Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 29, 1908, Image 22

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1 .. . . THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1909 HARTER’S Our Holiday Opening was a success beyond our expectations, and to tempt early buyers we are going to put on sale 1,000 pieces of elegant • > JAPANESE CHINA This is the product of the best manufacturers of the Nippon District in Japan. Some of the pieces are worth from $3.00 to $5.00. Your choice Monday at 3:30 P.M. lO Cents to $1.00 Santa Claus will be here again Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M., and 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. SNATCHERS OF POCKET-BOOKS j Caught and Fully Identified-—Had Keys! t | Enough to Enter Almoet Any Door In tho City—Good Detective Work. There are many lad lea whoan oocupe-' 1 tlon or bualneaa require theta to mo nome, : about duaJc, who will be triad to know that through the ahrewdnesa of Detectives 1 Tom Jones and Smith, aided by Detective > Harrison, the aepro who has been doing the pocfcetboolr snatching lor aome time | U now In the police station, fully identt- fled by two ladies whose purses he of Henry Williams, a negro. • living on Ocmulgee street, near the power; house, wsa robbed on Friday night of all ] the clothing the negro had. Detective \ J ones went to work on the case just as * though It had been the home of a resident. A RARE; Treat For Macon The southern statesman and silver Inngued orator. Congressman Morris 6h»ppard. from Texas, who la Borer- sign Banker Woodmen of tha World, grill deliver a lecture at the Auditorium Tuesday evening at S o’clock. Our beloved Congressman. Chat. L Bartlett, will introduce tho speaker. The program under the auspices of the Macon Camp Woodmen of tha {World, will be rendered as follows: ......By tha Quttenberger Orchestra Introductory Remarks ..By Borerelgn Consul Commander ..C. W. Campbell. By tho Quttanberger Orches- Song—"As Lbb* u th. wort. Holla On -....Hr th. Hamilton, Muilo—By th. autt.nb»rr»r Orch.itn. Sou*—'At th. Vtltao Church With,.Br th. Hamilton Quart.tto, Vuiio- By tho autt.ntxrt.r Orchutrm. Tho pabllc cordially larltcd to ha rmwt. Ns paid admlulou and no ■i-wt to you may h. i Rr.p»ctfuDy tubmlttcd, •». W. DOU1NOOS, W. C. BENNETT, C. \V. CAMPBELL. M. H. BRITTON. 1. R. HWT, 8. K. BASS. *■ t’INKCH HAPP. H. C. BROWN. ». J. AT WOOD. a. W. ARRINOTON. H. D. COTTON. I S. K. CHAMBERS. Commllloa on Entertainment. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO MEET TUESDAY NEXT A epeclej meeting of the directors of the Meeon Chamber of Commerce will be railed by President J. t. Heard for Turn- dny afternoon. At thla Hireling the directors will ap point delegate* |6 th* southeastern road congress, which will inert in Atlanta on December S and 4. Dele-airs have al ready brm appointed from the city at larga by tha mayor, sal wife tha dais- B *** that will go to represent the chain- r. Bibb county will have a. good dele gation to look afier her IniriVsts. A great deal of Interest Is bring taken by the Chamber Of Commerce In this matter, and President Ifeard earnestly requests ihs^ all of the.directors be pree- ent at thq meeting Tuesday aft as this ajnd many olher matter* l iUi>. e ,.r I, a t. .1 If you want what you want, when yon want it, try The Empire Coal Co. Phones 136 and 1036. IN THE CHURCHES Christ Church. Walnut street, between Second and Third. Rev. John R. Hunting, rector. First Sunday‘in Advent: Holy Com munion 7:10 a. m. Sunday school •:10 a. m. Morning Prayer and Har mon It a. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon T; 10 p. m. Good mualc by vented choir, Everybody welcome. Ushers will provide coats for all. Christian telenet. First Phtirrh of Christ. Scientist. Per vices are held on the ascend floor of the Macon Public Library building, opposite the (lrand. Sunday morning at It o’clock. Subject. "Ancient and Modem Necreman* 57: of, Meamertam and Hypnotism.” Holden text, "Order my steps tn thy word; and let not any Iniquity have do- minion over me. areal peace have they i8S¥&Ft&fi *.tt Wtxi: Sait Naas sat at Mo'clock. Reading room _ ond floor of the wm» building, la open every day from 10 to tl a. m, and from • to B p m. All ore cordially Invited to itend all services of the church and sit the reading room. Mulberry Street Methodist Church, Rev. T. ll. Kills pastor. Sunday School so a. m„ O. A. Park superintendent, dull and oreanlied classes. Preaching = . m. hy the pantor. Rev. T. D. Kir Rpworth league Ml p. M. D. Mi shall first vice president. Preaching T:SO p. m. by the paster. Rev. T. l». I music, male quartette. composed of o. Boone, Sam Orr. Monroe Ogden. McOardto. A cordial welcome to all. In the history of the church today the Second street church will does the year wtth a "Love Feast" and fellowship meeting at 11 a. conducted by the Warner * - r —— -* helpful talks aad A numb a s. — a food meeting la ©a Ji p. m. there will be a ser vice of song and praise and several mem ber* will be received mts the church Junior League at S p. *. Senior U*gu* at ( it The pubttq cordially Invited to all the serviced. lar service at 11 a. m. Congraga- meeting Immediately after service > purpose of valUnt a pastor. All memocn are urged U* be present Salvation Ariny. Ten a. id. open tit Second end Cherry: It a. tit. Hollneaa eervloa In 77” ihreys* Sovcnt; eaks up Grip COLDS hall: t p. m. Sunday school: I p. m. headquarters Are department; Ip. iq. open air. Brown House; 7 p. m. open air. Lanier Hotel; X p. in. t grand Salvation Army rally at the hall. You are cordially Invited. Capt. L. Cohen In charge. Hall 120 Fourth ftreet. The Gayety will give an en- tire change of program every day this week, with eolos, duets, trio and quartettes. Beal Eilat* Tr*n*f*rt. A very strong and steady boom la on for property along the Bellevue c ar line, which line |« being ao greatly Improved. Among buyem are pros pective home builders, *n4 the fol lowing Oalea. amounting to IK,000 for IK lota on one tract of land alone shows unprecedented activity: Q. C. Karla to \V. II. Shorter. lots 11 and 13 In block B. O. C. Earlo to Mr*. S. H. Single- ton. Iota I and 2 In block C, <1. C. Karlo to J. T. Shepherd, lot 3 In block R. O. C. Karla to C. A. Ayplnwall. lot In block B. a. c. Karls to Q. W. Wood, lot # In block D. <1. C. Karls to O. W. Pratof. tots • and 10 In block K. tl. C. Earle to W. E. Gray, lots 7 and I In block K. G. C. EARLE, 3M Third St. Phona No. 77. Mra. Shinholser’s Concert At Wesleyan chapel Monday evening, the 30th, at I:1S, for benefit of col lege library. Admission 25c. Building Trades Officers. DENVER. Col . Nov. 21—The build ing trades department of the Ameri can Federation of Labor today elected the following officers: President—Jg«. Erwin, of Chlosgo. First Vice President—G. F. Hed rick. of New York. Second Vice President—James O. Hannahen of Chicago. Third Vice President—Frank M. Ryan, of Chicago. Fourth Vice President—W. J. Me- Worthy, of Philadelphia. Fifth Vice President—M. O’Sullivan, of Pittsburg. Secretary—Wm. J. Spencer, Day- ton, O. • The convention adjourned to meet at Tempa. Florida, the second M mi day In October. 1901. Wood that burns—dry sea soned and well split. The Empire Cool Co. Phones 136 and 1036. FOR ORTHODOX JEWS HAS ALL COMFORT8 OF JEWISH HOMES—MEALS TO BE STRICT LY KOSHER. NEW YORK, Nov. 21—A hotel, where orthodox Jewish families, mer- chants and transient visitors can on* Joy all the comforts of Jewish life and at the same time obeerve the old Mosaic dietary laws, has been in de mand in thl* city for a long time where ao large a percentage of the population la Jewish. Such an lit* •tltutlon was formally opened yester day at Seventy-second *treet and Lex ington avenue, when Mr. and Mra. Elgenberg announced that they operate the Hotel Premier