Newspaper Page Text
SHIRTS $2.50
| Nine Justices for as Many Militia Die*
I trlcta Are to Be elected—Some Have
Opposition While Others Are More
In Styles; In Prices; In Selection.
, Many men care most for style and selection; these
points being safely right, they’ll pay the price. But we
see that prices are right, also.
OTHERS AT $1.50 TO $3.00
Every day, all the time, we have the right goods at
the right price. Makes no difference what it is, if it is
not satisfactory you can get your money back. You
never lose when you buy from ns; it’s when yon don’t
that you lose.
Macon Cash Grocery
Phones 325—290. 670 Poplar Street.
A Concern Which Has Climbed to the Highest Notch
in the Business World, by Strict Integrity and Fair
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.
Importers, Coffee Roasters, Distributors
327 Stores in U. S.
Importing Tens and Coffees directly from their place
of growth.
Having extensive connections at all the leading Tea
and Coffee ports of the world.
Selling goods that are True to Name and better qual
ity than other stores can possibly give, because they lack
the facilities.
Guarding closely our reputation which we have
maintained spotless for fifty years. >
When you have been humbuged and are disgusted
vith the trashy Teas and Coffees you get with sticky
ft rings tied to it, from other stores, then come to the
A&P Store and get the true to name, best Coffees and
leas, that will delight those who are accustomed to the
Ugliest qualities and know the best.
Help youurself by trading at A&P Stores. Wo are
always delighted to serve you.
For Sale at $2,500
• A two-story, seven-room house, thoroughly modern,
nevly papered; within half block of College St. Splen-
die home or investment. *
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
41 Third St.
Phone 360
Home bet* built in East Macon; will
build to $lt.
Desirable Vlnevllle cottage: lot wide.
Colleve sieet home; 10 roomi; built
for a hom; worth the money.
VinevlUs *; will build home for pur
For Sale
For a Quick Sale
Nice cotta** on corner lot In rood
neighborhood and growing part of
Jto. F. and W. H. Cone,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans
Phone 36. 607 Cherry St.
T^JotoMOtt ".till quit- ST Mr’ J.
tomobll. reel In S»T»nMb. •
1 '°MIr* W AnnF<Drown delightfully enter
tained sever* of her friends Friday
evening at aoyster supper.
MUs Addle Oford entertained, recently
the male quaette consisting of Messrs.
DUllard. R. I Matheson. G. E. Math*-
•on. Cobb ar Stapleton, at an oyster
Annie dixie Carter entertalnad
dob Thursday aflsr-
Ar,nt*> .1
■ Kenslr.glt
on. I
ness house# all
Miss Aliens (nes and Mr. Keith Fre-
voet. pf Anderson, 8. C., were the guests
of Miss Ethel Batson Thanksgiving.
Hon. Jae. H. Skelton is in Atlanta on
professional busineas this week.
Judge Weiter I* Hodges is in Atlanta
SSSgtogJriiE sss
Th- ml,.(orrery roily .t til. Flret Bo[>-
UU Church WrdBudoy via loreoly at.
an Int*r»ating lecture on woman's work.
The aervioes In the afternoon were con-
ducted by Miss Emma Amos, correspond-
rfcSFJKflJ. King who haa served the
Method let Church here, »i:i co to Lit ho*
nla. Mr. King is wed liked in Hartwell
and haa a host of friends who regret to
see bin and his excellent family remove.
Interest In the election next Saturday
for nine justices of the peace is creating
no little interest.
The candidates arc out doing some
canvassing among their frit-mis and the
chances mu that In those districts where
there Is opposition there will be some
lively times, for in this kind of election
every vote counts.
It la not known whether Judge A. W.
Stokes, the present Incumbent of the up
per city district, will be a candidate or
not. 1I« la down on the river in his
house boat, caring more for the fish ho
Is catching and the game he Is shooting,
nnd the Shakespeare he Is reading, and
the naps he Is sleeping, and the nealth
he Is getting back, than he does for the
empty honors of offloe. It Is possible
that he may steam up and tlo his boat to
the landing and announce In time for the
casting or the ballots. If thero Is any
opposition to him It lias not boon made
In the lower city district Judge A. P.
Jones finds that he Is opposed by Mr.
lUclmrd P. McCowan, and the race will
be a lively on#.
