Newspaper Page Text
You can now secure the choicest selection from our
elegant stock. ; All purchases engraved and laid aside.
Don’t wait until the Xmas rush begins and the stock
has been picked over
Lockets and Shirt
Sterling Silver
Gold Bracelets and
Watch Fobs, Pins
Cut Glass and
Waist Rings
Manicure Sets and
Sterling Silver
and Button
.Leokets from 12.50 up to $20.00.
Mesh Bags
Shirtwaist Rings ranging from 93
up to |20
sterling 8ilvsr Manicure 8«ts $12 to
Handsome lot of Bracelets $5.00 up.
A nice suggestion for gentlemen, a
Pin and Button Set
Large iino of exquisite Cut Giasa,'
weighty and sparkling.
Latest Novelties
Gold and Silver Handle Umbrellas
frorq $5 to $50.
Sterling Silver Mesh Bags; the lat
est out, $20.00 and up.
A beautiful line of Watch Fobs.
You should Inspect our atook of Dia
mond Rings before buying.
570 Cherry Street
570 Cherry Street
Illustrated catalog of our stock sent free on request. We have special equipment for mail order business and any one can order with every assurance
of receiving exactly what is ordered and that it will be all that it i srepresented to be.
The public Is eorflillf Invited to at-
' tend th* Lode* of Borrow of th* Muon
1o4«* of Elk* at the Grand Optra Moua*
this afternoon at 3:20 o'clock. A pro*
ovary partiouJar. will I* rendered- Me-
mortal exercise* or U>*B. P. O. B. will
1» «»*ndufi'd today In every dt7 In tha
• <Miau> where the order has a lodfc.
Tha will be occupied by men*
bar# of tha Mecca ledge. No. U9. am
tiny *1!! »it aa tn rcaular lodge mt«t
tn« throughout th* exerclass. Tha mo#
Lnfeature of tha program
mnum. aeabna. —.
Julius Fleischer. Morris
■' Pa la and C. a, “
Mo-rls liapp.
r it?
prate's moat eloquent speak#
___ -ill II
hatocthm—Elk*' orchestra.
Vrsyer—Jtev. Rutherford K. Douglas.
Opening ceremonies--l»y tha lodge,
i , i*h , >n—Double quartetl*. _
r«.itval T# Doum—Dudley Duck.
. waLAiift. *"«<•<«lseI
Duct. selected—Messrs. Boone and Of-
Mr*. C. It. Wright; Mr*.
Offi Fatten andAkCardaL
Kuiogy—Brother E. II 1
5«>ln. salaried— Mies Was
tiTs" a io8fl
-Rav. Rutherford Jfi.
*“ Doug-
r Ml!** P™*rent will ba
Handing tha exercises this
afternoon. T$a cover design fopresente
tha Recording Ansel sitting within th*
dial of a clock, whose hands point to ths
hour of alovan. In tha dark background
there appaara the head of an elk. Ue-
Heath the figure there Is this Inscription:
“Their virtues upon ths tablets of love
and memory
Tim officers of the Macon Lodga of
C. Jon... l^adhii KAtlM—I* W. Ilur-
k# {J»teamad Loyal Knight—Augustin
^ttieafnad lecturing Khlghtr-F. It.
, '?S}ulrr—A. TV. Meek. ’
Treasurer- - r. A. XVMfams.
Recretarv-C, R. Wright
Inner Gugrd-rA. F. llSlt. «Jr.
Tyler*4t U 'vjebttLv' # '
Organist—J*s McCardsl.
Chaplain—FAD. Coatee.
Truer#**—O. If. Weaver. M. M. Taylor.
*ilamoriai 0r, cnmmltt**—C. It, Wrl|
chairman. F. A. Williams.,F. it
•Service! at Christ Churoh.
There la being delivered at Christ
church a series of eerniott* on Bundsy
nights drawing on th* Life of our Lord
entitled "tltudlcs tn tha Character of Je
sus." which are attracting Interest. The
growth of the evening congregation at
Christ church has baan so rapid that tha
th* entire church la quickly filling up.
