Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 31, 1908, Image 2

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fa THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1908 Sameness M’LEN0ON SAYS $1,000-,000 SUIT fRAMTIC i NOT IMPROPERiAGAINST A. B. & A. Seems to be the* universal rule with most clothing! makers—same styles—same 1 woolens — same lit. One fellow starts a style—like sheep they all follow. It’s different here. The styles, fit and exclu sive patterns are not seen elsewhere. The makers of Declares Commission Can Ac cept This Courtesy of the Railroads - ATLANTA. Oct. *0—A siory in th# columns of an evening paper criticising his trip of inspection over the Atlanta and West Point read In the private ear of President Wickerstum will not cause Chairman McLendon, of the railroad commission, to alter his plans along this line. He announced today that those In spections of the various roads of the state would b# continued and continued In the same rnann* r. The story was one questioning the propriety of the railroad commission chairman riding free In the private car of the road's president and our smart clothes are origin- “ kl "‘ ” r no ' "" ators of every style we show and you’ll find them fol lowed by the most exclusive “made-to-order” tailors at double the price. Take a look. $15.00 to $40.00 " The Observed of, Observers ” Is the successful self-made man. It doean't taka much Vnan or grit to he a sucres* If the money la left you In a big lump. Rut It doee take a man with stamina, grit, push, hustle and sense to get ahead, have success and money and toe pointed to—“the observed of the observ ers”—"There goee a successful, self-made man.” Most solf-made men eav*d a portion of avery dollar, and aa as they made It—and hanked It—and no matter how email the income saved some of It. We nay • per cent compound Interest. We loan monay only on First Mortgage Real Estate gecurltles—our security. * “ Safest for Savings Eqwtable Banking & Loan Company Geo. A. Smith, Pres. Macon, Ga. Civil Engineer Fario Claims That He- Is Entitled to Dividends ATLANTA. Ga^ Oct 20—Depositions to a sett toy L. P. pairp. of New York, to recover fl.OOO.OM* frotot H. JI Atkin son. president or the Atiante. Birming ham and Atlantis fuilroati. were taken here today. Palro claims that he was entitled to half the profits of the railroad and he , j.toeoe^these alleged profit* to date at Mr. Atkinson on the witness stand said ; Pafro was employed as a civil enslneer and was not entitled .o ar.v share in the TOM WATSON TO SPEAK Organiodisturbancenof tho femin- lno system act like a firebrand on ! the nerves of women, often drivins Positive information has baen received ( them - fairly frantic. ; * r<1 V i X£S$ S&FSNt u! .A nmyous, irritable woman is a ■ perfectly wop.r, but | , u „ of , h , da y , n ( ■ Hold on to YodP Money until you tee that you are going to get the worth of It. Do not trust mere claim but investigate. We are wlliinr for you to investigate the true worth of our vehicles as we know they can stand any examination or Inves tigation. See our new cut-under run about and surrles. new and up-to-date In every respect. vjotntn It* own frt pats order. Chitirmnii IM-endon states that the commission __ T tii m n that It Is not only psrfectlv proper, but | * u »g 0 f the dav* and ^n tT# interests of j Source of UllMCry not only to herself, I th« duty of the r.llro»d., when c*II«l j h)« f.ndldjcy tuy Ih. pro.l.lenry. ! but to all thflie Who come Under hel ubon. fatlUMt. In tiverv w»y ln»p»c. I The .udltortum hne hen ens>«fd for! Tt,n. tlons of the rommisslon and furnish > *1*“ purpose. and an Invitation extended, Jnnuence. 