Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 12, 1908, Image 6

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1908 Elocution Recital at Wesleyan College Thursday Evening, Nov. 12, 1908, at 8 o’clock, for the benefit of the Fund for an Iron Fence around the Campus. Admission, 25 Cents. “Merode’ . J'luUh'Vf) Underwear Four Essentials In Women’s Under Garments Yon irill find all torn in “Merode” (Hand- Finished) Underwear, made exclusively for , «women and children by women. For perfection of fit and fineness of finish' NEW YORK AMERICAN TEAM TO TRAIN 65 PLAYERS IN MACON “Merode” uUnderwear ft as no superior. Elastic, soft and porous, it it exceedingly comfortable to the skin and •most satisfactory in wear. AVo show these garments Sn a Kroad assort- of styles and shapes, in materials and Twejghts adapted to the season. “Merode" (Hand-Finished) Underwear is a (revelation in comfort, beauty, fit and quality. AVe quote a few numbers for your benefit:— inent Drawers, Veeta. Corsets Tight*. Covers. Union Baits. Extra Extra Abies. Sixes. Btxoa Sizes. Price 1-8 40-44 S-l 49-44 .05 $1.00 $1.35 1.00 1.16 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.26 l.SB 1.85 l.SB 2.00 .... srlntl 1681 White. Jlfht wrlgtif. finest combe* ootton 605 Cream, medium weight, flneat combed cotton 464 White, heavy weight fleeced combed cotton.. .60 .IS 1.00 1.16 866 White and Silver, heavy weight merino, 60 per cent wool .75 686 White, medium weight rxerir.o, 60 p. c. wool .56 662 White, light weight merino, 60 p. e. wool ... .56 613 White, light weight silk and wool, SB p. e. allk 1.00 872 White and Silver, winter weight merino, 76 p. c. wool 1.00 1.26 2.00 1.60 •18 White, medium weight, allk and wool, 26 p. c. silk 1.00 1.26 2.00 2.60 140 White and Sliver, heavy weight merino, 86 p. c. wool 1.86 1.66 2.26 2.76 674 White, heavy weight, 50 p. c. wool, 30 p. c. silk 1.66 2.00 2.00 S.S0 Children’s ,n a V D«wem 2-5 7-1 fee? While, heavy weigh? fleeced cotton 35 .46 284 IT White, henvy wnight fleeced cotton union suite ell sizes .85 »66fl White and Mntural, winter weight merino, 60 p. o. wool .60 .70 • XIV tJ White and Natural, winter weight merino, 60 p. c. wool, union cults, all elses 21.00 W. A. DOODY CO. SALES AGENTS FOR MACON nrTT i iTmmi Refrigerated Bottling The word sounds good, doesn't it?. Just try a Bottle of Coca-Cola Bottled by our process. There's nothing to compare with It. We want to show you bur plant. Call and Inspect. You will be delighted. If you wenu a perfect drink drink BOTTLED ONE OF MOST IMPORTANT CON TRACTS EVER MADE BY BIQ LEAGUE CLUB JUST CLOSED BY •MANAGER GEORGE 8TALLING3— WHAT IT MEAN8. By FRANC ttANGUM. Next spring Macon will be the train ing camp of the largest number of base ball players ever gathered at ono place for the purpose. George Stallings, the famous Augus tan, tvho has Just been made manager of the New York Americans, has Just completed arrangements Jor bringing his entire lot of recruits, numbering more than sixty, for their ante-season workout. He will not only train these men here, but will play exhibition games with several of the world’s most noted teams, among them being the Chicago |Cubs (the hVorid’a Cham pions), the Cincinnati Reds, the 'Boston Nationals, the Brooklyn and tho Phil adelphia Nationals. Mr. Stallings passed through Macon Tuesday en routo to Augusta, where ho Is spending a few days with his boyhood friends, and he closed the con tract while here. He stated that in pursuance of his plan to givo the New York American league club a team that will figure In the race, he will tryout more players than any other big league organization will Imvo evei before had under contract at one time. Recruits have been gathered from al most every league In the country, and every one Is reputed to be a star. The coming of the Highlanders will enable local fans to see Hal Chase, the world’s greatest first-Broker; Willie Keefer. Chesbro. Kfefnow. KIberflefd. Conroy, Delehanty and other famed ball players. Among the familiar faces there will bo Clyde Engel, for two sea sons with Augusta, und Ed Sweeney, who played his first professional hnM with Columbia in this league. The assembling of such a great number of players here will