Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 04, 1908, Image 5
\ THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: TVEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1908 NOW IS THE TIME For light weight Wool Underwear and medium weighs Fancy Hosiery. Nothing makes a man feel more comfortable thesef •chilly mornings we are having than these pleasant garments. Underwear, $2 00 to $5.00 the suit. Hosiery, 25c to $3.50 the pair. 'MORMON CHURCH j BLOWN TOj PIECES Elderrs Leave DeKalb County | Shortly After the Dyna miting to pieces with dynamite last night shortly after 10 o'clock by unknown parties. At midnight, two hours after the de struction of the church, four Mormon eld- NEW YORK. Nov. 8.—Two acci dents of a serious nature marred the first annual tournament of the aero nautic society, held today at Morris Park in the presence of a crowd of several th6usand Spectators, Law rence J. Lesh, of- Montreal, tht record holder for towed fights in a glider, dropped a distance of forty feet, sus taining a fracture of his right leg, and Fred Young, an 8-year-old boy. was struck by a tpotor cycle and badly ( lacertod. The only successful flight Was that of Professor John Mack, pf Bridgeport, Conn., who ascended 8.000 feet In an old-fashioned hot air bal loon. DON’T GET DRUNK * But Bo a Drinker and Drink Only the Best. LUZIANKE COFFEE, -23c or 5 pounds $1.00 Jackson Square Coffee, 23c or 5 pounds $1.00 Blanko’s Mocha and Java 30c B. B. B. Coffee 20o Coffee, that pleases 15c Tho quality of the abovo cannot be disputed and the prices cannot bo beat. Do not hesitate to order Cof fee or anything else from us, because if you are not sat isfied wo will return youf money. Nacon Cash Grocery Co. Phones 325—290 670 Poplar St. lanta. where they wero located prior to making their home here. Feeling against the Mormon church, which was only recently established here, has. been quits strong, but It was not thofight It would reach the point where the destruction of the church was con templated. There is no elue as to who destroyed the church. At the time the explosion oc- curred. moat of the citizens of the com inanity had retired at night, i Some of the men living near the churel left their beds end made sn lnvestlgatloi. with the result that It waa sebn that tho church was a mars of splintered wood. Threats had been made against the Mormon elders, and It la supposed that the dynamiting was planned to run them off. Monteral Is a county postlfTa In Ds- I Kalh county. There are nnlv a few hnu*<»i ; >nd less than a hundred lnhabltats In th< j community. j THE TRUTH ABOUT*" KIDNEY TROUBLE (BACKACHE.) Backache as a cause of kidney trouble ’is outrageously abused, for there Is not lone casa in five of backache that is an ;evidence of Inflammation In the kidneys. I Tho kidneys are not sensitive and seldom i reflect pafn. Backache is commonly an evidence of ; lumbago, or shows a neuralgia or-rheu- ;mafic tendency In the muscles of the I back. In those cases In which it does pro ceed from the kidneys It reflects an 'acute Inflammation that usually yields 'very quickly and definitely to Fulton's rto- Innl Compound. I But. ns above, where backache is tho only reason' one has for suspecting tho kidneys, it will in most cases he found more closely related to the muscular sys tem limn to the kidneys. Kidney disease, first or last, Is Inflam mation of tho kldnoys, and there has been nothing on druggists' shelves for inflammation In tho kidneys.- The Into John J. Fulton was the first man In the world to reach and reduce Inflammation In kidney tissues, and his Renal Com pound is the first real spoclflo for kidney The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co* Importers, Coffee Roasters, Distributors. disease. Literature mailed free. JOHN J. FULTON CO.. Oakland. Csl. late recoveries. E COMMISSI For Sale 81,450 Home being built in East Macon; will build to suit. 88.000 Desirable VineviUe cottage; lot wide. * 81.250 College street home: 10 rooms; built for a home; worth tho money. . 