In the Bast Macon district no one has
dared to oppose the Invincible Hugh Me-
Kervey. wno Is already called Judge by
some and Jedge by others. He has his
tleketa printed, and as it Is underston*!
that In cate of election hu hds selected
Col. Willism Wasner to succeed him as
mayor of Bast Macon, and this haa
brought him more supporters than ho
So far as known there Is no opposition
to Judge J. H. Brown In the Vlnevllle
Judge R. A. Johnson In the Rutland
district Is supposed to be also without
^ '* > VI
salt — ..... ...... ---
In the city, seems to know who
they are.
since tho death Of Judge Hendricks In
the Godfrey district there he* been quite
a flurry among those who wish to hold
this Important office. Hud the Judge
had any opposition, ha having held the
place for seventeen or eighteen years to
the satisfaction of all. The candidates,
so far as heard from, are Messrs. Josey.
King, Hunter and Jim Davidson, all good
"in* the Hansard d'-trlct .fudge N. R.
Ousley, and In the Howard, Judge J. T.
far na known.
Th® election will bo held on Saturday
next, with the usual election hours. In
Atlanta an ordinance requires ell the
near-beer places to remain closed on
election day*, but there are no such re-
Don’t think the pllea can't be cured.
Thousand* of obstinate cases have
been cured by Doan's Ointment. 60
cents at any drug store.
Mary Scott, the negro woman who
was convicted of violating tho blind
tiger ordinance and fined, nnd tho
case appealed, now finds herself In
a curious predicament.
The case being appealed she gavo
bond for her appearance. Then her
bondsmen gave her up, she being ar
rested Just as she was leaving the
Then she gave another bond and en
joyed another season of freedom. But
the other day the second bondsman
gave her up and she languished In
Friday Mary -was sent to the stock-
ade, not to work on the public works,
but to be held In custody until she
gives bond or her case disposed of.
Tho city can not tfut her to work
because she has appealed her caso
and a supercodeas prevents, but the
city can put her In the stockade and
hold her until the cose la determined
ono way or the other.
There I* no telling when the de
cision of the court of appeals will
come down. It may be thirty, sixty
or ninety days, and ns her sentence
Is only thirty days she may stay In
the stockade ninety days before she
can serve her thlrt days on tho gang,
should the case go against her.
Mary Is getting all tangled up In
these court methods, and she knows
not where she 1* at except at the
stockade, where, not being made to
work, she can play the lady and look
on at the others do their work.
Regal Shoes for Men and
Women, handsomest of models,
all leathers, all widths and in
quarter sizes.
Parks & Everett.
OMAHA. Neb., Nov. 29—The trial
of Chas. Edward Davis for the mur
der of Dr. Frederick T. Rustin ten
weeks ago. wilt be called In Judge
Sltton's branch of the district court
tomorrow. Mrs. Abble Rice, who en
tered Into a murder and suicide pact
with Dr. Rustin, and falling, avowed
that Rustin hired Davis to slay him
will be the state's star witness, but
her testimony Is expected to bring
out some vigorous objection by coun
sel for the defense on the grounds
that it Is hearsay evidence.
Although R Is admitted that Davis
has been thrice committed to aanltar-
luma for temporary Insanity, his coun
sel has declared that no attempt will
be made to take advantage of an In-
sanity plea.
Mrs. Rice has been held In Jail since
the mysterious shooting, being unable
to give a bond of 61,000. Davis has
been at liberty under 625.000 bond fur
nished by his brother, who la vies
E resident of the First National 'Bank.
[e has been under guard of a com
panion furnished by the Davis family
It is believed that two days will be
required to procure a Jury. -
Paclffc mall pl.r p.ndln* the dedl
.Ion of th. Immigration office, u to
wh.thir th»y *r* entltl«d to mor the
United Btet... M»«p-d from th. de
tention .hisd tarel midnight. (Mur «f
th.m were recaptured In Chinatown
today. Th. ChfireM cut th. h«»vy
wire netting over g window,
through two iron bur. «nd .lid down
a wnt.rplpc. !✓)« H-pUwnh.t- four
Chin-,, .welting d-porutlon wwed
tbtlr wgy to liberty through th* {Oof.
Just Received a Lot
of fhq Celebrated
Ail the Latest Shapes
Every Hat
If you pay $5.00 you get no
more wear, nor any better
Confess to Breaking Into Cannlpsllo's
Tailoring 6hop And Stealing a Lot
Fashionable Suits of Clothing.
