Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 22, 1908, Image 16

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— 1 \ THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, I90S JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of those nobby celebrated STETSON HATS We have them in all the new shapes and styles. Call and inspect them for they are sure winners. STAR CLOTHING CO. DAVE WACHTEL 200,000 Free Dinners to Go to Poor on Thanks giving Day. FOR METROPOLITAN TABLE CMJton*f. OmlOrm. nna kwwi t* wall. of OmlwAe *i»4 CTaj&wijjjvo. ' foMrrkaoo. sW«t, while* sSSsarvwsi H. J. LAMAR A CO., 612 Ch wry of.. Marcoo. or by moll from 7rv# Tarrant Co. 44 Dudaon at.. Now York. ARCHITECTS Brown Souse Cppoolta Union Dapot—MACON, CA. American Plan r. BARTOW STUBBS. Proprietor. F. W. ARMSTRONG M.n.g.r, * ALBERT MoKAY, Maker of Men’s Clothes, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Monej lo Lend on Real Estate Well rated commercial psjp and very low rates on Mi kctitble neonritiee. Macon Sayings Bank WANTED For oaah two medium prlcad realdei FOR SALE BOAT Mseon; vary condition; would . madia arand country home. Yunna in various localities, lumber I an da, vacant lota In different parte of dtp. flararal improved city lota that pay wall aa In vestments. JONES REAL ESTATE AQENOY 8oh,dal, .n.ctlv. 5»pt. SO, IMS. M.&B. i. r. PARROTT, Receiver. MACON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY. Trains leave Macon for Llaal- 1». CnUoden. Yatesvtlle. Thomas, ton. Woodbury. Columbua, liar- rU. La Grange and intermedtata points aa fcittftws; No. 41 at 4:26 p. m. dally and No. M at 7:M a. m. Turaday, Thursday and Saturday. K«. 41 tnakea direct connec tion with Southern Railway at Woodbury for Warm Nprlnga sad Columbus, arriving at Warm Bprtan 1:17 p. m. and Colum bus 10:00 p. ra. Trains arrive Macon aa fol- bwt: 42. 11:26 a. m. dally; wo. It, 6:40 p. m.. Mondays, Wednradaya and Fridays. Trains laav# from M. and B. Jr dapot. Fifth and Pina alt. C. B. RHODES, Gan. Pais. Aol. Phone 1100. I-H CURRAN R. ELLIS ARCHITECT Offlco Thone 219. Residence Phone 2611. Offices--Ellla Hldf. Cherry St. and Cotton Ava. MACON. OA. To Be Accompanied by Half a Million Quarts of Cranborrloo—Tho Poor of Gotham Who Nevar Gat a Square Maal Any Oth%r Time Look Anx- louaJy Forward to This, Thair Feast Day—Father Knickerbocker Boasts That Nobody Goes Hungry Withiw Hit Gates on This Oecaaion. deuuate one.’ In It hr horae show. the i circus, the larger 9 greatest FRANK R. HAPP, Architect. Offlcet Rooms 22 and 26 Fourth Na ALEXANDER BLAIR, Architect. Office Phone 7L •76 CHERRY ST. Raaldance Phone 1471, MACON, OA. CHARLES A. CALDWELL, Civil Engineer. WASHINGTON (LOCK. Room li-ll. Water supply, water power, sewer- 1« and municipal engineering. Ra* . >rta, plana, spaclflcatlona, estimate* and auparlntandanca. Office Phone 1142. MACON. D^.UN^JAVANNA RAIL- Effective Marsh ts, 1901. essar ssa Trasttgr 5 f Paaeencar Agent Arrival dally ifTfTi Oeperti a ».Na 1 d*fly I . % ft** i W. W. HARDWICK, a. A,. ** T. ' V — VJ « . •OS Cherry St. P. B. DENNIS. Ar-.hltact. Rooma 703-4-6-6 American Natlona Dank Oldg. Phone M2{ Rtaldanca phone 2747. CARLYLE NISBET, Architect. Offlca rhona 469. Residence 141. Grand nidg. Macon. Ga. CONTRACTINO AND BUILDING. W. W. DsHAVIN, Otnersl Contractor and Bulldar. Raaldanco phono 696. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Clatalflsd advertisements under thla head are Intended strictly for tho pro. feselona. OCULIST, DR. M. M. STAPLER, Ere. Bar. Note and Throat. JFlcnr American National Bank Bldg. Office Phono. *743; reatdanea. 1141. OCULIST AND AURI6T* DR. J. H. (HORTtR, * Eye, gar. Noa* and Threat "Tha Grand" Bldg . next to Court Honaa. 