Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 15, 1908, Image 1

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The Macon Daily Telegraph TOST' SECTION EIGHT PAGES 1 ESTABLISHED IN 182*. THIS ISSUE CONSISTS OF FOUR SEC. TIONS—28 PAGES. MACON, GA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1908 DAILY, $7M A YEAR. Great Rivalry Among Clever Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc for of Selling Middle Georgia's Largest Store for Women's and Misses' Ready-io-Wear. Buyer Nowin the Market Secures the Garment Values of His Life in the Very Cream-Fashion's Latest Word of Style-Rapidly Fires Them to Us by First Express. THOUSANDS OF NEW GARMENTS TO BE SHOWN FIRST TIME MONDAY The Big Store is to Conduct a Triumphant Sale This Week Which Will Cause One to Tell Another of the Amazing Values and the Crowdsto Grow Day After Day. 2000 Handsome, Newest Design Suits and Dresses Received Friday and Saturday-Express Wagon Load After Load. Be Here Tomorrow! Satin Dresses Sale of Messaline Satin Dresses Worth up to $25, Special Monday The season’s newest effects in love ly Satin Dresses, the “Dircctoire” adaptions so smart this season, Mous-' quetaire sleeves, the correct thing. Dresses are in all the latest shades, including mnlberry, Copenhagen, ma roon, peacock, reseda, cadet, greens, taupe, etc. Actual values $25.00 and $22.50 Monday, all priced at Fifteen Ninety- Eight. . Silk Raincoats Sale of Rubberized Silk . Coats, Worth up to $18, Special Monday Just received n lot of these pop ular Coats. Thanks to onr keen buyer wo’vo a great bargain awaiting yon tomorrow. 200 fine Silk Rubberized Coats in stripes on black, navy, red and brown. A big Opportunity to purchase an $18.00 Coat for only— Nino ninety-Eight. Hold a Smt Sale-That WiU Rositively Sink Into Insignificance Any Offers Elsewhere Over 1500 beautiful suits, the very latest styles just originated by clever producers. The very cream of the market extended to us at prices far below those quoted hereabouts to regular stores—to get a deal with Middle Georgia’s Best Rcady-to-Wear Store these makers quote a price for garments to us that would make the eyes of buyers for usual stores spread wide with astonishment. This saving goes direct to our large clientele in sales the like of which are never known in Macon outside this store. The r6a! correct things in mostly hard-finished materials, her ringbone stripes and shadow stripes colors the proper cut of coat and hang of skirt. Never were such beautiful suits sold for so little money to Macon women and misses as in this week’s sale. The colors are those that fashion says are best; including mauve, tan, navy, green, taupe, mulberry, wistaria, peacock, maroon, black, etc. Ev erything is right and you'll know it as soon as you see the garments. Note the extremely low prices for the high-grade suits. SALE AT SALE AT SALE AT SALE AT Suits Worth $17.50 Suits Worth $20.00 $19.98 $24.98 Suits Worth Suits Worth $28.50 $35.00 tUKCacon’s Acknowledged cfflillinery Leaders - Make Sureof Millinery Excellence By Coming Here for YOUR NEW HAT Let the “hcre-today-and-gone-tomor- row stores and “amateur” milliners get their reputations nt somebody else’s ox- pense, you want the BEST for your money and yon can’t afford to experiment. Como to this store thnt has made millinery a study and artl There are a half dozen other first class stores in town capable of giving you the samo quality, but enn you afford to pay their Extravagant High Pricest WILL YOU CONSENT TO PAY THE PROHIBITIVE FIGURES THEY ASIC, when tlio same oxcollonco is to bo obtnined hero for bo very much least Hero you pny jiist as much or as littlo ns yon wnnt to—$1, $5 or $25, and we tnko it upon ourselves to see that you are PLEASED, AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Tomorrow tbo second floor Millinery Salon will be the place in which the season’s most popular requisites arc offered you nt most welcome savings. Remember those who Come Quick get Choicest Plums, but we Promise all, the Values of a Lifetime! 