Newspaper Page Text
Thanksgiving Week Specials ar uooa s
You May Well he Thankful if You Share in These Money Saving Specials
Special Coat Sale this Week
50 and 52-inch Coat* of Broadcloths, Kerseys and nov-
' city mixtures; plain styles and elaborately trimmed
effects; all $15.00 values; on sale at, Ci f)
choice V
Very handsome 52-inch full Satin-lined Coats, of fine
broadcloth and Kersey, tastefully trimmed C*! C
m rith Silk and Satin bands; to $22.50 value <$) l J
Other handsome styles in I.onq Coats for street and
general wear; priced from$25.0(i {7 U/"i
ujo to
Exquisite Satin and Cloth Opera Cloaks and black
Silk Carriage Coats, at $25 tO $35
4 Special Skirt Sale
Ttiil very best values of the season are included in this
spoi'ial sale of new Skirts. They are made of Panamas,
new Chevron and Herringbone Skirtings, in black and
colei's; plain gored and sheath styles; up to ff C
$7.60 values, at
Very handsome Skirts of Voiles, Taffotn Cloths and
English Panama, in very latest styles, trimmed with Silk
or self folds and worth $12.50; C111
in this sale - 4/1 1/
1 New Silk Dresses
Special sale of stylish and pretty Princess Dresses of
Taffeta Silk in black and all colors, tastefully trimmed
and v.-orth up to $18.00; at, $12 98
Another line of finer qualities in Princess Drosses of
Silks and Satin Mcssalines in black and colors;
real $22.50 and $25.00 vnlues; in this $17 5Q
Very handsome styles in Directoiro Satin Dresses, black
and stylish colors; up to $35.00 CO C
values J
Special showing of handsome styles in black Silk
and Satin Dresses at, from $12.98 tO $25
Freight or Express Prepaid on Mail
Orders of $5.00 or more.
Careful Attention. Prompt Shipments
More Big 1fslues in Ladies 9 Suits
Last week was a record-breaker in the selling of Ladies’
Tailored Suits, and this week should see even greater
sales. The department is full to overflowing with the
newest and handsomest styles and the greatest values of
the season.
The following three lines include some of the most
desirable new long coat effects, Directoire and Empire
models. The fabrics are the most popular; the finish is
fine; not a flaw or fault in workmanship; the fit is perfect.
Ai £17 Suits worth At $10 7E Suits worlh
U p f 0 $25.00 Altyl/.i?) up fg $27.50
' aisht"
AtAft Suits worth
AlflthUU up fg $22.50
Mndo of Chiffon Broadcloth in nov
elty self-striped patterns; late mod
els; all good.
Made of hard-finished Worsteds in
newest and most desirable weaves
and colorings.
Made of plain fabrics and fancy
mixtures; plainly tailored or elab
orately trimmed.
Things for Thanksgiving Tables
72-inch Pure Linen Satin Damask, $1.00 value >... 75c
72-inch Pure Linen Satin Damask, $1.25 value 93c
72-inoh Pure Linen Satin Damask, $2.00 value $1.39
* Extra values in Pure Linen Napkins at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.98 and $5.00 per dozen.
, Special sale of Oluny and hand-drawn Center Pieces, and Table Covers, this week.
Waists and Petticoats
On a special table in the second floor tomorrow you’ll
find a great collection of newest styles in all-over Net
and Lace Waists in white, cream, ecru, taupe and other
shades, and Taffeta Silk Waists in all colors; ff 7 7f
$5.00 and $6.00 values, at •pJ. I p
Another shipment of these splendid guaranteed Taffeta
Silk Petticoats just in. The usual $5.00 . grades are
priced $3.75, the extra sizes, worth $6.50;
Special Sale of Hosiery
Ladies’ fine Silk Lisle Hose in black and tan; ' J r "
50c value; at, 3 pairs for $1.00
Ladies’ pure spun Silk Hose, in black and
colors; real $1.50 value; at, pair 98c
Ladies’ hand-embroidered Silk Hose; worth
$3.50 a pair; in this special sale at $2.50
Special sale of Children’s fast color black
School Hose; regular 25c quality, at 15o
Stylish Veilings
'All the new meshes and colorings in Veilings; great
values at, per yard—
■ 25c to $1.00
Ribbon Sale
Big line of new fancy Ribbons in pompadour and
ombre warp-printed effects; very fine quality.
