Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 01, 1908, Image 12

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- -,% r.« ; «y< *w THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPHi SUNDAY MOBNEsG, NOVEMBER 1, 1908 HE WAS ONLY A CIRCUS BUGLER AND HE DIED AMONG STRANGERS Grows Hair and we can PROVE IT! \ Something About n^Young Man Who Oi#d Raeontlv at the Maoon Ho$- pltat Without Being Known. D ANSERINE it to el rain and C«e r.tht tbe half what frcali ahowera tho root*, invigorates and atrancilMM then- It* e«hilaroriag. alkw*latia| and lla-produrmg properlie* caaaa tho hair to grow , , , , ,, oicrnu^r ni u*mry nr*#wir;n u«i abundantly long, strong and baautdol. It at f]| after the aggregation onto imparts a •pvUutl bfill^ocy rod v.t- ♦d Macon. He wo» at one# i vrty Boltnrm to the hair, and a law woaha* r. will rauar new hair to sprout all over alp. Use it every day lor a short ti alter which two or three tunas a week Im auditient to complete whatever growth ■ you desire. •i*. writ mum mw bur io .prwt .1) over th. trotlon and car^id nur.ln^w.r. dl ta ‘ A lad* Irms Si. Pa»' truss to a.bxaaaa. Fir from homo and loved ones, with but few friend* and acquaintances near, an unobtrusive. gcntle-voleed nan. Just out of his twenties, died at tho Macon hospital two weeks ago after a brief illness. This person win G corf a T. Mason. • bugler by profession. He wae a member of Gentry Brothers* band, and *“ i reach- ... _ _ sent to the hospital, wluro skilled medical at- were dl* gainst his malady. But treat* n.cnt availed nothing—and the wan* lifting bugler di«*d. Little was known of Mason here; may b«- few gave the stereotyped notice of his death more tnan passing notice; hut the poor, amfortunate was known elsewhere, and favorably known, loo. A touch of sympathy and a fellow- feeling for unfortunate human kind Is the burden of this local story appear ing In the Columbia. 0. C. Htate. the wandering bugler having cemented tlea of strong friendship In tha Palmetto State, where he had friends—-not many maybe—but the kind who think ten* derly and well of one after the leap Into eternity: ' The little romance that appeared In Thursday's Issue of the Htate. about Danderlne enjoys • greater sale than ' Otorge T. Mason. tvlio died last week •V XSU Slrdirtl S3 ■» M.«n, O. ...rarJM ,n«h au.n. j ami im m - I. .i t'oti hsr*i where Mason was wen 2i i no¥/n by thr ,Mf,r r «* ,dftnt * ° f Co ; SII of me muer iwir prerarMteos in the t m j,Many of his ur qualntancta of days gone by were pained as they read of the end Jove nffalr of ths pil grim. "Seventeen years ago Mason was but a hoy of J* veers, end nt this Immn Mr. II. M. StonUy spent Wednesday and Thr Mrs. . dren have returned from a visit wsiyVip ItU awajrl AaxWlr*« Newark. N.4. **f bsvsh Wh«Bl II tla hair.* rs Sms aitag Dss4*rtsS regularly, ■rat •i*ru4te uaa HI bad tervlii- .sew I bars tbs sum* Waatlfullour sag Wick Lair se jose veuM *sa» to hare/* NOW at all druggist* in threo sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottlo world combined. S PREE To shew how oukkly ItriirtM ,7* acts, we will scud a Isrte asm- pie free by return well to esyooe who sends this lice covpoate ike 1 WOWITOI OAkOCAWE CO.. CWCMO, ILL, wkh their name and address and 10c ia silver or sumps to pay postage. Any Road—Anywhere—Any Time THE WHITE STEAMER. Don't buy *n Automobile until you hava tried the White Steamer. The moat graceful, most powerful, speediest and best car made for any and all purpose*. Drop ine a line and let me convince you. ^ John S. Schofield, Agt, Box 283, Macon, Ga. Now Is the Time, Fifty-Nine Wo bnvo just received a lnrgo shipment of books Hint mo.slightly damaged, eomo are ns good ns new, nil written Dy lbe tnoat popular nuthors. If yon nro .wiso you will call TODAY nnd sco them, for thev will not last long nt 59 cents each. MACON BOOK CO. Telephone 382. 