Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 10, 1908, Image 6
ifct' 9 Kj THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1908 2 KILLED; 4 HURT Zn Montgomery Street Oar , Smash, Two Passengers Killed Outright. VOKTOOMERT. JUi. Nor. Tn a •treet car collision late this afternoon two negroes wars killed outright and four whit# persons wars Injured. ARMY WAR COUEGE BEGINS ITS SESSION ADDRistes BY SECRETARY root president of Southern Says AND OTHER NOTABLES MARK THE OPENING.\ BIG CONTRACTS FOR C. & F. ROAD 20-Mile Stretch of Road To Bo Built and New Cars ' Purchased, RICHMOND. V... Nor. An- rouncement was mad#, today of the Jailing of contracts aggregating half a million dollars by the Georgia find I-lorldn Railroad Company, of which John Skelton Williams Is president, and of mi Increase during the past of !2 p«r cent In tin bulmw I JJ,™ WAEIfmOTON, Th# formal opsBlag of ths army war ooUega today was made the occasion of simple oeremo- nles In the building dedicated to that In* stltutlon. Hecretary Hoot, undtr whose administration of ths war department the great Institution for military instruction —s Inaugurated seven years ago. Gen. Franklin Jiell. chief of stair, and Gen, W. W. Witherspoon, president of the col lege, addressed « distinguished company consisting of hlgn officials of ths govern* went, members of the diplomatic corps and officers of th« army, navy and ma rlne corps concerning the history am purpose of the Institution. Hecretary o War Wright and Assistant Hecretary Oil ver were present. Gen. lisll referred to the first hundred years of American development as being charactsrlssd by Indifference to any ex- ternal lateresta. The Hpanlsh-Amerlcan war. be declared, taught the nation the fatuity of such apathy. It developed a lack of preparation to pro nip fly meet mil itary contingencies but he declared, " gardlsss of what ths policy of ths l ermnent may be In ths future, the army will never be caught without plans to leet an emsrgsncy. Hecretary Root declared It was . _ strange that at the caplto| country rfe- voted to peace, there should arise this structure dsvoted to the science of the “ ihnest, greed. Jealousy yet disappeared among prosperity, he m]jl. only Invited attack unless there Is also the virile man hood and capacity to defend the nation, posseaslng It. In order that This ns" may be able to defend Itself, If need he said, the army war college had been created. Mr. Root decried the practloe art of and splt| of that road «. IWU , .... One tontiHct la for the building of a |o'f scattering the entire force over the 20-milt, at retch of road at a cost of I country tn little hands, saying It pre- 1200,000. the other for freight cars | vented officers from acquiring efficiency amounting to 1250.000. In commanding large forces. Ths Hpan- nrj./Uct. _ ; Ish wsr demonstrated how few officers *®" ar turn en-r >,«n any Ian. body at troapa 4 buajnaaa, Thor. had H.«n no ana at <h« Itwvid of the army charged with keeping pace with Ifce advance of military science. "\V«* are not n military nation and never shall be." said Mr. Root. ^'W# * r * vrar- DEMANDED BIG I like rlghta. V^e are singularly like ths Eng- _____ __ ______ „ llsh. and singularly unlike most of th» OEDR/I OP If nilPl/ in ”' ,nn " ot *hs continent. Our Ideas art \ I j III 11 P |y) 11111 I 1 no * m,,l, " r > r * We do not, there to the mould of mll- i of ths gen Our Ideas i Political, not m ‘ * fore, natursllv . I Jtnry organisations. Offlc . .. - ■.. I. jrral siaff." he Insisted, "should not allow . .... . | their deslr** for power In military affairs Mrs. Phipps Threatened With!’" he st.sori.ed bv sdnun- ! tratlon rsther than by n study of military problems." II# admonished them to FINLEY HOPEFUL; IMIICE BUSINESS GOOD WORK Situation Warrants a Cheerful View. WASHINGTON. Nor. *.