Newspaper Page Text
We’re the Exclusive
Agents For
We are anxious for you
to become ' acquainted
with this fact so that
you’ll become acquainted
with the Hats.
We think they are the smartest styled—best qualified
Hat made.
Oome in and see how good is our. judgment.
$3.00 the Hat
There’s a Reason
We are always getting hew customers. Whyf
Because there’s a reason, they know,
“If they pay more than our price, they simply throw
away money.
“If they pay less than our price, they don’t get the
Macon Cash Grocery Co.
i Phones 290-325 670 Poplar St.
P. S.—Kalamazoo Celery Fresh Every Day.
Best Granulated Sugar, 25-pound cloth sack ...
Baldwin Apples, a peck ,'...
Terry Apples, small size, but delicious flavor, a ]
Malaga Grapes, 2 pounds
English Walnuts, a pound
Brazil Nuts, a pound
Order some of these today.
Watch for our Special Tomorrow.
eck, 39c
The Great Atlantic &
Pacific Tea Co.
Even the narration of tho actual
lota rnuaea the chills In erenn OlHtlH Oi lllf.
Open; Free
There Is no function of the human
body ao Important aa Keeping tha bowele
open. Upon tha condition or tne boWels.
mow thtm upon any other one thing,
depends the health and well-being of tha
entire system. There Is scarcely a sick-
nesa that has not got constipation and
stoma oh trouble complicated with It. It
Is at the bottom of most of the serious
Every grown, up human be
lave at Rant ono full andi t
Ion of the bowels every It
being ought to
‘ easy evacua-
facts cause* the cold chills to creep
over a fellow. .
Yesterday morningv Mr. Lcland
Brannon was standing on the side
walk In front of the Qutteuberger Mu
sic House, on Second street.* He had
stopped there for a hair minute, hes
itating whether to go this way or
On the top of the building, sixty
feet up. a mun waa at work on the
roof. Just at the moment of Mr.
Brennan's halt, thlf man went to the
front to louk over t'o parapet '
a chop-axe In Ida hands. As ha ph
his hand on tho wall the chop-
slipped from out of his grasp.
Mr. Hrannnn hsnrd n wt
sound, followed by a-hurt of th« B ■ ,
The chop-axo had fallen so near that j which ^% to"n toTho”neamiV’drug store
the handle fell on the foot as tho axe i and buy a regular bottle, which coats 50
struck the sidewalk. There could not i cents or Si. according to the size. Dr.
he«„ more than six inches be-, iE..ViyTult/ft|V*^iAlt5S
do not gvt this. No iMLor what la thb
nature or cause .of their constipation,
and no matter how chronic and Intig-
uiundiug It Is. they will not And a hatter
euro than tit* well-known Dr. Caldwells
Kvrutt Pepsin. Ho confident are tho dla-
of this wonderful laxative th
any cuse of constipation
,,-ith • and address to iv. Caldwell.
1 , I*! ’* he oaniplc a III do for anyt-onidlpated
» placed I |.croon wuat it did for Mrs. W. L\ Faber,
top-axe, of Baton Rapid*. Mich., tor Mr. J. F. Ed;
% syssflarijsw'jf Krw5stf“«
br-1 (’aUlwell’s Syrup I’c
i iNiwder, but m IhiuIu I —
ol J i* what a good constipation remedy
1. should be, Thousands, who one* sent for
fl- the free test bottle, now have I»r. Oald-
tween Mr. Hrannun and tho line
the fall of the ohop-axo.
The man on tise top of hla build „ v „ 991 —
ing shrink bark on the roof with shut i well’s Myrup Pepsin regularly In the
eyes and a feeling of terror. It was house. It U tne inoat sHewtlHc blending
an aceldcnt pure and simple, hut tho of Ingredients e\er put b©f<
horror of It almost paralysed him. j ,hr wor,a ‘
As for Mr. Brnnnsn, when he real-1
Ited how near he .hod been to crash-
Board of Health City of Macon
Monthly Statement of Milk Tests—Samples Seoured From
WagonB—Condition of Dairies, eto., Month Ending
November 9,1908.
