Newspaper Page Text
• Your very life's happiness depends,
• In a large msaaure. upon your Plumb-
• Inn*. I do not only construct new
, plumbing work, but I put old Plumb-
. ing in the very best condition.
• Phone 531. 320 Third 8treet. av
1 is no longer with
' and thia big hors# and mule emporium
. will In the future be run by Mr. Ren L
. Jones end his eon. Mr. W. H. Jones. ^
; •
: Southern Packing Co. &
! on
; Choicest Native mid Western “
■ Moftts*
; 620 Ohorry St. Phono 351. l *
’ III II 11 I I I 1 111 t
: T f D ^' ,;p Xar , :*VJ». D1 ” olOT,r -
. TWO LADIES want board and private
. sitting room In downtown location; will
• pay $50.00 a month. F. O. Hox 677.
•• of a stenographer for Job work, pbone
; 1130-21-S. Mins linden.
• SALEBMAN WANTED te represent us;
* experience unnecessary; $76 to $150 per rr
•• month and expenses or rommlssloo. Yale
| Cigar Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ftr
” WANTED—Active. Intelligent agents. H
** Splendid commission contract; best
” plan of mutual tire Insurants ever de- <h
” vised. Address Btste Mutual Fire Insur-
’ slice Association, Torcoa. Ga. 11
=* WANTED—BOO men to learn 'tarber p
trade, and take positions welting our
graduates, few Weeks completes, constant tv
practice furnished, scholarship Includes
tools, instructions, demonstrations, ex- #n
omliuittons and diplomas- write for oat-
(Rogue, Molar Berber College, Atlanta, Q
3) FOR RENT—Two or three one or two
horse furms. with good houses, near
.1 free public . school, church, telegraph.
O telephone and depot station. land strong _
_ and well watered. Near Holton, Us.. P
ff Halit tnlloM from Macon. Apply to It. II. —
0 AVhltuker, agent for R. B. Fsrk. at Hot-
rt- FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms
„ to gentleman; ell conveniences on same
floor. 240 Washington ave., Phone 3G72. ,,
Will come as sure as clouds
come into the sky.
When the big wet drops
begin to tumble, you’ll need
a Raincoat.'
This may be at night
when our store is closed. So
why not prepare for the
“rainy day” and the “rainy
night” while you can?
The Priestley Cravenette Raincoats we sell not only,
keep off the wet but also the cold.
Blacks, grays, tans and fancy stripes.
$15. 00 to $35.00
There’s a Reason
We are always getting new customers. Whyt
Because there’s a reason, they know,
“If they pijy more than our price, they simply throw
away money.
“If they pay less than our price, they don’t got the
Macon Cash Grocery Co.
Phones 290-325 670 Poplar St-
P. S.—Kalamazoo Celery Fresh Erery Day.
A. & P.
The stores your grandmother traded with in the
days of her childhood.
They have always been the BEST place to get the
You know them as others knew them fifty years ago;
the stores that give greater values than any others.
Better today than ever.
Reduced to a business proposition there are no
stores like them.
We want your trade on merit alone.
We are anxious to serve you.
The Great Atlantic &
Pacific Tea Co.
Importers, Coffee Boasters, Distributors.
‘ NEW YORK. Nov. 9.—Starting
with a whirlwind of tremendous trad
ing at pricey which threatens l -harp
decline* before the day wu over, the
stock market, with sale* of 1.933,000
■hare* today broke all records for ac
tivity since March last, but closed the
day without recording t serious net
losses, and even with gains In’ some
important stocks. A sensational de
cline in the price of the common nto.'k
of the American Tobacco Company on
the curb market as a result a! the
decision of the United States circuit
court declaring that company a com
bination in violation Of the- Sherman
law. precipitated the early demorali
sation In the trading on the stock ex
American Tobacco, common, had
dropped'Jft points Just before the close
of the market on Saturday and opened
today at 375. from which point it
dropped violently, a total of 35 points.