615 Ohorry St. Cortright 4'y. Metal Shingles ikarsHs saeh roadmens Im, a. Ik. bvlMla, H..II m. Mm n.. l n|Mn. Any I li.n« cm* l.y, lor . kuiilt an, HO. I. all that li MC.IHly. Drop In tail Sea Them. CENTRAL GEORGIA PLUMBING AND HEATING 00. —165 COTTON AVE.- DO YOU DRINK GINGER ALE? THEN TRY “Acme Ginger Ale” Brewed by the same process as beer, from the best im- iiorted Jamaica ginger root, with distilled wnter and bottled under refrigeration. It ia n very healthy and refreshing beverage nnd ia second to none ever introduced into this market. We invite comparison with any imported article and think you will agree with us. Onr system of making ginger ale is the only correct way "to make a first class article and our prices are but little more than what yon pay for tbe ordinary ginger pop. Try a case or cask and yon will prononnee it as good as any ginger ale you ever drank. Phoney 342 and 396 Acme Brewing Co. Macon, Ga. ture age drifted into Columbia with a tented show that wag doing busi ness at the old fair grounds during fair weck.r Thl* life of traveling around with a cheap ahow was not much to the llklns of Mason. Indded thoso who knew him hare say that Mason was a man «f braedlng. that ho came of a good family—that muon could b* told from a few minutes* conversation with the man. 'The members of ths Columbia bend well roeall the trip to Atlanta during the exposition In that city more than fifteen year* ago, on South Carolina dev. A made-up band waa taken to Atlanta to head the military organlaa. tlons that marched In the parade on that occasion. When ths band was being made up. Mason waa asksd to play, and he did «o, not receiving a cent of comnensstlon for his aervlcea. A brilliant cometlst was Mason, and those who were in the Hue of march that day will remambor bow 'Little Mason played. Young, ambltloua. no was * cornetlst of much ability—in fact, be Is said to have been n bit ter cometlst than many star aololsta on this Instrument who are drawing big salaries. •Miiron - . horn, «»■ In Tln.ton. M*«*- >nd After lmvlnr Columbia bn w»nt back to hi. fctrthpllM. where hA drift ed from one hand to another, finally landing with (lentry Brother.' ahowa threo year. »«n. Ho wo. tho huiler and aolo Cornell,t with thlo ahow for threo year* up to tho ‘Im.ot hlr death, and he waa hold In h'nh »"■ teem hy hi. employer*. A IMta Inel. dent that happened hero on ona of hi. to Columbia will ahow tho falth- S » to duty of tho man. Ho waa to remain at tha home of one of the hind memhor. for .upper when he took out hie watch from hlo nockot and oold: T hava luot aevan minute, to nt to tha tent. I haw never ml.a- ed a elnnte rehearaal. parade or been tele at anythin, connectod with tho ahow alneo t haw been Inthe ampins of n.ntry Itrothrra. 1 muet refuai on thl. account •" -Althouah ha waa a hriniant.oornet lit. Maeon nave, atemed to be con. aoloua of hi. ability. Ha could play a oornat with the beet of them, hav; In, a lip that wn perfectly hardened for cornet hlowln,. And Maaon wn» alwayo ready to play at any and all tlmea. Ha never kn.w the value of a dollar.’ laid a member of tho otd Columbia band laat nlaht, 'ha would play all dav without any hone of „t- tin, pay for It. He lewd th. cornet, and wonld play luat for tha mualc that waa In nls soul. Hs never knew anything slsa but music. Hs w*w brought up In a musical atmosphere and played ths cornet from the time hs waa a little boy.” ' Whscs Bullets Flaw. David Parker, sf Fsvstts. N. T.. a vstsran of th* civil war. who lost a foot at Osltyahutw. aay*: "Ths go«wt Klsctrlo plttsr* bars dona 1* worth mors thsn flv# hundred dollar* to ms. I spent much money doctoring for a bad ca*a of stomach trouble, to lltitn purpose. 1 then tried Wsctrtc Hitters, and tbsv oured ms. 1 now take them a* a tonic, and thev keep me strong and well.” Me at all drug storea. GEORGIA SOCIAL NEWS (Continued from Pegs Three.) Mr AIM siamani ana wii», ni n«w* klmvtlle *r*nt Sunday last In tha city, guests of Mr end Mr*. W L Wtl.tsms. Mr. Hr. ». PalllWv of Marsn r down from Msmn an Funday and a the day with hi# family. . , . . Mias Fvolvn Potter ^Ss returned to her wTIBLZIZZ hsm^ t^ySkter aftlw a vlSt 5 tllal !*^eV r «7. h ^e?, < ' , 5't^hr •r. Mr. J. M, Blackshear. Mr* La* Joass has rstumed to her hem* tn Worth after a s visit to relatives Ml*a Hth.M tVodvoa has returned ta her hams tn dandarwllis after a visit to bar atstsr. Mr*. (X A, trwln Ml** MMlt# Wbltehmd has rstumed from a vtdt t* Daavtlls. Mrs W H. Parksr'has retumad to her hams In trwtrton a»*er a visit to her stats*. Mr*. W I. Williams. V'as Tans C?ark ta vtsUtng Mama. Mr* H M. Stanley and rMtdmn hava returns* from a vlalt to Mar*n. O It Davta has returnsd from a visit ts TfnHsm. Miss Lida Kewaome to vtstttng tn Ma- hfr*. Win, Pritchett vtstted Macon this ?! a daughtsr of ths lsta Mr. Wriglit Grsham. 8h« Is a swsst and attractive young woman and Is popular. Mr. Muns Is a well known contractor and has a number of friend* In ths city. Near ths city Sunday afternoon Miss Noma Evans waa united In marriage to ** M. Brs». of Millsdgevills. Ths Is a wall known and popular younjj bride it . .... woman. Ths groom la connects* wl th* Allen .Sanitarium in MUiedgerUie. 11. M. Stanisy spent ursday Jn Savannah. MONTICCLLO. Mia* Jssn Nawton rntertslnsd ths 'Forty-two** Club Thursday afternoon at 11"* 6MITHVILLE. SmlthvlUs bad another romantic mar- Is the guest of Jadgo and Kr*. T>. M. .Clark, . .r : Judxe and Mrs. J. D. Crawford and ■hla.mS. hda uniters. VI,a Lint, and N.ttl., wer. of Mr! ^rt^ltS’Jf^J^a^K {^ g\x**ta of friends at Hay bun Sun- hrfms’is'at'S'ert Vaflsy.^vi'^tnel&ay Mr?| Mias Lcrsa Ingram left Wednesday Kuunan arrived In UmltnvM, and hired |.nl,hi for Cohunbas, Oa. to re-enter ! »""l lady andthey ttoki colle,# there. Sn?'’*Th. D, n12?'«7'fi;iir b SirT2i.^ -Mlaa EUlt May Martin, of Flemin,- at*oaca h teleDhoned f tiuS toS parenta <c n- -** the attractive iuu t thla week ef tbe bride. P Tbe berry couple proceeded, of her aunt Mr,. David M. dark, on thalr way ta Vontaumery Tbunday. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Brinson rave a Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wells .pent MV- piccant party to a number of little ;r?j d y.‘ ,oIk * ,n honor «* u'«e “'•* fair. Mr. Well. ^^^aUo ^tn^attendanca ( Saturday.. A larja number day. i of th the raraon«,e Aid Boelety, c tcrt.lneu, _ ... - ... th. .ociety end » few other, at a very A eane-irlndln, party woo tbe o> uniuue ■••pend-the-day" tarty Tburaday. naalon of a pleasunt evenln, Teuaeday hJ •» the home of Mr. and Mr, Lewis felfS t5"JiT.SS d ,u‘,:,: n,y A 'S25;i»TSt ly InVeam *'TWv',1. dinner ws* served, con iating of all kinds; Misses Lore* lngr^. _ Tlvjrte opml* of vegstablts and fruits of the season, ths Thao Conyers. Boulah, Wamngnt. or pri illed while the needles were _ piled, and ths qihlta wer* grow- -a. ..