Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 28, 1908, Image 2

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1 —— it* THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING,. NOVEMBER 28, 1908 You’ll Be Surprised GRANTLAND RICE IS DESIRED DY CLD6 OWNERS TO SUCCEED BOYER at the difference in men’s heads —no two alike. Yet with the thousands of dif ferent shapes |we’ve yet to find one we couldn’t fit from our stock. $3.00 Knox Stetson to Macon Special $5.00 ONE PRIGS TO EVERYBODY SAVED something every week. The prudent man that thinks of hie iftverl one* future doe* not have to worry about finances ae he has and la dally providing amply for the protection of the future contingencies and emergencies. Rave something every day, weak and month and you will bn ou the safe, sure side of trouble and on the road to financial In dependence and success. We will open an account for you of $1.00 and than your In dependence beglne-lts tip to you to oomplate your bondage duo from Ufa. Begin saving today. We pay I per cent compound Interest. Our free booklet will convince you of our positive safety . “ Safest for Savings ” Equitable Banking & Loan s Company Ooo. A. Smith, President. SPECIAL NOTICES Jesse B. Hart & Bro, Funeral Directors rersonal attention given all business. Phenes 407. 760, 1266. MACON, QA. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. PURSLEY & OLAY, UNDERTAKERS. Always open. 111 ana 016 Mulberry fit. undertaking houso ... * Prepared to fill _ „ j Order* on ohort notice. Cerrtegeo to funerel 66.60. HEIMATH HALL 666 Walnut Street. i and women 86 Breakfast 7 to • i Dinner 16 to 1(60 n. i Supper, itOO to 7:60b A tree rest room: convenient for out. »f-tewn the poet*. At a n» NOTICE. verting of Macon Clearing House A e^J*t»^vh^^Jiwernbe^uMU|^MA i view of the fact that the higher court* * and that they be allowed, and personally reef — • •»•» its wrti "•Re*;jved. t ^hit h *Ji*e£d after December 1st 1606. the bank*, composing the Macon Clearing Roues Asoodar— lately STEAMER GOES DOWN; 100 PERSONS LOST STRIKES ROCK OFP SAN FER- NANDO. MANYLA, Nov. 67—The coasting strain er Printing, carrying a large number of laborers from Narvacan to the rice fields In Pongasinnn province, struck a rock end sank last night during a storm off the town tjt Ban Fernando, in U ' Union prov ...— — ..... _ hupdred O'. the passengers and orew of the l*ontlng were drowned. The Steamer Vlscaya rescued 66. which was ths accl ____ _,JSw »— known whether any Americans or Europeans were aboard the wrecked steamer. TRAIN DE LONE FOR THE CHINESE ENVOY CROSSES CONTINENT IN TRAlf OF SEVEN CAR3 EN ROUTE TO WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON,* Nov. 17—Arrange ments wera made by tha state depart ment for the reception of Tang Chao VI, the Chinese special envoy, who probably will reach this city Monday nftarnqon next. The envoy will bo met et the union station by either As. alstant Secratary Bacon or Assistant Secretary WUaon and aaveral other of- ficlals, together with the military aides of the president. The party of the envoy will consist of 61 members, in eluding Tang Shso Tl, and sftsr i similar reception and Introductions they will be driven to the special rae- Idence that has been prepared for them on K street. Gratified With Reception. OODRN. Utah, Nov. 17—The special train of seven care carrying the Chi nese special envov, Tang Shao Tl and entourage, passed through here late today, en route to Washington. The envoy expreeeed grateful appreciation ef the kindly reception accorded the party sine© Its arrival In this country. The envoy will remain In Washington for a period of at least four months and his future movements are uncer tain. He added that some of the hap plrst period of his life had been ex perienced In the United States during hla college days and that he was anx ious to renew acquaintances and friendships formed then. Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Rucklen's Arnica Ralve: and It has never failed to cure any sore. boll, ulcer or hum to which It was applied. It has saved us many a doctor hill,** says A. F Hardy, of Fast Wilton. Maine, flo, at all drug stores. TOBACCO COMPANY GETS JOLT BY CHANCERY COURT NKWAMC. N. J.. Nov. IT.