—President Finley, of the Houthern Railway Com pany, who has Just returned to Wash ington from an Inspection trip of two weeks over the lines of the system, found evidences of Improvement in business conditions and or a general disposition on the port of business men throughout tbs south, to take a hopeful view of r future. Speaking of the Information he had gathered on his trip, Mr. Finley aald: j ■ "Vic®* for pig Iron are firmer. South- furnaces. as a rule, have sold their I _ Jucts up to the end of the year, and the Increasing number of Inquiries fo;- ■ rant tho expectation that orders i be placed for business during 1 the corning year. Lumber Shows More Activity. 'Lumber Is more active than for i months past. Imperially Is this true of the gradea shipped In box cars. Th< present demand will be augmented by In creased requirement* from principally fr th« railways companies fur pair work. "One of the moot reviving Industrial creasing movement of steam coal to in dustrial centers. The unusually warm weather of the present fall Is retarding contracting with i ot their heavior re- uraglng signs of ictlvlty is the center*. ► prei ...of domestic coal. The cotton crop Is early, and the fiber Is moving to market in larger volume than at this time last year, although, as result of the stagnation which hna pre vailed In the cotton goods market, prices are lower than n year ago. The demsnd for cotton aeed products Is good and Uiey are moving freely. Cotton Ooods Market Improves. •The domestic market for cotton goods shows Indications of gradual Improve* Owing *“ HEAD-ON CRASH; 2 KILLED; 2 HURT Engineer and His Fireman Go Down To Death in Hor rible Wreck. WOODSTOCK. V», Nor. • In a. head-on collision between two freight trains, two miles north of hero today on the Southern railway. Engineer Amos Johnson, of Alexandria. Va- and Fireman T. J. Jones, of Manaxsas. were killed, and Engineer D. W. Tuck and Conductor G. E. Rohr, both of Strasburg. were Injured, but not se riously. The trains came upon each other while running fast around a curve. The responsibility has not been fixed. Thousands of American women in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from had to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which dailv make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND 00BM M a boon and a bleuing. Dynamite Forced To Her Wank. 9.—A woman glv DENVER. Si !ng her nams an Mrs. II. C. Cones, thin atfarnoon compelled Mrs. Gone- vlcv* (’huiiiller I’hlpps, divorced of Lawreno Phipps. a I'Ittshurg inII- llotitilre, to take her !)i nn automobile to a hank to get $10,000 that ahe de manded of Mrs. Phipps, whom rho blow to pieces with dy threat< namlts At the bank Mrn. C<V*a was over powered by special officer*. AGED FARMER KILLED BY AUTO Threo Others Aro Injured In Bad Smash-Up Near Royston. no years old and a (’on federate veteran, was killed In an automobile accident at 10 o'clock last night, while F. cl. Rond, who wan driving, William Hal ley and llob Fowler, were Injured, though not sarloualy. Russ Raker os- raped Injury except a shake-up. The machine waa going at a rapid clip down an Incline toward Franklin Bprlnga, when a front tlrs came off and the wheel awerved, overturning ths machine. # linker and Fowler were thrown out. while llolhrook’a head struck aome- thlng Inside the car. and hs died short ly afterwards. Rond and Halley were extricated quickly, preventing serious Injuries. It was almost miraculous that tho others wen* not seriously hurt. Mr military questions within the limits if the mllltsry establishment and not bends because of "A# you are good, be good Americans, he said. ON PLEA INSANITY BAINS WANTS DEIAY SLAYER OF WM. E. ANNIS CLAIMS HE IS NOT FIT MENTALLY FOR TRIAL. NEW YORK. Nov. t.