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ip sAl
More men and women have gotten positive re
sults from the use of NEWBRO’S HERPICIDE
than from all other hair remedies combined.
Newbro’s Herpicide is the ORIGINAL remedy that kills
the dandruff germ. It eradicates dandruff, stops falling hair
and permits a hair development by destroying the tiny vege
table growth (a germ or microbe) that causes hair destruc
tion. '
Nature constantly struggles to supply life and vigor to
the hair, but the dandruff germ 6aps this vitality and stran
gles the life out of the hair- *£.. .
of Hair Loss with NEWBRO’S HERPICIDE
Extraordinary Results Sometimes Fpllow Its Continued Use
It Benefits a Lady Scalp Specialist.
2807 Archer Ave.. Chicago, III.
“I am sending you my photograph to show what Newbro’s Her
picide haa done for me.
"Since J first tried Herpicide upon my hair I have uaed it ex-
elusive!" In giving scalp treatments to others, and I would not think
of trying to get alonrf without lt. H
Indispensable Following Severe Illness.
1717 Tremont St., Denver, Colo.
“I was convalescent from a critcnl Illness of ponumonla and my
hair was left in a deplorable condition, fulling out and breaking off,
dry. harsh and brittle. The soalp lacked nutrition and seemed dead.
I used Herpicide according to directions with most beneficial results
and attribute the restoration of my hair entirely to your Herpicide. I
can conscientiously endorse it fdV doing all you claim, and It gives
me great pleasure to recommend It."
x , (Signed) MRS. M. MEGRUE.
For regular toilet uss[ Newbro’s Rtrplcde easily occupies first place. It
Is sold in practically every civilized'country on the globe, and a single trial
will show why discriminating ones prefer it. Contains no sticky substance.
It will not stain or dye the hair. It stops itching of the scalp almost In
stantly. ",
Two Sizes—50c and $1.00—AT DRUG STORES.—Send 10c in
Stamps to THE HERPICIDE CO., Dept. N., Detroit,,
Mich., for Sample. Guaranteed under the Food and
Drugs Act, June 30,1906. Serial No. 915.
LAMAR & LAMAR, Special Agents
Applications at Prominent Barber Shops.
Rws A 1
Misses Lillie and Frankie Jones enter
tained in a most delightfully manner at
trail. The tables were placed in the
hall and parlors, which were prettily Atlanta^
decorated with pot plants, violets and
chrysanthemums. Misses Mattie Reese
Jones and Mary Winter served punch in
the hall. Misses Jones* guests for the
afternoon were Misses Octavla Fou. Ma
mie Cohen. Adelle PennlnKton. Annie Me-
Jones and Mary Winter served punch In
"" les Jones’ guests for the
i Misses Octavla Pou, Ma
mie Cohen. Adelle PennlnKton. Annie Mc
Leroy, Amelia George. Sallle Pat Burner,
Josie George, Emmie Thompson. Mable
Smith. Pearl Matthews. May Thomason.
Helen Irvine. Sara Brady, Louise Dur-
kee. Leona Jarboe, Irene Austin. Eva
Teer, Pearl and Nellie Clemons. After
the game a most delicious salad course
was served.
The young men of Madison will give a
delightful dance on the evening of* De
cember 9. Extensive preparations are
being made and the occasion promises
to be thoroughly enjoyable. An orches
tra from Macon will furnish music dur
ing the evening.
... About twenty out-of-
town guests are expected. --
Mr. and Mrs. Ely R. Callaway, of La- week-epd with Miss Hallle
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Grange, are the guests of 1
P. G. Walker at WalkeresL
Miss Richmond Walton left Thursday
for Atlanta, where she will be the guest
of Mrs. George Reid before going to Ma
rietta to visit Miss Annie Laurie Adams.
Mias Virginia Butler arrived In Madi
son Wednesday from Shorter College to
spend Thanksgiving ad the week-end
with her father. Col. EL W. Butler.
Miss Caro Price is In Atlanta the guest
of her aunt. Mrs. Wlnthlp.
Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Booth, of Elberton,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Booth
and attending the Baptist convention.
