About Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1908)
- - — THE MAOON DAILY TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1908 The important thing—QUALITY. The most important thing is whether we have the goods you, want; whether you can depend on the relia bility of what you buy here, and whether our prices are lowest. These are the most important points that most of all we work and study to have right. Ask yourself whether we succeeded or not. The greater part of the merchandise in our store is made especially for us, and for us exclusively. The new goods first, the best goods always, and. always, too, the lowest prices—that’s us. Clothing, Hats, Furnishings Money Saved Is Money Made We sell yon for cash only, which means more goods for same money and same goods for less money. Always get the best for the least, at— Macon Cash Grocery Co. Phones 325—290 670 Poplar St. Monday Special Vegetable Sale! QUAIL SEASON OPENSJODAY With Dog and Gun Man Takes to the Woods and Fields to Hunt Game. as —»_ „— ... early •tart thin morning, as the eeueon for hunting partridges began yesterday. Birds are told to be very plentiful this LIQUOR MADE NOWJT HOME Capture of Alleged Blind Tiger Reveals Formulas for Liquor-Making. over the fields and woods the birds ere keeping close In bunchee, because they know that th# time has come for them to beware of the four-footed animal that comes dashing through thslr feeding around*. Turkeys, too. lire bei as the cold weather approaches me cold rains of the last few day mured many wild dueka to turn their hll country. . Robins and larks will also he seen feeding In the fields in few »•*ye. n. soon he here. sign that winter will Only One "fiiROMO QUININE" “ *" LAXATIVE nnovo nTTTVTN’R . r the rd the V.' _ One Dny. S3e. AFTER WCAKNES8 IN EARLY PART OF WEEK, STRENGTH WAS REVIVED. SAVANNAH. On.. Nor. 1.—With excellent demand In evidence and ...... London prices steadily working upward the local market for spirits of turpen tine In the last days of the week Just enhed was firmly established higher level* reached after the temporary '•softening** which developed earlier in the seven days pension. In other words the market which open ed firm at 3G\ receded to SflVic an a re suit of a sudden cessation In the demand from London and other foreign aources. but business wan noon resumed in Eu rope and quotations, which had dropper a trifle, started on the upward path again. As soon as this condition was evidenced there wan an Instant bright ening In the demand from local Interests eral market at the conclusion of bunl- A Can A Doz. Ideal Tomatoes ....$0.07 $0.80 Iona Tomatoes, large cans 08 .95 Sultana Tomatoes, solid pack ... ..... .10 1.05 A&P Tomatoes, extra tall cans ... 12 1.25 Cordova Tomatoes, gallon cans .... .... .25 2.65 Iona Com ..... .07 .82 Sultana Com .09 1.00 A&P Cora .... .11 1.25 Iona Peas ..... .09 1.05 Sultana Peas 10 1.15 A&P Peas, finest packed 13 1.40 Champion Snap Beans 07 .78 Refugee Snap Beans .... .09 1.05 A&P Snap Beans, stringless 13 1.45 Arena Lima Beans .... .07 .82 A&P Limn Beans, small tender ... 13 1.45 A&P Squash 09 1.05 A&P Pumpkin 09 1.05 Victory Spinach '. 10 1.05 Soup Mixture (try it) .... .12 1.40 Wax Beans 10 1.10 Kidney Beans .... .10 1.10 A&P Baked Beans 10 1.10 Asparagus Tips 15 1.65 Lily White Asparagus, large 28 3.25 Every can guaranteed satisfactory or you can return them and get your money back. Make up your order, mail, send or bring it to us on Monday and get the advantage of these special prices. Help yourself by trading with A&P Stores. Wo want your trade. