Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 18, 1908, Image 4

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. J THE MACON DAJLX TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1908 The Macon Telegraph Pubfishsd Every Mcrs'ng by TIE MACON TELESKlFli PI'S. CO. Ml Muitsrry Street, kMMt 0». d R. Pendleton. President THE TELEQRAPH IN ATLANTA. Th# Tslsflraph Mu be found mi sals at thi K<mb* i l Houo* and Piedmont Hstel In Atlanta. Linotype For Sale. Model No. 1, two years old. two-let* t*r Mi nr«-nthaUr Linotype machine; in k 1 order; 12,106, fob. Macon* Ad- ■ res# The Telegraph, Macon. Oa. WHAT BUCl MARKETS MEAN, jpald for them In bonds; corporation# Am the nawipaper of -thla country Jar era In reality borrowing ml lllooa o conactonaly or unc©n#cl<.q*ly leading flollaiito 'boom* tha 'stfrk market the people into a trapf Kvrey*H>dy, what THh^pobllc did. In .tf# three or i« conspiring with everybody elaa to | four rapfiths culmlbdftrtf£with the piccJatm tba revival of business and j*,200.dW-«tiara" day of ApJll, tail. M lbe return of good timer ft la the one not likely to have been forgotten. Nor thing we will all waleome alike with-twill the Mnflpencea whlcft broke thi out regard to politic*; wa are willing ap<ifl-4{jb40verdolnf of llj^* j»wn ad* to belli vt My one who will give hie | vent urea by our Infatuated'million- word for It and to epread the good airae. the eraeh on tha ‘Northern Pa- aewa on hi* mere ear oo, eepeclally aa! clflo Corner.' and the audden disco v the aproadlng of It i» believed to bojtry that wholaale incurring of debt cna of the moet potent mepboda of ( to aU the world waa the larger cauae tHnglng about the consummation moat; of tha phenomena of day. devoutly to be wished, it 1* not to j "The great bull market of 1906 and be wondered at, then* that we hear im la very recent hlatory; Ite origin AN DERSONVILLE AND THE PR1B ON SHIP DEAD. r resident-elect Taft made the piin- ctpal address at the unveiling U Pr >klyn Saturday of fifcs ehaft to tbe prioon ahlp martyr* of tbe Revolu- t’rnary War* eatlmated at tan thou- •fird men. The atory of theaa prlaon a’ !•» dead la a parallel in aome re- »•;' if with the story of Anderaonvllle i blr. Taft at one place In hi* kd- h take* note of thlf elmllarlty. • r. Taft's allualoo occurs In the filleting: T *tff> here to allude to a charge » by the (British agalnet Wash- l»*non and the American autfrorl- tlw In order to relieve themselves 'r i rrrpnnslbllttr for the awful rt x of life occurring In their prla- - i ‘sulks. They *sy, a« la true, that tha British authorities offer- • o exchange the prisoners «le- dMad hi the prison bulks for Drit- thnt this offer wna declined, war declined hr Washington first on the ground that he bed no au thority over naval urhoners. TmrI't on It appears that such nn exchange might have been made » ' We»hlngtnn Nad he decided to do no. but his position evidently «-*e that he could not sfTord. In the Interests of the cause for which he was fighting, to aid the nrltleh by giving hack to them Me.-iMoncd soldiers of the line to reinforce their armv In America in r» long* for men who had nrvrr had experience a* soldiers at alio: that by so doing ha would )mv# been enabled to save the qifrerltypi ©f hla own countrymen who were detained In the prison bulks, nnd this shows dearly tnat t* e right* of those srhose memory i recall with gratitude were M*rrifleed to meet tha exigencies of the coontrv In the crillcat hour *>f her birth. Rut It was a bal- Washlngton'a oblige turns, and he felt It to be a high er duty to maintain thut course would weaken tha enemy end ultimately drive him to peace than to relievo the sufferings of those of his unfortunate country- men. however terribly detained iir-u. nrl*o*» hulks. We must Jus tify Washington In thla conclusion, , i.i exactly a* wa must Justify Grant In refusing thfo exchange of prisoner* at a time In August, mt. when tha suffering* of An- deraoavine wsre held up bafora Mm un reason for making such an exchange, nut It was a critical moment In the history of the war. •od h* knew better than any ona s»*e could how much Of strength ha we* wiridmMtng fm m tha rwtHt army by refusing to giro hack to * • msn who would flU v .i:i) •m frnm KWIi.n. . . I _ their n What nk* from Northara prtr- should ba emphasised, nawever* is that the refusal of WaaMUngton and ths American uthoritl** t« make the exchange prop* _J not the slightest Jus- tlfloetlsn for «n# neglect and cruel ty with which the prisoners of war upon ihe prison bulk* war* and that Washington's ntre failure to act and to acoept proposal of the nridsh. made In their own Inters*! and for tha betterment of their army, waa not the stiff-test excuse for their fail ure to heed hla eomplatnta and warning* against the character of eatment to which they wore In the We do not know the entire msrit* ef the grounds on wfctcCi Mr. Taft charges that the aufferlng and deaths of the saUor* were due to British nag u< ‘® but we do know that tha suf ferings and deaths of tha many An dtm-.nriB* prisoners, consequent upon u.e refusal or the Federal authoritlea 1* exchange them* sraa not due to neglect ctr not the triumph of the f*d#r»ey. whose own soldiers ware starving, to care for them. Whether, toe ever, the British were guilty of nsgleot or nit the trlumi* of the American arms In that contest waa not stained with any Incident alrallar to the enormity by whlph Captain Win. the keeper of Aaderaonvlll* prla- on was made a vtcarteua victim of ••rilonal hate and subjected to a trait- or** death for conditions for which ha not rasponatblo. T*e Milwaukee Journal see* It stick- Irr out that Tpeoial privilege ta go. in- m .