Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 29, 1908, Image 4

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t A ( i THE MAOON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNT) AY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1008 The Macon Telegraph Publlth®* Every Morning by THE MACON TELEGRAPH H'& CO. 409 Mulberry Straat, Miun, Oa. CAMPAIGN OP MAOSEB AND CLA«8E6. Th# Ual of (ba aontnbatora to the ItrpuMIcwi cam palm fuM Inert**** Ir.tmvt tlw man U Is atixJleff. About U.Mb persons ana aapl to hav* con- J/lbt|r4. tka lliu.llt-aa tatero.tln* unirpat with tba 74.001 paraona who ran of i«;o.«44 THE TELEGRAPH IN ATLANTA. Hotsl in Atlanta, A l*o by Gaorgla News and World Nsws Co, 0. R. Pendleton, President. > V** ** ,h * **"»«»«»■ Even with. ' +vt foln# into (^Mlctilara theaa tig■ Linotype For Sale. Modal No. 1 two year. olO. two-lat- lar Unotyje machine; IB Kooa ordnr: U.soo, to.b. Macon. Afl draaa Tba Taitgratih. Macon. tl» . A LAWYER'S OPINION. Aw Atlanta lawyer liras a 1a*al •plnon" that Woodward cannot ra. onlay Um raco aa tha nomlnoo after harta* oaaa retired, tha aot of retlrln* nniitfylna «ha primary which noml fil' d hint. Theta If thla la ana It 1* la the honda of ana roan to oranurn tha ver. dl< t of tha whole people who partlel. puled In aba primary. If tha lawyat*a ■ opinion* ia correct why did they not order another primary? Al. (ha opinion If aa id nl ant ta raring that a prlaonar tortured Into a conferiloa haa na legal right to with draw that oaofaaatea after the torture la ever: Mt the law eaya that a con tortion abutter, by torture ehall not he r< irnrdad aa a confetllaa by tba }urr trying tha oaaa. We never aaw a caaa yet, ar any a!da of a cart, that aoma lawyer could not ha found ta fire tha leaded "trial npln Aliliourb It may not ba directly aur a (fair (except aa far aa tha overturn ing of tha white primary alfecta the grnrraj Internet at tha Slate and tha south at large), nenrthalaa* wa think tha Independent! who are bolting tha primary aught ta eel! o It thla far fetched “opinion." Sanalbla people aim- ply laugh at It. It axpoaaa the poverty afthelrpoattfon. Woodwerd’a tattarwaa net even addraiiad to tha axaeutte# head! of tha white primary organise thin, and tha chairman had no com' munlcatlon from him on tha eubjeet The Executive Committee waa never called ta conaldar tha question; and why should II, aa an Independent can didate had already bean put In the Raid ngnlnst the candidate af tha white primary? If Woodward U not tho nominee then tha man receiving the nail highest vote la. Rot Maddox; tuft the nait hlghett man la not claiming to ba tha nominee: ha knows that ha la not tha nominee, but ta, wa under stand, supporting tha Independent un' der tha Pharisaical lead of those who claim to ba more "decent" than thatr neighbor*. Tha meao waa dirty enough to begin with, but theta goody-goody people far polities sake hava made tha mesa dirtier. ore, promptly nuggeet a party of tha ctaaaew on the one hand end a party o, tha people on tho other. The partlrulara, however, are still more Illuminating. Tba aamce of tba Agtnra. Vanderbilts. (Isolate, gagas, lluntingdona, Mills, Claws, Mackey. (Soane, ■>( New Turk; fllglfnsona and Ainrarq nr Roatan, Algrra of Detroit, etc»■'■•.overt parte af tha Rapublkan tie'. Into a virtual aootal register '.lining the "plutocrats" the names o! the Caraeglra. gehwaba, Junaa, Ollvara. I.iughllna. Hyeraee, eta., give money •elntiliattng Pittsburg her full share of glory. Thrre nre brewero. pork peckers, papeimaken, Its publican newspaper owners, mtllman and man. ufaclurera without number. Tha eg. gernesa of the tariff-fed corporations to beep the O. O. P. In power la discreetly veiled by aontrlballopa through relatively obscura Individual •tockholdera. A similar discretion tnekos It dim- cult to soot Republican officeholders who are put down with thatr home addresses and without their Ittlea. Tha valuable Mr. Does, for agamy)*, *p. pesrs aa a plain olllsen of Cincinnati, to which city also Secretary Wright (as ptgtn Luks E. Wright) and his •100 ar* oradltsd. But on* Sharp- eyed editor hag nevertheless fished out and presented tha fallowing ahowlng with appropriate oommtnt: Wa must congratulate Mr, Rhel- dan on the response he met with from our diplomatic corn" abroad, Wa have beard Mr. Timothy Woodruff gravely criticised for the sharp totters ho wrote to the I’resldsntlal electors, reminding them that tha flg'd and nserrd rata for thaffi w*. <11.004. nut Mr. Khaldun l« a man of lael and skill. Knowing that It la forbidden by cumbersome civil eervlce rules ta assess clerks