-Ft. mil. J. R. \VIt«on..
—RIVM.II1-, tV. F. Virgin
—Bacensfleld .............
—Central Grove, Campbell
—Open Meadow. Hubbard,
—Macon Sanitary Dairy...
Dot. 31—John T. Moore...........
—Ideal Dairy. Wv 15. Moore
—Berthadsle, Theo Ellis..
—Clover I«*af, M. T. Green.
Nov. 3—Ft. HUI. J. R, Wilson.
—Acme Dairy, w. E. Hill.
- Oflk Fprlnr, ToM'.vcr....
—Pine Hill. Hanlon.....
—Log Cabin. Dr. Walker.
—Ideal Dairy. W. E. Moore
Wavergrass. Sparks........
—John T. Moore...........
Nov. 7—Macon Dairy, F. P. BUss
—O. W. Hitchcock....
—Riverside, Virgin....
—n L. Knight .
\ —Wavsnrrass, Sparks...,.
—Central Grove. "Campbell.
— Baonnsflcld ••»•••••••••••
Meadow, Hubbard...
Law requires, minimum.
P. C.)
| '/otai'l'CondItlor
Solids.| of ,mlUc.
R. V. NOTTINGHAM, Chief Inspector.
For Sale at $2,500
A two-story, sevcn-rooin house, thoroughly modern,
newly papered; within half block of College St. Splen
did homo or investment.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
461 Third St.
Phone 360
For Rent
A thlrtjr-hor.. lull with dwrtltac. wl-
touIMinp, an* t.n.ol Iioum. ^iRIcIwt to
run It: well located, one and a half miles
from good town and onlv one mile from
nearest railroad* station, with public road
running through the center. The place
s»s£k re. w. wsg
srrauvLffii ss a? tt&ss
will yield a handsome profit at this low
A M-ttcre farm on Columbus read with
rood Improvements. Including a two-story
dwelling; running water and Mtof Mace
make reasonable terms. If desired.
103% seres In Crawford county. Go.,
has 7-room dwelling and two .small tenant
houses; about 200 acres In large second
growth pine ready to naw. whisk should.
If properly handled, yield enough to more
than par for place. Price, $1,260.##.
Terms, If desired.
Georgia Loan & Trust Co.
m Multorry Stn.t.
5 Gallons for 60c, If You
Send For It.
467 Second St
Washington Block.
Southern Packing Co.
Ing blow of that chop-ax<>. he was
tmnsfixrd—ho was. a cold statue.
Then came the rraetlo;:. but It was
some time before he felt an though
he waa still In the land of the liv
Both men felt grateful. It waa
only another instance of the old sea
song: “There’s u sweet little cherub
ttat aJta up alort to keep watch for
tho life of poor Jack.**
Breathe Hyomei and Kill the Loath
some Catarrh Germs.
Just as long an you have catarrh
your nose will Itch, your breath will be
foul, you will hnwk and spit, and you
will do other disgusting things because
you can’t help yourself. The germs
of catarrh have got you In their power;
they are continually ahd persistently
digging Into and Irritating the mucous
membrane of your nose and throat.
They are now making your life miser
able; in time they will sap your entire
system of Its energy, lta strength, lta
vlror and vitality.
If you do not kill the loathsome
germs of catarrh, their desperate as.
saults will In time undermind your rea
son, rob your brain of its brilliancy,
and leave you not only a physical but
a mental wreck.
This picture la not overdrawn; tho
writer has seen thousands cf Just such
cases. He has personally experienced
the demoralising results that come
from the ravishing attacks of tho hor
rible catarrh germs, the greatest peat
of civilised nations.
