Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 06, 1908, Image 21

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1908 FOR SALE— Handsome dining table and ■ Chairs, reaaonabla. 316 Spoon* at. FOR SALK—Nice fat Itoga. any alse. can be delivered on short notice at 10 centa pound. Jno. C. Alexander, route 6. YOU CAN buy something good for- the health of the boy* or girl*, mm well «« ault their fancy at 8. 8. Parmele* Co.‘a. FOR BALE—Finn plantation of Ilf'scree, four farma under cultivation; large pas ture. two orcliarda, plenty water and woodland, elegaht. modern houae, farm building*. four cabins; also stock and Im plements: death cause of Belling Apply to Mr4. Burr Brown, Eatonton, Ga. FOR SALE—Restaurant and lunch counter, best location In the city: good paying buslneai; tills la a good oppor tunity. Address Restaurant, care Tele graph. FOR BALE—Good horse, buggy and har ness cheap.' Apply at Branan'a sta ble*. Poplar at. FOR SALE—Goa* perfecting preaa. with M complete Stereotype outfit; good order; prints 4 or 8 page*; $1,260 fob Macon. Address Telegraph, Macon. Ga. FOR BALD—'Ten-horse Schofield eteam . engine and holler; good running order; $150 for outfit. Macon Telegraph. BUSINESS CHANGES SUCCESSFUL Chicago manufacturing concern desires the service of n good man to take charge of their distributing office? In MacOn; compensation should at treat $100 per month; Investment of $375. which is amply secured, la required to wry stock of goods for Immediate deliv ery. Our reference* are nny hank In Chicago or the mercantile agencies. Do- Pjirtmrnt A. 191 Wn.hlnuUm Llvd.. chi. BOARDING MEALS furnished by Fannie Locket, for j white only. Phone 2144. BOARDERS—Reeve* House, Macon. Ga.; 1 a refined family hotel; $1.00 a day ana B op: weekly rate given. § LOST LOST-—Pointer dog, white, with liver spot, short tall; namn Jltnmlc. Unturn to 416 Calhoun *t. and get reward. J. M. Lewis, ! LOST—One French poodle,, answers to name of “Dooly." Reward If re- turned $26 Adams at. Phone 8146. LOST—At opera house or on Long Belt c«r, smalt beauty pin with four-loaf clovoi*. Kinder return to thl* office and i get reward. LOST—On the streets Monday Last, n small silver crucifix. Finder return to this office for reward. FOUND * - , . FOUND—Two hog*, owner can get tame by cnltlng Woodland Variety Farm. Bellevue road- PERSONAL I attATlANTHn t# nnuh .11 photon oi sittings tnddn thl* week by (lirlittnm*. Remember cut rate* Itst only n little while longer. J. 8. Milner, 161 Cotton ave. ILLUSTRATED books, latest flotlon, Ju* venlle tmoks. toy books, all kind* of books at Brown's nook Store. IlOOKB opened and closed; accounts ^audited; genera) bookkeeping. Phone HAVE your stoves and ranges put In good order for Christ mu* cooking. Randolph Day. Phono 919. Seven years w^h C. Huhn. GO TO Rlnckshrer'a gallery and have your photo made by his new operator Inst from the north; ho makes every body handsome. BUILD YOUR house* of long leaf yellow pine ana be sura to have the centra! Georgia Land A Lumber Co. furnish It lo you from their planing mill nnd lumber yAYds. corner Sixth and Cherry sis.; with eighteen years’ experience In the lumber business, we are In position to meat the sharpest competition on any siss or shape of long leaf yellow pine, rough oy dressed ! —all grades-and wo deliver the grade wo i sell; complete stock framing, weather' boarding, flooring, celling, finish, shingles. 1 lathi, lime and cement plaster, door and window frames made to order; small ail well as large orders will receive our prompt attention; Telephone 210. , a 9, T0 Jpwtrt for everything In th* toy lln*. Cor. Orange and Forsyth ste. | SBVBRAl, HAWIAINS In ..cmrl-hnml' ..buggies, surreys and wagons: seoond- hand^ army saddles nt bargain prloea, 8. 8. 1’nrmeleo Co. ^ HALL'S SCHOOL ran accommodate a few mors boys after Xmas.