Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 05, 1908, Image 7

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THE MACON EAIEY TELEGEAPHs SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1903. IS VERYJSETTIED CLOSE 18 EASY AT A NET OE CLINE OF 7 TO 1# POINTS. NSW YORK epota closed...........9.35 NEW ORLEANS spots closed... .8 13*16 THE LOCAL COTTON MARKET. Th© Macon cotton market yesterday closed weak at the following Quotations: Range of Prices. Good Middling Strict Middling Middling Strict Low Middling Low Middling Spot Cotton Movement. Recta. Shin. Nor. 2#. 1101 474 if# Nor. SO. 1108 171 SIS Deo. 1. 1108 830 $03 Dec. 2, 1108 _ £ „ . Stock en Hand. Sept 1. 1108 1,171 Dec. 4. 1808 14.884 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. Deo. 4.—The cotton mar ket was nervous and unsettled today, dosing easy at a net decline of 7a 14 gojnts. Bales were estimated at 235.000 The market opened steady at ranee of l point to a decline of t points end during the first few minutes, sold 5 to 6 points net lower under disap pointing cables, small English spot sales, reported cheaper southern offerings with Liverpool selling, scattering liquidation and local bear pressure. Offerings were prettY well taken at first, and during the middle of the morning there was a alls!* rally, but the market weakened site, midday and dosed at practically the low est under the Influence of the big Into sight movement and a bearish crop esti mate by a prominent southern authority suggesting a uield of f3.900.000. A local estimate, issued earlier In the day, placed the crop at 12.875.000 bales, but failed to attract buying orders. Southern spot markets, officially .. ported, were generally unchanged to He. lower, and > not cotton could be made In Alabama. Mississippi and Texas today at the lowest prices of the season, the reports of free offerings from the In terior at concession* were probably among the chief depressing factors during the day, but It was noted that December contracts Increased their premium over January to 37 points against 29 points at the close last night. Certificated stocks " t Increasing at the rate of about 436.107 bales last week and 371,6X7 bales last year. Today’s receipts at New Orleans were 10,422 bales against 10,123 bales last year, and at Houston 10.605 bales aratnst 10,601 Spot Cotton and Futurra NEW YORK. Dec. 4.—Spot cotton closed quiet: middling uplands 9.31; mld- ... ... - —- nies 500 bales. January .. February • March .... prll ny June July August ... October .. December Open. High. Low. Close. 8.10 8.90 8.75 8.75 8.86 8.87 8.77 8.77 8.86 8.W 8.77 ... R.75 8.71 8.87 Receipts and Exports. Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. Consolidated net receipts.. 91.400 485,622 Exports to Great Britain.. 64.688 1*2.877 Exports to France 60,058 Exports to continent 21.645 111,969 Exports to Japan 8,643 Stock on hand all ports. .1,106,785 Sines September 1. llliU Conaolldated receipts Exports to Great Britain... Exports to Japan Exports to Mexico ,..4,685.017 ..1.254,116 .. 463.162 Price. Receipts, Sales, Stock. The Porta: J Price. Galveston . . .It New Orleans .|8 13-16 Mobile . . . .18% Savannah . . .18% Charleston . .18% Wilmington . .18% ! Norfolk ... .19 Baltimore . . .19% Now York .... t.?s Boston . . . . 9.85 Philadelphia ..It.CO Brunswick . .1 Jacksonville . .1 mi Reefs.ISales.l fltek. 295(291670 1200 S1IS26 1 71013 151727 30013 > ifitf 28100 101427 *6441 37130 Interior Movement. I Frlce.lReets.lSalss.) Stek. 106051 1721(137979 Louisville .’.*.»