81.000 Vinevllls lot; will build home for pur chaser. $1,350.00 For a Quick Sale Nice cottage on corner lot In good neighborhood and growing part of town. .. Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Phone 206. 607 Cherry St. CENTRAL OF. GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. savannah, August* Covington end Eatonton *11:55am Eatonton and Mllledgeville..t 7:50pm Athtna and Madkon • 7:40am Atlanta and Qrtfrth.MnH Atlanta and Qrlffln Atlanta and Qrlffln Atlanta and Griffin Columbus and Birmingham..* 2:45am Columbus and Birmingham.,*11:25am Albany and Montaomsry • 1:00am Albany and Montgomery... .*11:43am Amerlcu* * 7:55pm •DAILY. tEXCIPT SUNDAY. -ARRIVE FROM— Savannah and Auguita......* 2:80am Savannah, Auguita Covington and Eatonton • 1:15pm Eatonton and M|lledgevllle..t 9:00am Athsns and Madkon *11:00am Athens and Madden • 7:45pm Atlanta, Chicago. St. Louis. .*12:05am At'ant.i and Griffin * 1:05am At snta and Qrlffln • 2:35am Atlanta and Qrlffln •11:20am Atlanta and Qrlffln • 7:80pm Birmingham and Columbus..* 1:18am TWO ACCIDENTS AT elth vlth accidents when they did leave the ground. The motor eycle portion of the pro gram, however, furnished many ex citing finishes. SPEAKERS ANNOUNCED ATLANTA. Go.. Nov. 3.—Coi omptete prl no mngoments for tho cotton L...., the Southern Cotton Association to bo held in Memphis, Tonn.. Nov. 10. ll and IS have been announced by President Hnrvlo Jordan. Included on the speakers* program an nounced by Mr. Jordan are Governor M. R. I’utteraon, of Tennessee, who Is ex- K ctrd to touch on the night riding prob- n, and by President J. A. Taylor, of the National Glnners’ Association, who will deliver an address .on the subject, '•NteS Oth. Smith, ... . of Jackson. «•••.. »•<»• ... «. u. president or the First National Bank, of Blrmr ' DEAD MASTER ABOARD NORFOLK. Va., Nov. 3.—The four- e instod schooner Charles G. Kndlcott. ouml from Charleston, S. C.. to Balti more. arrived-In Hampton Roads to day bearing tho body of her deceased inaster, Cupt. Marvin Ralley. of Ma- nasqunn, N. J. The captain a as washed overboard from the Endlrott .while at aea off Cape Hatteraa Octo ber 31. He wag rescued but died from exhaustion when taken on board the vessel again. The body will bo sent to his home.- S CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS arc refunded. 50o. JNTMENT Is guaranteed to cure of Itching. Blind. Blooding of “>s In < to 14 days or money REGULAR MEETING OF T COUNTY COMMISSIONERS YESTERDAY. The county commissioners hold their regular meeting yesterday, but other than the routine business, very little was done. Among the communications was one from Mr. Henry Horne In reference to the proposed improvements of bourthouse building. He Is of 'opinion that to extend the building on one side would tuko away from ;tn Imposing appearance. He suggests that certain property contiguous to the courthouse be purchased and tho Improvements be made thereon, and thus preserve tho symmetry of tho present building. Mr. Homo thinks that the county could issue bonds to tho amount of 8800,000, to be used as follows: Fifty thousand dollars for tho pur chase of adjoining land and tho Im provements thereon. , Fifty thousand dollars for tho building of a boys* high school. Fifteen thousand dollars for build ing three oounty high schools. Thirty-five thousand dollars for the bridges of the county. ' One hundred and fifty thousand dol lars for roadwork and purchase of equipment for doing permanent road work for both tho county and tho city.. The equipment for tho permanent Toad work means tho purchase of a plant for p&vlng or. manufacturing paving material of some kind. Tho communication will bo given consideration and a