Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 06, 1908, Image 14

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Chas. L. Tompkins Offers
Greatest Sacrifice One Can
Make for Love.
This Texes Man Surrandera to 8arva
Unexpired Sentence in Jail# From
Which Ha Fled Twenty-five Yeare
Ago—Wealthy, Ho ia Betrothed to
Million-dollar Heireaa of Pecoe
County for Whom He Will Clear
Hia Nemo-Revelations Only 8erve
to Increase the Eateem of the Wom
an Who ia to 8ecome Hia Bride.
DALLAS. Tou>, Doc. 5.—After
twenty-five years «f Immunity In lib
erty. during which he emeand a for
tune t»y honeet work. Charles L.
Tompklna has now voluntarily eur-
rendered himeelf to the Texas authorl.
tie*, *o that the life of the woman
who luvea him may not be darkened
by the perpetual possibility of hia be
ing torn from her artue and thrust
Into prIron an un escaped felon.
When Tompklna fell !n lhve with
Mlsa Catherine Cartwright. the beau
tiful heir*** to a mllllon-dnllur ea-
t*te In Peroo county, Tcxaa, hi* con
science warned him that tho domestic
fcnpplne»fi of other man waa not for
him: that ho could not subject a
woman to the terror of the specter
of rearreet which constantly haunted
him. and which year* of upright liv
ing had not been abut to oxorclao.
In <1<-spslr, he decided to bid her
farewell forever. An an excus* for
hia eudden departure, he confessed
t#» her that Iq hlft youth, while erased
by drink, he had forged a check,
eervrd nearly aeven year* In prlaon,
and made hia exrape when all but a
year and three month* of hia term
had etapaed.
Increased Har Eateam.
To hia surprise, tho young woman
declared that the revelation only In
creased her-esteem for him. nr she
recognized the resolution nnd strength
needful to redeem, aa he had done, a
career begun ao ruinously. When
Tompklna. exalted hut of the reti
cence ha had tmpoaod upon himself,
stammered out an avowal of IiIn af
fection. Mias Cartwright accepted him
n* her flanoe, and natd she would de
vote her life to making him forget
hi happlneag the error of hi* youth.
Hut aa the day for the wedding ap
proached, her Jovey discerned that a
foreboding of hia renrrest, despite
her efforts at self-command, wua
( •raying on her mind. It wn* no *elf-
*h fear, but alarm for her lover, over
•whose head ahe beheld the sword of
Damocles. impending, ready to fall at
the first chance encounter with any
one of the many who knew hia pa*t.
During the ynara following hia
escape Tompklna had slowly con
vinced hlmaelf that ha had n«» motive
tied whan a well dressed man of high,
ly respectable aspect. Aoniked Into
hia office and announced:
“I want you to lock mg up- I
cm pad from this prison 21 years ago,
«ad srtHI have over a year to serve.**
The warden, who had been appoint
ed sine* Tompkins* flight, did not
know him. Neither did any of the
other offlelals and gusrd*. But of the
1,000 convicts in the Institution, there
were found two who war* Inmataa
contemporary with Tompklna. One
of them with difficulty racogoUad him*
Reluctantly, the warden ordered hie
vigftor shaved, clad In ettipaa and
locked In a cell. He Is now assigned
to clerical work, and his situation la
made aa comfortable as possible. But
he needs little cheering, as he la sup
ported by the consciousness that his
unparalleled sacrifice la for the sake
of the woman who loves him.
When a young man In Nebraska,
Tompklna wa* a student of mining
nnd civil engineering. A nature prone
to adventure nnd travel caused a
clash with hi* parent*. He ran away
to Texas and led a nomadto life, ac
quiring t passion for drink which waa
his undoing. He sank lowar and
lower, until he committed a forgery.
convicted In liaatrop county
In April. 1177. and sentenced to spend
ejghf year* at hard labor.
Prlaon life had the rare effect upon
him of awakening him to remorse for
hia previous conduct, and to a de
termination to redeem hlmaslf If he
ever had the chance. Confinement
sternly curad him of hia craving for
Intoxicants, and with the purification
ot hia physical man came a cleansing
of his moral faculties.
Escaped From Prison.