*.u Th,. C ^n^ This charming llttls home was bosutilul. clxryasntliemum*. the udmernlece being a Indeed with m**ses of big whits and yel- hug# va/e of immense chrysanriiMnums low chr/ranthemum* in tns hall and par- f r om the beautiful garden of Mr. and Mlts Coplt Davis making tha high- Mr*, pabo Ray. sent specially for ths ore, received the prise, an elegant' "quilting party." It waa np occasion long if autlonery. Mias Nawton. with* to ba remumb^Ted by nil pre'ent. ••Itts-ica of Mrs. Hendaraun and* Mrs. H. Lunaford was called to Cor* Purr# served dainty refreshments at \ del** on account of the death of a friend- Mr. and Mrs. TV. P. McAfee are In tha guast of Mrs. att»nds'-cc upon the state fair, ion this week. Mrs. B. I. McKenney spent the day BHI .. > inw H sp.)odlng In Albany shopping. sofne time in Florida with relative*], i Mias Neva Gor.dme has returned home Mrs. James Campbell has returned ] sflsr a stay of several months in At- nd children. An- d* curst lona lor*. Bennett. Germaine riamiett nnd Messrs, isted H * F ■ Westberry, J »> Au*tln. Ir* In let* i«, MIsb Mvrv CuPd way 1 K. r«*ooks In Mnd'a I ..... DuvM Bhalnganie Is Mrs. visit •dative: taking in the great fair tn Macon this Mi** Am# Jordan win entertain the ''F«Tly-t'—" '** * * Mr. O visit to Atlanta. rf Atlanta, ■ ier Tha mn-.y friends of Mias Ether McMa- tus regret cveevdingjy that she has been tulte ill this week, and hope for her a Arthu Loro; EdenHeld, Crawford. K. P. Westberrf. Price. S. C. Bennett and P. W. Brsy. EATONTONL Announcement of the marriage of Mias Mnttie Helle Waller, of this city, and Mr. Arthur Hartwell McBride, of Polk county. *at the home of the bride's father. Mr. William T. Waller. Wednesday morning, October 21, rft 10 o'clock, will be of Interest to a wide circle of friends both here and elsewhere In Georgia. Only the lm mediate families of the bride and Mr. siii visited relatives hero .recently ■ young ladle lent* year d :ie» in Madison th* L V.' Hubert, of All ml Campbell. Several nf re invited to the leap iy Hi* ttodle a d-j M's ■ .... ■ of Athens, were visiters here rcccnt’y. duct s series of meeting nt one of the Bant 1st churches. Mias Q'S’tya Pons Is visiting friends In Merfijon this week. Mr. sn«l Mrs. Wm. Ridley, of Hillsboro, w*r* guests this wsek of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robin *on. M'ss Fannie Purlfoy vldted Mrs. Clar ence pone at User— **■* * i thin weak. attending tho fulr rdingJy that she has been i groom were present, and the ceremony '‘"'1 hn ' 1 * ,or l> ,r »| w»« performed by Rev. Augu.tu. Er- ,pretty reenter). neat Mlaa Waller it a graduate of ,- ABT iiii * ev Gresham high school, of Maoon, t-OHT valley. Q ]^ 0 n former student of the state nr .A m— d.._ i 1 normal school at At'iens. For sev- Mr. nnd Mrs. Bass N.rhoin and son. prnI year j, ghe hM teacher of tha Coleman, of Griffin, were recent guests. seventh grade in the Eatonton publio to rslatlvea. school*, after teaching at different Mrs. B. T. Marshall and daughter, Helen, visited Macon last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Duk« and Mrs. D. V, Dulcc spent several days In Macon last week with Mrs. Jackscn. Mrs. Frank Fincher and Mrs. Fred Shopnrd spent Wednesday in Macon. The Perry Rifles, which