1 •hones: Office. *71; realdanca, (60. LYE. BAB, NOSE. THROAT. OR. FRANK M. CUNNINGHAM, Kr,. Ear, N,„. Throat. Grand Bldg. PHYSICIANS AND SURQEONS. OR. TH08. H. HALL. Kjr». Bar. Noa^ Throat Rpoclaltat. I0?.| Grand UM(. DR. MARY E. McKAY. Grand Building. Pbonra: Office, 2564; Residence, 1415. OR. w. H. WHIPPLB, at., room, 4 and 1. \Vaahlnatcn Hliyk. flour, • lo JO a. m.. II to i and » to < r ra. Tri.pnona con- nrrtlnna at omr, and rMtdanc,. OR. J. J. SUBURB, Wrraanrnll, locitrd. tn tha apaclal- ttaa vanrrMl. Lo,t rnrrtr roalorM. K.mal. IrrrtuUntlr, and polaan oak; cur; ffuarant.rd Addma In oonltdrnca, with atamp. IK Fourth at., Macon. Oa DENTISTRY. DRSa J. M. A R. HOLMES MASON. Dentists. *54 Second at.. Rhona HI. attorney, at law. ROEERT L. BERNER. _ Attorney at Law. SSiXg! 01 ™ Am * rtc ^ National Rank NEW YORK, Nov. 21.—One million Turkeys, ducks nnd other fowl art un tholr way to supply the Thanksgiving day requirements of this city, while half ns many quarts of cranberries will be needed here to furnish the essential ncconip;irJment of the great American feaat day. This, at least, la j file estimate of wholesale dealers In' these supplies. Moreover, the good things to eat will be more evenly di vided among the wholo population than they are on any other oecaaion There are two hundred thousand per sona In New York who never get a square meal except opce a year—on Thanksgiving day -according to veteran worker for ono of the city' charitable organisations. Of course not all this grciyl army Is made up of unemployed or dependent persons, but It represents those who are habitually underfed. Ori Thanksgiving day, how ever, It Is the proud boast of Father Knickerbocker that nobody need go hungry within his gates. Dinners, at eac*h of which thousands are fed, aro given by charitable Institutions, by g uh(le and religious associations nnd y Tammany politicians like the Sul livans of the lower East Side who this years are planning a ‘'feed" fop some three thousand Floweryltes, regardless of political affiliation, although that usually may be taken for granted. Thn 'dinners of this sort already an nounced will bo sufficient for fully 7f»,000 persons, while the free basket meals distributed) to poor families In the tenements probably will aggregate an equal number. Asldo from all this there are thousands of well-to-do men and woman who make a practice ot supplying Thanksgiving cheer to a number of families less fortunately circumstanced. This form of help will reach 50.000 more, so that It la safe to say that practically nobody In New York will he suffering from hun ger on Thanksgiving day, a condition that could not bo duplicated on any other day In the year. Even the Immi grants on Kills Island* get their first Introduction to # the typical American holiday by a rousing dinner In which turkey and cranberry sauce figure. IS h characteristic of New York to pay special attention to the favor He Thanksgiving day form of chnrlty, for lt. be sold and the property cut up Into building lota It la hard to fljpire bow the city would be able to find a substitute for. It For years Madison Square Garden has been n center for gatherings and ex hibitions attracting large crowds and of late years f*-- — * * -* '—* * take place automobile winter uthU EliiiSi« ... tbs public eye. Previous to that time It served aa a railroad station, but for the last forty-seven years It has been the largest amusement place In the country. The present building Is the most noted of the architectural creations of the late Stanford White, and it waa on the roof garden thank curiously enough, that he waa shot. The garden wa« completed only In 1610, but has never been a protl able Investment and for several years ru mors of the sale of the property