But there Is one remedy thak will
kill the germs and cure catarrh, and
that Is Hyomei, the Australian dry air
treatment.' There may be other reme
dies. but they ere not guaranteed an
The Taylor-Bayne Drur Co., the drug
gists, will guarantee Hyomei to cure
catarrh, or money back. Don’t delny
this pleasant antiseptic treatment.
Every day you allow these germs to
exist In your system brings you neater
to complete demoralisation. TheTay-
lor-Bayne Drug Co. will sell you-a
complete Hyomei outfit for only $1.00.
Ask them about It. It Is also guaran
teed to cure bronchitis, asthma, coughs,
colds and hay fever.
EATONTON, Ga., Nov. 10—An Inci
dent of interest to the medical find
scientific world occurred here this week
when grave diggers, In digging the
_,„eat J,
it isgtqpspM,
about your ailment that
you don't
If you w»i
advice. *wtL_ .... _
tor, «nd he will answer
you fully. There la no
charge for this service.
The address Is Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. fill Caldwell
bldg.. Montlccllo. Ill,
grave of Major William A, Gatewood,
unearthed the cornao of an Infant
brother of the deceaaed, perfectly pre
served alter sixty-two yours Interment,
The grave waa opened by headatonea
being misplaced and tho grave dig
ger* struck the glass plate covering
of the metallic casket with auch force
that It was dislocated and the features
of tho corpse revealed. .
The facial and physical features were
remarkably well ’preserved even the
teeth and hair with the exception of
being very dark.
Tim headstone bore the name Flour
noy Gatewood, with the date of Inter
ment aa 184*. The corpse waa re
interred In a new grave by the aide of
Major Gatewood In the family burial
lot near hla home In the county.
Meteorological data furnished by th<
local office of the United States atathe
bureau, department of agriculture, foi
the twenty-four hours ending at '4 p. m.
8 pm...7111 pm..57
8 pm...68 IS mn..6S
7 pm...47 1 am..65
« pm...63 6 »B
9 pm...72 8 air
10 pm...51 4 mr
6 am..13
1 pn....,
4 pm-.74
The Oomulgee river at Macon at 7 a.
Don't think the piles can’t be cured.
Thousands of obstinate cases have
been cured by Doan's Ointment
cents at any drug store. ’
BALTIMORE, Nov. 10.—Arrived
steamer Chatham, fiavannah.
Sailed at earner Itasca, Savannah.
and are entitled to the distinction of having been choeen a.
The V. S. Government ho*waived theqoctionofhigherprlco
und placed quality firit in iu election. The great fleet of
hattlchin. in the Pacific ha. received shipments of many ton*
Ro *J», Sen Francisco and Manila. Shipment*
of LOWNKr »• go forward to the Philippines monthly for the
army. Wholesome e* well a* Delicious
Maker* of Cocoa, Chocolate and Bonbons
For Sale
EATONTON. Nov. 10—Tha third
annual fair of the Putnam County F*lr
Association opened today with a mag-
horses over brought south, ell of the
string from Spartanburg. Macon and
Augusta being on hand at the Panola
Park stablea which are owned by the
Putnam County Fair Association.
Mnaeppa, wonderful educated Arab
Ian horse, la tho star feature of the
fair. One fine racer came In from
Chicago in a regular parlor car Mon
day Hftcrnoon.
Twelve horses canio In after *un
down Monday afternoon
Floral hall has a wonderful flower
show With chrysanthemums crowned
king of the collection.
The feature of agricultural hall Is an
excellently arranged exhibit by Mr.
Joseph S. Turner. Jr.
Thursday in Brown day at the fair,
when Governor-elect Joseph 31. Drown.
will bo tho honor guest of the day.
Mr. Brown will be entertained by Judgn
Joacph H. Turner at his delightful aub.
urban home. Sleepy Hollow
Police (*0UPt
The 'Possum Supper.
Simon Jat-kson was so black and fat
that his face whh as so much black
satin. He was so fat that he looked
as though tho grouse was ooslng out
of him, and he was Jolly accoordingly.