On tho morning of (lie 6th. the porter
of Vincent Cannlpello's tailoring estab
lishment on Mulberry street, went to
open up the place, and lie found that In
the nlglit soinu one bad filtered the shop
and treated himself to several suits of
stylish clothe*. He reported th# robbery
at once, and some how the police
thought the porter know nil about It, end
lie was arrested and the cast against him
heard by the recorder the next morn-
f’he porter told all about It, how ho
opened up and saw the disordered condi
tion of the shop and tho broken door, nnd
It wan thought that he told a straight
tale, and the case agnlnst him was dis
An arrest of three negroes yesterday
by Deputies Wilson, llyrd nnd Chambliss
proves that the porter's story was true,
and that he had nothing to do with tho
The deputies got wind of an attempt
to break In and burglarise a house In
Vlnevllle. the Job to be done some time
during Saturday night. They went out
nnd secreted themselves around the
premises, but no one came. They knew
the two negroes who were supposed to
be connected with the proposed burglary,
and as they wanted them on other
ctuirges. tho deputies nrrested Walter
Mrt'auts and Lewis Boll.
When these men were placed in Jail
yesterday morning, by that peculiar
questioning Deputy Wilson knows so well
how to do. they began to quarrel among
themselves. This wss encouraged In a
way by tho deputy, nnd then it came
out that they were tho ones who had
gone Into Cannlpello's nnd took the
clothes. They went further and said
that they sold some of the clothes to
John Bryan, another negro, and Deputy
Chambliss went after him.
Then they made u clean breast of it
and told of the whole transaction. War
rants will Issue for them this morning.
The porter at Cannlpello's can now
congratulate himself on his escape from
being made a victim of circumstantial
Mrs. 8hlnho|ser’a Concert
At Wesleyan chapel Monday evening,
the 30th, at 8:16. for benefit of col
lege library. Admission 25c.
ATLANTA. Oa., Nor. 39—'With a score
or more of the most prominent speakers
In the country and hundreds of out-of-
town delegates, the Georgia campaign of
the International Laymen's Missionary
Movement will be opened In Atlanta on
Thursday, Dec. 6, and will continue
through Sunday. Dec. 6, The sessions
will bo held In th* First Baptist Church,
This campaign will be the most Import
ant ‘since tho Inauguration of the lay
men's movement two years ago. It will
be the first state-wide campaign to be
attempted. The conventions heretofore
held have applied only to cltlos. These,
however, have 1>een highly successful and
the work of the movement haa progressed
beyond tho fondest expectations of its
origin atom.
Tho object of th# movement Is to
evangelise the world In twenty-five years,
on# generation, and a systematic cam
paign ha# been mapped put. each denom
ination having been assigned Its part of
the missionary work. Th# campaigns
which are being held In many Christian
countries of the world are for the pur
pose of better preparing tho people for
the movement and educating them along
the llnee whic h will enable them to iic-
compllsh more by their efforts.
Among the prominent men who will
deliver addresses during the convention
are Rev. James I. Vance. D. D. Newark;
Ror. Wilbur W. White, D. D., Now York;
Rev. Motte Martin, missionary to Afri
ca; Robert K. l^wlf. missionary to Chi
na; J. Campbell White, New York; Her
bert K. Caskey, New York; John R. Hol
man. Jr.. Washington; John R. Pepper,
Memphis: Col. W. R. Stubbs, Nashville;
Prof. J, T. Hendereon. Bristol; JTHairy
Tyler. Baltimore; Charles If. Pratt, Ath
ens; if. C. Ostrom, Athene: C. A. Row
land. Athens; Rev. J. O. Ileavls, I). D..
Nashville: Rev. J. R. Willingham, D. D.,
Richmond; Rev. W. R. Lanibuth, D. D.,
Nashville; Dr. D. Clay Lilly, Nashville;
Ogorge B. Cromer^LL. D.,_Bouth garo-[
R. L. HOPKIN8, Mgr.
660-642 Mulberry St.
Sugar Corn.
Canada Turnips.
Creamed Potatoes!'
White Peas.
Steamed Rice.
tom on Custard. Mince Pie.
Loh’s Cafe
Only First-class Restaurant In the
City for Ladies and Gentlemen,
616 Mulberry et. *
Spilt Pea, with Celery.
Consomme Iflkado^or
Roast Lamb. Brown* Gravy.