Title la due to the fact that the entire
service la mad* thoroughly alive and all
feel uplifted.
Th* music' by the largo vested choir,
directed by Dr. Dlngley Drown. 1s always
beautiful sn«l Impressive. Th* anthem
for this morning and thin evening Is
“There to a Oreen Hill Far Away." by
Gounod. Tenor eolo by Mr. o. K. Nichols
nnd chorus.
Tho Telegraph has no^ Rants,Clat*!
column, but when chubby Angers la
boriously put on paper what they
want of tho old gentleman, nnd make
tho request that those wishes ho print
ed so that he may rend and comply,
that request cannot be refused.
Here are § few of the heart-wlahos
Dear Manta Claus: I want you to
please bring me some fireworks, Ro
man candles and all such; a veloci
pede and Irish mall; and plegg* Go not
forget to give me aomc fruit, nuts and
candy. J. will ba a good little boy
until you come..
Your little friend.
Macon, da.
My Dsar Amttn Claus: l n r. n U.
tie girl nine years old. 1 want you
to hrlng me a lltlo rocking chair, and:
a little broom and a tdg. pretty doll
that haa long curly hair and big brown
eyes, end a largo doll carriage with a
little parasol. J would thank you so
much. Ranta. bring m# some small
dolls, too. My little ulster. Louise,
wants to write too. Ry„ by*. Wish
ing you a merry Xmas.
2110 Second St,
lous for Xmas to come. I will writ*
and tell you what I want you to bring
m*. I am a little girl only rlx year*
old, and T wank you to bring me *
little rocking chair, a big. pretty doll
i Macon’s Foremost Xmas Store
4 Because here are found gifts that are useful u well as beautiful; gifts that will
4 not P* 83 awa y with the memory of Xmw, but remain as a constant reminder of tho
4 thoughtfulness of tho giver for time to come We h&vo something suitable for all;
4 father, mother, sister, brother, sweetheart or friend, and last but not least, tho
4 children. '
4- A few suggestions may help you in your choice of a present.
4 China Cabinets, Music Cabinets, Ladies* Writing Desks, Dressing Tables, Book
4 Cases, Combination Coses, Leather Couches, Davenports, Morris Choirs, Shaving
4 Stands, Costumers, Reed Rockers, Fancy Rockers in Oak, Mahogany, Birds Eye
4 Maplo and Early English; Kitchen Cabinets, Fanoy Indian Baskots, Clothes
4 Hampers, Handsome Rugs of all kinds, and countless other things to gladden the
4 heart and brighten the home.
4 We are the only Furniture House in
t Macon carrying a complete line of
4 Sensible and Lasting Gifts for Child-
X ren. Read the List Carefully
♦ Automobiles, Glascock Racers. Velocipedes, Doll Go-Carta, Doll Oradlei, Iron
♦ Wagon* Bent Rail Wagons, Hobby Horses, Rocking Horses, Bhoo-Fly Horses, Ted-
♦ dv Bears, Rocking Chairs, Tablo Chairs, Morris Chairs.
4 THE BEST TIME TO BUY IS NOW. Delay only means that the choicest arti-
4 cle* go to those who come first.
♦ We will put aside your purchases and deliver when you want them.
with black curly hair arul pretty bin. I
eyes, a IIUI# broom, a large doll car
riage with a little* parasol und some
small- dolls, to j. My sister. Surah, is
writing to. you too. Wishing you a
merry Xinas. I am your little girl.
2910 Socoud St,.
Wayside. Go.
Deer Rente Clans: I am In school
today. I am In the sixth claxs. I
xludy grammar, geography. history,
physiology, spelling, reading and arith
metic. I am working in common
fraction and will soon be in compound
I want you tn bring mo a doll.ntov *
and some nuts, npplcn, raisins, orange*,
cucoanuta nnd candy.
1 am twelve years old. My teacher's
name la Carle Hodgo. We haven't tout
twelve pupils on roll; there were four:
more come today.
I will close for today.
