Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 23, 1908, Image 6

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" 11 M H'l' THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1908 The Greatest Real Estate Proposition Ever In Georgia Recently I bought one hundred more lots at Log Cabin Heights, which with my previous purchases make one hundred and sixty lots. I have pledged all of these lots as security for a loan of Forty Thousand Dol lars—$40,000.00—to be used in building houses at Log Cabin Heights. With this ample capital I am able to sell you a improvements for $250 cash and then $25 a ,000 house and lot with all which includes interest. The plans and specifications are ready for inspection. The money for building them, guaranteed by a prominent business man, is on deposit at THE CITIZEN’S NATIONAL BANK. G. C. Earle, 353 Third Street, Phone No. 77 Diplomatic Corps of Govern ments Present Condolences to China. nambars of i)tt< <tii>l<>m*tlo run*# pre- *rvii*d the* (AtirioiriHCM of their rMjMTt* S'< »>tven»m*ui* on the deaths of th* **■"Wt wandth* dowagerampiwasof Clu- waa on* of the ruhI impressive aver vm. »| |n Peking. It was attended vut n degree of solemnity and romu tlist v ;i 1 mg be rrmrmtwrrd hy evary for- • i ■ freM nt. A feat urn of the proceed- lr. fc » «as the present's of every member ot that Impertm clan, as well as every < who lately has been reported dead e- e|tr !nated from the conduct of af. toirr at state This waa the answer of t»-r government to the rumors of suicides end deaths current In Peking for tha past No' opportunity was lost to make the 1 • • ft striking and grand. Prlne# Chine, f - r the ftrst time since the passing away « f inslr majestic*, appeared officially as the head rr ths foreign 1»»ard. Ths heads »«r ihe vartoua governmental departments v»r« present with the mmibera of the Im perial rtan, and in addition several thmis. SUM aatnnr official*, ell dresasd In whits. 1 ...» assembled at Imperial command to v -»*sa thJ* homage of lbs foreign gov- vi nents of the world through their ac- • r.Htltei diplomatic representatives hrre. At the conclusion of the functions la hon or ths dead, ths diplomata'nald homage t • l*rlnce Chun, the regent KSrh foreign Watted was rerft seated hy three .of tu r . tbers and .ft# anoctacle as tVtf for- » e^trs appeared the raises was unprs- • • 1 ■ V They marched through _ fit o' mandarine distributed pv—j re* ride terrace* leading t< •'»'"k Kung hall, which la u- ...II ». -.1 Mhs main avenue of the PkrWfmn Crv Thla building ta used to receive f ■ um minister- when they coma to ore s' • t their credential* nnd It* position Is • • remanding one The awn-oncne* wars Itaed hy a remarkable display of red um- wshl. huge fan* end screen* of tunny located at the TAFT AND BURTON TALK SITUATION After Conference President- Elect Stated They Discussed Nearly Everything. HOT Kt-hlNOlf V« , Nov. JS.-PtmI- dent-elect Tuft and Representative Bur ton. of Ohio, had anothsr extended in ference •aturdgy at which the speakership question was discussed as well as "near ly everything else,” as Air. Taft put It. Wltai the present Mala of mind or Mr. Taft la on the spsskerahlp question and what Will be hi* future attitude la made apparent bsydffd alt question, in a state ment made fof publication by Mr, llur- ion after the conference. Mr. Burton •tate.1 that on his iwtafa to Washington on Monday hs should itva more vlgoroua attention to his canvisg for the Ohio ■natorshlp lie than said: •In discussing ths subject of the speakership. 