report mads on It ht the next meeting. BEST CATARRH DOCTOR Has Cured Thousands—Will Cure You or Money Back. This is tho little Hjro- inel Inhaler, tho little doctor that has cured many thousands of suf ferers from catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, oougha, colds and frip. It’s so easy and pleas- <nt to our* yourself with Hyomel. Just pour a few drop in the little In haler, and breathe It In. , Tho healing, soothing and antlsoptlo air will roach every nook and crevice of tho mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will stop the Irritation almost Immediately; wll’ allay the Inflammation; drive out the foul, kill the germs and cure the disease. • "Mv wife has been using Hyomii for two Birmingham and Columbus..* 4:80pm Montgomery and Albany * 1:25am Montgomery and Albany • 4:25pm Amencus • 7:10am* JOHN W. BLOUNT, Current schedules corrected to date. District Passenger Agent. 003 Cherry 9L DR. SPARKS MELTON IS GALLED TO VA. CHURCH NORFOLK. Va.. Nov. 8.—A congrega tional meeting was held at Freemason Street Baptist Church at the close of Dr. Smith's sermon Sunday, at which tho re port of the pulpit committee was rend, unanimously recommending that Rev. Sparks W. Melton, of Augusta. Ga.. be called to the pastorate of the church, which has been vacant since last sum mer. The committee's recommendation waa rood after a consultation with Dr. Mel ton on the subject, who has been noti fied of his call. Itls believed Dr. Melton will accopt. ' * Diarrhoea. Dysentery Hemorrhoids and all other bowol troubles aro most suc cessfully treated with Wilkin son’* Matchless Mineral Water. It relieves promptly and per manently, heals and is anti septic in the highest degree. Ab an appetizer it 1b without • a peer, insuring the proper di gestion and the fullest assimi lation of food, constituting an invaluable tonic for all con valescents. Wilkinson’s Matchless Min eral Water is a combination of Sulphuric Acid and Iron so powerfully concentnated that dilution is necessary before taking, a tea to tablaspoonful MATCHLESS MINERAL WATER CO. Officii, 1.4.1,ill, »!i. Will, tomllK, Ik. A4dteaa communication* to Andaluala offlea FOR SALE BY JOHNS. HOGEDRUSCO.,Macaa,6a. )0WKeY5 Chocolate Bonbons are the most delicious and the most wholesome of confections and have the largest sale of any in the world. They are sold in sealed packages, are always of the same superfine quality and always tire best Tits Walter M. Lowney Co. Boston, Mass. Chocolate, Chocolate Bonbons j |-The Traitor f Is Coming' a WANTED boarder*; also "Gi 1'oplur at. WANTED—FI va colored tioya at Grand Howling Alloy* to *et pin*: •ninrt ana quick. *—*—‘ “ morning. Apply at 0 o'clock this boarder* at 755 Cherry *t., Phone 1477, WANTED—Three congenial parttea for two connecting room*: aleo table board- or*. No. GGS Second it. up; weekly rat* given. WANTED—Gentlemen to occupy nice front room, upstairs; hot and cold wa ter. 818 Waahfngton avf.. Phone 040. WANTED—White girl to oialat with oOoklng and houee work In email pri vate fflmlly; nice room, good home for a good girl; wage* 11.00 per month. ‘ ‘ drew F. H. M„ Box 14. Oconee. G« WANTED—To buy, *mall farm dote to Macon, with good Improvement!: muit be cheap. Buyer, care thle office. LADY desiring pleaaant profitable work address E. B., care Telegraph. WANTED—A cook with good recommen dation. Apply 831 College at. LADIES, don't fall to aee our Gold kfedit Flour demonatratlon at the fair. Apply to Jno. B. . Jones, Tailor, Au ... First claia table board. Nevaro flat*. i to oc- fir* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnkhed room*. 750 Pop lar it., Phone 8000. j ANOTHER ONE of the incumbrances of civilisation !■ Shelter. We; in our present social atato, must huve roofs, and. Indeed, those roofs mustn't leak. After the rain, then, call on me for repairs. JAS. C. GORMLY. Phone 631. 