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Importers, Ooffee Roasters, Distributors. FOR SALE A nice, new 6-room cottage, on shady side Johnson ' avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home. Willingham Loan & Trust Co. No. 481 Third Street. ’Phone 360. “GAGER’S WHITE LIME” Is a little higher in price than other Limes, hut it is PURE LIME, and by far the best and most economical for Brick Work and Plastering. • Cheap Lime is dear at any price! Write us for Delivered Prices. Carolina Portland Cement Co. Southern Distributors. Charleston, S. C. Total Receipts Heavy. The receipts at the port were heavier jaln than had been anticipated, but de spite this foot the demand was such t there was little available' offerings the market at the final call yesterday, outward movement was also larger and the season's total receipts are much gheod of those of last season, because of the dlvertment of considerable sup plies from points In -Florida. Factors express confidence that'the market will go much higher In the coming ten day#. Roilna In Good Demand. Roalna were in excellent demand and prices, os will be seen, compare favora bly with those of the Saturday preced ing. At the call yesterday the following were the prices: Water white. Sft.SlT; window glass. 36.30; N. 15.85; If. $5.25; K. 14.75; I. 13.90; H. $3.40: $3.77^-80; F^$2.76-T7tt; H. I3.75-77V4; 6. $2.70; B, The general statistics follow: 1908-9. 1907-8. Receipts: Bjilr. Rosin. Splr. RoMn. , splr. Rosin. Splr. Saturday ... 816 3.074 948 1. Week 5,104 19,259 4,426 16. ’ Month. 19.143 74,359 11.509 25.583 Season 184,276 555,000 147,823 437.079 Exports: Saturday ... 1.158 1.103 707 1.475 Week 4.058 9,432 3.718 14,885 Month 18.984 72,897 2.611 7.701 Season 170.036 478.722 122,625 386,824 Foreign ....103,033 254.113 66,480 159.986 Stock Sat .. 38.616 141.448 31.657 92.671 Miss Jessie May Tinsley Is often spoken of ss the "little sister of Pull man," as she Is go well known by the residents of the town that has been called the model town of the country. She Is the daughter of th© general superintendent of the Pullman Car Works, and Is the friend of every car- worker and his wife, to whom she has been known since her babyhood. FOR AGED PEOPLE Old Folks Should Be Careful In Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. With advanced age comes Inactive bowel movement and sluggish liver. Nature Is unable to perform her prop er functions and requires assistance. Otherwise, there la constant suffering from constlputlon and Its attendant evils. Old rolks should never uae physio that Is harsh and Irritating. We have a safe, dependable am! al together Ideal remedy that Is particu larly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak con stitutions who suffer from constipa tion or other bowel disorder. We arc so certain that It will cure these com plaints and give absolute satisfaction In every particular that we offer thorn with our personal guarantee that they shall cost the user nothing If they fall to substantiate our claims. This remedy Is called Rexall Orderlies. latlvo action upon the dry. relax cultr coat of the bowel. They pro duce a natural, adccesslva contraction and relaxation of the muscular fibres of the bowel wnHs, generating a wave- like motion which forces their con tents onward and outward; thus aim ulating nature in perfect bowel move How to make whisky at home, without the trouble of sending to tbs dealers out side of the state, la now the thing. In the capture of an allcgod blind tiger yesterday by Deputies Wilson and Byrd, a number of recipes were found, some Tor making the straight whUky. some I for making the compounds, and some for, making almost everything drinkable and sellable to the thirsty. Some of these re-i iclpi s were printed, and some were type written. In addition to th* recipes, there was a lot of powders and liquids, and all ■sender the mixing. Sooie^famhflflfc ire lor the making of .vill knock a bull off n PBfeSbputlcs got tire Inform— ■oimm named Mattie D. Slater, living on Fair street. In East Macon, was sell ing whlrky and had Just sold a pint to n negro. Tho officers went at once to the plice and In the search of the house | round a