have cropped out from time to time. Borne seven or eight years ago It was reported that the ground would be used for the erection of a mammoth department store, and later it wns considered as a site for “»c new postofflre. Should the property »w be sold Juvenile s*w York would fohably ithed a good many tears Iher building In the country haj itertalned so many children. Society's Doorkeeper Dead. Cloaely following the death of his moat distinguished patron. Mrs. Astor, there Ifcsscd away In this city u man who In Ins way waa an equally important per* •onags In fashionable society, but whose ualstenca waa practically unknown out* aide its ranks. This was Frank Johnson who for many years has had charge ol the "outside arrangements" for almost •very wedding or other Important func tion given by members of the 40#. Ills particular qualification waa that he knew by sight every socially prominent man and woman In the city and waa able to prevent uninvited Persons from securing admission to those select afTnlrs without submitting real guests to the indignity of abowing their cards. *' ~ wns unique and lie bus to take his plan* In n r Inr need Of the socially elect His profession 't no successor ing this psntlcu Benjaman H. Barr,Deserted, Determined to Save Worn an He Loves there Is no city In the country where good eating and plenty of It la held In higher esteem. Real 8pook Worth $10,000, The latest quotations on ghosts show tlmt a real spook la worth 610,- 00ft in cash to any <>ne who can pro* dure him and ‘put him—or hep- through paces which will absolutely establish hi* authenticity beyond tho NEW YORK. Nov. 21—There arriv ed from Chicago today lo start a new home In this city, the hero and heroine of an unusual middle-aged romance— Benjamin H. Ihtrr. an author, and Gertrude Iiarr. his beautiful wife. The trip front the West la a real honeymoon, though they have been married for 20 years, for It follows a reconciliation of a rare sort. Mrs. Bnrr, on September 22, eloped with Edwin Churchman, a rich New York merchant. Her husband vow ed to devote the rest of hla life. If necessary, to following and finding her. Ho did not want to shoot the man who had taken her away. He simply wanted hla wife back. So, witlvmt friends he started hla search and re covered her. "Mother and I are coming home hap. py." he wired yesterday to his 19-year- old son, William. "Rent furnished apartment and be ready to greet us. "DAD." The only unhappy flgnfre In the affair Is Mrs. Edwin Churchman, the wife of th* man who carried off Mrs. Bn from her husband. She llviia In splendidly furnished brtrwn-stone homo i In Twenty-ninth street J nnd has ben This Is the dreatest Street by Long Odds in the World. • ' THE STREET, LIVES EVERY HOUR OF TWENTY-FOUR Legs Than a Century Ago* the Cows Pasturing on'the Peaceful Acres of The Old Astor Farm Wars Almost Its Only Tenant*—Now More Money Every Day is 8pant in This Great Thoroughfare for, Food, Drink and Amusement Than In Any Like Area In th* Universe—Thirty Million Bus inesa Transactions During Every 24 Hours. NEW YORK. Nov. 21—The great est street In the world la in America. London may have Its Strand and Pic cadilly. Paris Its Bola du Boulogne and Champs Elysets, and Berlin Its Unter den Linden; but. viewed from any aspect except that of mere age. Broad way-New York’s Brand way— la ahead of any two of them put together." Bo said the man who had just re turned from a. trip of several months through Europe. He <tvas typical of those who have had the opportunity of comparing the most celebrated thor- oughfare in the United States with others more or leas known to fame In foreign countries. Even the New Yorker, who takes for granted almost all the good and bad qualities