Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 06, 1908, Image 22

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THE! MAOON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER B, 190S FIREWORKS! Three Car Loads. Complete Assortment. ; I; | Every Package Fresh, Justirom the Factory x DOLLS! Half Car Load. Nothing Ever Seen in Macon to Equal them Chinaware, Vases, Bric-a-Bra c, Statuary, P Parts of the *ottery of Every Description from all World We Have the Largest and Most Complete Line of Holiday Goods Ever Brought to Macon. We Have Bought up all the Import Samples of Fine Imported Wares that we Could Get Hold of at 50c on the dollar. We Will Save You Big Money on all Purchases. I 168 $ Cotton Avenue Powers’ Curiosity Shop 367 Second Street | 4* ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+•♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ GREAT REDUCTION SALE Attend the Great 25% REDUCTION SALE OF-— OVERCOATS STAR CLOTHING CO. ■GRAND OPERA HOUSE Friday, December 11 HENRY. W SAVAGE OFFERS The Most Notablo Dramatic Triumph of the Year mm Staged by Julius Herzktt, director general Voikos Theatre, Vienna, and presented hero by Mr. Savage with all the author’s original unique stage detail, precisely as at the Garden Theatre, New York. /’Every Woman Should See This Wonderful Play.’ —Dorothy Pix, in N. Y. Journal. ’ Seat Sale Wednesday, December 9. PRICES 50c TO $1.60 T— 1 —nt mlr *>od -M.kv you ran ,lron1 tu. um KKNTl-i KY SPRAY RYli four full quarto It to. K»- P* prepaid. «'**n roust accompany order. Thor* *rv lower priced bra rote on th* market. but a trial will con* , i OC *..l.““ ,h " KENTUCKY SPRAY la nor* r*an worth tha dlR-ren.-.. Hrn.i ua a trial anlar. Whan ra re- I—««m6* •""Pi' 1 II an,I ir It la nat anllraly aattafac 'tm xpen** and we will prompt* you n»n m» risk in deal ing with ui. PUHHI receipt «f postal • you money, hm Our compute li;u*trated Price i.lit sent fro* “ rd request. It explain# WHY w* United Liquor Stores Branch United Liquor Stores Co. (Capital BIG TIGER HID IN EASTMACON Ita Lair Waa a Moat Unuaual Plaoa, Bonaath a Pila of Telegraph Polos —Trapped by Two Liptmtna Thorn urn Juot lota of people In Hast Karon today who are cuaalng thorn* oolvea for not having thought to look undrr a pile of telegraph poloa that lay at tha edge of a Arid on the Mllledge- vllle road, shortly beyond Hydroll* street. It's all because a couple of linemen, employed by th* Hell Telephone Com pany. yesterday unearthed a great big blind tiger, a healthy one with both eyes abut, beneath that pile of Inno- cent-looking but rotting telegraph poles. iHeneath the poles there waa someone's cache containing sixteen ftilv quarts of ’'case goods'' whisky. The stuff waa very cleverly hidden, being entirely concealed from observation. Thn •'tlgei*' waa also well protected from the elements for besides the over, head covering of heavy poles. It lay beneath a piece of tin. The telephone linemen consider themselves lucky. At least, their friends say they do, for the lineman themselves have not been seen since the discovery, sixteen quarts of rep reaentstlve liquor, which they prompt’ ly claimed as their own. waa entirely too great n sight for two ahts-hodteq men in "these piping times of peace.** as Hhnkespcnke once aptly formed pro hibition I*aet i erected a new line In E*"t Macon, and when the work was completed there were found to bs about fifteen polos remaining. These were Piled up in the nearest field and left to take care of themselves until naedad. That they have since been utilised hiding place of a blind tiger became apparent yesterday. It Is believed that much of the whisky which has made Its appearance in certain parts of Ihi city at varloua times, and tha fourv tain head of which haa been lone sought by county officers, cam* from that storehouse beneath tha pile at poles, the operators sagely concluding that it would be the last plaoa In the world to attract suspicion or atten tion. They did not reckon, however, on the poles brink moved. Th* death of the "tiger'* was effec tual am! thorough. Not even a vea tig# of Us multi -spotted hide remain*. Its untimely demise will be deeply mourned by the owners, who hid It well tamed and completely under sub jection. It has positively made Ita last public performance. IN THE OHUROHXB Christ Church. Walnut street, between Second and Third. Rev. John 8. 