and h* doubtless let fall only tha grnllaat hint, and our patriotic ambeass- DICKENS AS A "YELLOW * JOUR NALI8T. It la opt (morally known that Charles Dlckrns waa tba prototype at of tba "fake" newspaper correspondent af today, only tba Immortal humorist guarded hla Munchiiuenlwo* with an ambtguous snsthod of statement that comtiw^tc j him to nothing. In the volume of. "Mtsoellaneoua Papers" lust addsd by the Scrtbnara to tho Authsn- tlc Edition of Dlokans* works ora soma llama under the heading "It la Not Osnerslly Known" from whloh tho fol lowing It txtracUd: It It not go norally known that there Is note Is tha garden of Mr. pipe. Of Csmborwoll, a gooseberry weighing upward »f three ounraa.' tha growth of a traa which Mr. Plpa haa raarad entirely on warm t wotandwator. Ills not generally nown that os the last rent day of ■ha estates of tha Karl of Boost*, of Castle lioosla, hla Inrdablp remit ted/ to hla tenants I par rant »f all the amounts than paid up. and afterward regaled them an tha good old English shear of roast beef and humming ale. (It Is not ggnarally known tbst ale In this eonnsctlon always hums.) . Similarly, many othar choice avanta for tha special London cor- respondents of country nowoya. r -a are not generally known. It not gonsmlly known that . . the English pooplt of thg middle rlassaa *r* a mob of drunkards man bossily than tha nuaalan cnrtler* under Pater tba Great. It Is not gansrally known that thla ■ la a.national ehsraoter. . . Yat I And thla plciurs. In a flt of tom. K rate enthusiasm, presented to a people by an artist who la one of themselves. . . . It Is not gansrally known Ihnt th* two sesrreet work* In England era "Tha Pilgrim's Progress" and- "Tha Pilgrim'* Projrrc**" and- "Tba Vloar af Wskalfeld." It la not generally known, that. In ax- patlatlng upon tha education of, hla eountrymen. His Exeelltncy. niR '■otinu#men. nw wwmuwmmr* th* American Mlotater, ramarked of thaae two rar* work#. that while th#y wart to be mat with In every cabin In tha United «tat#s, thay war* “eoivraarallvrly llttla Known idr In Knflam Th# "yeUffr" eorr*apond*nt of to. day would do w*» to Imltat* Plckena In leaving * loophole through whloh to escape In case h* ahould ha ear- n*r*4. SHEEP AND GOATS. Taking Ita cu* from th* published Republican list of campaign contrt butora. tha New York World divides tba Roo#*v«lt sh#«p and Rooa*velt goal# aa follows: 'Th# 'malefactor* of great wealth* are obviously B. H. Harri- man. who gave nothing; John D. Rocktf#Jl«r, who gave nothing; 8. B. Rogers, who gave nothing; William Rockefeller, who gave nothing; Jam** Has#n Hyde, who nave nothing: th* Standard Oil Company, which nave nothing; the Reef Trust, which gave nothing, and the ihre# great Ufa Insurance companies, which gave nothing. Four years ago Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Cortalyou succeeded In #*- »r ' a|i(.roilruiitfly 1*00.000 f rom that* Iniquitous sources of lt*gotten gains. “The "honest business man* ara Chariae J*. Taft, who gave ft19,- ooo; J. Plerpont Morgan, who gpv* 120,000; Aiidraw Carnegie, who gave 920,900; William Nelson Cromwell, who gave 919.000; Ja cob ft iehirr, who gave; Charles M. ftawah, who gave 12,600, and acorea of othar patriots who contributed auma varying from to 921.000, thereby testi fying to their devotion to that Great Moral Force which *e*ke ‘to control law-defying wealth.'* If the World eecopts that Innocent (let of contributor# as the whole thing It must cither have become suddenly van* confiding or regard Preeident Roosevelt a# having ceased to ba the ’practical man" he was In 1901 whan he Qillcd Hardman Into consultation, SOULS AND STARS. Awarding to a Boston dispatch to th* New York World, Hon. William B. i(utw m ^ Chandler, formerly Secretary of th# dor* abroad kWw" Just what*to (K ' V*vy and Unlt«S States Senator from BRYAN AND THE INDEPENDENTS. Jn his latest analysis of tha cornea of bis defeat Mr. Bryan mentions (ho foot that the leading newspapers of th# Ke#t were nearly all on the aide •f th# Republican*. An exrrrasloa of the New York Evening Poet In response to thl# la, we think, worthy of Mr. Ilryen'a thoughtful considera tion. It aaya: 1,219 2.900 1.090 Le. the result: Whltelaw Retd, embassador. London 919.999 Henry Wh!t<\ ambassador, David J. Hill, ambassador, Berlin Charles K. Francis, ambaa- aador, Vienna Thomas J. O'ltrlan, ambas sador. .Toklo Edwin V. Morgan, minister, Havana Herbert G. Rqulera, minis ter, Panama William If. Collier, minis ter. Madrid Charlee p. Bryan, minister. V.lshon Chariae H. (lrtvee, minis ter. Stockholm 1,090* 1.999 1.990 .nr, ninqanmni Chariae