40c values at ... ,25c 50c values at ... .35c
Novel Neckwear
Latest novelties in Stocks, Jabots, Bows and other
pretty heck fixings, at— 25o to $3.50
Combs and Barrettes
Splendid collection of new Combs and Barrettes in
best styles at, from— 25c TO $10.00
Every new height and idea in the ever popular Ruch-
ings—white and all desirable colors.
8-3 to 50c Collar lengths.
Y, < CO,
Special Showing of Mid-Winter Nov
elties in Fine Dress Trimmings Per
sonally Selected by Miss Truesdale
Rule Requires Standstill at
Most Convenient Place for
v Passengers
XTMXTA. O*., Nov. Ft—Th* roll
r'tatl commission Issued the following
tirter today with reference to how
trains shall b# stopped at stations:
M A11 naaenctr trains op«rated In this
»t*ts shall, at all stations whore such
• top. either noon flag or regular »ch»*d-
«il#. bo brought to a standstill with
• urb rti.itIon to ths waiting rooms of
«h«* station building, or other passen-
ter facilities at aald station, aa will
T»ndrr across from and Ingross to said
trains most practicable and conveni
ent for ths passongora, without rotor*
«nro to ths convsnlsnt handling of
lairgtft or other freight.** m
to h# carrlod on a railway train
loorgla. This action was brought
at bsoauao ths praettes of carrying
■ and shot guns on trains by hunts,
i during ths hunting season, which
low. la very prevalent. An accl-
i-Jien • n twins aro unloaded.
As to Baggage Charges.
Ths commission has also lssuad an
o'der. extending the time for which
t«rr**r may b« bald at a depot with,
oat storage, to 21 hours. Heretofore
.’isrgos could bo mads after 12 hours
There was considerable complaint from
f uvallng man. who often found It In-
• nmlrirt ho remove* thefr trunks
Within tbs prescribed time when ar*
rtvtng In a town the latter part of ths
In the hearing on this matter some
Interest I ng figures were submitted by
i r Atlanta Terminal Company. They
f ow that an average or 1.000 pieces
• f baggage were handled each day
’ during the month or October,
■while for the past portion of the pre*-
i • f month the average was only kte.
‘n average of about 110 a month has
Asms collected for atorago.
Delegates to Commercial Congress.
ATIAKTA. Ga.. Nov. 21-Ths fol.
■ « lg delegates have been appointed
loaded attracted the attention of
commission to the evil,
is order makes It ths duty of
to ass that alt guns
by Governor Smith to represent this
atats at the Southern Commercial Con
gress, to b« held at Washington. D.
C.. December 7 and
J. K. Orr. Atlanta: Forrest Adair.
Atlanta: James II. Andrews. Atlsnta;
IjouIs Gholstln. Atlanta: W. L. Har
rell. Atlanta: H. Y. McCord. Allan*
ta; C. J. Hollingsworth- Atlanta: W.
H. Weir. Atlanta: J. J. Hobby. Atlan*
ta: C. II. Mason. Atlanta: Asa o.
Candler. Atlanta: M. L. Johnson, Cass
Station; J. W. Vaughn, Carteravllte;
I. . W. Heaves. Cartsrsvllle: J. 8.
Ward. Thomas villa; II. 8. McIntyre,
TtmmssvtUe; C. W. Sklnnsr, Way.
nssboro: J. O. Hunt. Summerville;
O. R. Porter. Roms: Barry Wright.
Roma; Judgo W. M. Henry, Rome; <M.