'Hunting, rector. Second Bunday In Advrnt. Holy Com- munlon T:30 a .m. Bunday school 1:43 a .m. Holy Communion and sermon 1! a. m. Kvenlng Prayer and ser mon 1:10 p. m. Good music by aur- nlleed choir. Everybody welcome* usher* will provide seats for all. Chriatian Science. first Church of Christ. Scientist. Services are held on the second floor of the Macon Public Literary building, opposite the Grand. Sunday morning at 11:09 o’clock. Subject: "God, the Only Cause and Creator.* Golden trxt. "All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before Thee. O l<ord: and shall glorify Thy name. For Thou art greet and dpeat wondrous things; Thou art God alone." Psalm 11:9-10. Testimonial meetings Wednesday evening at * o'clock. Bundey school Bunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Reading room In same building, open from 10 to H o'clock a. m. and from 1 to | o'clock p. m. All are cordially Invited to at tend all service* of tha church and » visit the reading room. Mulberry Street Methodist Preaching 11 a. m. and TJO p. m by Rev. J. T. Ryder. Sunday school t.10. Col. N. E. Harris will lecture lo the Rlble elare. league service €10. Good music by male quartette. Champion Debate Poateoned. The Uaraca Claes of the First Bap tist Church are sorry to announce that the champion between them and the Ytnevtlle Ra .'*«* Baric* Class which was to have been hell at the YtuevMe P. pilot Chvoh on night. Decembe.* Ilk has been ln-1-fi- nitely postponed. The reason R>r this wax that one of the young men who was to present th* V Inert lie Baptist Church, has bean sick, and has not been abl* to get prepared for th* date named abov Baraca and Phllathea classes extend a special Invitation to all old mem bers and the public In general to be R rcssnt Sunday morning. B. Y. P. U. i charge of Rev. John F. Cargile, will meet at 3 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m. by the pas tor. At the morning service the paa- tor will speak on "Growth In Grace,'*, and at the evening service on "The Conditions of obtaining Pardoning Grace." The song service for the evening worship will begin at 7:19 p. m. The public Invited. Christian Church. Corner Orange and High. Sunday school 9:10 a. m. W. H. Roper, mi perlntcndent. At 11 o'clock the Worn •n'a Missionary Society will hoW lt» annual service, led by Mrs. Drwxel ton, the president. Special music will be rendered by a quartette. Echoed from the recent atate convention will be heard and the pastor will deliver a short sermon on "Woman and the Gospel." The service will be Inspir ing and helpful. "The Why of Faith' will be the theme for the aermon at 7:30 p. m. Primitlva Baptist. Regular preaching services by the pastor at the Primitive Baptist Church on Napier Helghta, on the corner of Beach and Second avenue, near Belle vue car line, Sunday, It a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The public is Invltqd to attend. Song services thirty minutes before preaching hour. Tattnall 8quara Presbyterian. Service* at Tattnall Square Presby terian Church Sunday morning and night will be conducted by Dr. T. M Hunter, of Baton Rouge, Ia. Dr Hunter ha* been called to the pas Inrate of this ohurch and each mem bar I* urged to be present and ex tend him a hearty welcome. St. Paul’* Church. College and Foraylh streets. Ser vice* for 8econd Sunday In Advent: 9:41. Sunday school; 11:00, Morning NINE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE WERE DULY ELEGTEU YESTERDAY First Baptist Church. R. C. Dargan. paator. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning worship with celebration of the Lord's supper and a brief address by the pastor, at 11 a. nV Evening worship at 7:30 p. m.. Eaat Macon Preabytarlan Church. Sabbath school at 9:43 a. m.: preaching a. m. and 7 p. ni. by th* pastor; young . !