includes a large number of Fort Valley young men. went up to Macon Wednesday to be in the military drill- The History club met Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. A. C. Riley. Ms chan, were recent gust ker on Msdlaon road. Mrs. Msmla orftvas. who has been vis iting relatives here. ha« returned to her hems In Fort Worth. Tsvas. Mrs. David Olover and Master Addison Glover have returned' from Atlanta. Mr. Boh Oxford was a visitor to Jack- son. Judge A. P. Thurman and Mr. Ban Thurman have rstumed from a snort Vlalt to Macon. Messrs. Pink Pattons, James Pope. Adolphus Holland and Clark Pope have returned from Atlanta. Mrs. Psnnla Ei’lott and daughter, of Dnyara. era tha r * Mrs. Monroe P ter a delightful res. Quite a number of MontlcellonUns went out to Cula to th# i.tsTlage of Mr. Comp-' ton Lane nnd Mlaa Florence Tyler, which occurred at the residence of the brldn'fe parents on Sunday. Mr*. John C. Key had the miaforitins to fall and hresk nn arm Wednesday. She hs* many friends, who wish for her an earlv rieovary. Mrs. Mamie Tenn and Mias Emily Flor- ancs are with friends In Atlanta this Maude Benton was a recent vis itor tn Maoon friends. Miss Florenra Farrar, of Mschen. was the week-end gue*t of Mrs. Paul Roby. Mr. Monro* Phillips has returned fro r {T r I.n , S h -T<*. Tockor ,nfl .....a Mias nittla Tucker was the guests 81 day of Judra and Mrs. Ftorenoe. MILL! DOEVILLH. Mrs. Darden Aahurv entertained th# Recreation Club at Rose Hill, tha subur ban home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ilotlnahead. Bridge was X layed st the table* placed In the large ouhla parlor* and afterward* delicious refreshment* wsr* served. Mrs. Aabury was a’slated hy Mlaa Marlella and Miss Marlon Hollushead. Mrs. Charles I*. Moors entertained nt an elegant luncheon tn honor of h<r mother. Mrs, H. D. Allen, the occaskn being Mrs. Allen's birthday. Covers wsi# laid for seven. Mta* garah Barter, of Charleston. B. C., la the attractive guest nf Mr. and Mrs. leham TV. Richards. Mrs Madison A. McGmw entertained at bridge tn honor ef Mr*. Btevs Thorn ton. of l-srtmnge. who Is the guest of Mr*. Terrance Treanor. Ths reception hall andparlora were fragrant with many bonis and vases of roees. Refreshments Dr. and Mrs. Roger Rwlnt have re turned from Atlanta. Mr*. W. T. Turk has returned from n vl-lt to belatlves In Tennessee and At lanta. Mies Claire Greene la visiting Mrs. Cl*ud« Brantlev In Dublin. Mrs. Punlee Jackson ttor to Macon. Mrs. Kata Carr and 1 have returned from a visit to Prof, nnd Mrs. Kvte T AIMend* in Macon .Mtaa Willie Cook ia visiting Mrs Frank Mstpsss in Orsnseburg. ft. c ^ Mhb John C. flmtth end children, who have been spending eevsrei months with Mrs. Emm* LeConta Furman, have re turned to Ms--on. Miss Aene* Crastn «f Sparta, has been visiting Mr*. TV F. Little. Mrs Stella Holland and chl’dren. who have been spending the summer with her ns rent*. Cert end Mr*. Andrew J. Mil ter. hava returned to Lskehnd Fla. Mte France* W. Perkins and Vlas Cal- He Cook represented the local Daughter* of th* Confederscv tn Bavsnneh. They were the guests of Mr*. Tom Yonmane. formerly Mies Leon* Benner, of this city. Mlee Beeele Tawfence, of Ashburn. On viriled •*— — • i of Mr*. Par- Conyers, am the guests of relatives here. “ ““onroe Phillips Is homo again * ‘ visit to *“- after , tlves. Atlanta rela- i waa a recent vie* Mrs’ Rate Carr and Master lfenrv Carr hn*a Ft bet DriskeH hag returned from i city. Mm. Ilifft Sua' Lawrence *t the children