of hla city, grows enthusiastic when Broad way Is mentioned. Reason for this Is easily understood by those who know the long. Irregular thoroughfare which runs from tip to tip of Manhattan Island. It is not merely that Broadway Is the most Im portant street In town. Other streets and sections have made more or less fleeting bids for popularity, but as the FOR WEDDING AND ANNIVERSARY GIFTS, FOR DECORATING THE HOME, FOR SOMETHING OF PERMANENT VALUE. Sterling Silver, Rich Cut Glass and Fine China Have Always Been and Always Will be the Recognised Standard. THE PLAGE TO GET IT IS / L. 0. STEVENS JEWELRY STORE 366 Second Street. Draying Darsey Drays ■ng Ia a comfort. When Dareey*s dray leavea with a load It will not come back via the repair shop. Darsey builds three styles and sizes of drays. They are all good— 6100, 6106 and 6110. We’ll show you tho difference when you calL J. W. Darsey 651 THIRD ST, S lay them, for a hammer and nails is all that is necessary. Drop In and See Them. CENTRAL GEORGIA PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. —165 COTTON AVE.— growth of the city has __ northward the famous old street has i crowd? which, further maintained Its supremacy. Fifth Avenue Not in It It ta significant that one never hears actor singing. "Take Me Back to products of every part of tho world. ...... ..... ... ... lct The consisted majority Fourteenth street la ment stores, whlcl succeeded the wholesale establish : chiefly of i of women i ten about the avenue, Its fame Is trans itory. Even In Its palmiest days Fifth nvanfflT represented nothing charac teristic except wealth. Now business la rapidly driving olut tho costly resi dences. forcing Ihcm Into side streets and to the newer fashionable sections further updown. Almost the entire length of the thoroughfare below On- ments, ale thronged with smartly dressed shoppers. The .... been moving rapidly uptown, and has shopping section of Broadwny has moving rapidly uptown, and has crowded out a number of hotels and the aters. Its northern limit Here at Thirty-fourth street, too. is the moat crowded spot In the world. By care ful computation, more than 1.500,000 per- pasa here every day, and this num ber will be still greater when the Pennsylvania terminal Is completed, ana the tunncla under the North and East rivers meet near by. Region of Hotels and Theaters. Above Thirty-fourth atreet extends "the Rialto," "the Great White Way." "Cam pagne Alley"—to quote a few of the pet region of hotels, restaurants and theaters, i Tomes Square la the capital of this gay aum for .. , twenty. All that n ghojit has to do to get this money for the medium by whom he Is controlled—for n ghost obviously cannot couldn’t use the money—la to h* successful In one 'simple teat. This test consists In enabling the medium to tell how tunny trill Park I. already Riven over to hue Inca, the kind that keeps dovllaht hours—office bulldlnga. wholesale sales room*, and retail shops. After night fall It Is comparatively silent and de serted . When Electrics Begin to Glow. Broadway, on the other hand, lives . _ . . „ „ every moment of every twenty-four hours. ■ principality. Leas than a century ago the who carried off Mrs. Barr ..... Hnvilcht fades the electrics begin cows pasturing on the peaceful acres of usband. She llvis In a , , th( , worM ar0 the old Astor farm were almost Its only umlshed brft-wn-stone homo j *° * ,nw - pre , ,, -M. th n „Mnor« a! tenants. Now th« great mass of brick m l wrmv-ninth street • nnd has he.m 1 many millions of IKhts outdoors, as HtI(1 *tone which forma the new Hotel much hltil? OnanHsllv thnn thn i "1°™ «hat two-mlle stretch of Broadway, Alltor itaBdj , on thft *| te of the old farnt- much better off flnanHall> y 1nn between Madison Square and* Columhua • h0UM . twenty theaters are within a Harrs. But she hna[ ndrheard ai word n rc i r . which ha* come to be known as tone's throw, and famous restaurants from her husband since* he left her. I the "Great White Way.