Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 01, 1908, Image 21

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1008 Some of the Stanchest Friends of this Store are the Young .Men of this Gity You will find them in the store picking out new Suits every day; They come here because they want clothing that is a bit un common—and they find it here as they can find it nowhere else. The Suits are of carefully selected fabrics—always with character. Each model has in dividuality in cut and -little points that always seem to bo the wearer’s own special ideas. to Georgia; experience unnecessary: go«>d tay and tailor made suit of clothes free fit) days; write for particulars. J. K •Brady A Cb., Chicago. ________ WANTED—experienced salesmen; hol iday trade: hlgh-claan. staple goods', old on long time; permanent position *r next year guaranteed to those making ood. Hoi tl. Cedar Beplda, Iowa. 'RAVKVJMa HAT.WHMKN WANT1__ all In ft weeks to former experience _ _ -arn the biggest salaries Mor ey Saved Is Money Made We sell you for cash only, which means moro goods for 6ame money and same goods for less money. Always get the best for the least, at— Macon Cash Grocery Co. Contract for Beef Georgia State Sannltarium, Office of L. J. Lamar, Steward, Milledgevllle, Ga„ Oct 2S. ISOS. Sealed proposals will be received a this office until the llth day of of No* vember next, at 10 o’clock a. m., to fur nish this Institution with beef, no fol lows: First.—1.000 to 1.200 lbs. good MER- Phones 325—290 870 Poplar St. twelve months. Second.—Good ERN BEEF, to months of Janu Merchantable WEST- Monday Special Vegetable Sale! A Can A Doz Ideal Tomatoes $0.07 $0.80 Iona Tomatoes, large cans 08 .95 Sultana Tomatoes, solid pack ... .10 1.05 A&P Tomatoes, extra tall cans .... 12 1.25 Cordova Tomatoes, gallon cans ... .25 2.65 Iona Com 07 .82 Sultana Corn 09 1.00 A&P Com 11 1.'25. Iona Peas 09 1.05 Sultana Peas 10 1.15 A&P Peas, finest packed ....r .13 1.40 Champion Snap Beans, ..... .07 .78 Refugee Snap Beans 09 1.05 A&P Snap ijeans, stringlcss 13 1.45 Arena Lima Beans 07 ,82 A&P Limn Beans, small tender ... 13 1.45 A&P Squash 09 1.05 A&P Pumpkin 09 1.05 Victory Spinach 10 1.05 Soup Mixture (try it) 12 1.40 Wax Beans 10 1.10 Kidney Beans 10 1.10 A&P Baked Beans, 10 1.10 Asparagus Tips 15 1.65 Lily White Asparagus, large 28 3.25 Every can guaranteed satisfactory or you can return them and get your money back. Make np your order, mail, send or bring it to ns on Monday and get the advantage of these special prices. Help yonrself by tracing with A&P Stores. We want your trade. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Importers, Coffee Roasters, Distributors. ns Above to be supplied daily. Western Beef to be delivered Houre. freight prepaid. Local be delivered at storage room. A be re-welghed. Western Beef can be supplied In car load lots. Cars to be shipped so i meet demand of 1.000 to 1,200 po beef used dally. Separate bids cai made to supply Western Beef onlj January, February, March, April payment as security for faithful perform ance of contract. The right Is reseryt to reject any and all bids. Bids shoul be marked "To Furnish Beef," and ad L. J. LAMAR, Steward. FOR SALE A nice, new 6-room cottage, on shady side Johnson avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home. Willingham Loan & Trust Co. No. 461 Third Street. ’Phone 360. For Rent 111 acres, sis mile* fr-m courthouse, n Howard Road, near Bummerfield. G< * ew dwelling and entire place fenced unning water and directly on pul Dad- s fine road all the way-to Mac Vouid make an excellent dairy farm. _ FOR SALE. If desired. for 91,000.00. Price. An make reasonable terms TermsVdm!redf 1 ***’ Pr,c# ' S 1 '* 10 - 00 / Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 5C5 Mulberry Street. FOR RENT No. 147 Rose Park, l-r., two baths It No. 107 First 8t.. 7-r I! No. 225 ‘Bellevue Ave., 5-r Si No. 110 Duncan Ave.. 6-r 31 Comer of Carilnr and Rembert. .1 No. 124 Holt l-r Si No. K22 Monroe. 