Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 08, 1908, Image 1

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• .... JIRST SBOTIOJL The Macon Daily Telegraph EIGHT PAGES ESTABLISHED IN 1828, MACON, GA., SUNDAY MORNING,. NOVEMBER 8, 1908 DAILY, 17.00 A YEAR, WtfUWWVWWUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMWyVtfWVWUWWWWtfWWtfWWUWUWWWWWWVtfWWWWVVWwMMVWUWWWVVtftiWWtf wmtMz Great Value-Giving Proposals for Monday Which Should Engage the Attention of Every Woman Who Likes to Save The Great Rush of Business to The Busy Big Store Clearly Shows That the Advantage of Trading Here Is Known to the Majority of People Who Live Here or Come to Macon From Its Territory and Over the State. Really It’s an Injustice to One’s Self to Overlook the Superior Stocks of Ready-to-Wear Goods, Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc. Carried Here. For Your Share of the Bargains Be On Hand for Monday’s Enormous Selling New Lot $12.50 TailoredSuits Monday—Choice $8.98 , These are ladles’ and misses’ sizes, made of all wool cheviot, black and colors, and f4ncy 'mixtures, trimmed In- buttons; skirts plaited and flare stylo; worth regular $12.50. There’ll be a rush for these suits and you. should pretty and comfortable novelty. $25.00 Duchesse Satin Dresses Special at $16.98 These handsome new Dresses of Duchesse Satin ard beautiful and In colors of navy, brown, leather, Copen hagen and black, with braided and' lace trimmed yokes, long tucked Mous- quetaire sleeves. Oils piece styles; regular value of the garments Is $25, but tomorrow we say choice of lot— Sixteen Ninety-eight. Suits and Coats $15 to $29.98 The new arrivals coming by every express Include the biggest values ever known here at the above economical prices. We absolutely show the best styles and values yet shown Jn Macon In Suits and Coats at these small prices. Como, ser them tomorrow. LADIES’ NEW TAILORED SUITS AND CLOAKS ARRIVING BY EXPRESS Altho we brought to Mcicon at the beginning of this sea son the greatest stocks of Tailored Suits and Cloaks ever known in Macon, our business, the best in our history, has* been so large that our Mr. W. F. Dannenberg has made three special trips to New York, each time buying as many gar ments as usual stores hereabouts would use in a season. • . % With the ready cash great saving is made which goes direct to the large clientele of The; Big Store. Big Sale of Handsome $12.50 and $ 15.00 Skirts at Only $9.98 ' • Over eight hundred chaining Skirts of fine, crisp, wiry voile-and excellent chlfTon Panama, In shades of brown, navy and black. Over thirty styles to choose from and evdry one posl* tlvi'lv this fall and winter’s latent style*; actual value $12.50 and $15.00; tomorrow only Nine Ninety.Eight. / Great Sale of Skirts $4.98 Think of It—over one thousand Skirts In this lot and you may choose any at $4.98. * More Skirts at the price than all the stores in-Macon , have, put together—made of splendid Panhma and vollo; not out of date styles; nil this season’* models, and worth In many instances much more, but our price for choice only Four Ninety-Eight. New $5 Rustling Taffeta Petticoats $2.98 We received this week another large shipment of those heavy rustling Taf feta Silk Petticoats, with the deep flounces and full made, in colors of black, navy,, brown and red. change able effects. Cheap at $5.00 and ex traordinary at special sale price—Two Ninety Eight. $3.00 Net Waists $1.49 effects In the lot and all new and fresh. Regular value $3.00; special at Ont Forty-Nine. Charming Taffeta $5.00 Silk Waists $3.75’ In this collection you will