*’ And before the are grouped all about. "Yes, I suppose thrvwre happy," she last lamp has winked Itself out; as the More money Is spent every day. within said when tohl of the return oT tb*»' stragglers of the n!l-n , ~* , t crowd turn tho apace of these half-doben blocks, for Barra "? would he hatmv ‘oo. if mv! thalr atepa homeward-or more likely food, drink, and amusement than In any LZl llJl .. P™* • 00 * ,r ra> hotehvard-dawh la bright again In the |, ke area ln th «. universe. The old Square husband Were back. e# „ t !* the core of the evening life of the Other Man's Wife Resentful. It Is a long street, extending from the Metropolis, where the lights flash brlght- Utnsr man a wife ttesenvvui. -outhernmost tip of Manhattan to l»s ex-1 ra , where the crowds of p1eaaure^ ft ek- "Would you take him back and for- treme northern point, when tho Harlem, crg are thickets, and where all that Is i v * him as Mr. Barr forgave his »tw! the Hudson Join to It ofT from, typical of the gay. careless, fashionable jorgave "is . fhe roi||n , anilf fourteen or fifteen mile*.. ,, f * u mft st In evidence. J.« -v. , As a matter of fact, the street retains Following Broadwny’" untown course, months nan nark University offered 1. 1 .*° u, f ln *• ?f c,ar £? C0 J}* 11»* rnmo and Identity all the-way along, ond p> „„ block aft<T block , n t h e re* iS Aflft e™ (n. «?rvt..f « nSki «hna» trarHy. , "I’m to proud." Mrs. Church- the eastern bank of the Hudson to Al- j about the lower end of Central Park SKUih S?r m "h h, »Liea Mrs. Bnrr for the loss of bony. 140 miles away. Alone ‘ given over almost entlrei y to the auto- Now the Mettwpnlltnn Psychical Bo- b(ir bUBbnn( j j us » a ft “'Barr blames . within the boundaries of the Island .It. mobile Industry. "Gasoline Alley," it Ii ..(»».. u »k^ h clty has offered nn equal 4-i,„ rr hinnn J exemplifies every activity of the clt> nnd ca ped In the local vernacular. ghost that can count tip to i. /»;.«, <o nn.i the »n. > nation nr which It foimis a part. More, g t ill further north Is tho region of * Churchman Is o\er 40 tand the wo- , , hnn 1B oft,ono people live along It and I ereat anartmrnt hotels, the homes of man In her Into 30a, though she Is ■. t 0 non oo.i trln* a-dnv are made on «o°t; those residents of 4,ho city who are among striking looking. " **' and In vehicles nlong nnd below Its *ur- j nelthe- the richest nor the poorest, ex- Mr. Barr, from letlers nnd W«ipi-!fnce. j „ , tending block nfter Mock In structures of Inga of u few friends, learned of the Giddy Business. towering height for several miles. Where friendship of the two. He suggested Tlilrt ymllllon business transactions, in- the street begins to mount the heights -- 4 - . i — **— *unf» from a pennq tl many that: form tho northern part of Mnnhat- effected along It In enco; enter* upon another phase, paring a l'urines*., creat Institutions, the lofty arches of d rerldenc*, the Cathedrnl of St. John, the halls of thoroughfare boro a succession of appel lations. First It wns oallM simply the •’main road." Later. It became the pub lic road, the Ifoog Weg. or highway. It waa also called the Heoron Straat. or Street of the Masters. From about 1640 on. however, it became generally known as Broadway, although Its identity wa> established much onrllpr. Perhaps In named thoroughfare. On Broadway It wl_ gyman preached regularly, in a little that the first cler- little Pearl Pine . . . _ built what was described as a "palatial three- dwelling mansion." Forty-four