1 Uat KUCJl conditions can means of making tbel nspectlon. I V»..»na people of Bibi, and surrounding be entirely overcome by taking lie say* he will not makv himself counties to go and hear him. | J J rldleulnu. by nt.ltlns . f.r^ul ,h,M |n. I r 1 • ! LYDIA E. PINKHAfifl’S spectlons bv ridlni regular trains; OF 5310,126 TO BE PAID .hd Wbtek oflH&aJrti&pass: back taxes in sum the line 10 tell either their trouble. or tinun irwtku in uuiti praise i he road. To hire. a sper.lal train and make the state pay for it would en tail the expenditure of ttOO merely from Atlanta to Savannah and return or *91 M, a mile eueh way. t v ATLANTA. Oe..'Oet. 10.—1 The chairman points out that he an- ment wfih the ownere 15.000 nounced last k — — 1 - * T -*- make these t. time he would esssry ..... _ p Chairman McLendon bougrt first class tickets from hla own pocket for the newspaper men on the train and would not allow them to ba transported free of charge. See our electric display at State Fair. Morris Putzel. AN EARLY MORNING FIRE EATS JHROUGH A ROOF Fireman Smith Has a Fall Through tha Roof But Escapes Without Hurt. SPECIAL NOTICES JESSE B. HART Funeral Director Lady Axaiitant Private Ambulance Personal Attention Given All BueineM. Ofliee fhono 407 Ro»i(ir-‘dii Phone 700 4. O. Pur.l.y, L.m.r Clay. PURSLEY ft OLAY, UNOIKTAKina Always open, til and SIS Mulberry ft Oldest exclusive undertaking house In Maeen. Phone 4ft. Prepared to fill telegraph er telephone orders on short notice. Carriages to funeral tLtO. HEIMATH HALL Mt.V'alnut ftreet. Regular mem for men and woman n rents. Businsst women II cents. Breakfast 7 tt • s. m. Dinner If to IfWt r. m. Supper, ttOO to 7:00. A free rest yoom: convenient for a rt ef-tewn eppers. Cantield Oil Co.. Sells Gasoline, Turpentine and all kinds of Oils. THI UIOB COUNTV HUMANK 40CIE TV (CHAATIKBO). This society will prosecute cases oi nver-loading, wounding, starving, or drtv. tag until animals, and other cases gf cru elty to animals, reported to It mfQK V. WAHHINOTON. Fmt. -GO TO— WESLEYAN The beet inetrnotion le the rheapeet. BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS Headed by ths Original BLACK PATTI. <8taalor#tta Jones). QraatestgBlnaer of Her Race. EVERYTHING NEW! Including "Tutr Whitney and Slim Henderson. America's Foremost Colored Comedians. And Rig Company In ReAned Comedy. Vaudeville. Opera. Singers, Dancers Unsurpassed. Entire balcony and gallery reserved for colored people. Prices: Matinee 25a and 10c. Night 25c. 50c. T5c. 9 Tuesday Night, November Sd. ^JENRT MILLER Present* The Great Divide A T,l. «tf the Arlton. Hill*. Tk. kls.i etrtkln, Dnm.tlr Buocm* on (k. Am.pc«n PrtMktcd In N.w York ov«r 5M tlmM. Prtc—Jle, Me. tic. ItM. tl.M. EI«ctlo n nturn. wUI k. ml from Ik. .to«, during lb. .vonln,. (•rnodr. l ot w« bar* hod 40 y.»r» cxprriaoco with thorn nod con c»rlolnly ft* join* ToU your rooftnc trouble, W. mkimfocturu tho brot jrodro of Rooflng U.Uriok, neb u Flbreuo Com.nt, Standard Itool Paint., Pitch Mf T.rr.d Koofln*., Rubb.r Pooling., P.lntod ond Cal* vanlz.d Iron. MBrtlO SRTni«mKea.Kii | ATLANTA. Ok. Lyric Theater Bertie McGarvey, . Mimic. A r. nrteue Velr*. Divine Ftoure and tha Meet Exquisite Gowns toA'audevttW. Gourley and Keenan, PNdurtnjr Uw'" fSS!S‘ «kmih (kin That Pet fUvannah Agog. Wolfe and Vaughan, Gaumont’s Animated Pictures. Vaudeville I to Bros.