* For par ticulars, apply at once 207 Cotton ave. MACON TYPEWRITING EXCHANGE, First class stenographic work. No. 3 Grand building. Phone 870. GET that piano for Xmas. We are of fering the finest stock w* *ver had on extremely easy terms for Xmas buyer*. Now get, that piano and make home nnp- ■treat c " K>r * ,a Music House, Third CABIlAnK'1-t.ANTS of .iiMrlnr »jr«tn>. . :. h y M. aibiim, Yount'. Itltml. B. C. Write for llluslrnted catalogue and prices. Full count nnd satisfaction guar anteed. MONEY TO LOAN. RKAf. KRTATB t.OANS—1100 ttid up- wtrdc no d.Iiy; tat, wltldn It h° ur «'„ Hgrroid n.nklnit »nd K.vlnt. Co., mt Cherry it. < MONEY TO LEND on real esUto, icpay- *1 ni'lo nmntjhlr. J. J- Cobb, Comm.rcl.l A Having* Bank. = The eiothes You Want ' We like a man who likes himself well enough to insist upon what he wants—and nothing else. We are not running this store with the thought of changing the ideas of the thinking men—but of con forming with them. Just tell us what you desire in a Fall Suit and we will show you how closely we can match your wishes. Our line of Clothing includes a style for every sensible man’s taste. If a man comes here seeking values in Clothes- we can unlock his pocketbook. If he comes here seeking nobby patterns-we can suit him. w If he demands style-we can satisfy him. If he requires the ultra-we can deliver the goods. $15 to $90 WANTED—AGENTS AGBNT8 wanted for our new J In#: machine; Just out; weaves or to® In sock In five minutes; t Hold JRh in one day; send 15c for sample or ll.SB for dosen. It. W. Hutton Co.. WaJnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. AN EASY start a business that will pay several thousand dollars ■»■ nually. sulllng merchandise by mall; 1m proved plan, we furnish everything, and show you how; $55 to $100 necessary AGENTS WANTED to become our repr#' sentatlvss. taking orders for our fins tins of custom made overcoats: spring line of samplao oi„. .... manner furnished free. 1$ 1*1 suits, trousers and commission; write for further Information and territory. Warrington Worsted A Woolen Mills. Dept. 92, 179 Adams st., The Old Adage Does not apply to the Macon Cash Grocery. This is why we can always save you money on your grocery account. No bad accounts to be charged off, or proportioned on those who do pay. The house keepers of Macon have long since learned it is both profitable and pleasant to trade with ns. Give us a trial order. Macon Cash Grocery Phones 325—290. 670 Poplar St. Are You Paying Rent for a $1,000 Lot? .Supposing you pay $25 a month rent—$300 a year. Supposing tho house and lot is worth $2,000. Say that the lot is worth half of that, $1,000—are you aware that you pay $150 a year rent for the lot? Do you realize that the rent money you pay, would, in five years, really pay for a cottage on a big lot at Log Cabin Heights t You don’t realize, do you, that you’re paying ns much to tho penny as would buy a houso at Log Cabin Heights! • No matter what your rent is, take a pencil and sheet of paper; put down a fair valuation for the house you live in. Estimate tlie value of the lot. Figure out the rent you'pay each month and you’ll find that you’ve paid out enough to own two houses, or threo houses. If you are rusty on figures let your boy or girl work it'out for you. It’ll be worth while. 4 This monoy tlint you’re spending and having nothing to show for, will get n home that will be constantly in creasing in value. v You can start right now. It’ll take $250 cash. Then $25 a month, Including interest, for a cottage with all modern improvements. G. 0. EARLE, 353 THIRD STREET, PHONE No. 77. For Sale at $2,500 A two-story, seven-room house, thoroughly modern, newly papered; within half block of College St. Splen did homo or investment. Willingham Loan & Trust Co. 461 Third St. Phone 360 For Sale lull . J. Mint built In But; will io.nilt. is,ooo ble Vlnevllte cottage; lot wide. 11,2(0 » street homo: 10 rooms; built tome; worth tho money. 91.000 tie lot; will build home for pur* $1,350.00 For a Quick Sale K1& cottage on corner lot In good neighborhood and growing part of Jno. F. and W. 11. Cone, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans Phone 2P' 607 Cherry St. ALWAYS BE KIND To the young women, said Thackeray, for you never know whom they may marry. Likewise treat your roof with care, for you don’t know when It will rain to your discomfiture. Jss. C. QORMLY. Phone 631. 