Newspaper Page Text
Instead of you fitting them, our
smart clothes, made by wise tailors in
roomy shops will fit you.
The fabrics are the cream of domes
tic and foreign loom products.
The models we are showing are
beautiful in design—some have the
long dip in front while others are
more conservative; the three, four and
five button sack Coats are very pop
ular this season—fancy cuffs are here
in plenty. .
$15 to $90
670 Poplar Street
Phones 326—200.
Best Granulated Sugar, 25-pound sack $1.23
Best Hams, a pound 14c
Baking Powder, }4-pound oan 20c
Salad Dressing, a bottle 20c
Cocoa, %-pound can 8o
Mince Meat, 8o
Evaporated Peaches, a package! 00
Evaporated Apples, a package 10c
New Lobster, a can 22c
Now Seeded Raisins, a package 9o
These are not the email packages, sold by some
stores, but are full size'and best quality.
Mail Pouch Candy, a package 7o
Marshmallow Candy, a paokage 7o
Fancy Apples, a peck v ,.,.40o
Small Grape Fruit, each lc
Florida Oranges, a dozen 12c
P-Nut Butter, a pound 12o
Malaga Grapes, 2 pounds for 25c
Fancy Cranberries, a quart 12o
Cheese Sandwich, Butter Thins, Social Teas, Cocoa-
nut Dainties, 5 O’clock Tens, Fig Newtons, a
package 7c
Oysterottes, 3 packages for 10c
“A&P Special Blend” Coffee, a pound 25c
This is the Coffee the other stores are trying to
imitate. If you get the imitation you will be
New Oats, 2-pound package ...1 9c
Phone 1590, headquarters for the best and freshest
goods at prices that save you money. Imitntion does
not last likcf'the original. Come to A&P Stores for great-
? er values always. ,
! The Great Atlantic-& Pacific Tea Co.
Prices for Today
TEN POUNDS Pure Lard 61.S5
TEN POUNDS Compound Lard 95o
TEN POUNDS Cdttolene $1.18
TEN POUNDS Plantene . .$1.18
TEN POUNDS Best Granulated Sugar 55c
TEN POUNDS Best Head Rice 75o
TEN POUNDS Water-ground Meal 25c
TEN POUNDS Hudnut Grits 30o
TEN POUNDS or one gal. Ga. Cano Syrup 55o
TEN POUNDS Thin Meat, .' $1.25
TEN POUNDS Mackerel (in kits) $1.15
TEN POUNDS Ocean White Fish (in kits) 75o
Macon Cash Grocery Co.
For Sale at $2,500
A two-story, seven-room house, thoroughly modem,
newly papered; within half blook of College St. Splen
did home or investment.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
461 Third St.
Phone 360
For Sale
being built in Ea.t Macon; will
to suit.
ble VinevMe cotta*®; lot wide.
p street hornt-; 10 rooms; built
home; worth the money.
II® lot: will build home for pur-
For a Quick Sale
Nice cottage on comer lot In *ood
neighborhood end growing part of
Jno. F. and W. B. Cone,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans
Phone 206. 607 Cherry St.
Interested Citizens Are Calling for a Full
Vote for Bringing Their Territory
Within the Corporate Limit*.
Tomorrow at 7 o’clock the poll* will
open at PsUaWs V inert lie drug store
for the purpose of allowing the 179 reg
istered voters cast their ballot* for or I
against the annexation of the upper por
tion of yinavllle.
nOf the 179 there are 25 negro voter*.
at strange to ear quite a number bf
three will vote for the annexation. The
more Intelligent of them recognize the
advantages of being within the city limit*,
and are anxious to enjoy them.
It }s said that every negro vote will be
cant, and If this be true there will be
144 white votes, and those favoring an
nexation aay at least one hundred of
these will be east for the Incorporation.
1 Should annexation earr ytomorrow, ft
will be necessary to place a fire engine
company in Vlnevllle for the protection
of that territory. That this will be done
let as early a date U possible seems an
assured fact
As In the case of the territory now In.
the police protection will be given almost
Immediately after the annexation.