along thos© lines, Strict conformance with the Jewish dietary laws la the feature of this hotel, it la the purpose of the man agement to convince the people of thta city that Kosher meals can be served, and at the same time equal. If not aurpasa, those served In the large cafes and restaurants of this city. Many of the rabbles of the synagogues of New York have Inspected the kitchen appointments and pronounced them perfect in every respect. Has Two Kitchens. According to the dietary laws of the Jews, meat and butter should never he eaten at the same meal, nor should the same dishes upon which one In served be used In connection with the other, 'nearing this In mind, the man agement has two distinct kitchens on the sixth floor, on which Is the dining room. In the first kitchen only eat ables which contain fish and milk are prepared. The second kitchen Is de. voted entirely to meats. Each room la In charge of a different chef, with two separate services, so that there la no way In which the laws may possibly be violated. In this respect the Ho tel Premier la unique, as this la the first attempt of this kind ever made In the United State*. The kitchen malde and the waitresses are all Gen tiles. but ao thoroughly are they train ed In their duties that the manage ment Is confidant that there will be no confusion of the dtahee. The Hotel Premier has been entirely remodelled within the last four weeks and has now twenty.three separate apartments, all of which are already occupied. The hotel la equipped with the moat modern and Improved con veniences. on the hill. Ml found a negro < bo% named Will Pritchard with some of the clothes. While he and Detective Smith were taking charge of Pritchard and hie partners, fl. P. Derby and Lonnie Smith. Defective Harrison was looking at the contents of Pritchard's house. There was nothing found of any Importance, but at the bout* of Darby a lot of things were found that went far to show that Darby was connected with Pritchard. One of the articles wsa a brown leather purse with Wide metal top. about 3H by 5 Inches tn alas. In this purse Is an al uminum check for five rents on the Yel low Pine commissary. There was also a very small pockethonk of mouse skin and a Union darings Bank miniature bank for nickels and dimes. There was also a key ring and check reading "Henry Bailey. 9tQj Rlvingston street. New York city, Pritchard had a big lot of ker* of all descriptions In his p«<*ket. He waa pre pared to enter almost any door. From what had been dropped In his talk, the detective# believed that he was a purse-1 snatcher and he was taken before Miss Annie MeKervey, who not only Identified him as the boy who snatched her purse not long ago, hut the one she saw and recognised or so afterward and who ran on her looklr.g at him. Th-n K rs. J. W. Domingo* identified him as the y -who had taken her purse In the -*»me manner. He had tn hi* pocket a dime with a hole In It In which s short piece of string and Which was In her purse at the time It was snatched. This made the Identification complete. If the owner of the brown nurse above described could be found, perhaps there would he one or more eases of purse-snatching against The capture of these three boys ninv rid tha city of s^trto of thieves. If the cases now brought against them are proven. They are charged with three ht In addition to the purse-snstchlng. Pritchard Uvea at 413 and Darby at R®S Monro# afreet, and BmJ*b live* in Craft's alley. They ere from 18 to 19 years of age. and live entirely by their wits. Holiday and Wedding .... GIFTS.... The more than satisfactory results which have attended the career of tills store have encouraged us to very materially “spread out” this season. We now pre sent a stock much larger and vastly more varied than we have heretofore carried. Everything Spic Span New for Wedding Presents For Christmas Gifts OIL TRUST PAPERS VERY ICR