Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 27, 1908, Image 4

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* • THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1908 H 1 for present pressing 111# by oenjeetuW M to what might happen under a] Democratic administration. A pool hi# panic la opposed to a panic eetu* ally prevgiling. Laborers whose daily *afa» under an ^ifOfrhj^t tart* do ‘not suffice to meet their dally ex penaea are told that misfortune will fall on them if the tax rate la lowered on the living neceiaarlea. The unecn Ployed are threatgped with lack of employment It they vote agalnat the interest of employers who feed fat on the people's miseries. la It any wonder that under auch condition* the tabled should be turned and that within a week of the election the R*r<uMl' , «n manager* should by their action* confess their fear of the truth ©f the claim* of Democracy that the victory *• It stands la their*. What lea* formidable reason could Impel President Roosevelt to forego all his Irtuoun pretension* and almost openly The Macon Telegraph Published Every Morning by THE MACON TELEGRAPH PL’S. CO. is, Mulberry Street, Helen, Oe, 0. B, Pendleton, President. THE TELEGRAPH IN ATLANTA. WELCOME TO THE STATE FAIR. TwJ»y the Situ r»lr throw* open Wa getee to tea poopl* of the Stew juifl iracon throw* open her arm, to •» rleomn *11 who com*. Our people ol*» and *tl should r*m*mb*r tlmt tvl ere th* Sort* and every on* rtiouM roartltnta hlnMir • commute* of on* a* well a* a member of th* committee •f t># whole to five °u r *Mltor» good time. The )*teh airing le on the outside, tadu* and fentlcmen. tl« folk* and Ettla Tou ere welcom* all. IM every on* mah* h!m**lf at h*r**lf mined man. tor whom eh* wot*! oat- law* haw a wfcolaaotne rup*el A ■imilar method nut, to be employed In many portion* of th* Southern Slat**. INSULT TO THE INTELLIGENCE OF OUR VETERANS. The Macon portofflc* I* In toertpt of a lettar mailed at Chlcayo, HI, and addmwd “To a Confederate Chapter of 0. C. V. B.." which ha* hwn turn*d over to a local chapter and which I* her* Minted: I haw *vtd*oo* to *how that th* Sr’'nan Democrat* do not pro- . taot th* Southern poopl* living In th* North when they *r* kin of th* Confederal* soldier, and rtlll they expect your vota*. I will he pleased to lend thl* to you on r*t)U«>L Very truly youtx, Adores*, c wfI ^ ow> Drawer O. Chicago. III. Oct 12th, '01. Ws cheerfully glv* Mr. Lucius O WJison and th* Republican party the benefit of this advert lament of tbalr rrity campaign fisvlce to show them how much ttosy mistake end Insult tha character and Intelligent ,©f the men who fought under the flag of southern Confederacy to think they mold be led oft by such transparent appeals from the grave times that confront the country. One would think theae gentry assumed olir vet- eiana had no Intervwt ©f their own In the political fortune* of the country a copy of thl# silly paper has doubt* w* been sent to every point In the Fouth whore there Is "A Confederate rnnpt<4r of the U C v 8** to which it can be handed Tha Republicans surely muat have mads a -raise” when they can afford to waste stamp* In this reckless manner Wilson la a clerk probably at the Republican headquarters. “IN FULFILLMENT OF OUR UN DERSTANDING." < Personal). "Hon. John P. Elkin, Indiana, Pa. "My Dear General: In accord ance with your telegraphic request of today. I beg to enclose you oertlfleete of deposit to your fa vor of $5,000 in fulfillment of our understanding. Very truly yours, JOHN D. ARCH BOLD." The nbove Is one of John D. Arch- bold's letters aa read by Has rat to J'flin I*. Elkin, the Republican attor- b*y-general of Pennsylvania In 1900. now Supreme Court Justice of Penn- ylvanla. The wording la almost toreotyped In Its similarity to eom- nimitations of tha same sort from tha Am © source to which the public has Iready treated. “I beg to en- (throw himself into the arm* of Wall Street What could Impel him to throw off all moderation and disguise, summon his cabinet and command them to throw th©m..©lvea one and all Into the vortex of partisan polltlce. What could have made him the moat partisan of all Presidents, this man mho drat cams to the fore as a civil service refermpr? Whst this all mav mean we leave| BRAZEN ASSURANCE. From hit roll In New York Brough ton Brandenburg has had the braasn assurance to announce himself aa "the Dreyfus of the campaign of 1101* And when arrested In Ohio he walled: "la It msonabla that any ean* man m ■•uM % falsify tha utterances of an *x-Pr*slfi#nt of the United States for $m?