arouse unusual Inter est in Macon base ball, and will, no doubt, prove of material benefit to tho local team. Stallings Is expected to leave several of his younger men here for development. Tho Now Yorkers will arrive about the first of March and wfif stay here thirty days. Some of the pitchers and catchers will be sent to Manager Stall ings' farm at Haddocks, twenty miles from here, several weeks In advance of the regulars, and will bo tried out under his personal supervision. Among this lot of pitchers will be the old timers like Jack Chesbro. who needs much time to get In shape. Since the Cleveland Naps announced their Intention of working out at Mo bile, the fans here have been grieving because of their Inability to watch the spring try-out of a major league ag gregation, but now they nro fairly throwing fltfi of Joy. They will look forward with much eagerness to the coming of Stallings' crew, and they will pull for him to cop the American leuguo bunting next yenr. Stallinos’ Sacred Cows. George Stallings amused a number of his Macon friends by telling of his herd of sacred cows on his farm at Haddocks. He says that about a year ago he bought a pair nt the auction COLD WEATHER WILL ARHIVEHERE TODAY STORM KINO NOW HAS THE WE8T IN HIS 0RA8P—SHOWERS CAME YESTERDAY AS PREDICTED. EVERYWHERE ... 5c j Old —Ripe—'Smooth Rye Whiskey 25 Years the Standard <0 4 Full Qts., Express Paid. All leading dealers have it. If your dealer docs not, write us and we will send you the names of several dealers conveniently located who can supply you with the genuine Echo Spring Rye. Address S.Grabfelder A Co. Dept. U 80 Losisvillet Ky. The two bred rapidly und he hns twelve "sacred" cows and bulls. Those are the ones worshiped by the Hindus of India, and ones usually seen in me. nagerlcs. Mr. Btnlllngs want* to get rid of them, but cannot find any buy ers. In the meantime, the humped beast* ere terrorising the entire com munity at Haddocks. KKW8F0B DYSPEPTICS Some Condensed Items from All Over America, that Show that Dyspepsia Can Be Easily Cursd. Whitaland, Ind. "I was a chronic sufferer from dys pepsia for-yesrs; tried several doctors without relief. Began using Ml-o-na tablets, and after several weeks' treat ment I found thorough relief, and am able now to eat anything. I recom mend Ml-o-na to any one afflicted with stomach trouble."—Mrs. D. A. Brewer. Buffalo, N. Y. "Allow me to congratulate you on your discovery of Ml-o-na. I had oral of the best doctors In the city, but none seemed to do me any good, vomited frequently. I had this trouble four years. I took one box of Ml-o- na tablets, and now eat most anything without distress."—Mrs. Mary Becker, 1*90 Bally Ave. Bridgeton, N. J. vould be dead If It wasn't for Ml One year ago I weighed only 100 pounds; now my weight Is 159 pounds. I eat everything I want— cabbage. ham. fried potatoes—every, thing doctor said not to eat or I would die."—Mrs. Carrie Vanaman. Mountain Island. N. C. "I suffered with stomach trouble for 16 years; spent $100 for medicines, everything failed to do any good until I found Ml-o-na. That has cured me, and tt will cure others that suffer."— If you had planned to gb to the west —don't do It. If you had thought of going to the land of grizzlies and mountain Ilona and teddy bears, give up the idea and be content with re maining hero with snipe and sparrows. For it's much better to be In Maow with the thermometer at 76 degrees than In Montana with the mercury playing hid* and seek with thA bottom of th« tube. The west Is now In the freezing grasp of the storrn king, who Is leav Ing behind him a trail of ice and snow. Out there It is almost Impossible to venture out-of-doors unless accom panied by a steam furnace and wrap- e cd In any number of bearskin robes, ut In Macon yesterday white dresses were numerous, Cherry street having a distinct "summary* aspect in the afternoon. As predicted, showers fell here yes terday afternoon, the fall being quite heavy for a time. Tho weather bureau siys that a cold wave will now arrive and a prediction of low temperatures Is made. Already last night there was a noticeable change, there being a mharkod chilliness In the atmosphere. How ia Your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Dowling. of No. 228 Eighth avenue. San Francisco, recom mands a remedy for stomach trouble She says: “Gratitude for the wonder ful effect of Electric Bitters In a cast of acute Indigestion, prompts this tes timonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Elec tric Bitters la the best remedy on the market today." This great tonic and alterative medicine invigorates the system, purifies the blood and is espe cially helpful in all forma of female weakness. 