—Oapt. Peter --nine, Jr., and hla brother, Thort Jenklna llelns. under Indictment charged with tho murder of William E. Anuta at ysldq Yacht Club ikon f ...... ... —mi Jl— City today to court at Flushing, u I., appear before Judge Asplnall. by whom date for their trial waa to be ML Today's hearing wsa postponed from last Monday, at which time counsel for the defeneo submitted affidavits of ex- t»rt alleiilsta. In which It whs declared -tain Halne waa not In a - take part III it trial and Cap! onnllion . ____ . ... that three wltneMcs were . _ State* transport at Honolulu. Judge Asplnall eald Unit so far as be — . Itlio mental condition of Cap- In I Inina had no hearing on the case. I ■ far as a postponement of the trlsl of his brother was concerned, but postponed! wwuivd tw> « injuii aim a UIC1. lll£. M it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of the accumulations of Mayville, X. Yat and to Mrs. W. P. Boyd, of Beaver Falls, Pa., who say: *‘I traa not able to do my own work, owing to the female trouble from which I Buffered. Lydia & Pinkham’s Vege table (impound helped me wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do an big a day's work as I ever did. I wish every nick woman would try it. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years I.ydia E. Pink. other causes affe< . . market, there la at present little demand tor cotton goods In northern ils. the export de- hhiiim <■ i«inj »tn»*i. and those mills In terested In the north of China nre look ing forward hopefully to a renewal of sales for that market "Grain tmfflc Into the south—especial ly corn—Is light This la due. In part, to the relatively high price of com and the low price of cotton, und In part to the fact that at this season of the year the south Is consuming Its own grain. Merchants Stocking Up Now, Merchandise stocks which had been i hum’s VcgetaBle Compound, made i»m>nt r <i to run tow durin, th. burin... f rom roots and herbs, has been the * being i good, hut as a result of the low price of cotton and of a disposition on the part of retailers to buy cautiously for - - - - - BQJ ent. Jobbing trade Is atUf somewhat * Icted. While some line* of business have not yet shown as much Improvement might be wished. I believe that condi tions generally at Hny time si .... business depression a year ngo. and that we have reason to look forward to r gradual return to a higher level of pros* TOOK SPURT YESTERDAY Registration for the annex, election took quite n spurt yesterday, twenty-fofr voters having qualified, making sixty In all now on tho book' It Is rxpeoted that tho list of votera III go over one hundred and fifty. The registration will dose on Saturday. Tho The Beat Bakers, the best confectioners, the best hotels, the best housekeepers, all use Blue Ribbon Vanilla. y. M. C. A. afford District Attorney * argument the court set the ent district at if Captain Rains. i fixed for the trial DECLINED AN INVITATION TO BE KISSED IN PUBLIC Unknown Gentleman Creates Amusement at the Grand Last Nloht. A very musing Incident occurred at ne Grand last night In tlm second 'Ills Honor the Mayor." Miss Florence Ewettman was singing A Little Girl Like Me." and In the -bonis, which extends an uixiltt Invita- to kiss her, she paid AS GOVERNMENT WITNESS IN BIG PEONAGE CASE W. r. Groves, having been served with a subpoena by United States Marshal Geo. K. White, left early yesterday morning for New York as a witness at tlie trial of some large contractor* on the cliarue of peonage the case growing out of the work on the extension of thf Florida Hast Coast Line to Key West. lie tnetiL witness for the govern JOHN BOIFEUILLET IS IN COLUMBUS TONIGHT particular ntieifthai to a stout gentlen sitting on the ftonv row on the left cen trr getting down on hsr knees and tnak b»K net requests vary beseeching. lb Stood It prstty well during T the firs ulrtnlng a little In hla * head to prevent rert*...- i she knelt to him again In i convention which siHwkns, among them sums noted men and flowing his head to prevent recognl- t on; but when she knelt to hint again In the chorus of ths second vrrer. and the cajrtiiio light was turned on him from gasssarassss police ms out for This was the hit of ths entire psrfoi mre. and even the people on the at uwnl their amusement could i PICTURESQUE PRISONER AWES THE JAIL INMATES NEGRO WANTED AT JACKSON i Christian Asso- . .... J week n spec* ■ service from 7:30 to » p. tn. jolt it similar organization* throughout an* : 11 log etlng last night was In eharge of Dr. I. II. Adams and II- D. Marshall. The key wiry prayer. * tic directed last night were metrojwlltan and city group committee and Its secretaries. Toe following faets were brought