carton containing ten oradosenj of the pint bottles, some old and some new 1 tattles. They alro found a box of powder* and email bottles of liquids supj Mattie Is a* young woman. She said tno packuitcs had been left with her by a negro named rote Hammond, whose name wn« on the carton, but denied that she had sold any of the etuff. Bhe ws* placed In Jail. The formula for making rrp whleky Is prefaced by the warning to «jo to th* collector of revenue of the and —. Irk- tnnko the fact known to him of the In tentlon to make the whbky. otherwise prosecution for moonshlnlng might fol- Tho recipe telle of th* boiling of a cer tain amount of crushed sugar with so many rollons of water for no many min utes. and to stir constantly and to allow to cool and then add so much crushed malt. This Is the mauh. and It must bn kept at a certnin temperature for half an hour. After conlirg tho .veast must be added. Then the mash ferments for three or four days and la kept In a worm E iloce. For bourbon whisky, tho formula ■^hanged from rye to crushed corn and. IriiKhed rys is added later. _Thon| ouned of Juniper berries will increase the flavor of the whisky. abroad. made at home, or purchased from Wind Your Business. If you don’t nobody will. It Is your business to keep out of til the trou ble you ran and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble If you tako Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and Jaundice out of your system. 25c, at all drug stores. OF ALL Special Religious Services by Both Epleco- , pallads and Catholics—High Maes . Was Celebrated. Special services are now in progress In the Catholic and Episcopal cnurchea of the city. In both All Faints’ Day lous celebration of All Soule’ Day. High Imaas was celebrated by the congregation of St. Joseph's church, and today there iwlii bo similar special eervlces. The na ture of the day was chosen as a text the sermons. It la not generally known that there Is a religious, as well as s holiday observ ance of All Saints' day (Hallowe'en), but ■uch is the case. SURGERY MAKES HONEST MAN Pressure oh Brain Removed This Thief Develops Good Habits IF YOU HAVE— A Horse Or Mule Or Harness Or Buggy Or Wagon Or Carriage; 1 •• OR IF YOU HAVE- A Oow Or Pig Or Ohiolceua V Or Eggfl Or Geese Or Guineas >-V OR IF YOU HAVE— A Sowing Machine 1 Or Furniture Or a Stove Or any Tools Or Anything Else Or a Dog YOU WANT TO SELL, TRY A 15c AD IN THE -TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1.—Surgery as cure for moral degenerates has had remarkable demonstration In this city through an operation performed by Dr. Herbert L. Northrop, dean of Hahne> mann College. By a simple 1 operation tho skull, removing pressure on the brain caused by. an Injury, Dr. Northrop changed a man from a drunkard and a thief to an honest. Industrious man re spected by his employer*. The patient declares that his desire to drink and stel has disappeared. For twenty-two months he has lived an upright life, and In that time has been promoted twice by Urn company employing him. Previous to the operation lie dronk n quart of whlrky a d.ty, stole money from hie employers, and whs vork b * ■*— The * work lwrntise of 111 The corn hi Dr. Northrop, formed twent. not announced -nablo to keep „ n*rate habits, n made public by The operation wns p**r- two months ago. It was ..... ... to the medical world earlier because Dr. Northrop wanted to ho sure that the opera Hon was success ful. History of th# Cat*. Tho main facts set forth in tho history of tho enw? are ns follows: "A man 48 ••eirs'old Ind been a man Of good habit*. He war devoted to his wife and children nnd occupied » posh tlon of trust. IJe earned a good salary nnd was well thought of hr bis com pany. Ho never drank alcohol In any ° ,r, In May, IMI. a timber struck him on the head nuslnr a mntu*ion of the rralp nnd a hemntonyi In the . upper frontal region, close tr ** ■ “ on ti e right side. He for nbout slxtv second!. "Ho returned to Ids petition and nidued there for twelve vrnrs, win was discharged fer drunkenness the middle line unconscious of the company's funds. Pi ernl years of this twelve-year period ... .. ■ .these had habits were developing until ment. They also removo all Irritation. 