Your little friend,
P. 8.—I thank you for my tea aet
you brought mo las, Christmas. 1
have got It y#t and l have got all the
things you brought me yet, und I
thank you for them all. and please
bring me the things I told you to. An
swer my letter. D. R. H.. f
Dames Ferry, Oa.
Dear Santa. My Dear Old Friend:
As I am not sleepy I will try and
scribble you a few lines. I haven't
much news to tell you only dull times
and I think It dull times everywhere.
I am In the sixth grade. I am In
common fraction In arthmrtlc.
Rants will you please bring me a
little rocking chair for a ten-year lit
tle girl. I am nine now. I win be
ten years oh! on January twentieth. I
will close for this time.
Your truly friend.
P. 8. Will you not come to ace me?
T thank you very much for my Toddy
and other things you'brought I have
got them yet and expect tn keep them
as long aa possible. If I didn't ex
pect to keep them I wouldn't wanted
you to brought them If I wasn't go
ing to keep them. Answer my letter.
J. M. U.
Wayside. Ga.
Dear Rants: I am going to school
today. I am In geography, grammar,
third reader. Rant*, please bring
doll bed room aet Christmas,
ro going to move down on the river
reckon, before Christmas. My school
teacher's name Is Oscle, that la my
sister. Wa have twelve scholars on
roll. I am eight year* old now. hut
will be nine years old next February.
1 will hsv« to close.
Your little girl,
Macon. Ga.
Dear Renta Claus: Please bring me
a goat, voaalpled, wagon, cap. suit of
clothi. Are crackers, fruits, candy, nut*
nd don't forget to bring me a engine.
Oh? Rants. iom» negro-toss. Don't
forget sister; she Is a big girl, but
bring her a doll; all gtrla ere fond of
dolls. Don't forget mamma, papa. ^1g
•ta. big brother and. ok? my Ht*l»
sweetheart. She will be disappointed
If she doesn't get something.
Youra sincerely.
Ell 8t„ R. If-. Ga.
To the Editor of The Macon Telegraph
—Dear Blr: lies?# allow me space to thank
the colored teachers of the public schools.
R rlr parents, also the general public, for
e aid given us In our ninth annual
Thaaksgiving tally, which was shown by
their liberal donation, which caused tho
rally to meet with great success. Also,
we thank the business whit* people of
Macon. Atlanta and other cities through
out the country for the deep tntamat
they manifested ta thl* rally.
I-set. but sot least, we thank The Tele
graph and other dally papers for the
Spec* given us tn their column* for pub-
MM^tonk JnJuitrli] uid
The fourth number of "The Parish Infl
tqlllKence," published from th# rectory
of Christ Church, ha* appeared. Typo-|
graphically and otlterwlse It to neat ajnl|
[most readable publication.^
out of tho many good tilings for this|
number, the following concerning the
new organ, written by 1W. J. 8. Bunt
ing. tho rector, will be read with lnter-1
Th# transfer of the choir froiji the gal-1
l**ry to to the chancel calls loudiy forM
transfer of the organ to the same place.
As the. present organ Is too small arid
too old for this' to be desirably done, this
tneetto of course a new organ. The
prcaont arrangement Is working very well
Indeed, but It Is not normal, and any
thing out of normal means streps, work
and worry.
We are glad to say that a strong
movement, ably tod, has been set on f "i
l to get a new organ, and haa alrd
gone well on toward accomplishment.^^
I. The rector haa already outlined a plan
by which It could be aacured and was pH
the point of announcing It publicly to MM
congregation, a plan which would have
enabled us to begin it next fall. At this
I point, however, he waa approached by
now organ
the late ML_, . - - -
quests were soon Increased by others
from all over the congregation, Indeed
from beyond the parish out In the cit:
they came, and an with one voice said
'" “nthe organ to Mrs, Schofield.]
.. _ ilversal desire must be heard am
answered and satisfied.