It Is aleao probable that as soon as the
result is declared and It Is favorable,
steps will be taken to provide the new
territory with sanitary sewer*. In laying
the system for that part of Vlnevllle now
Incorporated, the trunk lines were left
in such a way that any addlUonai sewers
can be connected and thus form a r
Meta nystem.
It Is this system of sewers that the
citizens seeking Incorporation desire most,
Police and firs protection and the conse
quent reduction of Insurance rates are ns-
■ured, but that which Is uppermost in 1
their minds Is the removal of everything
that tend* to promote disease. They
have seen how the death rate of th* olty
lias been reduced since the sewers weroi
laid, and whtn they look around and see
those causes of sickness that si* not ssl-l
lowed within the corporate limits, they
know their only hope ]* In annexation.
.Jhese are the,.reasons riven by the
qltlgens of the outlying territory, and they
are appealing to those who oppose the
movement to Join them In voting for —
nexatlon tomorrow.
Ordinary Cathartic* and Pills ond
Harsh Physio Causo Distressing
You cannot be over-careful In the
selection of medicine for children. Only
the very gentlest bowel medicine
should ever bo given. Ordinary pills,
cathartics and purgatives are too apt
to do more harm than good. They
cause griping, nausea and other dis
tressing after-effects that are frequent
ly health destroying and a Jlfo lasting
We personally recommend and guar
antee Rexall Orderlies as the safest
and most dependable remedy for con
stipation and asoclate bowel disor
ders. We have such absolute faith to
the aupreme virtues of thla remedy
that we sell It on our guarantee of
money back In every Instance where
It falls to give entire satisfaction, and
we urge all In need of such medicine
to try It at our risk.
Rexall Orderlies contain an entire
ly new Ingredient which Is odorless,
tasteless and colorless. It embraces
all the best qualities of the soothing,
laxative, strengthening and healing
remedial active principles of the best
known Intestinal regulator tonics.
Rexall Orderlies ar» extremely pleas
ant to take, are particularly prompt
and agreeable In action, may bo tak
en at any time, day or night; do not
cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, ex
cessive looseness, or other undesirable
effects. They have a very natural ac
tion upon the .glands and organs with
which they come In contact, act as a
positive and regulative tonic upon the
relax, dry muscular roat of the bowel,
remove Irritation, dryness and sore
ness. overcome weakness, and tone
and strengthen the nerves nnd mus
cles. and restore the bowels and asso
ciate organ* to more vigorous and
healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies not only cure con
stipation. but they remove the cause
of this ailment. They also overcoms
the necessity of constantly taking lax
atives to keep the bowels In normal
There Is really no similar medicine
so good ns Rexall Orderlies, especially
for children, aged and delicate per
sons. They are prepnred In tablet
form and In two sixes of packages: *2
tablets. 10c., and .76 tablets, 25c. The
Taylor*Bayne Drug Co.. Macon.
Poling (foqpt
.. Chickens vs. Turkey.
Bud Williams was down on the dock
et for larceny, which cover* a multi
tude of sins, but in this particular in
stance was something about a tur
A PI tie street cltlsen had laid by a
turkey for his Thanksgiving dinnor,
and the family wore looking forward
to a good dinner of turkey and dress
ing and gravy, with cranberries on
the side. But some tlmd during Tues
day night the turkey was stolen from
the little wood shed In the of the
premises, and as Bud bad been see
ing eyeing the turkey Intently, suspi
cion pointed to him. The cltlxen had
stated all this to the court, end a
woman who lived In the alloy near by
and who was not on good terms with
the Williams family was a witness.
She said:
"Jedge, I didn’t see <H* boy tek
de tukkjr anner never seed ’lm wld de
tukky. hut dat boy sho did git dat tuk-
key. Dat boy doan do nuffln’ In dfa
wul but layer roun’ de allsy an’ de
street er chunkin’ anner rlaln’ er ro«
cun wld cvvybody wot klmmer long*
He de no’countes’ boy I ever did aee,
an’ I Jlss nachly know dat he tuck dat
boy—be >n uw> — — .-W
eral conduct, be I* chnrged with stew
ing a turkeysaid th«v court. Tho
father of the bov was In the room und
had overheard all that had been said.