320 Third St. —Get Our Prices On— PERFECTION HEATERS AND RAYO LAMPS CANFIELD OIL COMPANY, Phone 637. MR. DOC GUNN is no longer with JONES, GUNN & JONES, by Mr. Ben L Jones end’hfs son. Mr. wl H? Jones. Southern Packing Co. Choicest Native and Western Meats. 620 Cherry St. Phone 351. Phono 187. H. & H. R. HUHN, Basement American Nat’l Bank Bldfl. Repairing of Guns, Pistols, Locks, Safes 'and Fine Machinery, lea Word MEETINGS * MACON LODGE NO. 6, F. A /%_ A. M. Regular communlra* V jf tlon Monday night T:30 o'clock. /\/\ Work In the Mnotor Degree. ^ * All brother Mnsona In good Mantling welcome. John A. Davis, W. M. W. It. Chapman, Secretary. WANTED WANTED—Fifty home purchasing con tracts of the Standard Trust Company or the Standard Home Company, of Bir mingham. Ala. Give full Information. Addreas J. P. flegar. general delivery. Macon, Go* WANTED—Telephone 3498. will cheer- fully make eetlmatce for nil kinds building repairs, concrete and maaon work specialty. S. Livingston A Hon, WANTED—.Two occupy” nieeiy room 'with R on board; all conveniences. Apply 969 rst st. Phone 8019. HAVE a superb upright piano left th us to bo sold quickly; a $400 plana $125.00. The beat Xmas ofTer over made. Irvine’s Georgia Muslo House. WANTED—Fifty home purchasing con tracts of the Standard Trust Company or the Standard Home Company, of Bir mingham. Ala. Give full information. Address J. P. Hegar, general delivery. WANTED—PupUs to take lessons In shorthand and typewriting: terms very .jatonable; will .give lessons In the evening If desired. Call at 107 First st WANTED—Filing and mailing eterk by wholesale concern: good opportunity far bright boy. Addreas In own hand writing. Clerk, Bo* S4L WANTED—Position by young married man. as grocery clerk or city saloeman. Hava had experience, can furnish good references. Address D. P. N., care Tel egraph. WANTED—House painting, floors stain ed. plastering patched, waJl tinting. If. C Walton. First and Cherry its. Phone roofs stopped or no pay. ... son, First and Cherry st*. Phone 3488. FANTED—Two a young men for nicely furnished front room; also table board- rs. Ill Washington ave. Phone Mtt. WANTED—A roommate for a nicely furnished room, steam heated, hot hatha cor. Mulberry and First Car ling’s flat WO young men or roepte without chil dren wanted for room and board; naw ..stjsc. conveniences. Haas In. nlro table boarders. 949 First «L Phone W». LADY SEWERS—Make shields lit hdme; materials furnished: 916 per hundred particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 211 Imperial Shield Co.. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED—Couple to board or rent nice rooms near In. 742 Walnut st. WANTED—Horses nnd mules In trade for pianos or organa of standard make nnd fully guaranteed. Address The CXble Plano Co., Atlanta, Ga. DOLL furniture, tea seta, carriages and go-carts at Harts’s. ror. Orange and Forsyth *ts. SCHOOL teacher In rural district ‘lt v or particulars apply A. J. Stapleton, route 8, Kastman, Ga. WANTED—Grading and sodding, tree planting and trimming. Lewis Colbert, R. F. D. No. 2. Phono 2338. A NICE violin, guitar, mandolin, muslo satchel, phonograph or music box form one of the heat Xtnaa present* possible. Irvine's Georgia Muilo House. LADY with experience wants position a* stenographer and assistant bookkeeper, or any office work. Answer '•Necessity., care Telegraph. WANTED—Small Iron gnfo. Apply Ho tel Lanier buffet J. M. Bare. WANTED—Your rows to noature; ths best winter posture In Bibb county. Jno, C. Alexander, route 6. WANTED—Christmas fruit cakes to hake at $1.00 each. Phone 2496. WANTED—Two or three boarders In pri vate family. Call at 160 Smond it Phone 8839. WANTED—Good second hand 7 or 8 cook atove; give price, make, condi tion. Stove, car«? Telegraph. WANTED—Table boarders, with or without rooms. Phono 1004 or rail at 107 First st. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS—Bicycles, velocl pedes, tricycles, automobiles, hand cars, hobby horses, doll carte, express wagons, goat wagons and goat harness. 8. 