It Is not strange.. For, twenty
lowover, lie waa approacnca oy
people, who suggested that the
an be Installed u# a memorial to
Mrs. C. E. Schofield. Those ro-
"Bui if 1
| This universal desire must ba heard
[ahj^aang ^pramf"voice with us and*for
us. end served ns she sang—from the
soul to the soul was Its method, moving
hoerta because her own heart was mov-
eidf No wonder, then, that this deep feel
ing should have sought expression. No
wonder, either, that every ono felt that
an organ waa a fitting and worthy mon
ument—Its presence and it* use would
tell In pnUse and melody of the life that
ahe lived. ^ v
Miss Ida Holt (220 Orange street. Ma
con) came forward and most generously
ofTered to canvass the parish and assem
ble tha offering* and pledge* that were
ready but which needed some one to
gather them In. She haa been ably and
earnestly aided In this work by Mrs
'William Yates, who, along with Miss
Holt, was on* of tha flret to think of
| t V. , NU has gone forward so rapidly
that wa are able now to see success Is
*The n araount desired Is ».000. for It
should be a thoroughly im instrument
beautiful and adequate, built by the best
skill nnd built to wear and stand. It
skould be built Into, th# present vestry
rra»m. transforming It into an organ;
chamber. Wo hope In our next Issue to
say when construction can be begun.
A marriage that will be of much
interest oa well as fc surprise to a
host of friends, waa that of Miss An
nie Smalling to Mr. T. M. WhlCe, uf
this city, which occurred at 10 o’clock
Saturday morning at the residence of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Smalling; Rev. A. C. Pyle offi
The bride wore a handsome blue
cloth tailored suU* .made with long
coat worn wltlr an exquisite picture
hat with long plumes.
Immediately after . .the ceremony
they left for Jacksonville. St. Augu#-.
tine and other points of interest In
Florida. *
They will be at home to their many
friends after January l«t, 2049 Second
Draying Darsey Drays
Is a comfort When Darsey'a dray leaves
with a load It will not coma back via the
repair shop. Darsey builds three styles
and sixes of drays. They are all good—
$100, $105 and $110. We’ll show you the
difference when you coIL
J. W. Darsey
Young Matrons' Club,
Tho Young Matrons' Club of East
Macon held a very Interesting and de
lightful meeting at the homo of Mrs.
Ed Wilson. Friday afternoon. The
regular routine of business was trans
acted while the sowing waa in pro
gress, and arrangements were made
for a series of entertainments at the
home of the members during Christ
mas week. Refreshments were served
nnd the afternoon wkii in many‘other
ways pleasantly spent, Mrs. Wilson
proving herself a charming hostess.
The next meeting of the club will
be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence
Mr. and Mrt. J. Kaylor announce
the engageme ntof their daughter,
Edith May. to Mr. Arthur Harvey Wil
liamson. of Macon, the wedding to take
place at homo on the evening of Jan-
uary 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ramsey, Jr., Enter-
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Ramsey, who have
Just returned from tholr bridal tour to
"the Land of Flowers," entertained a
party of congenial friends very delight
fully Friday evening at their suburban
* H The r<?ep?imi d h*ll.' drawing room nnd
dining room were thrown together and
artistically decorated In. a rink nnd green
scheme, palm*, ferns, chrysanthemums
,0 Mrs. "Ramsey, tha charming hostess,
received th* guests in a lovely gown of
coral pink m- tiin.wttM c m
bands embroidered In Persian colors,
which was very becoming to her petite
brunette beauty- •
Delicious refreshments In three coi
were served In the dining room. P«_ _
at the table were Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
You Get Clean
Pure Whiskey
£-■3 Gal,
ONE 00 Qfl or Two Gallon Pc Oft
GALLON u/.UU Bottles uO.DU
I.W * hl P, only the beat nnd purest goods In gallon glass
■ bottles which don't leak, don't soak and are perfectly clean.