>opls's society at l:1» p. m. Good mu sic, seats free and a hearty welcome for South Maeon Preabytarlan Mission. Sabbath school 3 p. m. A short address by R»v. l\ r. Cobia In connection with Sunday school, and no preaching. Prayer Rev. O. T. Bourne, In charge. Irlaevea. all meet promptly preaching by the paator. A: C, It o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock n. Jecte: "The Lord Hath Need of la a. m. lllm" and “ Every- Th* Real Story of th* Russian Empress. Kellogg Durlsnd. who has spent many months In Russia, is writing for Woman’s B orne Companion th* Ilf* story of the usalon empress. In th* December num ber jof that magasln* he writes: hen a certain County Tolstoy waa ter of public Instruction he onre toi the empress to aid him in extending the educational advantage* of the empire to the girls and young women of the country, tl have Count Tolstoy's ■npermlsslon to relate this Incident l The Tsarltta listened to the minister attentively aa he aet forth th# needs ef Russia In this direction, and when “ had concluded, she replied that thought all young girls should be Ui to sew. to care for their home*. abort to become helpful wive* and t mother*, but as for granting them the Privilege* of so-called •higher education* knowledge of history, philosophy and the •clencee—to this she was entirely onwa rd. ■because these studies, when offered *io women, only resulted In such terrlbk !"}«** Russia U now rasing^through? •’This, surely, la a remarkable trlbuU t« the women of Ruasla~the Taartf Election Psised Off Quietly and Without a Hitch—Judge Poo Wins In the Upper City by One Vote—Judge Stoke* Evi dently Forgot to Com? In. The election yesterday for Justice* of the peace for the nine militia districts of the epunty passed off quietly, but was not without Interest, and possibly some surprises. In the upper city district. Judge Stoker, who was expected to come up th© river.In the house-bout he has been mak ing his home for soma tlnr.o. and offer himself for re-election, but thero was no sign of th* boat nt the landing. Pos sibly he was so absorbed In catching fish und reading his beloved Shakespearo that he forgot all about it. Tt was then a mce between two dark hOrses. and therefor© unique. At the last minute Mr. W. A. P«>e concluded to become a candidate, but be was timid about it heesus* of the rumors of n dark horse, and he could find no one who could tell him who the horse waa. It developed yesterday morning, however, that he waa Mr. John D. Scott, and then the race waa on. A* the finish at € o'clock It was found that Mr. Poo had received 76 votes nnd Mr. Scott 75. The pleasure of cast ing the last vote, and which was for Mr. Poe, was that of Mr. D. H. Venn, who walked up Just In the nick of time ‘lower city district there was three-cornered race between Messrs. A. P, Jones, Richard F. McOowen and J. R. Hurnett. All had their friends, but Mr. MrCnjtren won out by a handsome ma jority, the vote standing: McCowen, 70; Jones' 41, and Burnett, 20. In the East Macon district, aa waa freely predicted. Mr. Hugh McKervey received every vote cast. 119. Imme diately on the manager* declaring the re sult. true to his promise. Judge McKer vey doffed the robes of ofTIre ns mayor of East Macon and fitted them on Col. Wm. Wasner, and with all the dignity of a new Justice of the peace, proclaimed that henceforth and forever Col. Wm. Wasner was the mayor of East Macon and must be respected aa such, or dls- SHIPPING NEWS aa fast t warrants would Issue from his court he could issue them. The people of Eaat Macon are almost unnnl- Col. Wasner has been an accident or cost the company u rentl beyond hie monthly pay. They think If I he can run an certainly b- can | hey CHARLESTON. S. C.. Dec. fi.