LOSE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS IN CLEVE LAND SUIT MISSING FROM CLERK’S OFFICE. assistant to Frank B. Kellogg, who Is prosecuting the government s suit against the Standard OTl Company, retun New York yesterday . fu| search In K tltlon for oflejd. Da:.. gie. whom In — PH to restrain from violating an alleged agreement to restrict the output of re- fined oil. Mr. COnant also wished to pro cure certified copies of twelve affidavits relating to the csbo. The documents were Purposed to he oi e in the county clrrk a office, hut they iuld not he found there. Comity Clerk den e«ld he ha*l known for three years that the paper* were missing, but he could not tell who took them nor when they were taken. The last record he had in the case w-ah dated In 1R92 when certi fied copies were nude for some om ‘ Levi P. Meacham. then county clerk. "MU* Id* Tarhell obtained Permission j see the flies live years ago.'' said Mr. Kalcn. "but whether she found the |«pers Is more than I know. Their disappear ance was not discovered until after the publication of her articles n year Inter.'' Miss Tarbtll Failed to Find Them. Miss Tnrbrll said yesterday that she had searched for “ ... . fail'd to flnd them. "Aleut seven years ngo. I think It wns In 15*01.” sfie said. "I went to Cleveland to-lock up the document* for which Mr. Kellogg Is now- searching, and a clerk of the court took me to the flies where I was'told that tho papers would he found. I assisted him in making a search, but e did not find trace of the document*. "I then looked In Henry 11. Lloyd'. >rdc. 'Wealth vs. Commonwealth.' and und that Mr. Lloyd stnted that he h.-.d examined the flies In 1S91. found the pa per* and had caused to be made certllled copies of them. He further stated that ' t prior to the publication of hi* book 1S91 he returned to Cleveland, looked r the Me*, and that tho paper* wero then missing. "Noticing that In a, second edition of his book Mr. Ltovd bad stricken out tho paragraph tn which ho said that tho pa per* had disappeared. 1 went to aee him .ami aakfd him the reason for the chance. He then told me that shortly after the publication-fie had been notified that the documents were In their place. Jn his second edition he therefore cut out the ^*’T*helJeved that tho papers had been replaced, but when I went to look for them they were again gone." PAYNE IS WARNED BY PRES. VAN CLEAVE Mr. Pearl is aura to please you. at The Gayety, this week, "««konjno ro^jPuouc*Nyr CARD OF THANKS. Mr. .ml Mr, J. P. Olu. .Ir«lr» t« sxprvas thslr thanks to thHr frt>nU their kindness and the beautiful I tributes in their bereavement especially to the boys of the neighborhood. for t! floral and e Humphreys’ Seventy-Seven breaks up Grip and INFLUENZA. 8pet!flc. I* la Influenaa; from the no##. v»o- Carefullf compiled statistics ihov front tr .. .i*-,I us iimdiMt .utc’Qohu. “"M-* Os TWO OLD CRONIES MEET TO TALK OVER THE PAST Among the party of Indtantane who cama with Governor Hanley to be present at the unveiling on (ha mono lith to tha soldier* of Indiana at An- dersonvttle waa prof. RchelUchrafdt. of Indiana polls. It* cams principally to visit his old friend. Mr Phtntp Dohn. wtth whom he had been associated tn th* same band and orchestra for many year*, being member* of tha band tha: play ed the funeral march at tha funeral at Abraham Lincoln. Pmf. BcheUschmldt ta 56 yeajr* old. and has never worn glasses. Hg stttt teaches music and one would not think him over sixty year* of age. betne In remarkabtv good health. H* 1* spending • few day* *tlh hta old chtiip and Bring over the old d**« These two bo vs. wtth long-stent DUBLIN’S FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS COMPLETED DUBLIN. Ga.. Nov. II—Dublin* fire alarm system baa been Installed and Mr. Chas. Herat la ready to leavt for tha next town. •Every box has been tested and found to work properly. There ar* twenty- onea boxsa. the numbers commencing