**-~9ro«umab)r referring to the amount paid him for tha forged article l»y the New York Timas. A small amount Indeed for which to Incur no terrible a risk, but If he wan properly rewarded In eecrst by the agents of the Republican campaign committee, there anas no lack of • reason'’ for the d.v<* The New York Timse la scares. i' ■ ttdaclou* in Its editorial con tortion that even If the article la ► r non*. It expresses the known sen- ttnunis of Mr. Cleveland. Everybody v - w* that Cleveland was ones as un friendly toward Bryan a* Bryan was t■•enrd Cleveland, but nevertheless no. t» v bnllaves that auch a man aa Ai rover Cleveland would, on the eve of Mr death, forget th* party that had t« I C Honored him and come out aa a for tko Republican canfil- be close you certlflcate of deposit to your favor of 65,000 In fulfillment of our understanding.** Whst a deal of mat ter these few words are qualified t< rover. It was “in fulfillment of our understanding- that tha csrtlfloates of deposit wars sent to Foraker and Fib- ley and others and always In separata communications there was talk of kill ing bills, appointing Judgas. prosecut ing attorneys and the Ilka. And yet Mr. Former Attorney.aeneral John P. Elkin and Present Buprema Court Justice Elkin, after giving the matter twenty.four hour*’ consideration can not say positively whether h§ aver re ceived such letters and checks of the denomination of $5,000 and $10,000 from Mr. Archbold until ha goes over his data. Ha Sa aura, however, -that I have never received from Mr. Arch bold. dlraotly or Indirectly, money for any Improper purposes. Neither have I ever made any attempt to Influence legislation In the Interests of the Standard Ol! Company” If he le sure of this much It Is rea sonable to euppoae he would be sure of the nature of the service he did render to Mr. Archbold and Standard Oil for which he oould or could not have received $11,000 in two payments and proceed at ones to state what it was. Doubtless ho would be aure tha$ he never received auch letters end checks If it was not for the fact that Heurst evidently holds the proof of it In Archbojd'a own sign-manual and “presented Ip the Congress.** and the intent of which was ic exempt labor organisations from .the laws Against restraint of trade. This bill represented many of the Ideas of Mr Oompere, end was drawn In consultation with him at the White House. Yet it was so vi cious that Congress would not have it. Nor would It accept the President's recommendation of a radical change in the law relating to Injunctions against labor or ganisations. also designed by him to meet the views of the mao whom he now denounces—Mr. Oompers! It le this glaring inconsistency, running through the whole of Mr. Roosevelt's letter, which must rob It of the desired effect. With such a record, it la indeed eg. traordlnary that the President should now hold Oompers up as an enemy of law and order and seek* to Identify Bryan with this fearsome labor leader. Or perhaps we should aay that It would be astonishing In anybody but Mr. Roosevelt who has long reserved to himself the right—end In this he suggests an absolute monarch of rat' dlaevai times—to condemn violently in hi* political foes or his enemies that which he permits Jn himself end condom-* In his friends. The New York 8un 1* even mors **. vsre than the Evening Post In Its comments on the President’s fresh In eurslon Into the campaign. After quoting a faw f-jctracts from his letter to the Individual Judgment of the spec-| t0 Rsnator Knox regarding the de lator. with this reservation—that If mnn,, » of ©rganlged labor, the Sun Democracy Is dead, aa our big and little enemlea have claimed, it Is the liveliest corpse that we ever sat up with GET OUT THE VOTE. Do our Democratic readers notice that there have been appearing re cently. In the leading dally papers In th* State, under the word “Advertise meat,” campaign literature from th* Republicans and also from the Wat- campalgn committee—the urging the people to vote for Taft end the other Watson Both of these opposition tickets are backed by money in this Stats, and the Democratic committee hasn’t dollar! earnest Democrat wrote Chairman Hewlett Hall suggesting that a certain contribution to Demo cratlc literature which had been printed In Th* Telegraph, be printed In circular form end broadcasted over the State. Mr. Hall rsplled that he m.y confound Arohbold *nd hlra.elf (or tma , , hrou(h -"V. -fcyP.F ">»"• te0,a »" a * ny ;th. local executive committee., and not dollar came In response to the re quest—not a dollar!