%**’’ Little Rock.... 18 11-16 dull with prices B points lower: American middling fair 6.47; good middling 6.11: middling 4.97: low middling 4.77; K( y>d ordinary 4,26; ordinary 3.86. Tho sales of the day were 3,000 bales, of which 100 bale# were for speculation and export and Included 2.600 bales American. Re ceipts were 4,000 bales, all American. Future* ooene.l ateady and doaed easy: American middling G. O. C.: December FJT December-January 4.67% JAnuary-Fehruary 4.69 February-March 4.69 MS* May-June 4.69% June-July 4.61% July-August 4.6*% Augttst-Beptember 4.63 8eptember-October 4.5* ~ ' — 4 .IIU 4.81% Octobsr-November January-February 4.51 4.51 NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 4.—Spot cotton today was dull and easy, 1-16c. lower, middling 8 13-16. Sales on the spot were 150 boles, and to arrive 700 bales. Futures opened steady at the decline. 6 to C points lower than yesterday’s closing. Cables were extreme 1 - —* able, and bulla w< Cable* were extremely unfavor —I bulla were not willing to glv# the market support, because of the near ness of the bureau reports on ginning and yield. The market sagged off until It stood 10 to 11 points lower than yea- . terday’s closing. The movement was very large, but was offset to soma ex tent by very heavy exports. The market closed before any signs of a tendency to react materially were exhibited. Tho volume of business was small and moat of th* trading was professional. The close was steady with prices sanding at a nst decline of 9 to If points. Futures closed as follows: Decembsr, bid .... January, bid .... February, nominal March, bid April, nominal .... M»V. bid June, nominal July, bid IV, (.68 II 3.81 1.16 tea Island Cotton. CHARLESTON. Dec. 4.— Sea Island cotton, for week; Receipts 1.177; export* 836; sales 1.137; stock 5.518. Mkrkat gjita ABJ »; fully fin# 24 to 24%: ex- ^AVANNAH. Oa.. Dec. 4 —See (aland cotton, for week: “Raney Flortdaz 19*20; 000 against 586.000 last week and 851.876 (mi Mar. Of the world's visible supply of cotton there la now afloat and bold In Great Britain and continental Euror* 3,394,000 against 3.223.000 l»«t year; in Erm 233.000 a*Hin*t D5.O00 Uat year; In India 174.000 agatnrt 310,000 last yaar. and In the United Statoa 1,813.000 against L- 255.000 last year. Secretary Heater's Weakly Statement. NEW ORLEANS. Deo. 4^-decretaxy Hester's weekly cotton statement. Issued taday. shows for the four days of Decem ber an Increase over last year of 160.000 and an inerrav over th- MM- ; a ar before last of 64,000. For the 91 ya of the eeason that have elapsed the aggregate Is ahead of the same days of last year 1,860,000 and ahead of the aame day. year Man laat .75,000. The amount brought into sight during the past week has. been 644,778 bales against 474.874 for the aame daya last year and 658.644 year before last The movement elnce Sept. 1 shows re ceipts at all United States porta to be 4.885,017 against 3.575,714 last year; over land across the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac rivers to northern mills and Canada 470,905, agalnat 194.333 laat year; Interior stocks In excess of those held nt the close of the commercial year 675.5*2 against 388,541 last year: southern mills takings 713.000 against 710.142. The to tal movement slnoa Sept 1 is 6,743.604 against 4.813,779. Foreign exports for the week have been 366,015 against 368,058 last your, making the total thus far for the season 1,851,305 against 2.67S.960 last year. 4 The total takings of American mills! north, south and Canada, thus far for the season have been 1,711.414 against 1,823,922 last year. 8tocks at the seaboard and the 29 lead ing southern Interior centers have in creased during the week 92,415 bales against an Increase during the corre sponding period of last eeason of 7.62*. Including stocks left over at porta and Interior topna from the last crop uud the number or bales brought Into sight thus far from the new crop, the supply 10 date la 7.024,851 against 5.231,785 for the aame period lost year. Weekly Interior Cotton Town*. I NEW YORK. Deo. 4.