8. Par- melee Co. THERE Is nothing so much appreciated ns n book; therefore, why not give a lK>ok for ChrlstmasT Brown’s Book WANTED—Large or email Jobs of paint ing, plastering, kalsomlnlng, graining, and floor staining. George Olover, 499 Cotton ave. Phone 987. WANTED—A few select boarders; choice rooms and all conveniences; private family. 240 Washington ave. Phi WANTED—800 men to learn barber trade, and take positions waiting our graduates, few weeks completes, constant practice furnished, scholarship Includes tools, demonstrations, examinations and diplomas: write for catalogue. Moler Barber Collego, Atlanta, a*. WANTED—Boarders; also table boarders. HR Washington ave.. Phone 1017. WANTED—By young couple with one child, three or four foams for light housekeeping. In good neighborhood; ref- erences exchanged. ”H. II.,” Telegraph. WANTED—Dresses to make; best of ^work, styls end flt a specialty. Phone WANTED—Lady as one of household In family of four (husband, wife and two children) to assist la household duties. Will pay reasonable salary. Address '•Home,” this office. WANTED-SALESMEN CALENDAR SALESMEN—Experienced In I the sale of advertising calendars; large line, best selling slyles. Imported and domestic; new line for 1919 ready Jan. I, 1909; deaf with main office direct; no mid dle men. Address with references Aug.r Gsst Bank-Note A LJtho Co.. St. Louis, SALESMAN wanted to represent us; ex perience unnecessary; $76 to $150 per month and expenses or commission. Yale Cigar Co.. Indianapolis, ind. SIDE LINE—Specialty sal reman to sell high grade cottage dinner get'to dry — 3 —iq n—** *— good*, grocery and furniture stores for advertising purposes In small towns. Big repeat orders, large commissions. State R*i permonent address. W. K. Graves, MALE HELP WANTED LOCAL representative for a large manu facturing corporation wanted In the dtlea of Georgia to sail a high class non competitive necessity, small rupltsl re quired. good pay. and an unlimited field | a electrical .business, or handling eH supplies, A libera! contract |g offer*dJUi ; 711 K. Main at., Richmond. CORPORATION, manufacturing widely ndvertwed. staple goods, sold by whole. retail trade, dealrea branch $9,600 vearly and tummlsoJon: beat references-- re nt 626. Madison. Wls. • * • • qulrsd. Address Bos MEN WANTED quickly by big Chicago mall order house to distribute cata logues. advertise; $25.00 weekly; $ expense allowance. Manager. Dept. 31. 815 Wabash ave., Chicago. $90 A MONTH, $30 expense allowance at start, to put out merchandise und gro cery catnlogs. Mall order house. Amer ican Home Supply Co.. Desk 21. Chicago FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms. 753 Oak st. Phone $663. FOR RENT—Furnished room. steam heated, line hatha; every convenience «7.7 Mulberry, cor. First, FOR RENT—Two • nicely furnished rooms. 619 First st. Pnon# 1046. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms ot three unfurnished rooms. Apply 930 Walnut st.. or phone 2167. TO RENT-Three beautiful connecting rooms. furnished or unfurnished Phone 2118. FOR KENT—Now r.-rootn house three miles Houston road. $8.00 per month. Possession Jon. 1. Apply J. W. Amoson, 858 Second st. Telephone 1397. FOR RENT—One furnished and one un furnished room, convenient to meals. 654 First at. Tlione 3174. FOR RENT—One furnished room. Ap ply 766 Poplar st FOR RENT—Nicely located 6-rootn cot tage In Bellevue, on car line. Apply to A. W. Btnley, Bellevue. FOR RENT—Two 6-room houses, Ross nnd Ash: one 8-room, Duncan uve. O. M. Davis. FOR RENT—Three desirable unfurnish ed rooms for light housekeeping; close In and convenient. Rent, care Tele graph. FOR RENT—Seven-room house 208 New st.; porcelain bath tub. Inatnn- tiineous heater and eloctrlc lights, cabi net nnd tile mantels throughout; for Immediate possession. L. S. Dure. SI’BBC'RIPTIONS received for any mag- nzlne or paper published at lowest rate at Brown's Book Store. FOR RENT—Seven-room house 203 New st.; poroslaln bath tub. Instan taneous heater and electric lights, cabi net and tile mantels throughout; for Immediate possession. L. 8. Dure. FOR RENT—Two oonnsetlng rooms, all conveniences, to couple without chil dren. Apply 