Ife became thoughtful and serious,
and resumed. In the spare hours In hi*
cell, the studies which had before
seemed so Irksome for hia volatile
spirit. He procured hooka tm engi
neering nnd mechNnlcs, and passed
many hours each day In resolute ap
Impatience to begin the bright new
Ufa he had planned for hlmaelf tempt
ed the prisoner to make Ms eacapr'.
Another yenr of Ignominy aa a felon
seemed ton long a postponement of
tha advent of the upclffht man Into
whom hardships had developed the
unsteady youth.
*‘l aspect to erase the last debit
against my life and offer myself, a clean
page, to the best woman In the world. I
nnd In youth more then the urns) stock
oats, and I sowed them dlllgent-
in now reaping the last of my
of punishment.
. . .iap* my surrender waa quixotic
and gratuitous. as there Is more tluui a
posslliilitv that I might lieve finished my
life without being recognised n* ttio
drunker*! nnd forger of former years.
“But I find certainty mora tolerable
than the milieu* susix-nee. which I could
not have naked mv fiance# to share with
me. Except f**r her aske I should here
run the risk «»f exposure, nnd be today,
probably, the honored man I waa before
I surrendered. Itut mv conscience la at
peace because 1 *11*1 not lead a raoman to
• under false pretense*, i
lert her to the end!*** alarms of dread."
Tompkins told of the debates he had
vlth himself ss to hi* duty to surrender
M!*s Cartwright
Paying the Debt,
ever been entirely quiet In my
mind nlmnt the fifteen months I owed
explained. "nnd yet I could
••elf of mv wealth to get a dean bill <
health from the state, but I knew money
would nnfMuiy a restoration of eltlsen-
ship. The thought of prison walls after
yenr* of liberty itnd the many changes
which had come info my life grew to
make me drip with cold perspiration. I
convinced mvself that I had more than
pnid my debt to society by my years In
■ reform after escaping.
settle down to a nulet life. f hope the
tragedy of my career will he a warnlag
to young men to start life aright. They
can see In mv case bow a headstrong
fault of youth can arise In a men’s ma
ture years to break W« heart and that of
Hmnft deartv.**
for giving htmaslf up. Ills long term I Mlsa Cartwright la tenderly proud of
«. —«... m—■#>« —i* i the seir.abneastlng passion ahe hea In
spired In Tompkins, nnd holds It a trea*.
sufficient reparation for a fr-Aalt Ir
responsibly committed, to say noth
ing of the triumphant earnestness
with which he had corrected hia Ufa
and conquered honor and wealth.
Flight was easy. For several months
Tompkins had been • ‘
etudfousneaa bed won 1
which few women have the hsppl*
- * i possess.
lie and vice should
temptations with
surrounded.” she says, ’•and the height
of a man’s moral stature should he
inensiired from the depths In Whteh he
riiminu-nrpi nan won me puy or ooe or J__i„ «...
the guards. With the taller'* connivance. liuTJT# ”*# whoil
Tomnhtiia walW«*e nut of prlaon one morn. ! ** hlmaelf a man Whose love any woman
*. mil.
^'W^rtStrsarjsE!: i aannts'.arsurc'
provided by hi* ncomnllco, and caught | 1 '' • •
. - . ..inntbi
without disclosing a tr ....
Me escape wa* at last forgotten.
of the fug'll l\#
the musty old Men In the warden’:
■ fur
In the mines of southern Mexico, where
competent white men are accented end
"no question* asked." he obtained em
ployment as nq assistant engineer. This
position be filled for five laborlou*. faith
ful years.
Owns Rich Mina.
lie was rewarded by an appointment
S a chief engineer fur a company operating
our mines in the state of Oaxaca. M« x-
"The War-time Journal of a Georgia
Olrl" la the title of Miss Francis R. Tn-
rirewe’ new h«*ok. I>. Appleton A Co.
The book Is u diary - the Jottings down
co. He held this offIre for seven ytara.
At the end of 11 years of lab ir and so-
brlety hia raving* amounted to enoitvh
for Investment Us a mine In donors, tie
I* today thrve-flftha nwrer ««f one of the ....
beet-paying silver properties In Mextm,- vl|h
jga down
of her observation* from December, *<t,
to June, '€5.
Judge Harnett Andrews, of Washington, •• »»»..» ...