This, together with considerable ap
prehension among the traders as to
the scope of the court’s decision as
applied to other combinations, had a
sympathetic effect upon standard
stocks on the exchange and prices
suffered several sharp declines in the
opening hour. A feeling that the rfr
cent advances In prices had been too
nthusluntlc and that a reaction was
about due. heavy sales of American
stocks in London ’and a rise In call
money to S per cent, which had mot
been approached sine© last January,
contributed to a disposition on tile part
of recent heavy buyers of stocks for
speculation to dispose of their hold
ings and take profits. >The attitude
of this element, however, was offset
by buying, which came from some of
the leading commission houses, some
of which reported a very decided In
crease. of public Interest in the mar
In spite of the heavy undertone and
heavy realising of the lost hour, many
stocks closed at not gains, though
Union Pacific. Southern Pacific Cop
per, Smelting, St. Paul. 'Baltimore and
Ohio, Northern Pacific end the United
States Steel shares closed at losses
ranging from substantial fractions to
over a point. American Tobacco com
mon's net loss for the day was 10
Steel common led the list in regard
to activity with a total of 221,000
shares. Union'J’aelfle was next with
about 156.000, * while Rending was a
close third with 150,000 full shares.
Bonds were very aetivp, though the
total, $6,532,000. was considerably be
low that of last Friday. •
Q. B. Burhana Testifies After Four
O, B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center,
N. Y., writes: "About four years ago
I wrote you stating that I had been
entirely cured of a severe kidney trou
ble by taking less than two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely
atopped the brick dust sediment, anl
pain and symptoms of kidney disease
disappeared. I am glad to say thor. I
havo never had a return of any of
those symptoms during the four years
that have elapsed and I am evidently
cured to stay cubed, and heartily re
commend Foley’s Kidney Cure to any
one suffering from kidney or bladder
trouble."—-II. J. Lamar & Co., near
Fourth National Bank, agents.
On and after November 10th,
Lumber Mill Blocks will soil
for $1.50 Load. Get in your
orders NOW at. $1.25 LOAD.
This is your last chance.
Redmond-Massee Fuel Co.
Phones 100 and 223.
Knox Gelatin, 15c, our price llo
Asparagus Tips, 35o, our price 25o
Pineapple Chunks, 15c, our price 11c
At more’s Plum Pudding, 35c, our price 22c
Royal Baking Powder, 25c, our price ‘ 22c
French Peas, 25c, our price 17c
Richardson & Robbins’ Boned Chicken, 35o 25o
Large cans Tomatoes, 12 l-2e, our price 9o
Small cans Tomatoes, 10c, our price 7c
Argo Salmon, 20c, our price 16c
Van Camp’s Soup, 10c, our price 7o
25-pound bags Sugar, $1.40, our price $131
Flour, Fancy Patent, 85o, our price 68o
.Tello, any flavor, 10c, our price 8o
Baker’s Chocolate, 25c, onr prico 16o
Gold Dust, 4-pound packages, 15c
Cucumbers, quart 12o
0. B. HOLLEMAN, Manager.
Armory Building. 464 First Streot.
For Sale at $2,500
A two-story, seven-room house, thoroughly modern,
newly papered; within half block of College St. Splen
did home or investment.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
461 Third St.
Phone 360
For Sale
Home being built In East Macon; will
build to suit.
Desirable Vinevllle cottage; lot wide.
College street home: 10 rooms; built
for a home; worth the money.
Vinevllle lot; will build home for pur
For a Quick Sale
Nice cottage on corner lot in good
neighborhood and growing part of
Jno. F. and W. H. Cone,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans
Phone 206. 607 Cherry 8t.
Refrigerated Bottling
The word sounds good, doesn’t It?. Just try a
Bottle of Coca-Cola
Bottled by our process. There’s nothing to compare with It We
want to show you our plant Call and inspect You will be delighted.
If you want a perfect drink drink BOTTLED
Foli(»e (jjoupt
The Favorite Boarder,
Willie Jefferson Johnson Is the star
boarder at Millie Franklin’s boarding
hounc, so it was said In evidence.