1 am not assuming to say anything for Mr. Taft, but only to ex- press wTmt seem* to ms la clearly a cor rect view of ths situation. Ths presi dent-vise t made t-ertalrt promises during the campaign. One waa for a thorough and honest revisits of ths tariff. This doss not necessarily mean that ratea In all schedules will bs lowered, nor that I any legitimate right or Interest of either capital or labor will bs disregarded. It does mean a Careful re-examination of the whole gubjsct Resides tl.e tariff there wars othsr premia* contained In the party platform and reiterated by the president-elect which must be fulfilled even at a cost of a content for the speak ership. No doubt Mr. Taft would oppose Mr t'annoa ‘very Muctar.tlv but aa tha head of his petty 0* well as ths presi dent-elect of ths natWm.ho Is bound to meet the expectations of the pronto and Jo Insist upon tb* observance of p .rtlluaaae should stand In the wa would bs but on* coarse for tho JM dent-clset ta pursue and that is to egsrt hta Influents against obstruction. •*H Is to bs hop.d there will be such harmony and concert of notion between the president-eta-r and Speaker Cannon that a contest will b* avoid*!,“ has made no atarement for “cs; i °ste«!MfvgarT t . to f >> K ye .rrSS i asms ks&jftsvszs of the assembled off I- bodies of their mateetlea reposed In a -entesre halt The c*t«f*loue| 1 d-ta In the CMeit hnt In tilni'li mm tin ! Ur. __ i "None the less a- candidate for asuator because of his visit here." owner*it wa* » IgS <af a Med over the throne, emblematic r>f.tbs slory an.t beauty that enod gnv- lh a white curtain, oenu# wlTors In th- afslnu . HWagts and *« I gathe-tes of moM me angles 1 the vt-w ins palace Ohm, table t«e«tde the ANOTHER RAILROAD FOR E. H. SHOWING SIGNS! OF CHRISTMAS Merchants Getting Ready for tha Big Chrlatmaa Trada of tha Coming Holi days—Signs Ars Unmistakable. Although a month and thrtt days off. there ara many unmtatakabto sign* of Chrlatmaa about tho city vlalbla to tha naked eya. On Hecond street, near r*lierry, can ba read without glaaaea a big algn saying that nreworks of all Ueacriptloha van ba bought. Merchants are displaying those things which make up the gifts for Chrlatmaa. and some of the thing* to bs seen In these windows are tempting. Ths mer chant la learning the art of guiding ths good husband and the bettor wife through the mace* and Intrloaejea of tha annual pusale of what to buy for each Other. No guide t* needed for ths chil dren what to buy them. A pack of firs- crackers for the hoy and a new doll for the girl, and satisfaction aettlsa down serenely. But the man of ordinary mean* has the Job of hta Ufa to know what to give hta wife. He has to staer clear of buying something *he hasn't got, and of some article of household neces sity. bees use many a household has bsi wrecked by ths purchase of a dining ti hie or a new coffee pot. or something for the wholw family Instead of an Individual present for the wife and she alone. Ths man of means baa no such trouble Ha can gat hla wife an automoblla and that la ths last of it The small boy displays another trua algn of Chitatmus. lie la harboring un der the house and In the wood housa all ths boxes and barrel* hs esn And or agio out Of the storekeepers. I Is must hava his bonltre, c«»me what will. Than the grocers are letting out thslr signs. There are barrels on Tap of car rels of cranberries, and the apples ars coming In. and the many good thing* that people writ! have on Christmas |f on no other day. ars here In abundgbrs already, and tho Christmas trad* tn this Has has not fairly opened yet. If thejpsopls could only buy their turkeys and crutberrfsa and fruit In the month preceding Christ mas and keep them, money would bs saved. But there are obstacle* In tha Way of doing thla. There are mis' about when it corns* to tarhsys a chickens, and the fruit spoil* anl cnu. berries gat sour, and It la a waste of ths LUMBER ADVMIGE K|US HIS WIFE “■IB BK Prices 50 to 75 Gents Better Than Current Values, Aro Realized. money ona tries to saw. Now that Christmas la * month and three days off. It mar be well ta remem ber those who depend on yoU 4nd others for what little of the good things of Chilatmaa they will get. Ketnember the children at tha Oeorgln Industrial lloma. and at ths orphans’ homes about tho city. * Remember ths poor and remember also that If.yau wapt to do them a good tarn ahd help them, and help them systems!!