|«ry public eantlmect once more and stand at firm aa It did ta the l*«t congreea. against popular tegts- liHon. Whether the few know the «f the majority or not makes Ut- <1 different. They do not care In fioni widespread sources of thy turn of business and of the consequent return of pi-esperity that I* to fol lotv. As a matter of fact It would -hvi been a most remarkable thing If ’ tli* r« had not bean soma Increase and, indeed, a spurt In the volume of buel- nesa following hard on tfte election. It Is a familiar experience to us with the approach every four yeara of the Prcriuentlal election that there Is a period of cessation and of stagnation In the business world. We have got Into the habit of delaying our ordinary hiuiness engagements for the year ebtad until after the election. But U Is silly for any one to conclude that In t 4 !® event ths election should go a cettaln way that people would quit buying and selling, that they would rot continue to oat food and ‘ wear clothea as formariy. Hanes It follows that thare la nothing significant In mere Improvement of business after an election, and after a depres- si in which had already begun to right Itself. It requires something more definite and pronounced than the nor mal activity In Industrial circles at ta# season of tha yea^ when every one I* supposed to ba busy, If evar, to Indicate an Industrial revival such as we ara conspiring together to make be’ieva. But where Is tho certain oyl. de.ooe of such a revival that we ran -nit our finger on. In one place only hrva wa (he visible and tangible eyl deuce of extraordinary activity, and that la In the Now York Work Ex change and Wall street. All the New Y«rk papers tell ue on their market P°aes about last "week's extraordinary demonstration on the stock exchange, or tte "Sensational rise In United atntta steal common.** how **tha banks taking all tha stocks tha specula tore are throwing over,** and such Ukv. Th* public, wa are told by ona P#|ier, which has baan out of tha market for more than a ye*r, leaving It In "professional hands,** Is "now plunging tn W*tt atkeat and Is In con- troi of the market.** The New York Evening Post of Saturday gives fill* account of tha poat-atectloh bull mar kat: Not in at least four years has th# so-called "outside public" rush ed Into tha atoch market on tha araia of tha prelent week, on at least one day, Its buying orders fslrlv took the market away from tha Urge speculating capitalist*: on another, they absorbed a mas* of foreign liquidation; on still an other, they withstood a small ava lanche of profit.taking sales for professional Wall street, on every full business day this week, much more than a million shares were dealt In on Ih# atock exclmnga. This la a phenomenon which tails for several Inquiries. Who are tn# real buyers? What ta tha basis for their belief In the sudden • and 10-point rise In prloae, and what does It foreshadow. ..The real buyers, aside from ‘•benra" who have had to cover their pravloue speculative sale*, have bean tha mass of outside speculators throughout tha conn- try. Professional operator! have bought only to sail again qulcklv. and aa for those very large capi talists such a* stirred up last sum mer's markets, their aganta buy. of couiftc. (o start th# hall tolling, hut they ara vary apt to tt 11 when It has got un sufficient speed. The basis for this outside demonstra tion has unquestionably heen he. lief In th# newspaper accounts that trade activity bad almost Instan* tsneouely. after last week's alec- tlon. returned to the volume of two yaara ego. and would remain Hum or go higher. In the again unprecedented grain crops and In the extravagant advance of prlcca of all commodities, every one renumber*. It was overthrown In the end by tha very elements on which It had been built up—tha exorbitant c*wt of everything, whereby g»« world"! supply of surplus capital was exhaust ed. U wa*. indeed, a bull market which 'Insiders' had largely to them- setvsa. Th* atock exchange bull move ment really ended In September, l>0f. whan interest rate* rushed up on the whole world's money markets." Th# l*ost finds that raw "bull move menu" which have “been described ware founded on visible and tangible facts, whereas th* present outburst has Jor Its basis partly anticipation, and portly. It must honestly ba con fessed, misrepresentation. What is to happen In the domain of trade and Industry. In the coming months, I* not more absolutely certain now than It November 2: w"nt him hap pened Is a re-storklng of depleted ware houses, partly