Roast Hunch of Beef auJus.
steamed Rice, or Mashed Potatoes.
Stewed Tomato^ or^ Csrrote Pe **»
Compote of Fruit wtth hire a la Conde.
This editorial is not no much about Log Cabin
Heights an it is about owning your home.
I’m assuming tlmt you, sir. grunt that it is man’s
duty to/provide u homo for his family. By a “home,”
I do not mean simply a place to live—years ago prim
itive man provided that; first it was a cave—a soggy
damp cave probably. Then as ho learned better, ho
provided better for his mate and offsprings.
Instinct taught him that. Ho didn’t hnve your
wisdom nnd your knowledge to tell him that it whk his
duty to provide a home. But lie was always striving
for n better home. And whether you believo in the
Darwin theory 'and go baok through the stages of
evolution, or begin only a few thousand years ago, you
will find primitive man providing u home, doing his
best to hnve n shelter of his own.
Right here make a quick shift scene, from “Cave-
dweller’’ to “Rent-dweller."
That brings events up to date. The time of'NO'W.
Are you a rcnt-dwellert Well, you’re only one re
move from "Cave-dweller;" then you’re not oven
“Monarch of all you survey,” as much ns ho wns.
Jlut perhaps it is not altogether your fault that
you’re still a “Rent-dweller." You may hnve been
listening for opportunity’s knock, Imt couldn’t respond
because you didn’t have the $2,000 or $3,000 for a lot in
But now you have just such a linmp opportunity
ns you’ve often longed for—improved cottages on pay
ment of $250 cash, balance $25.00 a month, in a desira
ble, accessible neighborhood, restricted to whites.
■ Certainly that measures up to nil you could exact
of a place, whereon to build a homo for all time; and
time enn but add to tho attractiveness, and value of
Log Cabin Heights.
Come around to my office nnd T’ll ho glad to take
you out nnd Rhow you Log Cabin Heights. Or bettor
than that go out there with your wife nnd talk ovor
tho quostion with her.
Primitive man would have done at least, that.
Officer C. B. Drew haa lost a part of a
watch charm presented to him by th*
Floyd Rlfie*. and which he prises very-
As a member of th# Floyd Rifles, he
won the Gettysburg medal for expert
marksmanship three successive years,
1S91-2-6. but returned It to the company
in July. 1812. Fur this act ho waa pre
sented with th# charm.
The court of arms of Georgia, with the
crossed guns und the monogram F. R.
within a home shoe of a wreath, tnnke up
the piece lost, and which Mr. Drew tnlnks
he lost on his Vlnevllle beat. He hopes
that some one will find it that will return
It to him.
If Yon Want to Hear
The sweetest, most pathetic Song ever
written, go to the "Kilt*" this afternoon
and night, and haar Mr. Roberts sing.
"Why Did You Leave Mer*
666 Walnut Street.
Regular meals for m«n and woman 26
cents. Business women 15 oints.
Breakfast 7 to 8 «, m.
Dinner 12 to 1tM n. m.
Supper, 6:00 to 7:00.
A free test room: convenient for ext-
Of-town shoppers.
Of history contains the account of a
greater evolution than the one devot
ed to Sanitation—the wonderful prog
ress from primitive to preaer.t-day con-
dllltm.. qoRMLY,
Phon. 831. 320 Third 8t.
Phone 187.
H. & H. R. HUHN,
Repairing of
Guns, Locks, Safes, eto.
Basement American National Bank Bldg.
—Get Our Prices On—
Phone 637.
is no longer with
and this big hors# and mule emporium
will In the future be run by Mr. Rea L
Jones and his son. Mr. W. It. Jones.
Southern Packing Co.
Choicest Nntivo end Western
620 Cherry St. Phone 351.
lie a Wordl
WANTED—Showcase for cigars, about
1V6 feet long. Address 8.
WANTED—Carriage driver. Apply H. J.
Lamar, 410 Vlnevllle av#.
WANTSry-I>TOMm»klire rend plain law
big; nulling and lining • apacItUy;
price, rresonil)!.. ill, at.
WANTED-Lady aa one of household In
family of four (husband, wife and two
children) to asalat In household duties.
Will pay reasonable salary. Address
"Home," this office.
WANTED—Hoarders at 319 Flr#^ at; all
conveniences; two baths on second
floor. Phone lit-:.
WANT-A position In grocery^ a tor# or
hardware. Good references furnished.