He was keen enough to know that
while there might be a suspicion, there
certainly was not evidence enough to
convict, but. ho felt In duty bound To
have a word to say. ^ % .
"Jedge, klnncr speaker wud? I lx
dls boy’s farver. I raise dat boy tor
be hones’ an’ dat boy Is de bones’tes*
boy In dlshyer towa. Dat ooman wot
jlss dun talkin’ she prejjls. Jedge. jlss
prejjls. Bhe gottdr aplter gin mer
boy jlss kase he doan tote her wood
In an’ go down town ter git her nlgh-
be»*r. kase dst wot she full up on all
de time. Dat boy fo’ teen year oV die
cornin’ July, anner never did know
uv hs etealln’ er t’lng—notter t’lng.
’Bides dat, Jedge. wot meka me aay
wotter do. lemme ax yer dls. You
know er nlrger. You know wot de
nigger la. You know er nigger got
he failin’ jlss lak'w’lte folksee. You
know er nigger ntfl! stealer fat pulllt
er er rooster, doan kecr cfflt bo or
domfnfeker er er yalfer l«»g. anner nig-
ger Jlss nachly foolish ’bout chlCk’ns
anner ehlck’n gotter roos’ mighty ta'gh
ter git otit’n be retcji. but Jedge. lym*
me ax yer. did y«*r ever know er blgw
ger ter steal er Inkky?"
The court could not recall that In. 1
ell his life he had ever heard of C.
negro stealing * turkey, and bet
Mid so.
"Hyear dat! Hveer det! Kf dat!
tukky got out’n det Wife man’s eont>, i .
twamt no nigger dat got Mm. Fitter
det hndder benner chlck’n wot win:
took’n die boy’s par woulder stayed etj
home dls mawpln.”
There was nothin* to do but u> dls- »
miss the case.
Special Committee Appointed by Local
Lodge of Elks—Will B* Hold First Sun
day In December.
Th* local lodes of Elks will hold its
annual Lodge of Sorrow on the first Sun
day In December, at tho Grand Opera
A committee, consisting of Mesera. C.
R. Wright, chairman. F. A. Williams
and F. It. Happ, has been appointed to
arrange a program, and considerable has
already beep accomplished.
The occasion will be especially notable
In that Hon. Edward Jt. iZincs, of MI1-
cdgavlll#. one of the atata’s best known
and most eloquent speakers, will deliver
the memorial address. His acceptance to
tho Invitation sent him woa received
^An^ai&artlve musical program will be
rendered, with seme of the city’s leading
musicians and singers taking part. Then*
will be a male quartette, a number of
solos, and special music by Guttsnber-
ger*a orchestra.
The* Elks’ Ixxlge of Borrow Is not only
a highly Interesting but a very impres
sive service, and one that appeals to
hundreds. It Is always attended by every
member of the local lodge and by other
genual'! *
Elks, and by the public gene;
Seven Year* of Proof,
”1 have had seven year* of proof
that Dr. King's New Discovery Is tho
beet medicine to take for coughs and
cold* and for every diseased condi
tion of throat, chest or lungs,” savs
W. .V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. Tho
world has had thirty-eight year* of
proof that Dr. King’s New Discovery
is the beet remedy for cough* and
cold*. Ju grippe, asthma. Stay fever,
bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungx
and the early stages of consumption.
Its timely use always prevents the
development of pneumonia. Sold un
der guarantee at all drug store*. 60c.
and >1.00. Trial bottle free.
On one lot of
These are somewhat bro
ken up in sizes, but YOUR
size is in some of them.
$25.00 Coats
20.00 ”
15.00 “
12.50 ”
See some of them
in Our Windows
Property Is Among the Most Valuable
Assets of the Exchange Bank—Public
Auction On December 15.
The receivers of the Exchange Bank
will sell sofoe of the Institution's most
valuable realty assets at public auction,
In front of tho court house, on December
15. permission having been grantod by
Judge Felton.