—The following Is the movement of spot rotton^^gfH Brenham . . Little Rock.. Vicksburg . Yazoo City. 8*16-16 813-16 it •%’ i%* 1169 6551 1161 1 360 151 1117 HIT ■iii liSil 1154 *29 12994 2740 12407 14645 ■ 3389 MM| 8343 ,51! 12 -3 MM ‘iii New York Cotton Exchange Statistics. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.—The following the movement of cotton for the week ending Friday Dec. 4. were compiled by th# Now Y< change: statistics the week compiled by tho Now York Cotton Ex- Weekly Movement. Tl Year. Year. Port receipt* This Last Year. Year. .459,291 731.627 mills Canada Southern mill takings (es timated) 100,000 59.000 Gain of stock at Interior . Overland mills and .... 26.237 30,820 1* .647.879 481,709 a Canada 483,884 186.187 Southern mill taking* (estimated) 621,000 660,000 Stock at Interior town* In excess StypL 1 647,197 844,785 Brought Into sight thus far for season b,«ui,n« 1,465 bales added to the receipts for the 1 Cotton Recalpta NEW YORK. Dec. 4.—Tho following are the total not receipts of cotton at all S rta since September 1: lvcston 1,884.706 New Orleans 161.247 Mobile 191.7X0 Savannah 902.971 Charleston 128,910 Wilmington 25*.9no Fan Francisco 16.928 Brunswick ^51*552 Port Townaend 21,801 Pensacola ........ .............. 60,030 Port Arthur and Sablno Pass.... 25.330 Jacksonville 17,247 Eagle Pass. Tex. 150 Ela Paso, Tex. M Laredo, Tex Texas City 20.450 Minor porta 114 Total 4,885.017 Comparative Cotton Statement. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.—The folk „ la the comparative cotton statement for tho week ending Friday, Dec^4: Receipts at U. 8. porta. 485,622’ 8*2,379 BlnceBent. 1..... 4,115,017 *.*96.50* Exports for week 363,141 341,641 Exports since Sept. •*•-96,619 *.721.251 Stock at U. 8, porta.... 1,104,765 837,130 Stock at Interior towns. 111,027 458.029 83 SUWa:::::::::: i\\:Z one nt the large Wall street houses con tinued during the day until the market Anally broke In th# laat hour as the or ders under the market became filled. Probably the continued heavy movement and the falling off In the demand .from •pinners and exporter*, causing lower southern markets, were the reasons which Induced the liquidation of these purchases made upon smaller crop Ideas than those now current. After such a break here and In Liverpool a reaction la In order unless further liquidation continues to morrow. December continues the strong feature, the premium widening over Jan uary. as the time for delivery becomes shorter. Those who are tong are appar ently satisfied to receive all their pur chases. having sold January against them at a satisfactory premium. TEMPER OF MARKET II MUCH SPECULATION ON FORTH’ COMINQ MESSAOE TO CONGRESS OF PRESIDENT. operations for higher prices In tho stock market have labored during 'ho week waa thrown off to a largo ea rn t today and tho advance waa resumed flth more appearance of harmony than any movement haa shown for many daya. The change In the temper of the market not explained by any striking news. * waa much discussion in the stock There wa exchange • World’s Vlslblo Suppl; NEW ORLEANS, Dec. T- Hester'# statement of tho world’s vlslblo supply of. cotton Unued today showi tout i . ' . ■ #40,196 last week and 4. Of thla. the total of Air V##!if£^ast*yaar (^WMhMoU^nStrleoa ootton la ISMS > 714 111 last week and ^tni^tjjmr^ndof^therklnda pL Brazil. India, tic., 697,- that It oontalnod^ nothing calculated to cause fright to the most timid specula tor. The aettoa of tho market owed something to the relief afforded by the speculative llqaldatlon already effected and of whteh there was evidence of