IS ARRANGED. To accommodate tho great crowds of strangeni that will be In tho city this week, six benches and tho sky will constitute tho transfer station at. tho intersection of Fourth,and Mul berry streets. Thero will be a vast amount of transferring at thin point this week. People—those living in tho city and tho strangers—will 'come up from tho park on the park can and will want to transfer to the various other lines at this point. There will be necessa rily several waits, aa tho park cars cannot run on schedule. If no rain cornea thero will be but little, If any, discomfort, but should It rain, then the Indies and children will find t-hc sky as tho only shelter that can bo provided, and thoy can occupy the benches unl< they aro taken up by tho gang of loafers who loaf any where they have tho opportunity. It was thoughtful on the part of tho authorities to provide tho six benches on which tho tired children and ladles may rest.. Borne folks may complain because there arc not more of them, but there are some people to find fault In everything. It was also extrMnftly thoughtful to provide the skv for thb overhead shelter. Oft a cool, clear day, with the sky blue, In the daytime with tho sun shining, and blue In ths night-time with tho stars shining, ennnot bo Improved on as a shelter, but there nro people who will kick at even this. At raiy rate, the shelter is there, and the people can rest assured that It will not bo removed by Injunction, but will remain thero for some tlmp to come. Now tho All-Night Plumbsr, From the New York Bun. "I knew that most every line of city activity keeps open ell nlfht." Bald the Brooklyn man. "but It was a sur* prise to me to find an all-night plum ber, and that In quiet Brooklyn, This plumber annAuncea that he can bo reached at any time, day or night, Sundays and holidays; all one has to do l» to telephone and hla men will be on the Job In short order. I should he afraid to try It, though, for with rates for ordinary daytime plumbing what the comic paper* *ay they are, I suspect the’night rates would bo al together out of reach.'*/' , Rainy Season is Nearly Here, and Leaky Roofs are Annoying and Expensive. WE CAN SELL YOU THE GENUINE Louisiana Red Cypress Prime Quality Shingles at $4.00 per y Thousand. Last a Life Time. You won’t ever have to shingle your house again if you use these. Massee=Felton Lumber Co. Telephone 1840 Macon, Ga. SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. (Being the Confeialone of the 8evcn Hundredth Wife.) Translated by Helen Rowland. Hearken, my daughtor, and hear my counsel l If thou hast a secret, tell It unto thy* man friend; for he is as a pa tent ink bottle, wherein much goeth, but nothing epllleth out But a women friend Is os a paper bag with a hole in ths side. Yea. a man friend Is as discreet as a hammock on the side porch or a cosy comer In a dark parlor: but a man that boaetsth of hie conquest* arid snereth at other women, beware of him. for he ir as a placket without hooks ready to be tray then end hold thee VP t» ridicule.. Lot how wise Is the Hnsn that hath been long married! He commandeth the barber that he porfums not hi* lialr; he eateth cloves and clwweth >«n»yy» n* putetli on a soiled necktie whert he con- templateth taking his "*«n o, fr a0h ? r &»&<!££ a: “WTSr 0 *®? «-■- •* to persuade him to stay with thee, after Uiou hast married him as It was to per suade him to leave thee before thou didst marry him. , .. ^ . For he deelreth variety end thou art of a sameness like unto the dally hash of the boarding house luncheon. When he taketh thee forth to a theater he refuseth to don his dress suit; he smoothed! hi* top hair and ptrketh up his cane, saying. "Behold. I am ar rayed! Why tarryeet thouT He walketh two feet ahead of thee and bundleth thee Into a street car. lie tided! four blocks out of the way that he may procure transfers and yawneth beside thee In a seat In the first balco ny. He hurried! thee home that thou mayeit not note the glitter of tho res taurant aims. . ., . . For a Is as a horse which Is ae- ~.irely hitched to a post a fame deer which need not be chased but will come at the call, a book that hath been rmd, a pussle which hath been solved. Tea. verily, she Is a* three meals a day which have become a habit: but an af finity Is ee a lobster smmer-with Intoxi cating wines. .Selsh!—Waablngton Her ald. How She Won Him. FYom the Bystander. "Do you think any girl ever proposes In leap year, as they sty, Jennie,” he asked. "Not unless ehq Is obliged to," an- gwered the maiden. "Il'ml I hadn't thought of that." he s8ld. after a pause. "But, George,” she said, laying her hand affectionately upon his arm and looking Into his eyes, "you. X am sure, will never force me to that humilia tion.” 'No-ien-Hhat Is to say—of counts not- C. B. WILLINGHAM COTTON FACTOR Ship Me Your Cotton and Get the Best Returns... MACON GEORGIA SOUTHERN ELECT RIC SUPPLY & MFG. CO. Machinery, Electric .and Combination Fixtures . ' WIRING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY r 171 Cotton Avenno—Phone 212. / Refrigerated Bottling The word sounds good, doesn't it?. Just try a Bottle of Coca-Cola Bottled by our process. There's nothing to compare with tL We want to show you our plant Call and Inspect You will be delighted. If you want a perfect drink drink BOTTLED EVERYWHERE Hri-fr-HH-H"H"H-l-i"H-EH“H~t-iiii’H