He was the cook for a “Fote Street
Rustnraw,” and he waa a fln# adver
tisement of his place of buiiintas. He
waa down on the docket for disorder
ly conduct. A new police officer pass
ed by the eating house late Saturday
night and heard »uch a noise that he
thought all aorta of things were hap
pening Innkje, and as he could gat
no satisfaction from the Inside, he
arrested the first man he could get
hla lianda on. and Simon waa that
When hla caao was called, lie came
to the bat omJMng, and the night In
the Jug apparently had not phased
him. Asked to tell hla aide of the
case, he euld:
, "Weller, Jedge, dey alnt no case,
not ex I kin ace. Tol' dat poleecas
dot dar wuz no case Baddy night, but
he doan b’lleve me an' he fotch mo
up hyero In de mlzry waggln.
eat'n er possum supper dlaawdly corn-
duo' den I spec Ise dlaawdly. Jedge,
butter didn’t aim ter *ck disawdJy.
Ef yer wants ter kno’ ’zao'ly how
come do dtaa'wdly, dlshyer how hit
come erbout. Yer mint never seed
dat houn’ er mine. Ifiyer* Jedge? Wel
ler. dot hun’ aho ammer good dawg.
Got de flnea* in out’ yer over seed on-
ner dawg, an’, Jedge, yer talk erbout
inooato! Yer Jlss oughter byoor dat
dawg In de woods w’on he hit do
iter de posauin. Jedge, yer hyeer
talk erbout do steam pecanny an*
de phonygraf an’ de broaa ban* an’
de fiddle! Weller, dat dngw gottum
nil aklnner city block fur mooalc. Do
night still, yer know, an’ all yer hyeer
Is do rusatn er de leaves .an’ de sticks
brcakln’ on de groun’ w’en yar trom-
ple on 'em, an* da dawg dun gonol
Atter w'lle yer hyeera do dawg, an*
go ’way nigger, lemme git ter dat
possum, kase yer know hits dar!
"I don't want ,to hear any morn
about hunting possums—tell me about
this disorderly conduct on your part,”
said tho court.
"Jedge. lacr glttln’ too hit ex fae.
aer kin. but yer know yer gotter git-
ter possum fo yer kin have er sup
per, an’ er possum supper 1* de dla-
nwdly pant er dla case, offer look at
hit right. Weller, we git de oossum
an* we clean hit nice, an' we stretch
hit an* hang hit up tor dreen. Den
we bnko 'em. Put peel tatcra nil
roun* hit. Plcntv gravy, B»k* ’em
tell de akin crackle all u/» bjown, still
de moat pull loose. Tek ye** lime
w’en yer bake possum. Yer aho anile
er possum cfyer gits Inner hurry. Tek
yer tbno 'bout hit. Dat possum ai^t
gwlneter runned erway. Now yer
gits yer some good oump'oy. Yer
doan want* no wlmmen folkves, kase
wimmen folksea doan know hjw tti
•at possum. De Dawd novo** ronkker
ooman ter eat poaaum. Den w'en^ver
gits yer eump’ny. yer put de Jlah
In de middle er d# table an' yer draw*
yer cheer up close. Tor stick* de
fawk In do possum an* Jo juice :t
run out an’ de meat hit so greasy d*t
hit flicks off. Yer putaer hunk uwlt
wM er tater an* some er de gravy «*n
de piste. Yer tella de rump’nv tor
eat hearty. Den yar eats, Yer sinter
bod’rln wtfl no knlfe'sn fawk now.
Doee hvero fingers Is ter possum
wld. Birncby yer move offer H’l’ f’om
de table. Yer mout greasy an’ ver
fingers greasy. Nur min’ dat -Jl»«*
kern onner eat In’ dat wot ye.* do.
Atter w’lle yer feel lak yer goiter
nuff.‘but yer alnt stnated good vl*”—
"Stop, I don’t wnnt to hear about
tho supper—toll me about the dlaor-
derty conduct,” said the court Impa
’’Weller, Jedge. T d°*n ap*e jer *r*r
cat or nosnum supper, ef yer* mad
dat easy. Dar wuzzent anv iPeawdly
I tella yer. Dat all day wna ter hit.
