Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 28, 1908, Image 6

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/-11 .THE MACON’ DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNTS’O, N’OYESBEB ZB, t908 k COMPLETE FOOD Baker’s Cocoa £A Highest Awards in J u Europe and America uLLffit^oiLe A medical writer «ay«: Baker’s pure cocoa acts as a gentle stimulant, invigorat ing and correcting the action of the digestive organs, fur nishing the body with some of the purest elements of nutrition. < Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. uiA-dirso. BOftCHESTER, MASS. NO NEAR-BEER FOR THE COPS IMPORTANT ORDER I88UED TO THE POLICE FORCE YESTERDAY MORNING BY MAYOR MILLER. actino recorder. While acting reorder yesterday morning Mayor Millar, In open court, instructed Chief of Police Westeott to include near-beer In the ltat of drtnka forbidden officer* when on duty. Thl* order wu prompted by the evi dence in a case where an omcer went Into a toft drink establishment and obtained a glass of near-beer. The mayor asked the officer if this as not forbidden by the regulations governing the police force, end the of ficer replied that It was not. An examination of the rules relating to officers In this respect shows thai under a recent deoiaion of th* court of appeals and according to ans opinion expressed by th* mayor on the bench yesterday morning in another case, the regulations fully cover near-beer. Rule 10 says: "Police officers and men are strictly forbidden to enter any public barroom or drinking room, except in the discharge of their duty, while wearing their uniform or any part thereof. Rule 1! saya: "All members of the force while in uniform or wearing any part of uni form, either on or off active duty, are prohibited from drink, ing any intoxicating drinks. Near-beer has been declared Intox icating by the court of appeals and therefore comes tinder th* head of the intoxicating drinks referred to In the rule. This will be news to the police offi cers, for the reason that they have considered near-beer as a soft drink and were of the opinion that they could drink it the same an they could go into a place and drink a glasa of •odawater. k As a soft drlnkery is a drinking room, hereafter the police cannot en ter the soft drinker!es except In the discharge of their duty. If the police have been violating this rule, it wse evidently don* under a misapprehension. * But In future they cannot enter a •oft drlnkery, or take a glass of near- beer, except in the capacity of a citi zen. ‘Vulcanite”' ls.lhntRoofinfi oN r frS MERITS) long ago won fof Itself ’the repu tation of being the Best Ready Roofing known. Realizing tha value of this reputation, we have always endeavored to maintain 1% not only by keeping strictly up to the original hl«h standard, but by contantly striving to Improve It in every possible way. Require! no annual painting. Samples and "Kollo! Information" FRKJi. MALLARY MILLS SUPPLY COMPANY. FOR SALE •HO—This will buy two 4-room bouses that rent annually for 1165. These are splendidly located and are never Idle. lUll Hr this prle» we will sell you six brand new houses, splendidly located and always rented, that yield an annual rental of ISIS. No city taxee. 18,000—This will buy a t-story brick store and a 4-mom cottage adjoining, situated on a business street where property Is sure to Inrmaso la value. These bring an annual rental of $404. $1.400—Wa-havo for this ivo for this price five In good condition and Ing locality, that •bring In a good renting an annual rental of $IS0. Our terms on this proposition It $505 cash. bal. ance J500 per year. We are facilitated to offer terms on any of the above. Minton-Morgan Co. H. Horne REAL ESTATE^INSURANCE AND Phono 454. - Nfl LOANS. Grand Building. _ FOR RENT. ind Third street; rail floor Evening News 1 Bout her a * Retire 4*t rack "f acu£ DWELLINGS. wmwBfc* I'f: aMta«7'S,inh.c«lten* .trMt. jpTKw ...wJ'’**' ^ “* »»•"» ..TBS ftKffiSBffi!} riiSBS For Sale \ A MU (lr.-r.nm cottar. <m .txnt «c »tr» «( ground fronting car lint. n«ar Log Cabin Club .n,xtr,m,tr d.ilr abl* pine, and rrfth plrniy of tor anort.r-boai, urttboot crowding. Prtc, tl.iM. Thla.t, cheap could ♦ring loo»|(no and tmprbv*m,nt.. Can mnk. reaMnkM* l.rm* If unM. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 565 Mulberry Street. , B. Burhana Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhans. of Carlisle Center, N. Y.. writes: "About four years ago I wrote you etating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trou ble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely •topped the brick dust sediment, ant pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to aay that I have never had a return of any of those symptoma during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily re commend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble.”