(In . ttirmtah hia daughters. Mlsa Fanny Preserved In epeolal reerptarlr. and
nnd MIm Metis, would ho safe In south- | Phot.wraphe of the persons i
writ Georgia. with their ekucr. Mr*. 1h'n In the Journal, old war pin
^ now while you have full stocks to
select from; besides you can get waited on
better now than if you wait until the rush
begins, when everybody is trying to buy at
the same time. Come and select your
present, and by making us a payment we
will keep it until you are ready for it to be
In buying our line of Rockers and Mor
ris Chairs the motive which has guided us
is not the desire to offer goods which would
attract by mere cheapness of price, but to
show a line which, by sheer intrinsic merit,
would command the preference of the pub
lic, a policy which, it is to be regretted, too
often prevails, we believe the most exacting
critic who reviews our stock will admit.
Sanders Furniture
464—Second Street—464
It I* •! visitor to Valdosta and Is a guest of
vivid; Miss Kate Staten.
Thl* book la no wnr novel.
Journal of personal Impressions.
r *Th* f ’Alabama department of state ar-!- T ' .Wood, of
chives and history has applied for the "Pent this week with I
original manuscript, and offer* to have city, ...
It handsomely bound In Morocco and' President DuPont Guerry, of We»-
mi| l * , * n ;leyah College, was among tha vto-
I H '’pVturca i * t0 J? YhUlhata this week.
Troup Butler, living l« Mitchell'eruntv.! prefetred to go with the manuscript. | Mrs, H. M. Pcngler und MIas IBerta
some twelve miles from Albany. Flier-. m*ny people are mentioned. It would; Wells of Homenllle. visited frlenda
man had destroyed much of the Oeorgn\ require^ quite a receptacle if all should hero this week.
* ——■-*o — « *cnd photographs. But. alas! who has
twelve miles from Albany.
I much of the -
..JP HP » open to Mayneld. and*rend photographs.
i of the, the wegon road from there to Mtlledga- * nv -
Mexico,-; vtlle and to Gordon lied become a national
t>eatdea pretesting seviral sugar plants-1 thoroughfare.
tlcn*. . The diary open* at Macon. Dee. St,
It waa not until IS years had elapsed , DM. giving account of the trip on a
that he ventured to recross the Ulo 1 rickety old wagon to Hparta. amt the
Grande and set foot In Texae. By that Journey from Rparta to Mllledgevlltf.
time hit story um entirety forgotten, and ! About three miles from Fparta they
hia phyelcaf apbterence hsd gslncd i struck the "burnt enuntrv’’ -all the way
»n tn strength and purpoeefutneae to Gerd«m. Tha reada lined with ear
that he could almost have «lenV<1 rcrognT-; * v *eao*i of horice, hogs and' catile -the
JWa PiTclmred Urge ranches In {few dwe11lng»_lejt showing t signs of nil-
Ddward* and Sutton counties, nnd then lego. "Sherman's sentinels" -told the
returned to safety In Me*Ire. story of home* laid In aahea and the
Hunting In Texas. | w«*inen and chlldren turneO Qut to starve.
_Three time* afterward* d‘d he <
Texs* on hie way to New York «*r
rand* connected with hi* business.
The sketch of that trip Is full of humor,
aItli all Ha pathos.
Toe next clienter opens at thne Bluff.
Butler’s plantation home in kjltchell
Continued From Page Four.
The Wymodauale Club had a da-
Hghtful inciting Wodneaday After
noon the rell call being answered with
news and work in Italy today. His
tory question* were given by Mrs. A.
J. Rtrlcktand. and Dante, tho poet.
frl**ndehlp. end before Tompktn* panned
to recollect that love wa* forbidden him.
unto** he were base enough to sacrifice
a wemsn to hie past, he was deeply la
In !/<• county, must have been a
rdd country *eat. Albany. t**o.
^passing soldiers and officers.
Mailtv knew
There t« every Indication that the vol-
wilt not have to serve
— and hoe
_.prll 17th find# the two. Mlwea Fanny
apd Mettii. In Macon eu rente to Wash
ington. (la. They saw Maren at her
worst, reachlnv It on the eve of evacua
thm.« everything In wild renfuelon.
