Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 06, 1908, Image 13
THU MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH; SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 0, 1908 FIGHTING THE goodly p«r _ j« ox uio arug are peoplo of wealth and position, who aeldom. If ever, except In the most extraordinary Sfttee, lieu re in the annals of police «ta- >urt. Police official*, ollee reporters know, y than any other Just how wmtr the pnoret mil la practiced by the affluent tlona < appear 1 alum workers . perhaps more lassos of people. >#er*t evil |* pnu^__ people of the communities In which the Government Authority States There Are 6000,000 Users of the Drug IN PITIABLE PLIGHT IS HE WHO FORMS THE HABIT * ,b *“ Data Difficult To Gccure Because Goodly Per Cent of Users Are Those of Wealth And Position—Secret Evil la Practiced By the Affluent to a Surprising Ex tent—100,000 Fiends In Chicago—How the “Dope" Is Administered—Effects of Wonderful Drug Described by Famous Surgeon—Victim Soon Loses Self-Re spect—Sensations of Effects Described. CHICAGO. Dec. 5.—Six million people In this country. It is estimated by proba bly the best statistical nutlmrlty In the United States, are users of cocaine. The authority is Dr. Lyman P. Kebler, chief of the drug laboratory of the department of agriculture at Washington. Through the medium of this department figures have been obtained recently from all sec tions of the country, and It is on the re ports of officials and investigators fami liar with conditions in their various lo calities that this appblling estimate Is The’ difficulty in procuring strictly ac curate data as to tho extent of the evil most closely guarded secrets are common gossip among those to whom such facLn are known and by them safeguarded. 100,000 Fiends In Chicago. Ths conservatism of the estimate Is as-1 sured by the fact that the figures obtain- ■ ' -i ri.i. !n U-- n;ili:n m ■ ■ ' Ration were given by a high police offi cial whose estimate is very much smaller I than that ■■AMrifliiflMalMriMaflta _ . h si ....— doctors who, in offi cial and semi-official capacity. ‘ anee or DR. FARNHAM SPECIALIST Free Consultation! Free Examination! When you go to Dr. Farnham, you And out your troubles, no guess. The Dr. takes time to examine you. No Drug Bills to Pay. , - Telephone 930. Treatment Reasonable. Even the poorest peoplo can have the best treatment because It is with in their reach. Nervous, Troubles Are you growing weak and nervous? Are you easily excited? Do you have sharp pains In chest, head and over heart? Do you have blind, dlxsy spells? Do you have black specks before your eyes? Do you have hot flashes? Have you a bad taste In morning? Do you get numb and tingle? See Dr. Farnham and get those worn out nerves built up. Tou are bound to get worse and In time go on to com plete collapse or nervous prostration, Dr. Famham's new treatment of med icines and electrical massage will soothe the aching nerves and put now life Into the worn out system. Stomach Troubles. Do you fssl a weight In stomach af ter meals? Have you a burning In pit ol >etomach? Do you have fullnesa In stomach? Doss your heart palpitate? Do you have belching of gas? gives a thorough examination and If you can be cured ha will surely euro you. Diseases of Women.' Do you havs pains low down In back? Are you week and nervous? Have you ovarian neuralgia? Have you displacements? Dr. Famham's treatment will relieve and cure you and save you from a serious operation. HEMORRHOIDS OR PILE8. Cured without th* use of the knife. Dr. Farnham guarantees a cure and you do not have to lay off three or four weeks and go to hospital. Not neces sary to lose any time from your work. FISTULA Cured without a serious operation. No knife, no chloroform, no serious opera tion. no painful operation. Diseases of Men. Special attention given to these dis. eases. Dr. Farnham cures where others fail. Spedflc blood poison eursd to stay cured. Dr. FARNHAn MACON, GA„ 568 Cherry St. reason to take cognisance of the condi tions. l>r. L. Blake Baldwin, city physician, estimates that there are 100.000 un«rs of “coke” In this city alone. Police Inspec tor Edward McCann. In charge of what has been for years one of the most vl- Iclous districts of Chicago, and formerly captain of the Twenty-second street po lice precinct, the most notorious in the city, places his estimate considerably lower than Dr. Baldwin's. Hut the dis crepancy occurs in the classification, not In the actual extent In the use of "dope" In Chicago. Dr. Baldwin, for Instance, places users of