—The suit of the American Tobacco Company against It. PT Richardson. Jr. * Co., of North Carolina, to romp©) the transfer of the stock of the defeatism company to th© American Tobacco Company. In compli ant'* with en alleged agreement, ha* been Indefinitely continued. The awlt arms to hav© come to trial »n th* chancery court wUes. will abeo* v n MAI y rafus© payment of checks which overdraw th* account* of depositor i. AC ON CLEARING HOUSE AlfiN. CONTRACTORS AND EUILDEIM. We era prepared te furnish on ahert nsttce mixed ear loti ef yellow win* Flaming. Flawing. Cwlig and Weather- bearding. a»e© Moulding* end Finishing material. Shingles and Into*. Send us ywwr bins fiwJMhrered price*. THE GARDUTT A DONOVAN MFC. CO.. Lyons. G*. THE BASHINSKI SENTENCE COMES UP THIS ... the „—„ c — ault could not be decided until after th* United Htstc* supreme court had decided the pending suit th© government against tM American Tobacco Company Counsel for American Company asked, that th* lasuc of fraud I raised by th* Tttchardbon Company be penement ordered. Pale Delicate Wemen end Girls. Th© Old Standard GROVRH TA8TE- tJK9 ClllU. TONIC, driven out ma laria and builds up th© system. For grown people and children. Me. ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR JUSTiCE OF THE PEACE Another candidate (or Justice a2 the time In the Godfrey district . n*. already announced, and yeet«rd Jim Davidson yielded to the *i I of hla mtmeroua frienda and b* 1 It bad been set down that Mr. Ike I shtaekl would be reuenteured yeeterdey j morning by the recorder, but et Mr. _ ehlnskr* request It wee deferred until! , tMe momteg- _ _ . . In the field stump will : Kut Macon district. t and with- > matter hew many candidates .‘•Merabi* Interest felt In . I much apeculalion Indulged Hugh Mckrrvey I* *t»n on hi kind of eenueice will be out ororalilon Ati hut two lOtewT In the first Instance, Beahlnekl I Best Heron dietn. t have vane given three punishment*, a fine, term In the cdty prison and a term .. the ahelmwng. It haring been decided that the recorder cannot, tirpMe th# I after the 6th of December tide* the duration discussed t* what two tn the lower city distrtrt Judge A. I*, win now be Imposed, or If these will be I Jones I* letting no graen grew under his only th* fine and aa alternative sea* { feet—the Ihplar street parks being Just r.ast ssaron a«err:<-t neve anquautteaiy fine, n I pledged hlnmelf to support Mr MeKer- •rifigfi J vy against all renter#. and fraan present dectPsd ted (cation it wtH N- Judge McKerxey LATE DEVELOPMENTS OF INTEREST IN 80UTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE AND OTHER BASE BALL CIRCLES. By PRANC MANCUM. Blnoe It Is practically certain that Chas. Atlantic League, an office that he has filled for four consecutive years, several men ar© prominently spoken of ns his most probable successor. Th© first to sppear In ths field—end he i. a 'railroad man. o Jackson sin*, Fla. While not accomplish Ing much towards Insuring his own elec tion. Mr. Jon©** candidacy did considera ble along the line of arousing the club owners to a keener and more apprecla- “ • * *to league. tlv© Interest In the affairs of the 1 __ __ , affair ___ The majority realised more than before that Mr. Boyer - whole, although experienced has© ball man skilled In th© organisation and operation of teams and leagues. seeming lack of Interest t ... certain times. his alleged failure to treat all clubs ©quit ably, and his poor Judgment In the mat ter of umpires, proved conclusively to some that he Is no longer to be of an" greet and general value to the Bout! Atlantic, his usefulness to this clrcul having expired. And now that Boyer Is said to be slated for the presidency of the Virginia League, the fruichlse owners are diligently or the,lookout for a man capable of nin th© South Atlantic, well and satis- ning the — fartorlly. Mr. Ball, of Charleston, assist ant postmaster of that city, and well- known generally, was mentioned. The rumor associated the name of Lowry Ar nold. of Atlanta, with the joh. but th© 1st. ©at and one host bet Is Grantland Rice, the south's leading sporting writer, and and a has© hall and a newspaper man of ©xtenalv© experience and marked capabll- lt Is the men who own .... TM. tfm and run the club*, not the newspapers and rabid dope editors, who are figuring on Mr. Rice, whose ©lection to the presi dency of the flarab circuit would unquea. ably be pleasing to every fkn and patron, newspaper men and officials. Th© Macon management is very frank In stating that th© local club’s support will go to Mr. Rice. That Chattanooga and Columbia will also vote for him there seems no question. Augusta Is Inclined to Foyer. Columbia Is leaning similarly, hut (nightly uncertain; Charleston Is llka- Wlse disposed though not overfond of Die K iaent Incumbent. Jacksonville Is against yer at all haxarda. That makes It four to four, with the odds on Mr. Rice* side of the fence. Th© 1oh of “prealdentlng" th* South Atlantic Is not a hard one, but on© to he sought, for the money It pavs as well as for the honor II carries. Fifteen hundred I* the salary, and It Is