7-r tl No. 1171 Oglethorpe. 7-r j: Cl» College, l-r.. J 742 College. 9-r 9 1052 Oglethorpe, 8-r I 1101 Second, t-r 6 2S5 Wlnshlp, 5-r 1 240 Wlnshtp, l-r I Beach ave, l-r I B. A. WISE 4 CO. WANTED For cash two medium priced residences POE SALE One splendidly Imp: yirttos lots Sn Improved p Mscon: very beet condtlJoi grand country home localities, lumber lands, vacant different part* of city. “ JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY ANOTHER ONE ] of the incumbrances of civilisation 1» Shelter. We. In our prasont social ltate, must have roofs, and, Indaed. those roofs mustn’t' leak. Aftor the rain, then, call on me for repairs. JAS. C. GORMLY, Phone 531. 320 Third 8t MR. DOC GUNN ( is no longer with JONES, GUNN & JONES, and thta Me hot,, and muln emporium will In th# future ho run by Mr. Ben L Jones and his son. Mr. W. H. Jones. v Southern Packing Co. Choicest Native and Western Meats. 620 Cherry St. Phone 351. lie a Word]; •sdiusit aDrjaod U| eptui *q 4sui sssi PUS 18 jo seousuiiuau '«)U00 uein 'tai jo; pajjstui sq him sorou on ‘*n«s| uoco jo; pjom J3d oi jo; juatujjcdop «m» -I pavietui "013 *snoaus||»ot|W *|tuo»J9d •punoj json *ju»m jcj ‘airs JOJ 'P*»ufM ;o spseq aqi Japun s)uauias|;jBApy , MEETINGS ... __ ■ MACON LODGE NO. 5, F. A A. /I M.—Regular communication Monday night at 7:10 o'clock; /VI. work Entered Apprentice de- ^ V gree: nil Masons In good stand- in.-r welcome. John A. Davis, W. M.; W. V-. Clmpnian, Scrty. WANTED WANTEIv-Bright young salesladies for fair. Call room 26, Arcadia Hotel, 1 to 5 p. m. NOW that work on the great Ormulgee dam hna begun and many kinds of people nro wading around In the river nnrt camping on the banks, how about trying a good table water In self-sealing hot .lea from the world’s purest spring? WANTED—Employment by n competent stenographer. L. W., care Telegraph. WANTED—Couple to board In nice pri vate place, close in. 742 Walnut st. WANT you to remember I have a fine registered Jersey hull. Service 11.00. Phone 1844. S. C. Bird. WANTED—Painting, floors stained, plastering patched, wall tinting. H. (L Walton. First and Cherry. PJione 8181. WANTED—Carpenter work, building and repairing: espeda l^all • leaky roof* stopped. Wesley „JtreRson, First nnd Cherry. Phone 8618. WANTED—Couple furnished rooms, cen trally Joented. for family five; would consider furnished flat. Address Rooms, Telegraph. WANTED—Clerk In retail store ac quainted with the trade. Address Wholesale, care Telegraph. WANTED—On# well furnished room with all conveniences. In private fam ily. close In. Address M. N. care Tele graph. NEW sideboards and leather eouohea at cost, for ca*h. Becker furniture Co., Cotton ave. Rugs. , WANTED—By business woman nice room and board. Address M. L., care Telegraph, WANTED—Fhrnlshed room nsnr Grand Opera House: couple without children. Comfort, car# Telegraph. WANTED—A drummer; state salary 1 wnnted and give reference. Address Wholesale, cans Telegraph. WANTED—PhsltInn as bookkeeper: am a competent bookkeeper and can use typewriter very rapidly; best of reference furnished from my last employ. Ad dress Bookkeeper, care Macon Telegraph. WANTEDr-FIrat-chse room with two beds for two gentlemen; must have heat on cool nights; private bath pro- ferred; describe and price. Hightower, care Telegraph. WHITE ELK WATER—Have you seen our new crates? Prettiest things on the market; hold ten half gallon bottles for the family, and easy to handle. De livered 80 cents. WANTED—Boarders