B. Magonn. Oovar. nor, Haven* I,<00 We doubt vary much JEMS any other Rapubttran treasurer war reached a band comes lb* arvan era, an succasnfully, and w* trust that no on* will mar hla satisfaction by hny hypocritical criticism to the effect that tho diplomats on the list above either frit compelled to contribute or did no with an *yi> to future retention or ndvsnrcnu nl In iho service. Wc ara also aura that It the list nf IIM and tlM contributions had been printed, It would apprar The Knolallito claim that they did not gat thatr expected 1,000,000 votes, but only, because so many who leaned In their direction .voted for Brysn In Iho hope that through the suseeaa of the Democracy some m,t, urt of needed reform might bo achlev. at once. This has a plausible sound, hut It (ells to dovetail with lha narco declaration of Dabs during the campaign that the Republican nod Damoenllo parties era "two wings u( th* asms bird of pray." New Hampshire, la an anthuilaatlo convert to the Idea that tho sonli rf men dying on this earth art Iran* ported to th* atari and ar* there ra Invested with physical bodies. II* I* thus quoted: "If we go to aomo of tho glare— to Hlrlus. to tha north star, or to the sun—wa shall b* reinvested with physical bodies. The joys of exlstanra attendant upon th* us* of th* nva senses must not b* tao- rifled. And what more reasona ble thought thtn that w* shall be Invested with new aense* as en joyable. If not mors ea. than tha live v. have In thla existence? "My Idea la that whan our souls leave this aarth wa do not scat ter to different planata. This would ha a terrible asr"ration. Suppose we ara sent to Mata and our dearest frttnda hava xono to Rlriuo, Tha very thouxht la dla- dlatraaalng. If Mr. Brysn would only toko time to think * tittle more deep ly about this rr—. situation, ho might r-rhnps recall that In tl?l and list, and In lha later Cleve land twmpsUgna. the pick of th* Independent proa* cordially sup- hehind him than drover Cleveland, ■tut aver stnc* th* appearance of Mr. Dryan. this oawpaper support has generally go no to tha Rapah- IIrene. Why, Mr. Bryan should wk himself, did nawapanpra Ilka tho Times, the Evening Post, the Hpringfleld Republican, the Raltl- m.’ro Ban. and a host of others of thla type reruns to support th* Doming tin party In 1MI? Tha answer Is th* aama that must ha given when anybody eiemlnao frankly tho causes of tho Demo cratic defeat: Booauso Mr. Itryan sms th* candidate. Be long on ba Is at tho head of th* porty h will reculariy be defeated, and will a* regularly repel tha veJuabta news, peper support It eould regain by rhooelng a stable, trustworthy, and it'H •sisvgg. gg quuiu aj'i'ar that other diplomat) warn also heard from. With tha high official* In Wash ington. Mr. Sheldon wx« tees auooeesful, wo regret to note. Tho President gave only II,NO, and an did Mr. Oscar S. Rlraui, Th* Saoralary of War, loika K. Wright, to show hla gemilno non- B rtleanehlp. declined to vets for r. Taft, nut garo ISN to elect him—a cheap price for eight month* In the cshlnra. Mr. Root gave JS.600. Mr. Meyer 11.000. and th* chief of the forest bureau SI.NO, to which hla mother added ItOO. It la * rad Illustration nt the way people will snsetp that alnoe the etortton there have been rumors In Washington that Mr. Plnchot would go into the cablnit and Mr. Meyer haoom* Bee rotary of the Treasury, Other) who h»vo been or are being "hoomed" for prominent places In fht naw administration ar* Whltelaw Retd (110.001), Robert Raeon (SI OM). den. Corbin (Mia. Corbtn I10.0M). nnd William N. Cromwell (t 10.000; bit i>artnera, 11,100). atataamanllka leader. No doobt Mr. Bryan believes that a treat Injustice la done him by tba la. dependent pram In tho East, and w* must add that In our opinion tho tla ment referred to la uot aa fair toward hba at It might ho. Nevertheless tho font remains that ha can not secure tb# support that ta necessary In order te -net him, and therefore there Is *oty on* honorable and patriotlo course fur him to pursue hereafter. IV* been signing checks all day ta payment of campaign expenses, unto th. check book was exhausted, and Pea tent tor another," toys Thom as u uiagen. Thames must be "hon es:- on a stupid 0* wall oa honest, ta let llaarst use l:!m and "pull hla lag.' Tha German chancellor now hands Emperor It: lam's speech ta htn* al ready printed. It la toe lata new, bat tkla country would have bat- saved a good deal If Secretary Boot could have perfom -I the cams oervtco for Preel dent Kuo**Tel: from the beginning o hla ad rain tain (Ion. The Democrats gave tho names of those who contributed UN