out 1 Of the 1,205 cities In North America above 4.000 population, a little less half have associations. The $25,000,000 contributed amount secured In the preceding fifty years. Is not only a causa of gratitude, but of solicltudo. Most of these millions are for the larger city association build "Tii. men to administer the work are not forthcoming ns rapidly at the money for ti»o buildings. There t* great need for men of rapablllty. leadership, vision, attractive personality and abounding,spir itual life. The International committee I* eom- ied of 8ft representative business men the North American association*. n It lias 81 secretaries .... Including the Philippines, Panama, tho Canal Zone and Alaska; 7$ In the by* the home field. etgn field. Including China, India, Japan, Korea. 8outh America and Mexico. An- ipemttfure. noma field. $22ft.ftO(f; field. nual -retk» Ths committee U .. using Its resources In men and money to — nln every department or i supervisory agency. association work. Tonight, st the same hour, Dr. Thoa. N. Raker and l\ 11. DwU will direc t at tent Ion to 'The Hoys and wty'a Depart ments" and ths state and provincial < standard remedy for femald ills, and haa positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- mg-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Plnkhnm invites nil sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. SEELY, WATSON AND OKE SMITH TO MEET THESE THREE GENTLEMEN TO BE COMPANION PASSENGERS WED NESDAY NIGHT. ATLANTA. Ga.. Nor. 9.—Hoke Smith, governor of Georgia. F. L. Seely, editor or the Atlanta Georgian, and Thomas K. candidate for alon passengers iln Wednesday d New Orleans. attend a meet- n. Idence. Interesting preside on a 8* night h The - emor <1 •nts of the last tnown klj dn guherm weight nomlna Up) to t “ned. and ly. the the fort viously. friendly antagon tnown tho gov- klndly towards In the recent Mr. Watson from the side tor and put the if against the whom he sup- ro yearn before. Lffarusi! en very friend- n the guest at short time pre- Ign closed all xsed and bitter 3 of Mr. Seely. Smith. osed Governor red that former PRES. M’EADDEN IS Physical Condition of the F. 0. d "'”' & 'B. Under His Manage ment Greatly Improved. ATLANTA. Nov. 9.—Marked Improve ment In th^ roadbed and nltyslcal condi Tla and Broxton congratula tion of tho Fitzgerald. Cell railway is the subject of _ .... lory letter from Railroad Commission 'halrtnnn McLendon to II. C. MeFaddent president nnd kcuciuI manager of the Homo months ago. tho commission. this account Mr. lion's communication is of Interest i President and General Manager, Fltxgfcrald, Ua. "My Djar Hlr— 1 beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 2nd Instant your file 6«2. In reply thereto I enclose herewith copy of a report made by “ * “ * * *'* ‘ exam! letter of the 2nd Instant In reply thereto I enclose .— jopy of a repor the same Inspector who made nation of the physical condition c properties last February. It gives great deal of pleasure to read In Mr. Lambs report the following; I will say for your Information that * * -ry much :les. The police are looking eat fur a ne gro named Tony Johnson, wfio If charged with shooting a woman at Jackson Sunday night. The messaga came over the 'phone .from Jackson yesterday to this effect. : and Mid that Johnson waa a Macon There le a ptetureeaua nriaoner n **« r< '* * n ‘t* *l thought he waa JalL II. *. AnfMTTJrtJ'. hi" **>• i« M««m Thm I. ■ charged with perlury. * reward of $10 offered for Ms capture. Antonio, who Is something of a linguist. nfry with Paw- aara he earn* to this country with , board of eoucation had M. Is df-Msd In ths co.turn, of hu ..unto, and 11,1. msk.. him ,, „o J* In Ik. jsll and an ok>«d at evla^tr. NO MEETING UST NIGHT SUPERINTENDENT SONN OF i»l sickness *'f several i meeting of the board of educa tion last nt«ht. It Is not known when a meeting will he pwe —ini — - - • — . !«r slum following the regular class work. the next six weeks. Ti»e captains of the teams are as follows; First team. R. P. Hatcher; second team. K. a. Hearry; third team. Freeman; fourth The following Is the schedule of games 'ghtt K. Houser. beginning . Nov. 1ft—Shot rut group. 