always paid; and allowance I* made for all traveling ex penses. which have been considerable, although Mister Royer was scarcely J tnnwn to be In a city, a member of the ©ague, unless spotted by reporters. Just who will be the next head ol fl. A. Is entirely In tho hands of the club owners, but it Is a matter of great Interest to th* fans throughout league. George Btalllm the New York . In*s, the new mnnaxcr of Americans, an Augustan, ann on© or me best known base ball men of th© country. I« In Macon. He arrived I yesterday, coming up from his farm st Haddocks, and nt once completed pr#-i re ration* for the training of tho High landers In this city next rprlng. He states that they will arrive about the I first, of March and will remain her© at least a month. There will be about flftyi players In the squad. I Mnnngcr Stallings Is over the chances of his new team, but I* not making any first plnce predictions, nor any predictions at all. Neither docs he say what men of the regulars he Iq-d tend* to weed out, stating that this canJ not be told Just now. It Is believed that he will hay© Hal Chase back again and] inay cling to Jack Chesbro and Conroy for another season, - --y hiTin: *n tne mutter or tno cxporiauon or n animals.afflicted with thw disease arc the same as those applied to Pennsyl >lng to have a memorable meeting in Ravsnmi^M^n^elnJsn* uary. the date yet to b* determined, but very probably at the time of theM^m *!on of the If M I league directors. bf the cities will he' there*and 'they’ll talk Instead of write. portance, they will organise, elect offi cers who’ll serve for prestige without graft, adopt uniform scoring rales, dis cuss pertinent matters of Interest to themselves. If to i ■ » else, vote on res- is. hop on this thing and on that, argue about the tariff and th# like. And I attend to other matters which all true ©Parting editors know something shout. Th* dopesters of this circuit were the first to think about organising, but they wera best to an association hy those of the big league. Such would not havei been the case, however. If i ‘ _ — 1 President ■PW. Boyer had compiled with urgent requests and Informed them of the date of the league meeting last summer, th# It Is absolutely official that the Au gusts franchise has been purchased by the street railway company of that cite. The team will be conducted on more The fans In Columbls sra not st nil sure shout losing the South Atlantic franchlau They have gone to work with a vim and are endeavoring to raise suffi cient money to keep the team at least another year. ‘ “ fumble win 1 _ schedule stsrte In April. good bet that Co- gill be In the circuit when the NOT QUITE SATISFIED ABOUT PLEASANT HILL Negro Property Owners Are Raising Funds With Which to Fight the An nexation of This Section. Thera are somi few negro property owners on Pleasant HUI. whe have never been quite satisfied with the reault of their effort to annul th* annexation elec tion which made (hem part of the city to ©njotn the city from the _ taxes, and the case went against them In both th# superior and the sun courts, and It wae their Intention to It to the supreme court of the ‘ In both th# superior end " “ “* ‘ ‘ to car- .. .—.— —. united States, hut this wee abandoned, some aay because i funds gave out Recently some of those who never gave up their contention that they should not have been brought Into the elty. have re vived the effort, and have been holding __ meetings for the purpose ef raising aom* tried regardless of th# government ault. more money. It t* said that the | Th# request eras denied end th* post- annexation of anothw- nortii —. entity is the cause of tnla r on their pert. bet the recent tlon of the lo- i renewed effort WORKED THE OLD 6AME ON THIS COUNTRY NE6R0 Arthur Gsy e negro from Bonstr. on the Georgia Southern and Florida rail road. reported to Detective Smith yester day that he had been the victim of the old. old game of finding a pocket book . — - * fifDf del- * liars, out and the making of change for a t tar bill. H* is out it costing him this amount to find • that the packet book was dropped by _ an innocent part- slick city negro wtt per. The description given by Gay to the police of the two negroes who film-flam med him. Is Identical with that given by other victims nil of them from the coun try towns Mr. lee Wilson. sheriff*# hfoa frm |Savannah today. He went down Osten sibly for the purpose ef easing the ante- mobile races, but there was a report en the street* yesterday that be went mere fur .the nurpoee ef bringing hack a bride Ilf this be true, there wui he maoy to • '• - as U has numbers ef irteads la Ma^ua. EVERYTHING 18 SAFE WITHIN THIS SAFE 