deferred until after the election, with th# problem atlll left open, whether the real de mand from the ultimate consumer will or will not be quickened correspond ingly." What le happening also la a high carnival In which ine speculators ara fleecing the lambs, watering the stocks and tempting financial dimeter* and panic with Impunity. Just as If they had not time nnd again ptnyed this game before at dire expense to tha country. And there In nn one* whose business It Is tn call a bait. Wall street put up tin money; th* mnn It staked and bet on was elected. This tt takes aa license to go aftead In Its mad, licentious course. There Is no one to make It afraid. Nobody to In terpose for flod. for society and for humanity. would be the tool dt a ring of politicians, whc. It la claimed, waa largely Instrumental In bringing about his oluctlon. He 8aId that he bclbnga aet. ring or clique of polltl- that th‘* only guide ho would hkvo In administering the office to which he has twon elected would bo the welfaro nnd hnpplnera of thb iieo- TAFP8 LAUDABLE TARIFF VIEWS. Raya President-elect Wllllmn How ard Taft: 'H pen king for myself, aa the temporary leader of the party, and ns the neat president, 1 wish to affirm that no effort of mini will be spared to make the revision of the tariff under the Republican auspices and within t*hg conserva tive protective llnea as thorough nnd as Impartial between the con sumer and the manufacturing In terests aa possible. I believe that there are many schedules which ought to ba reduced. I believe net them am a few. and only a few. that ought to be raised, 'but on tho whole the revision should ho a rnvlalon downward and not upward. I am convinced that the people of the country deatre such a revision. 1 am convinced that tl.elr representative* coming back to Congress will be Imbibed with that sentiment, and that no suc cessful obstruction oan be placed In Me way of such congressional action." More power to the next Preeldent'a We had the question of religious toleration settled In our scheme of things until president Roos«rveU found sn excuew for reaffirming if and now the Issue has been taken up and tbe whole question reopenad;f2|a body of Lutherans in Near York, Senator Elkina says 'Tt would be unfair, to JTa* country to attempt to revise the tariff at the coming session o! Congress." Seems to .us we have heard some guch. remark before. The fashion leaders are reported to be in revolt against the dlructolre gowns. Th* gowns seem to have dis appointed tha men* too. "How apparently easy It le to st«p out of the presidency into an editor ship as compared with stepping out of an editorship Into the presidency," observes Col. Oeorge Harvey. Jt Is announced that the largest gaa tank !« In Chicago. Chicago Is not called th# "Windy CUy" for nothing. Th* Attitude of Governor Brown. Savannah Nows. It I* a source of satisfaction to the friends of Governor-elect Brown that he I* assuming nn attitude of entire Independence of political ring* In th# apceohea he Is making. Tbe other day. In a speech In on* of Me Mouth Georgia cities, ho .was reported ns saving that he had heard It said that when he became governor SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 17.—Abe Ruef offered Morris Hsas $4,000 for the ssrv- who know Mr. Brown believe he’Is a sincere mnn. •*** He bears that reputation. He Is not only sincere, but ho lias strength of disracter to do what hr believes to be right, however strongly he may bn urged to admlfitster hts office in the Interest of tbo»i« who may pre tend that ho fa under obligations to them. It ploneed some of those who op posed him In his campaign for gov ernor to try to-create tho Impression thnt ho will bo the tool of the design ing pollUrlana. Thoy have a griev ance- against him born use ho was pucrrssful. and they will endeavor to discredit him In,every way they can. They will nof be able to do him hnrm nn long as he follows hla Judg- atoh him closely, and will stand by him as ldng as hr Is worthy of tholr support. He may make mis takes, but they will overlook them If they are honest mistakes. They know hr Is endowed with an abund ance of common sense and they ask no more than that fta let hla common sepse guide him Whenever ha brought to face with a difficult sit uation. These talks ho in having with the people of various counties are going to make him strong with They are finding out the sort ta. and they are satisfied they .con trust thrlr Interests to him. i'I expect hr will make a brilliant governor, but they believe he will be a rnpnhle and conscientious one—that hr will not try to make hla office a stepping stone to an an other plnce. Those who were Inclined to question hla fitness are changing thrlr opinion. TAKE ACTIVE PACT IN COMMERCIAL MEET Os., and bridge over South river In Georgia. "The city of Columbus, Ga., made a splendid bond sale, disposing of 4 1-9 per. cent refunding bond* at th* rate of l.fil-1 The bonds take up an outstanding issue bearing i per cent, and the cuya saying In interest and handsome premium aggregate th* sum of $41,1(0. - .. . "The city of