a subsidence today. This was notably true of United States Steel, In Which the sell- week, iajW priced stocks continued a prominent figure and In aome of these the only reason advanced for volatile ups hoots eras tho activity .of market pools which had accumulated large amounts of chosen stocks and wars bold- in* thorn out of tho market far higher prices. > TIN Gould group, lod by Wabash, pre ferred. was a feature of tho dealings. Orest Northern, preferred, was tbs lead or of the high priced stocks. Rock Island, preferred, advanced to a polnl higher (ban that touched in tho spurt In connection with tho sale of tho 8t Louis and Ban Francisco bonds. Th# money market continued etlffer than of late In reflection of the large de entirely unarorobonalvo > of U ttu develop ment and confident that th# Interval will be easily bridged to tho period of dtsfl bureement of January Interest and dlvll dend money. The usual preliminary ea tlmatea of tho week’s currency move! ment pointed to a heavy loea In cash bj tho banks, largely on account of govern! ment operation*, but Including also ship] menta of gold to Paris and to Cauada. I Funds have com# from the Interior tt the amount of nearly a million dollars, but the other demands are expected to lessen cash holdings to the eklent of alx to eight million dollars. There waa a sham ox week’s grain exports, the whnat outgo rising 1.164.000 bushels over lust week, and com exports nlso suddenly increas ing nearly a millions bushels, to 1,806,290, Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value. 86,330,000. United States bonds were unchanged Total’ sales of stocks today 1,067. shares. NEW YORK STOCK LI8T. Amalgamated Copper American Car and Foundry American Car and Foundry pfd .. American Cotton Oil American Hide and Leather pfd ... American Ice Securities American Linseed American Locomotive American Locomotive pref :8S . 64% American Woolen r. 30% - — . 50% . 98% 101% Anaconda Mining' Company Atchison .... ,\.. i Atchison prof. ; Atlantic Const Line Baltimore and Ohio Baltimore and Ohio pref. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago Great Western Chicago and North Western Chicago. Mil. and Ft. Paul C„ C., C. and Ft. Louis Colorado Fuel and Iron Colorado and Fouthcrn Colorado and Southern 1st pref... Colorado and Southern 2nd pref... Consolidated Gas Com Product* .. Delaware and Hudson Denver and Rio Grande............ Denver and HIo Grande pref Distillers’ Securities Erie Erie 1st pref. Erie 2nd Vuof General Electric Groat Northern nref. Gnat Northern Or ‘ Illinois Central ... Interborough Met. 11 • 28% !l73% .151% ! 3C.*i :E5 interborough Met. pref International Paper International Paper pfd .14* . 14% :!$ International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City flouthem Kansas City Southern' pref Louisville and Nashville. Minneapolis and St. Louis. Minn.. St. P. and Sault St M 131% Missouri Pacific Missouri. Kunsas and Texas........ 3*% Missouri, Kansas and Texas pref... 71% National Lend New York Central H7- New York. Ontario and Western.... 46% Norfolk nnfl Western .... North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People’s Gas Pittsburg. C. C. and St Louis.. Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car 17- . 74% : 1 J*3 .129% ion% . *4 • 25% . *6% ;p . 40 21% St. Lou I a„. 80 dtJJwestern pref 63 !ll*% -iii :8 % . 35% Reading Republic Fteel Republic Steel pref Rock Island Company Rock Island Company pref. Floss-Bhoffleld Steel and Iron. Southern Pacific Southern Pacific pref. Southern Rntlway ....... Texas and Pacific .... Toledo. Ft. Louis and West 39 Toledo. 8t. Ianils and West. pref.. «4 Union Pacific 1*1' Union Pacific pr*f 99 United States Rubber Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical 441 Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical pref..,.114 Westlnghnuse’ Electric M% Western Union . 