Tho greater part of this property Is lo
cated near Lorain*. either In Bibb or
Monroe county, and consists of highly de
veloped farming lands, with Improve-
ments. The list that will bo offered for
salo Is a* follows:
Nlsbet place. 803 acres, with ten tenant
houses and 20-acre forest: Orr gin place.
101 acres; Lockott place, 145 acres; Sear
cy place, 113 acres; Howard place, 51
acres; part of Hass place. 130 acres; part
of Hass place, 44 acres: part of Bowman
plaro. 135 acres; part of nowman place.
117 acres; part of Howmun place, 131
acres; part of'Huguenin place, 1P1 seres:
part of Huguenin riser. 123 acr**( part
of Huguenin place, 103 seres. More than
1.000 acre* or the best fanning lands In
this part of the stato will bo disposed of
at tho sale nnd many persons, other than
rfcnl estate agents and land buyers, are
exported to make bids. The fact that
this sale will ba held was ennounoed yes
The receivers hope to realize sufficient
money from the sale of these lands to
make payment of the fourth dividend of
20 per cent before Christmas, Thera Is
not now enough money on deposit to
make this payment, but the amount Is
expected to be greatly augmented after
tho sales.
Restraining Publication of Photograph.
A statute of New York prohibits the
use. for advertising purposes, of the por
trait or picture of any living person with
out first obtaining his written oonsent.
or, If the person bs ajnlnor. the consent
of his giuirdlnn. In MVyatt v. Wans*
maker. JIG New York .Supplement. 900.
plntntlff alleged minority nnd that defen
dant had been using her name and por
trait without permission. Defendant al
leged that the picture had been taken In
consideration of a reduction In price
granted to professional actors under an
agreement that such pictures might be
photographer, and that plain-
. .Id by the _
tiff was known ns a professional. The
New York aupreme court held these de
fenses Insufficient, saying that the
statute requiring wrltton permission
could not bo evaded thus.
CARROLLTON. (3a., Nov. II—Hon.
J. P. Webb, sheriff of Cat roll county,
died last night at * o’clock of Inflam
mation* cf the heart.
Mr. Webb has been sheriff of this
county for four years and had Juat
been elected, without opposition, for
a third term. HJ* death comes as 4
.surprise to his most intimate friends.
5 nd will be a great shdek to the p«o-
lc of the county.
Mr. Webb was buried at RaspvUI*.
this county, today mil o’clock by the
Masonic fraternity.
Ploughs deep When we re
gret. There Is no regret
when yyu have in the home
a bottle of Oowan'e Prepara
tion which prevents and Cures
all ailments where inflamma
tion Is the seat of the trou
ble. External. 2ic; 6O0; 51.
All druggists. Croup. Pneu
monia—you know what It la
—be prepared.
For Sale
I’vo a nice seven-room Cot
tage in Vineville, in a good lo
cation for eaie cheap, and o.
liberal terms.
Are you intorcstcdt
Frank B. West
Real Estate and Insurance,
417 Cherry St.
Wo match quality with prico, but nover sacrifice
quality for prico.
TO ILLUSTRATE:—Wo arc selling Atmore’s Mince
Moat today from 12 l-2o to 25o a pound. Wc have coun
try Eggs at 30o dozen; wo also have Eggs one dozen to
carton (scaled)'at 40o dozon, both aro good. Wo supply
Fruit Cake nt 30c, and it’s good; our GOo grade is hotter
and worth tho price, nnd so it is on all classes of mer
chandise. Your trado solicited for everything good to ent.
Flournoy Grocery Co.
You Cst Clean
Pure Whiskey
S O 9°
••■a Gal,
ONE 00 QA or Two Gallon
GALLON 0Z.3U Bottles fir.;!., .
P ur ?* 1 goods In gallon kiThh I
don't .leak, don’t seek'and are perfectly clean,
what yea buy. Th# remarkable guarantee wa nra I
I making pa Golden Vatisy Corn or Rye Whiskey and tho un- I
BbrenihFith r *i U0 .i°Whiskey Itself has roaJs these fine old I
most widely used In the Houth.