*—Ar rived steamer Highland Monarch, (Br.) Woods. Bremen; schooner Frank B. Wltherbec, Watts. Norfolk; United States gasoline launch, No. 663. Nor folk; United States steamer Cypress, Johnson, New York and proceeded for Jacksonville. Sailed schooners Harry Prescott, Petrankh, Boston; Lejolc, Smith, New York; Fannie Prescott, Col. Beth' New York. SAVANNAH. Gal, Dec. 6.—Arrived steamer Leoppollnda. (Aust) Bento, Buenos Ayres, Chattahoochee, How- U-tt, Boston. Sailed steamer* City of Columbus, Burg, New York; Chatham, Hudgins, Baltimore; Berkshire, Freeman V., Philadelphia. BREMEN. Doc. 4.—Arrived steamer Royal Sceptre, Savannah, via Nor folk. BANDERS, Dec. 2.—Arrived steam er Rod Jacket, Charleston and New port News, via Shields. JACKSONVILLE, Flo., Doc, 5.—Ar rived steamer Iroquois, Ingram, New York; schooner Berga L. Wells, New York; James B. Drake, Sawyer, Bal timore. Sailed steamer Shawmut. Hanson. Philadelphia; Arapahoe, Chichester, Now York; schooners Iona Tunnel!. Davis, Brunswick; Mary Bradford Pierce, Lane. Fernandlna; Jackson ville. Harrison. New York; Clifford N. Carver, Olsen, New York. FOR WEDDING AND ANNIVERSARY GIFTS, : I FOR DECORATING THE HOME, FOR SOMETHING OF PERMANENT VALUE, Sterling Silver, Rioli Cut Glass and Fine China Have Always Been and Always Will be the Recognized Standard. « , • THE PLACE TO GET IT IS ' ' .* L. 0. STEVENS JEWELRY STORE 366 Second Street. A New Roof Over Old Shingles i “■ t annual W . acid, smoke, heat. cold. • should get our , ifine-we 11 give ...e today.for free the Bessons Why. for keeps. ••Vulcanite" Is the standard of two Continents! with 60 yeara of service to prove its superiority. No tar or paper in ita makeup. Best thing money can buy for old or new roofs. Cheaper than ehf painting to keep itin repaint-, ... wet or ary. Before you build or repair prices and f res samples. You wanttheb you several tests to prove which is best, booklet, "The Right Booting and r PATENT VULCANITE ROOFING CO., Dept. 43,626-29 8. Campbell Ave., Chicago, III. or Franklin, Warren Co*. Ohio. THE RQ0F THAT LASTS L0NG,ESWh55 IML THE MALLARY MIL ,L SUPPLY COMPANY C. F. STROBERG (Schntzman’s Old Stand.) BLACKSMITH AND RUBBER TIRE WORK SPECIALTY All Kinds of Building and ^Repairing of Carriages and Wagons. K«.t Macon, nml Bremen. fir the Godfrey district there were five In the field, but Mr. Jim Davidson wo© In a canter, beating the highest men 1R rotes. HI* opponents were Messrs. King. Josey. Hunter and Ellison. ■ There were only ten votes cast in the foward. Of these Judge Onsley received x end Me opponent, Mr. If. A. Moore, ‘reived four. There was no opposition In the other districts, unteas In Wsrrlor. snd no re port has yet been received. 244-246 E. Main Street. CHATTANOOGA, TCNN. 8 1**M Ctt-on -*0»y 8«ro*t JACKSONVILLE FLA. . Branches also at New Orleans, L* . Memphis, Tenn- . . J—”Tt . Buffalo, N. Y. S.nd ardor to nearest store, ] £?**?,* ®* lyp ** 1 * lte\ W. M. Amtell, paator. Sun- day school at 9:19 a- ra. Claaaea aa. i settable lx (worn* at 10 t a. The BARNESVILLEX 0$L, Dec. 5.—The Woodmen of the World, an brganlza- tion having a large membership here, held an annual election last .tight, which resulted % as follows: Past council commander, M. B. Fitts; coun cil commander, J. R. Sims: Pierce Owen, clerk; advisory lieutenant, L. C. Tyus; banker. John M. 81ma; escort, George Moore; watchman. Jtm Buih; sentry, Tom Moore; board manager*. John Bush and Holly Hotmea; M. B. Fitta, delegate to the national conven tion, which la to be held in Atlanta next MAtvh. The election waa follow, ed by a smoker, which proved quite an enjoyable affair. Justice of Peace Election. BARNESVILLE, Go.. Deo. B.—The election for justice of the peace and conetable* waa hold here today and only n small vote was polled, there being but one set of candidates. Capt. E. J. Murphey was elected Justice and J. N. Jordan and W. J. Sikes .con stables. Capt. Murphey haa held th* office of justice for some years, tiuns- acts considerable business and makes quite an acceptable officer. Prof. Childs Resigns. BARNESVILLE. Ga.. Dec. 5.