Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 26, 1908, Image 6

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1903 Attention, Autoists! We have some particularly attractive bargains to offer. We believe we can corivmce you that the machines which we offer for sale and recommend are the be$t that the same amount of money can buy, They are standard; they are known wherever automobile excellence is appreciated. We claim to speak with authority on the all-engrossing subject of AUTOMOBILES We have just received from Olds Motor Works: One X Touring Car, listed at $2,000; one of the Special Roadsters, listed at $2,000; one of the Model D Touring Cars, listed at $3,000. These are all 1909 models, and we are personally guaranteeing them to be free from repairs for twelve months. We are now booking orders for the model 20 Olds Touring Car, listed at $1,200, which is the latest model on the market. We will begin to make delivery about the 1st of January.' We have been allotted only a limited number of these cars, so place your order with us before it is too late. The Automobile & Machinery Company 321 Second Street, Macon, Georgia We have for sale one second-hand model R Ford, thoroughly overhauled. $500 will buy this Runabout; just repainted, equipped with two gas lights and generator on top. BOARD OF EDUCATION HELD ITS WORK AT THE CABIN REGULAR MEETING LAST NIGHT IS NEARLY COMPLETED (tesotutlens Touching th# Death of C. D. Wi.lingharo Adopted bv o PtUIng Vot». Otter Rutlnrst Transacted. called mooting, taking the place of egumr monthly meeting of the board duration, was held In their office* right Present were Most*. Tine* Mi ler. Jones. Iferta, Pindleton. Psl- UcCtV, Wiley. Morgan and Andcr- *:lent Tlnafey formally announced • hoard the death of Mr. f\ ft. Wh en. And suggested the propriety of Attng a committee to draft appro- I* resolution*. V’pnn motion of Pol. of education. the angel uf death ha# ‘ailed to a higher ephere of action. Mr. »drr B. Willingham, a irember of this Mil. Therefore. I*e It Iter «..l. That the secretary he In i’ i d to thread on the minute* the ollo»ing teattmoniel of hla surviving co- Hnrkero in the cause of education: Pipit, ■pile board haa lost a valuable tenalon of time In considering the appli cation of J. A. Brook* for an Increaaa of salary. Mr. HerU. chairman. reported that #u- thorited try the board at their laat meet ing. he had pure based for fit, aa un- < In lined frclaht. 1* double and IS single (leak*, and I? caslOtys. On motion the In ami then adjourned. Deaths and Funerals CONTRACTS FOR ELECTRIGJOWER Now Being Made For the Product at tha Central Georgia Power Company, Whoie Big Dam is Now Being Guilt Mr. 8. B. Storer, representing tho Central Georgia Power Company, 1s now engaged In closing contracts with tho users of electric energy and lights, .. In advance of the completion of fhe contractors have started to put in tha'big dam of the company. I IlSt A « •»»•> •• the dam |> oompl.t*d. NEW GniLL-nOOM AND LIGHTING SYSTEM WILL OE FINISHED BY THE MIDDLE OF DECEMBER. Tha work of Improvement at the Log Cabin t-lub Is rapidly progressing. and by the' middle of December the club will have Ita grill room completed, and the othar Improvements on tha second floor finished for tha Christmas holidays. A new floor haa been put In. and 'the onti—*— *— -*■ •- * • • — • four CRAVEN. Improvements will add a great deal to thei w w now u f in * pusnea aarost The remains of Mr W M Craven J* r ,h * 0,ub bullilnt. and wtll• mon *J r > * ,ttr fe force bBnd * i ne remains i r Mr. w . M • crayen, much greater floor apace, dmklngjcan push It. there will come to Macon who died "Yesterday in Birmingham. I It possible to give larger entertainment* for distribution umong Her own man- ■EuthSllEKon th.