IH«th are medicinal Whiskies of the highest order cominir I
II WfiLM «W“C*"**t“\£? r"h n °„o'f C n«or*
IiinjduU.rtttd. unw,,k,n,d »» puM and healthful eun-
lll»hl. Even Mi. fallen Ik,til. In which It I, I, ,
l!. r . , Jf , f you — 111 There I. nothin* cheap about o
WM.k»r «^Pt th, prico. Try It. I. nil wo ark. Wo |
rhlVPfnA "^Ih.lfepey 3 r 4er or cashless
I ♦.i.TinVJrA * FO to you by first Lxpress prepaid In
J p R/e or Corn whiskey.
Ifhli. vnnn or Hradstreet. First Notional Bank. J
■ Chattanooga. Bead for Complete CetslogM of Wet Ooede A
101B Client nut 8t., Chattanooga, TVnn.
"Eat. drink and be merry.” Don’t spoil
the feast with a leaking Roof, nor mar
the festivities by bad PlumblngTn the
house. Phone tor me In time.
Phone 531. 320 Third 8t.
is no longer with
and this big 'horse and mule emporium
will In the future be run by Mr. lien L
Jones and his eoo. Mr. W. H. Jones.
Southern Packing Co.
Choicest Nntive mul Western
620 Cherry St. Phono 351,
5 Gallons for 60c, If You
Send For It. B
407 Second St.
| JcalVowfj
litn Chapter, No. Io4, |». A. M., this
(Friday) nlRlit st 7:30 d. m.l members
Constantine Chanter and visiting tQm-
panhwH fraternally Invlled. O. O. Tools,
If. I’.; C. F. Btroberg. Becty.
WANTEJD—Lsdy agent for attractive
article: good ssllsr; good profit. Ad
dress "D.” cars Telegraph,
WANTRD—Brifht. nut. nun, Mr to
1.arn hnlr dr«nln*. Apply Ctmnurelll
Rank nia,.. Mr,. T. J, DUhop.
FINKBT line of everything good to oat.
Flournoy’s. •
POR yotm fruit oak,. layer like, rry»-
tallxnd citron, oranso pe.l, l.mon pe.K
eecrfml ral.ln, eml currant,. All frrali
■lock. Oicar Dindloy. Phonea
YOtiNQ MAN woulrt Ilk. 'a confcranoe
with «omeon« ne.cllntt the eervlcee til
a thoruukhly cumpetenl en'l txp.’.Ull '8(3
i>mn man; at .nrexent roelllnn le moro
object then eainry. Accounlant. core
WANTRD—Dealrabl# party or parties for
elegantly furnished neatly kept room:
hot baths same floor and phono. No. 40$
Spring st.
WANTEp—Table boar Cera; aleo oeou-
panta for a nice, lar,e room. 117 Pop.
lur »t
WANTBD-Oentlemen Trcerdera *0*1
Walnut et.: board! food terme; reaeon,
WANTBB—To, to know we five Btfkt
Inetruotlon In all brmnehee at Stanley'#
Ruelnee, Collef,.
WK WANT to empbaelxe the fact that
the phenomenal eucceea of our atu-
donte !■ net a matter of '« a
matter of tralnlnr. Stanley', Buelneee
College, Macon. <la.
FOR RENT—Thrse-room house. I/«s ail house, Fprt Hill st: lots for
■ale user colored school, FJtst Maport,
•ssv terms. A. D. Quinlan, renting
agent Fhone 1022.
N, 0°al? t^rvut
Phone $794.
FOR RENT—A comfortably furnished
bed room. «71 Mulberry el
FOR RENT—Nice furnished room, 758
Oak st. Phone 8641.
EXTENSIVE Une of Thanksgiving edi
bles. Flournoy’s.
FOR HUNT—Two furnlehed room, with
Une. to couple without children, or single
perrons. Phono till, or apply at 772
Oak at
FOR RENT—Nlna-room house HP Park
Plaro: excellent location; fronta para
nnd cor lint; conveniences both floors.
“D." care Telegraph.
FOR RENT—Nice 6-room Mttsg#; straw
berry plants and bees for sals by A.
Honker, Holt avo.
FOR RENT two newly furnished front
rooms, 216 Washington avsnue. Phone
rOR RENT, three connecting room.;
jajflwr 1 Vhon ” ”•
close in and convefilrnt. Address Rooms,
care Telegraph.