't* THE W. W. WILLIAMS CO. SAFE REFUSES TO ALLOW ITSELF TO BE OPENED YET AWHILE. The big safe at the W. W. Williams Co. still remains obstinate, and des- K te the fact that mechanics have en working on It for the lastffour days Is as yet unopened. The safe was closed on Monday night end to all appearances the lock, was in good condition. However, when Mr. Virgin, of the firm, attempted to unlock the combination Tuesday morning, it was stuck hard and That. He worked on it for an hour or more, and then giving up in despair sent for the machinists. There united efforts for the last four days have accom plished very little, as the Idek la still faat, and the valuables inside are even aafer than the firm dcslrea. Mr. Virgin stated last night, that the temporary Joss of the watches, diamonds, etc., was not bothering them very much as they .had a surplus stock In the other safes but that his ledger locked up, and as tho first of the WAS HIT BY STRAY BULLET Boilermaker's Narrow Escape From Seri ous. Perhaps Fatal, Injury en After noon of Thanksgiving Day. special cause for thanksgiving on Thurs day. In the afternoon he took a walk over to the Central Brick Company's yard, and returned just as It was gathering dusk. As he was approaching the bridge of th* Macon. Savannah & Dublin bridge, he heard a pistol shot, and on looking In the direction In which the report came saw a man on the bridge with a pistol In his hand, firing It. He thought little of it, and was atiout to proceed on his wav. when he felt a stinging sensation about his face, and then he dropped to the ground. Not knowing the extent of the wound, and feeling only the effects of the shot. ialtied on the ground for s few mlmifes to collect himself, and In tha meantime a negro man and woman passed by. He saled to them to help him up. but they ran as fast as their legs would carry them. Then when he attempted to rise he found that he was nl) right, that if he ery much alive, and ralklng to the car line to the Macon hosp'tAl. where his wound Was attended to. This P roved to be a slight one. the ball striking i a glancing way on the right cheek and going at f bone. Mr. Smith- thinks that thft man on the bridge was practicing with his pistol and the distance. He does not think he i The wound on the face is a very slight one, hut tho nervous shock from It pro.*>- ... - - - • _ , . trated him. At any rate, he regards month is near at hand, ho was worried his escape a narrow one, and was triad Time to Think of Ghristmas None too soon to give some thought to the selec tion of Christinas'presents. Better start early and Z get the choice. <■ This year we will show a Fine Line Imported * China. An especially attractiye line in novelties and beautifully decorated goods. Prices 25c to 615.00. GIFT BOOKS Everything new and nice—one advantage in bnyihg Books is that something nice can be had at anv price. TOYS ’AND DOLLS. A complete line of good reliable goods. PICTURES AND MIRRORS. An elegant line of Pic tures in oil, water color, photogravure, ii COME IN AND LOOK US OVER. McEVOy’S 572 Cherry St. For Sale I1.4S0 Home being built In Ea»t Macon; will build to suit. $3,000 Desirable Vlnevllle cottage; lot wide. (^llicfc^ Stilt? $6,250 College street home; 10 rooms; built for a home; worth the money. $1,000 Vlnevllle lot; will build home for pur chaser. $1,350.00 Nice cottage on comer lot In good neighborhood sud growing part of about being delayed In getting out h|s bills It la expected that the hydrogen gas ordered from Atlanta will arrive this morning, and If the plans of Mr. Huhn do not gang aglee the obstinate will be opened some time today. The members of the firm are now satisfied that If some enterprising bur glar would come to light and get Into the safe for them, he would be Im mune from punlnbment, provided, he took nothing away. “Cllnchfleld—the Coal of Quality,-" P. L. -The reslg- kslstgjit i WASHINGTON. Nov. nation of P. L. McManus. .. general manager of the Southern Railway Company, and the abolish mail of the former office effective November 30, la announced In a circular letter today is- ficlals sued by Vice President and General Man ager C. H. Ackert from the Southern's headquarters in this city. MARYLAND.CATTLE ARE NOW UNDER QUARANTINE WASHINGTON, Nov. 27—The de partment of agriculture today ordered a quarantine'against the entire state of Maryland so far as cattle, sheep, etc., are concerned, on account of'tho appearance of a foot and mouth dis ease. Tho restrictions put upon the state In the matter of tho exportation of vanla. New York, New Jersey and Michigan. The first reports of the prevalence of the epidemic came from Llneboro, which Is but half u mile from