T. McGhee. Roms; <\ M. Fouche,
Rome; 8. If. Allen, Cummin*: A. 11.
WcodMff, F|»wery -Uranch; IT. H.
McIaws. ftavananh; T. I. Hickman.
Auguste: H. J. Bdspfleld. Augusta:
J. 8. Betta. Ashburn; J. 8. Adams.
Demoreat; J. B. Dunston. laGrnngs;
l*. II. Chappell, Columbus; J. 8. Key.
Columbus: O. J. Psaaork. Columbus;
J. K. Smith. Dublin; W. J. Kincaid.
Griffin; B. F. Mann, Brunswick: 11
8. lias, Brunswick; W. B. Burroughs.
Brunswick; R. J. Maynard. Amsrl*
cus; l>. A. B. Crum, Cordsls; J. 8.
Pate. Cordela: D. B. Jay. Pltsgeratd:
A. If. Cook, Mtsgarald; W T. Ar
nold. Klberton: J. ft. Mmtttex. Kl*
Wrton; A. O. Blhlock. Fnyettevllte;
T. F. Allcotu Lavonla: F. L. Ash
bury, ClarktYllte; Howard Thonip
um. Quit-
hsunten Scottish *Ke Ms ions.
ATLANTA. Ga.. 21 Plane ars
Wing mad# fof a general reunion of Hoot*
ttsh lllte Ms sons to be held in AtHnia
next April. In connection with th.- dedl*
ration of the new ■ Masonic Temple here.
Ths completion of the temple wilt mark
the revival of the rite in Georgia.
Th# temple Will be compteied earlv In
the spring. In addition to the other Ms*
sonic acosanarisa. on* entire floor will be
devoted ts Scottish Rite work. At ths
opening tbs degress of the rit# from the
fourth to th# thirty-second will bo con
ferred on a else# of about tOO, represent
ing every section of Georgia. The full
ceremonial will he given. Many promi
nent Mneons will t»o attracted hers by
the event, among them being former
Congreanman .tamaa l». Rlrhardson. of
Tennessee, ths grand commander, and
the full official divan of the southern
Ths apartments of ths rite will he the
moot elaborate In th# southeast. Mors
thsn on# hundred pieces of scenery hsvo
SSf.W.Ki'n/h'M P, * nl
Show Falling Off Still.
ATLANTA, Ga.. Nor. " 11.—The rati*
roads In their reports to the state rail*
n>a<Fcommission continue to show a fall
ing off In revenue. In Its latest report
the Central shows a total decrease up O
November 14 from lh# Income of laat yaar
of 9M4.0OO. The Georgia Southern and
Florida attows a falling off for ths same
period of 91IM7I.7I.
New Trial" for~G#o. Vopp.
ATLANTA. Ga.. Nov. ?|.—The atats
supreme court today r« versed the su
perior court of laturens county and or
dered a new trial of the case against
George^ Yopp, recently ^convicted of mur-
tlon of pietry, to 'life Imprisonmsnt.
The decision was based on errors In
the Judge's charge.
Yopp stew Dock Cason In a difficulty
arising over Cason’s wife,
Dslsgstss Named.
ATf*ANTA, Ga., Nov. 11.—Governor
Smith has appointed about one hundred
delegates to represent this state at ths
snnuat meeting of the Nntlonal lllvers
and Barters v'ongress. which Is to be
held In Washington, D. C.. Novemtwr 9
to II. Among them are ths following;
J. A. O. Carson W. II Ktldwrll. W. W.
Oste'rne, J. Hnndolph Anderson and O.
W. Whatley, of Savannah.
John W. nark, Bowdrc Khlnlty. K. O.
Kalhfletsch and 6. K. Kve. of Augusta.
Hebert L. Renter. John It. Burke, K,
A. Chappells and Km me It Small, of Ms*
Wo ore daily receiving nrv
shapes, novelties etc., in the
latest shades. Inspect our Mil
linery department and see thf
new arrivals.