—therefore he was powerless In the case. Now. the anemic* of Democracy, working In concert undoubtedly, ara covering Georgia with orators, and lltarature. and tilling our newspapers with “advertisement" matter, making various and specious pleas with the view of defeating end destroying the the fact outright 15 DEMOCRACY DEAD? One week before the election for President finds the nations) Democ racy seemingly In the moat flattering situation. It may be recalled that three or four short months ego. before the popular pulse had been felt, or Us temperature taken, that the prospect for • Democratic victory thl* y*«t D*tnocr*tlo'n»riy In thl, But*, already w»« dtrtant ud remot* to th* public unfortunately divided Into two w»r. mind The Democracy tu divided: j r tnt camp*. It t* too tat* now to or- a *r*at body of lhn*» who could not ,, n !i. a campaign, and ralto fund* *ndor» all that M* Bryan appeared, for th) , gut , , n4 lh , „ mMy to stand for wee disaffected. Those of them %he declined to entertain the thought of breaking a life-long rec ord of constancy to their party looked forward to voting for a third time for Bryan but half-heartedly. It Is but truth to sty that they looked for Dem ocracy to be put on the defensive along the entire line of their candi date's utterances In the course of en active platform career. Tha outcome has been a signal reversal of this an ticipation With the active opening of ampglgn the Republicans have developed divisions and the Demo crats have gotten together; the Dem ocrats have taken and kept the ag- greaslva end the Republicans have been kepi constantly on the defensive This situation le due to several cause* Is with th# Democratic nowapapera— publlcl’*.., Let the Democrats know the danger, and urge them to turn out to the polls. The danger la In Bryan's failure to get a majority over tha whole com bined vote of the opposition. A vota cast for Taft. Wataon. Hlsgen, Chafln or Debs la a vote against Bryan, bo eauae Bryan, under our law, must get a majority over tha whole opposition. The Telegraph urged the Legislature while In eession last summer to amand- thls law ao that a plurality would elect aa In other States—but more of that psrhape at a future time. The lew provides, however, that In ease no set of electoral candidates get a majority then the Legislature shall east th# vote of the State; but there On*, and nnf ,h. laart. I. hat W. J. m ervan d*val.paf\ Into a aplaMId p*.|, h , If t „, nn mult ^ m ,„ e Mitral and ha. eonducted from j,,,. , n4 „ h .„ th , •h. day «f ht. nomlna.lon a RtpaWleta, .r. hoping to m.k. « campattn. both in dart. 4hd tartl« L,«.„ful .tuck. It It I. needful to That Phy.le.lly and or.torte.Uy he la,,*,*, vot ^ a ph.nom.nen bn^uall^d In anelant: Th . bMI uN „ tMBf . th . r . (an . er modem tlma* had been demon- ,, „„ „ ^ nlly ,trat*d in hi. two termer mmpatgn. , UM t m ^,, y THE NEED HT ’Ta.a «. D,mocr«tte newapaper. THE NttD, )nt , hw e , n4 | 4 , fy tnr th* hlghMl I , ,K. laaA.r. . ting no tha outmga at Wat. attim la th* world to dlml.y *» ? mtlTt . w. T-ua-tb. lynoMb, by nl,bt ; „ c|my , M ^ •*«*! I ^Lr2eT “ of two lawyers because they !o hu gr#)l , histrionic rowers m«i * A * * 4 depend ni* great munontc rower* ■ on th s activity of the Democratic can. All this, adopted and put forth by Theodore Roosevelt, marks the extreme audacity of political hy pocrisy W# cannot recall Jn our politics! history its equal, unless we except the letter which Theo- dor* Rooaovelt addressed to Judge Tsrker in which he denied with a great show of righteous Indigna tion f>s charge of Judge Parker as to political contributions, although Mr. Roosevelt then well knew that his personally selected chairman of the Republican National Com mittee had already In Its .treasury the contributions which had been wrung from Edward H Harrlman and the Standard Oil Company. Both th* Sun tad the Evening Post are supporting Taft, end their com. ment Is the more bitter because of their quite evident fear that Mr. Roosevslt will prove th* Burchard of a campaign he has Insisted on directing evor since th# day he determined to ranks his Secretary of War his ad- CARLTON Arrow COLLAR, that tries neither thumb, tie nor temper < < a£2,sS l sale invested in the UnflariifPed ta deed mads and delivered to it by L cetta. gtsvens. Peyton fi: ovens and A drew Btevent dated th* 6th'day of Fi ruary* IP06. recorded in Book $4. pa ?2t. Ta tbs omc* oi clerk of Bibb super] court, the^underslghsd will sail at pub outcry to th# highest bidder for cs at the courthouse door in Bibb coun Georgia, between the usual hours of ah< iff’s sales, an the Srd day of Ndvemh< 1909. th* folio win- described proper to-wit: All that tract or paroef of u situate, and lying In th# City of Mae< Count yof Bibb and State of Georg and being In block six ($). northw< commons of said city, and marked as It numbers eleven Ol) and* twelve (12) th# map of J. C. Wheeler, city surveyi debtodness secured by said deed. r Is th# most IMPORT AST part of war buiidin*. and to set th« host amice. Sou should ueo our 4. 