Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 29, 1908, Image 2
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1908 REMARKABLE SALE OF OVERCOATS! 25% Off 25% Off ■■■i———rain mi 25% Off - 25% Off BEGINNING tomorrow morning we offer our entire line of fine Foil and Winter Overcoats TLJ at Seventy-five Cents on the Dollar. The determination to make this cut at this time was reached after carefully weighing the business situation and the needs of our thousand of customers. We are always the pioneers when it comes to offering the people fresh sea sonable goods at reduced prices. The truth is we have too large a stock of overcoats we are determined to convert them into momey at the same time let our customers have the use and wear of them during the entire winter. The first to come, will, of course, have the first pick. We say without fear of successful contradiction, that our stock of overcoats is unsur passed in point of style, material and everything that goes to make up the very finest tailor ing. In a word they are “ KUPPENHE1MERS ” and that word spells “clothing excellence” throughout the English-speaking world. We offer them to you now at 75 cents on the dollar. If there ever was a real bargain this is one. All goods are marked in plain figures. Select the overcoat you like best, look at the price tag to see what its price WAS and then deduct 25%, and pay the balance the garment is yours. This sale will continue until every overcoat in our house is sold. Nothing is reserved. «!■ 25% Off 25% Off 25% Off 25% Off STAR CLOTHING CO. DAVE WACHTEL asryf ssSfoSi fltet esrerlcne# Matter a wr i irarr 1 ';^' which provide* that: Tho New York Law. •••If »ny |*t*m * * nr t t \ faiu it* ill* a statement or account aitov* required * i or Itles * iuu< i tnt w litt'li doe* not conform to th* fore- gf .ygrsR jAhjrfSI i. order in nnweedlntt lor t wnUmfl »ti.h person or .ummttww »o die .** • »i«-n» rUtcinrnl or account * * * (SSmVS br lb* SUnSr'S# cfwl. district •llorin v. * rehdUUte Voted for Ml It* ejection In resjpsct to whirh i vrvr I.aulattu ?«?»■ _ „ ..... ..yBeaWB*. H w hi.urwl b^ p.r■ A Howaahold Remedy V. itli 200 . . Gold Medal Haarlem Oil stvSk adSficKatgig Sr ”*! ■nBnarws | -M> KUhn, ftitooU™ <mm &TUixf ir-rsw • ’ j « V, u C*pMl**t baa of 30, tf4 90LUMD BMull CO, Ub lo*w K. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGlBTB. PUNDSJSURGED Publication Campaign Contri bution* Necessary to Protect Voter. NIW lOHK tr. tie# . . I ?.« jacsi. ■■■ rngm - '£Tiw uwunra b irfU» . . "*'Th.“ iwuLnffiiMllltMl k, Ula Nall*. l’.tlully Ltw^Oiaanlaataaa^ tj 1«M «>..> net i.CmcmmUiI la aarufln, hwi.iaiEa u .. rar..., Hat iaa» loin. Mini in .•labiiBktaff tka Ir.lUal Uat at !1iWliTni*^-T-i^T (hajwikl™walfanTlrom thiMmljl public Valtara "front thoaa nnjo to Uelty lam ahoutd aurpltmrnt aarh other In order that campalm fund, publlclljf la national and aula tleetlona may bo all tobgrHtf ef itonN r*e wrung P edfMu>uitonb Th* ailf*r*rtc* in pi, It aov Mr MdWrtt dtaua srt Nacoaeary ta F retar I VotaA •Heeaeoy at I ha hallo, la kaaad upon the naceoMty at prolactin, the volar from tha aaardaa or ladaoaaient ot Improper lafluancaa. Ckaapallk land puMKIiy la r»a\Hred aa equally eeaenttal and Itrlkoa dlrartty at tka aalatanoa at took