Waycross, Oa.. la re- Jofeing over the final decision of tha big Pennsylvania company which Is preparing to develop 2»7,000 acres of timber lands In th* Okefenokee swamp to locate Its large saw mill there. "Coffee county, Georgia* ordered an election on the issuance of >100,000 of road Improvement bonds. Announce ment Is mad* that the Iron output of Alabama during the month of Oc tober waa a substantial Increase over the output in the month of Septem ber. The dispatches telling of resum ing Industries are almost getting mo notonous, they come with such regu larity." WAS TO GET 14,000 AS RUEF JURYMAN THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN HAAS' FEE FOR 8ERVIN0 HAD NOT HENEY, PREVENTED. Ic«s which would have been rendered by him had he been permitted to sit la the Ruef I'uikslde esse Jury. Ruef knew that Units was a had man—un ex-convict. When Assistant District Attorney Ho ney denounced Haas as an cx-oonvlct and caused him to )oi* tue chance of earning $4,000 from Ruef, the man Immediately vowed vengeance against the prosecutor. He. hud reiterated that he would kill "one of the prosecutors"—meaning Honey. ce that time Han* has been fre- ily In company with men notoriously rBitltH the associates of the man who had vot-_. thnt "ho would kill "ons of the prosecu Joseph IJrachman, known aa "RusTs toUor. the man who was recently cham pioned before the hoard of police commis sioners by Chief of rolice Diggy. told lari ovt-nlm? th# story of Hass* state of mind and of his | lings, lie i Hi jdtlve from German justice, .being wanted tn.., — sneakln-r manner In which he attempted Francisco, knows Haas’ record abroad. SHE DEFIED DEATH TO ME BURGLARS FLEE PLUCKY GIRL, LOOKING INTO MUZZLE OF UGLY REVOLVER, GIVES ALARM. N1SW YORK. Nov. 17.—Facing the muxsls of an ugly old-fashioned Colt navy revolver In the hands of a bur glar and threatened with death If she gave an alarm. Miss Hllma Johnson, daughter of Peter A. Johnson, of No. <4$ East Two Hundred and Second street, screamed for holp when she awakened yesterday morning and found GEORGIA AND ALABAMA INTER ESTED IN COMING MEETING 80UTHERN CONGRESS. COLUMBUS. Oa.. Nov. 17—The elbow aay we. He may not ftave | Georgia and Alabama Industrial index much practloal Influence In shaping I wH] **y tomorrow in Its regular week- encouragement In knowing that the • south Is focused on the great south- the chief of the economical abuse* un- j or December 7th”snd Wh. It la gran der which wa, the people, labor. • th<1 - ® f OoorgUi and two- men stealing her jewels, among them her diamond engagement ring. Her; erlea alarmed tho men, who fled downstairs to the street. After a aorlcs of adventures two perrtona, suspected of being escaping burglars, were arrested, and the police believe that, primarily through courage of Miss Johnson, they have the men who for ten days have been looting tha homes of well to do real dents of the district. Two of the rooms of tho Johnson house were rob bed of watches and Jewelry and other articles before the criminals entered that occupied by Miss Helms. Identified by Mlsa Johnson. Mies Johnson, aa soon aa aha learned of the arrest of the suspects, went out through th# snow and storm to tha potloe station and Identified them. Sbji waa positive that both had revoiveni, though none waa found on either. She reported th« theft of a gold watch and Alabama ar# taking leading part In thi* Thi Important movement, which le sopreg- J??' bllbn mriHT and euwin i nnn I with possibilities »or this action , ^^Y emUed. for nothing haa been , of th. country. I, .imo«t «*m, tlut ttogm. . BOOTH . I ln.plr.tlni, fuMxt <h« wloctlon of thei lnvoSll^tu.n ihowod th.-it tho tur 1,1m. for tho convention. wMrh will i ■•*••• ,h ® 1 * 111 ®L,f uSLl In Ellen Terry'. ,»ory of h»r llfo I b. • *,th«rtnar nb— unlqu. In I ..'tf f h th. bl.tory of ,ho country. In .tho! n-'i"!!®'.>!L rt J5i."rjP1;, l lSS SK!,' Lou Ii,n» rcrir <wno rn«. Who ,r» MnpoMA to mt tho b.n.nt of th. i*w tort If, declu* that th. B!.<h~1. by whhf* th. -tru»t- ICxoi th. pri.. It pan th. troww. ar. "d.-oriito,- II I, «vor thm. Th. •nuth 1. not ta bar. th. l>.r.Hll rf protection In th. nr. MM. trtwt h.r product* an prvt»ctr4. Hon la , hull tn.rk.t enatr* on nothin, mor* «uh.t*ntl»l than now.- papor acrount. of trade activity and many of tha n.wapapan* douhllna *lv- In* eu nancy to tha report* on h»»r- *.y evidence and without ahaolut. knowlodm Of tho f»oti. Tho doinon- ■Imtton tn W»ll atmt may continue for Mmo time or It may mdd.nly col. I.PM, hut II. final fate I. too wall forv*hadowtd by th. uniform mutt, of th. four bull mevammu that ham rrwrdod thi* In tha teat tan yaara. It area tha -outelde public" which nn •way with tha market In th. hull movement of January, lilt. "Minton, ahare day. on tho .took atchamr. be came for tho Aral time a familiar *m- t*clo. Thi* .hull monment continued until * pill. Two Influence* combined to end It. On. wa. the utterly n- tnvmnm ,.