Their ecn»m*de for a seat In the can
bound for Mllledgevllte on April If. It
an amusing picture. Gov. Brewn wgi
«... ,i.n... $5j**t-aK'na-arEjMiS'EOT
nVIn* will rmlk forth Into the .ml stilre of Mre^eff,.^
hie rltlxetvddo and x x**1 name 1 i^re ; mo«tver aind ateiter of Miw Jeffcre n
nnd the t**t to tde JJt'l* •* *"• o oonveyawce?
How to avt to Mkyfteld? AM teams were
"pressed" for governm-nt *ervtca Flnallv
a man with a miserable Ititle wagon and
two scrubby mule* agreed to take them
for I? too.
April II end they ere at Haywood, their
home In Washington
an t* of person* touched Vy hi* •acrlflce,
ha* been submitted to the hoard of |x»r-
done, pnivtng for Itl* Immediate |v\rdon
and release. It l* expected that, when
h-en compiled
restored, and tb* last nt*eta«-le to Id*
unton remore.t with one whom he celts
the "heat of women."
Tomnktn* more happy In prison than
be h*» been ta veers, deelerre that "mv
eight from
Itut lore, nhlcti la king of all. re
ft wakened hi* scruple*, llow could
be he*tnw upon a 'ovfng woman ft
nam- taint -1 ftslth Hhe charge of
"fugitive from Juatier?'* How could
he ask her to hear wrllH him tho sneer
ing enn-e'ttoq of exposure which
haunted h'm?
Confessed His Crime.
No eooner had he frankly put there
question* tw hlmaelf than he formed a
h«roir resolution. He. tha wealthy,
honored man, wwtild ooofeaa hia Iden
tity with thw forger of a quarter of a
century agi\ tender himself up to ehe
authorities, sene oat hi* unexplred
term, and then be able to look the
world fa tha face without one fear of
betrayal, and not one apprehension
for the happiness of hia wife.
He nought Mlsa Cartwright to In
form her of his determination and
found her character ga strong aa hia
•Go." ahe said mad I shall be trait
fng for yen when yen am rwleared.'
go. a fix day* ego. the warden »•
UnaunUe grtaom, la Texas, waa Mar
I, 'g, iSM |
I<#e> enMIera were filling the (own--
later Johnten’a wddlera came. The old
loom witnessed the coming of thousand*,
for Washington wwa the gateway of the
greet highroad—the same road the Imtnl*
crant* came that settled old Wllkee
The heepltolltv of the cttlsena and ef
fort* to care for thee* returning soldier*
te toM The Andrews grove xrsi Stight
•very* nteht with ramw fires of the ragged
mm from L»* and Johnren. vet tie do-
veetatten te that beautlfwl old hlftterte
**The diary. May t. tetta of the arrival
' Jeffoveon ttavl* the presence of Ur.
t*reckenrt.tge, Gen. Brwxtea
and tier T.kunh# In th* P
all ether town* of the eouth Hot the th
tereet lire tn the manner of krlstlae It.
Owe le«rn* from Gd* "Journal ef a
Georgia GKI" thing* to he *mir4A**w
sire eapectally the rectal life cd ffr there
•mid the renew and gtooni ef MnL
Mr. and Mr*. Will R. McLeod re
turned from Washington and Phila
delphia this week, having spent fh*o
weeks on a bridal tour in the north.
An auxiliary lodge of the Woodmen
of the- Wot 1J. was orgnnlxed among
the ladle* here thl* week and quite a
largo number Joined It
KdUpr W- R Frier nnd hi* little
daughter, of Rroxton. wore visitor*
among relatives here this week.
Mr. B. W. Harrell and wife, of East-
mtn. were visitor* to relatlveg and
frienda here this week. v
Mr. W. 8. Graham and wife, «•!
Waltertown. Fla., hpent moat of this
week among friends here.
Mr. R. B. Young nnd family have
moved to Octsley. where Mr. Young
ha* large Interests.
Mr. A. H. Andrew*, of Greensboro.
Ala., ha* moved to Valdosta and will
mike thl* city his home.
friend* In the city.
Roman hlstorv for »om* time and tha
study ha* been both pleasant and
Thn regular monthly meeting «t
the Daughter* of the Confederacy wni
held with Mr*. K. Y. Fry on Friday
afternoon. The daughter* are enthu
siastically working for their monu
ment fund and their meetings are al
ways well attended.