morphine and smokcro of opium in practically the same category as "sniffers" of "flake." Inspector Mc Cann classifies the "dope fiends" who use cocaine separately from those who take morphine or "hit the pipe." Under the regime of inspector McCann the rat holes of perdition that made the Desplalnes street district morally malo- dorous are steadily being rl©©n*d nut. In the seven months of Mr. McCann's su pervision of the district he estimates tlmt the greater proportion of the habttuea of underground opium dens, of vormln- lnfested shacks and crime-producing hov els have been driven from their former haunts. But even with this record of ac complishment In the matter of cleaning up the district the extent to whleh-'co- celne Itself Is still used Is indicated by the fuct tlmt In a very recent month the fines assessed at the, Desplalnes street branch of tho municipal court In the case of cocaine fiends amounted to $23,000. Get Drug In Indiana. Dr. Baldwin, and his assistant. Dr. John J. Mahoney, and the chief investi gator of the city physician's office, De tective Harry' I,. Cullett. have been pur suing a quiet Investigation during recent months friendly with, snd simultan eous to. a general inquiry being made by the state board of health and tho state J board of pharmacy. The report of the findings of this lnaulry 1s to be mado | public very shortly, and will Indicate conditions In vogue In states adjacent to. [Illinois where there are no cocaine laws ! {■filch will, at least, prove surprising. ■These Investigators, as well as tho*'-. of the police force, have discovered, for ! Instance, that when It becomes Impossl- ; hie through the most strict vlgllsnco on | tho part of police and other watchers for; the habitue to procure the drug in Chi-1 cago. all that is necessary is for a group ; of them—and there Is a free masonry i among them which usunlly makes pno| known to the other—-to club together, send one of their members to Hammond. Ind.. und there procure the 'flake" In any quantity dealred. The police are continually on the watch for peddlers of the little white drug, for druggists who aell It and for so-called doctorK who advertise such remedies as "Dr. Gray's Catarrh Cure." which is said by Dr. Baldwin to be composed of acetanllld und cocaine In equal parts. In the "black belt" of Chlcngo, In the district from Sixteenth to Thirty-ninth atreot. Officer Cullett claims that his in vestigations. continuing over a period ol about two years, with exceptional activi ty during the paat two or three months. Indicates that one out of every five of the colored people of the district Is a co caine user. The extremes to which users of the drug will go In order to get it. and the free masonry that makes one user the slave of nnother In trouble Is best exem plified In the expediency made use of to smuggle the little white flakes through prison bars for the satisfaction of an In carcerated victim. At auch populous stations as Harrison street or Desplalnes street, for Instance, the drug has bpcnj smuggled to users by their friends on outside through such mediums as LI strawberry pie, In the top crust of which a “flake, or small paper tablet of the drug has been Inserted so carefully aa to “flake, or small paper tablet of the „.jg has been Inserted so carefully os to almost defy detection except at the hands of tho prisoner, who Is hungrily looking for smuggled relief In some secret form. Bananas also are used In tho same way. ths skin being lifted up and tho dust of ifully placed In the Hide “Flake” In Shoe*. Another expedient resorted to Is used by women: women users deprived of the drug being the most rampant In demand ing it. For their succor, a common means of smuggling the drug Into prison cells is for a self-sacrificing confederate to supply herself with a portion of the “dope,” store It In a secret compartment of her high-heeled shoes, and have her self arrested. Once Inside the women'r wnrd and unobserved It Is a matter of but a moment to unscrew the plug In the shoe heel, which holda the cocaine, bring It forth and surreptitiously slip It to the suffering “fiend." Such method* as these are only an Illustration of the means resorted to al most dally to supply the drug to users under arrest Every one of the Instances mentioned has actually occurrod and has been detected frequently. The most common manner of taking the drug Is by blowing It through a glass tube extending from the mouth to the nostrils. A small portion of the flake Is placed in the end of this tube. Tho other end Is Inserted In the mouth, tho user gives