and over: th* Republicans, tho name, of those who contributed ISN and over. Yet tba Republican list It much longer (ban tb* pemoctathk and whn* the Republicans claim only 11.000 contrlb. utora In *11. tha Democrats ctatm 14.000 contributor* to a fund on*-thlrd as large. Truly It would ***m to be a ram nf tb* maaaoa os on* tide sod th* clast** on tha other. Distressing Indeed, for Slriua la be. (laved to bo a burning sun, much larger bul altogithir similar to th* ■un which give* us light and heat. Tho planet Mara would no doubt ha found habitable, but tho soul (with a "physical body" naw or old) thnl ventured Into th* ocean of flr* colled Rlrlui would far* worse than th* moth tn tha flams of tb* oandta. E Senator Chandler Is further quoted: "My faith In a futura Ilf* la atrong and ever present with me, . . , Wo must attrt with tha vast. startling, overwhelming thought that there exists n power that can create an Immortal soul, capable of living foreeer." h* said. "Once created, tha soul must go on and on throughout the cons of atemlty, Tha great object of ex- only by Immortality. "Admitting the futura extatanc* of the ooul, what morn logical thought nin wo hava than that nur *oul» go la aoma other part of tho universe to taka up thatr abode there?" The Macon Telegraph mokes th* astonish tog statement that moat of tha helling da Atlanta's may oralty race la at even odds Is lha odds tha dlffaranav between tbs two men?—Waycroas Herald. Well, you to* Th# Telegraph ta a Util* behind on aporttnc terms, thht't >11. "Shall warn** work alter marriage r sake a magaain* writer. To break it to them aa gently aa passible, wa ahould aay thay wUI work attar mar riage If they never ararktd before; nag It they worked before they win work all th* mare. Apropoi f th* Roosevelt.Hears! •octal call tb* Naw Yelk Evening Post pointedly aaya ta tha Praatdant: "It cart .!ni> shows that you have no worst ecrtipiea tn oaeoetattng with any man whom you think you can uae. "What ta a Democrat?" asks tba Ca- lumbta Rut*. Frankly, naw, don't yo* think ara might tabs • little vacation before beginning as rad tbst stop* up tbs hill age!at If « soul from thla aarth mult ba reinvested with a physical body In or der to ffet a foothold on one of the distant pianola, aa Mr. Chandler nays, why ahould It take anch a Journey at all? The sea-cucumber provides It self with a new stomach at soon at tho old on* haa worn out and goes un eating. Why ahould not tha soul, in Ilka manner, provide Itaatf with a naw body when th* nig on* die* and go on living hara? For Mr. Chandler evi dently doea not agree with tha Apoatte Paul that Ihert la a spiritual body as '•What affect, think you," naked Mrs. Tllllnghasl nf tha State Federation of Pennsylvania women recently, "will an rndlaag round nf cleaning nnd scrub blng. washing and Ironing hav* upon a human soul? How far toward tho Idas! tn moral nnd spiritual develop, meat will nuch a eoul b* ship to ad' vance?" Surely there must bo tom* advance, or thtr* la nothing In tha old view that otaanttnaas Is neat to Godliness. Mrs. Rpankhurat, who acted oa can ‘or rush whan th* augragattae mobbed tha house of Premier Asquith and tried to storm Parliament, la to spend aoma lima In Jail, a fat* which has befallen soma two hundred of her ate. trr*. American auflrageltaa would never b* caught In such outbreaks bo. ranee, attar all, they care more thatr womanly dignity—bloat them than for tho ballot. Th* Secretary of tha Treasury re porta that* ta a great demand for gold for Christmas, if it will ba any a*, oommddatton to him them ara fathers of families In thus parts who would he content to racates theirs In green backs or oven stiver. Th* Secretary ot tha Treasury re porta than Is s grant demand for gold for Christmas. If It will bo any ac rommodatlon to him than ar* fathers of famlllaa In those parts who would ba content te receive their* tn green back) or even iUver. That Tennessee magistrate who" tried and sentenced to death three nt. a who were promptly oxeeuted by the mob wox moved by good Inten tions which ahould save him from the oansequencea of having had a hand In n legal murder. A rheumatic cripple claims that hea ollnga ar* goad for th* malady. After having tlx of them applied to him ho aaya ha was able tn walk and evan run about flfty yards, we trust ha doa* not expect us to dispute this tat- tsr statement. Mr. Rockefeller might have varied hla failure to remember at times by th* equally effective "1 decline to an- iwer for tho reason that tt might tend te Incriminate me." The latest on dtt shout Anna dould that aha will divorce Halle and remarry