Supt. Chapman Returns From Convtntlon
‘ of Educators In Atlanta—High Pralas
for Manual Training Work.
Supt. C. n. Chapman returned yeater-
day from Atlanta, whsrs ho has hesn^M
tending the minust convention of the|
l'roniotlon ■
ding th
drlnt K
dustrlnl Kducntlon.
■ Friday afternoon
nlng In ths Public
nual training from
and Industrial Training
S< r!v ,, »xhlblt of ..
the schools of Bibb county
htbtlon at the convention, along with
similar exhibits numbering thirty or
more, from various states. The exhibit
from Bibb countv compared ravombly
with any of the other exhibits, and c'“‘
ted much admiration from all who
sported It. Governor Smith In par*
made a careful examination of
manual training exhibit, and was un
stinted In hla pmlss of the work done In
this department by ths pupils of ths
HJhh county school system.
5 , 7Sia8S! a Bst a iJttJsr i sKie2^ass
yesterdny. hut by special request from
Governor Smith the exhibit was ai'owcd
of mar
. was aro
In Atlanta until Tuesday
Miss 1 .utic Wescott Instructor
RMI training of the Bibb county
public schools.
All during ths convention nothing but
praise of the nibh county exhibit, the ex
cellence of the ecltoot system, and too
action of the board of education In allow
ing the teachers to attend the convention
was heard. It was plain to all that Itlhb
county schools figured prominently dur
ing tho convention, and received aa
much praise. If not more, than all ths
others. Ths good work of Miss West*
cott wss a revelation to many.
Ths convention adjourned yesterday
>n. and was a success in every
Drought Depletes the Streams
Which Furnish Power for.
th; Large Mills
mAn will SK a i.rlou. print pa.
|MT ntmlr*. attordlnir ta th. twit jud*.
ment of tkO larger paper manufacturers
CohdHtena 'lo the paper induttry. It Is
reported, have never before * ’ “
oux as at prseent and It ts
star.tly depleting water-power -streams
throughout the paper-making districts,
both east and west, are adding dally to
pum Oompa*
nr. at Emtennla. Canada, controlled hy
B. A. Bdtnund APPteion. announced today
‘ ‘ Iff production would be cut to
the canacttv of ths plant, owlt
the low water conditions I
Lutle We
y. They will t
Sold Everywhere—25c, 1-pouad Can.
THE REILY-TAYLOR 00., : New Orleans, U. S. A.
DKSVTK. Co!. Nor. >!—Th. AmM-
| lean PM.ratlin of labor «a-1
elected Frcaldcnt Gomnara, Bacratary
Morrison, Ttvgsuwr McLenuon and
the vice prvstdrnth. and selected Tb- ;
ivnto for the twenty ninth annual can-!
vent ton.
Jatnrs Duncan, of f*# granite cut- i
tera. wad rw» '.< otid ftrst vk* pr»-st- j
dent: Jokn ttttcfell. edruid vkw preel-1
dmt; Jukcx O'Connell, third vlcaj
president; Max Mortis, fourth vice I
president. TV A. Itnyee, firth vice
president; Wllllsm l>. Itucer. sixth,
vice president, and Joerph Valentine,;
seventh He# president.
All these officers in* re.e|e,*te»t, the
last two being promoted one unmber
itn the Ust PC vkt prestdants.
NBW YORK. Nov. fl.-Chaa. W.
soil, special assistant to ths V
HUtes attorney general, today Info
Judge Hough »»f the criminal beam _
the t T nlted States circuit court that hr
did not intend to pioceed against Fisto-
Cisco Kabbt. ths si ‘
the Indictments
msn in this city
to labor camps c
This action ends ths _
ths Florida peonage cases which were
three years In preparing and east ths
rnlted Htatas government ttea.000. ^
There has not been a conviction In the
ea In this district.