1 he reached tiro stage where he got drunk dryness, soreness nnd weakness. They J °nd stni-ed n\.ay from hi tone up and strengthen the nerves and, man * d * y * at * *7* muscles and restore the bowel# and Memory Not Affected, associate organs to more vigorous and "TTls accoMent lind no effect on his healthy activity. They may bo token | memory. His mind wns every bit as at any time without Inconvenience. <5° V, 1 , 0 "/ h tnhn?' , lr«d P d r r! *7* not ciu.« nny Itrlplnr, n»u«rn, .liar-1 }“{ " gSSS ,T8i «?uM "for? th- I«f- BfiL rid,-lit. The patient. himself summed rhea, recces*Ive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Try Rexall Orderlies on our guarantee. 26 tablets 25c. and 12 tablets 10c. The Taylor Bayne Drug Co. H. Horne REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOANS, Grand Budding. Rhone 464. FOR RENT. M! mn- road track facilities. Second end Third floor Evening New* ^Storage space at English Compress Building, Southern Railroad track focill- 7-r. dwtfllnc dm?wE School. > iwillm,. 20 c.rllnf »v»nn«. 5- r! ootUft South Collet. ,tr.«. 6- r. colt.,.. I-ritn »v» Vlnivill. Dio*). ,-r. cotut.' 4M and ,0, Kom .Ireot t-r. In dwtlllnt. M10r.nt.itr.jt. Kl.ir.nt .pmrtm.m. In Dr. mtler-. aw apartment bout, of I. » or S room.. Steam hew, water ana Janitor service furnished. Money to lend on Improved real estate at4 OAd 7 per cent, accerding te location. he said he had nil of his faculties except his renre of normal responsibility. "Or. January 18. 1907. I mapped out the fissure of Rolando upon the right rt<*s and exposed th* low*r and middle thirds of tho ascending frontal and “ “ frontal convolutions by meai trenhln* and rongeur forceps. "I did not find any depressed bone or rmit.iritv of the osseous well at this The dura, however, was adherent — *•-. gnd all - tooth Tho cerebral cortex appeared normal. "I broke u H |H MB dura on the to the Infi'-r pinto of the skull, ... . .... three mnlnifK were glued together. •» cerebral cortex appeared normal. I broke up tho adhesions between the » hand and the arachnoid ...^ other, stitched the flm of the dura liahtly In plac* and closed the wound In tlje scalp. Once More a Man. "This patient recovered from his oper ation without let or hindrance. lie wns discharged from the hospital two •The result of thlr or-'ration, up to the present time, has been satisfactory in every respect The patient la now de- vot- d to t :n wife nnd children, has drunk no ui l-ky. and rav* the thought of tak ing n drink mv*r »*nters his mind. "Two months after his operation he re turned to the employ of the same com pany for which he worked before hi* downfall and has be'r. promoted twice with an Increase of pay. "The history of this Impresses me with this fact—tM wraaiMstfJBrasi it* ^QMIMPVIVIVBIPJPBOTVVMIIPVMfff feet of the hrad iqjury on this man’s prints 4 or 8 page.*: 11.250 fob Macoij. moral character." /ww Telegraph. Macon. Go. ANOTHER ONE of the Incumbrances of civilisation Is Shelter. Wc, In our present social state, must have roofs, and. indeed those roofs mustn’t leak. After the rain, then, call on me for repair*. JA3. C. GORMLY, Phone 531. 320 Third St. MR. D00 GUNN is no longer with JONES, GUNN & JONES,. and this big horse end mule emporium will In the future be run by Mr. Den L Jones and his son. Mr. W. It. Jones. Southern Packing Co. Choicest Nativo and Western Meats. 620 Cherry St. Phono 351. flea Word ;: **au)Bie aBrjeod U| epsui eq Xsui ««a| pue 40 8»3UNU|iuaij a >$us3 cl u«m mb| jo; pe$J9tu| eq |||m 03|$ou on ’enis| uae* jo; pjom jed 04 jo; $ueiuiJtdep tm$ ui po)jaeu| "Dig *ano»ue||e3t|w 'iiuoejed •punOji jeon *$ueu joj 's|ks JOJ *p»;uvm ;o epeeq eq) Jepun a)ueiuee|)JOApv MEETINGS ■ . MACON LODGE NO. 6. F. ft A. M.