Millie keeps a fashionable hostelry In
Yitmacraw, with a house full of brick-
yard hands and railroaders, and she
prides herself on keeping an up-to-
date establishment, even though her
charges vary, according to how many
in a room. A single room, without
bath, is two dollars a week: with two
or morn In It the rate la lowered to
one dollar and a. quarter per week,
hut the roomers must furnish their
own snap.
There was n row late Saturday night,
and It was all on account of Willie
Jefferson Johnson.
One of the witnesses, a brickyard
hand, said:
‘Jedge, dlshyer Willie he ds fave
rite bo'dcr In Millie’s house. Ho de
one dot git all de algs an* de ham
an' de sossldge, an' dem t'ings wot yer
feel! on Wen yer got plenty scads.
Dishyer Willie er mighty uppity
ger. an’ he w’ar yaller socks
striplt shuts, anner high collar, an’ er
fancy wtskit. He say deppo w’en ha
wantster say deepo, an’ he put on cr
slghter style wot we po’ brickyaad nig
gera dean know nuffln 'bout. H<
He cr’—
"Tell me about this fusa on Satur
day night." said the court.
"Jedge, hit wus dls way. Dar alnt
but one tub In de house. Jedge, an’ all
de bo’ders dey wash dare feetsea In
hit w’an dey gltper chance. Baddy
night I fin’s de tub In da backyaad
anner tek hit up. ter mer room whar
I sleeps wlddor ’bout six mo'
brickyaad ban’s, anner totes de water
Tom de well anper Alls de tub fuller
water ter tekker baff. Dun wuk all
de week at be brickyaad anner feels
iakker baff’rd mek me feel better*n I
ben doin’. Didn’t know Willie wux
any whar ’roun’, effer I had I wouldn't-
er boddered ’bout tekkln' no baff kase
I knowed Millie wux orgln anybody
tekkin er baff tell Willie tek hls’n.
Any how, all de boys gone down town,
an* dar I wus her merse’f, anner didn’t
know Willie wux dar. I shucks mer
rags anner gits Inter de tub. anner
wuxxer sploshln’ erroun w’en some
body klm ter de do, an' try ter buaa
In. I holier out who dat flxln’ ter buss
dat do* op’n? Hit war Millie, an’ she
say, who dat In dar? I holler back,
hits John, dat who hit am. Rhe say,
op’n dat do’ so I kin git dat tub. 1
say, yer kalnt git dat tub now. Tser
usin' uvvlt. She say, effyer doan op’n
die do’ so I kin git dat tub Iaer gwine
ter buss dls do’ Bn’ tekktt. 7 say, go
long, Mix Franklin. Iser tekkln cr
baff. flhe say. wot blxnlss yar got
tekkln er bafT w’en Willie* lzxer wait
in’ fer de tub? I say—^tn’ Jedge, I
jibs couldn’t he’p hit, dat ooman mek
.... .w - could git out'n de way she
dun had de tub an’ wuxxer gwine down
de steps er caJJyhootin'. W’en sho
grab do tub she water on le
llo' an* do wates run thoo de cracks
an’ fall right on Willie who wuxxer
down sta’rs in do bestes’ room er de
house er waitin’ fur ter tek his baff.
Fo I could scram’le in mer clo’ses hyero
tomes Willie wld he fine striplt shut
all wet up whar de water fall on hit
thoo de cracks er de flol Ha wux
Kho mad. an’ he say—Jedge, yer doan
wants me ter tell yer wot all dat man
suyed. Ho sho did cuss an’ rlpplt an
snortlt, but dat all ho dun. Jodge.