_ PARIS. Nov. I! -A revnhMten tel
broken out In fbiuthern HaitL General I
dlaton. termer commander of Ote troops
ui the southern department, baa e ;**ut
the city %4 l^scayes and the adjacent I
r *^l‘he telegrajdi line has beep cut sad]
thjjo\ »rmm*ni uoops are aunvuadsS by I
,’ov. :i
l.ft thll city on two
■Main of th* S*v*nn»h lln* Into to-
tiny for tho nutomobll* r*c*n In 8»-
vannoh. Araonit tho thrr* hundrod
po.fonyoni on th* city of Oolnmbn*
w»» Tod Blo»n. tho former ]ock*y, who
l« to drlr, • c»r I non* of the neti.
Th«r* wer* forty nutomobll** on th*
•turner and idm owner* antlelpat*
tnnrlnf about GeontU.
The City of S»v»n*h w»* ehtrterrd
Ibv th* Automobile Club of America
and thar* were more than one hundred
machine* aboard har. Th* *tearner
arlll be mad* a hotel for her !>a*ien-
rera while they are In Savannah next
week attendln* the race*. Amin*
tho** on board wer* Wm. K. Vander
bilt. Jr., Cornelia* Vanderbilt. Judce
and lira. E. U. Gray. Jndi* Gary
bein* th* preildrnt of tha club: Hrnry
Sender.on. Tie* pruldent: FM*at L.
Marston. th* truiurer and David H.
Morrla Ocor** F. Chambarlatn, Wm.
P. Hamilton. Schuyler Skaat* and
WInthrop 8. Scarrtt, *overnor. of the
The member* of th» muter*' and
m!«■*.' .! mcln* cl*., of the Ml'* '
BU bar-Black,hear dakeinc achiM
brouaht a contribution if monly and
E h ritlon* fur th* United Charities
lety at their dance yuterday afl-
emoon. On Tneeday afternoon the
knlukerbocker danctnc clar, win at«>
make a aantribatlon to th* society.
\!*n Walker hl*hly appreciate*
tkla action eo the pari at lb* Uttl*
peep:*. , -n-
At a meeting of the ladles auxiliary
of tha Y. M. 0» A. hold laat Thurs
day afternoon, It wa* determined to
decorate the walla of om> of the rooms
with calendars for the year 1909.
•Mra. George Jones and Mrs. Miller
White were requested to aaaiat Mrs.
Jehu G. I’ostnll, tha cot responding
secretary. In securing tho calendar*
from all who Issue them, not only In
Macon, but from everywhere and from
everybody, who will send them to
either of the above ladles. This room
will be mads unique, tha walls being
decorated with aU kinds of calendars,
from the plain to ths works of art.
Essence of th# Balkan Question.
Stated In its dtroal. general lines, the
Balkan or near eastern, question Is three
fold. Ths first phase' Is that of a race
war, the "triangular duel” between Teu
ton, 8lav and Turk. This "Drang nach
Osten" of ths Teuton, the ever westward
march of tha Slav, and tho slow retreat
of ths Ottoman from Europe are compli
cated by Latin Influences persisting in
Houmanla from old Homan times and
reaching out from ths young Italian na-
typ* m *' on
tla. Ths second factor ^
^veSas gjjfrssa:
Tor autonomy, for Independent
or for union Into a great
factor Is
Europe, tha Jealousy
■ -— —ran. Fo|
• since ths
Ihorus and
.on test has
r and dlplo-
SdMK 1
macy. In both thoe up to tl
men who count In
Turk-expelling warfj
and sx-Vnltsd States consul la thal
troubled region to which we cotpmand at<
tcnUon.—American Review of Reviews.
Dalntv Holiday Gift.
For the girl who wishes to begin her
Christmas glttn la a bat pin cushion
mads by covering a cylinder of card
board with fancy ribbon or silk.
Tha cylinder may be one of the tub?a
used for mailing pictures, or a roll
that broad ribbon comas on. but It nay
be made of cardboard.