—Regular communication Monday night at 7:*0 o'clock; work Entered Apprentice «1e- ^ . gree; ah Masons |p good stand ing welcome. John A. Davis, W. M.; W. D. Chapman, Becty. WANTED WANTED—A wet nurse at ones; white or colored. Apply at 204 Forsyth st., or Phone 2744. WANTED—A collector. Apply 46ffJ4 Pop lar st., between 7 and 1 a. m. Monday. WANTED—Two or three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping In good loca tion by couple without children; refer ences. M. M., care Telegraph. LADIES, don't fall to see our Gold Medal Flour demonstration at the fair. WANTED—Two hotel wnlters; steady position. American Lunch Room, 657 Fourth at. WANTED—A bright. Intelligent man or woman wjio cun make money for him self; an excellent place for the right par ty. Geo. L. Shuman ft Co., Ohio Rldg., Chicago. Ill. WANTED—Position as bookkeeper; am a competent bookkeeper and ran use typewriter very rapidly: best of reference furnished from my lost employer. Ad dress Bookkeeper, care Macon Telegraph. WANTED—Five firsl-clss* cost makers. Apply to Jno. B. Jones, Tailor, Au gusta, Go. WANTED—Couple or young men to oc cupy suite of rooms In steam bested 1st*. First class table board. No. 6 Nevaro flats. ,FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three or four rooms in best part of city. Phono 2436-L. FOR RENT—Immediate possession 1111 .Elm st; 770. 759 751 Ash st B. Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth sts. FOR RENT—Eight-room house, modern plumbing, Montpelier ave.; $21. C. B. Drew. Jr. t'OR RENT—Furnished rooms. 616 Orange st I'liono 22.15-L. FOR GOOD rooms and board ro to fhe Olympia Hotel; merchant's dinner 26 cents. W. T, Ragan, prop. TOR RENT—Two choice apartments, Nevaro Flats; lights, water, heat iimlNhed. Apply at office. Leon 8. Dure, Fourth Notional Bank Bldg. FOR RENT—Nice, well furnished rooms; good accommodations and close in; Ring 2015, 769 Poplar st. FOR RENT—Two A! ground floor offices In Washington block; steam best and Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma con Bavlngs Bank. FOR RENT—Eight-room house. 710 Forsyth street, near Orange, 8. L. Hartz. cor. Orange and For&yth sts. FOR SALE RORK&—Everbtoomers now ready for Planting; a deri-tiptlve folder for your odUrees on a postal. Postell, Box 814. FOR BALE—Thoroughbred white bull pups at 010 Boundary st. First Tuesday In November I0O acres of good land In Taylor county, with fine wafer power, on Patsllsga creek. Good dim and mill now In operatlun. 8Huated within mile and one half of proposed electric nisnt «n Flint river. Write G. W. Flckflng, Butler. Ga. FOR SALE—Few chyssnthemums; they ^are fine; some under else oheap. Ring AUTOMOBILES—High grad* used auto mobiles. all mokes at lowest prices; cars In A-l condition. I ship you any make of cor. Write today and specify make of oar you went. Now Is th* time to buy. K, B. Vrooman. 1113 Fisher Bldg.. Chicago. FOR BALE—Ten-horse Bchofield steam engine end boiler; good running order; $150 for outfit Macon Telegraph. FOR HALE—Desirable cottage, North Highlands; terms to suit purchaser. Leon B. Dure, Fourth National Bank Bldg. FOR BALE—Five-room cottage with barn and large lot. Tenney avo.. South Macon; easy payments. l*on 8. Dure, Fourth National Bank Bldg. guod as uew. cost 5200. Dennard’e FOR BALE—Hovcral bargains In second hand huKSlcs. surrlos. spring wagons, and farm wagon-c H. B. Parmele* Co. CHUVSANTllllMVMR—Beautiful yel lows. rod and variegated. Thono 3309. 21 rs. E. 11. aillon. FOR BALE—A ’Babcock” buggy in good condition, and a bargain for a quick purchaser. Cun ho* seen at 8. 