We common brickyaad niggers ben
layln* fur de fave-rlto bo'der. an he
knewed wot wuxxer klmmln ter him
of he mekker broak. Her dls time ol’
iBIg-FIstex Jake klm In. Jake baa
down town an’ he Rita some er dlx
blln' tiger llcker an’ he In good Ax
ter have cr fuss wldder wll’ cat. He
seed Willie In our room, an* ho seed
dat striplt shut all wet, an’ he knowed
dat sump'n wuz do matter. Seem lak
do minnlt he seed Willie he didn't
want anyt’ing better’n dat. He grab
Willie her do th’oat an’ he hit Willie
one twlx de eye; den he hoi’ him off
iakker he wnnter hit 'Im In do udder
eye an’ ho wonter be sho uv de spot.
Time he hit Willie do two times,. WUll«
ho sho honored fur Millie. No sooner
dan Mllllo hyeor de fave-rlto boder
holler dan sho knowed hit wuz Willie,
an’ hyere she klmupdestym, cr wad
dlin’ kase yer see how fuF she am,
an’ she th’ow her aems erroun’ Willie
ter tek ’itn out'n do room. Jake ho lot
loose emudder lick, ker-biam! un H dar
went Willie an’ Millie down on do wet
Ao’. An’ toon’s Millie "could git up
Torn do no* she’n Willie went down de
steps erbout fo stepa atter time, an*
den ho poleecea klm. Dat’a all I
knows erbout do fuss. Jedge.”
The court looked at Willie's faco and
w the marks of Jake’s punishment,
and ho thought that enough. The caso
against the favorite boarder for dis
orderly conduct was dismissed.
No Case of Pneumonia on Record.
We <io not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted In
pneumonia or consumption when Fo
ley’s Honey and Tar had been taken
It cures coughs and colds perfectly,
so do not take ehancex with some un
known preparation which may con
tain opiates, which causa constipation,
condition that retards recovery from
a cold. Ask for Foley’s Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered.
—H. J. Lamar & Co., near Fourth
National ITank, agents.
me so mad—I say dam
of Sashes, Doors,
Gate Fronts, eto., also (
linml Vehicles. Sold
count of consignor.
11,100—Tills prlc, will bur a rorf
elegant 9-room rwlduioo on Plum
to a good Mut at IIT.60 on
17.760—For thia prlc we oBOr on,
th, moat modern up-to-date home,
Macon, located on Flret «tr**t ba
con Pin, »ixl Oak. 10 room, ana
a good lot: oonwnfent tp «ar llna
fiyjllttutod to giro liberal
terms on any of the above.
Minton-Morgan Co.,
Real Estate
420 Cherry St. Phone 1192
Wadley Investment Co.
Real Kucate, Insurance, Loans,
ttojand Building, Phono 627.
Immediate Posrasslon.
Two-story brick store, corner Fourth
and express office alley, next to union
depot, $7500.
378 Orange street: very deslrablo
two-story house, nine rooms and bath,
newly painted; plumbing thoroughly
repaired, and is in perfect condition,
We have for sslo a beautiful tract
of Afteen acrea of land, lying within
mllo of city limits and three o
hundred yards from end of cu
line. This Is on Idenl site for a dairy
Is close enough to city and car lino to
be sub-divided Into iresldence tots.
Pries $8,000.00. Let us show you this
place and tell yoif more about It.
Just listed with us on North High
lands a nlco large lot on I«ur*l ave
nue. near North avenue that we can
sell for $460.00. This Is an excellent
bargain and will be on th* market at
this price only a few day*.
Grand Building, Phone 627
roil RENT—Furnished rooms, with
without board: table boarders wanted
FOR nFNT—Four or five-room house
will be built to suit good tenant an
two-urrn lot near Bellevue, on Forsyth
road. H. Ft. Merritt, carrlnge shop,
Crump's Perk.
FOR HUNT—Immediate possession Mil
... - 770. 759. >\sh u
Orans# and Forsyth sts.
FOR aooi) rooms and board go
Olympia Hotel; merchant’s dlnn
Much Local Property Chsnalno Hand-
Firm Buys Farm for Invest
ment Purposes,
Two real estate deals of general In
terest were consummated yesterday.
The Jordan Realty Company pur
chased from Jullen S. Rodgers a tract
of land containing eight and a half
acres, with improvements, on the Co
lumbus road, about two miles from the
city, for the sum of $2,550.