- S&Mxrtiur&m ‘ Charities Moctoty. United 'Remember that the Bahratkm Army at- • ways give a ChHetmas dinner . to the poor, and you san do aome gsed If you | will help ths imr In Its great-srorh. I It is some time off yet. hut It nay b* *. . • -. ! wrll enough to remember threw things so A _ * w that you can oave a little SUt from ths CHICAGO. MR. U—A dispatch to boms pile for the othsra who havo go the Record-Herald from New York I cn * 10 d0 ,0f ,h * n * [state In m\n: . > 1 te'kweted* In the There has been llu^ connection of ‘ nt? n lUrrtmaK nail? — - - t fair* of the WtsceneTi the ».M1 from an ogcollent source |t |g asevr "o“ to tt.r ti«iued that he has practically secured _ _____ , control Of that property.' 7 With immietakabie exid^S 11 J* <**.» m sd In certain good rw «afa»our at brr mu . ty ouarter* that tho rdront election of bv white ecreera ' p-. ’ Ot^tge Gould to a Wisconsin director- eft ws»r»- rrouned sh the ship r*e * ' private oalice. cal'ed Hu l tho ha*i ’M&ilEXPLOSION death list f l iS '** 8A VANN AH. <U., Nov. 22-GatheA- Ing strength with tho passage of every hour the local market for yellow pine lumber la getting In a good satisfac tory condition and since prices rang ing from K0 to 71c batter than current values have been secured on continued orders In the past week on contracts averaging two million feet it might bg said that the long expected advance on lumber la beginning to materallss. Savannah Trad# Optimistic. The trade of Savannah almost to a man Is extremely optimistic. In tha Vartoua offices the Intelligence that business Is Improving steadily li gleaned and It ta also stated by tha leader* In tha business that tha out look Is particularly bright. Juat at thlb time the lumberman say that there ara'more Inquiries on thg market thato for a long time past. All have not been successful In securing anything which might be regarded as “fancy* prices to bo sure: still at the *anf* time at least two Arms report that bet ter than average current prices has been obtained hence the increased op tlmlam. . Railroads to Gat (n Markat. Another condition on which apeclat stress la being lajd is-that the rail roads, so. long absent from the market are beginning .to send oat Inquiries. This is an ehcouraging algn and cou pled with the number of Inquiries sent out from the larger yard Interests of tha north Is causing a generally bet< ter feeling. Mr. Harvey Granger, one of tha loading lumbermen of the port woe ■eon yesterday. Ha stated that busi ness wal not only satisfactory at the moment but that all the Interests named were In the market and that tha prospects for the Immediate future were very bright. Another Wheleast# Firm. Savannah la to have another whole- bale Arm of lumbermen. Messrs. W. P. Brooks nnd J. H. Belahaw, for merly In the employ of Mr. J. A. Calhoun, both young rising lumbermen have formed a co-partnership under the style of Brooks A Bslshsw and will begin business on the first of nett month. Their offices wlH be located In the National Bank building. The capital stock of the new Arm has not as vet been announced. It la anderatood. however, that the company will have nmnle capital with which to conduct n first class