later, in 1739. a public market ‘ ■* ’ * middle of story dwelling mansion. R ears later, in 1739. a pi ouse was erected In th< Broadwny. opposite Liberty street, was a gigantic'structure, forty-two feet long and twenty-five feet wide, but for some reason it was never popular. Of no other spot In the world are so many men able to any. "If I had only bought that property thirty years ago for a song. I’d be a millionaire." The story of Broadway is one of unnumbered for tunes made by those who did Invest, and as the city moves northward, it still ap plies. Back In 1692 lots on the street were sold as far as Fulton street for about 120 each. Today those same lots ar« worth, a hundred thousand times (the original cost Purchasers were required . buildings not less than two sto ries In height, and In some cases to cover the entire front of the lot. Today ‘ ' lid i ever, lie In the plvtureeuuo LOANS Negotiated promptly on im- proved farms and city proper ty on easy terms and at lowest market rates. If yon need monev call on ns HOWARD M. SMITH & 00 tu Mulb.rry St. MACON. QA •AMMO 0 . 00 SAricv LOANEO. ^ ** h * v * ku- ^1 M Investment. Those < dlum not lo look at the tnhle. So far tho net result* show that lemon* should have been ch6*on. for such fatuous mediums as "Bright Eyes." 'Princess" and "Big Chief* have not been able to Interest their ghostly ndorern In the matter. The psychical society, however. I* perfectly serious In Its offer. •• Is Clark University .In President Htsnley Hall of the lat ter Institution Is apparently a hit a skeptic In this matter however. If one may Judge from an nHIcle on spook* which he contribute* to Anpleton's magazine. In It he cites his test the reading of a scaled and hidden'Idler, snfl asserts that after long invrrilgn- , lion he find* the alleged sets of such ! Ids “O'* •rooks no he has ben «Ne to 1«rn i hoSflend start shout are (oo unimportant ond color- j h, n -«f r less to make them worth considering. *• ~ But If there Is a real ghost wandering around loose he now has a fine opoor- (unity to earn 610.000- All that is nscessary Is for him to undergo sue- cess fully the test* prescribed. Mean while the air Is full of psychical and telepathic terms strange to the cor of the layman such is tolckelnslselonaa* tlon. levitation ami other equally ghostly words. to his wife quietly that It would better for her If her friendship with ...... ntv th* merchant were less ostentatious, j . borl ,i r Min agreed to seo Mr. Churchman street, lesa frequently nnd there, tho malt* But when M an absence of i toinber 22. his v» ■William, hours. It theater, hotel owner of Broadway property who die do more than this voluntarily would no considered Insane, so great are rental values. Mind Your Business. 9 If you don’t nobody will. It Is your business to keen out of all the trou ble you can and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and Jaundice out of your system. 25c, at all drugv stores. One of Duma's Sentences. The prize of the longest sentence eref written may fairly be awarded to the elder Dumea, who probably holds a fur ther record for fertility of production. In the seventh of the twenty-nine vol- * ‘ the "Impressions d* ^enience describing Jh fills three pages, or 10S lines, averaging forty-five fetters umes which compoi Voyage" there Is Benvenuto Cellini which nils three ir bus discovered. .. ■- r , , .....i almost every conceivable means or Harr return,,) nfter! i >" 11 «t»n<' | n« "">ney within He day hr two. on Set;-1 B.itinnlnc at llowllna Green, where the Je was missing. Their. burcbers of New Amsterdam Id aho had gone out! smoked evening nine* nnd snlffeJ snlt mnny a rongrmed Rr««d- 1 Uoiumhla Unlverelty. and. further up, the covered. It