—H. J. Lamar A Co., near Fourth National Bank, agents, TO DISCUSS C00£ ROADS MAYOR MILLER APPOINTS DELE QATE8 TO THE GOOD R0AD8 CONGRESS TO MEET IN ATLAN TA NEXT WEEK. Mayor Mlll«{ h*. appointed the fol lowing delegate, to th. eouthoaaiern Road Cnngraaa, which mreta In Atlan ta on December 1 and f: T. D.-Tin«ley, L. O. Steven., w. It. Man,Held. J. A. Flournoy, O. L. Rrlght, J. W., A. J. Long, L. A. Mitchell and T. B. West. The appointments are made In ro- eponee to tho following call leaued Py Gov. Smith: •■Jn vlow of the Imperative neceulty for the Improvement of publlo roads, and at the requeet of a Joint commit tee repreeentllig the Atlanta ohamher of commerce, thn county of Fulton, and tha city of Atlanta. I hereby call a good roade‘ congro... to meet in Atlanta on December Id and 4th for the purpoM of discussing ths subject and taking appropriate action thereon. “All fitter, L state, county and mu- nlrlpal bodies, hoards or officer..' and all commercial and agricultural or ganisation. Interested In thn Improve- msnt of th, public roads are Invited to send delegates, and the co-operation of the governors and tha county and municipal officers t> asked to the end test their ce.p—ittve constituencies may be ropreisnlsd by men qualified lo discuss this Important subject." It le probable that In addition tn tha delegates appointed by ths mayor, members of ths county commissioners may also attend. 8svtn Years of Proof. "T have had seven yean of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery Is ths bsst medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every dleeaeed condt- tlon of throat, chest or tungs," saya W. V. Henry, of 1‘angma. Mo. The world haa had thirty-eight year* of r sf that Dr. King's New Discovery the beat remedy for coughs and coMa. ta grippe, asthma, bay fever, bronchitis hemorrhage of the lungs and ths early stagm of consumption. Its timely use always prevents ths development of pneumonia Bold un der guarantee at all drug stores l»c. and JIM. Trial bottle (tea ICOI MAN DAZZLED BY A SAVANNAH BET GIVES AN ILLUSTRATION OF HOW FREE MONEY CIRCULATES IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH. Xeerly all of tha ffvs hundred Macon people who went te Savannah to see the auto races have returned. They speak of the crowd! being Im mense and the races being Just what they were eapected to be—splendid. But that which seems to have Impress, od them most was tho apparent pros perity of the city. All spatk of Sa vannah being la almost as good a condition as before thy cuts .rent dry. That money ta plentiful It beat Itlua- trated by a conversation followed by a bet that waa overheard by a Macon man who listened as If tn a dream. - He waa passing along Bull etraot and stopped to watt for a car. Near him waa a group of Savannah people bnd this he had gathered from their talk. One o* them looked skyward and said: •111 bet It ralne today." "What'll you belt" came quickly from two or three of the group. The flret epwker glanced skyward again aad said: Oh. Ill bat yms twentySve thousand dollars that it rain, before I o'clock." Three of the crowd count*, out Sve thousand dollars, oua took cut hi, SANTA CLAUS Has Arrived; Will Be at HARTER’S lO to 11 A.M. and 3 to 4 P.M. TODAY \ Parents and Children are invited to be present and make an inspection of the gifts which Santa will exhibit and which he will distribute at Christmas. SOUVENIRS to the Children. The Store Decorations exceed in originality and beauty any= thing in this line ever seen in Macon. Don’t miss seeing these. THEC. E. HARTER CO. check book and fountain pen and wrote out a check for the same amount, and another said he only had three thous and with him. but if they would go with him across the street where the proprietor of & fruit stand was he could borrow the other two thousand, the Macon man watched them go over and saw the fruit stand man haul out a wad of money from his Inside vest pocket and the purse was made up. It didn’t rain. • Old 8ettlers. Old age produces a general weak ness of all the functions of nature. Every vital organ works with lesa Tlila I* particularly true of the liver and bowels and constipation foltvrfe. Indirectly causing kidney trouble and rhtumatlsm. The liver must be stimu lated to do Its proper work but not with violent cathartics. Thrr use •hocks the entire system and produces weakness and sickness instead of strength and health. Nature’s Remedy (NR tablets) Is the only safe and right remedy for constipation and g»1 liver and kidney troubles, because it cure* the trouble and In addition strengthens and builds up tns entire system. Relieves rheumatism. Get a 25c. box from King A Ollphant THE HUMBLE HAM-AND TWO CASES BEFORE THE RE C0RDER IN WHICH THE HAM PLAYS A PART. Whll« th. turkfy figured on Thank«- glvlng day with great prominence, the ham had Ita Inning In the recorder’, court