at twelve and ending with forty-six, Tha ayatem Is so arranged that other bax*. can be added when Large Pieces Silver Our stock of this is complete, embrac ing everything in Standard Pieces and Full Sets; patterns the very latest; no old styles. Many designs especially adapted for Wedding Presents. Watches, Chains, Fobs The most varied stock of Watches in the city; Gold, Silver, Enamel and Gun Metal; Chains and Fobs to suit any fancy and fit any purse. Elegant Cut Glass We offer some choice selections "and the prices lower than anywhere else for glass of equal quality. This is Cut Glass of unimpeachable character. It will stand the most exacting tests. Diamonds and Pearls The range of prices on above, ag welt as other Jewels, is such as to make it pos sible for everyone to be suited. No flaws or carbon spots. All new stock; settings the very latest. Brooches, Rings, Pins A splendid assortment of small pieces Jewelry of all kinds at attractive prices; articles suitable for children as well as grown-ups. Miscellaneous Complete stock of Clocks '(porcelain, black enamel, slag enamel, brass, nickel and wood), Egyptian Vases, Placqnes, Easels, fine Umbrellas, Carving Sets, Foun tain Pens and many other articles. We invite your inspection of our stock with full confidence of securing approval of our efforts at presenting the most select, unique and original designs ever ais- played in any Macon store in our line. Everything new, everything guaranteed. ! No “back numbers,” nothing shoddy. PIES l ARMSTRONG TARIFF BE NOT HONESTLY REVISED. rneftns commute# at Washington. James W. Van Cteutrw, president of the National Fat Is Out of Style To paraphrase Caesar’s remark, the directoira gown cams—was seen—and has conquered. So fat ladles are re duced so %n sneak, to the necessity of either reducing at a very rapid rata or •llmtBatlng themselves from iteslrevt. I public view until the fashion dies out. Vacant numbers wsrsl aft In each Otherwise they risk being ridiculous. "*£*• i 81nce many fat ladlea will not ellm. Ths system t» connected with the! tnate thetnbslves. however, but. per city bell on which ths alarms will *■».' contra, wfll Insist on wearing the rung. They can be heard all ever ths curacies* gown, no course Ja open to city and it can be determined Just this well-meaning scribe other than where the fire Is. to tell them how they may eliminate lublin After the Convention. The people of Dublin are awaiting news from Madison where the Geor* gta State Baptist convention t» In session. Rev. Allen Ptort end the del. agates from the KYrat Baptist Churah the fat. What Is there, then, that reduces fat safely? What pleasant Inexpen sive article Is there on druggists* shelve* that can reduce a pound a dev without causing wrinkles or atom. the oped aad speediest automobile , ure-nf r.*:ng systems In the world. In, on* month thr automobile divston,, aa tha "flying squadron." ^ recommend "Tf. ap«>«jflqd to seventy-two alarm*, and »• j Humphrey^ 1 prompt was th* service that the total 'cern«r Wi. iam less wa rlpei went armed with resolutions from th* ach ache? What can the pharmacists board of trade, tho city council the!off*r ha an Improvement over scanty county official*, the different churchew j victuals or ten-mil* walks without all asking that th* next convention be breakfast? U there anything pleasant held la thl* city. to take and Inexpensive to buy that It I* confidently believed that Dub-! will reduce one uniformly, quickly and lln win secura the meeting. If *o. ths. innocently thirty pounde a month? delegates will be given the time of, Hera If the answer: Cither write the their live*. Nothing wtU be left un- j Msrmola Oomrany. Detroit. Mich.. both "in th* Fhdag»*n* [ feetty at ho lea. and the rre«*Qt w»*h (»*.. Bev. Allen Fbrt,_R*v. York. they or he will give you one targe . ia An ,r <•> -■ *>m i"« riv—si wi*n n«i **— • • ■ • Bright, case of these safe fat