Is poHrih’e to College of the City of New York. son. William, asm ane nno gone mu smoked evening mwi «*nu ...... In the morning end hud not returned, j breeze* from the bay. for the Urst naif The author found that hi* rich rl\*al 1 nd'« of it* length. Broadway la tha street we- •»•© n)l**lnr of big business, nf "Will. 1 haven’t much ready roonev. Almost at It# |ow-er _end No. -6. is the end 1 don’t kn-iw where,>i\ir mother |* - Ptnndsrri oil building. Ita tirenty floore he snld to his boy. "But I’m going to, devoted entfrelv to the •'ftlvltfe of the raise nmney end go -fler her. nnd I’ll find srent eomblnatlon and sulrsMlnrirs her and bring her Vonie If It take* the. Near ere the olfiew of gmjto ntmn- rest of mv ll*e." nhlp comosntea,- the Steel Oorpoiatb The Bnrr nuottment* were luxuriously 1 Bn»*‘ fitted ur. He snc-ie—i Id# belongings ngg’ net fund* Immediately. Then be saw dre^-hank* lnsur • • |4 anrnlnr bu c- u, terspersed with, theaa ere nanus, msur ■listed:'** s entofuts’d. » out 1 FTe b'sVnel tin 'mrehmsn had gene it the ...... ....... of’other oroat itlon* of capital, represenflng hun- •f mini- * * lh„, AM U. — — ..e* RiPP and brokers' Tires, and all t»«e varied maehlnen* rc- dret »n «he operation of great ftnnnclal WH. M. ...idertsklngs. Har Wife Arrested. j In tha Whelaaale. ... _ *1,1. a-uv •« 1 Further up. between city hall park and l?o Wtote to * a *n»q in nls clt>. ' t*nton Hquare. the thoroughfare runs plaining the sit rat Ion. *nd n*klnr. the • r.irough the heart of the wholesale dts- friend to addre*- a lette- in Mrs. Barr.trlct. For two mil** In t'hli'sco. lie learned from the t*nstal Ar^a* authorities when this l-l*or would Taft's Favorite Gama Under Ban. Golf, the ancient and royal paatlme. Is In a fair way soon to be ranked In the category of "undesirable" or even crbnt- • "* pnetlmee here hecauae *»f Us alleged Influence on the vouths who act as raddle*. At any rate Police Oaptaln Mathot threatens to appeal to a police •url to take drestle notion ...Pi millionaire golf noted local club and "wealthy may soon t*ecome a* unpopular "wealthy malefactor*" »»« course that It* use The evil Influences golfer*’’ term as provided ,»f 1 b»» reconciled With the Mthlrilc ptvprnsltle* of the pres- HmwNhkiil-dBtaPPMiMBiMM olf 1 which they. hear. bibulous tab tea e ■ | Uathar It I* foutid In Ihe manner which this game obatrucu youthful edu Mathot. wh . ^langiiage bibulous uVte* of some of Us patron*. t In ihe cation a^vordtng to ibipAtn Mathot, who explains hi* position when he aava: "We hava been trying to keep the boy* In cchool. but the rich and Influential golfers come along in their automobile* on«l whigk the school bore off to the links where they pay them high fea# to act as caddie*." in other words young America hereabouts And# the opportunity lo earn a dollar or a half dollar prefera ble to lit* unrwmunerwtlve education of the metVOM room. The 4**l€h of coddles ** eo«» le K^w W w , h^ia^* n iionee l0 r? j ^g*T*l* ***** VnAUirt to local mdfet^ flndlt w,,, I which 1* now mode worse than aver hy ———^ nna 11 *° *■•** tnteraal ta sea u*. j ('tituin Mstho, * ihreat to hav- —— - SECURITY LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO.. | "'"-'p' If Southern Railway Schedules. It»««J ff»* hated in Then. Ie*t Ulturehman might be with th< Woman and nmke a scene B*rr asked the detective department of Chicago to let him have n courle of men at the poetoffice who would place his wife under nominal arrest and bring her in head quarter*, lie decided to keep away from the poetoffice ltlm*elf and await hla wife at police headquarter*. Yesterday Mrs. Barr appeared alone and asked for mall. a Site oraa arrested J went quietly . Her Uueland metely htoked at her Mr*. Fair tried to »poa‘ - - Then *he nobbed. headquarters. * ‘ * d a and broke deep. "Benny. 