11% -R8 American Tel. and Telegh 129 Standard Oil 17. 8. 3s. coupon U. 8. 4s. registered IT. 8. 4s. coupon American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco .......... Atchison grenral 4s Atchison adjustment 4s Atchison cv. 4s Atchison cv. 6a Atlantic Coast Lino 4s Baltimore and Ohio 4s Baltimore and Ohio 3%s Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s Central of Georgia 6s Central of Georgia 1st Ins Central of Georgia 2nd Inc Central of Georgia Id Inc Chesapeake and Ohio 4%s Chicago and Alton #%■ Chicago, B. and Q. new 4a Chicago. R. I. and P. R. R. 4a..... Chicago. R. I. and P. R. R. col. 6a. Chicago R. I. and Pa. Ry rfdg 4s... C.. C„ C. and 8t. Louis gen. 4a... Colorado Industrial 6s Colorado Midland 4a..... Colorado and Southern 4a Delaware and Hudson cv. 4s Denver* and Rio Grande 4s Erie prior lien 4s Erin general 4s Hock Valley 4%a Interborough Met. 4%s Japan 4s Japan 4 VI*. 2nd* serial I/)ulsvllle and Nash, unified 4s.... Manhattan consol gold 4a Mexican Central 4s Mexican Central lat Inc Minn, and 8t. Louis 4a Missouri, Kasas and Texas 4a.,... Missouri, Kansas and Texas 2nd*. National R. A, of Mexico consol 4a. New York Central gen, 3%a New Jersey Central general 6s Northern Pacific 4« Northern Pacific 2a Norfolk and Western conaol 4a Oregon Short Line rfdg 4s Penn. cv. 2%s. 1915 Penn, consol 4s Reading general 4s Republic of Cuba 6a Bt. Louis and Iron Moun. con 6s... *» 2»% Bt. Louis and Ban Fran. fg. 4s Bt. Louis Southwestern oon. 4a... Seaboard Air Line 4a... Southern Pacific 4s Southern Pacific 1st 4s Southern Railway 6a ~>xaa and Pacific lets oledo. Bt L. and Western 4s rnton Pacific 4s Union Paetfla cv. 4a U, B. Steel 2nd la Wabash 1st* Western Md. 4s Wheeling and Lake Erie 4a Isconijn Ceniiui. «.a.. it* I W .Id* •Iff 1 ; i* . ,1 . 80 ,M#r .106 ,ior .lit . 78i ; n% ft* New York Money Market. < NEW YORK. Dec. 4.—Money on call ateady; 2al% per cent; ruling rate 1%; closing Md 2%; offered at 2%. Time loans a shade firmer and pretty ictlve; €0 days 8 per cent; to days 3a 1% per cent: ■!* months cant. Prime mercantile paper I%a4% per Sterling exchange weaker, with actual business In bankers' Mila at 4.84.40 for 66-day Mils and at 4.14.45 for demand. Commercial bills 4 44*4.84%. Rar silver 48. Mexican dollar* 45. _ . Cotton Seed any qaaa lltyWPW .% j4 station In Gtorgia. any rail- FOR IRE FOURTH DAY WHEAT MAKES RECORD LEADING BULLS GIVE ACTIVE SUP PORT-MAY TOUCHES #1.11 MARK. CHICAGO, Dec. 4.—Leading bulla gave ..joderate support to the local wheat mar ket today and a* a result prices for the fourth consecutive day soared to high record mnrks for the season. May advancing to 11.11 and July to 81.04%. At the same time the December delivery • .mailed the previous high point of 11.06. The close wts steady at almost yesterday’s Ann I figure*. Open. High. Low. Clos. 1.05% 1.10% 1.01% .It 1.03% <1% 1.08 1.05% 1.11 1.10% 1.04% 1.03% 1% , . 47*% 48 67% 67% C 7l6.02% 16.05 15.92% 15.92% .16.23 16.30 10.15 16.15 May . . . 8.57% 9.21% 9.20 9.42% 9.37% t.i:% 8.30 8.63% 8.62% DURING THE WEEK MANY INTERESTS HOLDING ALOOF WAITING FOR NEXT WEEK’S REPORTTS, ••Liable DRY GOODS. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.—The dry goods market shows an easier condition In some direct I 11*. Gray cottons and yarns havn Inst the feverish demand of two weeks . . ago. The Jobbing houses are doing n nnd steady business with fair activity In the new mi holiday goods department. Canuldernble with Imi discussion ha* been started In the woolen. connect! and worsted goods division as a conse- that rei uuence of tariff hearings nt Washington. Influence Carpet wools are advancing In this mar- metals COTTON 8EED OIL. QORK, Dec. 4.