And all the attractive new fall models. Many are strictly tailored,'while others are elaborately tucked and button trim med. Positively $5.00 Waists In groat variety, on sale special for choice— Three Seventy-Five." $5.00 and $6.00 Net Waists at $3.89 In this lot you’ll And pretty white and ecru waists, newest effects, beau tifully made garments, worth $5 00 and $6.00; special tomorrow Three Eighty- Toilet Article Specials 35c Mennen’s Talcum Powder; our price 1 3 r , is only 25c Colgate's Talcum Powder, Cashmere 1 Bouquet or Violet 1 91.00 Roger & Oallet’s Violet Toilet ft Water for 25c Roger & Gallet’s Violet and other* J “ r.”’.’.i9c I ,....19c toe Peroxide, large bottles; our 9 lie Peroxide on f,!e here at . I Do only 1 14.00 Houblganf. "Ideal” Extrcnt, our 42 Zf) price only yj.JV 13.50 Houblganf, Roe, Meal Ex tract only ' ; Sl.00 Roger & Gallefa Violet Extr.ct for only f Extra large bottle* of line Talcum Powder, Monday at only 85c Cutlcura Soap; apiclal at cake $2.98 ... 89c ,9c Linens, Spreads, Sheets, Etc. You may have opportunity to do thin welt again aoon, but wo doubt It. Better buy now while these prices are to bo had. ' L ' —, $1.00 Linen Damaak. full two yards wide; fln, 7Q. bleached and npw pattern!, yard a....' ■'t* $1.50 Linen Damaek. new gdods, all new patte«pe; QQ_ pure white, yard 70-Inch Linen Damask, worth t$c yard, goea CO- one rale here tomorrow at 'V 76c Damaak Lilian and Mercerised, bleached and AQi unbleached, here tomorrow at, ....'. .' -t si. 25c White and Red Cotton Damask: excellent 1 Q- heavy quality, go tomorrow at yard I 65c Table Napltlne white goodi. hemmed ready 70. for use. the doyen '*• $1.50 Table Napkins In piece, good patterns; -large DQ size goods, the dosen ...I $1.50 Bed Spreads, white and colon. In .pedal qq lot tomorrow, each • ,uv - SSc Spread!, full bed else, good pattemo, eolid AQ whits goods, each —ITT—™-’-■■■ I IITI THlWTnriil GEORGIA’S LARGEST MERCANTILE HOUSE 1,000 Remnants of Wool and Silk Materials to go on Sale Monday \ Every woman who wishes to mako a Stilt, Waist or Skirt should see thosn remnants on sale tomorrow; two counters full; from host materials of tho season, mostly all wool goods; Romo few silk remnants go In tho S sale; lengths run from 2 to 8 yards; enough for women’s coats, skirts and wnlstH and chlldron’s suits, school drosses, etc. Don’t nilJH the sale. 40c and 35c Materials 25c Monday wo’ll throw out on special solo thousands of yards of plain and solid Skirtings, Saltings, Etc.. In wool and woof mixed goods; sums plaids. All new and desirable; worth to 40c. 8pecisl at yard as above tomorrow's sale. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children's Under wear, Etc. Special Values We propose lo sell «omo of the most unuaual yaluoa this week In Under wear., etc., Offering such special values as the following. Read bolow an* come see how far youn money will go; At 25c Wo have tho most complete line of ladles’, misses’ and children’s. gar ments, heavy rlbbedf fleeced Vests and Drawers, wofrth fully S5c garment. At 49c Ladles’ heavy fleeced garments, rlfibed and plain merino goods, both garments special values at 49c each. At 59c Misses' 85c quality, silk and wool miked, Vests and Drawers; very flno snfl desirable. Special sizes 10 to 14 ysars tomorrow at 59c garment. At 75c Ladles' $1.00 garments of fine silk and wool lightweight popular Under wear, l^th Veits and Drawers; nil n guinr nixes &t 75o each garment. Outing Gowns worth 75c—Tomorrow fo? only 49c -1 doub . lt f ?. CGd Outing Gowns, both ladles' and misses' sizes. In good colors and patterns; all well mado and worth