InSa- Tkla la tha (uadamaaul prtu- la tka puryoaa at our orsantsatton la ra il#*, at tha comln* aaaalon of oonyraar. Ift m»a3y'iaTh!i r Ja'a l 'ila t r“o’?fha 0 ko{ia of r*pre*«nUttvon with a unaalmous rv- iy r ^jjn» its fimfrom Um^^omwd t»wi[t QUALITY HAKES DEMAND Jackson Square Coffee I* told on its merit*, and each can we pmmnteo to pleose you. Now 25o por pound at your grocer. IMPORTERS COFFEE CO.. Ltd., Now OrlMM, Lb. A. B. SMALL CO., Macon, Wholesale Agents. hsr* Ik uUn m-cr*«Mc« nf »twh men. amd tt win SSra ‘.n.!U‘ of pWMkiir. im m •!*«#* »' *r* IN. r * BI >f *\<«1 **.l i ♦ sms ta TELEGRAPHERS OF II«. LOU 060 THE MEN WHOM CARNEQIB DI RECTED IN THE SIXTIES MEET FOR fEAST. the oldcorpt as waiw r*comm*nd*d by th*lr R* MUVAMln of th* tr*«»iur WtP» BUM- ■EHKS&'CTiaas?^ Nl th* mamj MMUii Which came Various *muu Of Ih* bchout th* *v*nln». Camtflle Talk* «f H*«vtn. "1 kilws" *Ald Mr. *ThAt hn < l*n«e.| ■^ka-mTrs WSUS 1 In th« S«v«n Y«Ar« of Proof. **I tutvo h*d *even yoAns of proof thAt Dr. Kinc's Now Discovery It the beet medicine to tAke for coughe And ooIds and for every d(sensed condi tion of throat, cheat or lungs," esys W. V. Henry, of renama. Mo. The world hst had thirty-eight years of r nf that Dr. King's Jfsw Discovery the beet remedy for coughe snd colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of the ltutfs the early stage* of consumption, tlmaly use alws>w prevents tha development of pneumonia. Sold un der guarantee at all drug store*. »0c. and Jl.OO. Trial bottle tree. If you want what yon want, whoa you want it, tty The Empire Coal Oo. Phones 136 and 1036. INTEREST MANIFEST IN BIS MISSIONARY MST WHISKEY ON TRIAL l ° u * «r expania and » e am: prompt. « i, fSV“^,°" r u. T °“ ™ «» l *■ can Cat lower priced cooda. but a trial *111 [£?»"*?”“:: m c * n,,ot r,t " any «°° 4 whi>k -J r •m Our cornplauniuatmad Prlca Ual aaat rre. 1° 7.^1®racueat. It aipialn. WHT we save you money. United Liquor Store Bruch United Liquor Store* Oo. P44-24* E. Main • raM^CHATTAfrooGAl' TENN Or *30-840 Waal Bay^atraat, JACKSONVILLE? FLA. Brancbaa alao at Na* Orlaana. La.. Memphla, Tann. Buffalo N v Band order to nearoat atom. . “ ' "• *• ATLANTA. Nor. n-y^traoraiaaay tn- -rent Is being manifested ta th* groat ale convention of th* Int*rnattonsi Laymen's Missionary m<nrerr*ot. which rayRdarRgyu orgta Will be m alien lane* *rd *♦ Che* witt be d^lvered by SQjn* of s snsI prominent men in the Vaiud ItoSrs wW be tbrte dally ssssloas. These wtR k held In the First Dap (1st Church. 6unday afternoon at 3 o'clock a large mts* meeting for men only will be held In the mjen UteatSr. It was Just two yoers sar* that the^- terrk*t».v -v: Ijiyinens M:**l--naiy ni.-\«- had It* origin. A company of bus- r It* origin. A company < . inces men. or laymen. rr.*t in th« ch*r*l of m* Fifth Arenu* Preobytorlan Church In Now York, in respotis* to a "cell to praysr." Out cf this meeting grew ths movsaseMt. which he* «pr*ed ell over the Vnlted 8t*t*B smd Is now taking hold on Canada. England. BeoUand and Ger many. The motto of tbe movement is: "EvangeasaUoo of Use world In twenty- ttr» years." 1 Th. nrupalm -kick in ha-d ■„ .. u.,. .ysg^jy j-* movTrJntf 1 * ^ * h * a * no »Dfn*tioni in tl A feature Of th* rnmnnlrr# I. th. . SSffz Ktnu of tua wark. “ 4