—Cotton «... was In fair demand for December, but!, dull otherwise. Trlme crude In barrels Is said mils 30; prime summer yelow 18%; as a buj 37a|8%; good off summer yellow lSi the rive such su the oth River. to 89c. NAVAL STORES. CHARLESTON. Dec. 4.—Turpentine firm at 39. Uosin firm. Quote: A, B, C, 2.5.'.:t3.0O; D. 2.IOS8.00: E. 2.95*3.00; F. of. Tin; (5. 2.90*3.05: II. S.SOnSI; T. i It will It 4.05; K. 5.00; M. 6.60; N. 6.05; W. G., ever, ve 6.30; \v. w.. 5.40. 'waiting WILMINGTON. Dec. 4.—Spirit* tur-S Week, c pentlne steady at 3S%; recelpta 5 casks. - — - itosln steady at 2.66; receipt* 41. Tar firm at 1.80; recelpta 143. Crude tur- p-ntlne firm at 2.00. S.oo and 8.00; re ceipts 47. . SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 4.—'Turpenlh Some decline has taken placo owing to liquidation by some of the Wall street bulla following and to to certain other Influences, among them the big receipts. Inevitable heavy hedso selling by tlm south at this time of the year, sales hero by Liverpool, straddles against purchases In ldverpool at unusually narrow differ ences. some selling of January and May by spot Interests and miscellaneous sell ing for bath sides of the account. The enormous receipts, toe high record of cotton Into sight week after week, nnd the pressure of southern hedges against actual cotton, an ordlnury Incident of tho season at thla time, have undoubtedly weighed more or leea on the market. -At. iOf course, la universally coneeded, southern leg it Ion haa hnd no alight Influence. Fur- rmore. the spot markets hero nnd some una- minus pressure surprise Is ex- iticii iiinmimctt- en greater. It •futurca" hero udtigly making Xly well. Thla tved to u num- ». briefly, apln- VeteiatiH stare, o unknown up rslatent buying ugli front time iro take profit x'culatlon of a Uln||, It HI, |H t»f wealth and obacco. grain, a of trade la taken hold of ylng prladnillv ea-- Interesta la the other day ? lorol operator cd the market r premium over n a noteworthy re are supposed Ion. Moat poo ateat strcaa oi H. G. A. NASH, President. CHAS. NEVILLE, Vice President. H. G. A. Nash Audit Cq., EXPSllT ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS 203-204 National Bank Building, Savannah, Ga. Expert Accounting in All Its Branches, — FOR SALE Five-room dwelling on lot 76x193. Just one block from city limits in South Macon. House has just been thoroughly overhauled, new roof, painting and plaster ing in excellent condition. Kents for $150 per annum, and in a bnrgnin at $1,250.00. We con arrange easy terms on this place to a prompt purchaser. Wadley Investment Co. Grand Building, Phono 627. resistini ber of n«r*' ta exports firm nt 89%; sales ifoo; receipts 911; ship ments 1.000. Rosin firm; antes 3,181; re ceipts 5.52(1; shipments 3,443: stock 157.- — Quote: A. B, c. and D. 3.90; «. F Ing the of the i events I us the p Is country s the advi clothe at Fall e holding aloof, nt reports next Ttleadsy ut 1ft into of the size •f the Irony of ins stood forth of the hull side. Grain and Provisions. to consumers. i at wholesale nnd not Corrected by 8. K. Jaques A Tinsley Co. CORN—Sacked, white | 8* Sacked, mixed.... *7 Carload lota; either sacked or hulk, mnde on applica tion. OATS—While clipped No. 2 white' No. 8 white Special quotations made on ear Tot*. HAY—Choice timothy 1.00 No. 1 timothy ... No. 2 timothy.,.. No 1 eiovdri. j»« Timothy *t)ju clover mixed., 95 Alfalfa hay 1.20 Reddin'* strfw 66 BRAN—Pure wheat • 1.50 Bran nnd «horts. 1.6B FLOUR—Private Stock, fancy pat.. 6.25 Royal Owl. best patent 6.28 Top Notch, first patent ,6.