—Prof. E. W. Childs, president of the sixth district agricultural school, has ten dered his resignation to the board of trust©** to take effect at the close of the present term. It la likely that Prof. M. R. Dennis, who has been The Reilv Taylor Co., importers and packers ":‘ u >. the •‘•wa tor • om « «<«*. of famous LUZIANNE COFFEE, announce sldered as a new man. for he hs* held the position for msnv yes re. retiring only heron*© of III heslth. He will carry to n .h* Office y©ar* of experience. Judge MrCowen la also a man of expe ‘fence, having been connected with the .naaiatrates of th* city for a number o* years, and goes Into the new position fully ©quipped H© has lots of frtepds In the city and In the county who will he pleased to learn of hi* election. Judge MeKervev. as everybody knows, ha* had no least training, hut he Is a Just man and will dispense the real Irish Just lee, which knows no class and plays "iiSrearen U best known of ap. Ha haa had no special experience, but his friends *ay he has lota of s*n«*. and Injnany cases this Is more desirable than Ordinary Wfler will send th* result* ? th© elections to the governor, end bv the first of January all will receive their cerotPtaslons and be ready to open their offlee*. holding them responsible for the greet movement toward liberty aa a result of their education and culture." i have two little twin sisters at your yon have two little house this morning. Johnnr—Tee, ma’am; and we*ve got nam©e for ’em. too. Fehool Teacher—Why. how nice? l i-,— euppbee one of them Is to be named after trtbujf youmamma ^ but what Is the going to Johrnv-No: they ain’t got girl names. Pa called them "Thunder and Lightning” aa soon aa he heard about them.—Judge. PRIZE AWARD “VOTAN” As the most acceptable name for a brand of Coffee, suggestive in answer to their recent prise offer. VATON is the hero-god associated with the Central American region where the finest Coffee in the world is grown. nine with the aprtn* term In January. Prof. Child* Is one of the leading educator* «>f tne atate. He was f.»r years school commissioner of Randolph county and Is at present a member of of the sub-committee for the se lection of text hooka for the state. He haa done a good work at the agri cultural school here and there Is a sentiment among hla friends to in to secure n reconsideration from him. The trustee* will have a meeting soon to consider other matters of Interest to th* school when the matter will probably come before them. HOW IS THIS? A' five-room house just off Second street, only $1,500.00 Pay $600.00 cash and carry the balnnce. * . Immediate possessioa Frank B. West Real Estate and Insurance 417 CHERRY ST. For Sale A neat five-room cottage on about an acre of ground fronting car Una, near Log Cabin Club an axtremely deslr able place and with plenty of room for another house without crowding. Price $2,500. This Is cheap consid ering location and improvements. Can make reasonable terms if wanted. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. 565 Mulberry Street. WANTED •««>*»• For cash two medium priced residences Lee in. FOR SALE ■ One splendidly Improved plantation near Macon; very bam condition; would mono grand country heat. Farma la various localities. lumber lands, vacant JONES REAL ESTATE AGENCY •70 MULBERRY ETRECT. Whiskey EXPRESS PREPAID te say office of the Southern Express Company oo I gallon or more b jog or 4 quart* or aiore b bottle*. NEW CORN WHISKEY 1 Gal. 2 Gal. 4 Qt*. b la jug liju klflti C1.U ,1 Sprinf W.ter $2.75 JS.00 J3.00 OLD CORN WHISKEY SmMtli ud Mellow • 3.00 S.50 3.25 NEW RYE 3.25 6.00 3.45 OLD RYE(ren Ihi) 4.00 7.50 4.56 Appl.Bru4r. »w- 3.25 6.00 3.45 Applt BruJr. .14 - 4.00 7.50 4.25 RmeidKryo«stl.W4ut'!rptn.LftWfl, 100 preef.juitMrectffl,(ram hediridjar, Rdcmcat Fi.. Bwk of uy b.4. •WKIXEL, J.H. WOOLLEY, SALISBURY^. C. For Sale We have a beautiful vacant lot for sale on Napier Heights, near car line, in fine residenco section. Size 50x150. A great bargain. Let ns show it to you. Price $350.00. Jordan Realty Co. Real Estate, Insurance > ' j< and Loans Phone 113? 4th National Bank Building,