J. M. Parker, Bonaire. Oa.
WANTED—Position as manager of fruit
farm or cotton plantation, nail on or
write It. B. Haynes. 116 New st., Macon,
TRAVELING salesman wanted, wh? hu
had •aperient* selling crockery, glass
ware, lamp goods, etc., on the road and
la thoroughly posted In the line. Give
partk ’Jars as to territory covered, and
references. Chas. 1L Torsch Co., Bal
timore, Md.
FDR RENT— Hix-rnmn house and garden
for 612.60. Phone 2076.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to gentle
man or couple. 668 Walnut si.
FOR RENT—Eight-room house,.710 For-
_„syth st., near Grange: 1161 Kim st.;
770, 769, 751 Ash st. 8. t. Harts, cornsr
Orange and Forsyth sts.
FOR GOOD rooms and board go to fh*
Olympia Hotel; merchant's dinner 25
cents. W. T. Ragan, prop.
FOR RENT—Two A! ground floor offices
In Washington block; aternn hast nnft
Janitor, all convanlences. Apply to Ma
con Havings Bank.
FOR BALE—6-room house and store, on
cornoi\ I860; ltr.ii down, balance 4 years.
W. A. Barbee, 218 Chappell at.
FOR SALE CHEAP—Pine and poplar
lumber sawed to order nrer Seven
Bridges on Houston rond. Call on me at
the mill. M. O. Thames.
FOR SALE—3,000 feet seasoned poplnr
boards, buggies, delivery and milk
wagons, cheap. Macon Buggy Co.
FOR SALE—Good horse, buggy and bar-
b1s# e “poplJr P it ApP ' y * l «ta-
FOR SALE—Half Interest In establish
ed brick business at Abbevllln at a
bargain. Address J. R. Monroo. Abbe
ville, Go,
FOR HALE—Indian river oranges, from
grower to oonsumer. Write for prices.
J. B. Mllber, Titusville. Flo.
FOR BALE—Ten-horse Hohofleld steam
_ engine and boiler: good running order;
6160 for/Mitnt. Moron Telegraph,
FOR 8ALK—Gusa perfecting presa, with
complete stereotype outfit; good order;
prints 4 or 8 pages; 61,160 fob Macon.
Address Telegraph. Macon. Gn.
LOST—A pair of glasses In a cms, Sat
urday artersoon. Phona lilt and re
ceive reward.
white spot on aide. Reward will ba paid
If returned to above address.
FOUND—A large Ht Bernard dor; eom#
and prove, pay for advertisement, and
^et dug. J. T. Dosler, Methodist Home,
CUT ROBEB from which to mnko select
Rons of varieties. Come out nnd see
them; this Is most satisfactory way to
buy roses, nnd our "Rost In the World"
glants^do th# rssL Chas. N. Woodruff,
First class stenographic work. No. 3
Grand building. Phone 670.
CABBAQE PLANTS of superior strains,
grown by C. M. Gibson, Young's Island,
fi. C. Write for Illustrated catalogue ami
prices. Full count and satisfaction guar-
BEST IfAMfi. freah country engi# and
Phone^fT? “ utler ' Lyons Gro. Co.
MATTRERBE8 renovated, sent for and
delivered same day; satisfaction guar-
anteed. Ring us up. Phone 717. B. Ik
H. Mattress Co.
Rest Knnsns City loin steak, lie.; round
steak «nd roasts, 121(0. Corner Spring
and Walnut sts.
PANSY BEDS planted now will ho a
thing of beauty early next spring.
Superb Giant Prise varieties, only 66o
per doxen for large plants, many In
hud. Am prepared to moke and plant
bods st reasonable prices. Chas. N.
WTxxJruff, Florist Phone 480.
ROBES—Plant now and get early spring
blooms. Full stock best varieties.
Posted. SS4 Spring.
WHITE SPRINGS. FLA.—Refined private
boarding, good rooms and good meals;
near springs. Mrs. B. O. Culpepper.
THERE ore • flats and fiats, location
means everything; pm this ono on
High st., up to date In everything; no
children taken. Rhone 1016.
REAL ESTATE LOANS— 6100 and up
wards; no delay; loan* closed within 24
hours. Jfarrold Ranking and Havings
Co., 407 Cherry st.
MONEY TO I-END on real estate, repay-
a Mo monthly. J. J. Cobb, Commercial
it Savings Rank.