Rent. Nothing this young woman may do will surprise tha pub- lls. Th* Russian professor who won the Nobel pria* eaya th# averare man ought to live to th* age ot UO year*, well as a natural, and hit theory doe* Th* average man would bora himself not carry tha departing eoul beyond * nJ probably bora th* world g»nor th* realm of natur*. Th* distant pl*n-l*«r *? he had to live that long, ots and anna ara all a part of the nil oral or physical unlveraa to which our earth belongs, and such a transfer *•' without regard to hla neighbor." la auggexted. although a itupondnuo —?o*«ph a. Cannon, event tn Itself, weald not lift man out Who would have thought "Uncle" of the plana of Ufa In which ha ta ,B a wou14 Indulge tn abus* of him- bom. | aalXT ^ la It not mors tegleal to bellava In a spiritual anlvaraa within or above tho rratm of matter, aa tha aont la The Ruaatan professor who won tha Nabet prlsa aaya the average man within « abov*"Th* ^y”l*d te ,h * *" •* '»“*£ ' Th# average men would bop# hlmtelf I end probably bare the world generally {If he bed te Uve that long. the futur# nr# te ther«t—that the eoul new adjatned to the body ta already a part of that eptritoal unlverte and that It becemee eantrieue and arrive Mr. Rockefeller might har# varied a fitting end vtetbl# human J m# tailor# te remember at time* bf form «* ao«n a* the earthy corrrln# j the equally effective T decline to an* die* and la dropped off? X* not this mr f<> r th# rraeon that It might t«od the ml tranetttea to Immorui Ilf* incriminate me." that awalta both the rate of our earth | - ' end the inhabitants planeteT the distant! High*#! Altitude for Honeymoontr*. [ The Washington monument li to be brought at last to baa# usee ■ Tb* talari a* dlt *bo»t Ann* OoulS i !*? 1 "* «». St* Is that eh* will divorce Ilelle sod ra- j Mibeat' a!tltude <I *r»arhad by^wniy' marry **nl Nothing this young wo- mooning connlea from the province*, man may 4« will eurprii# tha public. ( uAn#*Ce#H*r4r*virn#V love.—Um- Pendlcton's Life of Stephens.! "Not only a bruiMot account of a great roan but a hlftcry of n move ment. . . . Will be r**d by mtn of all acctlone for It# revelation of n notable figure, for it# purvey of a ortt- leal period, for Its gympntheUo yet balanced view#, and for it# picture* of **Mr. Pendleton turne from the man t# hli time* a* oft# n ee Theodor# Rooievelt does in bla Benton; but of these two biographers Mr. Pendle ton la decidedly euperior In knowledge of hla background. He belong# to tbat school of southern worker* in hlftory. . . distinguished by pains, taking thoroughness and a rather for midable readiness with verified fact#. Bhould James Ford Rhode# ever re vise hla earlier volumes, he should find It worth hla while to read Mr. Pen dleton's chapters on ‘Nullification at the North.' ‘Georgia Secedes,' and the 'South'* Handicaps In the W»r/ Th# American Historical Review* “The most accurate, unflinching nnd Intelligent estimate of this nreatGeor gian yet presented. Infinitely more pretentious than with biography—a graphic summary of the epochal Issues leading up to the Civil Wttr. . * * one or tha most impartial studies of first causes and of tha porientfoue questions yet egltntlng America that has come from a writer of either see lien. . . One Is tempted to nr- claim this book as the long anticipated and dispassionate statement of 'he south's oius# to posterity."^Allante Constitution. Woodward-Atlanta. Ne Trouble to Qet iRoose, y H. r»t! 1: A'.i .in'ans wh > w- t to the race# at Hev&nnah report that it wa* no trouble to get boose. Original Mr. Roosevelt Columbus Ledger: Mr. Roosevelt a #p«ech yesvrday declared that there were race troubles north as well “ south. B##ker Didn't fitay for Dinner. Brunswick Journal: Booker ha# just made another call at the white house, but It isn't on racord that be huhf up his hat and sat down with the iolkj to dinner. Four Famops Wagners. Savannah News: There are now four Wagner# known to fame—the one that won the Grand Prixe, the on* tbat wrote the opera#, the on* who HI# Honor end Sant# Claus, flandorsvlile Herald: The #peei#l tsrm of Washington #uper!or court will bring many people to the city, hut they will b# more interested tn seeing Santa Claus than the court. It'# Up to Len. Griffin Newa: If he ha# not been smUt#n epeechles# by the enormity of the Situation, or musxled by “his peo- K * /' Th# Maron Telegraph looks for . Len Broughton to throw eome light on question# raised in the At ilclpel “ ‘ lanta municipal contest. A Serious Blow at th# Whit# Primary System. Brunswick News: The New# regret* that Atlanta h«» seen fit to make tha