* thea- Onto polite their man- About 2 o'clock yaatarday morning An alarm was sent In from Chestnut street to a house belonging to A- H. Hendricks, the letter carrier. When the Bremen reached the acene they found that tha roof was on Are. They hastily got to work and In a short while had tha Bre extinguished, but not before It had burnad off tha roof and all tha plastering had been knocked down. During tha Are fireman J D. Smith fell through the roof to a room below, but fortunately was unhurt. lie wag back at work In two minute* Juat as though nothinng had occurred. Causo of Are unknown. MAKES HOMELY WOMEN PRETTY. No woman no matter how regular her Centura* may be can ba colled pret ty If her completion Is bad. Orlno Laxative- Fruit Bvrup aids dlgaatlon and clears sallow blotchad complexion* by stimulating the liver and bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name ORINO and refuse to accept any sub stitute. H. J. Lamar A Co., Fourth National Bank, agenta. THE ANNUAL RALLY DAY At First Prssbyterlsn Sabbath School Tomorrow Morning. PresbyttHan at t;4! tha First have —_-ioot will their annual rally day service. These rally occasions are very inter esting and the members of the church end echool always look with pleasant anticragtl It Is understood tha . ^ . „.-ogram has been prepared for tomorrow morning, and the lndJcatloqa are that program morning. •„» %»- ...» there will be aa unusi dance. The committee having it in been busily be todey nr tlons unuai forward to them j*for * ttr * rtlv * large atten- mmlttee having It in charge has lly engaged yesterday and wi.t making the echool room decora- isusiiy attractive. ADVANCE IN PRICE LUMBER MILL BLOCKS On and after November 10th, Lumber Mill Blocks will sell for $1.60 Load. Get in vouf orders NOW nt $1.25 LOAD. This is your la*t chance. Redmond-Massee Fuel Co. Phones 100 ond 223. 718 CORPORATIONS OUT OF 3,600 HAVE REGISTERED ATLANTA. Oct M~Althou«h tomor row la the last day for corporations, both foreign and domestic, uqlng business to the stole to register with the secretary of state and pay toe necessary, only Tl* out of which were registered last ye*i have compiled with the law. This taw provides a penalty of 119 for every corporation falling to..register be- Railway ted with tbs~ state 'railroad commSg&n. )©®DETY Rehearsal Thi0Morning. Rehearsal of Red Riding Hood this morning at 9: SO o’clock at city audl- ■rasfjxsr for Fraternity Men at .The banquet* tonight which w given at tho Hotel Lanier by the gU Gammas to the visiting Phi Thetas will be a brilliant close t. successful convention held here by the fraternity the past two days. The attendance has been very largo, delegates from tho University nf Georg*, the University, of Alabama Emory Col- degt. the Georgia Tech, Auburn and other* being here. Last night a beautiful dance was tendered the visitors at the Log Cabin Club, which was handsomely decorated to the fraternity colors and pennants. Interesting Account of Rome Wedding. o*, h * Mr. D, R. Rodgers of this elty. which appeared in the Rome Tribune of tho 21th. wi! be read with Interest ‘toy friends to this city and elsewhere throughout the state: Yesterday afternoon at 4:18 o’clock* In 8L Peter’s Church, occurred the mar- ‘ '^e ^f Mill Ilelen Hammond to Mr. D. IS many ■flSf The altar waa brilliantly lighted with candles held by handsome brass candle- “rrornpMr at the designated hour. Mrs Howard Hull's skilled Anger* called from the organ Mendelssohn's wadding march, to whoso fapUJIar strains so many feet have trod the beginning of the path to so much happiness. First down tho main alalaa cam* the ushers, Mr. Will Patton and Mr. Navto Patton. Thor draw long folds of white ribbon after them, this marking off ~\th. for tho briaa who ontered with father. 