Mti: YOI’ aw.'I r*- " u • If \-/i tu n< -
Industrious, and nnilous to make your
way In the w^rld that there Is somebody
who wants to help yoo; the first requisite
fr*r you Is a thorough business training;
re ready In help yeu obtain It. 8tan-
Busineas College. Macon. Oa,
At last I Jiave what you want, a
cottage dose *ln. it will maka tad
home. I say this because It is .on a
nice street, among nice people, and' in
first rate condition. It will moke a
good Instalment. 1 any thla hssmin
it now has a tenant paying three hun
dred and sixty dollars per annum for
it and will sell you th* place at 61.600.
It Is very rarely that w# can combine
a home with an Investment. The
value of this is that If you should lira
in this house and then for any reason
had to move away, you would not
have a dead piece of property on your
hands, but a live, paying Investment.
Frank B; West
Real Estate and Insurance.
417 Cherry 8t.
in East Macon. It Is on a half acre
lot. and haa every convenience—gas.
electricity, hot and cold water, and
stuble. Windmill and tank go wltA
plat*'. Can make terms—A BAR
63,760.00—Five negro houses In good
condition, renting for 6480.00 per an
num. This over It per cent on amount
invested. m
62,160.00—Will buy four new houses
renting for 632.00 per month; In good
renting locality and close In. Good
Investment and always rents.
61,200.00—Tenant property renting
for 616.00 per month and NO CITY
We also' have 612.000.00 to lend on
good Ileal Estate at 7 and I per cent.
Murphey & Taylor
Real Estate, Loans and
Citizen's Nat’l Bank Bnildinq
Cleveland Avr., 6-r....
221 Duncan Ave., 6-r
406 Rosa Hi.. 6-r
408 Ross Ht.. 6-r
116 Cleveland Avo.. 8-r
209 Carling Are., 6-r
120 Grace Ave.. 6-r.......
135 Piedmont Ave.. 5-r
112 Lumnr St.. 6-r
421 Boundary Ht., 6-r
Johnson Ave., 5-r
609 Hawthorns Rt.. 8-r. ..
138 Remhert Ave., 7
... 620.ftft
.. .625.00
.. .622.50
. ..62000
....625 00
. .,.618.<">0
Real Estate, Inaursnoe and Loans.
Phone 1136. Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg.
112 Clayton Ave., 5-r..........622.50
689 College. 9-r 637.50
428 Carling. 6-r. ... 620 00
742 College, 9-r 625 fio
426 Calhoun, 8-r 625.00
Cor. Carling and Rembert. 11.11. 626 oo
310 Duncan Ave., H H.. 6-r ...618.00
126 Holt Ht.. 9-r 622.50
Johnson Ave., H.H.. 5-r 617.50
622 Monroe. 8-r 620.00
1171 Oglethorpe, 7-r 635.00
261 Orange, 7-r 625.00
70S Hprlng St..6-r 627.60
660 Poplar fit 640.00
668 Poplar (Jan. 1) |60 CO
660 Poplar (Jan. 1) 660.00
B. A. WISE & OO.
Nos. 607 and 609 Mulberry st.. 2-
atory brick building. Second story
arranged for residence. BARGAIN for
Orange at. residence, 10 rooms, re
cently overhauled and painted. Alley
on 2 sides; largo lot.
Two-story brick store In good busi
ness locality. Will exchange for small
farm. Inquire at office for particu
New Cottage; large lot, at Crump's
Hix-room dwelling and 4 ncres In
66 acres near town, Plenty of wa
ter and woods. 61.150.
100 acres splendid level land.. New
Improvements; flno orchard of 2,000
Some splendid farms from 66 00 per
acre up.
Home funds on long tlmo at 7 per
cent. Call on mo next week SURE.
Two brand new 2-room negro houses
I' l Krlnic ;«n annual renDii nf $ I ’>«.
These aro not subject to city taxes
and represent a 16 per cent Invest
\ $900.
We offer for this price 60 acre# of
land situated on the main Columbus
road, 6 1-1 miles from tho city. This
place has a 6-room hoase and bain
on It; 15 acres cleared; balance In
woods. We can give terms If de
sired. Better seo us quick as we will
not have this long.
Minton-Morgan Co.
On* splendidly Improved plantation
near Macon; very best condition; womd
make grand country home. Farma In
various localities, lumber lands, vacant
lots in different parts of city. Several
Improved city lola that pay well aa In
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