yeatarday morning. The drat cate wa. that of doe Bry ant. a negro portrr for the Atlantic A Pacific Tea Co. According to th* manager, Joe had been under .uaplcion for aome time. It being believed that he waa allpplng thing, out by tha hack way, but It waa not until Wed nesday that he waj found carting out the tra.h through the rear doer, and with It twe nice little pig ham., Joe ■would h,va reveled In the red gravy of these hams but for tha fact that ha waa seen to slip one ef the ham, under th, trash, and a aubrequent •rerrh W the treah pile revealed an. other. Ha wa, caught, owned up and wanted to pay for the ham., but iti being carried to the front door to b* turned over to ad officer made a break, and after a long rha.e through the streets wa. finally caught by Officer Pat Plarce. Joe told the reenrder that he was accused through the prejudice of one of tha clerks who had been trying to gat him drunk all day that he irjght find somethin* for which he weuld be discharged. Notwithstanding this «*■ ha waa commlttad to the city euaa. court. Tha other caaa waa that of a man who gava hla name as R. Q. Jones. Tha complainant waa a young man who attends a Fourth street restau rant. He aald that Jones walked Into the restaurant and after sitting him self and being walled on begaf to he abusive, railing tha young man aorta of vile names. The young man, who waa a foreigner, triad In hla brok en English to tell all that Jones had aald hut ha couldn't. Ha had Jonaa arrested. In hi. own hchalf. Jonea aald that ha went Into tha restaurant and or dered ham and eggs which he got all tight.- but whan ha ordered a ahead onion ha couldn't get the order filled, and that waa what made htm mad at first, and then he got real mad when tha young man dropped another order of ham ands. with tha erg. f ‘ " only on ona aids, over hla new c. It waa then, he aald. that he did tha euaatn'. Jonaa further aald that with theaa foreigners they vn.'rretandwhen you rusk them, hut they can cues you aU they want In their language, and you don't know a word or It. Jonaa .aid ha had two friend, who ware with him whan he had Iks ham soda dropped on hla naw coat, and tha recorder told him to go and get them, Tha cosa waa continued. A high class show card writer wouid like to communl- i cate with firms to do their work by week or month. Ad dress. Expert, care Telegraph, ; or phons 3032. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO, Commercially speechless was th^ con dition of the business heart of Paris on September 22, 1901. Fire In a few^hours had cut a quarter century from methods of communication. The entire telephone system of the Rue Gutenburg exchange was Irretrievably ruined, and its ten thousand subscribers were suddenly compelled to return to telegraph mes sages and messenger boys or go them selves If they wanted to communicate with any one. The blow found tfie French telephone organization totally un prepared. It la a government monopoly. Ilk* the telegraph and other public* utlli ties in France. When the question of replacing the equipment of the destroyed exchange waa Immediately taken up, the French gov ernment waa astonished as well as em barrassed to discover that not only Paris 88* JHSft. me wnoie or Europe—was totally unpre pared to meet such an emergency. No one had thought of America till then. It “* to seek a npw which would have eight or ten days - --- In whlct It could deliver anything, shipped across lantlc. as It must be. More because there was no on* left to ask than In hopo of a satisfactory re- of America, the So- 1 Telephonlque (O. rested by telephone to tho various de partments ©f the Western Electric Com pany in Chicago, and thus divided to save minutes, followed. Within a few hours the American concern had offered to manufacture, ship, deliver and Insult rhc C urrifn,‘.?teflv. ,y SK3r, 0 a 'n,r. of wire and a switchboard 180 feet long, requiring ninety operators, all within six ty dam Th* French -officials apparently thought this tmpoaslble and It waa sev- S&ftTir&MK In nL-SCfc world, the order to go ahead avas cabled from Parle to Chicago. * To prove the good faith of the con tractors the French government stipule- SHOTAS’.®?; every day over sixty days that It delay ed completion of its contract, which took effect from October 2. If a premium for each day less than sixty had been in corporated in the contract the Americans would collect a handsome Th* whole equipment, connections, wires and other appurten ances of the new exchange are already In It and are being Installed with a swiftness astonishing to those unfamiliar with such work In thU country. This was not accomplished without tremendous exertion and expert direc tion. The Western Electric Company is the manufacturing concern of the Bell corporations, which control the telephone systems of this country and several (Men. ^ it has one enormous plant In Chicago and five or six Urge ones else where. It has met Just such an em gency as thn which confronted Paris ... two previous occasions. It replaced In »ilb% Janeiro ffisriws iMpS?. s£U& central exchange for Toklo, Japan, do* n at sea. "How soon can you ship swttchboard and complete Connection for a 10.WO-line exchanger* was the telegraphic query received bet# on September 22. •Two months after receiving full formation. If engineering conditions normal." was the Immediate reply. Two days elapsed and then came a cable from the French agents of the Western Elec tric Company. "Nothing can bo done." cana would underuke the contract under six months. 