320 Third 8t. MR. DOO GUNN is no longer with JONES, GUNN & JONES, and this big horse and mule emporium will In the future he run by Mr. Ben L Jones and his eon. Mr. W. II. Jones. Southern Packing Co. Choicest Native end Western Meats. 620 Cherry St. Phone 851. FOR SALE FOR SAI.B— Fourth National Bank Bldg. FOIt HAI.1C-—Goss perfecting press, with complote stereotype outfit; good order; prints 4 or 8 pages; 11.250 fob Macon. Address Telegraph. Manm. Qa. i new, cost |200. Dcnnard'a AXE handles, 86c per dosen. At Uulm LOST LOBT—Brovnt fur ut fair grounds ,'r lu r Tuesday evening. Return to 173 ige st. and receive rewnrd, LOST—Pox terrier hitch with lemon ear; collar with name J. W. Uuuner; reward. J. D. McKay * Co.. Phone 72«. CAN safe you inonoy «u conk stoves; 8 No. 7 stoves, 05 00 each! 3 No. 5 stoves 88.00. 88,50 and 89.00. Huhn Fire Sale. LOST—Snturdny afternoon, ohe between Macon nnd my river road * ’* ~ rewnrd. 1) heavy lip ...y residence Montlceilo; return and I«OBT—Gold locket; on one side and on the other a diamond. If relumed to 76.1 Mulberry st. LOST—Liver and white bobtail setter dog; small srnr on right enr; name Doc. H. N. Mitchell, care Itlloy A Bon. LOST—One amethyst ring surrounded by pearl". Return to 105 Tar); Place. Phono 2484. For Sale $2,800.00—Will buy four new housed renting for $32.00 per month, In good renting locality; shows good investment and always rents. 88.7G0.06—Fire negro houses la fcood condition, renting for 1410.00 per yean. This ig over 11 per cent on amount la- vested. 28.600.00—A thoroughly modern home- built to live In—with waterworks and electric lights, situated on the best part of North Highlands. We can arrange very attractive terms to the proper party. 31.200.00—Tenant property renting for $15.00 per month and no city* taxes. Murphey & Taylor Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE 267 Citizen’s Nat’l Bank Building For Sale a $1,800 Will buy a handsome six (0) room residence In Bellevue, newly papered and painted, and In spple-ple order. Has a largo lot, else 108x203 feet (half acre), • and fronting street ear line. Known as ths Russell place. Purchaser can get possession In thir ty (30) days. NOW is your chanca to get a nice home at a GREAT BAR GAIN. Terms If desired. JORDAN REALTY CO. Real Estate, insurance and Loans. Phone 1136, Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg. PERSONAL. J. h " nice heaters cheap. Huhn LET OUR DEMONSTRATOR show you **■■ merits of Gold Meda| Flour at the MISCELLANEOUS LADIES, leave your order for a rack or barrel of Gold Medal Flour with our demonstrator at the fair to be delivered through your grocer. PIIKP1 TlAItnUt, OOI.D MRDAT. FU_. .. —Ladles call at our demonstration at fair grounds for particulars. RINO CLAUD MARTIN. PHONE 051- Best Ksnsss City loin steak, lie.; round steak end roast*, IZtfca. Corner Spring end Walnut sis. MONEY TO LOAN. REAL ESTATE LOANS-1100 and i wards; no deluy; loans closed within hours. Jfnrrold Ranking and Havlr Co.. 607 Cherry st. (NET TO LEND on real estato, repsy- S le monthly, J. J. Oobb. Commercial livings Bank. TRACE chains that cost you ISo else. wh<— Sale. where, only ITc per pair. Iluhn Fir* STOLEN STOLEN—£ appreciated nnd rewarded. Gordon at Tb* Dsnnonburg Co. , r —Small black flee puppy, scalded Side; nuy Information will be - — did. Gordon Brooks. CUariDORS, troth metal 4nd fiber, 19, 4lo each. Huhn Fire Sale. FOR RENT—Two large connecting rooms with all convsnlences. Phone 2076. FOR RENT—Good t-herse farm, 10 mils* from Macon; wall Improved. Apply 204 "D," care Telegraph. ’ city. Phone 2420-1 "a Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth sts. ■ npisa—Mgni-rwm mopern lumblng, Montpelier are.; 221. C. B. •cw, Jr. Orange st. Phone FOR RENT—Two ehoies apartments. Nevaro Flats; lights, water, heat furnished. Apply afr office Leon B. Dure, Fourth K.llonnl Rank IIM«. In Washington