In private family; large rooms, dressing rooms attached: sti conveniences, on two car lines. Phone too. a WANTED—A bright, lnt,m«ent twin or woman who cap make money for him self; an excellent place for the right par ty. Geo. 7a. Sherman & Co., Ohio Bldg., Chicago, III. WANTED—Gentleman to occupy nicely furnished front room: modem conven iences; eh>s* In; references exchanged. Phone 2838. CIVIL BERVTCE employee are paid well for easy work: exnmlnsflon of all kinds soon: expert sdvlce, sample questlnnes v-rt hooki.t 4M. rie.crlhlnjt po-llbm, Uhl ling easiest and quickest way to secure them free* write now; Washington Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. WANTED—Five flrst-elati cost makers. Arnly to Jno. B. Jones, Tailor, Au gusta. Ga. WANTED—f^rg# or small Jobs of paint ing. plastering, kalsomlnlngg. graining and floor staining. Oeor# aiovtr, 4C8 Cotton ave. Phone 897. WANTED—Couple of young mrn to oe- oupy front room; hot end cold water; * all conveniences: one block from court house. Phone 8088. CIVIL service examinations will soon be held tn everr state, full Information and nutations used hr th# commission free. Columbian Correspondence Oonege, Washington. D. C. UNCT.E HAM wants railway mail clerks, mall carrier*. pn«tofflee clerks: yearly: examinations hers November 16th| common education sufficient; nren. station free. Franklin Institute, Koch- estre. N. Y. BOARDERS—R**v* a House, Macon. On.: a reflnsd family hotel; 81.00 a day and no: weekly rate given. WANTED—Couple or young then »o oc- eupy suite of rooms m steam heated flats. First class table board. No. 5 Nevaro flats. | WANTED-AGENTS | AOENTfl wanted for a high class besutt- t, fully printed and Illustrated do|ter-a- ' year woman’s mererine; comnMra'nn. ■v flftv cents on each dollar subevriptlon* 0 errite for scent’s free outfit. American 0 Home Monthly. 6 Barclay street. New 0 York. AGENTS In every county In G*orr1a. Texas and Arkansas to handle tha best — paving article on the market; experlen** not necetrary: you show model. It nv'Ve* the sale: write todav for particular*. Outler Bed Brace Co., Mseon, Oa. MALE HELP WANTED MEN WANTED oelcfcly by big mirage null order hove* to distribute rat*- n burves. advertise; t|V*6 weekly- 880 *0 q e*oen/e oik,wince D-jt. 31, q 885 Wabash ave., Chicago. el • FEMALE HELP WANTED LADDER—Mike ehf-’d* at heme: mate rials furnished, tis hundred; pertlra- lers stamped envelope. Dept, 158. Im perial Shield Ga, 8L Louis, Uo. A Horse Or Mule Or Harness Or Buggy Or Wagon Or Carriage; F YOU HAVE— A Cow Or Pig Or Chickens Or Eggs Or Geese Or Guineas F YOU HAVE- A Sowing Machine- Or Furniture Or a Stove Or any Tools Or Anything Else Or a Dog THE TELEGRAPH, OR BALE—Fine chrysanthemums cheap. Ill Dunoon ave. M. J. glrea. FOR BALE—700 bushels Loss's improved early rust proof oats; 50 days earllsr than any other oats, at SI.00 per bushel. “ Long’s Stock Fxrm, Phone 1374. irfes fie? ua cash, bstanre payable In Installments to •uit purchaser at 8 per cent Interest; shady side of street three car lines, neighborhood mostly home owners. A. B. Hatcher. WANTED-SALESMEN country rnih for salesmen; If you lest profession In the cure s good position, “— “ * * of the —*- “ and receive hundreds oi odnv. lent. 03.1 c Aran.. New to learn orld and se eo bnok^ "AI FOR SALE Clellan army used saddles; Lord Wolseley WHITE ELK WATER—Have you seen our new crate#? Prettiest things on the market: hold ten half gallon lattice for the family, and easy to handle. Dc- llvcred SO cents. FOR BALE—A few large antique sterling silver Pleees, Tiffany A Co. make; 0 bread and huttsr plates; 1 coffee pot and I elegant engraved pitcher: 8 singer drop- cad machines as good as new at a bar gain; 1 National Cash Register. 