*aoo«i»8ouTh" ■ ri. t ta*lft'>■•"< "'«<■ CKvlUn .omothln? '*■ trainmaster on the Georgia South- Huh house are completed. The wires have Hke 15,000 horse-power. This vast ern, being the first to occupy that po*- already been run up to a point half way amount of power doee not represent Ul.m when the road began operate*, between Dillon's and tha cabin, and the the total product of the company, at After leaving the O* 8. 4k. F. ho yjjent rest of tha work .'an ba finished la a — - r — * - hom he knew and loved when In life, net as pallbearers: F. W. Scott. PH ». Ilhodais J. C. Banner, G. A. Ha was charttahi* Corley and L. D. MeNahb. mdwntatlnn. sympathetic i'»* u - ty'and the several o'her edura- t.'Ni hod lea with wntch he was con* i - led and by Ala mnlerlai *|ft». he d no r> stinted while In life hla erest lov? fm .Welnpment of th -untry skate the higher • (human epjtea f IK to the totof ^Phvnd The ft a'e hag lost a rltlaen wt. »• Ufa Illuminat'd the sphere of his * torn. a ad church a <*»trlstlan In v n fto-ce was no guile Hr was un- } ' • vstloua ami tnodeat In opinion, but r to hla rwnvlctlotia. and almost errlnr In |Hr 1,^----^-. —. I'lf i with-nit display, and always ti -xi*i among mer.. TMr.l V. r <? wS }%.«-<. j tf *>* „ motion the resolution* were adopted V* a -lung vale, and It area ordered that - idea be tent to the Mnron dally para, and to the faintly of the de- «• *■>* 1 i I ranartwteodent reported that the I iIrons of tba Midway srh«>n| had t*ern o nkng inqulrlea coneornlng a new build* i- f-»r which an aporoprtatUm was made It luno. ITpim • motion, the matter was r fprre.1 to the committee# on districts e i »lto*. and bm ding* and repairs, to to tha Central, and atone eight years i .. _ . . , ago went to the Southern at lllrm- Set oral enterta'nmenta are to ba given SEham soutnern at lfirm- j ^ lhi f abln during the Christmas hoi I- ,, • _ „ ^ days, and the improveuienlea to the club Mr. Craven waa well and moat fav- house will add much to their success. orably known to the older railroad ' — — men. lla wae very popular with them and they will learn (he no ye of his death with genuine regret. ... n hrothcr-ln-Uw of Capt. A. N. Ken- mi , drlck. having married a daughter of id n.Vi'irr nsVhl »«<* *** WheaJer. No greater work i Th « funeral will tike place after, the arrival of tha remain*, and lha Inter- tll be made In Riverside. The THREE TURKEYS STOLEN FROM NEW STREET HOME Somebody wont Into the premises of 5&-TKS of “■Hr - - asr' -w - Uta ! * t fti fC.kwvT.1 fflrli commends the TO PUT CAR TRACKS IN MIDDLE OF PARKS THIS IB THE LATEST IDEA AS TO THi POPLAR STREET PARKS— ONE MAN** PLEA. It is to place this power In Macon ffiJSSl/ and vicinity that Mr 8torer Is now j b! \ taking contracts. Thee© contract* are baaed on a rate that la approximately JO per cent lower than th© present price paid. Th© current Is expected to b© turned on January l. 1910. Mr. Storer t» delighted with Macon, and from every point of view. H« says that he haa never seen a city of so many possibilities as Macon Of the South, of Georgia and of this Immediate section, lie speaks In >he moat glowing terms, and said yester day that there were more undeveloped There*la*^dfaufct ns m what kina -(resources here than tn any country .lent was; It |a*not JhoSW'm S*M tvwjr vlaltcd. He aaya the peol 'en a negro or an ordinary whit* man, P** h**re really do not know how rich the race Were