Wc jlss not dar an’ eat. Dat wua TA nri ll/rn innpC^C
all da fust, ua niggers er chompin' on |U UlLIvLII AULmLOO
dat possum. Ef anybody bo dlr-
awdfy hit dat pofeecoa w’en ha smell
dot possum tho© de do* an* no -jouldn’r
git too hit”
There didn’t appear to he murh of
Home being built in E*et Macon; will
build to suit.
Dealrabla VfnevlUe' cottage; lot wide,
College street horns; 10 rooms; built
for a home; worth the money.
Vlnevllle lot; will build home fer pur
For a Quick Sale
Nice cottage on comer lot In good
neighborhood and *t>wlng' part of
Choicest Native and Western
Meats- !
620 Cherry St. Phone 351.] Phone 206,
Jno. F. and W. H. Cone,
• *
Real Estate, Insn ranee and Loans
v 607 Cherry St.
_ case, and Simon was told to go.
After he w«* opt of sight tha rotut
remarked sotto voc# to the clerk: "If
that nigger had aatd much more nbout
that supper. I would have died of hun.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Nor. It—At
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univer
sity $9. Baylor University of Texas 0.
NE WYORIC, Nov. IS—President
Pulliam or the National <8ase Ball
League today sent out announcements
to club presidents that the annual
meeting of the league uDl be held
Tuesday. December f, at 2 p. m.. at
the Waldorf-A gloria Hotel In this city.
The board of directors will meet on
the same day at noon. »
How la Your Digestion.
Mrs. Mary Dowling, of No. 22$
Eighth avenue. Ban Francisco, recom
mends a remedy f#r stomach trouble.
She says; “Gratitude for the wonder
ful afreet of Electric Bitters In a cae«
of acute Indigestion, prompts this tes-
tlmonlaL I am fully convinced that
for stomach and liver troubles Elec-
trie REttero Is the best remedy on the
market today." This great tonic and
alterative medicine invigorates the
system, purifies the blood and Is tape-
dally helpful In nil forma of female
eakness. (0o at all drug atorta, .
Says a Doubting Thomas.
M l Am Convinced That Duffy's Pur*
Malt Whiskey la the Beet Medi
cine I Have Ever Taken. I 8ay
This with Due Deliberation
After tha Use of Two
Bottles.'' — Chat. E.
Getchell, Webbs
Mills. Maind.
Mr. Gctchelli Like Thousands of Others
Who Have Been Greatly Benefited by
the Use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key. Cannot 8ay Too Mueh In
Pralso of This, the World's
Greatest Medioine. On No
vember 18* 1907, Mr. Get
chell Wrote at Follows:
“After due deliberation, having used
two bnttlea of Duffy'a Mult Whiskey,
I am* convinced that It la the best
medicine that I havo ever taken. At
first I was doubtful, but I doubt no
more, for I can truly say to you and to
the world that Its use has Improved my
health so much I feel llkn a new man.
For the past flve years I have been
able to p’ork but little, with pain* In
my ktdncyn und bladder. I suffered
continually, und until I begun to take
your Mult Whiskey I got no relief, but
Hlnce then I have been growing better
every day. You cannot Imagine how
happy I am to bo able once more to
walk three or four m!!es without any
of tho old trouble, und I sincerely thank
you for culling m.v attention In your
valuable 'medicine. Hnd Y><» assured 1
shall ulwuya keep It in the house, ,'f
any ona wishes to write me concern
ing It I # *hall be glad lo answer."
Duffy’s Pur* Malt Whiskey Is an ab
solutely pure distillation of malted
grain, great cars being used to have
every kernel thoroughly nrnlttd, thus
destroying the germ and producing a
predigested liquid food In the form • t
H malt essenco. which Is the most
effective Little stimulant and l^'lgoru-
tor known to science; softened by
warmth and moisture. Us pnlatablllty
and freedom from injurious sub-
■tanoes render It so that It can be re
tained by the most sensitive stomach.