up to 75c, but one day wo say each only Elegant Creations in Hats Just Arrived—The Very Latest Word from Fash ion Centers as tq Style Along with the collection of beautiful new Hats from Paris, New York, Chicago and other producing centers to be seen hero ore a great galaxy of exclusive models from our own artists, who ero without doubt among the best ever In the south. ' We shall take much pleosuro in showing you tomorrow the latest to be had In hat stylo and at tho most moderato prices. Those who are familiar with this hat store know that our prices can not be duplicated In Macon, Come along tomorrow and prove It again. $1.50 Hand Bags 98c- Tor Monday wo shall of fer a great line of most stylish Hand and Wrist Hags. In black, brown, etc. All Of good quality leather In wanted shapes and worth up to $1.50, Choice of lot tomorrow at price quoted above. The New “Phoenix’' Muffler. Every Woman and Girl Should Get One—Price 50c This Is a popular new thing In Neckwear for this win ter’s wear, being a pretty and comfortable novelty. Knitted of fine mercerized cotton, which appears so silk and In colors of light blue, white, Copenhagen, red. nnd fancy striped effects. Already 600 have been sold and we’ve a new lot for Monday, which will go fast at tho, economical prlco of 50c each. Other Neckfixirigs All tho best things In Collars* plain and fancy styles, white end colored ifrom 10c to $2.60 each. Wldo variety of designs nnd each ono strictly stylish and Ip every In stance prlco is low for such good quality. 4' NECWEAR AT 60 CENTS, The real new things—the finest showing of swell styles we’ve ever shown. AH'the niching, ribbon afltl velvet ef fects, sonic of which are worth $1.00 In somo other stores. Wo undertake to Ihow you a collection of styles at 50o Monday, tho Ilka of which you never saw for the prlco. Him special display tomorrow, contcr nlslo. The Stylish Ruchings - Saturday’s oxpresa brought ft stunning lot of new thing* In wldo ruchings. white, pink nnd blue, flat and roll style,-from 26c to 50c tho nock. These nro tho very latest effects and you should sec them tomorrow. >• $1.50 Black Lusterbloom Petticoats Special Monday 89c Fine finished “Lusterbloom Petticoats worth $ 1.50 in black and colors—full made skirts which look like silk and wear longer. Deep flounced and strong made-tomorrow—Eighty-Nine Cents,, New Furs—Great Bargains Ladlea* and,Children'* new Furs; nil nowest effects and not on old Fur to show at any price—more Furs than shown anywhere In Middle Georgia eon bo seen here. We now have on salo some of the greatest bargains In Furs we've over given. Neckpieces and Muffs In net and odd pieces for women nnd children. Special this w®ek. At 98c, $1.49, $2.98, $3.98 to $9.98 LADIES TAKE NOTICE! Sale of 9x12 Feet Smith’s Axminster Art Squares Worth $30.00 ,$18.98 ' Tho very newest patterns tor this season In celebrated Smith’s Axminster Rugs, Oriental effocts or floral designs! nil colors; very special tomorrow at Eighteen Ninety- Eight. Large Smyrna Rugs at 89c When you get some of these you’ve bought the host Hug value ever sold In Macon. They're the 80x60-lnch size; $1.60'grade, special here RQ* at only Other Rug Bargains Wo sell more Rugs than tiny two houses In Middle Georgia, giving great values Is what Is doing It Read tho following specials tor Monday’ $1.76 flmiuft MrVjlm Run, 17x64-Inch *| ic size, go for only *P I 13.00 Bmlth’s Axminster Rugs, 27x54-Inch IQ size, go for only I s $5.00 Bmlth’s Axminster Rugs, 36-x72-Inch <t 'X AO size, go for only *pJ t Uy $18.00 Ksshmlr Art Squares In 9x12 feet 1 9 size, go for only * *P I 4.JU $8.00 Ingrain Art Squires, 9x12 feet size. <|* fjQ price Blankets Heavy Cotton Blankets, tan and gray colors, with contrast borders; regular $1.60 values; * f nn sale price .’ H> I $2.60 Twelve-quarter slzo. heavy white cotton goods, colored <fc I 7 c borders; special ,*.'P • •/ J Fine pure white $2.60 Blankets, real heavy goods; warm like wool: 12-4 size. One salo CO 1C at pair $6.00 and $6.60 plaid and solid, large size, all wool Bnnkets; all new goods* from our auction- purchases, out SSrliTS! $4.50 Comforts $1.00 Comforts; full size, good filler, floral design covers, spe- 7Q» clal at only //C $2.00 Comforts, heavy weight goods, with nice cotton fillers, durable sat- stsrri -.....$1.49 $2 50 Comforts, splendid cotton fill ers, pretty sllkollne and sat- d: 1 QO tine covers, special ........ $4.00 Comforts of fine heavy flat- tine covers and selected -cotton Alt ers; fresh nnr goods; t * trl *^£2 98 Largest Stock of Brand New Shoes in - Macon-Good Shoes-Saving Prices You can only buy the beat leather shoes hero and a saving is guaranteed you on every pair. Read the great values that will be on safe awaiting your coming tomorrow. , At $2.95 Pair Also pretty Dongola, patent tip polls!* and button styles with welt or turn soles; regular value $t-60 49 for, pair J At $3,48 Pair You never bnight such good Bhoes; very best $4.00 styles; this lot Includes. Patent Colt, styles Napoleon button boots; cheap at $4.00, our d: *1 Aft price, pair Fine tan calf Napoleon button boots; all sines and lasts, regular $4.00 qua!!- SE**" $3.48 Rwefl new gun metal Napoleom but ton Boot*; actual worth 4*2 Aft 14eo Trt.r; our price, pair ... Tan Shoes at $1.29 Tan Kid Bhoes, new toes, heavy or light sole, worth 11.76 pair. On sale special at pair On* Twsnty-Nlne. $2.68 Tan Shoes at $1.98 Tan Kid Bluchers and button with school or regular heal, actual $2.68 quality, out on sale at One Nfntty* Eight, $3.25 Shoes $2.49 Patent tip. welt sole, buttons and bluchers, also psUjt ssJ, fclttQW Ml bluchers, regular $3.25 value—special, Two Forty-Nine. $1.75 Shoes $1.29 Block Kid Bluchers, with patm| tip, heavy or light solo, regular $1.75 qual ity. One solo special at One Twenty- $2.68 Shoes $1;98 Patent Colt Bluchors and Patent Tip Dongola ‘Bluchers, In styles, art new—regular $2.68 quail'y. On mlu at One Nlnoty-E’p-t. Misses’$1.75 Shoes $1.29 Misses’ patent tip Dongola, blpehere or buttons, ell new and regular value, $1.75; sal© prlco One Twenty-Nine. Ladies’ New Fall Cloaks Great attention hnt been paid to the gathering together, of these splendid values In new Cloaks for this season. AH the new materials,.the now design and flnoet work manship; everything Is right. We've the largest collection yet brought to Macon ami clmUengo the state's mercantile concerns to produce any such values as are now to be had hero $4.98, $6.98, $7.98, $9.98 to $24.98 Children’s Stylish Cloaks $1.98 to $9.98 Each Small Notions—Small Prices Good Safety Pins, full papers of 1 dozen • .••... r ........4o lOo boxes wlr'i Hair Pins, big assortment ...6o ]:,<• *><»':• -4 HuMmt llalr Plus, If^lit or <liuk 9o 25c boxes Rubber llnlr Pins, very durable, only 19o Good Finishing Braid, whlto nnd colors, the bunch ...,4o 10c Twilled Taped, special priced at only 7o Dexter Cotton, nil numbers, our price 4o 10c cubes Black Pins (largo heads) special Good Dress Pins, largo papers, special at only 4c Best Safety Pins, black or white, the dozen 9o Dutch Linen Tape, all widths, at only 4o And many other bargains too numerous to mention hero. THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST THE DANNENBERG CO. 'twmmwmtm