8. Blou- ensteln. 415 Third st. FOR SAt,E—Few chysanthemums; tool* • fine; some under slso cheap. Ring ie. peek. Phone 624. good as new. cost I Dennard’s sta sh o tea. Telephone 2015. MrrpMOBII.Iti-Hlih *r.d, u««d mito- mobiles. all makes at lowest prices: ears In A-l condition. I ship you any mnke of car. Write today and specif! make of car you want. Now Is the tlm to buy. ll, fl. Vrooman. 1118 Flshe UUlff.. Chicago. . FOR SALE—Tsn-horss 'Schofield steam engine and boiler; good running order; tlftO for outfit. Macon Telegraph. nidg. cottage. North Si biire, Fourth "hlatlonafuank Times have changed for the conquer- Once the mighty genera!, who won bat tles. ohanged maps, and fixed the Imprint of bis mastery on World policies, became the custodian of wealth untold. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, at periods of their careers, profited materially to an extent which neither of the great trio ever was able perhaps to compute. Changing surcease* may have lost them control of .this wealth, but as long as they remained In power, and before the genius of some other commander threw them down, they were the owners of pri vate fortunes vast beyond the dreams of a Standard .Oil magnate. Then the eonquerof took for himself of that which he won In battle. To the victor belonged the spoils, and right roy ally did he profit by that law. . „ Now the general can only profit by that ,-jrtlon of the booty that his country wills he should have, and to conquer In a great war Is by no means to re sure of a life freed from the cares and worries of finance. Lord Wolseley. of England. Is now find- ...g but this fact Just ns Oen. Grant In the United States discovered It a gener- * The**|‘uetrlou* career of this noted British soldier, who. at on* time, was spoken of as "England's only soldier," Is having tn# most pathetic of endings. He Tia* conducted noted campaigns In Canads, In India, in Egypt, and in tht lenst civilised port Iona or Africa- Almost always success has been his. only one nntde early failure being charged nralnst him. He did not reach Khartoum In time to save "Chlneas Gordon." who was beleaguered there. But even this one misfortune was showrt to have been no fault of his. and wsa 1 not permitted to put any smlrehes on his brilliant record. For a generation Walseley's reputation Ill's successes were tha boast of the armv. Th# soldiers loves to recite his deeds In the Bunpesp war. now more than half a century ago. of how he had fought with distinction In the war of the Crimea, elded In the suppression of of 1870, Mth# Ashante# — ““‘•74. fought In nmj NOW that work on th# great Ocmulge# dam has hesun and many kinds of people are wading around In the river nnd camping on the banks, how about trying n good table wafer. In self-sealing bottles from the world's purest spring? JAddressL. National Salesman' nYnrk. Chicago, Kan FOR BAT E—Five-room cottage with bam and large lot. Tenney ave., South pen*es and 10 per cent commission FOR RENT run BAl.n-'lOB* (mrm-iiHH inn complete stereotype' nutnt; moot prints 4 or I pages: 81.2K0 fob Address Telegraph. Macon. Ga. FOR SALE—Several bargains In second' hand buggies, gurries. spring wagons and farm wagons. 8. 8. Parmeleo Co. nnd mid water, close In; gentleman only. 214 Second st. Elm sts. Good stand. Apply Bandars. First Tuesday In November 500 acres of good land In Tavlor county, with tine water power, on Patsllaga creek. Good dam and mill now In operation. Situate* - In mile and ono-half of proposec uu nnni—ixtrnar riwni. raw, pillows, chairs. Beefier Furl- turc Co., Cotton ave. Stoves, heaters. FOR BALE—One gas . In good cond“ 2001 Third st. •i’OR RENT—One large unfurnished front room. Apply 820 Second st. FOR RENT—Nice, well furnished rooms; good so —‘ —•“ '- Ring 2015. FOR RENT—Nice furnished room. Apply 128 Magnolia st. UK—nic», won mrnunvn umiiii", good nocommodatlons and close In. U.n sewing inscninr, uru|>iienii. for cash. Becker Furniture Co., Cot ton ave. Stoves, er F hr» ttors. rugs. keeping or sleeping. King 14f7l, 6f| TOR RENT—To on* or. two gentle- vnen one furnished front room, close In, on car lino; one room unfurnished. Phone 8J7L FOR RENT—Five-room ^eottjyr#^ with Phone I52l. r sanitary connection. 