business on a large scale. Both of the gentlemen are widely and favorably known In and about Savannah and they wfli embark In hu*ln*s* for themselves with the best wishes. Mr. Brooks has had • * - fanned kv while acreer* Be. > ueorge nouui to a Wisconsin director- deaths tonight ef > ' » ’ ' th* *nmped all the ship occurred at the kuggestlon of 15. i !»en Thomas, neon* roustabouts, the tenth v ... ' * Imperial ej*n stKnde.t hr it Htrransn and that Mr. O'Uld la f list at yesierd*y a a MUslaatpp! rtver t* r women Th* men of tho tn Wisconsin Central nroctkmllv aa Mr > steamboat explosion near Bayou Goal* i.v - • , «"cm£C! i«8S J.f Dl... L«k»« «.n clflcUl l-'.ltlon In th. Oonld ! ^tho «m« Injuml to Ik. hF\ va ’ rr - a rwiri t. j ^lr„ i, un^.rrtood that Mr I ,>Ho.lan on ito H. M ■'.rtir .r. m a rh! *>■«• to . th. »lf- t! tJoulil I. rterty koiaviu hla rtodltlon at N.W oritoiu haa|t|. ;. ■""!"&*"-*••*» •» «>- f. • v t • ■ > rrioin Alien l**t Thur*. j There hava rorant- I *p to the explualon of the Tarter'a bol* «•» » .'>a thla oitrrooua. TbejiL. *—*. alvleaa to buy (era wlu be mods by the United But. tearT> Ii«« l ot Urn •upUred. 1 Wisconsin Centrals and Wsbaahea. 1 Uapecwra. Icng and valuable experience as , office man and »t Is learned that he ftinui CTAKn^ AT PCUT; Axi after that end of the bust- nurv OlANUO AI Lion I ness. Mr. Belshaw has had consid erable experience on the road and he will doubtless look after the outside work. The new firm will add mated’- ally to the lumber business of Sa vannah. Sam Jones, Atlanta Negro, Commits Fiendish Grime With Razor. ATLANTA. Oa. Nor. SS._U.tnr a rator. with which he aevered the carotold artery nnd Juxutar vein. Sam Jones, a negro, today killed hla wife and left her dead body In a pool of blood In a housa In ths roar of J77 West Mitchell street Jones made hla escape. He I* described as n low. heavy set negro very- black nnd weigh# about' 140 pounds. 40 G. SPIRITS IS ANTICIPATED Market Scores Net Gain for the Week of 1 y t Gents Per Gallon. ' NEW ORLEANS. No, tt-WIth th. Bdward Pvlfriy roustabout*, tl.r J. A. Northcwlt K«M> BIRMINGHAM Ate.. Nov ,K.—J A. Northcutt. a well-known dtteen of »l*nrv Rlten. Jefferson county, was shot and nl- meat Instantly kilted tonight hr J W. ftement The shooting oecwtevd In fn>nt of Nnrthcutf* home and three hut>t* took effect ivment wsa. twinigbt h*re •off lodged In the county ' Mt* nothing a* tu tha auti tragedy. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Nov. tt-CtfMritng •lowly but pyrelY upward on the atrength affopted by a good legitimate demand, tlte lockl iplHta of turpentine rnkrket tn the wetk ending yesterday scored a net gain of lUc per gallon, and tha factorage element wa# hopeful that 4te turpentine wa* in sight. The markat opened on Monday. November Arm at 3S1*c. The cteu* -yesterday was firm at lilac. . Tha receipts for the week were again heavy. They wete much larger than had been ontlolpaiM.fot.thla lime of tha year, but deaplte thla fact the volume of soles effected dally area satisfactory. Much of tha fatal which changed hands;was for requirements of foreign consumer*. London Market Looks Up. Tha London market after softening somewhat began tha upward movement •ruin la tha latter part of the week. Exporters state that business at Lon- •6n la not Up to the normal, because of tha handicap arising from the large stock*, but the continent la a good buyer at the moment. Rosins were la very good demand and price* moved upward a trifle from tha Uveta ef lost week. Yesterday's closing itIV few,WiP” r General Statistics. General statistics of both markets as posted at tha beprd of trada fo»ow Are Your Fences Down? We are offering for a few days some good FENCING, cut to 3 feet, 4 feet and 5 feet lengths, at $1.00 PER HUNDRED FEET for 3 and 4 foot lengths and $1.25 per hundred for 5-foot lengths; 5x5 heart pine posts at 20 cents each. Post long leaf South Georgia pine. Massee-Felton Lumber Co. Telephone 1840 Macon, Ga. i:n. «HS «:!