*U. Of near tuduatrtat aa- curttlee hr promatln, bank.ra; nn Im. thin hi put out tn th. firat nm month* of 1,1,. and more th»n half of them were more arat*r. Th. other waa tha audden death of th. chut promoter of tha atock ex- chant, cnaa. and tha dtacovary. whan hla will wa. probated, that whoever did hold tho hlfh-prlert apoculallvo atock. at tho cltmei of the boom, ha dM not." Th- lo.Mn tMtad tha public about th. mum temrth of time aa did th. hull moventMlt af I>04. whioh ended with th. tut panto. In November, taca. the atwcutatlve era** broke out I afaln. The -promoter-* boom- In the hlttory of thla ar any hw rre.t *MJW« ««"» «®»* ®f •!&, J82M C, M'V? mrating with Kdwln Booth when this tfon 7, ov#r th# who , 0 eo Un try hoe j that eecape on possible discovery might greatest and oaddret of American tra-1 settled *l«wn to business, and rammer-; be th# easier, 2L?• ■]!!?; .odtM. wn. troubled and bomwd. ®Wj•SSTMTSL'S! LT e denials of Ben- other country set In.** ear* the Boat's dmghtai ef the review. Tkeo-mtmoghdcllar com pa- L the n*wspapers nfrs wits combined Into brndred-mn- n-1 arranging tbejflAb omvr^rns; those, tn 00# ooee. Into I bought Bbtres la other railways, and with whom ehe waa ao long aaaoctat*d., Dccnmbrr 0th. 10th and llth. and tho Speaking of Booth Mia* Terry aays: "1 saw him first at a benefit per formance at Drury Lane. I cans to the door of the room inhere Henry wee dressing, and Booth waa sitting there with hie back to ••'Here'# Miss Terry,* aatd Henry, as I came round th* door. "Both looked up at me swiftb . I have never in any face* In any country, seen such wonderful eyre. Them wa# a mystery shout hla appearance and his manner—a sort of pride which aecmfd to say: •Don’t try to know mo. for I am not what 1 have been.* He seemed broken, end devoid of ambition. "At rehearsal he was very gen tle and araf'ctle. Accustomed to ploying Othello with stock com panics, he had few sutgretlons to make about the stave management. The part waa to hint more or lest of a monologue. " 1 shall nrvrr make you HUck.* fie said on# morning. ’When I take your band Y shall have a cor ner of my drapery In my hand. That will protect you.* "1 am hound to My I bought of that Ymteetton* with some yeara- Ttie assassination of Freetdent A bra. ham Lincoln by hie bretPer aeetned to have cast a shadow over Edwtrt N-ittonal Council of Commerce Com mission on Country Life at practically tho same time. This means a large gathering of the most Influential men watch, three valuable rings, a brooch and a bracelet. Shot Fired at Them, In the room of Mira Helma they had and o i th * beatT thought "in the coun-! gathered up a lot of jewelry when her try. and the greet Southern fommer-! scream# scared them- The ecreams clai Congress will get the full benefit; awakened othara In the house and of this. arouaed Detective Harry McCutchton. An Illustration. who but a half hour before had retura- ’Aa. Illustrating tho prominence which jJi^of^sHp^rThe'grabbod his*revolver —1— -j tp the door In time to — ,h * Georgians and Alabamans ara taking In this movement O. Groavenor Dawes of Montgomery, la chairman. John .V. Betjeman, of Albany, ta secretary, and W. G. Cooper, of Atlanta, le treasurer of th* committee on arrangements. "The exposition of southern re source* that will be had will be ttv most complete that wa* ever mad*. The program ta one of great strength, th* very best thought tn th* south hav. Ing pledged co-operation, and aa a mat- ter of fact some of the biggest men m tho country will take part. The gath ering will have Its practical feature, and numbers of ambitious southern clttea will endeavor to take full ad vantage of It- For Instance, the Indus, trial Index is Informed that one Ala bama city that wtehea to secure a fur niture factory Will go to the congress armed with data, and will make a strong effort to Interest capital tn such an enttrprtee." » Sitter States De Things. "Georgia and Alabama are not sim ply looking to that future tn such mat- Booth's Ufa. from which he never jgaln j (m 0 f enterprise and progress, bow- emerged. a slight, dark, metatichaly *re accomplishing thing* In figure, with o»ve complexion and large present. During the week Just darti eye*. Booth wa* the tieal "Hem- ending contract waa awarded for a let,* the role ta wkkfv he excelled all six-atory office building at Belma. Ala. Mb.*, hat rn.Ml, by af hU STHS.t'dMNMT.'i raxttxL a ramrnt atone and tile arorka tn*. hot by ftMon nr Ma tatnn*r*m*Ht nl tba trnilo Manclatla* at hla Pur* r>VS U ararth tM|.r>».tt a ton. raw people orfi.r It In Inn tot*. wna rh.rt.rvfi In Atlanta, <i». am) a* nouncam.nt waa mafia af taothtr hit buUdlsc ta Atlanta. Oa, fey the Antl.y Intataata Other Itama ware a IM.44* rlubh-HM at ntrmlnphaai. Ala. a IIM.- M> wanjwerktnc corporation at Darien. .hot, bt. . n.r Into Valentina nv.nua an4 out ot ’’The nhot attract.>1 ths nttantton rt P..1 teaman Elynn anj Mountrfi Polite- man Tum.r, who went tn the filmj- ttnn nf Wrier* avanua and found tha prtaonare w.Tktnx raplitlr toward Mo*, hntu Parkray. When tha patleamen nMtrad them, tba man .tatted tn run, hut wore enurht. Thrtr eictanatlon wna not aatt.fartory, wnd th«r were taken to the atatlon. Tha work nr th. burrrtara and mann.r I, .trlktnrtv almllar In inilt in that used In bunrtarl.a racantly tn thn linma of Mina'.th OI!'