(k> MEAL—Water ground Juliette ) 15 MEATS—Dry salt ribs.... . Extra half ribs 14-20-lb P. B. hollies.. Bulk plates 8mnked meats, %c. over above. —Fancy sugar eured Standard sugar cured.. 13% LARD—Pare tierces ... ... Pure. In 20-lb. tins 10% lft» 4 Pure.- In 10-lb tubs 114 Pure, in 60-lb tins 10% McCaw’s compound lard.... 7* ' The same additions for other size* as named above. SYRUP—Oenrcla cane (new) 40 New Orleans CHEESE—Full cream ORIT8—Hudnuts. In bbls Htidnuts. In sacks SUGAR—Granulated. In bbls ... New Orleans olnriflod.... New York yellow COFFEE- Choice Rio Prime Rio Medium Rio 11 Common 9 to 10 Arhuekle's roasted 18.94 RICE—Choice head 7% Medium 6% to I Hardware—Wholesale. (PntTMtwr SJrtl W.raw.™ Co ) WET.T, RUCKETB—14.21 to 14.60 dnt. ROPE—Manila, lie; Betel, fe; cotton. ,0 PT.OW RT.ADE8. Be. nor lb. IRON—2%co per lb. base; Swede 4%o. NAfLB—Wire, 12.60 keg base; cut, 12.r,o keg base. SHOCT-^Horse.^l^SI to 84.60 keg; mule "BUCKETS—Plain, #2.00 dot.; whit# ea- dar. three hopa, 84.00. C>TATN8 Trice, i4 to 21 dp*. OtTN POWDER—per keg. Dupont crack shot #6.50 keg. SHOT--12.00 sack. tubs p.iniort. 1*10’ cedar. #1.00. miOVEUt- 17.00 to 111 per do*. CARDS—Cotton. 14.50 per do*. Railroad Bonds Rid Central of Ga. 1at mort. I per >#i cant. 1836 .............114 Central of Ga. collateral tru*t - 6 per refit. 1937 •••••••10# Central of Ga. consolidated Central’tie**l«tVr»‘c.*.*i»45*.*'.*.| Central On. 2nd Inc., 1945 64 CentlPi Ga., 3d Inc., 1*46..... 6# Central Ga., Macon and North- m| 94 Oa’.'. * * toiddie Ga.* and 1 ® Atlantic. 1947 iii;-*!®! Bouthern R. R., 6 Pc ft 2884.. 108 Georgia R. R. and Banking Co" 5 pc.. 1922 105 (1». it. B. and, m.ldnir Co.. 6 per cunt, 1910 .....101 Ga. Sou. and Fla. 6 pc., 1946.. 106 Seaboard R. R, 4 pc.. I860.... 56 Beaboard R. R.. 6 pc.. Illl.... g Southwestern R. ft. stock ..107 lavannah nnd Augusta stock. 107 *- nta and West Point ..,.149 nta and W. P. dehen....P»4 Sou. and Fla., opm IS ut. fktu. nnd FIs., 1st pref.. 83 On. Sou. and Fla.. 2d prof.... 69 Bouthern R. R.. pref 60 Southern R. R-. con* 26 Dry Goods—'Whole«ale ■HRRTTNO—« to «o. DRII.UNG—7%c. CHKCKd_f.H In 7c. PHIKTit- Stt IQ «ttc- Cracker*. Rarona sodas. 00. Fsrona nlenacs. 7%e. Rarona oyster eroraera. C%e. N. R. C. Sodaa. 6%e. • linger enapn IN. R. C.) # 7#, Assorted cakes. 1H» •ther d withdraw federal for com N. | lie sugar niar< r time the past < not look for Tho dny for , although little »ec**ml>er when 1 provided for 1 Interested In it tho present nd In one eai ncelled whet little Ini « follow suit III nnipalvn, when keted nnd < d almut 17.000 jlws and Hurl- paid Imsls, to now estimated ngs, but show ■ilbiis, although night have se- shipment, an In sis tn an Inde' of grinding ol !“■ In New There lower prlroi t, will he much ns. so that raw being reported rltmted here to lependent isrket here for rlee, such ns Is customary tn December, when distributors are more taken up with •mouth buying ier of Invento- s being hardly nklng Is out of ive not tended aterlally, being 1 "ll'i >V Is nlso rles, an •am M ■ the wa> to nwell Iwguhr ' dork. 1 light su prleea li laken from the grades are In more plentiful, r steady. DIs- ea are holding wer prices, nl- mllla to local dlock had l»een mthern farmer. Honduras aorta State of Georgia Bonds (U. 4%. 193* 107 106 Ga. 4%. 1916 104 105 Ga. 4. 1926..... |04 106 Ga. 1%. 1928 to lll5 98 100 Candy Rtlck candy In boxes. 7%o. Stick candy In barrels. 7c. Grocara. Mixed, pall 7%c. Cream mixed candy In pelts. 10o. Lumber Quotations (Corrected by*MM«ftraS*e*ton , litimber Co.) Common framing (short leaf) sized.$14.00 Common framing (long leaf) sixed. 10.50 Common framing (long leaf) 13-Inch City Bond*. Macon • po„ 18!0..„... 100 101 Macon I pc.. 1821 107 101 Macon 4%. fit* 104 106 Macon 4%. 1810 to 1114........ *0 89 On a 1.80 per cent basis. Augusta 8%, 4. 