Tho Georgia Loan and Trust Com
pany sold to 8. tft. Peters a house and
lot at the northeast corner of Ross
and Ash streets for the consideration
of $2,600. The lot extends 115 feet
on Ash.
Have your dealer order your Clinch
Acid Domsstio Coal, or write direct to
th* ClinchAeld Coal Corporation, Char
lotte, N. C.
November 25*26, 1908,
$6.95 round trip from Macon, propor-
tionately low rates from other points.
Tickets on sale November 21st to 25th
Inclusive, limited returning November
10. 1908. Sleeping car diagram now
open at city ticket office; make reser
vations now. John W. Blount, Dis
trict Passenger Agent.
Interesting 0»m, I, Assured—Gre,h,m
Go,, to Doug!** Saturday.
Wednesday afternoon the f»*t team
of tho f!resham High School sill play
tho Mercer second team at Centra!
City I-ark. An admission of fifteen
cents will be charted men and boys,
while ten cents will be the price of ad-
mlsslon to ladle* and srlris. The Mer
cer second team Is almost as strong
ss the 'varsity and no Interesting
game Is assured.
The Oreeham elertn wll: go to
Douglas, Oa.. Saturday to play th*
Georgia Agricultural College team.
The “farmer*" *re ssld to b# htavlsr.
hut not quit* ss speedy. Th* locals
srs ssnguln* of winning. The Gres
ham aggregation kg* received care
ful coaching and a strong team has
Janitor, ell convenience*. Apply to
flavins* Hank.
iron WONT—To perils* without children.
■■ *'“* - N. L, II., cars
Wednesday, Nov. 11th, lO.a. m.
2nd St., (Opposite Courthouse)
Lnrgfl lot of secondhand
Building Material, comiiflting
of Sashes, Doors, Mantel,
Grnte Fronts, etc., also 6 sec
ondhand Vehicles. Sold for
account of consignor.
No. 147 Roso Park, l-r., two
baths $40.00
No. 225 Bellevue Ave., C-r $20.00
No. 310 Duncan Ave., 5-r $18.00
Corner of Carling and Rembert. .$25.00
Johnson avenue, If. If:, 6-r... .$17.60
111 Clayton, 5-r 22.60
No. 121 Holt. 9-r $22.50
No. B22 Monroe, 7-r $20.00
862 Third, l-r... 11,10
No. 1171 Oglethorpe. 7-r...
689 College, 9-r
742 College. 9-r
1062 Oglethorpe, 5-r
258 Wlnxhlp, 6-r
260 Wlnihlp. 8-r
B. A. WISE & 00.
.. $35.00
Leaky roofs geem hard to
remedy, but wo have htd 40
years experience with them
and can certainly fix yours.
Tell us your roofing troubles
at once. . .
Wo manufacture the beet
grades of Roofing Materials,
euch as
Asbeetoe Fibrous Cement,
Standard Roof Faints, Pitch
aai Tarred Roofings, Rubber
Roofings, Painted and Gal
vanized Iron*
la roofs. Doa’ltnatr . _
Witt* »t coca tot prices m
and board at 1318
r Mulberry at.
von IlKNT—Right-room house 110
Forsyth street, nesr Orsngi. B. L.
Herts, cor. Oreuse and Fnrsyth sts.
FOR BAUD—Bound and gentle hone:
Babcock buggy, almost new; well
..slued pointer dog; and practically mm
Smith smi—1226 cnali will buy Uia lot;
am leaving city, "W. II. Y.,” cars Tele-
FOR HALF!—Chrysanthemum*: two hun
drad clinic* variety In full bloom at
half usual pries. Phono 230!). Mrs. K. 11.
doxen. 816 Duncan i
FOR BAI,B—Nina-room houss, larga lot
and garden; four block* above Hannan -
berg’s store, on Third at: price 81.700.