2r: THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST THE DANNENBERG CO. EXPRESS PAID ON CASH MAIL ORDERS OF $5.00 AND ABOVE CITY STREETS ANDJMERS COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON NUM BERING THE HOUSES ANDNAM- ING THE STREETS WILL SOON MAKE THEIR REPORT. The ipielnl committee ot council ap pointed to tak* up the matter of num bering end renumbering the houses In both th* old and the new part of the city, will probably make their report to «ouncll on Tuesday night. \Ytt:» n the * cope of th-lr work will b.* tn« namlnx of some of the streets. *:»; cClslly in the annexed territory. In th.* act creating this new part of Ma con it ft stipulated that the etree:* trill be worked and cared for by the county clwlngang until the mayqr anc ie street*, into the As a matter of fact, none of the streets have yet been named. I'. Ik probable that the present committee will take tip this feature and suggest names for the various streets and nv-nuos and lanes In the annexed ter ritory. A suggestion has been made and has reached the committee that Harde- min avenue be given the name of Georgia avenue because of Its being a continuation of that avenue. It ta probable, however, that objection will be made to this change of name. It is regarded as a fixed name In tho first place, and it lajiamcd after one of the moat prominent families living In Vinovllle at the time, and one of tho names that will always be closely connected with the history of Macon. There la considerable sentiment in tho objection. The same objection will he made to any attempt to change the names of other streets in Vlnevllle and Hu- gucnln Heights, ail of which Js In the Mention was made Friday of the five-pound turnips grown on the Rut land farm of Sheriff Robertson, and many wondered if such turnips were really grown in Bibb coenty. And now comes Mr. W. II. OTry, who it 'firlor faint out here on the Mil- ledsevllle road, near Walnut creak, with r eUow yam potato**. ten of which weigh htrty-stx pounds without the slightest trouble. People who know about »urh things, say that the turnips r.f tho sheriff and . .r . .. —it, ---.tho potatoes of Mr. OTry would taka j puzzling to the letter carriers and loja blue ribbon any where on earth. | others. This is one of the matters to b# adjusted by the committee. The committee will be called upon to untangle a number of pussies la the way of street and boujo numbers, but the,greatest of these, perhaps, is why there is not a 1100 block on First street. There is a 1000 and a 1200 block, but they skip the UOO’e. ’No one haa yet been found to tell why this was done. POTATOES VS, TURNIPS ANO WHICH THE BIGGER annexed district; Confusion arose when the mayor ond council changed th# Same of the up- ' per portion of Cotton avenue. This. was given tho nemo of Forsyth street | WHAT CAME OF - FRjDAY I3TH Crazy People Put In Jail and Crssy Man In Jail Sent to Sanitarium—No Other Unusual Things Occurred on the Unlucky Day. While It may hay* been expected that things would go crooked Friday, and a lot of people have rune Of bad luck, fires to break out, cars-to get off the track, the cook to come up missing, end alt that sort of thing, and all tx huw It was Friday, the llth, there was but little to occur out of the ordinary with the exception that two ti'groes were placed la Jail on chargee e? lunacy and one who was already In jail sent to Iks A JurjuTound William Harris a fit sub ject for the State Haul ter! urn. This la the negro the people, have been accus tomed to seeing eland motionless for ea hour or eo at a time looking steadily at the «un. at the i W hand. He was blown os sun worshiper. . • • ’ ■ \ Yesterday when asked Ly members of the jury as to his creed, he sefd that he was Inspired to ail that he dhl. When these Inspirations came upon httn he <Jld what he was bidden to do, and It — n ~ to kill i , what would he do. He replied that he would kill, burn a house or do anything, no matter what. If he was inspired to do It, as be wee in duty bound to obey Inspiration. He had never done anything but carry out such Inspi rations. and so far they had be«i» eoh- fined entirely to praying for ths wicked, and as for the sun everything that was done on this earth was Influenced by the tun. . The Jury decided that a man who would kill somebody, or