egrefiou# error, , uu „ e w of bringing out an Independent candl-1 mog j creditable newspaper publications Them's Our 8entiments, Too. Augusta Chronicle: The special edl tlon of th# fiavnnnah Press Just prior to the automobile race# wm one of th# date for mayor agslnet James O. J™’printed In aSKrta. Mr. P. A O, 8ut'llvo. hlc man Woodward, who wee regularly noml nated for that office In a hotly-con tested primary concluded a fsw weeks the first place, th* whit# primary »y*tem as operated In the south has done more to purify our elections then all other agencies combined. It haa removed the venal character of both races from such conflicts and has added a tone and K dignity to our olectiona not enjoyed by such fune tlon# in the past. The precedent «■ tabllshed In Atlanta Is a dangerous one and It simply means Ihpt all over the state. In future for real or fancied reasons, primary nominee* will And themselves confronted with opposition on election day. Then, again, while every one may not know It, there la a very percemlblp degree ot honor con* nected with these white primer!**. As we understand It, whan a man nar- tlolpates in one of them h* l» nr#m every moral point of view committed to abide by Us results and vote for ita nomine*. If this wsre not the ea««o th# white primary system would fall in Ita purpose and would be an empty and meaningless proceeding. Th* New# Is not prepared to say that Mayor- elect Woodward haa not sinned. There 1# no question' about that, but w# do not beliive th# people of Atlanta ought to slap custom and tradition In the face to punish him. Then, agnln. It occur* to ua that perhaps the mont benevolent and Chrlrtlin-llke way to go. at the thing would be to let the election go along (n th* usual way, elect Mr. Woodward, overlook this lost transgression on the understand ing that It will not occur again under th# punishment of Impeachment If he falla from grace again. It would he an easy matter to fmpeach him at the bar of the city council and remove him from th# office. It'a an unfortunate Rltuatlen of af flairs, yet the people of Atlanta ought to think very carefully before they deliver thla staggering blow to the white primary ayatem. aging editor, and the entire force on th# Press have the right to feel proud of th# tdltjon. It was a credit to the Pres# and a credit to Savannah Separate Barn* and Stables. McDuffie Progress: But in tha Im t*r##t of the owner of the live atock, as well 0# In the Interest of the poor dumb brute# themselves, would It not be a pwl plan for u* all to dlscon rinue building #tables and barns to. K thsr? In th# long run would It not cheaper t« erect separate building* for th* live stock? DOCS any man feel wf* with hla good mule# and horges under th# same enclter With tons of hay, fodder or other Inflammable mg terlal? Augusta Herald; And, by the way. what has becom* of that trick mule that wa* presented to Mr, Bryan for a mascot? Blakely Reporter: Just at this writing, th# Reporter Un't threatened to be overwhelmed by that wav« of Taft prosperity that la supposed to be at large Just now. Blakely Reporter: They ara ready announcing for congress next time up In the seventh district There will be no more off years In politics, it seems. Fort Valley Leader: When Jim Woodward woe nominated mayor of Atlanta the people knew he got drunk occasionally. Now let them swallow their do## and elect him aa the regular democratic nominee. prog noetlcatlon, they being the Judgment In a justice court and the verdict of u ictlt Jury. Now we must add to the## •What will be the next move In mu nlclpal politic# in the city of At- lent*?" Blakely Reporter: Woodward back in the race for mayor of Atlanta. And WC er# “sporty* enough to wager a year’s subscription to this ir#4t family nawapsper that he wins the election. Th# bast men do not always win at th# polls—and there Is som*| thing to bo regretted.[ Atlanta had better swallow Wood ward. calling Maddox out of the race for mayor. Otherwise the white pri mary system of nominations Is a dead gosling In that city. For the Court to Worry Over. ■The local fair association has been llndloted by the grand Jury of Bibb county for permitting on the grounds S ime# which hasarded nickels during e recent fair, and the president of the association la reported to be wor-i rted to know how the association ft to he punished If It should be found | jrultty, Preeident Roosevelt has solved 'this question to the extent of deciding that It la the corporation and net the men who OMipoee It that ia penally liable. He has not yet disclosed a scheme by which th# corporation can be sent to