Miss Gussle Belie Rawls Is spending
the week-end with Mrs. Jack Lively In
* tlanta
Miss Sallle Pat Burney is the week-end
ur. auu wr». c. » .onn my. ui Aiiauw,
and Mr. Tom Connally are the guests of
Col. and Mr*. Fred C. Foster.
Miss Malda Williams has returned
home after a short visit to her sister,
Mrs. Cyrus Striker, of Atlanta
Miss Maude Atkinson, who has been
the guest of Miss Gladys Pope at Monti-
cello, haa returned home.
Miss Badle Foster left Saturday for
Atlanta where she will be the guest of
Mrs. John Clarke.
W tfrs. P. W. Walton and Miss Sue Reid
slton spent this week In Atlanta shop
Mrs. Lee Trammell has returned home
after a short visit to Baltimore.
Miss Grace Pound, of Atlanta la the
guest of Miss Mattie Reese Jones.
*“ “ - ~ spending the
t BrObston at
Mlsa Carrie Foeter la
Mias Malda Williams Is 111 at her home
oh Main street.
Miss Mattie Reese Jones entertained a
number of friends In the younger set in
honor of her attractive guest. Miss Grace
Pound, of Atlanta.
Mrs. J. M. High. Mrs. Williams and
baby, and Miss Dorothv High, of Atlanta,
were the guests of Miss Emma several
days this week.
The friends here of P. 8. Burney, Jr.,
are gratified at the announcement of his
recent promotion to the position of trav
eling freight agent of the Seaboard Air
Line railway, with headquarters In At-
**& Nettie Wingfield Smith, of At
lanta. spent Friday the guest of Mrs. M.
L. Richter.
Miss Llssle Lee Wlnbum came over
from the normal in Athens to spend
^MrawsrSK’ of Buckhead. spent Friday
this little city.
Mrs. J. R. Frederick, of Marshall-
vllle, was a recent visitor to relatives.
Mr. Almon Williams, of Macon, came
down Sunday to see hit parents.
Mrs. Baiaden, of Amcrlcua, visited
Mrs. A. J. Evans this week.
Misses Clarence Houser and Ruth
Whiting spent -Thanksgiving In Ma
con with Mrs. T. C. Houser.
Miss Bessie Frederick, of Marshall-
vllle, spent Tucaday with friends. ,
Misses Ida Helen Mathews, Genesat
and Helen Mathews spent Thursday
with Mrs. II. II. Mathews.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Murphy, Klla-
vllle, wertf the recent guests of Mrs.
H. A. Milhews
Jr., formed a pleasant party to the
races In Savannah.
Miss Willie B. Smith, of Atlanta, Is
spending several days here. She was
the guest of Miss Edytb Marshall in
Maron Thursday.
The marriage of Mlsa Estelle Heck-
son and Mr. Romulus Mathews was
Trunks from $2.50
to $30.00
On Our Easy Payment Plan
It is a pleasure to us to have you call and
get our prices and terms
$3.50 Down
$1.00 a Week
$6.98■ Buys Nice Morris
Chair in Chase Leather
$1 Down, $1 a Week
464—Second Street—464
uuamu miM xtJGeruna
one of much Interest to a large num
her of people. The church near Perry
was beautifully decorated for the
oaslon and all the attendants
Madison after a visit to Mrs. _ .
Cohen. ;
Miss Minnie Benton has returned
to Haddock.
guest during the week of Miss Bus Bone.
Miss Bus Held Waldon, of Maritaon, was
_ recent week-and guest 0( Mrs. Peter
Duke, of Newborn, visited
lakes rscently at the Metho-
,V. Walton.
Miss Ruby
lira. J. T. Ei
The Montleello German Club gave dlst parsonage,
a delightful dance Monday evening at h fo relative! in
the K. of P. hall. Among the out-of- ^ftonton ftCt#P vl,lt 1 ™*»“vra in
visitors present were Mrs. M.
F. Brooks. Misses Antoinette Snel-
lings, Maud Atkinson, Edna, Katie and
Octavla Pou, Mamie Cohen, of Madi
son: Pauline Roughton. Irene Glenn,
of Macon; Franklin, of Mansfield: Neil
Jones, of Mllledgevllle; Marlbcl Rai
ney, Stella WIce, Of Eaton ton; Messrs.