bum a house, if com manded to do eo by what he Bald was a divine Iniplrstlon, was a dangerous man to be at large, and be was, therefore, adjudged a lunette. About noon yesterday, word retched Sheriff Rnt»>rt*on that there wee a crazy m*n on Fort Hill, and that he was act ing In a manner that had the people In that vicinity frightened to death. This proved to be ftlmon Robinson, a negro, and ho was under the house scratching the dirt and carrying on In a most die* reputable manner. He claimed that he had been “conjured,** and that he was being compelled to do, all that he was doing by the epett that bad been cast over him. It was tdntn to see that be was off, sn-1 he wee brought Into ths city en«i place.] In Jell. In the afternoon word was sent Co the station house that there was a oegrq woman In the alley by the Crescent laun dry who had a shot gun and was about to shoot evsrybody In right, and soon the allay was Oiled with excited negroes. This woman proved to be Busanne John son, who had been discharged from the State Sanitarium about thrte months ago* Ihe was taksn in ths black maria to the % u the wife ot a well known and Well reepeotsd man. Jack Johnson, who railed at the station house last night to find out If there were any other charges against her. Jack la well known to Chief Weetoott, and to the chief he tnld of his wife’s actions. He eaye that It la only ooeaslonalhr that ah* has these spells, g that she Is entirely harmless. He stood by htr faithfully In all the is she ha* been sent away, niul sho given mm considerable trobble. but eniy in this way. lie can always manage .a* jptLTsr q .rfwws that she was not at all etmty. but that •he bad been worried hy others nntll •he grew hysterical. lit says the gun •he had to not loaded, and that while she may have threatened, to shoot, there was no dancer of her doing so. He will go before Ordinary Wiley this rooming and ask foe her Cake Like Mother Made. The secret we* using the beet ex tract. Blue Ribbon Vanilla will ba’p you surpass mother's cake. Woman 6uffrsgt in England. There iro In tlrcat Britain over five million women coming a living. In some trades they outnumber ’he men. Tho cotton unions alone have *6.000 women incmb* re. It Is among this great body of industrial worker* that tho suffrage movement finds some of Its most determined advocates. V.;*e Is especially the case In the northern counties, where women have organlx *d trado unions and co-operative •ode- ties, fasten eagerly upon social and aconomta problems, largely helped to found the Labor party. nnJ at the lost general election subscribed enough from their collective funds to pay,tho expense of one of the labor repre«en- tatlvrs. Tho agitation for the fran chise has at If ant done this much good —It haa directed the attention of tho country towards the problems of wo men’s work ar.d argues. People are beginning to realise that while sweat ing Is at all times and under all clr- cumstanccs an abomination. It Is ten time* more abomlRabls when women are Its He time. They are beginning to ask themselves why women who do the same work es men. and do tt as well, should be paid much leva. The average of women’s wages In the cot ton trade Is IS to a week—r. sum that even an unskilled male laborer would •corn to accept; and the cotton trad* on ths whole Is a well-paid one. The suffragists are undoubtedly rightwh<*n they urge that one very Important rea son why the wagon of men have risen by from fifty to a hundred per cont In the last thirty years la that they have had the vote* and that one very 1m- K rtant reason why women’s wages ve either remained stationary *r have grown les Is that they have no \o to*.—Sydney Broks. i n Harper's T2a- sar. Mind Your Business. If you don't nobody will. It Is your business to keep out of ell the trou ble you can and you can aud will keep out of liver and bowel trouble If l tako Dr. King's New Life PIUS. • ey keep biliousness, malaria and Jaundice out of your system. 25c, at all drug stores. $6.05 to Savannah and return Nov. 21 to 25, inclusive, via Central of Geer :ia Railv ay, for Automobile Races. F eserva sleeping car berth in advance, at ticket office, 003 Cherry it,