1421 Third • st, FOR RENT—Two connedIng rooms, first floor, dose In. on csr line. Apply 408 Oglsthorpe at.. Phone 071. new crates? rreit|est things the market: hold ten half gallon bottles ■’or the family, and easy to handle. De* Ivcred 50 cents. FOR RENT—All or psrt of a convenient nnd desirable homk, furnished or partly unfurnished. Owner, cere Telegraph. unfurnished rooma fences; choice location. . ear Unes; rent reasonahle. Phone 2166. FOR RENT—Immediate possession 11«1 Elm st; 770. tfi 718 Ash st “ Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth sts. FOR RENT—Eight-room house, modem plumbing, Montpeltef ave.; 821. C. B. Drew, Jr. cents. W. T. Ragan, prop. 'OR RENT—Two choice apartments. Neva rn Fists; lights, water, heat J ml shed. Apply at offlr* Leon H. Dure. FOR RENT—Two At ground floor offices In Washington block; steam heat nnd janitor, nil conveniences. Apply to Ma- - ‘nvi (lanV FOR RENT—Eight-room house. 1 _ Forsyth street. near Orsnge. B. Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth sts. NOW work on the greet Ocmulge# dam has begun and many kinds of people are wading around In th# river end camping on th# bank*, how about trying a good table water In aelf-eeallng bottles from tha world's purest spring? FOR roon 1150. RENT—Nicely FOR RENT—Two or thro* nicely fum Uhed rooms for light housekeeping Phone 2184. W." Pickling,''Butler, ffi Quick, FOR BALE—Beautiful child's folding bed; nnver been lined. Phone 2529. Mrs. W, H, OUlon. FOR HA r.E-A ^*Babc< condition, and a hr... Purchaser. Can lie eean lee's. T. A. Cheatham. iUggy In good for a quick “ 1. Pr at R. 8. Parma- enPgM of 1«7>-T4. wightlnflwt^^^ieal five yesra later, and was oommender-ln- chlef of the Britts}! foroes^ln Egypt In It was a service marked only by many piece! of notable strategy, and bv the continued proof of a genius for organist- itlnn, but equally so by a personal bra very ao greet that It waa the constant four of the officer*‘ef the staff that some day Wolsetey'e life would ray the pen alty‘of his Indifference to danger. Pcrhsna It would have been better If this hod been so. for now In his 7Mh year of life tha old flahter finds his rep utation gpne. he Is poor and friendless, and that - nation which one# worshiped him has turned against him. About all he has left Is the shadow of a na*t reputation, and eom# forgotten medals for. pastl achievements. The Boer war. which was a tragedy to so many reputations, put Lord Wolseley on the downward noth. IDs was to some extent tRe experience of Lords Puller and Methuen, thought against him could not he charged as In their cases, the odium of actual blunders on the field ° f Rut tha Roer war was a rightful shock in British pride, and'the nstfhn demanded sacrifices. U had been expected by the people that th# organisation of Her MeJ-i waly's army could swiftly crush into auh- tlon the handful Of Bo- Wadley Investment Co. Heal innate, insurance, Loans, Grand Building, Phone 627, FOR RENT Immediate Posvetslon. Two-story brick store, corner Fourth *n<J W5EL° mce ntxt 10 depot. 