8. Parme- fee'e. T. A. Cheatham. ^ • LOST LOBT—Liver and white bobtail setter dog: small sear on right ear; name Doc. H. N. Mitchell, care Riley ft Son. LOST—Brown Scotch collie dog; white on hack of neck; name Joe; reward. Phone 2192. STRAYED—From 349 Orange st. white and liver spotted dog. v small white streak In forehead, with new leather col- Inr on; name Man: Finder return to 349 Orange st, or phone 3695 and get reward. LOST—One amethyst ring surrounded by penrir. Return to 105 Park Place. Phone 2184. PERSONAL. r.ET OITR DEMONSTRATOR ehow you the merit* of Gold Medal Flour at th* fnlr. MISCELLANEOUS LADIES, leave your order for a reek or barrel nf anht Medsl Flour with our demonstrator at the fair to be delivered through your grocer. Fnrcn TtAnnnt, aoi.D mbdai, Fimut —Ladles mil at our demonstration at fair grounds for particulars. RINO CLAUD MARTIN. PHONE Ml— Best Kansas City loin steak, 15c.; round steak and roasts, 12H& Corner Spring end Walnut sts. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LEND on real estate, repay- able monthly. J. J- Cobb, Commercial ft Havings Bank. For Sale New 6-room dwelling and four acres In Bellevue on car line. Two nice residence* on Second St. Two nice residences on Oak St. Qoven-room dwelling and 10 acres near city. Five-room dwelling and 100 acres; splendid level land Just a short way out, with plenty of w.^ids and water and €.000 best aeleoted peach frees. Two pieces store property on fine business street. 600 acre# fine, strong land with Im provements. four miles from railroad at $6.00 per sera. 650 acres near Barnesvllle, Pike Co. Ga. 1,020 gcres, farm in Burke and Jen kins counties, Ga. Varner Hotel and three aores land at Indian Springs, Ga. 110 acres one mile from Helton, Ga. Home funds on long time at 7 per cent. Call or 3«xlte for particulars on any of above. Geo. W Duncan, Manager. Real Estate Edward A. Horne Insurance :—p- .’•srnfsn FOR RENT 204 Bprlnit it, cornor Walnut «t, • room, onO hath. I2G.00. 371 Oram. «t., 12 room, and bath, tnllat each floor, nnd ,.rvant houio In roar. Would ront olthor upper or tower floor separately, 100 Hecnnd It., 0 room,, 140.00. 1104 Itoundary it., 7 rooms. 120.00. 704 Third st., 0 rooms. 111.00. 102 Carlin* ava., I rooms. 011.00. 110 Ctovrlanfl avs.. I rooms, 021.00. 401 Oak at., t rooms, 011.00. 201 Woshlnfton avs., 4 rooms, 010.00. too nrmbort ava.. 0 rooms. *25.00, 114 Cola at., t rooms, 030.00. 460 Duncan ava., 6 rooms, 010.50, 2*0 wtnshtp st, 7 rooms, 010.00. 205 Winshlp st, 5 rooms, 012.50. Havernl desirable storaa and ortlces for rent, Edward A. Horne Stores For Rent No. 220 Second St No. 414 Fourth St No, 462 Second st No. 166 Poplar St .960.00 . 60.00 , 65.00 . 60.00 No. 403 Mulberry ft 20.00 Money to loan of various sums. Money’s hero—no waiting (f your security is right. r Geo. B. Turpin Sons Real Estate, Insurance Leans, No. S63 Third 8t Phono 77. FOR RENT No. 147 Rose Park, 9-r„ two baths No. 107 First St.. 7-r No. 225 'Bellevue Avo., 6-r No. 210 Duncan Avo., 6-r Corner of Carling and Rsmbort No. 126 Holt, 9-r No. 122 Monroe, 7-r No. 1171 Oglethorpe, 7-r 689 College, t-r 743 College, t-r * 1052 Oglethorpe, l-r 1308 Second, l-r 266 Winshlp, 6-r 260 Winshlp. 6-r Beach eve. 6*^. B. A. WISE & CO. ItlO.OO .122.50 .220.60 .211.00 1.226.00 1222.60 .$20.00 $25.00 . $37.50 .$36.00 -fl4.no .212-00 .212.50 1.211-06 [.. IlS.lt WANTED For cash two medium priced realdenoae lose In FOR SALE On* splendidly Improved plantation near Macon: very beet condltloa: would make grand country home. Farms In various loeatIUea, lumber lands, vacant lots In different parte of city. Several Improved dty lots that pay well a* In vestments. JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY For Rent Jnt' / lit acres; six mile* fmm courthouse, on Howard Road, near Bummerfleld. Good new dwelling end entire place fenced In* running water and .-irectly on public road: a Ann rnad all the way to Macon. Would mako an excellent dairy farm. FOR 8ALE. A 50-acre farm on Columbus Road with S ood Improvements Including a two-story welling; running water and most of srjwar $3,250.00. Can make reasonable terms If desired. 