a short puff and experiences a sensation as of sneezing when the .pow der comes In contact with the dellcato memhranea of the nostrils. Btlll anothor| common ko risk any of It being wasted by plnchfl Ing It between he thumb and finger, and thus sniffing It through ho nostrils. Yet another way la by scattering* It on cotton and placing It under the upper lip. Still another way Is to Inject it Into tho eyej down the throat or Into a broken artery. Dope In Severed Arteries. P Only recently the city physician had a very severe case of a negro woman, a user of the drug, who died,a* a result of Its use. who usually took It through a knife Incision In tho small arteries of her wrist and arms. From these cuts ulcerated sores developed, nnd from this eventually the woman died. Taking the drug through arterial Incis ions is a very common form and one I which Invariably results In the user contracting ulcerated xpres. There ls| said to ho a negro who Infests,the vicini ty of Twenty-sixth place and Dearbon street who makes a good living by In jecting the cocaine Into the arteries of users by means of a syringe. Ilia pr1eo| Is said by the police Investigators to bo two syringe shots for a nickel. There ls .no drug sold which yields a better profit to the-unscrupuloue vendor than cocaine. Moat of the peddlera of the drug are themselves victims of Its use, hut there are many unscrupulous druggists and doctors whom the lure of money Induces to engage In its sale. Be tween the wholesaler and the eventual seller of the "flake," which Is the name bv which the paper tablet selling ordina rily at 25 cents, passed from hand taj hand In the street, la known by thJ "fiends." the money Invested Is multi plied three or four times. _ Illinois, hs well as New York and sev eral other stntrs. recently has passed a law making It a felony to tell cocaine. S hHHt when prescribed by a reputable! 'Inn. In some states the law rro-[ the repetition of thep rescriptlon. Tn this and other ways tho fight against the “coke fiends" Is gathering momentum dav by day. m It Is not so long ago that the dlscor-L ery of cocaine as a new anaesthetic was frat announced. Then It was helled with slight by members of the medical pro fession. The dingers of chloroform and ether were to bo done away with for ever; the terrors of morphine could no longer he. Today the same physicians are banded together to ntop the cocaine fig 11, Stllers Hard to Catch, I In el tie.* such as New York. Chlcaero, Boston. Philadelphia. Ran Francisco. 8t. Louis and In practically every city of also throughout tho country there Is a number of men who sell cocaine all day lorg for a living. Try na they mav. the police very rarely succeed In catching I anv of them. They *rc too clev*-r. The usual way of do Without a word the one mine. knowing the ropes.L. — I exact change In the hand* ef a men who haa It to sell. He knows hett-r than to ask for It; he wouldn't ret It If ha did. Bat if he pays out the money and ons- ■■■ vlnog* the peddler by the proper sign of tho that ho Is all right ho gets a little yellow ■■■■ lpaper slip In return or a small raper- oovered glass vial, the •• — or 26 - Pure Whiskies Personally Guaranteed “Ipledge my word that I never have, and never will, offer a drop of ivhiskey for sale that is not goodtenough for medicinal use. ” President.' Prompt Shipment is our specialty—-our system is perfect. We are prepared for the Holiday rush—your orders will be filled and forwarded on first train in a plain, sealed package. “Ask the Revenue Officer” PRICE LIST Corn * n _ _ Gallon Four K-ye Bottle Quarts Winkles $2.60 $ Rose's 3.40 Rose’s Purity 4.00 4.25 Double R 4.00 Rose’s Constitution 6.50 6.00 Gallon Bottle Rose’s Mountain Dew $2.60 Rose’s Blue Ridge 2.70 Rose’s Sweet Mash 3.00 Rose’s ATRO Rose’s Reserve Stock 4.00 1 Gal. Bottle No. 2 Port 1 Gal. Bottle 4 Qts. $2.00 $2.50 2.50 3.10 ia) 2.00 2.50 0 2.50 3.10 Wines and Brandies Scuppemong (North Carolina) Rose’s Virginia Apple Brandy $3.00 Rose’sVery Choice Old Virginia Brandy 4.00 Rose’s Pure Peach Brandy 3.00 Rose’sVery Choice Old Peach Brandy 4.00 Four Quarto $ 3.00 3.25 3.40 4.25 4 Qts. 2,60 $3.60 4.25 3.60 4.26 Write for Complete Price List of Whiskies, Wines, Brandies and other Liquors. Express Charges Prepaid only to Towns reached by Southern Express Co. Please sire your Street and Number so that Packages will be delivered to your Home. Chattanooga, Tenn. R. M. ROSE CO. JacksonviUe,Florida RANDOLPH ROSE, President ORDER FROM NEAREST POINT ■■MakvUWMaar tailing for ft will and th** gloss vials at from 12 50 U> H M