exciting. In the twenty- fOfirth mile Hayes made another of the Jump* to the front that he had been Springing at Intervals during the race, but Po.tmdo. running strong, r* tly re sumed *\c hstd like a flash. Tnla wae repeated half n mile further on, Dorando S ain proving the stronger. The twenty- th miles was finished In 2:34:17 1-5. Jiayas weakened In tig last half mils and the Italian won hanully by about b0 yards. BAPTIST KRESS CLOSED ITS LABORS 0 BAPTISTS C R WORK IN M YESTERDAY. Tha leading question under dlecussslon yesterday wan- "How shall we cultivate a more friendly relation with the race In whose midst we liver* Thla question wan Introduced with an addrdas by Rev. William E. Holmes and d'.scuaaad by the following: U«v. J. n. Border, D. D., Macon; Deacon George F. Thomas, Hawklnsvllle; Rev. L. D. ste- hsns, Albany: Rev, B. H. Borden. A M., • ; Ilev. b. y. Harris. Macon; Rev. _ Davis, Bainbrldge. Tha weman took un active part and rendered many helpful suggestion*. An informal conference was held In cons Id- *Sd*?ifier l 'questU>na effecting the welfare of lha negroes were deliberately and carefully considered. * Th* cloalmt sermon was delivered by Rev. James NftbJtt. A. M.. Amertcu*. ami th# fpllowlot committee was appointed to drMV Mafimlon* for setUng forth tho vie»« «r the congress: Rev. J. M. Sj m * B. Borders. L). l D. M. Sprat- ling.'IX D., Rev J. B. Borders. D. 1).. R<v. R. B Wllllsma, D. IX. Rev. Wil liam E. Ilolmss, A. M.. and the writer. Rev. N. U. Wright, D. D., presided •— ^h* ^ongreaa and Rev. R- B. Will! D., was secretory. Yllllams, thief been and < t *'\i**»<'na for thi« <|oub( are «iv*m!th*y really are. He believes that with v£*> the operation of the Central Georgia T ii m ■ nfll/ HTIinrinnil THIS LOCK STUBBORN known to be. Therefore. It ts fbought < P<»alWe figures, bar manufacturing In. *»wwi» wsw that some low down tramp paa-ed duitry will receive *uch an Impetus Thi!SJ r ;.u?i«* T n.; *• will place Macon among «Jie great- ™ TO-tt'ttOT!; 1 !;! «t m»"ur.fturln* cm,, in th. Unlt-a aria mm and got the turkeys. U I* now said that » resolution «r\*.l b«* i-** n:- nra upon si tne uvxt meeting o(' ofTrird at the next meeting of council t - 1 | to tmutr* the street milsray •'onitsinv A T->ltlon for eertstn repair* at Cham- to place It* track through the parks on . I. . | !, —*■ ■! ?>? ll * r »»!*?«■■ |II *. I -‘ J -» '*>- -*«*<>• coun «r tod.y ih.l . I - 6 iq Mr. |m i i« J- nes. inairtnsn , s»,,e iu at present, ■ —..k A ,,w— -,.. » emnmlttee on ' toMlogs and re- It is ntsl. Mid that this Is a move. 2! 1 ?®***.?£?** £?****•_W 9 *. w Bates. A* compared with the price per k'l. ewat hour charged the Innumerable factories of Buffalo, whose wheels nre turned by the power from Niagara inr MAT ninuiniiimr rtl,l> ' ,h * P rt «* to *»• charged by the ARE NUT GARNISHABLEiSyTmi”™ 1 * r ° w " c ^ n -°* ny difference Is ATLANTA. Ga.. Nov. tl-Tha state superintendent >rono«ed night j iit anew building be erectedL ^ . » old metertai. thnt tbr estimated if oace the tro«k is laid on the parks manual than mental. Thfr© fa One' * be *jr.s. On moilon Mr. Jones*, the us* of them fur warms Is dune ; consolation for those Whoa# pride m-tv adopted i with. , , . ; bv injured by the untl-tH+rlng dsef* .asatr’SW! eiJl ”*»t»£SS8» v .Sr\{S?ESS arj^r'ffirg light erbool. Judce Were many other ugly l*'*'k:ng places In *V* W J|C!L 0 I sa that me superintendent be* cRy that newfisd brushing up to make i twYnsro and preeent * • the It look good. rj of the board In detail a . "If I had my way." he Mid. "1 would in nr the proposed school *lo- a rack down thr renter of those I. • taiks ta which J wmito r^tutrs the ceun- P. Anderson explained that on twmvn to fasten their* As tt l*. left to Montgomery hi* atten- the mules and horava at- hitche,| to the tmeted by extensive ndvertise- "bee5a of tfe? \ehlfX*s and the result U i as tttaeerd* in -tore window* • 'be wngmie and tugxtga twe put on the eed Utah! scho*d In that *ltv l«‘HiS Catr-.wainpus.