To do this, cut the cardboard tha
desired site—1 by I Inches In a good
sine—and dip In water so It will toll
Roll It carefully until ths edges meat,
thsn pasts a strip of paper uadv and
over tha Joining to hold tha tdges in
Whan It Is perfectly dry. cover with
figured ribbon In pale shades.
Paste the ribbon to ths cardboard
at each end and catch It together with
brier atttcfc^tbe length of ths cylla-
FTll wfth curled hair. Isttthg' the hair
come beyond ths ends to form a n'und
cushion. Cover with plain silk, match
ing In color either tha ground or flgur#
> nkN'B is twisted
fier xt‘A«-h and and finished n’(k%
fluffy mow. while tha ilbbo toJhanr
It by come* from underneath the bowx.
cuiur nuwr riuuhj ngure
ribbon. Bach cushion i« aur-
*1 by a frill of white ^htffbn. •
-nils twisted aitnmd th,. cyl.n-
Four Disastrous Wrecks Oc
cur in Chicago Due to
Heavy Pall j
CHICAGO. Nov. Ft—Two men wer.
killed, another perheps fatally hurt,
and a number of person. Injured In
four wreck* which occurred In Chicago
and environ* aa the raault of a heavy
fo*. Threo of the wreck* occurred
today and one late laat night.
A Wabash suburban train crashed
Into a freight train between Worth and
Chicago Ridge, killing the engineer of
tho pae'enger train. Two electric care
on the Aurora. Elgin and Chicago l'ne
collided near Aurora, and tire person,
war. Injured. ■ ...
Fouf peraons were hurt In a head-
on collision between tho two olectrlo
cars of the Caliimet and South Chica
go City railway company. A wreck
on the Illinois Central road, between
two freight train*, resulted In tho
death of Arthur Alt, a fireman.
, N The Human Flnoer Nall.
During the greater portion of a man',
life, ear* the Chicago Journal, he cuta
hla nalla on an average of once a week,
and at each paring remove* a alateenth
of an Inch, or the equivalent of a quarter
rimuiix ** > svxoitu
te dad atwadaCof Ojaeaal.gleal0'»i«v
Vafear, If ft Otaaeea. Ow>i»Mral lata,
Called Up
"• c '
tiled Down,
the telephone at
u as* Thtwk rd
be rafltng yew up at thte uatartaqr beuT
If 1 was wei; —Bestow Trsascnpc
The Dictionary
says that *To Deposit** means
"to put in a place of Security
for future use"--the synonym is
entrust. This definition simply
puts emphasis on tho care you
should exercise In determining
the Bank that you "deposit"
wilth. By Inquiring fbto thJs
bank you will find a bank ab
solutely and positively safe—so
safe that It "has never lost a
dollar." As we loan money only
on First Mortgage Real Estate
Securities we cannot lose.
Wo pay 6 per font Interest
compounding It every half year.
Let us send you a little free
booklet telling about us.
"Safest for Savings ”
Geo. A. Smith, Pres.
With refined Vaudeville and
Motion Pictures.
4:00 to 6:30; 7:30 to 10:30.
A Diet of Fruit.
Amonr the dietaries eurgeeted for
occasional u»e to correct undealrabla
phymlclal coalition, la a frutartan
menu for cue day, which Include* tw>
pounds of dry figs, one-half pound of
almond*. ona-haU pound of orange,.
Other dealrahle fruit* and nute nr*
banana*, etrawherrlea. walnut*, ebaat-
r.te and hut] .nut*, all of which an
aepedtaSr hmtrftjoua: and go thi.r
may he added currant*, cherrtea. pluma
pcarte*. apricot, and-wara. A .tret-
ly frutartan menu far 19 or U caaae.'.
ullr. day*, our* .very elg month.. I*
highly recommended by a dl.tlngul.h -1
French pbyalclan M a cura for dig**-
Uv* Ilia.