1 and to race i7) group. 3 am* * Nov. 12- Shot put, gre tain race t?» group, 1 and 2 Nov. 14- Shot put. group, l and 3: po tato moe t7» group. 2 and 4. ; pots- 3 and 4: po- Nov. 19-Ynqt put. "Up. group. 3 un.l 3. 21-Shot put. group. 2 .jee t7> group, t sod 3. Nov. 21—Ha she* hall, group. 1 2 ami 3; po- ^ and 4; po- and 4: r«>- •npt. It A Bonn, of the Hebrew 23 h tSLy ln *• «»»• Ha will ie Pleased to meet all the la- Interested In tha home end Its pur- Boeee. tn the vestry room of the temple l or lock. An earnest tnvtta- tloa to attended to all todi^to attend. TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE members of the tmard together when It to ascertain*! that thwe fan be a full meeting. A succeesor ta the late t. H. \\ tl,Ingham to to be elected at Church. undue ting i ot only gifted and eml* Mr. Jooro to M nently qualifie.1 for thto wmk. but has fo- ;he tost three or four years had the ad- vantages t«f the great International Ituo- »/ school Instltutrs, It win be helpful t» nil of our people to **“ him and Itits Hops! the services of aba go down ta the basement * *. t\e office of 1 wne go oown tn th. ef the court hone* to visit C Tax Collector Joneg will find the door of that offloe thing thing the tafe sre l ^4 n .r i, y i^csrmzss'ixszsr 1 » ®i At 3:30 .the seivlci etteni - -iH-wnce wt;i be spt’ ... -na end at 7.3# to Sunday echool ; and teacher* and parents . being a old Macon boy. brother, of the lloa. Melvin D. Jonee. lt to grattfytng to hie Moron _ hwv that he Is row recognised ae one of the ^ forsrooet hunday echeol tnatHute running. 3 tops. I and 2 Dc»* I—Basket ball group. 1 running. 2 tons. 2 and 4 Dec. I—Hxsket hall, group. ? an.1 3 running. 2 lan«. I nnd 4 Dee. I—Rasket ball, group, 1 and 4 running. 2 tor* 2 and 3 D«C. »— ItoskgL ball group, 3 and 4; report the following: . .. A\ say for your Inforl this track has l*c**n Improved .. ....... — av uf p u tt| nR | n cross 11 . -it lining, putting In boimMI plates since my last Inspection. This track is laid with 40. 50 and 40-pound roll* Th® ballast Is of the natural soll.i [The bridges show a great deal .of li ovcn>rnt within the last few months.^ P'i recognlxe the fart that It has not hern an «>usy matter ftfr any of the'rail roads to raise money during the past year, and I recognize the further fact that unless the railroads, and particularly tha small lines, receive fair treatment ati tho hands of the state, them will * new railroads built In the future.^^^^ "I congratulate you most heartily upon ■r Improved phvslral condition of the Fitzgerald, Cordele and Hroxton railroad, and congratulate you personally upon your aucceaa In mannglng this property during the strenuous times through I which the country has been and Is now passing. Very truly yours^^Hg^H^^ "1?. G. M LENDON. , Chairman." MORSE SWEARS RE A IS PENNILESS MAN NEW YORK. Nov. 9 —Chas. TV. Morae. who two year* ago was rated as being worth upwards of $20,000,000, today swore u^ier oath, that he had not enough money d> securities left from his vast fortunb to nay his debts. Thli rvvt-latj< I revelation was made when Morae’i attorneys appeared In the United States circuit court of appeals to arotte for the admission of Morse to ball. Morse, who has been sentenced to fifteen years Im prlsonment at hard labor In the federal prison at Atlanta. Ga.. was not permit ted to leave the Totnbs prison today when tho motion to- shorn- cause why he should not be admitted to ball was argued, but affidavit made by him was read. The motion was argued before Judges La running. 2 lap*, lard 3. Dee to—at. brood Jump, group, 1 and ; ladder climb group. 3 and 4. Dec. 12—Ft. brood Jump, group. S and De»v 17—St broad Jump, group, 2 and ladder climb group. 1 nod 4. Dec 19—Ft broad Jump, group. 1 and ladder climb, group. • nnd 3. Dee. J?—Ft broo 1 Jump, group. 5 and ladder climb, group. I snd t. ' Kenxett-Oanisl Wadding. NORFOLK. Vs» Nov, p.—The mar riage her* tomorrow evening o: MtMrod Pryden Kengett. of th.