If weak and run down, take a tea-
spoonful four times a day In half «
glass' of milk or water.
Duffy's Ture Malt Whiskey Is sold
throughout the world by druggists,
grocers and dealers, or shipped direct
for $1.00 a large bottle.
It In need of advice, write Consult
ing Phyalclan, Duffy Malt Whlskty
Company, ’Rochester, New York, atat-
Ing your case fully. Dur doctors will
send you advlco free, together with a
handsome Illustrated medical booklet
containing some of the many thousands
of gratifying letters received from men
and woman In all walks of life, both
old and young, who have been cured
and benefited by the uso of tho world’s
greatest medicine.
If you cannot purchase Duffy'a Pure
Malt Whiskey near your home we will
have shipped you In u plain case, ox-
press prepaid, as follows: Lesn than
six bottles, $1. per bottle; six bottles,
96.60. One case, 13 bottles, $10.00.
Remit to Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
Rochester. N. Y., by express order,
postoffice money order, or certified
check. Upon receipt of order, goods
will be shipped Immediately according
to directions.
References: Any Rochester Rank or
Trust Company, Dun’s or Rradatreet'a
Thera were two Urea yeaterday, one
In and the oilier outside the city.
That In the city was made known at
10:60 o'clock, uni turned out to be a coal
car. loaded with the trash from some
pinning mill. It was
pinning mill. It was on the Hack near
the Atlantic compress, and was soon ox-
Uiuculshrd by tho department
That outside the city occurred at 1:30
o'clock, und was near A. H. Moore's store
lo South Macon, not a great dlstanco
from the boundary lino.
Word was sent Into fire hendqunrters
that the fire was the corner of lAiurth
and line streets, and to that point llie
engines from ticud'iuurtem Imrrled. only
to^ find that the fire was outshlo the
C t^hlof Millin'’ was at dinner at the time,
but he hurried out to lloundnry street to
find engine company No. 4 with the en
gine already to piny on Iho fire. The
word was given and somo good work was
The fire destroyed six frame houses
belonging to Mr. Moor**, and probably
the store would have gone the name way
blit for the llremeu The Iicuhcii were
occupied by Dr? Hroven. Mrs. Klonle
Freeman. Mrs- Martha Blitclalr and John
llarrla, a negro.
Your very life’s happiness depends?
In a large measure, upon your Plumb-
long. I do not only construct new
plumbing work, but I put old Plumb
ing iu the very best condition.
Phone 631. 320 Third 8tr*et.
is no longer with
and this Mr hors* and mule emporium
will In tho future ho run by Mr. Uen L
Jones and his son. Mr. W. H. Jones.
WANTED—Young nmn familiar with the
business Intercut* of the city, desires
WANTED—By good stenographer, sev
eral hours work dally. AddreM* L. W.,
care Telegraph.
WANTED—To swap an Interest lit a well
Addrces Wholesale,
IIOAHDKH8—neeves House. Macon. On.;
a reflned family hotel; $1.00 a day und
up: weekly rate given.
WANTED—Copy 1008 Macon Directory.
"H. a. yr,” c*re Telegraph.
WANTED—Active. Intelligent agents.
srsduate*. few weeks completes, ronitsnt
prsetlcs furnished, scholarship Include
nloRiie. Mnler Hnrbcr College, Atlanta,
FOR RENT—Five-room cottugc, garden
and lmrn. Houston road; twelve dollars.
Phono 3714.
FOR RENT—Three connecting unfurn
ished rooms. 371 Walnut al. Phono
PLYMOUTH BOCK and bloater mackerel,
first of the season. Oscar Bradley.
FOR RENT—Four or five-room house
will l»e built to suit Kood tenant on
two-acre lot near Hnllcvue. on Forsyth
road. H. B. Merritt, carriage shop,
Crump’a Psrg.