visited tot urn cd front » for the past th* Pasteur treat- : Ma«ter Deweon Al'en hne p Atlanta, where he has been point* In the county. .Mr. McBride la a first honor graduate of Mercer Uni versity, and after graduation taught In thl* county, having hla future bride among hi* pupils twenty-three years ago s* a tiny tun-bonnet girl. At present tbe groom I* a successful and prosperous planter *of polk county, and with his bride will reside near Rockmart. leaving for thnlr future home Immediately after the wedding ceremony. Announcement* of tho approaching wedding* *nf Mis* Elite May Parka, of Marietta, until recently of Eatonton, • nnd Mr. Oliver Worley, of Atlanta, i end Mr. Nlshet Parks and Mies Dixie . . „ waa the i Lee perry, of South Carolina, hgve life of Washington Irving and many ] been received with interest among interesting papers were read. Music theif friends here, where tooth Miss In Maeen, grandsons, who will no doubt have a ing course .... „ ¥™.Va In Maron^nn‘hualnaaa. 23.Mn Wahit Pam Mia Mi pi*TS Mrs. J. M. Eden* and children, of V.* 1 thl * , me * tins was furnished by Mrs. Fred. 8hepard. After the study and business a salad course was served. The fol/bwlng of ficers have been elected for the year: Mr*. Frank Fincher, president; Mrs. O. D. Williams, first vice president; Mrs. J. M. Green, second vice presi dent; Mias Mary Culpepper, recording secretary;; Miss Elina Duke, corre sponding secretary; Mr*. Albert Evans, treasurer. The Epworth League entertained a larga number of the Fort Valley people at a Hallowe'en "arty Friday even ing at the home of Mayor Fincher. Th* occasion was one of much merri- •ment and waa thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Duke. Mra. W. J. 'Braswell and Mlaa Mamie Snow went up to Macon by auto Friday. Mlaa Luclle Flournoy visited Maeon and Lets Gray are visiting In Atlanta. Mrs. Cheatham from Brogton Is the dtuest of Mr*. Edwin McMillan. . Dr. M< H. Brown and Mr. A. J. Evans went up to Macon Wednesday. The many friends and acquaintance* here of Mlaa Stella Cater, of Perry, regret very much to hear of her death In Perry last week. She was a delegate to the Baptist Rehoboth As sociation. which convened hare recent • Iy and during her stay at the home of Mrs. Long made many warm friends. JE3UP, ... _ «Ph visited In Jacksonville Tuesday. Mra. D. Hoppe Bennett, of Wins low, visited friends here Monday. Mra. J. A. Oeaterreicher, of Way- cross. was visiting In Jesup Thura- % cent vlaltorM tu Jesup. Mrs. A, W. Hum and slater. Mice Ida Harper, of Oardl. were gueate of friends here this week. Mre. L. S. Morris, of WayneevIMe. th In Joaup visiting her son. Col. Jos. A. Morris. Mlaa Gertrude Arnett, of Odessa, wae th* guest Sunday of Miss Minnie Richardson. Mre. 8. B. Lary. of Xahunta and Mra. T. Atwell; of Waycrosa, were recent visitors among friends here. Mr*. A. R. Richardson returned Monda- .to her home at Oardl after ... spending a week here with relatives. I to df-cour** on Parks nnd her brother were reared, end number a wide circle of friend*. Th* wedding ceremonies will b* quiet home one*, witnessed only bv th* Im mediate fnmlllc* and Intimate frlenda of the contracting parties, both to occur early In November. Mr*. Hiram L. Gardner entertained beautifully Tuesday afternoon for her Bister. Mrs. Will Matthew*, who I* the guest of her parents. Mr. nnd Mr*. J. Calhoun Raid, for several weeks, on Wayne street. Mra. Gard ner waa assisted In receiving and en tertaining by Mr*. Samuel Allen Gierke. The