Atkinson, Seals, Beckham, Snelllngs,
Jackson. Baldwin. Pou and Cohen, of
Madison; John Hudson, John Turner
and Dr. Turner of Ratonton; Walter
Hill, of New York; Tant and Broom,
of Mllledgevllle. and Will Jackson,
of Greensboro and others.
Mrs. Ed. Campbell Is visiting
Mansfield relatives.
Miss Mary Curd entertained at a
delightful luncheon Thursday for Miss
Maud Atkinson and Mrs. Miller
Brooks, of Madison.
Mrs. Paul Roby entertained at a
charming bridge party ono evening re
cently for Mias Gladys Pope and her
guests. Miss Maud Atkinson and Mrs.
klnson. Miss Pope, Miss Mary Curd,
Miss Anna Jordan, Mrs. II. M. Penn,
Miss Minnie Benton, Messrs. P. M.
Roby, J. D. Watterson, Nesblt Har
vey. Jim Plttard, Jim Hollis, O. P.
Richardson and Henry Leonard.
The Thanksgiving season was the oc
casion of qulto a number of dellKhtful
dinner parties- and family reunions In
Eatnntnn. A Jolly party left Wednesday
morning to attend tne automohda toces
In Savannah, while others Interested In
vsigity foot ball game, spent the day in
choiring for their alma malee on the
'“ The day “ ’ * “
the library, which was
decoralfrt wltl/Wi. .nnd roiu.
Mrs John O. Croiey entertained the
Recreation Club at her home, about twen
ty members being present, and the tables
for bridge) were placed In the living room.
A salad course wag daintily served.
Mrs. Edward R. IHncs entertained at
her suburban hk.-ne about forty guests
from 10 to 13 In the morning, and tha
members of the Original Thirteen and the
Matron's Club In the afternoon. Mlsa
Stella Center and Mrs. Louise Hall each
read a charming story of Thanksgiving
and afterwards progressiva conversation
was Indulged in. Delightful refreshments
> served In two courses. *
•. end Mrs. J. P. Atkinson. Mr. Clave-
Cooper. Prof. J. M. Walker gnd Mr.
ik Bone attended the Ckter-Myrick
its* *C l a\ r o' 0 □ ree no has returned fro it
a visit to Miss Claude Brantley Ip Dub-
Mrs. John T. Day and Master Jack
Day have returned from a visit to Fits-
swrald. Ga.
Mrs. Btewart Bayne, of Macon, visited
tra, if. H. Armstrong this week.
Miss Sadie lasses has returned from a
visit to Jacksonville. Fla.
Miss Will Matthews Thomas has re
turned from Haddock. Ga.
Mrs. Frank Mnipsss has returned to
Orangeburg. 8. C., after a visit to Mrs.
Mrs. V. A. Cook. _ _ „ , „ ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Oscar Wall, of Knton-
ton.^are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Petonla Humber, of Dennis, Oa
ts visiting Mrs. Will Germrd.
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Whitney and
hlldren have returned to Macon after a
Mrs."James Battle KlahVt la tho guest ^MISMS Kate Thrash andVan Barksdale
* are spending the week-end in Macon with
of her sister. Mrs. Joseph G. Camp, in
* tlanta.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hopkins and
family left this week for their future
hnme In Jacksonville. FIs.
Miss Lillian Pams and Miss Puth Piiks
attended the wedding of Mies Ellle May
Parks In Marietta o.i Wednesday evening
for a fortnight.
Mrs. Clarence Alford la attending the
automobile races in Bavannah thin wsek.
Miss Mary Gale Watterson return'd
this week to her home In Rogersvlllf,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alford, of Atlanta,
id little marv Elisabeth Alford
Itln* Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore.
Mr. and Mra. J. A.
Bronson and fam
ily have moved to Eatnntnn from TennIUe
and will reside here In the future.
Miss Annn Lou Nlsbet Is the guest of
friends In Atlanta.
Rev. j. T. Enkes and Rev. A. C. Can
on have returned home from Gainesville
and will remain In Katonton next year.