** ;liy to Edward Merrell Daniel, son of rnftad Rtxtes Senator J»d»t; W.Dan'uJ. of Virginia, w ill be the »ool*l even: . • tha season In this stat*. MUa Kenxett 1* said to ba heiress to a large for- BADLY BITTEN' BY DOG WITH RABIES the editor of clfy. Ik? : the three will Watson pose hlr nnrrnssl friendly op will doubt- haractcr. Mr. gaged a state self and Mrs. ie may not yesti final arr goes to make cotton confer- ftg will be the icing the price gill be devoted will Jolr >vlse a Goveri s In trjing to r. Watson will Ight A meet* .. ; improbable. NEW UNIFORM BILL OF LADING Goes Into Effect on 416 Rail roads in Eastern Tenltory. terstate commerce commission i 410 railroads In the official claa .... territory on November 1. Hereafter every shipment of freight In the territory east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio must be made up on the basis of tho new form, unless a shipper objecting to the terms agrees to K y 10 per cent more than the regular •Ight rates. It was customary to charge ’20 per cent extra on shipments not under the old bill of lading. The new form to believed to be universally oeptable. It has a distinctive color, How. adopted at the suggestion of tho tnerlcan Banket s’ Association for all inter" bills of Isdlnr. which are nego tiable'and enable a shipper to obtain ~ advance payment through a banker. The New Business of The Equitable Life Assurance Society OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1908 IS SZ PER CENT GREATER THAN* THAT SECURED DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1907. THE PROSPERI TY WHICH EQUITABLE AGENTS ARE ENJOYING IS DESTINED TO INCREASE, BECAUSE— EQUITABLE policies are readily sold by rea son OF THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK AND THE SOCIETY'S GREAT FINAN CIAL STRENGTH. EQUITABLE D-3ATH CLAIMS.ARB ALMOST INVA-, BIABLY THE FIRST TO BE PAID, ENABLING THE EQUITABLE AGENT TO SECURE WHAT LOCAL BUSINESS MAY RESULT THEREFROM. EQUITABLE agents are furnished with, bet- TER CANVASSING MATERIAL THAN IS SUPPLIED 1BY ANY OTHER COMPANY. ' EQUITABLE Agents receive advantages and AID FROM THEIR GENERAL AGENTS NOT USUAL- LY ACCORDED BY OTHER COMPANIES. EQUITABLE liberality and kair dealing to ward POLICY HOLDERS AND AGENTS ALIKE, MAKE IT THE BEST COMPANY TO INSURE IN AND THE BEST COMPANY TO REPRESENT. Agents of Character and Ability Desired, FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS FRANK. W. BURR, Manager For Georgia. Equitable Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. .HAVE MADE DEPOSIT ALL BUT ONE HAS COMPLIED WITH ORDER OF COURT—DE CISION ON APPEfL EX- • PECTED IN A FEW DAYS. All but one of the near-beer deaJxrs of the city who were parties tn the injunction to prevent the collection of the near-beer tax, have deposited the certified check for $200 or money Itself, with Judge Wiley. A recent ordtr of tire court required that the deposit be made by the thirty-six dealer*, the money to be held by the ordinary until the final outcome of the appeal. If It la‘ held that 'the tax of $200 is legal, the money will be retained by the state. Otherwise, It will be returned to the dealer*. - Until thli order of the court waa passed, the dealers were doing btjsl without either a state license or a bond. They expect to have their ap peal decided by tho higher court wlth- lng the next few days. GRAND PRIZE RACE TD COST A SAVANNAH PREPARES BIG FOR THIS GREATEST EVENT IN HER SPORTING HISTORY. ^Vulcanite” Is th&tRoofing ^ . ... and the contestants bsfore the wlnner*. 1 he difficulty of fixing a definite basis name to Inscribed on the $5,000 gold for the settlement of claims prior to —* shipment Is also minimized. The form of the new bill represents the best Judg ment. not only of the interstate com merce commission, but of the leading of ficials of all the prominent railroads af fected. The Pennsylvania railroad haa nnunred that they have had more than 10,9<M.000 rnples of the raw form printed. It Is through bills of lading chiefly that a record to kept of the country's Indus trial activity. The uniform bill of lading committee of the Interstate commerce commission has reached the following understanding permitting the use of shippers' present form of shipping orders or bills f *— to December $1. 