6 ar.d 6 ply Standard Gravel Roofing to ba applied only under the strictest ap^ilUJLti os. It U cur detire to up hold the quality of Gr*\«l Hoofing, and ottir you IA« *ary W tMK plenty of natf m»4a cspeetall. OU* fOUCV IN MAHUyACTUSE! Don’t trust this Important paxtlrt,/•( us r.ot be satufattory unless HI is u«cd. sr.d un’CES «is ipecially (or this cllm^ta. THAT II V « yon with our <0 yesn expcricacs. SOUTHERN ROOFING CO.. Mire. ATLANTA.. OA. J ALBERT McKAY, Maker of Men’s Clothes, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice He hereby given that under tha authority and In accordance with terms and provisions of an order grunt ed by m*. ss Judao of ths superior court of BlM» county, on the 3ist day of .Au gust* 1906. which ordsr has been duly filed in clerk's office of said court, at election will be held at poilew’s vlnevl'u drug store. No. 699 Vln*vi!lo avenue, h# infrlm repr*..»„ t. th. Whit. % * N ^.Sb^W 55 House. Rudolph Wimberley. J. C. Morcock and R. O. Jordan, aa managers, to determine whether there shall be Incorporated Into and as a part of the citv of Macon, the following territory, to-wit: Ths tmot of land In th* county of Bibb, and In the Vlnevlils district, being contiguous to ths present wsstern boun dary lias of the city of Macon, from the right of way of ths Atlanta division of ths Central of Gsorgla Hallway Company to Highland avanue and bounded as fol tha south by the riaht of way of the Atlanta division of tho Central of Georgia Railway Company and St. Stan islaus College grounds, on the east or southeast by ths western property llna of Dr. Thomas N. Baker’s lot; ths east- boundary Una ef ths lot of Mrs. J - >L Hunt, and the western boundary line of Ward avenue; tho eastern boundary line being the present western boundary line of tha city of Macon from the right of war of the Atlanta division of ths Central of Gsorgla Railway Company to Highland avenue; bounded on the north by the northern boundary of Highland avenue and Clayton avenu*. property of th# estate of B M. Davis, ths northern boundary line of the property of R. K Hines’ estate and R. J. Jung, and south ern boundary line of the Methodist Orphan Nome land, bounded on the west by Holmes avenue and Pio Nono avsnur described «_ — , Commencing at a point on the north •Ido of theright of way of the Atlanta division of the Central of Oeorgla Rail way Company at a point 216 feet north- weat from the western side of Holt ave nue; the aeld beginning point being the * v of thr * "REDUCED OPPORTUNITIES" OF SOUTHERN WOMEN. Mr. Editor: I am no politician, n*plr- ln» to any honor or preferment ot aay vl — Am .Imply one ol those, "for- reduced to th, limited opportuni ty# ot a *outhera woman." aa Mr. Harry Stillwell Edward# aaya. tn Bat- urdoy mornlns'* TeleEraph. I would Ilka to know from Mr. Edward, It the "opportunttiro of a (outhern worn. Oh" ar, limited." who did tt* what party It ra*ponalble for |t? Llmltad opportunity of atoutharn woman!”It make* my aouthern blood fairly boll. Limited to what? To being the queans of the Brand*,: country of anrth. rleh In opportunltlea, and tccmlny with chnralroua aouthern m*n. who respect and admire true aouthern iplrlt. and who will never prov* disloyal. What more could bo d.elrod? Now, Mr. Editor, the only cxcum T have to offer for th!. Is .that belnt limited to a non-uie of tho tongue, I Juet couldn't help, but raoort to the p, i R«*p*el fully. MRS. C. A. TURNER. pan Vtnavllla. Oet Tha Nation'# Sohoolmaittr. Wall Street Summary. R«p. cont.r'of th,’pr..*nt . . dance lot of Dr. Tho*. N. Baker; from •-* 1 ? ess.jf**#*' •» *‘~n- :^g^; nn p , ^,n^ 1 v»» n ->«« '» M ‘ straight line across vlnevlils avenus ths sast side of Ward avanus; thencs southwest along ths north side of Vine- vUle avenue TO feet; thence along ths Une ef ths property of Mrs J. M. Runt 119 feet; thence northwest along the tins Of course. It would have been too much to expect Mr. Roosevelt to eb- “ “ro«« Participation in the itren- finish” of ths campaign, and, accordingly, we have been favored with another etump Utter. The can ons of presidential ethics apparently .~»rod control of . t.k. and j handled Pro.ld.nt Rromalf. .rlt.ful! ** e,htv »» ,h - «**«»* <* awault a. on* would rebuk* end i iborhrod—Th* T.l*graph eut-!,^,h. „ ni.t,mp*rod. .polled child! ° d Ihnt a ecorc »r la*, of 1*fe| y„ r nv« day, he ha* k*pt that under. | don, autocrat on th* tenterhooks of FEAR HE 18 A ''BURCHARD." inpnH to know if he would *ctu- ] Born* of the mor* trank amany tha ng* would do tha work n.raa.iry to chock the tncnsaa of ovlla of thl. •ort Ex-Oovcrnor Korthen ha* urged that “th* poopl* in arcaal»4 capacity, u wall ** Individual*. mu»t *buV» and brtng to puelahmoat all cl...