FOR RENT—Immediate possession 11*1
Rim at.; 770. 768. 7R* Ash *l H.
Harts, cor. Orange and Forsyth ats.
FOR GOOD rooms and board go lo the
Olympia Hotel; merchant's dinner 26
cents. W, T. Ragan, prop.
FOR RENT—Two Al around floor offices
In Washington block; steam beat and
Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma
con Savings Dank,
FOR RENT—Eight-room house -7
Forsyth street, near Orange. fl.
Hart*. <-or. Orange and Forsyth sts.
FOR 8AI.E—Three fog terrier puppies.
female; smartest line In Macon: two
months old. healthy; price reasonable. J.
II. Bdlng, 118 Jternbort ave.
FOR 8ALK—Chrysanthemums. Miss Bil
als Durden, Bast Macon. Phone^ 2419.
FOR BALE—A first class double soda
fountain, prartlcally new. fully equip
ped; also fixtures for a first class Ice
cream parlor and confectionery sloro at
r bargain. For full mrtlnilar* sddrrns
Harbour Bros., 411 West Broad st, Ha-
vsnnoli. Os.
FOR BALE—Twenty seres of farm land
on Anthony's road; one four-room
house, 251 School st. W. D. Woodworth.
FOX RIVER butter, 83 l-lc. per pound;
huttsrlne, 20c. per pound. Oscnr llrml-
FOR BALE—$76.00 Babcock rubber tire
top buggy: good
Junes Orocery
FOR HA I,K—Ten-horse Schofield steam
engine iiml boiler; good rutmiug order;
$150 for outfit Macon'THegrtipit.
FOR BALtf-tior* perfecflng press, with
complete stereotype outfit; good order;
prints 4 or 8 p'lsss: $1,260 fob Macon.
Address Telegraph. Macon. Oa
wards; no delay; loans closed wit bln 24
hours. Ilsrrold Bankln
Co., COT Cherry st.
Jn 24
MONEY TO LEND on r*al L **UtQ,j*pa;
shin monthly. J. J Cobb, Com'
A Ravings Rank.
% repay-
Mr. R. A. Bonn, superintendent of the 1
Jowlsh Orphans’ IP “* “’
address the local J«
night at t o’clock In tha vestry
at Atlanta, will'
address the local Jewish community to
night at S o’clock In tha vestry room ofi
the Temple Beth Israel, corner of Cherry •
and Spring streets.
The ladles and ntliera of both the.
■Uiodos and tho reform contingencies •
urged to be present as matters of;
mueh rmportan^e will be transacted. Mr. -
Bonn Is an Interesting speaker and Is ■
well known In Ma«on.
^ Diarrhoea
Among tha many things of merit ex
hibited at tha recent fair for which there I
was no premium offered, but exhibited I
because of a willingness to aid In making'
the fair a succew. was tha collection of
•jjljiraylng on metal made by Mr. Herman
These specimens of engraving wera real
works of art. One of them waa an en
graving on the front of the park, the en
trance. It was u tine piece of work.
There were several monograms. In
which Mr. Moll Is an artist. The collec
tion was not entered for s prise, but It
well deeerves special mention,
snd Walnut sts.
FRESH shipment of Keeker's self-raising
sad old-fashioned FennkylvsnU plain
buckwheat. Oscar Bradley.
THE ONLY PLACE to get your motor-
cycle ana bicycles repaired; once given
a trlaL always a customer. 789 Cull op
Hemorrhoid.*! and all other
bowel troubles arc most suc
cessfully treated with Wllkln-
gon’'' Matchless Mineral Water.
It reliovca promptly and per
manently* heals and (• anti
septic In tJio highest decree.
As an appetizer It Is without
a peer, inauring the proper di
gestion and th« fullest assimi
lation of food, constituting an
invaluabto tonic for all con
valescents. *
steak, (very
Hill Grocery.