8he waa met at tho altar by bridegroom apd his best man. Mr. Solph Wright, of Macon. Dr. Hud- ikon ' performed the Impressive copal ceremony., _ 4 „ . e Vide wore a handsome tailored I of brown broadcloth, with bat. ee, shoe# and furs to match. Mies itnoad 1* the eldeet daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Hammond. She le a young girl with a gentle man ner and happy, lovable disposition—with al. a most womanly woman, and Macon has robbed Roma of one of her moat at- •W.!" Rodger* numbers his friends by hts acquaintances. Macon ha* no popular or more successful young of any ! VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is proven by the following letters. Mrs. Mary Wood, of Cfiristiana, Teno, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “I bad the wont form of female trouble, and my nerve were all torn topleoen; eometinie. I suffered to much that it seemed 4, though I could not lire. “I began to take Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound nod now 1 feel llkesdifferent person. Yourmedl- elne Is worth Its weight in gold, and I cannot say enough for your advice.* Mrs. Wallace Wilson, Thompson- ville, Conn-writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “ I was ill run down, nervous, and I could not rest nights. Doctors failed! to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound restored me to perfect) For thirty ycara Lydia, E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands oi women who have been troubled with arlborough Broadway, 36th and 37th Sta., Herald Square, New York Moit Centrally Located Hotel on Broadway. Only ten- minutei walk to 25 leading tneatrei. Completely renovated and tranifprmed -in, every department. Up-to-date in- all re- M-a ia. Telephone in each room. Four Beautiful Dining Rooms with Capacity of 1200. f The Famous German Restaurant Broadway’* chief attraction for Spe cial F&ba Dishes and Popular Music. Eonpeaa PUa. 450 Booau. 200 Bath*, and Bath -WIUTB FOR BOOKLET.- SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. TIERNEY. backache.” Why don’t mbyTtf Mrs. Plnkliara Invites all stole women to write her for advice. She Iium fruldcd tliousnnds to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. ful auburban homo on North High land*, Mr. E. \V. Smith entertained at an "excurrlon party’’ In honor of Mias Annie Lindsey, daughter of Com missioner of Pensions J. W. Lindsey, of Atlanta, who la tha charming guest of Miss Florled Joyner. Aa the guests arrived they wore In vited Into the reception hall, which had bean converted Into a depot wait ing room, with a ticket office at one aide. The guosta received ticket* for th* excursion from Mr. Cullen Free man. the ticket agent, and then board ed the train for Jacksonville. The train in this Instance was the parlor and the tables at which progressive game* were played, represented the different stops on the road. After traveling for some time the noon hour arrived, and eg the train atopped the porter called out twenty mlnutoa for lunch. The folding door* were thrown open and the guosta were ushered into the dining room, which represented a depot lunch stand and a hot lunchaon was served. MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE Choice Old Corn Whiskey 4 Full Quarts 1 $ 2.85 12 Full Quarts S 7.65 1 Gallon Jug 2.60 5 Gallon Keg $11.25 LONG’S PRIVATE STOCK RYE WHISKEY 4 Full Quarts $ 3 35 12 Full Quarts S 8.60 ] Gallon Jug ..' S 3.10 0 Gallon Keg $13.50 We guarantee the quality. A