811 Oak at FOR RENT—One live-mom house, 46* Duncan ave. a. A. Willis, Express office. FOR BENT—Furnished room* for house keeping or sleeping; nmols If desired. Phone 1478. FOR RENT—'Three desirable rooms with hath: newly papered; near In. Quick, care Telegraph. FOR RENT—New 6-room cottage 860 Onk st. Bath end electric lights. Ap ply 158 High st. FOR RENT—Two flva-room cottages, 50 yards from ear line, on Hanson st, South Macon. Apply A. J. Rynls. post- office. FOR RENT—To gentleman one room with or without meals. Phone 1811 l«r, First st. FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms. 8N7 Third st FOR RENT—Furnished room, private family, for gentlemen, separate hsds. 758 Pine st. ROOMS FOR nENT—Furnished end un furnished, at 407 Walnut st. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, with o without board. Apply at 448 New at FOR PENT—Thn ed rooms for Jig 1168. v desirable unfurtilrii- WE HAYS th* only hand care thn coasts; oak your hoys what “coast' means. S. 0. Parmelen Co. RENT—Five-room cottage; barn and gar- don; convenient to car. Twelvo dollars. Phone 3794. FOR RENT—Half of cottage; very desir able locality. 162 High at. FOR RENT—Three choice connecting rooms, to counle without children; rsf- erences. 614 Washington ave. FOR RENT—Dwelling, now occupied by me, <3$ Forsyth st.; possession given January 1st. Oscar Bradley, Phone 423. FOR RENT—Mat your houses with Wad- ley Investment Company. W# move our tenants free. Grand building. Phone $27. FOR RENT—One-half of office or desk room, 421 Second et. K. Trls Napier. FOR RENT—Eight-room house, 710 For- ys sm Orange end Forsyth sts. FOR RENT—Two A1 ground floor offices In Washington block; steam heat nnd Janitor, all conveniences. Apply to Ma con Savlnga Bank. ? FOR SALE FOR SALE—Good seoond hand brick. Apply J. W. Childs. 421 Chappell at FOR BALE—Four thousand dollars will / bur on established city business clear ing the same amount each year; one half cash, balance In real estate. John Etheridge, 16 Hardeman building. •WfcrtJSfc** t N T %V‘i^ Telegraph. HOBBY horses, tool chests, msgio lan terns, suam engines and Iron toy* at Harm's, cor. Orauge and Forsyth sts. FOR BALE—Cabbage plants, grown In open, fin# slock. Apply/, w. Ami- son. 158 Becond et. or at farm, 1 miles Houston road. Telephone 13*7. Try a few I am setting out myeelf. FOR RENT BV EDWARD A. HORNE 371 Orange fit., 10 rooms and bath, servant house; would rant either Roor separately, $68 New St. t rooms, $27.60. 124 Cole St., 6 rooms, first and sec ond floor, $20.09 each; new house. 102 Carling Ave., 9 rooms, 918.00. . 116 Cleveland Are., I rooms. $20.00. 754 Third Htr. I rooms, 91$.06. 281 Washington Ave., 4 rooms. 910.00. 1908 Fourth Hi., 4 moms, at 911.00. STORES. 403 Cotton Ave. 486 Cotton Ave. 401 Mulberry St. 913 Fourth flt. EDWARD A. HORNE 460 Cherry 6treet FOR BALK—Nice new cottage in Vine- villa; cheap If sold before Jan. I. Par ty leaving town. Address Bargain, care FOR bei. Ells at, SALE—Sixty acres of swamp tlm- ’. mostly oak and ash. Apply 140 •t. South Macon. FOB fruit trees delivered to you phone 2087 or address S. W. Hatcher. 221 Foreyth st.. Mac— — CANARIES—Singers. 12.80; females ‘1.09; const 76 to $1.60. Box lit Coch- BOOKS are beet for Christmas gifts. There le one for you to give, and you will rn|j^ looking for It at Brown's MEDICAL MEN -The vacuum treatment perma- res vital weaknesa, vertcoreie, and enlarges; confidential. FOR SALE Not. 607 and 609 Mulberry at., 2- ttory brick building. Second story arranged for residence. BARGAIN for QUICK BALE. Orange st. residence, 10 rooms, re cently overhauled and painted. Alley on 3 aides; largo tot. Two-story brick store In good busi ness locality. Will exchange for small farm. Inquire at offlco for particu lars. New Cottage; large lot. at Crump's Park. BIx-room dwelling and 4 acres In Bellevue. 36 acres near town. Plenty of wa ter and wood*. 31,164. 