MrU. flips ran. • “a very str.e'1 portion of ths “flaks." h usually has been mixed with soma other Ingredient, such as salt The glass vials usunly contain a less adulterated quality of the drug. BtlU other ways of pcrldllng It or* by means of pill boxeai filled with tocsins. If h« hasn't had hla dose very recently the "fl*nd" can’t wait. Not on# In a hundred can walk away more than a I doten step# before he—or she—must take a sly sniff of ths "flaks.” Arrest them as they may, the police'have not been able to break up this traffic, although In spector McCann Is making great Inroads against It | Cocaine Wonderful Drug.L Cocaine Is a merciful drug, properly used. Through Its use os an anaesthetic l the patient may submit to the knife or any other surgical Instrument with per fect calmness and without the slightest pain, though he may watch the entire story of a famous French surgeon. Ollier, who had to undergo the operation of laparotomy, or cutting out a 2& S Ql& 1 sS'ru&v&i. gas under ether and not to have known It" He died in six hours and the surgeon whoso knife was to blame broke down Ut,l, lKm , t worry," mid Ollier, just before he lapsed Into corns. "We have to moke mistake* In pur business." . . Cocaine leeks like ftn*» salt, but It la much lighter. One | Innli l inlumi s iM i culler tickling sensation ft Is hard to —. nearest a cocaine user can describe It It to say that It makes him reel like sneer Bit after a few sniff* . that feeling paseee off. BHoifastisa follow*—not th«i Intoxication produced by liquor, hut * feeling ef utter reeourctfulnes*. of keen wit and well-defined understanding, which for tho few hours ths effect of the cocaine lasts makes the subject actually think that he Is master ef ths situation, and the strangest pert of It Is that for a time lie Is. He doe*n r t stAgger or reel; he walkL lightly, with bead erect and eyes bright — • ir. Kvery faculty Is alert: * time lie Is. i r t stAgger or i and'c!ear.” h Rvefy faculty*!* alert; there Is iietnlrg of the drunkard about him. He laughs; ho weeps: he tells funny sto ries; he hoists; he tell* you his troubles. His wit Is nimble. . His Ideas arejojt- cnl; hla tongue Is eloquent; he Is wide awake—and that Is the fatal call Of co caine. Those who ere addicted, to It cannot sleep. They whip themselves up to a point where the human organ ten * stand the pace. They go wit! apd think tli cannot make cannot tha victim Imagines ittle Day and night are alike to him—or her. by and night are alike to him MPdoea not feel ths need of sleep; ev ery faculty la working rhythmically. He Is ready far anything—hard wee* or amusement or mental effort. He has put all these things behind him—psln. hun ger, fatigue thirst, the desire for rest— little reminders of nature that our bsdla* cannot stand everything I If he Is a confirmed "fiend" four days finds the reaction setting In. Wherever he Is he Inelsnlly topples down iota sleep. He sleeps like a dead man: fire a cannen off at his ear and he would no* wnk© up. You could roll him off a pftriples; It would make no difference. Nature make* th** effort and finally he Ifsr rescued. He wskee up: hie eves art glssed: his mind Is all twisted; he eon- r.ot think at Mil. Abused nerve* torment I him. lie twitches and lumps. He knows on© relief—a .good drink. . ■ One gulp sf whlskv nr thro© glasses of k» r will r©vlv© a "coke" fled. Once burs his mind la his own. Ho con laugh and sing Um# his _ hours. Then he falls asleep «ki—— I . Onco more liquor can revive him. Two drinks of whisky or half a doxen beers will do tho trick, but his time Is short. Unless he can get more cocaine he must go through the tortures of the damned— and every cooalae user knows where to ;et mpre of It. In eplte of the law., | A few more sniffs and he la good for a ;oupI# of days again. For to cants' vorth of ths'drug he can go twlc© the time that a man can go without feeling the need of food or reet. Ho he keeps up—from liquor to cocaine, and back to liquor again. It can’t last forever. Ths end Is sure to come. toon Loses Self-Respect. He loses all self-respect Notions of decency and honesty take wing. lie neg lects his person and his clothing. Very often hs becomes a thief, because the co caine has stolen Itno his brain. Many of the brightest minds In the world have been victims of opium and morphine without the world realising It But no such luck for the cocaine fiend. Ho is bound to betray himself In the loan of seif-respect and (he desire to shine that the drug Instills. The polios know this and make good use of their knowl- Pickpockets, burglars, forgers and othar criminals who— work rtiuir— *1 high grade of skill cocaine. A f-w ©nil dare were ha In hla sober irglar lake* hi* whiff of Jtackiss a difficult "Job;" Jhej forger steadies his hand when he ad duplicating checks of the millionaire] Police officials of Chicago, as wilM all other of ths larger cities, trace tha beginning of s shoplifter's r • Invariably to Uic time when ■BUM. | KJ . 