triaQwill convince you. Express on above goods prepaid to any point on lines of Southern Express Co. D. F. & C. P. LONG JACKSONVILLE, FLA. v Among the attractive visitors to the her grandmother. Mrs. A. O —■“ w “ — a Lafin.” fair yesterday were Dr. and Mr*. John “The Ladn.” P. Atkinson, of Mllledgevllle. They lanta to reau made the trip through the country In Woodberry’a more _ __ .. . business man. Although the wedding waa very quiet many beautiful gifts were sent and the bride's gift from her ‘lusband was a handsome solitaire. Among tha present* war* several K ndaom* pieces of mahogany A num- r of Mr. Rodgers’ friends In Macon sent a Jorge chest of ellver and a Urge cut glass punch bowl and reflector. ** - * Mrs. Rodgers left at 5:45 for ..jelr future home, followed by the good wishes of scores of frlsnd*. Mr. Rodger* aad hts lovely bride, who will b* a ctiannmg addition to Macon aortal circles, are at home to their © end* at Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wrlght'e. I Hardeman avenue *. and Mrs. C. R. Wright who attend- is Wedding, have returned home also. Loo Cabin Dane* This Evening.. Tito Log Cabin Chib dance this evening . . ^ will bo a beautiful sffslr In honor of the. spinning and weaving on th* rtd L fash- university men her# for th# football gams - loned wheel and loom, for th* benefit this afternoon and for th* visiting young particularly of tho younger nneratlon * delightful eve^|ng .Is 55*^5^ auSf'Ugi W7Wa * k,nd - day and took in the fair. Mr*. Robert Klllen tnd Mr*. John 8pelght. of Coracle, spent Wednesday and Thursday In the city with Mips Francos Klllen on College street. Mrs. Walter Douglas Lamar, saeond vice president of th* Georgia division of United Daughters of th* Confederacy. «nU ot of Sidney L»nUr chapter IT. D C.. and Mrs. T. O. Chsstnsy, on* women, end a most a Hallowe’en affair, and the snggsstjy* decorations wilt carry out tho Ids*. ; . The large number of visitors will ren der the affair more than usually pleas ant. , auttenbenrer’s fun orchestra will furnish tho music. Each corporation must mm when Aral registering and fifty each time afterwards. On th# i th* ysar ths secretary of state furnishes a certified list of th* corporations doing business tn th* sut* to tho comptroller general to be need In collecting taxes and by moans of this list ths stats has received thousands of dollar*. Ihotorag i«.io to Ladles may attend ter* anywh«r*. say time, vaudeville It —— — ANOTHER STEP IN CASE BACK TAXES OF CENTRAL ATLANTA. Oct. W.-Another step tn the controversy between ths. state and the Central railroad ovtr back -taxes and too ownership of U.Ot* shares vf etKk In the Western Railway of Alabama was taken with tbs report to Comptroller fcrs.’SB 1 ? jvware Sr ‘ ‘ e stats, a share The sues For Miss Hslen Thomas, Charmlno Ten- Sarto* Thomas, an attractive young woman, of Rrlstol. Tenn . who Is the charming guest of Miss Katharine Bunting, was complimented bv Mr. Ru- bright with a delightful theater nart* to see Adelaida Thurston In ’’The Woman's Hour.’’ • The partv included, betides Mr. Ru- bright and Mies Thrnns*. Ml-e Laura Rsken Mlee^Runtlng. Mr. B. E. Haydacro After the play Mr. Rubrlght entertained tho nnrty ot an elegant 1st* supper at th# Hotel tanler. Circus Part!**. There were a number of circus parties y**t*rday. both at th# afternoon end evening performances, on* l*'t eve«t«g including Mr. e*d Mr*. Ran Jones. Mr. and Mr*. T. Simmon*. Mt*s Joecphlp# Mmti. Miss Genie Gregory, of Amsticus, Is the guest of Miss Katharine Bunting, and will M with her next week. Miss Shirley Curry arrived In ths .... yesterday to spend the week-end wltl 8he returns Monday to At-» ium* her studies at I school for young-women. Misses Pearl McGsnity and Julia Bur- - -- *-* hi and 1 McGai - - - r , ton. of Bessie Tift, are spendlng^h days with Miss Ruby Pierce on High avenue. •'••• • .