50c at all drug stores. STATE FAIR OFFICE TO BEMED SOON ALL WORK 18 ABOUT FINISHED- PRESIDENT JONES BUSY SIGN ING MANY CHECK8. The office force of the Macon Geor gia State Fair has about completed its work, and will either today or to morrow turn over the books to Presi* dent Jonea. Since tho conllnement of General Manager Huff In tho hospital, tho office affairs have been excellently attended to by Major Winter. Mr. Mon roe Jones and assistants. Since the closing of the fair, chief work has been the compiling of the list of premium-winners and the Issuance of u check for the proper amount to each. The names and ad dresses were tabulated and then given to President Jones, who signed the checks, which were mailed. All em ployes and other creditors of the as aoclatlon were paid In person, this work now being In progress. Systematic methods have been ployed by the office force and as a re sult the officials In charge next year wlirbe greatly facilitated In their work by having ready-reference records and thoroughly kept ledgers. THE OLD PRICE HOUSE No Doubt About It Being the Work of an Incendiary, But No Motive Known. _ R. Nonket. The Taylor-Bayne Drug Co. oell Ml- o-na tablets tho dyspepsia remedy that Is maktng such surprlaing cures throughout America for 50 cents a box •nd they guarantee them to eure acut.» and chronic Indigestion, vomiting from any cause, and sea or car sickness. . .... of Mercer _ burned on Tuesday fire, but for what rno- There seems to be no doubt but that the old Price home In the University that night, was set t live l* not known r This was the old home of the late E. Pries, father of the late Daisy. Willis and George Price, and of Messrs. E. R. and Alphonse Price. The home place now belongs to the children of Mrs. Carl ton, nee Price, who live In Athens. The house has been vacant for tom* time, and It la claimed hna been the lodging place for tramp* and all others who wanted to get out of the way. be ing Ju*t outside of the city. . It la prob able that the flre-bug theory can be upset by the accidental dropping of a match by tome cigarette smoker. The presence of blood spots would not neces sarily Indicate the commission of a crime. Tho house woe one of the best built In the suburbs. It was erected by the late E. Trice In 1870. When. Mr. Price was In New York In that year, ho bought all th'’ locks and other hardware and bad them shipped to Macon with his •lock of groceries. The workmanship was of the very best, and In those days no >n«t could be found with the workman- Are was discovered about 11:20 >n Timsdav night and one company from the Are department was sent out by Chief Miller. The boy* worked hard under many disadvantage* to put out the tire. About 2 o’clock yesterday morning there was another alarm from the house, and the chemical company went out and extinguished some smouldering embers. The top of the house burned off. Romembsr The Gayety Quar tette every day this week, from 4:30 to 10:00 p. m., at The Gayety Theatre. DEFENDS O’) THE KIND OF WORK HE HIS TO DO ORDIRARY PREPARES I FOR PENSjON MOREY! LAST QUARTERLY PAYMENT OF THE YEAR WILL BE MADE SHORTLY AFTER FIRST OF DECEMBER. In a few days the ordinary will be gin the compilation of the names of pensioners entitled to receive the fourth quarterly allowance from the state. There hare been one or two deaths since the payment of the last quarter, but otherwise there are no Inellglblea on the lists. Ordinary ‘Wiley would not be sur prised if a change to the former sys tem of paying the pension money in u lump sum once a year was adopted next year. The dissatisfaction that arose from th* Institutlon-of the quar terly method will be the cause. Ma con veterans were divided on the sub ject. those favoring the quarterly ar rangement being os many os those who oppose It. Free Gift Sale at Harter’s Friday. Ask about it YESTERDAY’S WEATHER, Meteorological data furnished by the local office of the United State* w» athor bureau, department of agriculture. for tho twenty-four hours ending at 4 P- < 5 pm...72:tl pm..64! 