bionic; sMaimiMVMP Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma con Savings Bank, Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth sts. FOR SALE anthemums cheap. For Rent lit acres, six miles from courthouse, on Howard Road, near Bummerfleld. Good new dwelling and entire place fenced In; running water and directly on public road; a fine road all the way to Mecon. Would make sn excellent dairy farm. FOR 8ALE. A 56-^cre farm on Columbus Road with good improvements including a two-story dwelling; running water and most cf place under fence. Improvements eoulfl not be replaced Jor 33,900.00. Price, 23.250.00. Can make reaionable terms If desired. . „ 30344 acres In Crawford oounty, Ga. has "-room dwelling and two small ten ant houaea; about 200 acres In large boo- end growth pin* reedv to saw eh- '.:-J If properly handled, yield enough to more than pay for ■ place. Price, 31.250.04. Terms if desired. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 155 Mulberry Street. For Sale New 6-room dwelling and four acre* in Bellevue on car line. Two nice residences on Second 8t. Two nice residences on Oak St. Seven-room dwelling and 10 acres near city. Five-room dwelling and 100 acres; splendid level land Just a short way out. with plenty of w*>ud8 and water and 2,000 best selected peach trees. Two pieces store property on fin* business street. 600 acres fine, strong land with Im provement*. four miles from railroad at 36.00 per sere. 510 acres near BamesvlUe, Pike Co., Ga. 1.080 acres, farm In Burke and Jen kins counties, Gg. Varner Hotel and three acres land at Indian Springs, Ga. 510 acres One mile from Ifelton. Ga. Home funds on long-time at 7 per cent. Call or write for particular* on Geo. W Duncan, Manager. mentB, tor c.urrh .nil EXPRESS PREPAID lo tny office of the TOR BAI.F.-Fln. chryi ha« n rtcehr«?’moM tSm SouthernExpreuComjwijr on one g.llon or — ” c *" —J and benefit than from more In Jug or four qu.rU or more In bottles. -IJJJ ®."'i 1 - “Hyomel cured me of terrible ear- Cleir as Sprldf Watir $2.00 $4.90 $2.75. i. sche and buzzing in the head. I OLD COM WHISKEY, would not be without it In the houn* imoath aid Utlla* . for a single night."—Mrs. 8. P. FUI- J?” 1 " ler. Columbia. S. C. RYE • • - • FOR fALE-On# Packard t rash or time. 41155 Poplar MM 3.00 5.50 3.25 '.'HRYBAKTHEMUMB — Lovely golden 3.25 0.00 3.45 I^ r if.W MOn * bl •• 4.00 7.50 4.50 rOR 8ALE-H.rO ■d of 15 high teetlng . E. Morton, Oray. Ga! The Tsylor-Bsyne Drug Company qm ryE fvtry flni) sells Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) ' end guarantees it. a complete outfit. Remember you get an absolutely pure SSClxt'mbot r u.TH^mS. Ifl'ff- Wh'skey. one hundred proof, Jiuta* It tor erwards needed, will cost but 50 esnts comes from the distillery. You take no oiMress on a postal? I’oetrll. Bex 114. chances. I send goods by return train; ^Touomr.u-Hurh .rwi. um* .uu.: absolute quickness. mobiles, all msk#s at lowest prices; — - — - - to A-l condition. I ship you any f and specify. TRAMPS MURDER References: First National Bank or any rJSeof* business man of SalisbJly. £ buy %*. Write for full price list. ^ Bidg., Chicago. wStotoii m went. Ne NEW IBEIUA, La.. Nov. 8.—Chlldrai. playing In a barn Ju*t outs'.d* New Ibe ria discovered the badly mutilated body of a well dressed man. apparently about 80 years old. Evidence snowed that the man had been killed with a heavy Iron bar. A receipted bill mndo out to "Joe Herman, and dated "Memphis, Octo ber 6." wee In tne pocket of bis coat. R#<*eip , s for money orders sent from Col- Unson. La., and DtrmotL T*X.. as weU a* two smell rings, were also found the body. Tramp* who w«r# e*en with •be man last night have beta arrested. J. H. WOOLLEY, SALISBURY N C. MEN Aitu Pm Big U for euatsra etMkaraM.leSMM^ttooa ffejsSr* StM by BranUU. ft aant Is ylalo wraffsa PGR SALE—Ten-horse Hehoflfcld i