1* world. i ’ the drug i _ and confident's In ... —— ___._J|aks the chance that he never would dare were ho In his W ■Tbs burglar Uke* his wl he tBeneo a difficult "Joh. his hand wh*n he atarts - cks of ths millionaire, trials ef Chicago, as well as ^f the larger elites, tree# ths beginning of a shoplifter's carter almost bly to the time when she first It before I gan to taka "coks." Human vultures who prey upon Ignorance or unsophlitlca- tlon most frequently Instill the necessary recklessness Into their victims by Insid ious doping with the little white powder. The condition of th© "dope fiend" de prived of his dally portion of his favorite drug Is abjectly pitiable. In the case of mala users sf cocaine arrested In Chicago and confined behind the bars it is rarely that their craving Is pandtred to. Borne- tfmMmikmtfissof vnmmmsm||| ctlur them to fact the Judge In the court room, they become so weak they cannot stand. Then) as a mercy, the police surgeon may proscribe for each a little of his accus tomed "dope." The men yell with delight; the woman weep with Joy. It means Ilfs again to them. Their eyes taka on a nor mal aspeot; they cease to stagger; they look Uke everyday men and women. The most harrowing of tne evil effects lies In the fact that a large percentage of the yletlma are mere children when ( acquire the habit. Bovs at school *r© in duced to taka ths drug by companions who have obtained It through eoras of ths ?£ r rS. 1 •ourees *nd have found Its effect* thrilling. After a few sniffs the boy or ilrl very quickly becomes a fiend. Tha next slop Is usually ths reformatory or I the house of correction. From these. «t*p : ■houH ({■MRiflmipmip through tha Invidious effects of the parols syatsm, they ar© turned book upon the i ■iiMM, but community, not of vie© and degeneracy. Before Its extent was realized the evil had obtained a startling foothold through out this country, particularly In the larg er cities. Now, on tv©ry hand there are being made strenuous rfforta fo combat the evil end check He »pread. Physicians nnd nurses, police sffMtls and charily workers nre united In a solid front that In i* M tailing the aele of the drug and effecting permanent cures among Its vo taries. In Chicago, outside of tn* police exertions and ths t~—‘- •—* * - MB d. active roots . when the reaction sets |n, Is most abjectly pitiable, they arc given ik small quantity of "dope." Morphine frequently In uned to palliate the affects of coeelne, giving the patient the opportunity of "ta pering off.' r But very frequently no aid Is given tho patient, who Is compelled, willy- nilly, to hreak from the use of the drug. In frequent raids made during the seven months or so that th© cocaine law has br**n In effect In Illinois, the police have seized thousands of dollars' worth of tho drug and of nostrums advertised under different names, but which In reality de trend for their effect upon tho major por tion of the drug which they contain. Describee His Btnsatlons. One victim, a recent prisoner In one of htfng made'strenuous 'Efforts “to’combat the larger p«He# stations, said of the ef- **^ “ —•• feet upon lilnisolf: "I was floating on « ■oft cloud that moved through a glowing B redis*. The floors were of gold and • windows of rubles. Ivery busheg Sprouted leave* of dsllcat* silver; a mill ion birds filled th* air with their music; servants ran around with trayi of fond snd drink; marble fountains tinkled with sweet sounds. Th© air was filled with th© perfume of violets; diamond dust hung over nia—and then a policeman ar rested me." Th©. men and women prisoners often scream for their portion of the drug. Al most Invariably they are refused In the rases of some of them. In th* more ad vanced fl|pgas, before It comes time for sxsrtlons and the' efforts Instigated "by government officials, those who come onntact with cocaine g those. most frequently In eases are eharky workers. Among t Miss Douglas of tks Juvenile court. p.__ ably has had th* miwt extensive expe rience. Her work Is with the boys and iris of the congested districts ef ths ■■■MMlMnapd thieves, 11 . criminals end di strip! ton ■■■ of Ui« flu.i- everywhere Ute trail wbite serpsnL