^mr a con- tod that the superintendent itotnemte.1 scene Itv pUdng the rack te wltn the suorrlnt-nffent of there snd rooulring all te«*»u. »-* Ih- hitch- awry schorls, lie was dlrrctrd, •’ 'h* Tagens would proeetu 4 , uniform »pv«mratv^e. and the Usnave of 1 Jd^jnniT f T i m lil i ii * *— the snl nxU kttcKrd to wheels afntad. with power to act In .I.? 1 *' *£!! . — . ^ Tor twe a hasemert nx>m at' Talking a*vnit a graare-t park pre [igh School, reported that the we-ntlnar a nreny sight to the stranger. to5e «snTcfW to n whal would be a better eight than tiu**e v» )+rr, put In the nlaee of l w »«k» filbil with ccr.ntrv tramsf |t s and that the room 1- readv would I-* a picture of actual trad# |h*‘ KT Hts renort was reoetved treat any other ett: ^ *As foe cotton tn the street, 1 re If It was oil r\*om was left In the middle. knows. !f^ bus11 ked for an ex- pher being held for debt under^ikr- nlshment proceedings. The case came up from the superior court of Chatham county, and Is en titled c. D. Cohan -vs. R. M. Aid- rich. Mr. Aldrich was a stenogra- ph*r for the Southern OU Company when *uit tor JU waa brought against Mm. A Judgment was rendered against him. and the magtetrate Judd that hla salary or STS a month w,\a garnlshable. It was taken to the su perior court op the ground that sten ography comprises more manual than mental work, and Is an occupation rather than d profession. In an Interextlng opinion—so inter- eetlttg lu fact that the higher court Included In It* own—Judge Charlton pointed out that the slat* supesmo .wolW toeGnVsin • left fer traffic on either aide bto «»w« experience and knowledge (he ilddle, (t* business and gra* wng oPCf B gbf t .f < Py t » r >» Gbetortd If city would • That's the way K feel about If company haa no dam. nature having built one for that company. Just as hundreds of factories and small tnJua- tries started up eu the completion of thdt Immense power, ao will they start up In and around Macon Mr Storer It pledged with the man ner tn which the users of the poorer afid the light are making their future contracts. They seem to rvaltxe that the Central Georgia Power Company Is a much greater enttrprla© than the- htd ever dreamed of. And yet It I barely started. Mayes Letts HU Race. Madison bqfare garden, n. t. Nov 25.—Dorando Pletrt. o fCaprt. Italy, defeated John J. Have*, of this dtv. (n th# renewal of the Marathon race at Mad- toon Square Garden tonight. Th# <tls- tsnee was ii mile#, 1*5 yards, the same • * the Olympiad Marathon, which Hayes won at thepherCa Bush. London, last summer. Dorando then felt from txhaustkm and n» helped acroe* the liar, but waa As- qua lined He grovwd to be Haro's master tonight, ng he held the lead from * •tart to ImKh. finally winning by to vards Ha yen waa tn the lead m -r. time tni >l< Hld. and Hayes Midi 1-k Tan tbensand perrons watcher the con- task and while partisan feeling ran high, nothing mer* than good nature* raillery TO SKILLED EXPERTS THE BIG SAFE FILLED WITH DIA MONDS AND FINE WATCHES REFUSES TO BE OPENED. For th. two d*y« pa*l «P«rt ma rhlnlat, hay. b,,n ,nd,avortn« to *ct into'the bt( »ar, of th. W. W. Wll- tlurih Oomi*any. A* ,tat..l ye.terday, th, lock r.