6 l m.. .661 2 am..5*, 8 am..r,(T| 2 pm..7a * ,»m...6.'i! 3 am..581 0 am..70' 3 pm..78 10 pm...61 1 am..57110 am..711 4 pm..72 The Very Best J* SHOE f FOR MEN! Come- in all leathers, all styles, all sizes, all widths PRICED ONLY $3.50 and $4.00 BUTTON OR LACE. These Shoes are Co-operative in fact as well as name. Each employe is a stock owner in the factory, hence personally interested in advancing the sale of this Shoe by rendering it incomparable for the price—$3.50 and $4.00. v . v • ^ ... . Lester=Clark Shoe Co. PHONE 566. 516 CHERRY ST. Maximum 80, at 2:15 p. m. River Report. Th* Ocmulgee rl\'«*r at Macon at 7 a. „j. read 2.7 feet, at Hawkinsvllle 0.3 of a foot, at Abbeville 3.1 feet, and at Lumber City 2.7 feet. November 25-28. 1908, $6.95 round trip from Macon, propor tionately low rates from other’points. Tickets on sale November 21st to 25th Inclusive, limited returning November 30. 1908. Sleeping car diagram now open at city ticket office; make resor- You miss the greatest bar gain day of the season if you miss the Free Gift Sale at Har ter’s Friday. WESLEYAN TO GIVE Interesting Entertainment Promised for Tomorrow Night—Tho Pro gram, d pat elocution recital at Wesleyan 12. at.8 o'clock. The‘program w. . matlc sketches *nnd Thursday . evening, Nov, comedy. has been carefully prepared and will prob ably be one of the most entertaining even ings of the year. Every part is well tak- “i and artistically handled. The program Is as follows: ••Fkst Friend* (Re Henry). Misses 7olt Hardy and Martha Wilkinson. "Uncle,*Ned's Ring" (Belle Marshall Locke). Misses Hazel McManus and Jew- ell Jacobs. "Maidens AH Forlorn" (Evelyn Simms), ilses Martha Wilkinson, Kathleen Har- er, Lois Harper, Lucy Bryan. Nora Tay- >r and Susie Brown. Admission. 25 cents. OF KEEPING_PARK CLEAN He Wes the Only One of the Old Guard on the Grounds During the Fair. Capt. James A. Simpson was the only representative on the grounds at the re cent fair who was there thirty-seven years ago, when the big fair was held under Mr. W. A. Huff’s administration, and the buildings were used for the first time. Mr. Huff was prevented by his ac cident from !>elng on the grounds after the fair was opened. The splendid condition of the grounds during the holding of the fair was due to the efforts of Capt. Simpson, who did all the great crowds of visitors. The —..*k and around* enuld not have been kept In better condition than they were Whiskey for Medicinal Use should be the real genuine article, combining rich flavor with absolute purity. SunnyBrook THE PURE. FOOD 1 Whiskey f> pure, natural whlskev, distilled and aged in the good old Kentucky way. Age, Proof and Quantity attested by the Government "Green Stamp" which seal* every bottle. The richness of flavor and soft mellowness of Sunny Brook Whiskey especially recommends it for home use as a health* ful stimulant and a wholesome tonic. DELIVERED DIRECT TO YOU EXPRESS PREPAID BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTERS: C..BLUM A CO., JACKSONVILLE, FLA. C. C. BUTLER CO.. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. BEDINGFIELD A CO.. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. D. F. A C. P. LONG. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. L. G. DANIEL, MGR., CHATTANOOGA, TEN* PAUL HEYMAN, CHATTANOOGA. TENN. GALLAGHER A O’GARA. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. H. LEVYSTEIN A CO.. MONTGOMERY. ALA. L. LOSB WHISKEY CO., MONTGOMERY. ALA. 4 Bottles $ rn M Bottles $gm 1.3th Gallon A U Full Quarts Rye or Bourbon ■' TT Rye or Bourbon W Shipped la plain boxes. Send remittance with year erefer. under Capt. Hlmpaon’s direction. SAVE MONEY AND + GET FREE GOLD. R.-E.