-nn andlnth.tnfWttllam It. Dally, both in the Itmnx Park prerlnnt. In th. for mer plate aome *100 worth ot Jewelry wrtn tnkan. nnd In th. latter tha to*, exceeded >1.444 tn value. - Mtee Johneen MofieeL Mine Jobn.on. who la an annlitant librarian tn tha Botanical Gardens, would not ba Interviewed ye.terday, navtn* thnt .he rorretted even the pub- lirltp which th, pittnttutton of tha CM* would briny. In their filrht from h.r room tha burttara na«trotrd to take with them tha Jewelry they hid fath ered up. nnd «ot away nrarlloallv with only thnt which they bad collected tram her aUt.t'a room. 36.95 to Savannah and return Nov. 21 to 25, lndnsive, via Central of Ooonria Railway, for Automobile Rscoa Rnem sleeping car b*rth In advance, at ticket offioe, 603 Cherry it. GEORQIA, Bibb County.—To the Supe rior Court of said Block end M. Block, shows tha!*they desire for thsmselvce, their associates, successors and assigns, to be incorporated under the name and atyle of National H»F. Drain & Storaga Company. 1. Th# capital stock of said coi capital stock of safd corporation •uhii c« twenty thousand dollars, divided Into two hundred shares of the par value office-and place of ompany shall he In Georgia, with the of establishing branch offices i other places t* the company may «. The principal business of said • the city of Mncoi privilege at such desire. The object of said corporation 1* pecuniary gain for the stockholders. •. The particular business which they *— Is as follows; To carry •using In “ desire, to carry t.. on the business of warehou_... ... branches; to receive on consignment, otherwise to store, sell and dlstribi goods on commission or othsr basis; a . --- -“--irwlse ‘ export, Import and othei ■PBPMPBPBIPBBIBRIP deal goods, wares and merchandise of all classes and descriptions; to issue wsrs-i house receipts and certificates, negotla-l hie or otherwise, to persons warehousing goods, wares or merchandise * with th# company; to make advances or loans by way of mortgage, pledge or deposit of warehouse recclpts^ia|m^hM||H^AMmA the goods, wares with the company, or upon any other se ourlty. I To conduct and maintain a general brokerage nnd commission business; to act-as ngent, broker, or attorney. In fact, for any person. Including corporation*, relative to any authorized business of such person or corporations. L To negotiate, make and obtain loans for themselves, or aa agent for others, upon realty or personalty or personal se curity. and to secure such loans In any I way now or hereafter allowed or recog- nixed by law; to buy. sell and generally to deal In stocks, notes, accounts, mortg gages, and all other negotlnhle or non negotiable evidences ot indebtedness. I To manufacture, raise, cultivate, buy. sell nnd deal In all kinds of food prodq bets of a perishable nature or otherwise! to operate and maintain stores, buildings, warehouses, depots and wharf# for stor ing any of the aforesaid article*, and to preserve the same for themselves or for others. In cold storage or by any other meant. J 7. Petitioners pray that they, their asfl soclates. successor* and assigns may be Incorporated for the full term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of aald term, and with the priv ileges nnd powers usual or Incident to corporations In general, and in ndditloaJ thereto the following powers and prlvfl leges: ». To erect, maintain, operate and con-L duet such manufactories nnd work shops, together with suitable plant or plants, and rmchlnarv ns may be neoennarv or eonvenlent for carrying on the business I of the company. L •• To apply for. obtain, register, lease, buy. sell, or otherwise acquire, hold, use, own. operate, or dispose of patents, patent rlahts or privileges. Improvements, se cret roresres, trade-msrkn. trade names or Inventions of any Interest In any of the same; or to use. exercise, develop or grant licenses tn respect of. pr other wise to turn to account any ef said above named properties or rights, hm 10. To buy or sell for casfc^credlt or on eommlKsIon all kinds of property, real or personal, or any interest therein, and to act as agent for othets. 11. To borrow money, to issue bonds or othsr negotiable securities, to secure the same by mortgage, pledge, trust deed or any otherwise and to provide fo»* the payment thereof. 11. From tlmeL^ — Ity vote of the stockholder* to Increase I the capital stock to an amount not ex ceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollar*, and likewise to reduce the capi tal stock by purchase of Its own stcck, the corporation to have the power te| make such purchase*; and upon majority vote of the stockholder* to cbncel or retire ®eu*h purchased ikwk ee to hold fht same In the treasury ot the company as ' :k and to reissue the same to time, provided the total | ■■pm shall, not.exceed dred and fifty thousand dollar*. IE Issue peefereed stock and to dl'pose of the same upon any terms r ' vantageous to tha compan* providing different dividend* np-m different cKasea of stock: the rights of holder* of pre ferred stock to be set forth by the by law* -- To subscribe for, purchase, sell or otherwise acquire or dispose of the ehares, bonds or othsr obligations, i cured or unsecured, of any corporation corporations now or hereafter organised under the lews of any state of the United States or any foreign country, and to hold th# seme with all tho rights of ownership therein m Is permitted to nat ural persons. IS. To sell, to lease, to rent ont or tt otherwise dispose of any of Its property or tbe whole thereof whenever in th# opinion of the directors St t* for th# beat Interest of the company: and under like circumstances ta sell, to negotiate, to let or to hire It* franchise- or other property famnhMHiMawMAwHrifur money. • t!