*, of criminal., white and Mack without Elrtlnetlcn. and. with fsarlra. prMontatlon. demand the observance of leer." Th* Oov*r*or at T*nn***e* b** odvl.ed that tha atx moat oorvly afflicted Southron commonwealth, ca- deny th* whit* houro occupant th* right to take the platform, but thore'a no power on earth, or under th* at*, which esn forbid th* present tennnt th. right to tak* th* pen. 8*nator Knox wee th* reclpt.nt of thl* com munlcrtlon. but th* writer Intended It for th* nation. It I* much longer than M* e.rller T«ft-r*ll,f epistle.— poHibly, xrtth a view to make up for tho weak a when hi* _p»n alien:. It Jeb* Hry»n. Jolt* Oomper*. prtla., Knox. Interpret, the democratic ptat. form on !»b«r Injunction and th* ludi- clary, land, Toft to th* ski*,, and denoqnr**- a* "virtau* and ehlm»rlc*l" th* labor proposala of Bry*n and Oomper*. H»« It ever occurred to th* pr**ld.nt that th* people—aim.tlm.a •t tutt—think for themielvei? That they had ta etruggl* alone xrtthout him before hi* appearance, and that thetr work mu.t *o on after March t. Ho,, when, probably, he will neither be her*, nor b* privileged to ad vile them? Hae he *v*r .topped to redact on the Agment that th* people of lh!, country ar* supposed to .elect their prealdent and vice rre.ldent and that they have been occurtomod heretofore to exerclae that prlvtlog* without the co-operation of whit* houia Incum bent.? Whatever hi* particular vtewe on thee* matter* may be, w* believe hi, rol# of ichoolmatter to th* nation I* not on, that will **m for him unlvortal approval. TACT. TN » ,n who really make, hi, mark. ally Ignore him—Theodor* Rooeeveli— friend* of the Rapubllctn ticket hav* after epanktng Mm ao badly that h*j B0< hern Blow to tell Mr. Rooeevclt. wee put to the resort of talking at '•>«• only that h* blundarod and did Bryan h\rt**d of to him And heilmrm. but that b* wa* atanllngly In- dne.n l know jLt whether Bryan la ]con*l,tent In eerktitg to hit Bryan over going to deign to treat ecrlou.ty h(e!*h* hood of Oomper. who not ao long A m »n may be devoid ef r*,b demand that he. Bryan, trould mak, ego wa* hta own dear rriand. Aa did 1 * ’ “ “ blmeelf reaponalble for Republican ! Th' Telegraph, they tetlmate that all <'nngre.,man Pearro'* tabor bill he hae aueceadad tn doing I* to prov* tint aside rrom th* aplandM quail- ulrtenc* of hi* anxlcu* fear that I*t : h a rurnl patrol and co-cper.te # |«*d»rehlp tha Democratic ean- ^hl, party hu lost It* hold on th* la ta C’h-r eray* for th# extermination n„ dlepliyed In condnln, him- h°r vote "What clearly rankle* In of right rider,. self to th, term* of hie platform: de- ' ,h » Preetdenr. mind." uy* th* New AB of thl* la deal noble w* »**dj meaning hlmaetf to th* Judgment of York Evening Port, "ta a feeling ihat ’?• mhllc execution of a few nlrhti M , p.,,,. onrantutlon and bruehlng . >*Vr leader* hav* bun guilty of b*a* u mm be they oan be Mp-|*,ia, an minor dlttractlan* tn th*|l"grntltude to him- An? further: fared, (denuded and convicted Wa need a firmer demand from th* paopl* that all criminal* of whatever char- act: r eg rotor be promptly and lu.tty punished. And In ootae lection, wa undoubtedly need a* effective rural T-troL groat fight h« I, making for th* pro-. Id* and tar th* perpetuity ot fro*] government, that* I* k conjuncture ol ! • tn the admlntattattoa ef our' Government by the Republican party! which can no 1 eager be dlogulaad. The . administration of our national affair* Th* Canadian mounted polloa long dtamood tf not poelttvaty rotten it ago fnrnUb.d th* rat of th* world a every point .ud tho ermptorae are model In thla particular, praarvtng contaanUy cropping out to tho crotfu. order and chocking crime throughout '.ion of th, lent dominant party. Tbe «e»t tract* ot wild, thiuly-rottled j Putrid party earceee exude* poleon at I rxrjctry by r . an* of an amArtnglf mrr pore Th* Republican have! but Eater- [bean forced to mart th* Indictment i If the legtelatlve demand! of-or- ganlaed labor are men hai don* mor* to make them eo than Theodora Roooovott. He hu flattered labor leader, and toadied to thorn u *0'otter Proa, idem ever did. In on* ot bla mes sage,. h, told CoAgnu what- *v*r a tart, body at voter* tn thl* country rutri. they ought to h*ro: and th* ntrronc* to th* labor agitation about Injunction, er., uabUuSaM*. Purther than that, tn ht. .rectal tn,*a*go to cotignro lost erring, ecum,rating "ronaln msAOuraa" which ought , ta bo raoae t before the da** of th* ■“ 1 “- who', voted a r . M.y be a* ancient a. the ark. tn Itvle. end leek* and dm* H'e coet mev .Mae about the e*ama lit. shoe, be worn ted crocked. U through hit out., .hell there gletrae The rrtcakim gift ef taro. . mev be and tacking credit, toe; HI. nro.peete elesrly gone to emerii. with nothin* left to do. But he'll be alwey* ta the ,wtm And winning, thef, a foot. rr, H;”ce?ISS, ,, a.