-P. 00. hard work. . little ’ The small boy Is now doing some very He is too sick or tired to wood, or to bring the wood run down town on itn errand. or to mind the baby for a few minutes, er to make a flra In the rooming, or in peel the potatoes for dinner, or to do ol- mott anything, but he Is working his tegs off and KweaUng at tugging at The boxes and barrels he Is storing up for the Christmas bon Are. bonflre. The merchant* who have spare barrels and boxes are worried, and will be worried until after Christmas, and the small boy will not be forgiven by them until Christmas, when one sight of the boys' happiness will dispel every thought against them. (POISON Boas Pains, Can cer, SssSrStio, Him, Many peopTs suner t.em Bio.a Hoi. ■on ,nd don't know it Read Syria, tom. E.«ily cured by B. 8. B. P If you h»v. ochro ind pain. In bon,, bock or joint., Itcbln,. Hc.hb, sjfj- blood foci, hot or thin; twoil.n Ota3 Rising, or Rump, on tin skin. Sorm Thrust or mouth. f«Mn« b«lr. pi mil? or ott.mlvo eruption,, SS,T Uompo orSorjo on Lip., Foe. or tnyp^ri of too body. Rult on Bkln. ,rt run ilo -n or norvouot on i.tty p»n of .TJ body; Crbunolr* or bolt?. TAKE nn TASic BLOOD BALM 4B. O. B )?GOAft ANTE CO to cure even the wmnt «nd most deep-seated case*. B. B. B?drSSe all Bolsonou* matter from the system •mb . flood of purt rich blood JEeJM to tho rttniurf.e.. In thl. Eruptions. Pimp.c# and every evidence Oldest Whisky House in South ESTABLISHED 1881 OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS, Pure fine old Rye, by the gallon ....^.JI.At 4 full quarts .$3.00 Express prepaid. GEORGE J. COLEMAN. Pure Pennsylvania Rye, rich and mellow, by the gallon * 32.75 full quarts ....$8.06 Express prepaid. % ANVIL RYE. Pure and substantial fast* lly whisky, by the gallon..$2£0 4 full quarto ..43.90 Express prepaid. OLD POINTER CLUB CORN. Rich and mellow, by th* ,“fuU quirtsillo Express prepaid. OLD GEORGIA CORN he gall full q Direct From Bonded Warehouses and Old. Express’ prepaid. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies In the market, and will save you from 3S to 60 per cent on your purchases. Send for price >Ust and catalogue. Mailed free. THE ALTMAYER & FLATAU LIQUOR CO. 720, 722, 724, 72G West Bay Street JACKSONVILLE, bndy into . cl*M. hwltby Thouuad. of CUM of syphilitic Kofi SBKRttl ifs'raa srsif r l3,«UMATtlM O 0R T FOUL , CATAB3H «Hh .houldw p.ln., hawtuni or .Jtttti. h.ndnch,. Mirarh,. inn old. .tubborTi ..... flSn RkSlVlS. 0 " ,h “* ‘"“N- CURBS ITCHING ECZEMA. Wa'rrv hUftef*. opnti. ttchln, Kni * all kind* Ml M»v..Jt«r with B FLORIDA AWAY ABOVE EVERYTHING CLYDE LINE AGENT HAPPY OVER MOHAWK'S ARRIVKLfSSw^^ M T»rn makes th* blood cm* and rich Au.1. th. tilSOll—hs* ititlnVlv .k. _• . Kay of a telegram announcing the *afe krrtv*! at Charleston of tho. new steam- Mm Mohawk, own of th* finest of the tine, he was as happy ns if he hod been a fortune. ^■8 telegram read: ’The new i er Mahank on its mai-ten \.?vare * h.rv today after a record trip. feet, width it feet; groan to. . -. accommodation, cabin I 275. steerage 80; speed 14 kaoU" c-mls the and lumps disappear RB. STthw* the red hue nf note, rich blood. rpy *ktn with 'botanic blood balm U pleasant anj safe to take; composed of pure Botantc in-red|enu. rt porifle* and | #n (tehee tke bfc*vf FAlfTUSI fir ST FRIT by «ritt-g B!-vvl ILiJm Co. Allan, i ta, Oa. BOLD BT DRUGGISTS, or *«nt br axpreee. ti PER LARGE BOTTLE. Wtth complete directions for homo con* I Central of Georgia Railway Co. havnnnah. Augusta Athens and Madl&on .« 7:40am ARRIVE FROM— Savannah and Augusta * 2:30am Savannah, AuQusta Covington and Eatonton • 1:15pm Eatontcn and Mliiedgcvllle. .t •.‘00am Athens and Madison *11:00am Athena and Madison • 7:48pm Atlanta. Chicago, St. Louis. .•12:08am 4:30am)Atlanta and Griffin • 1:05am BBiSiiiP Atiant. and Oriffln.7:X3am'Atlanta and Griffin... Atlanta and Griffin * 1:33pm'Atlanta and Oriffln.. Atlanta and Oriffln...., ■ 1 ***—“ —-* gams * 2:35am ••11:20am _ _ 4:40pm I Atlanta and Griff* r — Co'umbus and Birmingham..* 2:46am Birmingham and Columbus..* 1:15am Columbus and Birmingham..* 11:23*m Birmingham ar.d Columbus..* 4:35pm Albany and Montaomsry • 3:G3«r> wentconiery and Albany • 1:23am Albany and Montgomery....*ii:40*miMunfjor>ery and Albany • 4:23pm' Amerieus ,...• 7155pm[Americas • 2:15am •DAILY. fEXCEPT SUNDAY. JOHN W. BLOUNT, Current schedules corrected to date.District Pauenger Agent. 603 Cherry ft.