The Daughter! of the American
Revolution have recently organised a
Chapter here and many of the ladle*
are receiving certificate* of member*
ahlpk having sent on the evidence of
their eligibility. Regular organisa
tion will be perfected soon and & fuh
list of officer* will be chosen.
MU* Valley hYrrell entertained th*
Toung Ladles* Card Club Friday nf-
nretty party at the
Progressive euchre waa
played and several handsome prises
were awarded.
Mr*. W. II. Oliver has returned from
Ravannah. where sho attended the
auto race* and spent a week with
Mr*. T. K. .Hertford ha* returned
from Trey. Ala- where she apent ten
da vs with friknd*.
Dr. and Mr^. J. O. A. Cooko. of
Columbus, are spending a few da vs
here with their daughter, Mr*. J. W.
Mr*. M. P. Crawford of Lancaster.
VL C-, Is visiting the famtlv of her
parent! Mr. and Mra. J W. Twlttv.
Mire Adale Wllb^re* he* — lure*A
home from Ravaeaah where she spent Cohunb’a B- r
«x week or ao with friend*. I BRMl °f Mr*. J.
Mr. and Mre. A. (L Grebutt. of 8U-; Mrs. Frank Bchuereler. of Alatwms.
teavtlle. were visitor* to friends here »sl her children are the guests of ret-
several dav* this week. L alive* In the city.
Mine Mitered Carsog has returned! Mr*. J. H. Msj-s has her Meter. Mr*.
|o hre home et Cwnmeft-e. after | MTomhoi. and children, of Ashburn. a*
■needtoe several Weeks with Mr*. J/jchet guests.
M. Griffin. Mrs. K. Hollingsworth end baby
Mire Ella Gamer, of AGania. to alKtoine am visiting In Sumter. 8. C
The Women’s Club held an Inter
esting meeting Wednesday afternoon
In the parlors of the Elk*’ hall. An
exceedingly Interesting report of the
Valdosta meeting wn* given by their
delegate. Mrs. I. Gelder*.
The dinner nnd basaar under
management of the Woman’s Home
Mlsalon Society of the Presbyterian
church, given Thursday, was a great
success In every particular.
Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Row. of Ko
rean. Ind.. are th« gureta of Mrs.
Rom* sister. Mr*. M. E. Ellars.
Mr. and Mr*. J. 8. Snyder, of Gates.
Ohp. are among the northern tourists
who have come to Fringe raid for the
Mr*. Louie Kelm hat returned from
a visit to Miss Maude Beck, of Way
Her. and Mr*. O. Hm Martin am In
Quitman attending the annual meet
inr of the south Georgia conference.
MUs Lis*!* Perkin* la visiting
friends In Sylvester, the guest of her
Sister. Mrs. Yl W. Reed.
Mr. and Mr*. J. U Btnderson. of
Ctiriervllle. Wl*.. were recent visitors
In the fimtlv of Mr. W. A. Green, en
route to Florida, where they will
spend the winter.
Mr. and-Mr*. H. C. Stevenson, of
Illinois, are here to spend the winter,
as ha* been their ctistcm s’nce the
founding of the -Colonv Cltv."
Mra. Ro#e Tebeau Wheelrlrht of
»!ufub«a 8. c. |g In the city, the
guest of Mr*. J. M. Hanes.
Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mr*.
J. L. Googe. who left this week to
mnke her home tn Columbia, 8. C.
Thursday morning Mr*. C. B. Watt
entertained at a breakfast compli
mentary to Mra. Googe. Twelve ladles
were present.
Mr. and Mra. J. x. Norris were vis
itors In Cordele Sunday.
Mrs. H. B. Isler returned from
visit to her *l*ter In Mncon.
Mr*. A. J. Dixon and son. Maxwell,
spending several day* with
“ e city. |
Googe vlalted Mrs. J. C.
tsrewer in /Douglas this week.
Mr*. Jo/ Jeter, of Cordele. la
guest of Mrs. J. A. Quattlebaum.
Mrs. Annie McGee and son, A. - .
have returned from a visit to relatives
In Macon.
Mr*. Charles Dkvlson visited reU'
lives here.
Mr. and Mr*. E. W. Howard, of
Powertvlll*. have been on a visit to
Roberta relative!