1 coa n
I2Hc pound. Colle
FRESH fish foe. trout, mackerel, mango
snapper, all varieties of frying
oysters. Macon Fish Company.
THB EUROPEAN dinners are the best
in Ul. oily and only loo “* 1
LOST—Jersey colored oow, Jong horns.
r.TMri.? n b “ i - *■ w -
LOST—-On Fourth at. probably at tire at
Moore’s store, one O. I. A. pin. Finder
please phone 1707.
LflST—On tha Thompson rond, ona top
w^c F, ^ r w2r*;,.. , *rM Ji
receive reward.
HOLLAND mllchner herring, six for 25o.
Oscar Bradley.
Wednesday, Nov. 11th, lO.a. m.
2nd St., (Opposite Courthouse)
Largo lot of Bocondlmml
Building Material, consisting
of SnsWs, Doors, Mantel,
Grnte Fronts, etc., also 6 sec
ondhand Vehicles. Sold for
uccount of consignor.
$1,100—This prlc« will buy a ver/
nice little 4-ropm cottage on JlnuntMr,
avenue, ncir Mercer.
$5,050—For this price we can ofl'-r
an elegant 9-roont residence orv Plum
street, between First and Hecond. This
place coat $8,500 to build. It Is In
excellent condition nnd rented at pres
ent to a good tenant at 917.50 per
$6.250—Will buy a modern 9-room
residence on Rogers avenue. VlnevllU.
Dimensions of lot 70x200,
$7,750—For this price we offer one
of the most modern up-to-date homes
In Macon, located on First street, be
tween fPlnc and Oak. 10 rooms anil
on a good lot; convenient to car line
and flve minutes’ walk from the bind-
noss portion of the city.
Minton-Morgan Co.,
Real Estate
420 Cherry St. Phone 1192
For Sale
Will buy a handsome six («) room
residence In Bellevue, newly r«P*r<*d
and painted, and la apple-pie order.
Heg a large lot, else 103x208 fe< t
(half acre), and fronting street car
line. Known as the Russell place.
Purchaser can get possession In thir
ty (10) days. NOW is your chance
to get a nice home at a GREAT BAR
GAIN. Terms if desired.
Real Estate, Insurance end Loans.
Phone 1136. Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg.
For Sale
I’vo ft nice seven-room Cot
tage in Vincvillc, in a good lo
cation for solo cheap, and on
liberal terms,
Aro you interested t
Frank B. West
Real Estate and fnsuranoe^
417 Cherry 8t.
Wilkinson's Matchless Min
eral Water la a combination of
Sulphuric Acid and Iron <>
powerfully concentnatcd that
dilution In necessary before
taking, a tea to tablcapoonful
Is a dose. It is s natural pieecriptiOB,
compounded by nature so perfectly that
artifice cen never •^i,ro«« h it In l*tx-
ftcUl rvaalta. Sold by ell druggists.
One pint tt.OO. tls pint* iS.0q
Illicit, AMfiitk. AU. WiH. Crssavttte. Vs.
FOB balk mr
JOIN S. I8GE UU« CO., Mkm, Gl
$5.500.00—An elsgont 10-room dwell
ing. situated on the top of Fort Hill.
In East Macon. It is on a bait acre
lot, and ha* every convenience— gas.
electricity, hot and cold water, and
stable. Windmill and ttuik go with
place. Can make terms—A BAR
$1,750.00—Five negro houres In good
condition, renting for $480.00 per an
num. This over IS per cent on amount
$*,750.00—Will buy four n<*w houses
renting for $12.00 per month; in good
renting locality and clo*e In. Qeed
Investment and always rents.
$1.200.00—Tenant property renting
for $16.00 per month and NO CITY
We al!»o hare $12,008.00 to lend on
good Real Estate at 7 end I per cent.
Murphey & Taylor
Real Estate, Loan* and
PHONE 26, *
Citizen's N»t’L BilMdlSg