17500. S78 Orange street* very desirable two-story house, nine rooms and bath, toilet each floor and servant's house In rear. This house has Just been newly painted; plumbing thoroughly repaired, and Is In perfect condition, 160.00. FOR GALE. We have for sale a beautiful tract of fifteen acres of land, lying within one mile of city llmtta and three or four hundred yarde from end of car line. This Is an Ideal site for a dairy; Is dose enough to city and car line to be sub-dlvtded into residence 8ut«. Price Let us show you this place and tell you more about It. We have a nice large place, with new dwelling house of five rooms, pro vided with city water and rbH barn, and has brick store desirably located and now rented. Juat on edge of olty chaser for 12.000.00. which means ll V'T rent on Investment aa it now stamia with ample ground room for two more bouses. See us regarding this property it you desire a safe, well paving Invest ment. No Information will be given over the phone. Two-story, six-room residence on Hardeman avenue. Vlnevllle, for sain to home owner on easy terms, 14.000, Vacant lot 70x215 on Laurel avenue. North Highlands; this la very best lot on Laurel avenue and Is between two •f the prettiest cottages in this very popular suburb. S600.00. Just listed with us on North High lands a nice largo lot on Laurel ave nue. near North avenue that w« car. sell for S450.00. This Is an excellent bargain and will be on the market at this price only a few days. WADLEY INVESTMENT 00. Grand Building, Phone 627 jertion the' handful Of Boer farmers, nnd whsn defeat followed defeat, and Ihoue- ‘ British lives were eanritlced.. and ands of Itrltl’h Uvea were eanritlced. and the two greatest flkhtera of the nation— Lords Boberie and Kitchener-had to take command before tha ^ fighting farmers could he repressed, the Indignation of th" prople knew no bounds. 4 . Even without the excuse# of the da* FOR BAT.E—Rhode Island Red Cockerels, the most pmular breed of the day. Phent 1085 oflll. E. W. Burke. RING 1587 for mammoth chrymnthe- mums; white, vollow. red. 60o. to 11.00 er dosen. Mrs. R. L. Hopkins, 948 Sixth ve., South Macon. FOR 8A7.E —Good second-hand type writers, of Remington, Monarch, S liver, etc. Bure bargains. The J. W, urke Co. FOR 8ALE—flood second-hand type writers. of Remington, Monarch. Oliver, etc. Sure lairgalna. The J. W. Hutko Co, STOVES, stoves and heatsra, cash or idlt. Worker Kumlturs Co.. Cotton Mattings, rugs, art squares. a! prices on roll top, fist and H>er|n] r .nndlng before buying. The J. FOR BALE, DESKS—W# have some rpeclal prlrea on roll top, flat nnd smarting desks. Call nnrt see our line bpj' — - * before buying. The J. W. Burke Co. LOST •Hark comb; .. lost In Psla__ between Thnatorlum and Walnut Phono S84. fasted genertl* th# foot would Imv# be come public anyway.. England was not ready for th# war. and Had her rival hern ons of her own mettle. Germany France, for Instance. It Is hard to what would have bean the outcoms f.,_ struggle where Britain started under such a severe handicap. A frenslol nubile turned quickly from its Idol. Lf>rd WjfOler. tnJ demanded to know why he had permitted auoh - condition of Unpreparedne»s tn develop. For Sale ^ New 8-room dwelling and four wore* In Bellevue on car line. Two nice residences on Second St. Two nice residences on Oak St. Seven-room dwelling and 10 acres 9tr olty. Five-room dwelling and 100 acres; splendid level land Just a short way. out, with plenty of w*/odi and water nnd 2,000 best selected peach trees. Two pieces store property on fine business street. 