Mrs. W. B. Jordan, of Macon,
spending some time with her daugh
ter. Mr*. George Harris.
Mr*. Fred Smith, of Fort Valley, Is
the guest of relatives In Knoxville.
Professor and Mr*. J. W. Blood'
worth, of Reynolds, spent the week
end with relatives here.
Mrs. K. T Nottingham, of Thomnn-
ton. has returned home after a visit
to her mother.
Mr. Hoy Dent attended the automo
bile races tn Savannah.
Mesdame* 8am Causey and Dixon
visited Llxetla and Macon recently.
Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Andrews, of
Yatesvllle, attend the Andrewa-Taylor
Mr. and Mr*. Thurston Hatcher, of
Macon, attended the Hateher-McGee
Miss Parkle Camp, of Culloden, vis
ited friend* here recently.
Miss l.ucy Allen, of Reynolds, spent
the week-end with relative!
Mr. N. F Walker ha* returned home
after a business trip to Alabm.
The announcement party given by Mrs.
Annie Ijeonard Supple In honor of her
niece. Mies Margery Harris Leonard,
whore engagement to Rev. John Henry
Barber, of IjouMrllle. Ky.. has Just been
announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Dougherty Leonard, waa decid
edly one of the prettiest and most unique
social affairs ever given In Ratonton.
Mr*. Suprl- entertained at the old family
home on Maple street, between the bout*
of tl and 1 Katurdav morning. Tbow
present were Mr! WUttam M. Dennt!
Mr*. A. 8. Rdd. Mrs. 8. T. WlQgfleld.
Mrs. (1. K. Riley. Mr*. V. H. Taliaferro.
Mrs. T. O Greene Mr*. Florence Har-
dm. Mi*. P. W. Walton. Mrs. D. L.
Thomas. Mm. P. P Kreil. Mra*. O. Kit-
A. Hamilton Retd. Mrs. Jte Peareon.
Mr*. KtUa loenOi. Mrs. J. 8. Turner.
Jr.. Mm B 1C Kcfe. Mr* Ohs M« W*.
ter* Mr*. M F. I^vreette. Miss Georgia
■Hlk. 1 RogeravtU! Tea!. Mire Belie
Jones, of The Plains. Miss Mary T. Law
rence. of MllledgevIHe, Mies Nina Julia
•Wingfield. Miss May Hcott. Miss Mattie
Edmondson. Mlsa Nona I-evcrette. Mlsi
Mary Nlsbet, Mias Fannie Lou Denham,
Mias Fannie Lee Levercttc. Miss Resale
Hanks, Miss Agnes Leverettc, Miss
Louise Edmondson. Miss Alice Wardwell,
Miss Pansy Denham. Mrs. Charles D.
The marriage of Dr. Laurence Orr
Cnlln. of tkitonton. and Mrs. Bessie
Jones Allen, of Starr, 8. C., which took
place Wednesday afternoon at the home
of the bride, near Anderson, 8. C., was of
interest to a wide circle of frlenda of
the con tree ting part lea in both Georgia
and Carolln! The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Farmer, pastor of the
First Methodist Church, of which the
bride Is a member, only the Immediate
family and a few Intimate frlenda wit
nessing the wedding. Immediately after
tho ceremony Dr. and Mr! McCalls left
for Florida and Cub! for a wedding trip
Mr. and Mr*. James Burke Floyd have
returned from Savannah, and are with
Mr. Brevard Ntahet,
.. Madison street
Miss Frances Turner visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Nolan in Atlanta during the
past week-end. .
Rev. L. A. Cooper has returned from
the state Baptist convention at Madison,
nnd also occupied the pulpit of the Cur
tis Avenue Baptist Church at Augusta
on Runday last.
Miss Eleanor Adams, who Is teaching
at Jewell! Oa.. spent several days at
home duirng the week past.
Mrs. 8. O. Collin* agd children were re
cent guests of relatives at Shady Dale.
MIm Mary T. Lawrence ha* returned
to her home in MllledgevIHe after a visit
to the MlRie* I^onurd.
- Rev. John Shannon Montgomery has
returned home from a six months’ ab
sence abroad, during which time he vlal
ted hie parent* In Belfast. Ireland, and
Tendon, returning to America by way of
West Africa and the Cap* Verde Islands.