reducers, con- •rifj meat Druggist* ^a%e sad shadows !e lost In.the clouds' Bee A. B. Smith. Rev. J. T. Smith, tstning ao generous a Quantity of tab. -Kc. of smoke, and thev wander back l*’Mr. T. C. Sloneeypher aad Vr. J II'let# that sometime* one ea«« nnhr to [omaa. Medicine Co.'the daw of youth, when th* ««nsh*n*j WlthertBgton are among those from needed to produce the desired results. Ad Ann a tracts, New (was brighter, their hearts tighter and this city attending the conremten aad i Can you match that for a simple *o- * (heir iter* apryer. Incidentally pulling for Dublin. Ihitlon ef your problem? Association of Manufacturers, gave < statement this week. In part Sl foM "I nm told only about 100 out o: tne 250.000 heads of factories In the country received notice to appear before the committee. In most cases the notice was too short to show them to present carefully prepared statement*. lb* auction, put oy th. lcdlng monibor. of the committee to thee m.nufKlurer, .re mlmlrnltly olcul.t*) to ell out un- •wer. neklntr for tho retention of tho present rates of duties, or advances In them. One or two manufacturers who asked for lower duties on their own wares made my friend. Chairman Payne, BU "Aa shown by his speechoe and Inter views during the campaign President elect Taft Interpreted the platform dee lamtlon to mean honest revision. *t It clear to me. from things which some of his dose friends have said about him In the past few days, that In his message to congress at the opening of the extra ses sion he will Insist that the platform promise of honest revision must be — rled out. in spirit and in letter. Hkt-wfsn clear to me that in making this demand he will have a large majority of the 8,000.000 republican voters of the country with him. . ... "A* these hearings on a tariff which Includes over 4.000 items will cow only about three weeks. I suppose that my friend Payne must hay* fnaaged tor Investigations by experts In all the lead ing Industrial and commercial centers of Europe end Aela. I have seen noAxord yet In the papers about tha activity of these delegated Investigator*, but Mr. Payne, as Old Schedules, knows the In adequacy of hta committee s Inquiries, and he therefore must have provided for this supplementary work In th* leading old world centers of trade. . "Mr. Payne's easy eonfldenbei In bring able to make a readjustment Of the tar iff schedules must mean that ha hai provided for scientific aid from the out ride. I am strengthened In this belief by the fact that he knows that German a preliminary to Its latest tariff reyl created a commission of thirty-two ex perts. and that they gave live year* of investigation to the subject, many of them visiting every country on the globe with which Germany had any. trade. Moreover, our tariff cover* far. more items than Germany’*. Our Industrie* are three time* as great In volume as Germany’s, and they are much more dl- Vr *The men who are running the big corporation called the United States gov ernment know that th# trade tows of tha universe will not suspend themselves for their gratification., If i that n* patience That’s h— -- menu In politics. ** In eve.. —. there la a hereafter, although some of our lawmaker* sometime* seem to forget thl*. In our ease th* hereafter may strike u* In 1*12. U It gets sufficient provocation It may hit ue tn the congres sional election of 1*1®. ... "We who worked and voted for Mr. Taft and a republican congress, who be lieve that he and the republican piatrom mean exactly what they said, and who have faith In his sincerity. h]s courage, his Progressiveness and, his devotion to republican principles, call upon Mr. Taft and the ways and means committee not to forget these elementary truth#.** If you want Coal or Wood, and want it quick, phone The Empire Coal Co. 136 or 1036. SHIPPING NEWS BALTIMORE. Md. Nov. U-S.ll- ■d: Bteamcr Hue*. S»v,nti»h. SAVANNAH. <1»- Nov. !S—Arhvvd. Hinmm City of M,tnpM«. Droy.r, Boston: .'