600 acres fine, strong land vrith im provements, four miles from rallroa4 at 86*00 per acre. 650 acres near Barnesvllle, Pika Co^ Ga. 1,080 acres, farm In Burke and Jen^ kins counties, Ga. Varner Hotel and three acres lead at Indian Springs, Ga. 610 acres one mil# from Holton, Oa. Home funds on long tlm* at 7 p#» cent. Call or write for particulars oa any of shove. Geo- W Duncan, Manager. It Is to Speculate upoiBthe Inducements thnt attract so many women to football game*. A few of the rentier sex understand all the tine points of the game; a large num- __ , . _ , , , . FOR RENT remainder depend, either very frankl. quite surreptitiously, upon their escorts or upon th« htsekhoard's figures for In formation as to how th# game Is going. Whv. then, all theta degrees of knowledge of th# gnm* being considered, do so many women fled an evident and sincere en joyment In attending a match? Proba bly there several res eons that blend together alfnrd an admirable explanstl* ^ of their presence. Everybody goes ( It Is great fun to watch th# crowd and the momenta of spontaneous cheering fur- nlah sn excitement that Is keen enough to be a sport In lte«lf. Beridet. there la the pleasure of being out of door*. That ints for something vmwaday* ty every- bn Is 1n eympathy r ^-Boston Transcript. Hotel Keeping, ,, . foie gras to th# _ . of trumpets. The hotel epicure now flnda an embarrassment ef eunh "heivene" from which to choo»*. Tbs nltv hotel has and liver spotted dog. small streak In' forehead, with new leather coi lar on; name Man. Finder return to 869 Orange st. or plions 2695 5ml get nwnrd. I/5ST— Prohabdv on First st, Iwtween Cherry nnd Elm. Saturday afternoon, child 7 * locket, about the else of a quar ter: engraved "A. L. If." in one side, with chip diamond on the other aide; couple of children picture* on Inside, Liberal reward If returned to T. A. Han, 862 Elm st.. LOBT-^-One amethyst ring surrounded Phon IUturn ^ plr * c PERSONAL. DR. MARL Oehsuer, psychlst Atlanta. Oa.. can be consulted on all affalra or life for /ew days: If In trouble she can Intoeh Masseuse Battery. Agent for the finest heir coloring on the market. Miss Gaughn, 743 Walnut st. Phone S4TI. • NOW that work on the great Ocmulge# dam has heaun nnd many kinds of people are wading around In the river and camping on the hanks, how about trying a good table wster In self-eeallng bottles from tT * ——* 1 to he a combined a*te gallery, • hell and rhib casino, nil th* enjoy- « of which are to he hail for tna R rlre of e dinner. Tho latter-day "min* oet" Is In a- sense the curator ef a mu seum. a connoisseur of curios- and sn lm- preesrlo who must provide for the amuse ment of hts patrons. Jt Is no J.anjrer sufriclent to furnish guests with a well - cooked meal and a eomfortsble red. Theji higher sen""# must be so pea I ad to. N« feature of the de’-rlrprAe d of the palatini hotel from the pimple Inn Is more t#* markable than Its evolution on the esthet ic aide. f . MISCELLANEOUS white nr.K WATEn-H»r« yjrn M,n tor the family, and easy to handle. De livered 60 cents, PURBLKF & CLAY furnish funeral rlaees at 19.60} drat class ones too. Always open, NOW that work « and camping 1 the greet Ocmulge# and many kind* of ound In the rlvrr how about r ,.._ the banki. _ good table wotrr In aclf-seellng bottles from the world’s purest eptlngf j 1 the world’s purest spring? our new cmt*s? Prertlest things on OR RENT—To young men, nice fum- market; hold ten half gallon hottles - &h« wim. do.™ln. V..tric lUrhu. hot f«r tho fimllr, •"!« M.r to honOlo. ■ltd odd tattu. Phono too,, Mwfif B twtf ATTItACTIVE o(T,r for non itvfnv In town or country, willing to work snare time: good comml- alon; nothing to sell nr dlstrlbula; writ* st once anAgat started. Nsthnsl Distributing Co., Hyton* Pur* Rye Whiskey, 28 Bouth Hanover st., Bal timore. Md. answer quirk. 112 FJIfh et n lteh«n on Oarg# njar slrable. Telephone lilt. Bve rooms and ir Bond; vary de- C. L, Whaley. rui. n*... a• , wo wip. un furnished rooms ground floor. Orange near Bond. Telephone tt98. POr'rbNT—Blx-mom hooso and garden. Phone 2078; flftaen_ AJllars. FOR RENT—Three delightful connecting room* near Wesleyan. 