Ilou eee what you buy. Tho remarkable guarantee we are
1 making on Golden Valley Corn or Rye Whiskey and the un-
Iequalled value of the Whiskey Itself has mad# these fine old |
I brands the best-known and most widely used In the South. I
I Both are medicinal Whiskies of the highest order, coming I
I to you In all Its original strength and richness of flavor, f
I unadulterated, unweakened, as pure and healthful as sun-
| light Even the gallon bottle In which It Is shipped Is an
I article you will value. There fs nothing cheap about our
I Whiskey except the price. Try It, Is all we ask; We treat L
pvfTybody fair, give pure, honest goods and guarantee eat- I
| lsfartlon or return your money. !
cf th# exUtenca cf this hornet u shown
by thalr generosity. Other* have no
knowledge of Us existence.
To there t would introduce this modest
little cottage. It Is a reality, situated oa
■ Regers avenue, lust beyond Clayton
^LJetrect. \ InevlH*. The lot waa a gift of
I the tote N. R Corbin, and tb# bom# ha#
+ l'aughteri^ *** •* #rtlo * u ot 'be “Kings
| It I* nen-a*ctartan, having bow three
“ denomination* within .It* wnito.
^ Fo good i*onl* do not forest ue ta the
▼ distribution cr funds ,»r material. Cora-
^ munlvTOtloes cajr t>* directed to tbedrest 1-
Kina's . Daughter*
Thl# la Worib Reading.
Leo F. Xellnaki. of IS Otbeon atrrst,
jffakv Jjf. Y., $\\%: “I cured the
oat annoying oold sor# I ever had.
“ ritt# ‘
„ _y° u
Duty? You know th
winter months bring colds and
you know that Pneumonia Is
to be dreaded. Croup is dan
gerous. QOWAN'8 PREPA
RATION scatters Inflammation.
It cures. Then buy to-day
and be prepared. !5c. 50®^-
externst All druggists.
#y, Jr.. M
wnlddon. ;
Shiran, ail ^ __
Loll!* Tayi«\r. Mfas Katie Lou Howard
and MUs Drue Bum. Messrs. D. E.
Moore. Fern an GlUriand, Lamnr Ed
wards, Roy Shlrah and Frank GUleland.
A marriage of unusual Interest ww
celebrated at the home ot the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. w; J. Heard, near
Waljetj, on Wednesday, when .their
daughter/ Miss wVotone, was united In
marriage to Mr. John L. Grace, of Wal
The home waa most artistically deco
rated with emllax and ferns ana white
chrysanthemums, th# bridal party stand-
in* under a bower of amUax. from which |
suspended the wedding bell.
present and the many costly presents
they received. The ceremony wa# per
formed In an Impressive manner by Elder
8. T. Bentley, of Cullodcn.
■ Immediately after the ceremony th*
bridal partv left In a shower of rice end
the congratulations of a host of friends
for the home of the groom’s mother,
“t reception awaited them.
the nome of
re an elegant
r. and Mrs.
Grace expect
und will ba ‘
[en to their friends
take an
metto, la visiting Mr. J. J. Galllard.
Mtos Lillian Cornell haa returned
from Birmingham, after a delightful,
visit t 0 Mrs. Geo. P. Cornell. Jr. She
Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mac*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson have
I | ■ permanently located in Macon, at 124
The bride was handsomely gowned In i Forsyth street,
blue taffeta ink with hat and gloves to —— —
«. . «r*™**„. E\’clyn Smith, a charming ?lt-
tr and number# fita friends by tils *e~l V* ** v ** ,t,n * ^ rS *
qualntanccs. jJ. J- Galllard.
*“* ' “* of the young couple was j , - — •
large aumboy of friends Hon. Duward B. Bullard, of Pal-
The popularity
attested .by the
Ask the Grocer.
If he haa any better Vanilla or
Lemon than Blue Ribbon. Wo know
he will say there Is none bettor.
An Investigation by the state geollgiat
of New York found much more Important
deposits from . Iron than hqd been gen
erally supposed, and in his recent report
that official expressed the opinion that
th# state one day will be prominent iy
the production of that metal.
was r ' H#-.:s all sores Hold un-l
I Car guarantee at all drug • torts. |A%*
You will have good cause to shake hands with yourself for having*
’Si^ een a customer of ours should you be the one to secure this splendid
turnout “Get your name in the box,”
tnrt qf tb* aorej