-no by a ms .~khn!d#ra. n tl'* cfT!-crs rr directors shareholder sbsll be liable the credit era of the corporation sxeent to tbs extent of any unpaid balance due b's *• V subsrrfetb n. n-'r then. If be has paid debt# of the oorpomtlon equal subsrrlctlrn. per then. If w eg MeNMB to bis iinnald stock subscrlptl* ■$. Petlttonsra pm loriates. succecs.vrs rct'.t|on*ra pmy that they, their ■MtN, NpMMiHmML b* Inccroorated under the nsme and style -..TIMl the abov* po*-*rs en'1_2?r' QEOftGtA. Bibb County.—T. R, a. ' - bet. elerk of tbe superior court of mid oovnty. do hereby certify thst tbe above Hav. Grain A as* . mv offtrtsl ffeaari! fflea, this Ifth d- Jeati: flerii Superior Co* isrtc^ rf National Pompanv. as S i thtx •fflee. fnro end ef Hreqmdpsi. iwt. QKOROIA. Btbb County—Ta the 8«- psrlor Court of Mid County; ** “ gham. CL B- sham. Leon spectfully shows: First—That they desire for themselves, their associates, aucceuaora and assigns to become incorporated under the name and style of "Willinghams' Warehouse.'' Second—The term for which your petl tloners ask to be Incorporated is th* pe riod of twenty (20) years, with the privi lege of renewal at the expiration of said time. Third—The capital slock of said corpo ration Is to be the sum ;f fifty thousand dollars, ($50,000.00) divided Into shares of one hundred dollars (lluO.OO) each; all of said capital atock of fifty thousand dol lars has been actually paid In. Peti tioners, however, ask tho right, power and privilege of Increasing said capital stock from time to time whenever 'the holders and owners of & majority of ths capital atock in sold corporation may so doslre to any amount not exceeding In architect*. CURRAN R. ELLIS ARCHITECT Ofllco Phone 239. Re.ldtnMi Phon, 141*. Offices—BUJs Bldg. Cherry £t. and Cotton Ava. the aggregate Uts suin of two hundred thousand uuilara ($200,000.00.) Fourth—Ths oLjoct of said proposed corporation Is pecuniary profit and to ils stockholders. Fifth—Tits particular business to —^ • **- conducted by said corporation is that of cotton factors, warehousemen, In all its branches, and dealing generally In sup* plies for farmers and for farm purposes, ths buying and selling of horses, mules and Vehicles of all kinds, the buying and selling and manufacturing of and dealing in commercial fertilizers, and making ot all and any contracts and undertakings necessary und proper tor ths execution and enjoyment of the rights, powers and privileges desired by your petitioners os Herein contained, with the right, power and privllego to uct aa general or special agent or agents for other persons or cor porations in selling, buying and handling on commission or otherwise cotton, coi merclal fertilisers, or any other article articles, or class of articles appropriate to. or generally connectod with the ware house business or th* character of busi ness desired to be conducted by your pe titioners. Petitioners further desire the right, power and privilege of buying, encumbering or otherwise disposing or any real or personal property which may be necessary or advantageous to the pur poses of said corporation, and to take, receive or discount promissory notes, bills of exchsngo or other negotiable se curities in connection with their said business, and to have the same secured, whenever they may so desire, by mort gages. mortgage deeds, deeds with power of sale, deeds of trust, bills of sale, othsr Hens. Petitioners also ask t right and authority to appoint agent agents and to create special agencies anywhere In the state of Georgia they mav deem necessary or proper, and gen erally to make all by-lawa for the gov ernment and conduct of Its said business, together with all the rights, powers and privileges Incident or usual to corpoi tlons of llko kind under the laws of t state of Georgia. . Sixth—The principal office and place of businesa of the proposed corporation Is to be in the city of Macon, said atate and county. Wherefore, petitioners pray by appro priate order and Judgment of the court to he made a body corporate under the name and style afon-^uld. after th* pub lication of this application as required by law. and to be entitled to all the rights, privileges and Immunities, and subject to th* liabilities fixed by ths law of sa" * This the llth day of November, 1903. LANE A PARK. Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA, Bibb County.