bouse decoration* were In varl-colored autumn leaves, blend ing a richness of color with the wax tanera throughout the reception hell and parlor*. A parcel party was tbe motif of entertainment, waiters of wrapped packages being passed among the guest*, who were requested- to discover from the sense of feeling the content* of the package* In thl§ contest Mlaa Tallulah Jenkins won the prise, a dalntv sterling sliver belt buckle. Mr*. H. V. Taliaferro. In the Foxy Grandpa contest, for pinning on Foxy's hat blindfolded, placing It ex actly correct, ws* awarded a mission match safe. Mr*. Matthew** gu»*t prise was a gold bar pin. After the contewt* and pleasure# of the evening, a delicious salad course with coffee was served. Mrs. Harder's guests were Mr*. Clarence Alford, Mr*. Roh- nrt Stubbs. Mrs. Terrell Wingfield, Mr*. Clarke Davis, Howell Hearn. Mr*. Thsddeu* Greene. Mr*. Roa* Tal bot Reid, Mr*. Florence Talbot Har den. Mr*. Percy Esell. Mrs. Dodge Hearn. Mr*. Peter Walton. Jr.. Mr*. Joseph S. Turner. St. Mrs Jacob R Tweedv. Mr*. Jamer R. Nlshet. Mr*. Nat Wingfield. Mrs. J)*nnl* Tkoma*. Mr*. Frank Jenkins. Jr„ Mr*. Joseph S. Turner. Jr.. Mia* Maw Nlsbet. Mis* Acne* T.everette, M1*s Margery Leon ard. Mr*. Sidney F,dmopfl*on. Miss Nona T.ever*tte. Mis* Anna Lou N1«- b*t. Mis* Relie Lewis Miss Hsttle Weaver. Mr* Preston Rmk*. of Ath ens. Mis* Fannie Lee Leverette. qv,,. owl* met Monday afternoon with their leader and an evening of fun and pleasure was entoyed bv those present. After a **er*t, concatenation th# current event* of the local. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hudson re turned to their home at Gardle after spending a week her# with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hudson re turned to their home In Atlanta Mon day nlrht after a pleasant visit here to Mr’Hudson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Murphy. Mr#. Richard M. Mlllkln ha* re- turned from Sparta, where she ha* Men visiting her parent*. Mr. and Mra. L'ndsay Baker. Mra. M. E. Goodtette. of Savannah. *or*al and ooMtlesl life of the local eerie, refreshment* were ssrved nnd dancing later enloved. • Toast* were given In honor of a visiting member wit* th# hoo-boo yell a* the pleasure* of tbe evenlnr were concluded. No member* nf the m*i* **▼ *re per mitted among the ‘Owl*, and onlv one ws* allowed present on this occasion few mav'm* of Me- thusaleh to the young owlets of th* •vvie. Mr*. W*H*r R. Wlexfleld’s nutting nartv for Mr* Can#* W*iv»r Mondsv wa* another entevah'e affair* of ♦**• wosk to those fn tbe p*rtv. Th* host*** nnd her guest* entered » tvptcal autumn day In the wed* an# th* reriv returned at sunset with memortea fraught with pleasure# of the htppy occasion and well-filled ICsst'miM wi bn FIve.T For Sprains Sloan’s Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. . . I It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn’t need to be rubbed — all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates instantly—relieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces the swelling. Sloan’s .Liniment is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer—heals cflts, bums, wounds and contusions, and will draw the ppison from sting of poisonous insects/ Pries, 25c., 50c, and $1.00. Dr. CarlS. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Sloan*, book on hors,,, cattlo, sheep and poultry sent f roo. r'-r’v —mgg^m f — FINE WHISKIES AT FULL VALUES I don't cut the quality of whiskey in order to pay express. 