the Pennsylvania stats Una. Government Inspectors at once were sent to tho place to ascertain whether or not the disease actually existed. It was upon their report that the quarantine order was issued. In the opinion of Secretary Wilson the disease if checked Immediately tn all tho states It has appeared, Will cost the government about $600,000. HOW ONE LITTLE TODDLER TURNED THE TOWN OVER And Sent Men Around In a Big Searching and the wonder Is how a little follow ol that ago can create such a stir. It was Tom Lowrey III. Ho had stray- ■MB led out of tli© Grand from tho Red Rid- much Ing Hood matinee, so as to go over to his |father's offlco In the Washington block, that ho might aeo daddy, but when he saw his mother In a street * ' •' * ' his mind and going home, he home wit.. — . — — to the father and the others In whoso home with her. But this wai unknown rare he was. and when ho was not found In th# office where he started, the alarm lw*a sounded. A description of him was S Hven, and the word passed from Ups to Hs that little Tom Lowrey was lost. I The mention of hla being lost woe sufft-i dent. Men hurried over the street#, looking Into the various stores and places where It was possible for such.a little| fellow to go. and th# whole big heart of to pat..._ ever had Just such a boy dropped everything and Joined In th* search. Finally the word cam# over th* tele phone that little Tom was safe at home, and then came th# relief. Those men who had been searching for him, and there were plenty of them, young and ould hare hugged little Tom. ‘ 6the S2a wera they thathe was anfo. that there was a few hours of thanks giving day left after receiving the shot in which to render appropriate thanks. QUIET UNTIL MONDAY All Sessions Will Be Resumed Monday. Murder Trial Commeneea In Superior Court—Grand Jury Meet* Next Wed nesday. The slow return to business that usual ly accompanies a Thanksgiving obaerv- t marked In the local courts No matters whatever i and stories of tho marvelous shots they ... Commissioner - -Is desk after an ab sence of several weeks, and Clerk Mor gan was busily arranging the docket for next week, when quite a number of civil and criminal cases will be taken up. The session of tho superior court also temporarily suspended, but will be resumed Monday morning, when the criminal branch of the November term will be taken up. The first < tho calendar Is that of W. N. Kitchens, nrobxL.- the trial will commence without delay. A stubborn defenso is anticipated. The grand Jury has adjourned until next Wednesday hy which time the sentments will have been complied and will bo delivered to tho court. This port will deal with a number of Bibb county affairs of general interest. ’It Is also likely that when the Jury reconvenes kely there will be several criminal matters to Investigate, The regular term of the city court does aot begin until Monday, Decomber 7. when a heavy docket of civil cases will be taken up. The assignment has al ready been mode. E A RACE COURSE OF HARDEMAN AVE RECKLESS NEGROES COME DOWN THE AVENUE LIKE DICKENS BEATING TANBARK. Two negro boys, one with a buggy and the other with a delivery wagon, knowing that the mile track park was not open to them, undertook yester day afternoon to tost the relative speeds of their horses by making a race course of Hardeman avenue. Zt is understood that they had a wager up as to the fastest horse, and then deliberately set out to race down the avenue despite the fact that this Is one of the narrowest streets of the city, and that It is the boulevard for pleasure drivers, many of them ladles. They passed by the officer on the th. beat with aJl th.iptcdor Wagner, big car when It won th. pri«o m th. SJifBttra ton. cJSlV. ‘ auto races In Savannah, but by dili gent Inquiry he found who they were, and they will tell the recorder this morning that they were going down the hill like a pair of snails. The only reason they failed to smash buggies! or other vehicles In their mad dash for ths purse hung up. was that fortunately none happened to be on the street at the time. The negroes gave their names to Of ficer Jenkins ss WUI Bailey and Charlie Thomas whsn they were lock ed up. Jno. F. and W. H. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Phone 206. 607 Cherry St. BOYS WHIPPED BY NIGHT RIDERS Tennessee Outlaws Continue to Create Disturb- WAVERLY. Tenn . Nov. 27.