4%. K * po.. M HI GEORGIA. Bibb County- Ed. P. 0*Con- ...the Georgia Htate Sanitarium, this la therefore to notiry all persons Interfiled that hla application will be heard—wM* first Monday I * | •3. TWMA,n.rr. tlon in thla office for an order requiring N. A. Powers administrator eaUtf Of the said Mrs. Lllta C. Power#, to make deed to him to a certain tract of land situated In BIm County. Georgia, and described S the bond for title* attached to hi* ap- Ication, and alleging In said petition at th# law haa been fully oomplled with, this la therefore to notify you that tho aald application will be heard on the Brat Monday In I «i*90*- . C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. Willi ngham’s W arehouse COTTON FACTORS SHIP US YOUR COTTON AND GET THE BEST RETURNS NOT A GHOST Of a show for dark corners in 11 liouse illuminated by electric ity. It is good to read by, to sow by, to dance by, good for tho dining room, chamber or ball. On at a flash, off as quickly. Just press tho button. Macon Railway & Light Co. SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SUPPLY & MFG. CO. Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures WIRING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY 171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. Mellowness and Rich Flavor are the distinguishing qualities of Sunny Brook TOE PURE, FOOD/ Whiskey It I# diitilled In the good old Kentucky way and t* efpedally adapted for home use. Every bottla fa scaled with the Govern ment “Green Stamp," a positive assurance of full proof, full •|u.ii)tity and a fully matured age. It stands unequaled as m rich and healthful stimulant—a aure cure for many of the minor ailment* of the human system, DELIVERED DIHEOT TO YOU EXPRESS PREPAID BT ANY OF THE F0U0WINQ BISTRISUTEM: C. BLUM A CO., JACKtONVILLB, PLA. C. C. DUTLER CO.. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. OEDINOFIBLD A CO.. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. D. F. A C. P. LONO, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. L. O. DANIEL, MOR.. CHATTANOOGA. TBNN. PAUL HftVMAN, CHATTANOOOA, TBNN. GALLAGHER A O’OARA, CHATTANOOOA. TENN. A Bottles# ffl l-sth a.iioo Ti RyeerBeurkon 4 m Bottles# jU Full Quirt. ■ 87. m lurtu 5 -Mrs. Henrietta EOROIA. Bibb Gtmnty.-4 Waterman, guardian for Regina M Waterman, renrewat* to thla court that she baa fully dlsrbarged tka duties «f her •aid trust, and ha* filed her application for letters of dlsmlsekm. this Is therefore to notify all parti**^Interested that her application will bo heard on tho Drat kJSday in tHgm,!2Sy Ordinary. GEORGIA. Rlbb Oounty^-A. A. fojnd^t- tar. guardian uf Augustus Poindex ter. represents to tnla court that he haa fuliy discharged the duties of hla trust. sr.£firf*. irttEK/n 3 persona Interested that his application ■“ *-“-1 on the Brat Monday la Do- ' C. M, WIUSY. Or410M7. Central of Georgia Railway Co. DEPART FOR— Savannah and Augueta Savannah, Augusta Covington and Eatonton *11:66am Estontoo and Milladg#vllla..t 7160pm V* .!>' 1 f.*. »'>!»• « * 4:»rtpm Savannah, Augu* Covington and Eai Eatonton and M|llodga>vfllo..t 8:00am Athana and Madia 11:00am Athens and Madlaon ....• 7(40pm Atlanta, Chicago, St. Loufa..*12t06ani Atlante and Qrltfln * 1:06am Atlanta and Orlff L Athena and Madlaon,., • eieop' Atlanta «Dixie Flyer) • 3:S5a Atlanta and r.rlffin • 4:30a... Atlanta and Griffin • 7:21i,rr\ Atlanta and Griffin 1:15pm Atlanta and Onffln 4i4Cpm Columbua and Dlrmlngham. > 2:40am Columbue and Birmingham. .*11:Mam Albany and Montoomery • 3:00^m Albany and Montgomery... .*11:40am Am -ricua • 7:Mpm , 4 f AlLY. f EXCEPT SUNDAY. JOHN W. BLOUNT, r<ent acheduiee corrected to date.District Panenger Agent, 603 Cherry §6. an# Columbus..* itejomery and Albany.,