FOR RENT—Eight-room house, 710 For-
ayth at., near Oranne: Ui 1 Elm tb;
770, 769, 763 Ash at. 8. L. Harts, corner
Orange and Forsyth sts.
FOR RENT—Three or four room* In boat
part of dty. Phons 2426-L,
FOR OOOD rooms and board go to the
Olymplf Hotel; merchant's dinner 26
cents. W. T. Ragan, prop.
FOR RENT—Two Al ground floor office*
In Washington block: atoam hsat end
Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma-
oon Savings flank.
FOR WALE—One JJurrough'a adding ma-
ohlno; good as new; cheap. Apply E.
n. Weatherly. 420 Cher ry st
OABOLTNE. laupch. thirty-foot long, for
sale at a bargain. Address Launch,
rare Telegraph.
FOR BALE—Two cheap horses: biggest
ot bargains. Call at 207 Appleton ave.
FOR BALE—Ten-horse Schofield steam
engine and boiler; good running order;
$160 for outfit. Macon Telegraph,
FOR BALE—Goss perfecting preee. with
pemmete stereotype outfit; nod order;
prints 4 or 8 pare*: 11.260 fob Macon.
Address Telegraph, Macon. Ga.
PLACE your orders for Thanksgiving
turkey#; we will give you freah coun
try turkey, dressed or live; also remem
ber us when In need of fish, oysters,
celery, cranberries and gam* of all kinds,
phone 4(8 and 641. Daniel A Dioxin-
FRENCH pea,, muehromu, Bar Im Due,
Neufchatet ebeeee. nuumoy'a.
PUMPKINS, kerehawe. turkey., ermnber-
rlee. for your Tlixnkralvlnf. Oecar
Hr a/1 ley, Phonee HI. e«J. ,
DRK**Kf> turkey*, plneapplee, 'MV/-
rlee. eeleet „« fooC. Mnron Fleh Co.
PhonM IH and tu. Flret et.
BTOVE8 REPAIRED wltliout removal;
any part of etov« duplicated with new;
prompt attention. Ring 1681 -J, The glove
DEBT HAMB. fresh country rage and
creamery butter. Lyons Oro. Co.
■Phone 2776.
926.000 TO I#NI>
money. No delg. ..
Clt(sens’ Natl. Lite Rldg.
Finest Trucking Lands and CllmaS# fra
the ftouth.
8. K. Alabama, ll acres In 6-year-eld
aBpar&RUS heaa. nig tnnniiv nnmal
ll. * i •• I ht .-r -V,,,, |||W „
L A ft.
MONET TO LEND on real astato. repay
able monthly. J. J. Cobb. Commercial
fk flavins* Bank.
DRESSED turkeys, plneapplos, cranber
ries. select sen food- Hnron Fish Co.
Pbonss 874 and 258. 485 First st
GERMAN saucr kraut
Oscar Bradley. *'
‘"•It n.iv. r Hill vr.XH at 1 '1 '
PHONE 4CI er US for dressed nr Hvo
turkeys. Draa««d nr llvn poultry: all
kinds of chnloe fresh .(1*h, Brunswick
M id Appnlachlrnla oysters; game of all
nds. wild duck. Shrimp, c elery and
ernnherrlea. Daniel St IsiasIngHtue, 585
Poplar st.
, — years; easy 1
iicu demand. 8* fine pai^-r ■ncu paeoi
trees; nice new residence racing LAN
Railroad; racking houses; % mil# station;
near thrtfung growing town; R. K. D. at
gate; high, healthy, good people. g*aron-
te.-d 16 per cent on purenas* price nest
March; crop fine; have easy, steady in-
ome; chance of your life. Write qulak to
Eugene M. Humph. Marshallvlllo, Ga.
S. S. Par melee
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carte
Harness, Saddles. Bicycles, Baby Car
riages, accessories.
Largest stock In the Boutb to select
from. A pleasure to serve you.