^,’-" T - “»• Brains. r'Jsh sofi enirrr xin fie Tft help s r'Rn sTene; FsrststsncY will pull Mm Ihreufh If he bs riot er wrens: But tslts e men whs’s lest tie ertpb. Few ppiMbie *nyy Mm kis fete. All w«rk snfi little fna. On* mOtes ths seel, ths sth»m wise; XThst was it that thsv lsehsfi. Net frienfiA sr mensv. only this. Th©A- hsfin’t any tact. —Helsn Combes In Brooklyn E»«te Bsthsr AmMsuous. TThsn Websr snfi FlsMa wsrs pUrinx hwMhsr • ©ouri* of hu»Vr western »Mtei» New Yeft. for th« Sr*t Uses. fiysMsfi bis tho^w»>»»rfl»i4 Mu ■fcich FtsVtsF* ssksfi ene. who forpet ofsgrom wse far. T'ArwM tf 1 Vr.sw** fwptlsfi tbs ethsr. w*;t whteh svsr is wh'eh. Tfi rstn^r b# tb# ether oos.**—Tbs DsbsmUn Mia* avenue, screes sold avenue to the west side thereof; thencs nearly north oof alone the west eld# of Ward avenue Lift feet to the north aide of HlshUnd are nue: thanes ehnur the north aide of HUrh- land avenue 9.9*6 f-l6 feet, mere or Ua*. to Clayton avsnue; thence alone the north side of Clayton avenus l.iTl $-16 feel. tha««**ui lalfArol nvele el*k, || (J#, sast aide of the . Hines’ estate 1W th© north side of ths prop- Htaea* c.'Uta and R. J. S feel to the property of ths <t Orphan Home; thence anile <f«xr*s* and t minutes l«t fsst. thanes right en*le ft dsirraea and 62 min- utse $1* i««t to ths Huff property and to ths west aids of Helms* wvsnus; thsnre along ths west side of Holms# avenue “1 ths east aids of th* Huff property ... 1*16 fsst t# a point on ths south aid* of VlnevfUs avenue, and on th# north •Ids of 6t Ftanlslaus College propsrtv: thshes along the south slds of Vinsvills avsnue Hi s-10 feet to ths west side of Pio Nona avsnue; thence along the wear side of Flo Nero avenus 1.420 fest to th< E£ fero m'cVnXni 9i& Kallwav Company; thencs southeast alone ths north Une of th# aald right of way of the aald railway company #16 nB the western boundary of the town .. Manchaater; thence Mong ths said western boundary of ths town of Man- . - -f feet: thence eJorur.lhs north- _—Jary of th* town of Manchsiter l* feet; th«neo north •?!$ degrcea east U si] IS ~ «* teet; thence eoutb „ hear... west I, (eel; thence eouth It gegreee wort IM feet; throco eouth 1 decree. w*,t JJ it; thenc. eouth HH decree* we.t It, it; tbeace routh.H decree, eact 1»| f’i ■mi u.i.i.. —J?tW~Btwj* wert .. 5 EsIwStSrta kero,, a,, jhe-t ,nd m»ta a pan o, tfcto petition. “^hae^nJStoroTu^nroSibJ^rtni ra ra - l to tn. petition tor In- ■■SHUSWUl petition ta attached t< the'order under which thu noUce li Tn* hooka for lh, rortitratten of tho ptera who will be emit *J , under the atute prwMIec for thl, election end >• order peered by wi* tkereunder room pte therein, will be kept open at lurthouce in the city nf Moron, hvl „ Bee end J. W. Clean. rcgti^AT* n.taed hv me !n uld erd-r from Wed- JlmTeV l'.. l>T l*»?^*lN , <in'SlV ? E U excluding F inder NlVimr«r » f:. a H A » I ■m on each nf Mid deyu. ihcee perron, vctlc.c ut cold elec- Haawh* .re lo favor Cf Incorporating th. territerv rouxht tn be Incorporated. hero wrli'.n » ffotedOA their lot ihs words Fbr incorporation, ana ali those eprossd shall have written or l^d on their ballot “Against bseorps- r pt .r. tM.1 •' ,M, W. ,1 This list fisy of August. Com»"0 I* 1 ts Cast Shadow# Bsfera. looking for hus’.r.sss)—Ex cuse ms sir. but yomt hair ts gptag to corns cut soon by th* h\adful Jagss (who was out all n:xht and ts Just r^.ng la'rns to fa?e J\ » wtfeV—Yoa thic) shpog^J don* know (hiq) tbu* default In the navmsnt Of th 6th an-1 said Indehtodneas haa become due. ' T# will b# ai t of aald In- ce. If any to the said x-ucoita Pisvsns, Peyton 8t vena and Andrew Stevens. Fee tlmpJo title will be made the pu chaser. This fith day of October. 190*. WILLINGHAM LOAN A TRUST CO. Ths proceeds of preprinted to the payme: dsbtedness and the ns'ai GEORGIA, Olbb County.—To the Supe rior Court of said county: The Macon Telegraph Publ pany shows to the court chartered by the turn ejna! office in sold county 2 Petitioners' capital original incorporation was •toek by ' I40.O06.W. allowing the issuance of twenty thou-and ($25 000.00) dollars of pteft stock, in shares of (6100) one hun dollars each. 3. Petitioners desire an amendi to the charter of the comoratlon. fl the total capital atocl >ck of the a . efi. at an a to exceed one hundred thousand (6100,- commnn and preferre. creased stock may be desired. /•. The preferred stock may bo issued common stock If d#»lr#d and Ip no ev shall the amount of preferred stock i e«s.i the sum of twenty-five thousi ( dollar*. troncr corporate action. THE MACON TELEOIL Tty C. R. PENDLETON. President. N. E. A W. A. HARRIS. Attorney# for Petitioners. Clerk’s Office Superior Court. Sounty.