—L Robert A. Nlsbet, clerk of the superior court ot Bibb county. Georgia, do certify that the foregoing jjetltlon for oharter of Wll ltnghama’ Warehouse, la a true and cor reel copy of tha original petition of file In my office. Witness my hand and seel of office thla the 10th day of November. 1003. (»«» . _ ROBT. A. NISUKT. Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co. da. Contract for Beef MIHedgerille, Ga., Oct 12. 1908. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until the 18th day of of No vember next, at 10 e'etoek a. ra., to fur nish this Institution with beef, as fol- Flrst.—1.000 to 1.200 lbs. good MER CHANTABLE BEEF each day. at such ttm# of the day as may be required. In equal proportions of fore end hind quar ters, the delivery to commence on the 1st day of January. 110$, and continue twelve months. Second.—Good Merchantable WEST ERN BEEF, to be furnished for th# months of January, February, March, April and May. 1.000 to LtOO lbs. each day. for* and hind quarters, and good MERCHANTABLE BEEF for th* seven months beginning June 1st and ending December list, 1909, the same amount aa above to ba supplied dally. Western Beef to be delivered at 8tor* House, freight prepaid. Local Beef to be delivered at storage room. All Beef to be re-wetfhed. Western Beef can be supplied la car load lots. Cars to be shipped so as to meet demand of LM2 to 1,29# pounds beef used daily. Separate bid* can bo made to supply Western Beef only f<* January, February. March, April and May. or to supply both Western and Loca t Beef. only Local Beef for I or 12 Th* money to be paid for th# same monthly, rtfteeo per cent ef the amount due to be retained from each monthly payment as security for faithful perform ance of contract The right le rotary ad to reject any and hit bids. Bids should be marked “To Furnish Beef." and ad dressed to X* J® LAMAR. Steward, j FRANK R. HAPP, Architect. Office! Rooms 22 and 2$ Fourth Na* tlonal Banw Building. Telephone—Re*. 532; Office 990. ALEXANDER BLAIR, Architect. Office Phew, 71. neildenclJ pj,J475. 673 CHERRY 8T. MACON, OA. CHARLES A. CALDWELL, Civil Engineer. WASHINGTON BLOCK. Room 1t-1fc Water supply, water power, eewer- aae and municipal engineering. R«- norts. plans, specifications, estimate* and superintendence. Office Phone 114L P. E. DENNIS. Architect. . , Rooms 703-4-5-8 American National Bank Bldg. Phone M2; Residence phone 2747. CARLYLE NISBET, Architect. Office Phone ,69. Residence 441. Grand Ride. .Macon. Ga. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. W. W. DeHAVEN, . General Contractor and Builder. Resldsncs phone 6M. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Classified advertisements under this head ars Intended strictly for the pro fessions. OCULIST. DR. M. M. STAPLER, t Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Doctors' Floor. American National Bank Bldg. Office Thon*. 2743; residence. 1322. OCULIST AND AURIST. DR. J. H. SHORTER, „ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.* "The Grand" Bldg., next to Court House, Phones: Office. 972; residence. 950. BYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. DR. PRANK M. CUNNINGHAM, ■ye, Ear, Nost, Throat Grand Blda PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. THOS. H. HALL, Eye. Ear. Noce* Throat Specialist, 507-8 Grand Bldg, DR. MARY E. McKAY. Grand Budding. Phones: .Office. 2554; Residence, 1465, DR. W. H. WHIPPLE, Office. 572 Mulberry ct., rooms 4 and 5, Washington Block. Hours: • to 10 a. m.. 12 to 1 and 5 to 8 p. m. Telephone coni nectlons at office and residence. DR. J. J. SUBF.RS, Permanently located. In the special ties vent-real. Lost energy restored. Female irregylaritles and poison oak] cure guaranteed. Address In confidence, with stamp. 110 Fourth st., Macon, Ga. * DENTISTRY. 'i. DRS. J. M. A R. HOLMES MA80N, Dentists. 854 Second «L, Phone 955, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ROBERT L. BERNER, Attorney at Law. Rooms 706-707 American National Bank Building. LOANS Negotiated promptly on im. proved farms nnd city proper- ty on easy terms and at lowest market rates. If you need monev call on us. HOWARD M. SMITH & CO. 5!3 Mulberry St.. MACON. QA. $2,500,000.00 SAFELY LOANED. fiM 16 „ y cars we have loan- ed $2.600,000.00 on Real Estate for home ■nd foreign Investors. Safest and most profitable Investment. Those desiring to « 7°,^ . or .u h ‘ v1 "* money to Invest will find It to their Interest to see us. SECURITY LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO. Ti,._. Cc i n T.t rl; i al - Blnl < Building. Thomas B. West. Secretary and Attorney, Leon S. Dure .Banking and Investment!. Stocks. Bonds, Real Estate. Mortgagti Macon. Ga. ALBERT McKAY, Maker of Men's Clothes, Cherry St., Macon, 6a. Brown House Union Depot—MACON, GA. American Plan..... F. BARTOW 3TUBBB, Proprl.tor. F. W. ARMSTRONO. M.n.g.r, Money (o Lend on Real Estate Well rated commercial paper ind very low rate* on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank Arr * V ** a.m.No °raartl ILlt 71?' dally........ VTi •*. 8U„. *2 div •! aun. e.toiii dally jo.iii W. W. HARDWICK. O. A. t dally. 3WICK. V. ca eca Cherry M> I t vi