« CIS,MS 1CS.I2T CI7.SC4 i ,10,., ICS? I gas. j r » m Kis •.: JBS Brazen . .m.Wi Kx ports: : m Mom a . . fssaon . •tsT !?oTi MONGOLIA BRINGS ALLEGED EMBEZZLER SAN FItANCn Nov. St—A detec- flo mall Uaar Mon golia. on tha staomar'a arrival from tha Orient today, and arraatad U H. Knoll vs. whoa* description la sold ta tally with that af L. T-.*_Hancockr wanted by authorities of Winston-Salem, N. C., a cluirxe of alleged embestlemenL The detectlva skid that Hancock i charged with embeixllng a sum of money while in the employment of th* Lamb Fish Lumber Company. Ha Was traced to San Francisco, whenca he sailed #«v- eral week# ago. and order# for hla arreat wore cabled to Nagasaki. There It waa Iramed ihat Hancok h*d left the vessel at Honolulu. Th* police of Honolulu cabled that a man answering Hancock s description ha* sailed for Son Francisco on the Mongolia, Knollys denied that he wma Hancock —ioily# denied and asdd that ba _ brokerage firm af Courtland. Babcock A i a member of the People Weary ot “ Tariff Hog‘ (Continued from Page one) Co.. 44 Pine street, New York. He taken to the city prison pending word from North Carolina. Hancock Mads denaatlonal Escape. CHARLOTTE. N. a. Nov. IJ.-L. O. Hancock la aUagad to hava embexxled about tl.SOO from the tAmb-Flah Lumber Company at Winston-Salem a month ago. After learning that his crime hod been discovered and a warrant sworn out tot hla arTeat he made & sensational escape from pursuing officers, driving thirty miles through the country in an automo bile to Greensboro, where he boarded a train. Hancock was treasurer and man ager of the company. Watched Flltaen Years. Tor fifteen years I have. Wmtshad working of Bucklen's Arnica J vestlgatlm the-work woul DONTLETT^E boy'PAINT .any of our paint left over from tho up everything around {he house with Job. For our paint Is ax hard to get off aa It is easy to put on.' That la a virtue you will appreciate when you find how keldom you have to renew the coat you put on now. It stays brighter longer tha'n any other paint we know. . rMr . WILLINGHAM SASH b DOOR CO., 457 Third St., Macon, Ga. republican# now regret that the gathering «f the data which Is to form tbe : b*ae of revision waa not Intrusted to a non- partisan and skilled tariff commission, ss Senator Beveridge proposed and urged. Every one knows that the commltteea of factor the house and senate mast In the end frame any law that is to be put on the Statute bocks, but it la clear that If sort communion nos been charged with In- 11 have been question the political organizations of tha houses of congress are not aa e&mpetent to deal aa would* be an organization of business roan and experts. Even men who would not help Senator Beverldga when ha urged this reform now admit be wa» right and ona probable outcome modern or Taft Mea of a i “ ja business question. of the modern or Taft Mea of a rational and moderate protective tariff may ba a permanent tariff commission. Publlo Opinion Will Turn th# Trick. After oU, the greatest fore# to ba ax- the lawmakers who ara char*, ad with the work of revision ta tbe praa- *ure of public opinion. This Is already a factor of Importance. Th* apeclalinter. mu ara ttrajae*. steeple*. They “aver tv. ottnr. th* .inter I, ovn th*. win tor. a lobby of hotter*.], of non hrro a> Ih* notion.) cpu.1 notkln* day «»,t P*>» te rvty ttolr te»lnt Thfy im*£? t-m.trlr rvol. .ad throten ntrHtnn) .... .rnator.- Ttirtal tKr'r • rr K tJ 5 ' ISS, I- ' m t ZltZ r lh z SUSV