jail, however, and the fair Association official# might save them- selves by letting the court worry over the problem of runtshlng the assocls- flenola Enterprise-Gazette: Surely In the face of present high prices for everything he has to buy, and low S rlc© for what he has to sell, the irmer cannot see hi# way daar to plant another all-cotton crop. MUledgevIlle News: Municipal po1< itlcs are holding Atlanta In their throes now. Tho mn» of the people seem to be determined to bolt the primary and elect an Independent mayor. It may seriously affect- che primary system of Georgia. Senate Enterprlse-Gasett#: A num. ber of Georgia cities, upon learning that President-elect Taft wonted to come south te some quiet place to spend a few weeks during the winter, extended him an Invitation to their city, nut a* he wanted a quiet plnce wo knew the hustle and hurry of 8e- nola would not suit him, so we have not troubled him with an Invitation. tlon.—Macon Telegraph' It Is very hard, said Edmund Burke, to Issue sn Indictment against a whole people. Po It may be hard tn Indict _ whote association or corporation. During th# successful progress of the state fair Macon probably thinks the public shouldn’t be too squeamish •bout what roe* on at tha grounds.— .Savannah Preaa How They View It Well try ’em again In H12 with a southern men, and If nothing else, we’li rive him the “eolld eouth“—Wajeroa# Herald. Stick to this, now, yon brother down Wavcr^r* aad maybe In l»12 w# will [hare the'“eolld south’s" rote for a southern man.— Montesuma Record. I If a solid south didn’t elect Bryan, how can a solid south elect a southern men? The tnuih> 1* (here N * ».*!!! north, ft-i th •> v.>te th<» rr- V- ' .'Vrf Whoever \."i p«r>:.iV republicans to vote a democratic tick et. you can elect a democratic presi dent.—Marietta Journal. But since there Is no chance to do that the next best thing to do Is for I the south to compliment a southern | ;« with her rot# end let tt go^ wkinsvllle News and Dispatch. Of Ceur#e ft fa ricus Recorder.. The Maron Telegraph calls attention the fact tbat eleren foreign repre- t five* tV.. I'ntte.l ron. trlbeted oyer tfil f>*9 to the republican patgn fund, and then Hd!#uV« the I n set up by republican offlo*- holdtrs that the pay ot these ries wo* too small Of oouroe It lf. tf •hey must he hjM to flnane# the re- publican camrwtgni Ho doubt th# Idea was t# fill th# coffer* from th# federal troeeury by thla roundabout d#vlc«. Governor Brown's Visit. Oglethorp# Echo. It waa an honor to Oglethorpe conn, ty and Lexington to hare Governor) elect Joseph M. Brown as & guest Monday night and Tuesday of thla week. He was heartily wolemed and rararmlg graetod by *11, irrespective of political party or former affiliations, nnd hi* unostentatious democracy In freely railing and mingling with the people aa one of them won for him the confidence of everybody. Governor Grown lay# no claims to oratory and he could not be nor act the politician as we are wont to know politicians If h# were to try. He Is a , •••■•' <!'’j frank. unassuming m apparently to tlm- n to th# aggressive politician and offlea- He meets and greets whom he comes In eartlncss and cordial- ■ glut it the oonvletlon of utter sincerity, and which makes you feel that you are In company with one of your peers rather than with on* removed from you by any distinc tion. And yet he matntalM all th< dignity that should bslong te one in the high office in which he has been MiMkrapotlMibli choractar- ‘tssed our people and ired that by his visit hi# way solidly Into Lad esteem of our Idlty secki All ( conti Ity t plac* ItUO he c. h-ro prop' Sir conti have lira* tlve feel golni » come in personal man the opinion we PI that In Governor hav* a chief execu- ids all Interests could en confirmed. Ho Is lie state a safe, con servative governor. He Is a level headed. thoughtful man. and hla ax pt*ri‘ fits t state *..y He !< that cua callings of life with all questions of illlgent. businsss-llke it tend for th# best, e and her peopl# and >w them better and become thoroughly conversant with the condition# of all ##ctlons and peo ples he expects to visit practically and he state between now atlon that be may come in direct personal contact with the conditions end peoples and the better know what course to pursue In his administration that will conserve the greatest good to the greatest num- ber. 0*4 placlt •Ml slneei over win i H • Itbetr tract! mde no mistake In vn In the governor’s >w entirely coavlnc#d iht ever oinc# he of* ice that in him we ilghtferwtrd. honest, ness-like government tee er interest sen er undue cemrol. but In iar« that confident* h«m unfeelingly ri*k him for honest pro- Oe< with the i grata lerratlon. :urt such a governor rency Just n®^, and ‘tat® ar# to b« con ;b*y hav* been able Gorvracr Joseph M Read This, But as Julius Caesar Said, "Excuse the Length, / Had Not Time to Make If Shorter $1,750 Less 5-year mortgage (which can bs renewed).. 