1 want to go home! I wont you tu take me back! Forgive me." ‘Yes Mi furtive you." *ald Mr.. Barr, "and 1II lake you back h one—that’s what 1 came out here for to do. That’s why I’ve bean hunting you for a month. \\a haven t much of a home left now, but we can start It again." Rorr told the police he didn’t care kbput the other man. All he wanted was his wife. The couple left headquarters arm In arm They had a little luncheon celebration right away, and then they wired theie son. ’Tha owly^ttdnk I’m sorry about." said the lad. *1a that they didn’t arrest the man that took mother away." •tate of < , City of Toledo, Ohio. L Lucas County. FYank J. Cheney make* oath that he ta —u. ^—tnor 0 f tr- , ’do4cg huilne** 1 ?? County and State tb it said firm will _ HUNURKH D01.IJS ,\Y:s rih i and d«p*rurt ct - .. • and eel guaranteed. tint at Mason. Oa., ter infer. i"i I-®od S. Dure J! 2Im1« Jarfconnvllle. 2 0« _ , , 'U' ,“cw: j: ‘I ta Bunking and Invcitmc. 14 AUanfa liQlif HruanrMi .tiiila.^. - .... ^ . AUiewtr. J tbc catcgEwy tf legal effretre Maq.aoa Square Tnreate-ad. that cannot be - -M’s Catarrh Our - J .. FRANK j. chrnky. Rworn to before me and asbecrlbed In 'presence, this (th day of ivcem^er. A. W. GI.EABON ivm*! fftocka. Bend Lust her City # aa. M6.16 A (kata Aiacon. Go. manufactured ment houses. the lordly H' the Jersey shore, nnd along t’ol« nrt of It* course, from the upper t *- the northf.-n end of the Islend apiece. The sentence is broken by six* ty-elght commas and nlxty semicolons, but ns It contains 195 verbs and 122 nropef names, the reader Is somewhat bewildered before the end Is reached.—London $6.95 to Savannah and return SDUV ' Nov. 21 to 25, inclusive, via Oontral of Georgia Railway, for Automobile Races. Reserve sleeping car berth in advance, at ticket office, 603 Cherry st. . n .DtiyvtT will it«M tn ttie future. In "i| orobobiutv. the flne*t and costliest of New York’s homes. Extremes that Are Worthy. Broadwny has two advantages which many other famous streets lack—a worthy beginning and ending. At Its lower end Is Battery Turk, a spot of greenery looking but upon the busy wa ters of the harbor, and at Its upper term- _ . ... inus Is to he placed the beautiful Hud- Trusting, sbn memorial bi-hlite. which will form a From the New \ork Timer fitting gateway to the dtv from tho land- The only thing Jhtrt puzzle* ward side. Broadway will always be tho «}y return to street of spectacle* and processions, the I* why the n national parade, and playground. Even In the matter of age. the atreet has no mean record, in the early days of the city it was the hatqral highway from the lower to the upper part of th# Island, since the ground on both sl< id Mrs. Wynn. - _ loulti have had tie crinkled tl ntops—Jnmes says tuch l - those are milk bottle top*- ... g changed back to the large paper ones for Jair H Aa - In summer i _ paper one* •me; says that this Is the us ual custom In New York, but It does seem .... ildea. odd. He said not to speak to the milk- now occupied by skyscrapers, was then man about it or he would think me only mareh land. Down to 1442, the greep.” The United States Government guar antee—could you get a better one? Clarke’s Pure Rye is aged and bottled by the Government; the green stamp over lapping the cork of each bottle guaran tees the age, strength and purity. What more could you ask? 4 Full Quarts, $ 5.00 Delivered 12 Full Quarts, 12.00 Delivered For sale by most dealers throughout the world and all dealers in Chattanooga, Tenn., and Jacksonville, Fla. If yours refuses to supply you write us. ■ I . Clarke Bros. & Co. PEORIA, ILL. * . . ... • 9 A The Largest DisHUtrs in th* World •