8o tt happened that the same day. September 24. cam# another exchange for 10.006 subscribers. offices of the Western Electric and was telegraphed to Chicago. Immediately 115.000 feet Of cable waa packed on fifty- tiro enormous reels and started for Parts «« rsvea on t^picmcxr • Are Your Fences Down?: v We are offering for a few days some good % FENCING, cut to 3 feet, 4 feet and 5 feet lengths, at $1.00 PER HUNDRED FEET ' for 3 and 4 foot lengths and $1.25 per hundred for 5-foot lengths; 5x5 heart pine posts at 20 cents each. Post long leaf South Georgia pine. ' Massee-Feiton Lumber Co. Telephone 1840 Macon, Ga. THIS FIVE POUND TURNIP GROWN IN FORTY-SIX DAYS On the morning of Septembot 10th last, Mr. J. H. Meeks, of East Macon, purchased some purple top turnip seed from one of the stores in the city, and that afternoon he planted that seed at his truck farm near Cross Keys. The turnips grew and grew. Yes terday he pulled one from the ground, cut off the salad top, washed and weighed it. You-will not want to be lieve It. but it Is an actual fact, that turnip weighed five pounds net. Thus in forty-six day*, moat of it dry weither. hla land produced a live- pound turnip. How is Your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Dowltnr, of No. 228 Eighth avenue. 8an Francisco, recom mends a remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wonder ful effect of Electric Bitten in a case of acuta lndlreatton. prompts this tes timonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Elec tric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today.* This great tonic and alterative medicine invigorate* the eystem. purifies the blood and la espe cially helpful In all forma of female weakness. 50c at all drug stores. % Electric to the Chicago ft torr. and they worked seven days qeickly put aboard a French tine steam Ship, where space for tt had been re served. The total weight of the wbok oatlt was cloee to fM iost. For this.contract the American manu facturers are to receive about liw.tM Several American experts srcesmsM th* switchboard to Parts, where Its In ■uilaUon ta now rapkttv Bearing com pie tlon. They era confident of pealing the contract time by mvorel days, and the business center of Parte Is rejoicing at the prospect of early resumpium of co-r.jk.8tt t*.*rher.# .'AO.-.-.ea. THE BOARO OF EXAMINERS OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Hold First Meeting in Atlanta—Macon Represented aby Mr. S. C. Cooper. Mr. S. C. Cooper, secretary and treasurer of the Georgia State Board of Examiners of Public Accountants, has been In Atlanta several days In attendance on the first meeting of that board. This board was created under a law passed by the last legislature, and consists of Joel Hunter and Hudson Moor*, both of Atlanta, and S. C. Cooper, of Macon, all being appointed by Oov. Smith and each selected by reason of ability and peculiar fitness tor the positions. Mr. Cooper is accompanied by his wjfe and her sister. Mrs. A. J. Orr. DON’T LET THE BOY PAINT tip everything around the house with any. of our paint left over from the job. For our paint is as hard to get off as it Is easy to put on. That la a virtue you will appreciate when you find how seldom you have to renew the coat you put on now. It stays brighter longer thtn any other paint we know. WILUNGHAM SASH 6 DOOR CO., 457 Third St., Macon, Ga. Imitators Flatter.. If you want the real genuine and only drink that stands the test, drink Bottled At All Good Dealers 5c Mrs.Winslow’s Soothing' Syrup Has been fra- over WETY-FIVE TEARS !»v Mil .LIONS of MOTHERS for t k *-!r .MTLI'HEN VTBIT.E TEETHING wilb PERFECT gfiVTSS It SOOTHES the CHrUL SOFTEN* the GUMS. Ol- LATS all PAIN: Cl KFfl WIND COUC, »».l la the beat remedy fra- DLARRH^E* S.%:i by Druggist a in «Y«ry •* the I W"ni It* sure and aak for far* Wins- i lav's Frajihing fhrun.” and taka no oth- I tr kind Twmty-lfw r*nta a bott>. i Ouarar.i*«d under the F**v*1 and Drugs A t. J an* israi filial Number less AN OLD AND mL TRIED REMEDT. l-Pft-f'H SOUTHERN ELECTR IC SUPPLY & MFG*. CO. Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures WISING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY - 171 Cotton Avsnas—PbtM 2Hy'