500 Less 5-year mortgage (which can be renewed) $1,600 500 $1,100 This balance of $1,100 payable $23.50 monthly, for five years, which includes interest. $2,000 HOME—$500 OASH, $21.50 MONTHLY Prioo of house and lot $2,000 By cash payment 600 $1,500 Less 5-year mortgage (which can be renewed).. 500 $1,000 This balance of $1,000 payablo $21.50 month, for five ycnrB, which includes interest. $2,000 HOME—$600 CASH, $20.00 MONTHLY Price of home and lot $2,000 By caih payment 600 $1,400 Less 5-year mortgage (which can be renewed).. 500 $ 900 This balance of $900 payable $20.00 monthly, for five years, which includes intorest. 0. O. EARLE, 353 THIRD STREET, PHONE No. 77 ALBERT McKAY, Maker of Men’s dothes, Cherry St., Macon, Oa. IKE WINSHIP HEMIRT SMART WZNSHIP k SMART, . INSURANCE ACCIDENT, HEALTH, FIRE. WaakluctSB Bleak. LOANS Negotiated promptly on i»‘ proved farms and city proper. iy on easy terms and at lowest market rates. If yon need money call on na HOWARD M. SMITH & 00. SM Mulbaefy 8t- MACON. OA. •LM0.0W.00 SAFELY.LOANED. During th# last II rswi w» have loan ed '92.100,00#.## on Real Estate for home ru tt.ouu,uuv,« do nesj commie ior r.omi and foreign Investor*. Hetf*«t u4 most profitable Investment. Those do#(ring to barrow or having money to Invest wlu find it tc their Interest to eee us. SECURITY LOAN AND ABSTRACT CO.. Commratl.l link Sulldln. Tfiomas E. WaaL Saanury and .eon S. Dure Banking and InYMtmtnU. •taeka. B*Ma. Baal Mat*. Manat#- kUcoa. 6s. S. S. Parmelee Company, aa < Hanieee. Saddles. Bicycles, Baby Cay ^araeet at®ck n fn the South te seieet from. A pleasur# to lerv* you. t. e, PARMELEE CO, Maoon. Oa. Monej to Lend on Real Estate Well rated commercial ■ end very low rates on IreUble securities. Macon Savings Bank Broftn House Opposite Union Depot—MACON, GA. American Plan. r. BARTOW STUBBS, PragrtatoA F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manaqar. MACON, DUBLIN a aavAN ROAD CCM« NA " A,t - *** "IraR.r.rftv: » ■ff##tlve Marsh li, 1*00. .. TiOOeml No. >«»• ” a-Opml No, I?...".. l,8S5 -Train, arrtv. and tram aouth.ri. Beltway DapaL J. A. STREYEff. Oanarai Paisanar Aa.nL Sonthem SeJUwtty Sohednles. JS^r ( tSWBtJi*aM!Ws-!i mstlen only, i Is there anything about my proposition that you do not nnderetandf In setting forth the venous propositions concern ing building homes at Log Oebin Heights, nnd selling them on small monthly payments, I am seeking to bo explicit. I am putting each of these various proposi tions in figures, so that the eye will re»dily comprehend nt it glance just wbat tho proposition is. Below I am showing on what terms n $2,000 home may be bought—you can pay down so little as $250 Cash. Of course you can pay down any amount (you want to above that. For instance, if yon make a cash payment of $400, the amount you pay each month will be $23.50; $500 cash and $21.50 monthly; $600 cash and $20 monthly. - In the examples that follow you will note the lino which says, “Less mortgage of $500.” This refers to a $500 mortgage which wo put on the property, and which you oRn renew after five years. In other words, if yonr home costs $2,000, and yon pay $250 down, that leaves a balance of $1,750. We then put a mortgage on it for $500 which you do not have to fivo years. This, therefore, leaves a balance to bo repaid in five years of $1,250. Now if you get out your pencil and paper right hero, you will sco tho interest on $1,750 nt 3 per cent for fivo years is $262.50. Add this to the balance owed on tho house, of $1,250, and you hnve $1,512.50. Divide $1,- 512.50 by 60 and you will find how much for the five years you would have to pay each month—the answer is $25.20. As I don’t charge you 3 per cent for the full length of time, you pay only $25 a month. Therefore, remember this, $25 a month inoludes intercut—this is true whether you pay $25 monthly or $23.50 or $21.60 or $20 as shown below. ‘ $2,000 HOME—$250 OASH, $25 MONTHLY. Price of house and lot $2,000 By cash payment 250 $1,250 . This balance of $1,250 payable $25 monthly, for five years, which includes interest. $2,000 HOME—$400 OASH, $23.50 MONTHLY Price of house and lot $2,000 By cash payment 400 g»Mng.r tram, at Maecn.'aaTfirinfo^ Ne, Arrtv. from: a. m. .. . , m.' No. Dfntrt te: aaaff: 'tSsSSs* iv, 8 WuT. “T-B