engine and boiler; rood running < 160 for outfit Moron Telegraph. IKE WINSHIP HERBERT SMART WINSHIP A SMART, INSURANCE. ACCIDENT. HEALTH. FIRE. Washington Block. STRAYED OR- STOLEN-Pointer dog, white and liver, short tall; also bitch, whlto with lemon ears: reward. C. Harris, No. 119 Second st., Phons llo. IF YOU HAVE— A Horse Or Mule Or Harness Or Buggy Or Wagon Or Carriage; OR IF YOU HAVE— A Cow Or Pig Or Chickens, Or Eggs Or^ Geese Or Guineas OR IF YOU HAVE— A Sewing Machine Or Furniture , ■ Or a Stove Or any Tools Or Anything Else Or a Dog YOU WANT TO SELL, TRY A 15c AD IN THE TELEGRAPH. FOR SALE 3160—2 4-room houses that brlhg an annual rental of $148. Terms If de sired. $2,800—Will buy a very desirable 8 room house that rent* for 813 per month. Wo will gell you thin without a cash payment on monthly notea of $80 per month. $2,100—6-room house. No 280 Or street. Terms $600 cash, balance in monthly notee. Rented at present at $20 p*r month. $2.600—A very desirable 7-room houee. Cleveland avenue. Vlnevllle. Terms $300 cash, balance' $30 por month. $2,100—A nice 8-room cottage on the Helghta. We can sell this payable monthly at $40. $2.800—A brand new 6-room house on Duncan avenue. Terms $50 per month. Thle placi* is now rented to a good tenant at $25. Minton-Morgan Co. REAL E8TATE, 420 Cherry street, Phone 1192. For Sale In East Macon J offer a 6-room cot tage In a very desirable community, on n largo lot nnd on oar lino at $1,080. Thle Is one of the nicest homes across the river. Will be glad to show- It. FOR RENT. No. 810 Carling Ave. 5-r $20.00 No. 808 Cherry 8t., 7-r $12.50 No. 748 College 8t.. 8-r $40.00 No. 407 Tunean Ave., 0-r $80.00 No. 114 Lynn Avo., 7-r $22.00 • No. 609 Mill 8t., 5-r $11.00 No. 763 Plum St., l-r 898.00 No. 400 Ross St.. 7-r $28.00 No. 408 Ross St., 7-r $18.60 Cor. Rember* and Carling Avo., b-r 188.00 No. 1028 Second Rt., B-r 811.00 No. 257 Wlnshlp St.. 6-r 812.60 No. 200 Wlnshlp St.. 6-r $15.00 Frank B. West Real Estate and Insuranoe. 417 Cherry Qt. Wadley Investment Co. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Grand Building, Phone 627. FOR RENT WE MOVE OUR TENANT8 FREE. Immediate Poorccaion. Two-story brick storo. corner Fourth and express office alley, next to union ipot, $78.0(1. 878 Orange street: very desirable two-story house, nine rooms and bath, toilet each flour end servant'! house In reer. This house has Ju|t been newly painted; plumbing thoroughly repaired, and Is In perfect condition, $60.00. FOR 8ALE. We have for esle a beautiful tract of fifteen acres of land, lying within one mile of city limits and three or four hundred yards from end of car line. This Is an Ideal site for a dairy; la close enough to city and car line to be sub-dlvlded Into Tesldenee tots. Price $$.000.00. Let us show you. this place and tell you more about It. Just listed with us on North High* lands a nice large lot on Laurel ave nue. near North avenue that wo can sell for $410.00. This le an exco'.lent bargain and will ba on the market at thle price only a few days. WADLEY INVESTMENT 00. Grand Building, Phone 627 FOR RENT No. 147 Rose Park, 9-r., two baths $40.00 No. 107 First 8t„ 7-r $82.80 No. 226 <8ellovue Avo., 6-r $20.00 No. 810 Duncan Ave., 6-r $18.00 Corner of Carling and Rembert. .$25.00 No. 126 Holt. 9-r $23.60 No. 522 Monroe. 7-r $20.00 No. 1171 Oglethorpe. 7-r $25.00 6*19 College. 9-r $37.50 742 College 0-r .....$16.00 1052 Ogletaorpe, 6-r 114.00 1508 Second, 6-r ...$11.00 265 Wlnshlp, 6-f $12.50 260 Wlnshlp. 6-r $18.00 Beach ave, 0-r 313.60 B. A. WISE & 00. Stores For Rent .140.00 , Vo.oo No. 820 Second Bt No. 414 Fourth St No. 468 Second st. •••••••*..••• 56.00 No. 666 Poplar 8t.. 60.00 No. 402 Mulberry et. 20.00 Money to loa*i of various aunts. Money's here—no waiting If your. security Is right. Geo. B. Turpin Sons Real Estate, Insurance, Loan*. No. 353 Third St. v Phone 77.