884 Washington ave. Phene 2167-L. BUSINESS CHANCES, AN EAST WAT to start e b-j«ln will pay eevaral tkoneand dol ars annu ally. selling me-rhondlee by moll; proved plan, wa furol h everything *-iw; |tS f« ■ r.d ehow y. . -lai’v; rsrticuu Hicks, Chicago. ’nrv; nsrticulara free. Mliburn- PERSONAL—H*R k'*hool for. t Boys; Th* Hall Teachers' Agency. Cell te see us at tot Gotten ave. FUNERAL carriage* M •• by Pure ley A Clay, and ether things in proportion. Always open. FOR SALE plenty 01 w*wr »i»u umofr; wu make line dairy; a bargain. SI,500. 100 actw farm, wen improved, on Forsyth road: 4,000 fruit traea, 13,000. Owner ban new 8-r, h.. bath and rantry. on JtfT Davis street; sell lass than cost. New modern house, Huguenln Heights, |600 eaab. balance monthly. J. L. ETHRIDGE, 900 Cherry 8L / R1NO Csrstarphen for butter hams, chelae, Grand Puke and mnnrt Dual flour. Grind Republic, Am- r- Iran, popular J. B., and A. 1*. cigars; the leader#. RING CLAUD MARTIN, PHONE 851- Rest Kansas Pity loin atenk, lie.; round steak and ronMs, 12Vic. Corner Spring and W».lnqt eta MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LEND on n»al sstato. repay- »iM" mnnih'y. J. J. Cobh, Commercial A Savings Hank. H. Horne REAL K8TATC. INSURANCE AND LOAN 3, Grand BuUdlno, Phone 464. FOR RENT. ■tore. 411 Cherry atreet Store, 104 and to* Fourth atraet: rail- Building. Htuuge epsce »r compress Building. Southern Railroad track factll- DWELLINGS. Real Estate Edward A. Horne Insurance 204 Spring at, corner Walnut at.. 8 rooms and bath, J35.00, X;h Orange at., 1.’ mom# and hath. toilet each floor, and aervant houeo in rear. Would rent either upp«r os lower floor separately. 860 Second st.. D rooms, 140.00, 1854 Boundary st., 7 rooms, 131.00^ 764 Third *L, 6 rooms, 118.00. | 802 Carling ave.. 5 rooms. 118 00. 116 Cleveland ave.. 8 rooms. 121.M* 468 Onk st., 5 rooms. 118.00. 281 Washington ave., 4 rooma 110.00, 109 Rambert ave., 6 rooms. 135.00. 114 Cole st.. 9 rooma, 585.00. 468 Duncan ave, 6 rooms. tll.BO. > 260 Wlnshlp at., 7 rooma, $15 00. 265 Wlnshlp at.. 6 ronmi. 113.50. Several desirable stores and ofTlce# for rent. Edward A. Horne 450 Cherry 8L Stores For Rent No. 820 Second Bt SW.Od No. 414 Fourth St mm. *0 00 No. 458 Second st 88.0d No. <66 Poplar St 80.00 No. 401 Mulberry st •«•»••••••••«•• 80.00 Money to loan of various suma. Money's here—no waiting It yew* security Is right. Geo. B. Turpin Sons Real Estate, Ineuranc*, Lean#. No. 353 Third 8t Phono 77* 7-r. dwellb 7-r. dwal Ir Vi- ••r. •etux-' »'■'*! br. coitaitL yi Wintm School. fit First street 1 Nc street Its Carling avenue. ‘ •" Uege street Vlnevllle (new). 106 Ro«» street. r. In dwelling. t«i Orange street. EJarant auartmente In Dr. h'rsxler'- new apartment hou*e f 8, 8, .1 or R rooms. Bteam best, watsr end Janlt... service farnishad. Money to lend on Improved real estate -- at 4 and 7 per oont. according to location, i Schedule effective $*pL 20, 10OB. 1 MB. 6, P. PARROTT, Receiver, MACON AND BIRMINGHAM | RAILWAY. Trains leav# Macon for Lire!- ; la. CuRoden, Yateevllle. Thomas- , ton, Woodbury. Columbus. Har ris, La Grange and Intermodiat# points aa follows: No. 41 at 4:25 p. m. dally and No. 15 at 7:80 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 41 malcea direct connee- • -i rio ith- rn Hallway St Woodbury for Warm Spring# end Columbus, arriving at Warm Springe 1:17 p. m. and Colum bus 10:00 n. m. Trains arrive Macon as fol low*: 43. 11:85 a. rn dally; No. SI. 5:40 p. m.. Monday* Wednesdays and Fr day*. Trains leave frv>m M and 1 By depot Fifth and Pin* ate. C. B. RHODES. G«n. Paee. Aft Phone 1800. , H"l-+i++1 M l»H|