Miss Mnrlette Anderson hns returned
to her home nt Best wick. Ga.
this week. Mr. Lugand. who formerly
•sided In Eatonton. was married
. Mr. and Mrs. DuBose, of Athens, have
Arrived In Eatonton for tho winter
months, and are nt the rutnam.
Mrs. Lula Colllnsworth Hall and daugh.
ter. Caroline, left Thursday for their
home In Bouth Georgia for a stay of
several months.
a.. Mrs. John Quinces Nolan has returned
to her home In Atlanta after a visit to
her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Turner.
Mrs. Thomas Clayton Bergeron, of 8a-
vannah. and daughter. Marie, were guests
of relatives here this week, en mute home
from an extended trip west, where Mrs.
Rargernn attended as a delegate the ns-
tional W. C. T. IJ. convention In Denver.
J Mr. nnd Mrs. wnilnuhnin. of Mllledge-
vllle. were guests during the week pnet
of Capt. nnd Mrs. Clarke Davis.
Miss Nan Bnrksdnle. of the G. N. A T.
College, faculty nt Mllledgevllle, nnent the
past week-end with her elster. Mre. Mil-
costumed In white, carrying bouquets ,*.MIss pepfe Adams, of White Plains,
of ferns and carnations. Many hand- visited her'parents. Mr. and Mrs. Flour-
some presents were received. Immo- nft v Adams. recently.
some presents were received. Imm<
dlntcly after the ceremony the bride
and groom left for a trip down the
east coast of Florida.
The History Club met at the home
of Mrs. Tom Shepard Tuesday after
noon. The subject for the afternoon
was Bryant, and an Interesting pro
gram was given.
The Sewing Club recently organised
at the homo of Mrs. Sterling BUppey
was entertained by Mrs. W. F. Miller
last Monday afternoon.,
Messrs. J. D. Duke and *E. E*
Duke spent Thursday in Macon.
Mrs. Swanson, of Perry, spent Mon
day with Mrs. George T. Jones.
Mrs. Rlttenberry. of Macon, Is the
guest of Mrs. Charles Clark.
Miss Nell Jones, of Mllledgevllle, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. George
Miss Bessie Esell spent Thanksgiv
ing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
C. T. Esell. She had as her guests
Miss Fox. Mr. John Callaway and
Mr. Smith, of Covington.
Mr. George Powers spent the week
end with Macon friends.
Miss Jocora Smith, of Smlthboro, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Miss Grace Flournoy haa returned
to Sardis after a visit to Miss Ethel
Wilburn. M
Messrs, Arthur Roper and Robert
May spent Thanksgiving day In Ma
Miss Maud Penn has returned from
a visit to Atlantaci^HBBM^HH^H
Mrs. H. H. Jordan entertained a
few friends at *’"n old ladles' party"!
one evening r*'_ently. Old-fashioned |
games were Indulged In and delightful:
refreshments ware served.
Miss Pauline Roughton, of Macon.
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Key Greer, j
Miss Bertha Turner has returned to-
Hillsboro after a visit to Mra. Leriaj
Misses Cattle Woods and Hattie j
Kate Burney hsve returned to Eudoraj
after a visit to Mrs. Gus Burney.
Messrs. P. M. Roby and W. R. !
Pone spent Thanksgiving day In At-,
Miss Lois Fair, of Athens, Is the
guest of Miss Mary Curd.
Mrs. Miller Brooks, Miss Maud At
kinson and Miss Antoinette flnelllnga,
of Madison, were guests fo trhe dance
Monday evening of Miss Gladys Pope.
Miss Marlbcl Rainey has returned to
Willard after a visit to Miss Maud
Mrs. J. P. Harvey and Misses Caro
and Josie Harvey hatlro returned from
a visit to Macon.
Misses Franklin have returned to
Mansfield after a visit to Mrs. DojPle
Mr. D. J. Blaslngame will enter
tain tho embroidery circle at Its next
Miss Bara Jordan has returned from
a visit to Miss Katie 'Beck Thompson,
of Mansfield.
Mrs. John Maddox and Miss Julia
Maddox, of Conyers, are guests of Mrs.
Miss Btella WIce has rttumed to
Eatonton after a visit'to Mrs. Bain
Mrs. J. D. Persons is back from a
visit to Atlanta.