1908; The Understanding Reach# •It has com* to the attention of the carriers that a very large number of shlp- K rs who supply themselves with bills of ling, shipping receipts, and dray tick eta, which vary In certain non-easentla. features from the carriers' standard forms, and were arranged to facilitate their long established business require- - - w h4V< a | trce gqppiy e f thes< hand, and that In numerous in* stances physical difficulties have been encountered in the procuration, printing ““■* * inged to of tha uniform bill of lading, prescribed to ba- effective November l, 1908.“ -|tl< requires at least a dozen men to groom It. These men In most Instances are im ported from Europe and their transpor- tatton, salaries and expenses do not fall Indus- short of $500 a man. Thto little Item roots up to $112,000. There are drivers' salaries at an average of at least $1,000 road building at a cost of $35.- pproolatlng these condition*, and with lew to affording a reasonable time for shippers to adjust their business meth ods to meet the new requirements, the carriers In official claaelfiretton territory FilIJ, until December 31. 1908. inclusive; T»* •**»»« i TiTinwr *i. miv,, inclusive, receive property and will receipt therefor “Tt such forms of hills of lading or shlp- ng receipts which shippers may now tve on hand, provide.! that all such forms shall be stamped In legible type with the following sign notation: ATLANTA. Ga.. Nov. * Terrell Lamar Youman*. the three-year-old son of M. J, Youman*. of Dawson, a as brought to AManta today for treatment by the stat# board of health Tor threatened hydrophobia. He waa hadlv bitten by a pe* dog “-era! day* ago. The dafterwards showed signs of rablro. ] Bcldearoom It Shot. TUOY. Ala.. Nov News waa rtcepr- tJ? Vi£j\ v ® f th ** eericu* wounding of h J 1 ' • White, near Rank* yesterday evening, by Mr. Wadlev. a farmer. ’Kbit* elope.l with Maud Wa«l!ey yes- terdav. the couple coming to Tree to oe- ■"« marry. After tho cer- enemy the couple started home and wore met m tha road by the father ot the girl, who emptied the contents of a shot gun lata tha bridegroom. Whit* will recover. This shipment Is tendered and re ceived subject to the terras and condi tion* of the company's uniform bill of lading, effective November 1. lift*. This receipt to not negotiable, and If the ship ment Is consigned 'to order.' must *be exchanged for the company's uniform or der bill of lading. Here follows the shipper's signature and the agent’s signature. By the foregoing action It Is not !n- nded in any Instance to wahre or. and ter November 1. 1*0$. the application of NEW YORK. Nov. 9.—Even In these days of seeming reckless expenditure for sporting events nothing has ever been projected that will take so many Ameri can dollars to bring to a successful con clusion as the grand prize race of the Automobile Club of America that will be at Savannah. Ua.. on Thanksgiving Day. A better name for the event would he the "Million Dollar Joy Ride." for more million dollars will have been Twenty-five thousand dollars (s lowest prize for which & grand prize racer can be built. There will be twen ty-two of these expensive toys at Savan nah, representing an Investment of $560,000. Each of these speed creators 000. seventeen light cars which will pro vide the curtain raiser for the big race, costing at least $5,000 each to prepare, and all their attendants and drivers. ■MMbHUHMHtaMftBBrizes. Tore- *1 bowl; t!j»*n --- - ./hlch will be I distributed among the winners, besides $4,000 ae tiro prizes. An Importer of magnetos has put up a $2,000 purse for the .wlnulng cars using his magneto, tmli Ithere Is no doubt that stock-absorbers and other accessory dealers will offer prizes. Summarized, th* expenditures and cash ..