—Two boys by th# name of Baker, living In the southern part of tho county, were token to the woods last night and given severe whipping by masked night rider*. The reason given by the riders was that the boys would not work. John walker was also visited by a band of riders who whipped him and forced him to run up and down a half mile lano until he was exhausted. /He luch. was told he had been talking too i HURLS HIMSELF FROM BRIDGE Couldn’t Decide Between His Wife and a Young Woman Saturday Night, November 28 Spectacnlar and Scenic Electric Production of Morrison’s Faust Rosabel Morrison And a Great Cast including THE FAMOUS FAUST CHOIR Owing to the fact of there being no early train from Jacksonville, the com pany will be unable to give a mati nee performance. Prices—25. 50. 75, $1.00, $1.50. THE LYRIC THEATER MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 27.—W. Kimball, of this city, unable, it Is said, to choose between his wlfo nnd Miss Nora Acton, a young woman of Elvondale, Ala., with whom It is alleged he had become enamored, Jumped from the Memphis bridge and ended his life, his body be ing discovered today under tho bridge on the Arkansas side of the Mississippi river. Kimball and his wife had Just become reunited. It was during their separation that he met Miss Acton. ONLY TWELVE YEARS OLD BUT SMOKES CIGARETTES This Fact Brought Out In Trial of a Case Before the Recorder. waa cussed out for hla pains, A sad case of youthful depravity was developed by the evldencq In a case tried before Mayor Miller, acting recorder, yesterday morning, and which evidently touched hla honor, although he waa pow erless to reach out a hand to rescue ths little victim of clrcumstancts. A small white boy. with others, block aded the sidewalk in front of the Lyrlo theater the other night, and the mt ager tried to make them go away, but .. * — *-■ the bra. . who made Ih# sailor long In tellloi' * boy said Lyric to light a cigarette, and the man told him to go away, and because he didn’t obey at once struck him fire or alx times with a paper In hla band and shoved him off tha sidewalk. How old are you?" asked the mayor. . Twelve, going on thiruwn,’’ replied the boy. He further said, in answer to the ques tion, that he had been smoking for a long time, and when asked how often he smoked he said he smoked " he could get ’< Tha case against ths manager of the RALPH CONNERS, Ventriloquist. FRANK VOERG, That Funny “German Professor" THE FLORELLOS, . Comedy Sketch Artists Pathe’s Popular Piotures, . Changes Made Daily. BIJOU TODAY VAUDEVILLE and MOTION PIOTURES 4 to 6:30—7:30 to 10 Children, 5c; Adults, lOo i dismissed, but the court sighed Y. M. C. A. Mr. R. F. Burden has something of In terest to say to young men at the Young Men’s Christian Association building ■* 1 - - This business Sunday at 4 p. always speaks In a business way and his theme for Sunday will be * * by Living Up to HlsXlg’ “ “ will do well to be present Strangers, The theme for the flrat discussion will "What testimony shall we acoept — — Kct the truth on this and are cordial- kindred' subje— ly Invited to attend. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Onrso Laxative Fruit 6yrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. D will not gripe or sicken. It ia much more pleaaant and efltectivo than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it docs not derauge the Stomach, or irritate tho Kidneys, Liver or Bowola. Constipation. Omso Laxative Fruit Syrup will poai- tively cuiw chronic constipation aa it re- atorc3 tho natural action of tho intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach ii upset *»4 tMbMrtl( **• irritated without any pormanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomabh, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few day* a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action resalts in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it Is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. Oamo Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of tne digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organ* can notcure Chronic Constipati )n,Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, eto. For Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take Omko Laxative Fruit S.rrup. H sweeten* the stomach, aids digestion and act* as a gentle stimulant on the liverand bowels without irritating these orgaaa. Clears the Completion. Orixo Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate* tho liver and thoroughly cleinsos tha fy.toin and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is th i bast lax ative for women and children a* it ia mild and p!od«ant, and dor-s n't gripe of sicken. Refuse substitute*. OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are not satisfied your money will be rsf wded* Prepared only by FOLEY A CO M Chicago, III* •OLD AND RECOMMENDED BY H. J. Lamar & Co., Agent*, Near Fourth National Bank, Macon, Georgia. i i j