S. 8. PARMEl.EE CO. Macon, Qa.
Best Kansas City loin steak. 15**.: round
steak and joaats, 1214c. Corner Spring
$1,100.00—An elegant 10*room dwell
ing. situated on tho top of Fort Hill.
In Bast Macon. It is on a half sera
lot. and hoa every convenience—gen,
electricity, hot and cold water, nnd
stable. Windmill and tank go with
pin co. Can muko terms—A BAR
IS,760.00—Flvo n«»gro houses In good
condition renting tor $480.00 per an-
qum. This over IS per cent On amount
$2.750.00—Will buy tour new houses
renting for $81.00 per month; in gond
renting locality and close In. Good
Investment and always rents.
$1,100.00—Tenant property renting
for $16.00 per month and NO CITY
We also have $12,000.00 to lend on
good Real Katate at 7 end i per cent.
Murphey & Taylor
Real Estate, Loans and
Citizen’s Nat’l Bank Building
For Sale
Nos. 607 and 509 Mulberry street; two-
story brick building on lot .'10x210, Ground
floor for business purpose* amt rooms
W«w 5-r dwelling aril 4 acres in Ba'.’o-
fk vtn-room residence and 10 aeros neot
C lib, acres lsvsl land with now nnd still-
StonUol Improvements and splendid orch
ard. Only a llttla way out from Macon.
560 m rea und good improvements neat
Barnesvllle. In Hike county, Uu.
825 acres near .Forsyth, In Monroe
1.010 aeres in tlurko nnd Janklns coun-
aonT**! produnft 0>> * ulB cot '
610 acres near Holton. IQ acres original
Varner Hotel and 3 acres flne land at
Indian Spring, "
Have f
1 on long thrift At 7 1
• cent.
H. Horne
Qrand Building, Phone 454.
Store, 461 Cherry struct.
Store, 604 ami 606 Fourth street; rail
road track facilities. _
Pecond and Third floor Evening News
Storage space at English Compress
Building, Southern Railroad track faclll-
t ttf. wpMJaf*
•r. dwelling, 417 and 469 New street,
l-r. dwelling, 30 Carling arenas.
•r. cottage Houth CoUegn stieet.
•t, cottage, I.ynn eve.. Vhiovllle (new)
tsmiffl ttfAta.iar
Elegant apartment* In Dr. Frasler’a
new apartment house of », 6, » t>r Jf
rooms. Hteam heat, water end janitor
i«rv|r„ furnished.
Money to lend on Improved real estate
at I and 7 per cent, According to location.
For Rent
No. 120 Second St
No. 414 Fourth St
No. 463 Second Ht.....
No. 666 Poplar 81
No. 403 Mulberry Ht...,
No. 616 Poplnr 8t.
To Loan
Geo. 8. Turpin Sons
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans.
No. 353 Third 8t. Phone 77.
Rent List
226 Bellevue Are*, l-r..........$I».60
113 Clayton Ave., 6-r $22.60
686 college, 9-r $17.50
428 Carling, 6-r. $20.00
742 College. 6-r $36.00
Cor. Carling ond Rembert. II.II. $25.00
810 Duncan Ave., !ML, 6-r... .$18.00
126 Holt St.. 0-r $22.’>0
Johnson Avo., II.H., 6-r $17.60
Lynn Ave, VinevlUe, 6-r.. $20.00
622 Monroo, 8-r. 820.00
1062 Oglethorpe. 6-r 814.00
1171 Oglethorpe, 7-r 825.00
147 Rose Park, 8-r, two baths.
660' Poplar 8t
Store and dwelling. Cor. Colton
Ave., and Pine St., dwelling 6-r $80.00
B. A. Wise Co.!
Washington Blook.
For Sale
A bargain In a suburban home di
rectly on car line In one of the best
suburban sections of Macon. Good
five-room cottage almost new. .Vie
has long frontage on car Une and couM
be subdivided Into four or five first
class lota after leaving very large lot
for the house. W* can make terms
If dsafrsd. Price $4,009.
Georgia Loan & Trust Co.