- fnMi -'to work on Tu,»<l»F momln* when th. most valuable watch,, ana th, diamonds w»rc to b« taken out to, ditrlay in th, .how c.aca and the effort wa. mad. to art Into 1L but all failad. Th.rr wa. ...methtnr hi tb. tack-tbat fallrd to rr.pond to th. usual tnaunant of rnfmeton 1 l«ka and all day TUMday and y,al,rday - »r,rr knnwn method of *»tttn* Into th. Mf« without dMtroyln* It waa ua*d. In th, afternoon It wa. thoufht to Xm a ... let of .ufficlent «tr.nrth to w-DHi -be at„l ao that It could b* •IrillM into, but th, ordinary cu waa found to be too weak. It wa. thwe- fur. ntcMUty to hav. hydroyrn >u mad* by. Prof. 8,11,1. for th. pur- P *Mr'. vr. w. William*, th, wnlor member of th. «rm. wmil down to Newton. In Baker county, for a few Java- hunt and up to laat »l*ht did not know of the trouM. with tb, jaaf. fbr th. |,a.on that Mr. Iterrlcn MII- tlama nn.t Mr. Holt Vtr*ln. th. other member, of th. Arm did not cart to dlatuib hi. hunt. . If aklll and p»m»v«mnc» wm no. com tilth nnythlnc. tho a* 1 * * lu h. opened. There is one whiskey tnat is usea mrougnouc tne entire civilized world for family and medicinal purposes. ***• It’s Clarke’s Pure Rye This whiskey is aged and botded by the United States Government. Look for the green stamp; it’s your guarantee of age, strength and purity. 4 Full Quarts, $ 5.00 Delivered 12 Full Quarts, 12.00 Delivered Any of the following dealers will supply your wants* E. R. Betterton & Co. R. H. Cate & Co. J. Fox A Co. Gallagher A O’Gara. Paul Heyman. Julian Distilling Company. THE ABOVE DEALERS ARE LOCATED Chas. Blum A. Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Hanne Bros., Jacksonville, FIs. H. Clarke A Sons, Salisbury. N. C. Heller Bros., Jacksonville, FIs. | Hcstlg-Ellls Drug Co.. Memphis, Tenn. J. A. McCormack A Co., Memphis, Tenn. N. Goldring, Pensacola. Fla. D. F. d. C. P. Long, Jacksonville, Fla. Kentucky Liquor. Company. R. M. Rose Company AT CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Hanover Distilling Co., Peoria, III, Holberg A Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. E. C. Villers, 124 Carondolet St., New Os* leans, La. H. M. Austin A Co.. Montgomery, Ala. Phoenix Hotel Co., Winston-Salem, N. Ga Solomon Shael. Jacksonville, F|a. Tho«. H. Keating A Co., Ocala, Fla. J. Rieger A Co., Kansas City, Mo* Clarke Bros. & Co, PEORIA, ILL. » The Largest Distillers tn the World THE SON OE HAM UNO THE HAM HE FLANTEO LIVELY CHASE BY OFFICER PAT PIERCE AFTER ANEGRO YES TERDAY AFTERNOON. Considerable commotion wa* caused on cherry street yesterday afternoon by a long and exciting chase after an alleged Officer rierce waa notified tnat on# of the negro employe# of tlra Atlantic A Pacific tea store bad planted a ham In the rmr of the' store with the evident purpose if taking It for his Thanksgiv ing dinner instead of a turkey, and when J. II. Brown, th# man accused, was about to be arrested on the charge, he thowht he could escape the clutches of the tow by flight, but Officer Pierce's legs, whlto not long, are abUe. and ba soon cwugbt * Ira. J. H. Brown will tell the recorder about the ham U»ja morning. MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Mill Bar. Trl.r, tt AtbMT. to, th. [UMt of Mr*. Wlllt. »M S*n£ H»1L Pr. >n4 Mr. Hronr W.Ikw »«4 Mr. W*Hrr T. J.hnim. I»fl yr.lrr.Uy for SUTUiuh to attm* th. rutomoblrt mer. Him Grnl. Cr»l* tom oritc, thU momlwr to wmi Tb»nk««lvln, with brr Bl.trr, Mm. Slurp*. MIm U»r*u«1tr Montfort. of l«»! nold.. I. the ,uret of Mm. WlllUun patrtrk. Dr. and Mm. H.nrr W.Ik.r and Mr. ..’•IMT T. Jomunn left Tumday for s.