—The above end foregoing -orreet copy of the petition «f Th« con Telegraph Publishing ig company charter of aald comp filed In thla office October 19. 190|. amending the “ ed In “ (Seal) For Sale In Bast Macon I offer a 5-roora oot FOR RENT. No. 610 Carling Ave.. 5-r 620.i No. S03 Cherry St., 7-r 632. No. 742 College St, 8-r 640.i No. 467 Euncan Ave., 6-r 620.1 No. 114 Lynn Ave., 7-r $22.1 No. 6C9 Mill St., 5-r 612.1 No. 762 Plum St.. 8-r J.....$35.' No. 496 Rosa St.. 7-r $25.1 No. 402 Ross St., 7-r »22.i Cor. Rembert and Carling Ave.. 6-r m.( No. 1026 Second 8t„ 5-r Ill.l No. 257 Winshlp St., b-r 612.1 No. 260 Winshlp St., 6-r......915.1 Frank B. West For Sale In Bellevue on car line. Two nice residence* on Second St. Two nice residences on Oak St. end 2.000 best selected peach trees. Two pieces store property on dm business street. 600 acres fine, strong land with lm- Indian 8prlngs. Qa. 510 acres one mile from Holton. Gi Home funds on long time at 7 p« cent. Call or write for particular* o any of above. Geo- W Duncan,. Manager. Brown House sosits Unton Depot~-MACO American Plarh.... F. BARTOW STUBBS. Proprietor. F. W. ARMSTRONG. Manager. European Hotel MACON, GA. Booms, Restaurant and Cafe Table excellent at Popular Prices. Everything New, but the Name. M.O’Hara,Prop- ID.Craw ford, Manager. S. S. Parmelee Company, Carriage#, Bugglee, Wtgoii. Carts Harcesa. Saddles, Bicycles. Baby Car- rlagsa. accessories. Largest stock In ths South to eslsct from. A pleasure to serve you. «. fi. PARMKLEC CO. Macon, Ga. 3 REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 and Upwards. No Delay 5* Loans Closed Within 24 Hours, w HARROLD BANKING A SAVINGS 00. 607 Cherry Street. H LOANS 1.' Negotiated promptly on im- “ proved farms and city proper ty on easy terms and at lowest “ market rates. ; If you need money call on us ,d HOWARD M. SMITH & CO U 563 Mulb.rry St.. MACON. QA a- 62,500,000.00 SAFELY LOANED. M During tko last If years ws have loan ed 62.600.000.00 on Real Estate for home * and foreign investors. Bafest and most • profitable investment Thoie desiring to i* borrow or having money to invest will find It to their interest to see us. o SECURITY LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO., Commercial Bank Building. >- Thomas B. West. Secretary and Attorney. ; . • r Leon S. Dure Banking and Investments. Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate. Mortgage! Macon, Qa. y ' ARCH'TECTO. • r, CURRAN R. ELLIS, 'j ARCHITECT. £ Office phone 239; restdenc* phone 2819. a Offices: 4, S end 6 Ellis Building. * Cherry St* Cotton Ave. and First St. g Macon, Ga. ! FRANK R. HAPP, - Architect. • • Office: Room# 22 and 23 Fourth Na- n tlonal Banw Building. * Telephone—Res. 532; Office 990. ! ALEXANDER BLAIR, a Architect. 4 Office Phone 71, a Residence Phone 1479. * 973 CHERRY ST. MACON. QA. y . CHARLES A. CALDWELL, Civil Engineer. WASHINGTON BLOCK. Room 18*19. Water supply, water power, sewer- > age and municipal engineering. Re- a porta, plans, specifications, estimates ~ and supsrlntsndance. Office Phone 1142. ^ Residence phone 3268. P. E. DENNIS, Architect. Rooms 703-4-5-8 American National Bank Bldg. Phone 962; Residence phone 2747. CARLYLE NISBET, Architect. Office Phone 459. Residence 641. Grand Bldg. Macon. Ca. J CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. 0 W. W. DeHAVEN, General Contractor and Builder. Residence phone 696. ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS Claetlfled advertisements under this head are Intended strictly for the pro. festlons. MISS ANNA SMITH. Physical and Voice Culture, end Ex pression. Phone 2157. OCULIST. DR. M. M, STAPLER, Eye. Ear. Noee and Throat 5?f t0r ^ror ,00 ^vNational Bank Bldg. Office Phone. 2742; residence, lfcit. - OCULIST AND AURIST. * DR. J. H. SHORTER, Eye, Ear. Nos* and Throat -Th, Grand" Bid,., next to Court Houro. Phone.: Office. 871;*, 950. OPTICIANS. A n* ETE8 TESTED FRE8L „ G. G. COFFY, Graduate Optician, ill Cherry al ^ EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. DR. FRANK M. CUNNINGHAM, w Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Grand Bldg, OSTEOPATHY. DR. FRANK F. JONES. Osteopath. 354 Second at Phone 920 and 6685. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. ; DR. THOS. H. HALL. Eye. Ear, No.., '. Throat Specialist, 507-3 Grand Bldg. • DR. MARY E. McKAY. Grand BuUdlng. , • Phones: Office. 2654. Residence, 1445. * DR. W. H. WHIPPLE, Office. 672 Mulberry st.. rooms 4 and 5, • Washington Block. Hours: 9 to 10 a. m. t • 12 to 1 and 1 to < p. m. Telephone con* • sections at office and rsstdence. DR. J. J. 8UBER8, . . Permanently located. In the special- • ties venerea]. Lost energy restored. • Female Irregularities and poison oak; • cure guaranteed. Address In confidence, • with stamp, lie Fourth at. Macon, Ga. DENTISTRY. I DRS. J. M. A R. HOLMES MASON. Dentists. . 