100 acres splendid level land. New Improvements; fine orchard ot 3,000 tree*. Rome splendid farms from $6.00 per acre up. Home funds on long time at 7 per rent. Call on me next week HtTRE. CEO. W. DUNCAN A. & P. A. & P. ALL READY FOR \ CHRISTMAS Now is the time to make fruit cakes and get every thing ready for Christmas. Don’t wait longer, but get your supplies from ns tomorrow and you will be pleased. We aro offering some very attractive prices on the betd gooda and yon will do well to see us MONDAY and get Home of the great values offered. Finest Cleaned Currants, pound packages 10o Best Seeded Raisins, pound packages ,10c Finest Citron, a pound ...20c Best Lemon or Orange Peel, a pound »...15c Pitted Dates 10c Persian Date's Bo Fancy Layer Figs, a pound 12c Figs, in boxes 10c Extra Fancy Figs, in baskets 20c Fancy Table Raisins, a pound 10c SPICKH that are pure, and any size package you wunt. English Walnuts, a pound ...12c Filberts, a pound 12c Brazil Nuts, a pound 12c Paper Shell Almonds, a pound 19c A. & P. Flavoring Extracts 25c FOR TWO OUNCE BOTTLE Aspceial present will be given with each two bottles, and every bottle guaranteed to please or youimay return it and got your money. We have numerous other things that yon will need and you will us-mid help yourself as well if you will link us about them, Special Sale Prices Now On—Give the Goods a Trial Ploase. A&P Laundry Soap, R cakes for ; .25c Laundry Starch, (i pounds for 25c A&P nr X-Ray Stove Polish, 3 pnekages 10c A&P Washing Powder, 4-pound package 14c Chloride of Lime, li ean 6c Potash or can 6c Finest Butter, Cheese, Fancy Crackers and Cakes, Spices, SaueeH, Dressings, Relishes, Pickles, Preserves, Mnrmnlndos, Jams, Cereals, California Canned Fruits, Fancy Tender Canned Vegetables, Potted Meats, Cooked Meats in gluss, Olives, Pure Olivo Oil, Cocoa and Choc olate. . • . THE BEST OF ALL I A&P Freshly Roosted High Grade Coffees, at prices to suit those who know good things. A&P TEAS It is hardly necessary to remind you of our exquis ite Tens that everybody know so well. We have every kind and at prices that nro right for the quality. Holiday Opening of Presents We extend to all an invitation to visit our store to morrow and we will bo ready to show our line of beauti ful und useful presents that wo havo selected for our customers. GIVEN FREE We do not soli any of this line, hut it is given away free to all our customers who havo saved up their Tea and Coffee checks. All you hnve to do is bring your cheeks nnd make your own selection of anything you want. We linv-o on hand a largo lot of fino Decorated .China, Bisque Ware, Tea Sots, Glassware, Rocking Chairs, Rugs nnd useful goods of almost every descrip tion. Those goods are nil now nnd just opened up, and wo want you to visit our storo tomorrow nnd bring your friends with you. .Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 608 Oherry St. Phone 1590. GO TO FLOURNOY’S Because it’s headquarters. Because they solicit your trade. , Because they carry tho best. Because you get what you want. Because they arc Coffeo roasters. Because you take no chanco. Because if it’s good to eat they hove it. • Because their Groceries nro pure. Because thoy slice your Meats. Because thoir prices are right. Bccnuse their delivery is prompt. Because you want to live well. Because it's our business to look out for and keep the greatest stock of everytliing good to cat the markets of the world supply. Because six phones pnt yon next qniok —ALL No. 38. MISCELLANEOUS flAtR WORK-Bwltches, pompadour*, i. puff* math’ to order; your combing* rail he worked up In any style; the new . h| ^ r nr. Air K? 497 Walnut at.. Phono 1987. ■LAB WOOD, atova length, for one dol- ■ load and by the carload at Ma- 4 Box Works. Oranse and Foray th its. EVERYBODY ereiy about tho Mlro- phone. The moet delightful musical Instrument am Invented. Music box, Either and phonograph In one core; caay tanas; very thin* for Xmu. Irvlne'a Georgia Mualc Ilona*. FREE— Christmas money free for i for i-Liii.ji. ,1 ■tore Monday p. Oil about how money, at ........ ...—-Jt*ll you ••am your fhrlatnrn >rn« -nnv. L A. TMmna Drug Fourth and Oglethorpe >U. h you aim i w w«u iw fair weather to have your photo* mod* at Blaekahear’a gallary. Ha hog th* wonderful Aristo electric light SENSIBLE holiday r carriage healers. whlpi