- T»r.n»h to attend tho nutomonlr nm Mr. Fmnk SUM and h.r mr.dd.uil trr. Mh. N.nnlo MMI, of Tbrt V.lTrr. lai: are visiting Mrs. H. H. vtlle. A large party of tbs employee of the Central Railway afiops. rhaperoeed by Miss FVances Connelly returned yes terday to her homo in AtlantSi after being delightfully entertained In Maoon for a week aa the guest of Miss Har- riotte Winchester. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rousseau.Uft the city last night for Savannah, where they will attend the races and will be the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. John Hal* iwards goes down to Fort Valley today to spend Thanksgiving with her brother and etater. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Edwards at their country place. "Lone Oak," near there Mr*. wT B. Strang, 8r.. Mrs. Ryan and Mlsaes Winnie and Geraldine Ryan ar rived in Macon last night from Kansan City, and are the attests of BfK and Mrs. J. A. Newcomb at the Hotel La- nl Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Washington, of New York, spent Tuesday In Maron, with Mrs. Jack Lamar, en route to Sa vannah. After the race# they wlll spead several days with relatives and friends hire, before returning home. Mr. J. Moor* Kendrick I# over from Augusta to spend th# Thanksgiving holi days with friends In the city. Mr. Ken drick was captain and star second sack- er of the Mercer base ball team during * h MIssel^Bame 1 a°nd Mattie May Durden, of Hawklnsvlle. who cam# up to fittend th* Harrlson-Reeves wedding, win return to their home today. While In the city the- were the guests of thetr sister. Mrs. J. B. Randall, and were tha recipients of many delishtfui entertainments. Mr. and Mrs. J- B. Randall entertained a party of young people Tuesday evening Innonor of Mtoroe Balllennd Mattie M .> Durden, of Hawklnsytlle. Dtfferont games were played durtng the evening, and delicious refreshments were served. Those present were MUros^Ball e Durden. Mattie May Durden, Julia Wnltten. Ixtura WhlttenTJohnnl# Lau. Reeves. Maggie BEisH Brooks. Sldn» > ,.m» Asbell. Will Young. win ssi u ?csw?5rs. sssp.s WIFE IS ARRESTED ^ ON CHARGE MURDER ROCHESTER, N. Y- Nov. 25,-Mr*. Georgians Sampson, widow of Harry- Sampson, of Palmyra, who died on No- vernier 1 •• the result of a gunshot wound, was today formally accused of the murder of her husband by th* district attorney Of Wayne county, and placed un der arrest. Sampson was a nephew of th* late Admiral Sampson, who com- Th# death of Harry Sampeon occurred the Allvn farm, located between Pal myra and Macedon. In W syne county. It waa at first believed that Sampson took his own life, but fln»Uy the coroner, decided upon a rigid Investigation. Dr. Albert Hamilton, a gunshot expert, after examining the wound in Sampeon s body, testified that th# dead man could not bar* fired the shot that killed him. Damaging Evidence. It cam# out at th# Inquest that Samp son on Saturday before^ hla death bad discovered a letter written to hit wlfa by a man outside of the family which had been the cause fo a bitter quarrel At the resumption of the Inquest at Mseedon today. District Attorney Gilbert told Mrs. Sampeon that she mlghe make • statement, but that anything she said ■ be used against her. [re. Samp-on replied that on the advtca HB of counsel she would Hot make a state ment. Mrs. Sampeon was then placed . —t= Hfitto* formally charged wlti husband and taken to the ccgnty JaUatLyons. Cotton ‘Mills Resume Work. GREAT BARRINGTON. Mass.. Nof. J5—The Monument Cotton Mills which have been running on short time foe several months, have resumed opera tions in full. Four hundred hands are employed.. „