254 Second at. Phone 155. • DR. J. E. WALKER. Dentist. Associated with Dr. Johnson. Office • Commercial Bank BMg., phone Ilf. . * ATTOANffYS AT LAW. CLAUD ESTB8, _ Attornsy-at-Law. 177 Cotton A vs. Phono 126. * ROBERT L. BERNER. Attorney at Law. Rooms 706-767 American National Bnfi • Building. • IKI WIN8H1P HERBERT SMART ;; WINSHIP * SMART, INSURANCE. ' ACCIDENT, HEALTH. FIR*. Washington Block. For Rent 111 acres, six miles fmra courthouse, _j Howard Road, near lummerflela. Good new dwelling and entire place fenced In; running water and directly on public road: a fine road all the war to Macon. Would make an excellent dairy farm. FOR SALE. A 56-acre farm on Columbus Road with good Improvements Including & two-story dwelling; running water and most, of Place under fence. Improvements oduld not be replaced for SS.000.00. Price, Can make reasonable terms acres In Crawford county. Ga.. ra dwelling and two small ten ia; about too acres In large tee th pins ready to saw should. If —, handled, yield enough to mors than pay for place. Price. 11.250.00. Terma If desired. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 565 Mulberry Street. St, 216%. Irsd. For Sale In good condition; ^ 9 rooms; cash payment of 61.000, balance easy terms. 1,500—An elegant flve-room cottage on Boulevard Ave., In South Macon; electricity and cabi net mantels; brand new. ,600—A seven-room home on Orange St., renting for $25.00 per month; win make a nice home or show good Investment. .000—Tenant property In good condi tion, renting tor 648.00 per month and no city taxes to pay. ,250—Tenant property In good repair, in good renting section, and no city taxes; renting for 615.00 per month. Murphey & Taylor Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE 267 For Sale $1,800 Will buy a handsome six (6) room esidence In Bellevue, newly papered nd painted, and In apple-pie order, las a large lot, stxe 106x208 feet half acre), and fronting street car ne. Known as the Russell place, urchaser can get possession In thlr- r (30) days. NOW Is your chance ) get a nice home at a GREAT BAR GAIN. Terms If desired.. JORDAN REALTY CO. Real Estate. Insurance and Loans. Money io Lend on Real Estate Macon Savings Bank 570 MULBERRY STREET. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrival Depart! a.m.No. Ally 11:16173. dally 6:41 , P m.70. dally t:49 un. only.. 3:15! . p.m. daU7 4!4# W. W. HARDWICK, Q. A., *09 Gharry «t* MACON, DUBLIN & SAVANNA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and Departure of Pasisngsr Trains at Macon. Effective March 15, 1908. ■fir:.. 7:00am| No. 19 11:06am Genera* ?as««nc*r Agent. G. S, & F. Rif. Schedule Effective Oct* 18, 1908. DEPARTURES: 11:60 a* m* No. 1, Through Train to .Florida, carries Observation Par- car and coaches. Macon to JacksocvlUa via Valdosta; con nection made for Wnite Springs. IjUce City, Paiatka. P 4s 2* P-.nV. wo- 6, ”8hoo-Fly,» Ma- ’ Vaidoata and all Inter- "Q.c,,. south.? •r. auwroee LJmlwd." Uacou to JadMo.yUI, via Valdosta, solid train with Qrorata Southern and Florid*. Twelve Section l*«w- ■ Make# cor.nation j n 98. 9P9 PuMman •leepers, for all points In Florida, IMS a. m., No. 96. "Dlxla Flyer," ooacheg sad PuMman sleeper' Macon to Tifton. en route fro... SL Louis and Chicago to Jack sonville. ARRIVALS: 4:15 a. m.. No. 4. “Georgia South ern tiu wanes Limited.” from Jacksonville and Paiatka. local sleeper Jacksonville to Maces; passengers can remain in Wool sleeper in Uiuon Depot at Maoon until 7:39 «, nr. 3:29 a. re., No. »4, ’’Dixie Flyer," coaches and -Pullman alepera Tit ton to Macon, en route from Jacksonville to 8L Louis and Cnicago. HiJO *. m., No. (, "kfloe*Fly," from Valdosta. 4:25 p. re.. No. 2. from Paiatka. Jacksonville and all lniermedtete Parlor Observation Car Jacksonville to Maooo. C. B. RHODES. Gen. Pass. Agent Macon, Qa. Southern Railway Schedule*. O. L KMm Mr» Jimmie Nelson va. J Oea L. NelMX. Divorce, . You. Geo. L. N’elscn. th* defendant, ar# berahy required personally or by at* »ho*(n fl th* arrival and deeartur* at *» h# and aperar at the next. paseenQer trains at Macon. Oa superior court te be held in and for •nld 4| J , atlfi only, and not guarantrsd r ln9tr ’ county on the first Monday la Februusy No. Arriv, from: m _ r-v; then there to .n-rnsr the _ i m No i> D . rf *> “• P-aintlfTs demands in an actJon of dl- J* JackacnTtln. 147U4 Jack*onvn?*eea - aa tn-default thereof the court 14 Cincinnati... 2.96T3 Clnc'iSIii »J! Lumber Cl tv sea t ite.-.r* 11 * • Atlanta... Honorable W. H. Feltcn. frags er said court, this 21th fisy of * * ROBT A. MM. Clerk. J19 AUnauV -I Vi!??*? ciicr. 9.ti A r {{j Bnm#w *«k. .1A5# 1ct*. ».50i 8 Lumber (