303** seres in Crawford oounty. Go., has 7-room dwelling and two small ten ant houses; about 200 acres In large seo- on-1 growth pin# readr to saw should. If >1<1 '-all to mors than pay for place. Price, 3L250.00. Terms If desired. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 665 Mulberry Street. For Sale $2.800.00—Will buy four new houaeU renting for $8L00 per month. In good renting looollty; shows good Investment and always rents. $8.750.00—Five negra houses In good condition, renting for $480.00 por yssr. This is over 18 per cent oa amount In vested / $3,600:00—A thoroughly modern home- built to live in—with waterworks and electric lights, situated on the best part of North Highlands. We can arrange very attractive terms to th* proper party. Marphey & Taylor Real Extate, Loam and Innuranoe PHONE 207 Citizen's Nat’l Bank Building FOR SALE A $500 cash payment, the balanoe of $3,60 on term* to suit yoa. wfll purchase a tract of 60 acres situated on the Co lumbus road, six miles from tows. This land lies levsd. the plooe is at eetar fenoed. and la well Jmpiwved. The Im provements consist at a f-room brass, barn and etables. Thera la an orchard of 8,000 plum trees and 3.000 peach trees, S years old. on the plaoe. One good crop will more than pay for It Ring us up If Interested. Minton-Morgan Co. /■ Real Estatou •I • 420 Cherry 8L Phone 1192. For Sale In East Macon I offer a 6-room cot tage In a vary desirable community, a largo lot and on car line at 21.660. This Is ono of the nicest homes aofoss tho river. Will be glad to ahow it. FOR RENT. No. 210 Carling Ave., 6-r......220.60 No. 802 Cherry St, 7-r $32.80 No. 742 Collcgo 8t., 8-r 840.00 No. 467 Duncan Avo., 6-p....•.620,00 No, 114 Lynn Avo., 7-r 822.60 No. 60D Mill St., 6-r 212.00 No. 753 Plum St., l-r 235.00 No. 406 Ross St.. 7-r.,.. 225.00 No. 408 Ross St.. 7-r 222.50 Cor. Kombert and Carling Ava., 6-r No. 1023 Second St.. 5-r 318.00 No. 267 Winshlp St.. 6-r 813.60 No. 2C0 Winshlp St„ 8-r 216.00 Frank B. West Rea! Estate and fnauranaa, «: 417 Chsrry 89. Wadley Investment Co. Real juuate, insurance, Loans, Grand Building, Phono 037. FOR RENT Tmmodiata Posrnasloia Two-story brick store, corner Fourtli and express office alley, next to union depot, 876 00. toilet each floor and eervant'e hoam In rear. This house has just been newly painted! plumbing thoroughly repaired, and Is in perfect condition, 860.00. FOR SALE. Wo have for sale a beautiful tract of fifteen scree of land, lying wlthlA one mile of olty limits and throe or four hundred yards from end of car lint. This is an Ideal site for a dairy> Is close enough to city and car line to . k-x —— fot*. ; this ■ub-dlvlded into Iresldence feta. Price 88.000.00, Let us show you ace and tell you more about It. We have a nice large place, with new dwelling house of five rooms, pro vided with city water and roomy bam, and has brick store desirably loosAed and now rented. Ju*t on edge of olty limits and In good white neighbor hood, that w« cin sell to quick pur chaser for $3,000.00, which means 11 per cent on investment as It no# stands with ample grpund room for two more houses. Ree us regarding this property If you desire a safo, well paying Invest ment. No Information will be giiren over the phone. Two-story, six-room residence on Hardeman avenue. Vlnevllle, for salo to home owner on easy terms, $4,000. Vacant lot 70x215 on Laurel avenue. North Highlands; this Is very best lot on Laurel avenue and Is between two of the prettiest cottages in this very popular suburb. $600.00. Just lleted with us on North High lands a nice large lot on Laurel ave nue, near North avenue that w* car. sell for $450.00. This Is an excellent bargain end will be on the market et this price only a few days. WADLEY INVESTMENT 00. Grand Building, Phone 627