Mr. Ben Malone loft this Week for
Mscon. where he has accepted * po
sition with the Fourth National bank.
Mrs. M. K. Campbell has return*)
from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B, R.
Campbell, of Mansfield.
Mrs. Miller Brooks and Miss Maud
Atkinson have returned to Madison
after a visit to Mrs. W. R. Pope and
Miss Gladys Pope.
Miss Mamie Cohen has returned to
Mrs. Bam Cohen entertained In an
Informal manner at "42** Friday tfler-
Mrs. Lilli** 8cott Cason, of MMIedrevlle
was a recent smest of Mrs. Depnls Thom
as and Mrs. Thad Greene.
and Mrs. C. W. Richter, of Mil-
ledsevlile, were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Nat Rainey during the recent carnival
Mrs. A. B.
Wednesday Af.
lovely home. a The tables for Jhe games
Afternoon Bridge Club st her
■MM 'o
has returned from At-
Mr. and Mre*. Lucian Lawrence have
(turned from a visit to Miss Bara Law
man In Eatonton.
Mis. Kyle T. Alfriend and children, of
(aeotl, are visiting Mrs. O. M. Cone.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Welker have re-
turned Rom a visit to OePla, Ga.
Mr«. W. J. Conn Is visiting Mrs. Lud
low Oriner. In Dublin. _ _
Mlsa Estelle Jones, of Twiggs oounty.
Is visiting Mrs. W. A. Cook ^
Mrs. Jacob Careker and Mra. Lure C.
ngera have returned from Macon.
Mra. J. E. Myrlek, Mra. John Myrlek.
Mrs. Dudley Myrlek. Messrs. Andrew Ed
wards. T«ew|s Ftemlster. J. E. Myrlek.
Dudley Myrlek and others have returned
from Forsvth. where they attended the
Cster-Myrlek marriage.
Misses Frances and Leila Rainey have
returned to Eatonton after a visit to Mrs.
C. W. Rlchtsr. ... w .
Mrs. I/*n Wald Is visiting Gordon. G%.
Miss Enid Freeman, of Nsshvllle.
Tenn.. Is v|sltl"*r Miss Kate Fr*xley.
Mrs. Robert McMillan and children are
visiting realllves In Gordon.
Mias Roberta White has returned to her
home In T ' “ " “ ‘
summer •
Mrs. 6tto M. Conn end Mrs. Thomas
Conn. Jr., have returned from a vlalt to
Ms eon.
Miss Katharine Stubbs, of Maron, and
Mfs. Emma Pratt, of Atlanta, were re-
cent visitors to Mra. P. V. Carrington.
Mra. W. W. Stembrldge and Mlsa Louise
Rtenibrldge are In Atlanta.
Miss I««Ia Terry haa returned, from a
visit to Macon.
One of the prettiest home weddings
of the season was solemnized Wednes.
day evening at the home of Mrs. 8.
B. Godwin when her dsughetr, Miss
Kate Godwin, was united In mnrrlage
to Mr. John N. Connell. The cere-
mony wss performed In the presence
of n large number of friends. The
parlor, hall and reception room were
beautifully dcqoratofl In bamboo,, cu
flowers and roaea. During tho corn
mony the couple stood under n bower
of vines and roses. After tho cere
mony they lert for 8t. August Inn and
points In South Florida on u bridal
Vigorous at 78
Mr. Larkin 0. Keown, a Prominent and Highly Respected Cit.
izen of Edwardsvillo, Ill., Who Is 78 Years Old, Hale and
Hoarty, Has Used for Over Ten Years Duffy’s Pure
' Malt Whiskey, and Says It Is the Best Tonic
Stimulant for tho Old. Mr. and Mrs. Keown
Celebrated Their Golden Wedding In
v r~* November, 1907.
"I hare at tlmw htS nell, of bail
health from colds, indigestion, head
ache, backache, dizziness, nervousness
and various aliments, and have giwa
the doctors and drug stores innu
merable calls and not a few dollars,
but rarely bavo had had to go to
bed. My occupation for years has
been of a clerical nature. I remained
on duty, with pills, powders, potions
bracing me up. Not a dram taken
for the,dram's sake, but quite often
feeling that a stimulant would Improve
my feelings, I gave It a trial—some
times a bottle of whiskey filled with
bitters of some kind seemed to help
me. I gave Duffy's Pure Matt Whis
key a trial. Now I keep a bottle on
hand all the time, and would not be
without It or exchange it for yiy-
thlng else. Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key In small or large doses, as my
feelings Indicate, seems to answer
every purpose and saves doctors* bills.