■r'T daughter will be nt school this winter In Paris, her mother having Just ro- turrted to B« riln from facing her there. Mrs. Hill has much social tal- '•nt, and will lw* quite, equal to the :• - sponsibllltio sthat her husband's posi tion wllh require pf hety' : . , Mr., and.Mrs. Eugene Stct.-on are at home again after spending some time on an Interesting trip, north end west. • . Miss Frances Fulghum earns down yes terday from Bessie TUt collage, Forsyth} and It spending th# week-end with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. C. M. r Fulghum. on Rogers dvenus. . . r * ,,r at the residence of Mrs. 4aj' th ,roni*S.v r ,Bn*S b aftw W iu«n4inJ & R °“ »» »««♦»■ V. D. C. conv.ntlon th W thl. w..k, Mr ._. na oS^.CIuk. Visitors to the stats fair should b« sure and lee the exhibit of the United Daugh ters of th# Confederacy.. of war time r« lies, which ar* especially Interesting. They will today nave a demonstration of •pinning and weaving on ths old fash- Mr. and -Mr*. MU. L»U». C. ot_ 8«v«i;itt.h, I* the guest of Mr. and' •hear. Tom Black- Mrs. David Jayne Hill .mho will Join her husband. United States am bassador to Germany. In Gerlin, this month, will |o very much at home In that center' 7 of musk} and social in- , teresta, for ah# apeaks French, German city and Spanish with ease, and has quite ■nth * a reputation aa a musical critics. Her ■ ■ ■ -• DIXIE ICE CREAM Can bo made and frozen In 10 minutes at cost of * One Cent a Plate. Stir contents of one 13c. package jbii-o ice CBEPfn Powder into a quart of milk and freeze. No cooking, no heating, nothing else to add. Everything bat tho ice and milk in the package. Satisfaction guaranteed. This makes 2 quarts of the most delicious ico cream you ever ate. Fi* Kinds .• CkscoUtt, Fgs itla. Strn*>- terry, Lemon and Unfltvortd. 2 packages 23c. at your grocers, or by mail if he does not keep it. Illustrated Ilcclpe Hook Free. ^ Da Gwme Pig* food Co., le Rcy, N. Y. A tnr!-.: *ing Mr. a-t Mr*, and Mr* T. J.* Flmrnnn*. Jen#*. WlM.Fsra Tln«’*y andL. HamUt** aad Risk*, of Nanhvrie. TennW th# afternoon pcrformknc# Mi«# Troy. Ml#* F#»Ir# Matthew*. Mr Guttenbcrsrr end Mr. French, of life > stats, a share tion'of wbrtWr'sv not th# (Sntral most e on this has not vet b##n settled by courts. Regal Shoes for Men and I i At th* Synagogue I Women, all leathers, newest, 5 corr « ctmode , 18 - 1 | ml i.rvtoM of Mr. Mom Mom,, sixes, tO fit any foot. ■ ! 4*4 -III bar. IM u.u.1 -rvl«. <hui p arks & EvereU Rainy Season is Nearly Here, and Leaky Roofs are Annoying and Expensive. WE CAN SELL YOU THE GENUINE Louisiana Red Cypress Prime Quality Shingles at $4.00 per Thousand. Last a Life Time. .You won’t ever have to shingle yoUT - ’?> house again if you use these. w. - - ■ - | Massee-Felton LumbejvCo. Telephone 1840 Macon, Ga. M A • ' Bridgeport. Conn , co">»ltutcd a narty *"d ar.Arh.r m^-judrd Mis* Anne thaw. Mttr R#rtha Harris. Mr. Pel# Mr. tnn Aolomon aad Mr. How#I, Rr Ms*. R#n Jonas and Ml** Jo##nMa# Jrtj#*. Mrs. E. D. An*l#y and Mis* 5cs*^ Lon Anslsy *rr» to another aftemeon party. Delightful A*t«rnqon Affair Given ftoj Visiting Qlrt. T On Tbnradsv afternoon Miss Laura T. K*y eatsrtatrrd at s * !rot*.#r goose iar. &W5WT Woi. rajas Ft v .*: Me- ■ Itoulao Wlllto. Hoton WHwt Helen Rsrnoa.