*icocfc<«. Mimmond. '.Now York. Cleared: R teamen Nora (Br.). James Bremen. flailed: Steamer* Elsa Mentell (Oer.) Auer. Hamburg: Lextagtoa. Klrwan. Baltimore. <- CHARLESTON. */ C., NWT. tl.- Arrived Schooner Warner Moors. Crockett. New York; stranded oU NEW YORK, N. Y-. Nov. 28—Ar rived: Steamer Arapahoe. Jacksonville. Sailed: Steamer Mohawk. Charles ton. One 'Million Dollars for Airships. The expenditure of 81.000,000 In tVe development of a fighting airship would prove wise economy tor con gress It tho comparative coat and ef ficiency of ships of air and ships of sea ore as stated by the army board of fortifications. The battleship Con necticut cost 28.000,000, for which sum It Is said forty armed dirigibles could be constructed. Such a fleet of air ships posted at Important fortifica tions could protect the entire Atlantic coast. It la somewhat premature to make intelligent comparisons between the aJr and water ships, but It to evi dent that ft Is time for the United States to take some action toward getting In line with other nations In the developments of aerial navigation. The possibilities of the airship In peace, as well as In war, Jrtstify the Appropriation which Is to be recom- Nut Chocolate Caramels. "Nut chocolate caramels are a rich, delicious confection Immensely popu lar.’’ says Fannie Merritt Farmer In Woman’s Home Companion for De cember. "Put three and one-half-ta blespoonfuls of butter In a sauce pan, and when melted add two cupfuls of molaseea, one cupful- of. brown augur and one cupful of milk. Stir until the sugar la dissolved, bring to the boiling point, add four and one-half aquarea of unsweetened chocolate, and stir constantly until the chocolate is melt, ed. Let boll, until, when tried In cold water, a firm ball may be formed In th© fingers. Remove from the range, add one and one-half teaspoonfuto of vanilla and one-half pounds of al monds, blanched and chopped. Turn Into a buttered pan, cool and cut in small squares.’* Tanbark and Extracts, The total value of the Unbark and extracts consumed by tanners In the United States tn 1907 was slightly les* than that reporteed for 1901. dropping; from 821.4t7.S9S to 821.205.K47 a loss' of 2281.848. or 1.8 per cent. .This de crease was due entirely to the dimin ishing use of tanbark, the quantity consumed In 1907 being 11.4 per cent less than in 1908. There was. how ever. an Increase In Its value, delivered at the tannery, of 20 cent* per cord, or 21 per cent. The total consump tion of tanning extracts was substan tially larger tn 1907 than In the pre vious year, the Increase amounting to 1S.S10.1S0 pounds, or 10.S per cent. The total value of th* extracts in creased 2928.85L while the average value per pound wa* practically tho same tn the two years. 80.02*. ‘IF ONLY" hi. b,,n th, r»*r»t of thov- und>. Aft.r deoth of th, lov,d on, you My If only I hod hod A hottl, of OOWAK'8 PREPARATION In th, hoUM. t could hav* Mvod th, Ilf, of th, on* vr, lovnd.” Wh,rev*r th,r« I, IntUmmm- tlon. OOWAN-8 will cur*. Ex- —GO TO— WESLEYAN The best instruction is tho cheapest. WHAT’S BETTER FOR AN XMAS GIFT THAN A NICE SUIT WE MAKE THE BEST A complete stock to select from, and we can fit, make and deliver one on short notice. S. SYMAN TAILOR FOR DRESSY MEN Phone 686 PRIVATE SANITARIUM § MRS. ROSA F. MONNISH.M.D. raruCTis iso srsotox OfUnta nod OtmmMl SgagnStsssaartSs •!•••! II »rw * • •• -i-m *t. ■ f -Movt r ‘ .-1”» Ai.nnhn h. ■ *»«nl *®T »'«—». <|fto "m riioTm. Minn, IE iMVi’CHil NOTICE. tunsjg 3k sMtS'tir figs and that they should not. tn say cam b« allowed, and tost officers can be held personally responsible to stockholders '^srirh.A?y uu '’* * "» in « Resolved. That on aad after December t, 19*1. the banks, composing the Mason Clearing House -Association, will ahe»- lutriy refuse payment of shock# whvh will ov*r<!rsw the accounts of deportotK MACON CLKARINQ HOUtE ASiM.