Miss Dolll* McKIbben left Thursday
for her home in Jackson, after several
weeks *tay with relative# here.
MIm France* Pressley came home from
the O. N. and I. Colrge at MIledgevHe
Tuesday on account of illness.
Mr. Ivey Wilson visited Macon during
Mrs. Peter W. Walton. Jr.. Is spending
several days In Atlanta end Madison.
Mlsa Cinlr* Bone Is with frlenda at
College Park.
Mre. Jarrell Scott, of MllledgevIHe -was
a recent guest of her brother. Mr. Win-
le Col. Albert J. Little, of ValdoeU. vis
ited Putnnm relatives thl* week.
MIm Della Tappan. of White Plains,
eras a recent gueet of Mr. and Mr! A.
Hamilton Reid.
Mlsa Belle Jones, of The Plains. Oa., ts
visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Beck.
Mr! M. 8. Smith and Mire Louise
Smith have returned to their home tn.At-
Mite Lillian Cornell will arrive Tuesday
from Birmingham, where she spent two
months with Mrs. George T. Cornell.
Mire Cornell eras delightfully entertained
during her stay
Mr. and Mrs.' Lamar Washington. —
New Torn, are — *
Mies Joe Varner.
are expected here to rial!
R. L. Smith, of Macon, arent Frt-
Mr hr aoc1 Mrs. L W^CoUkr and Mire
Martha Collier, of BtrmlnghM! Ala..
win spend Xmas week with the Mlease
C< Mr f "Newman Lmmirferd of CreaerU-
»ys of the past
Messrs. J. B. Ward and Ben Cleveland,
of Jackson,, visited friends horo during
the pest week.
Miss Lois Fain has returned to Athenff
after a visit to Miss Mary Curd.
Miss Minnie Benton Is spending sev
eral days 4 In Atlanta.
MIm BcMie Ezell has returned to Cov
ington after a visit to her parent! Mr.
and Mre. C. T. Ezell.
Mrs L. O. Benton returned thlz week
from a visit to her mather, Mrs. Barnett#
of Newton, Gs
Miss Hamm, of Jackson, waa the re
cent guest of her sister, MIm Mattlsu
mother. Mrs. H. C. Hill, who will spend
some time with him.
MIm Nell Jones, who has been tho
K ezt of her sister, Mre. George Stinson.
■ returned home.
Mrs. Doyle Campbell Is back from ?x
visit to Mra. Sherrod Campbell, of Mans-
Mrs. J. F. Walker spent the week-end
with Willard relatives*
Mrs J. H. Kelly has returned from At-
MIm Maud Penn ts back from a visit
to Atlanta relatives. . i •,
Miss Vets Thurman spent the week
end with Shady Dale relatives. i
Prof. O. R. Horton spent the week-end
Mre. D. J. Blaalngame entertained th*
Embroidery Cl«b In a pleasant manner
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Ran Malone entertained at "42**
recently for her sister, MIm Annie King
ing Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. R,
Pope. The prise, c pair of embroidery
scissors fell to Miss Eugenia Newton.
After the game a salad course and hot
chocolate were served. The nest meet-,
of the club will be with Mrs. Bam
Mrs' J. V. Davis entetralned at ’’42 *
Wednesday afternoon in a delightful
Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Borin and children
left this week for thetr future home ta
August! They have many friends whq
r *ClM Mamle d llup!itrick has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hecht and children
apent Sunday with Madison relative!
Miss Lula Hamm, of Jackson, wat the
recent guest of her etoter. Miss Mattlsu
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Todd have returned
to Macon. They were accompanied bv
their eteter. MIm Alice Burney, who will
make her home with them
Mieses Annette and Drita Kelly were
re*nt vial tore to Macon
Mre. Leila Anderson has returned to
Hillsboro after a visit to Monti cello rela-
11 Mr. and Mre Monroe Phillip* enter
tained In a delightful manner Thursday
evening. Tempting refreshments were
rrved throughout th# evening.
Mr. Joe Mercer and MIm Mercer, of
Haddock, were recent guests of Mtseeg
* Kate Penn.
fM Bum Yni MU. Lodi* W."
of Shady Dale, were recent
[ontlcelIonian* wilt
go over to Madison to attend tho.annual
Mrs. L. O. Benton baa returned from
Beall has returned from a