Mrs. Reeves, Reeves House.
block horse, best
Edwards, 403 Fourth
FOR BALE—Bmall stock of dry goods
and groceries, Including fixtures, In
r l location. Also stora and dwelling
rent. ”H,” care Telegraph.
$150 for outfit. tMacon Telegraph,
complete nerioirp* 'mini, awn yroer
prints 4 er X pages: $1,250 fob Mscon.
Address Telegraph. Macon, do.
wards; no daisy:Joans closed within 24
hours. Ilarrold Ranking and Ravlngn
Co.. 607 Cherry *t.
K S month!7- J, J.
Lvings Rank.
real estato, reps;
tato, repay-
LOST—On the Thomssvllle rr>,d. oue ton
coet Flnderobws* return to W. T.
Wnmsck. 402 Main *t.. B. Macon, and
receive reward.
I/.RT—I.lrht tan coat, Initials W If M.
R. an Inside of cellar. Return to tud
den & Bates. JI7 flecond St.
FRERIf fish 1
trout, mackerel, mom
THE EUROPEAN dinners are th# best
In the city and only 80«.
Best Kansas rity loin steak, lie.; tour
steak and roasts, 12Hc. Corner 8pr!r
end Weinut its.
T> «-m*Isi.4iU-»Um,i
MMfreMB.fUat.vMlM. ate.
L> t to omry. t
Cherry et. Mereon, or by mell from Tno
Tarrant Co.. 44 Ctudeon st.. New York*
For Sale
- $1,800
WW buy a handsome six (6) rn*m
Known as tho Russell plaoe.
NOW Is your oh&noe
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
For Rent
ty-horss farm with dwelling, oat-
hulldtng* end tenant housea sufficient to
n It; well located, one end a half miles
on) good town and only one mile from
isrcsl railroad station, with public road
...lining through tha center. The place
contains 1,750 sores, and lute plenty of
running water on it. Will leaso to a re-
sponsible party for five years at a rent
of 16 bales of oottoa per year. The place
will yield a handsome protlt at this low
A 60-aore farm on Columbus road with
good improvements, Including a two-story
"welling; running water end moit of place
jnder fence, improvement* could not be
placed for $2,000.00. Price, 33,260.00. Can
“lake reasonable terms, If desired.
30144 sores In Crawford county, Qa..
ii 7-room dwelling undttwo small tenant
..ouses; about 200 acres In large second
growth plno ready to saw, which should,
f propsrly handled, yield enough to more
than pay for place. Price, 91,210.00.
Terms, if desired.
Georgia Loan & Trust Co.
665 Mulberry Street.
Stores For Rent
Ho. 110 Second St 1(0.00
No. 414 roitfth fit... 40.00
Ho. 443 flscond at. 44.00
Ho. <44 Poplar St 60.00
Ho. 403 Mulbarry »t. 30.00
Mon.y to loan of varloua sums.
Money's her*—no waiting tt your
security Is right*
Geo. B. Turpin Sons
For Sale
I’ve ft nieo seven-room Cot
tage in Vinoville, in a good lo
cation for snlo cheap, and on
liberal terms.
Are you interested)
Frank B. West
Real Estate and Insurance.
417 Cherry 8t
$5,500.0fr--An elegant 10-room dwell
ing, situated or tho top of Fort H11L
In Bast Macon. It lx on a half aoro
lot, and hae every convenience—gas,
electricity, hot and cold water, and
atable. Windmill and tank go with
place. Can make tormx—A DAR-
$3,710.00—five nogro houses tn good
condition, renting for $480.00 per an
num. Thle over 1* per cent on amount
$2,760.00—Will buy four new houxes
renting for $$2.00 per month; In good
renting locality and close In. Good
Investment and dlways rents.
$1,200.00—Tenant property renting
for $16.00 per raonlh and NO CITY
We also have $12,000.00 to lend on
good Real Estate at 7 and 8 per eeat.
Murphey & Taylor
Real Estate, Loans and
Insurant* x.ih
PHONE 267 ~
Citizen's Nat'l Bank Building;