565 Mulberry 8tr*et.
Immediate Possession. >"
467 Duncan Ave.. 6-r. 126.09
H Hill Park 8t., 7-r 827.:.'*
130 Highland Ave.. 6-r 820.00
680 Washington Ave., 4-r $18."'»
Cleveland Ave., 6-r $18.00
10X Clayton 8t., 5-r $18.00
221 Duncan Ave., 6-r. $20.go
400 Ross St.. 6-r 825.on
408 Ross St, 6-r $22.50
116 Cleveland Ave., 8-r.........$20.00
2U9 Carling Ave., 6-r... xxu.ou
45 Wblto Mb, l-r $12..-ri*
110 draco Ave.. 8-r .$12.-0
185 Piedmont Ave., 6-r $12.50
112 Lnmnr St.. «-r $25.00
2008 Third St.. 6-r $15.00
421 Boundary St, C-r $20.00
Johnson Ave.. 5-r $18.00
509 Hawthorne St. 6-r $12.00
138 Rembert Avo.. 7-r $27.50
Reel Estate, Snsurano* and Loans.
Phone 1130. Fourth Net. Bank Bldg.
G. S. & F. RY.
Schedule Effective Oct. 18, IMA
11i30 a. m.. No, 1, Through Train to
Florida, carries Observation Par
lor cur und coaches. Slacon ta
Jucksunvtile via Valdosta: eon-
nuctloii made for Whit* Bprings.
Lake City, paiatka.
4;06 p. m.. no, 6, "Shoo-Fly, N Ma
con to Valdosta aud all later-
■ mediate points.
12:25 a. m., No. 3, "Qsorgla South
ern Kuwaiieo Limited.” Macon to
Jacksonville via Valdosta. Oolid
train will: Georgia Ho a them and
Florida. Twelve rioctlon Draw
ing Boom Sleeping Car; open at
*:20 p. m. In the Union Depot
MakeH connection at Jacksonville
for all poIntH In Florida.
12:15 a. m., No, 95. “Dixie Flyer/*
coachra and Pullman alespars.
Macon to Tlfton, en rtmte from
Ht. Louis and Chicago to Jack
4:16 a. m„ NO. 4, ’'Qsorgla South
ern Limited,’’ from
Jacksonville and Paiatka. local
alcsper Jacksonville to Maaon;
phesrnKrra Stn remain In iccal
sleeper In Union Depot at Ma«on
until 7:*0 *. nr,
3:25 a. m„ No. 94, “Dixie Flyer/’
coaches and Pullman siepere
Tlfton to Macon, en route from
Jacksonville to Bt. Louis and
11:30 a. m.. No. 6, "flhoo.Fly/* from
4:26 p. m.. No. 9, from Rslstks.
Jarksonvllle ana nil Intm-medtate
points l'nrlor observation Oar
Jacksonville to Macon.
C. B. RHODES, Oan. Pass. Agent.
Macon. Qa.
For cash two medium prietd ■
lose la.
8ch*duls offootivo 8*pt. 30, 1908.
M.&B. 1
9. F. PARROTT, Receiver.
Trains leave Macon for Llsel-
la, Culloden. Yatcavlllo. Thomas- ,
ton, Woodbury, Columbu*. Har
ris, La Grange and intermediate
points a« follows:
No. 41 at 4:15 p. m. dally sad
No. 55 at 7:00 *. m. Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday.
No. 41 makes direct connec
tion with Southern Railway at
Woodbury f^r Warm Springs
und Columbus, arriving at Warm
Springs r;17 p. m. and Colura-
but 10:00 p. m.
Train* arrive Macon as fol-
lows: 42. 11:36 a. m. dally;
No. 66. 5:40 p. m.. Mondays.
W’rdnesdaya nnd Fridays.
Trains leave fr<?m M. and H
Ry depot, Fifth and Pine ats.
C. B. RHODES, Gen. P*s«. Agt.
Phone 1800.
eplendldly tmprovad
near Macon; every beet oondltloci
make grand country he
and Departure of Paaeengep
Improved etty lota that pay
Effeetlva March 16. 1*0*.
1 questions for return of .
I j. Carstarphea, 466 Braend *L
I Me. 20 3:.10pm| No. 17.
_..J depart trees _
ot. J. A. 8TREYI
Oeneraj Paieenger