-presented by the race follow; TwentyUwo prize cars, at $25,000 132.1 35.000 10.00# 10.000 18500 tv- ,-i 100,000 application of of the new __ . thorlsrd and published in supplement No « to the official classification !No. *2. to become effective tm that date; nor will it be permissible for carriers to Issue bUT of lading ta other than the new forma. The extension of time to granted solely to permit the pee of .shipper^ temeS. wfita. »t*h the provision that shipments receipted for on sorh old forma or* sub- Jroi to the terms and conditions of the •ndwlth the fur- uniform Mil of lading. thor understanding tost If shippers de- slro bills of lading the receipts given on shippers' forme with the atamned wots. the stamped nota tion thereto mar be exchanged for the company's new uniform bfll of tadtagfl On and after January 1. IHt. all stap- . ire' forms must conform to ttrrlera* c«w-uniform btlis of lading. each $550,000 Twelve attendants' for each car at ^ Drivcrx’ ’saiarflra. at*$1,900* each" * Road building Grand stand "xpensea of contest committee... . Wtry feea Gold grand prlxe bowl % 2 u»h prizes to drivers Idltlonal l^ixes Incidentals <duplicate parts and tiros) Seventeen light core, at $5,000 each. 85.000 Attendants and drivers for light core. 20,000 TotaJ. ........ .. 1*99 500 The sale of seats and boxes win dose _! the Automobile Club of America on Thursday. The central eectlon of tho grand stand has been reserved for east erners. and seats and , boxes remaining unsold will be returned to Savannah as there to a big demand far t " - south which the automobile not been able to meet long ago won for Itself the repu tation of being the Best Ready Roofing known. Realizing the Value of this reputation, we have always endeavored to maintain it, not only by keeping strictly pp to the original high standard, but by contantly striving to improve it in every passible way. Requires no annual painting. Samples and 4 ‘Roll of Information” FREE. MALLARY MILLS SUPPL* COMPANY. k Every Woman; 1 U ial*reiu>d and abonld know k abont the wonderful |MARVELWhirlingSpray 1 The sew Tagtaal SjrWe. ^ Best—Most conven* AaxTOnrdrnsrirtforl oiher. Lot n>nd sump f*-t tlliuimtod book—wolf'd. .. _ 44 Kaeta-ld Street,NLWYOHK. For Sale by John S. Hooe Drug Co., 563.564 Cherry St. ERIOR COURT IS HARD GRIND LARGE NUMBER OF APPEAL CASES HEARD—INDICTMENT .RETURNED AND PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. Both the superior court and the ffrand Jury resumed work .yoaterday morning, the former taking up civil autta and the latter criminal matters. A number of appeals from justices* courts were heard and decided. Th# case ot Eugene Stephens versus the Macon Railway and Light Company, club NEW YORK. Nov. 9.—After the pobll cation nf the gtnners report of 8 ifl.ooi. K 2l*» finned to Nov'ember 1 large buying erder* wero received from Wall street houses, which carried the market ma 1« point*, absorbing the larre arbitrage •eliing which to turn was reflected In an advance In Liverpool At the close spot houses were free sellers against pur- In Jhe smith during the dav. rous-; '«M. Whenever the Wall in* a i street buying stopped the mar&t beoarae "“Wr but,the trade, while admitting the gtnnern report to be larger than any •ntfmata. trapatan bufitoh. Mdtarirar thto mmng wot continue ne matter if th* crop exceed* the earlier estimate. Tfcev expect an active .trade revival oil over the world to absorb what now. without however, occupied the attention of the court and Jury during all of the day. The complainant, a negro, is sulirg for damages in the sum of $6,000 for In juries alleged to have been received as the result of the bursting of a boiler at the power house. » During the day on indictment wa« returned against 8eth Thompson, lar ceny after trust. A plea of guilty was entered to the true bill against Hattie Hammond, charged with burg lar}*. and she was sentenced to servo twelve months. TutfsPills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digest he organs, regulate the b«,» els. and arc un- equakd as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, general frost, to data to the largest crop. aess peculiar properties In froalag the system from that poison. Ele gantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. J ■y