It Invariably benefits me when a lan
guid or chilly condition seems to Indi
cate that a stimulant Is needed. . I
have seldom used more than a bottle
a month, and one bottle sometimes
suffices for six months or longer. A
teaspoonful revives from dizzy spells
and no more Is used for days some
times. I am 78 years of age, and for
MR. U C. KEOWN. ton yen™ Duffy', ha. been used with
beneficial results. I still use It. Mrs,
Keown and I celebrated our golden wedding on November 4, 1907.*—L. C.
Keown. cn« Main street Ed#ard*vf>’~ hi.. Oct. ir, 190*.
Duffy’s PureMalt Whiskey'
is un absoluti-iy pure distillation of maltod grain. It Im tne most eife* ..
tonic stimulant and Invlgorator known to science;, softened by. warmth
and moisture its palgtablllty nud free.
dom from Injurious, substances ren
der It so that it can be retained by
tho most sensitive stomach.
It curve nervousness, typhoid, mala
ria, every form of stomach trouble,
diseases of the throat and lung", nnd
all run down nnd weakened conditions
of the body, brain and n*rve. It is
prescribed hy dootora and la recog-*
nlzed as a family . medicine every
If you cannot purchase Duffy's Purs
Mult Whiskey near your home we will
have shipped you In n plain case, ex
press prepaid, iim lolldws: j*asa than six
botilas, )1 per l*ott]e: six hot ties.
One case. 13 Iwdtles, $10.
Remit to Duffy Mall Whiskey Co.,
Rochester, N. V.. hy express order,
poatofflce money order, or certified check. TTnon receipt of orflsr, goods
will he shipped immediately according to directions.
References: Any Rochester Bank or Trust Company Dun's or Brad-
street's Agency.
trip. The bride is one of the pretti
est of Valdosta's ypung women, while
tho groom Is a rising young business
man. They were recipients of many
handsome wedding gifts.
Another popular young Valdosta
couple were Joined In tnnrrlnge Thurs
day morning nt the Methodist parson-
sge, the ceremony being performed by
Rev. M. A. Mofgan. The contract
ing parties were Miss Laura Chandler
and Mr. Charles C. Jones.
Tho couple went to Ade| to spend
Thanksglvng with the grpom's rela
tives and will make- Valdosta their
home. Tho bride Is the prott.v daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Chandler
and the groom Is a young man nr
sterling character.
A young couple cams up from Rt.
George on Wednesday and were mar
ried nt the Methodist pnrsonkge hy
Mr. Morgnn that •loftirn^on. They
were Mlsa C.irrabelle Spencer snd Mr.
J. C. Moore Peckell. They derided
upon a quiet marriage, so came to Val
dosta anil had the ceremony perform
ed, returning home that evening nnd
springing the surprise upon their rel
atives nnd friends.
Misses Ethel and Edna Briggs and
Misses Male Dell Roberts and Helen
Hpaln have gono to Jacksonville to
spend a week or two with friends.
Miss Penrl Lewis left this week for
Dalton to be a bridesmaid at a pre»-
ty November wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Marlin, who
havo resided In >Rnlnbrldge for tho
past year, have returned to Valdosta
to make this city their future horn*-.
Miss Caro Lewis haa gono to At
lanta to spend a week or two with
friends In that oity.
Mrs. Rosa Arnold baa rstornoo from
South Florida and will reside In Val
dosta In future. Her husband wli!
Join her here next week.
(Continued on Page Five.)
Oldest Music House in the South
MACON STORE 366 2nd Street
J. P. SHARP, Manager
We handle the following well known Makes
Ivers & Pond
Angelus and Cecilian
Every instrument turned out by us is guaranteed.
We are prepared to make terms on every purchase.
If your Piano needs tuning
Phone Tuning Department, No. 1104
All work fully warranted.