1 full Value in the whiskey itself i I GIVE YOU If you want every cent of instead of a lower grade af Below are a few of n which represents the very hi Lincoln County i f 0 n ao&rts Lincoln County S2.00 4fuUSSlit*<>14 Hickory Ua. Co.....1(0 4 full quarts White Oak SCO 4 fall quarts Moecaaln Club . • 4.00 Cora‘WHislCoF ** A full quarts Hamilton Co. Corn 42.00 4 full quarts Ssrqot Mash Corn S.C0 4 full quarts North Carol inaCorn.... 2.25 4 full quarts Old Mountain Corn 4 full quarts OH Cobb Corn money’s worth in WhUkey “ forexpressage, send me your ordt__. specially popular brands, every one of iest quality obtainable for the price: Rye 4 fuB quarts Old Cabinet Rye *.00 4 fu I quarts Belmont 2.60 4 full quarts Hamilton Co. Club, 8.00 4full quarts GiMon’a 4 Star400 Brandies « 4 full quarts Gsorgla Psach I d and Drugs Act of June 80,1904 V E. B. GIBSON (FINE WINES AND LIQUORS To the Consumer at Lowest Cash Prices 19 East Seventh Street Chattanooga, Tenn. Send for complete Price LUt end Order Blanks. Refrigerated Bottling The word sounds good, doesn't it?. Just try* Bottle of Coca-Cola If you want a perfect drink drink BOTTLED EVERYWHERE . . . 5c reekTtaktng ti II has returned from s' Latimer In Ms con ! Mr. Wash Broo* Red Jtls daughter. of Lexington, vti- Mary Prudence industrial! >nte«uma. Os. nnn. j. m imrrw w Mentetum*. nt-' tendM e msetfng "f t>*e board of trustee# j at the Georgia Normal and Industrial; rru»ea thl* cltr u Mrs. W. A. Walker *a» returned form : fb'm a visit tn her son. Hon. duPtenon. of Atlanta. MF* VerWWte hne teat on after a Vtett te Mis# Julia Conn, Mr* R«*n T. Pethmt# Vat a resent vie returned Fleming i returned to Ov- - * Vr , *\r' e'V'Lm was emeng those ’ •*» friends in Atlanta. wSf'vfl*ed thl.weff^ W Mm W O Ogbnen end children have ! « C TrmpVtns in Tennlje. Go. returned from a vtri* to Mr. and Mra. R.! Bdemrd«. of JTncnng. Os. H. lawn M Arvr“ V>f4a Mra W. R Path to la vtstting tn Ma Mw W T gfmmone te vtrittng In Ma- W Fbney. Jr., la virittng tn H**rh!n* and children are ingan hoe returned from Mr W T- and eon wore among to Viottr-s to Mecon «Ma wA Mtee AfbnJMM Jeawplmed from a •boor and * '»• t-m ro. . . , agano in WHqtotqveqa af^e vtettooo <W*rqH Bteetrsbear. Ur J Pmnh Boon hag eatgened ta h|i Jamo In Rgeria aftsr a visit to muffle | ****** ario-ooon teot Ur D J Mno» ; end Vise l-*r« Graham mm by Bear. Affen Drt jei H ___ i* c-rs at ehe r**«4enoa of Dr. Doaeldtoo. The bride te a nstTre •sftr'ygcl th* *Wtm fo Ma< kriso Af»* Mi at**t to M'dr*. Mr J. M I end Mrs. Mntlte Adame, of Tr**||»*. w»*o ' h*ro r«oa vt«1ttag Pmf. and Mr* I. H Dtcker.een. have returned to their re- epo»rtra r 'mre Father Richard Hamilton, nf the Cath olic church, has returned from an eg- tended trip abroad- t*? &£ ml, 1 qfiHSr Mr* Ota B PAnarde has returned from a v*ett to »tknh. |m i* iwwtm vrom » nr eererel ~th« to rotattvo* In fft.|c*gp. i •Faeo# Nell Jones Vett'e'C**# and -*to cw *d«tt*4 M*-ea thte week. Bo—* rt**o tM« w*e| n>!r» Mattie sod Vim Luck : e%-0 nStrojnro Vmt Vrirtw tn • hero return*# ten* AtHoto. ff, ‘ MSaa Gertrude Ihilltven. nf Rtrmtngh*— AW-, t* vMH*re Him PredMe A|jm (the end Mlw Ahen eri e?«od Monday at the kmo State " 7 m, | At. Af. NEWBERRY CO., Successors fo Ross McCullough Lumber Co. Rough and Dressed Lumber Wood-Pine and Oak LET US COVER YOUR HOUSE WITH CYPRESS SHINGLES We also deal in wood and carry both pine and oak. Our Prices are Right and Delivery Prompt Exclusive Dealers in Hard Wood ;/.'T PHONE 116 x&xxx&x&x%: