Newspaper Page Text
-»■■■ --»■
" ' • J ". *
The Macon Telegraph
PuBHalud Iwf, Morning by
|M Mulberry bu««t, Mrcon, Oa.
0. R. Pendleton, President.
DIreeter*—C. R. Rendition, W. T. An-
der.on, P. H. Oambeell, Macon j A. 8
Pendleton, Valdoete. Ga.; Louis Pendle-
tan. Bryn Athyn, Pa.
Tha Tolograph can be found on aala at
(ho following placas In Atlanta: Tha
Piedmont Hotel, tha Kimball Houea, the
Oregon Hotel, tha Terminal Matron and
By the World News Company.
Linotype For Sale.
Modal Mo. 1. two yetm old. two-let-
tor Ifergontbalvr Linotype machine: in
good order: 18.866, Macon. Ad*
dresa Tba Telegraph. Macon. Oa.
After haring temporarily aban
doned tha Democratic party In order
to help elect T*ft after having taught
that Southern solidarity was ma|«
no longer a necessity toy the smooth
promisee of the dtellngulahad Repub
lican candidate, the Baltimore Hun la
quite taken aback and seams a good
deal disturbed over tho reappointment
of Dr. Crum, the negro collector of
customs at Charleston.
"W# behave," a*ye the Bun. "Mr.
Taft spoke with entire sincerity and
expressed hta honest convictions
whan. In tnrUlag Southern support
of hla candidacy, he asserted that the
South had nothing, to fear from tha
supremacy of the Republican party In
national affairs. But surely he must
realise that the appointment of a ne
gro to perhaps the moat Important
Federal office In Charleston will not
strengthen tho Republican party In
the South and secure for It the con
fidence of those elements which will
add weight and dignity to hla party
In tha South. If President Rooaevelt
la In aocord with Mr. Taft as to the
desirability of breaking the ‘Solid
South.' he aheuld not handicap the
Taft administration by the reap
pointment of Crum and other no-
groeg to Important positions under
tha Government In the Southern
States. It la stated that Mr. Roose
velt will continue Crum In office at
the request of Booker Washington.
The Utter Is not a resident of South
Carolina, and there la no prattcal rea
son, political or of any other nature,
why hta recommendations regarding
the distribution of Federal patronage
In a State of whleh he Is not a real-
dent should be accepted ae final and
oonctuatv* If appointments to office
In the South are to toe made la ac
cordance principally with the sugges
tions and wishes of Rooker Washing
ton. the South win remain politically
solid. For while many Southern
men may approve In the mein the
policies of the Republican party In
national affairs, the Issue of over
shadowing Importance will nontlnue
to toe the rare question as long as the
nsgro la kept to the front In official
positions and In party organisations
la the South.**
The Sun hopes that Mr. Taft will
now f peak up In an encouraging man-
nsr aa to what hie own policy will toe
after the fourth of nest March. In or
der to "allay apprehension** In the
South, but we may remind our Balti
more contemporary that the nest elec
tion Is four* years off and that there
le not now the eemo need of eUaylng
apprehension that there was in Hep-
Umber and October.
their ballots for law and order and
clean municipal government ae
typified in the candidacy of Rob
ert F. Maddox. *
"Some of the leaders among
them personally took he'd of the
What is Dondr»ary|irm? Wha't the
secret of tfs ctunn?, Is it Its fresh
ness? Its originality? Its violation of
th< conventionalities? Is It the stress
ing of the obvious or of the unex-
poctc-4. which equally divide the silly
lord's serious attention? Wind up a
thinking machine, give It a tonfue
looss at both ends and warranted to
express Indiscriminately every Idea
that passes throuxuh ths machine’s
head. This seems to he the chief nov.
city of the conception and a novel one
It is—and should he one that might
be elaborated with great effect. Think
of such a machine turned loose In a
drawing morn filled with thin-skinned
society folks! Think of the conster
nation that would ensue If Instead of
the polite platltt^des this machine
should hlurt out what rach one was i
thinking of th** others and of things
generally. Including his own sensation*
ot mbtlcvtr notura. Thr would vot«
* rn ,n * •“W m ' ,mrn ' branura * voto for him
delivered of a mo.t o* ( ln.l ld.a nnd;^ s „ |ow ,, , he prlmHry
"The better *!erboot among the J New York la stirred up over the
St «“>“'** " h '' h 1»« h».n paid
race In W#dne*day* election by- Jt*> Richard Croker, formerly chief of
going to the polls end casting Tammany, by tha district attorney
and judges of New York at a public
dinner. Croker Is on « visit to his
mattsr and urged their friends to.
perform that civic duty—In many
Instances saw that they did it
The particular value of It lies In
the fact that It was wholly a
gratuitous sendee, for which
they neither sought nor received
other reward than the conscious
ness of a duty to their community
well performed. .
“Th*-y chose voluntarily to
align themselves with law and
order for the general good of
the community.
*'Th»*ir action will strengthen
them In the public esteem.”—At
lanta f’onstltution.
But the negroes did not take the
Constitution’s view of It. The Inde
pendent. the negro paper, declared
he must have been filled with good
nature and the milk of huuman kind
ness to have restrained hlf machlno
to comparatively harmless topics.
With ths malice of a Bernard Shaw
he might hive set the world By the
The Independent even said ths ne
groes would be justifiable In accept
ing money when the object was to
destroy the "white primary system"
and force general elections where ne-
lonr-r at th. furor* ^ h>v,! a * howln «- Th '’
Dundrrary crratr/1 »mnn K an -arll.r ' ,mor ,he r,,tt ” r of ,hB
..notation, W* ran only wond.r thru i Cnn " mu " on wtn ,or ,he “ m ®
in an •«. an hungry for aomnthln* out j' 51 ' 1 *''- b ' , ‘ ,or m ' ror ' n< maiona.
of tha rut. of monotony aa our own j rhe >‘*^ r ln *«>«»—»««-
that thn play hftd ' hot boon revived |
sooner. The Dundreary air. the Dun-1
dreary stare, the Dundreary sneese j
"The combination of money,
corporation, white Republicans.
and tho press was too
(always Interrupte), the Dundreary
lisp, ths Dundreary skip must have all j
been dear to a generation whose priv. j
liege It was to be amused by a ere-!
atlon so refreshing and frank. The •
thought occurs, however, that In no
other way could Dundreary have been
created than by the gradual process!
and method of "trying It on" by j
actual experiment that Sothcrn pur- !
sued. Any author who had aat down j
and penned one-t**nth of tho Dunrtrea* J
rylsms In cold blood would have been ■
laughed Into obscurity before his
production could have seen the light j
of day.
formidable for Undo Jim and he
went down under an avalanche of
votes unprecedented In the his
tory of the city. But the old
man made a gallant fight and
5.000 loyal friendn stood by him
because of his sterling honesty.
The negroes voted almost solidly
for Mr. Maddox, largely because
they believed his election marked
the disintegration of the white
primary system. Mr. Maddox’s
election Is the first time th»i
white primary nominee has ever
been repudiated In the State. Both
the whlto Republicans and the
negroes were delighted at the op
portunity to contribute to Its re
buke. The Independent did what
It could to help Mr. Maddox
from Its own standpoint. The col
ored voters largely took the cue
and voted for Maddox for the rea
sons outlined In our columns.
old horns from Ireland, where he Is
now living on bis lll-gottsn wealth.
Tho following Is extracted from Crok-
el's testimony before the Maset com
Q. So we have It then, that you. •
participating ln the selection of
judges before election, participate
In the emolument that comes
away down at Jhe end of their
judicial proceeding, namely. In Ju
dicial aales? A. Yes. -sir.
Q. And It goea Into your pocket?
A. I get—that Is. a part of my
Q. And the nomination of a
Judge on the Tammany Hall ticket
In this city Is almost equivalent
to an election. Is it not? A. Yes,
a o>n-
Q. So that. If ,
trolling voice In the affairs of
your party, and secure the nomi
nation of true men. you may be
•ure that at least In the real es
tate exchange and in the firm of
Meyer A Croker. you will, as a
true Democrat, get some of ffiat
patronage? A. We at least’ ex
pect he will be friendly to us.
Q. And you get some of the pa
tronage? A. We hope so.
Q. Then you art- working for
your own pocket, are you not? A.
AH the time.
Here Is a man who achieved "re
sults" and is eiftltled to popular ad
miration. according to the Rome Tri
bune-Herald*!* code ot political ethics,
but ws may well ask ourr.slvss
whither we arc drifting when «uch
examples of success are held up to
the youth of the land as wortny of
Uglier Than Joe.
Madison Advertiser.
Governor Joseph M. Brown, when.toe
arrived in Madison on last Saturday,
was delighted to see Dr. Broughton
also in town. "1 need not be aabamed
now ot my bad looks," said the wily
governor, "for I know there la a man
In Madison uglier than I am."
The Largest Hell-Box.
Sandertvllie Herald.
Boms of our readers may not know
that badly mixed, worn out and use
less type about a printing office le
thrown Into a box called a hell-box.
Since the Are we have the largest hell-
box of any printing establishment in
this section.
Did You Ever?
Commerce News.
In an editorial last Sunday, ths At
lanta Journal virtually aaked the ne
groes to vote for Maddox. Did you
ever. We thought the Journal wanted
all negroes eliminated from the ballot
Will Fly to Glory.
Dalton Cltlxen.
The Macon Telegraph, observing that
Atlanta has been “redeemed.** »ay» that
as soon as she can adjust her wings
she will fly off to glory'-
deed wul sell between the legal hours of
aahTontfao 7th day of December. 190J.
before the court house doer of Bibb
county, to the highest and best bidder for
cash the real estate herein descrlbe^ood
will make to the purchaser te- iin.pi*
titles to the same as Is authorised in
^fhhWh day at November 1901.
H. KALI. JR-. Attonmy.
GEORGIA. Bibb County.—Mrm. H.nrlettA
Bibb Cowl
Waterman, guardian ... ———
_ - n ts to ’this court that
Herman, represents to -this court that
i has fully discharged ths duties of her
d tnisL end has filed her application
letters, of dismission, this is therefore
to notify all
application w/lT'be heard on the first
Monday In December, 190*
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Bibb County.—To the Supe
rior Court of said County:
The petition of N. J. Ethridge. C. C.
Poor, both of said etato and county, and
»r, both — —~-
_ H. Waterman, of Duval county, state
of Florl&L respectfully shows:
First. That they desire for themselves,
their associates and successor*. to be in
corporated and made a body politic under
the name and style of Ethridge. Four &
Company for the period of twenty years.
Second. The principal office of said
corporation shall be in the city of Macon,
in said state and county, but petitioners
desire the right to carry on business as
GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY: ^ t **•« ,-,.a w v..,
To the Superior Court of said County:, such corporation at any other place with-
1. The petition of Jesse B. Hart. J. In the said state, or elsewhere, whenever
Freeman Hart and H.
Bibb county, Georgia, shows that they
desire for themselves, their associates,
successors and assigns, to be Incorpor
ated under the name and style of CEN-
the holders of a majority of tbs stock
so drttrmine.
Third. Ths object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to itself and stock
Fourth. The business to be carried on
by said corporation Is that of managing
2. The capital stock of said corpora , — ~_ v v
shall be Twenty-five Thousand (128.000) and conducting a general hotel business
Dollars, divided Into two hundred and In all the branches thereof, whether for
fifty (250) shares of the par value of: itself or as agent for others, and to deal
One Hundred (1100) Dollars each. ! In hotel supplies of every kind
3. All of said capital stock has been ture.
paid In.
4. Tho principal offlco and place of
business of said company shall be In
the city of Macon. Georgia, with the
privilege of establishing branch offices
at such other nlaces as tne compapy may
6. The object of said corporation
pecuniary tain for the _ stockholders.'
**"*-- parf ‘
. frtleular business that they
deaire to carry on Is aa follows:
To manufacture, sail and generally deal of $100,000 by
In all things made from clay, earth or
President Roosevelt’s order placing minerals, and especially to manufacturs.
or generally deal In brick, terra cot-
every fourth-class postofflce east ot l ^ tiling, roofing, lime, plaster, cement.
------ - * " bu’"’ *--*-* *
age business and to buy and sell, and
have and to hold, hotel ■
of every
property —
nature and to do a general real
estate business, should it desire so to do.
estate business, snouid it aesir<_ __
and to buy and sell notes or other evi
dences of indebtedness.
Fifth. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be 124.000. with the priv
ilege of Increasing the same to the sum
of 8100.000 by a majority vote' of the
stockholders, said stock to be divided
into shares of one hurfdred (1100.C
*«Marf each. The entire amount of «
Ital stock has been actually paid In,
This statement seems to be all suf-
i flclent.
j Rut if the negroes voted solely for
i"Iaw and order and for general good
government of the city,” then those
'who voted differently voted for dis
order, lawlessness and bad gov
Tha New York Evening Post say«
. Mr. Gompers la beginning to find
out one reason why he could not
deliver the labor vote. BomcKody
else was delivering the offices.
President Roosevelt’s appointment
of a third labor leader, whom he
was able to detach from uom^nra*
(a mad»* public this morning. It Is
the editor of the Labor World of
Pittsburg, whom the President Is
to name as appraiser of the port.
The local Congressmen were not
consulted, nnd neither were tho
Pennsylvania Senators, so that
thore is muttering In Washington
over this IrregulArlty. That £ay
be left to Itself; the chief Import
of the matter Is In the light It
throws upon Mr Roosevelt’s
methods and upon the nature of
labor leaders. To them Oompcrs
made hla appeal on the funda
mental principle* of their class
nnd their organisation; but Mr.
Roosevelt had only to dangle a
fat office before them, nr.d their
onnvlctlons about the Iniquities
of Injunctions were Instantly
changed. The moral | a that. In
the lahor world, the east wind
< nnnnt compete with good official
nalarlea , _
These remarks have a broader ap-; Woodward voters,
plication even than the Tost gives!
them. They «o fur tn expliUn why! MUSIC HATH CHARMS,
honest principles of government and
purity In politics cannot command the
majority In an election for Presi
dent. There are
fat pensions, fat privilege* and- fat
graft «enerally dangled before other
people beside labor leaders In a na-
tlonal election year that the people's
"convictions about the Iniquities'* of
Republican government appear to be
"Instantly changed.**
the Mississippi and north of the Ohio .’arid al] "building materials made In whole
^ a*. i „ . , , _ , .. i or In part from clay or other mlnarala.
under the clvll-aervlce rulea Is highly i To buy or sell, for cash, credit or on
commendable u Another .tep toward :S‘p?mJn»1: «*r U ,nS , tot«°iLr8w™m. end
the removal of Federal olflclAldom V?e,STe„"rV“^ y they, their r r m,“<m" he.lne... tneludtn, the
from the realm of politics and ns ad- associates, successors and assigns may bo j right to buy, hold, and sell real estate
nf _ Incorporated for the full term of twenty and personal property suitable to the
\anclng the cause of a free ballot. ypar8 wlth thp privilege of renewal at i purposes of the corporation, and to exe-
IIlit the President would have been a th e end of said term, and with the prlvl- j cute notes and bonds as evidence of In-
leges and powers usual or Incident to, debtedness incurred, or which may be
more consistent civil-service reformer corporations In general, and In addition incurred. In the conduct of the affairs
thereto the following powers and prlvl- of the corporation and to secure tho
by mortgage, security deed, ***
__ .... hurftlred ($100.0*>
each. The entire amount of said
ipltal stock has been actually paid In.
Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to
sue and be sued, to plead and be 1m-
8 leaded, to have and use a common seal,
j make all necessary by-law* and regu
lations. and to do all other things that
may be necessary for the successful ear-
thelr rylng on "* “ *- * “ *““*'
right to
Office Phono 239. Residence Phono M19.
Offices—Ellis Bldg.
Cherry St and Cottou Ave.
Office: Room, 22 >nd 2X Fourth N«-
Offlcs Phone 71.
Civil Engineer.
Room fS.1t,
Water supply, water power, eewe-
*— —*——slRNtwa Re-
ons. estimates
... and municipal , _ _
ports, plans, speclflcstions, estimates,
and superintendance. Office Phone 1142.
Residence phor.e 32S8.
oems 703-4-5-s American national
Bank Bldg. Phone 962; Residence
phone 2747.
Architect ’
Offlcs Phono 451.
Grand Bldg.
Residence <41.
Macon. Ga.
General Co
Residence phone 695.
General Contractor and Builder.
Eye, Ear, Nose i
Doctors* Floor, America]
Bldg. Office Phone. 2742; residence. 1848.
If ho had Issued this order before he
•ed heaven and earth to elect tho
Republican ticket In 1904 and 1908.
"It is not of much importance to
the country whether I preside over
the House or have a seat on ths
floor," says Joseph O. Cannon. Pos
sibly not, but the country would en-
] Joy the change which, with all his af-
! feetefl indifference. Mr. Cannon haa snnd*
ino fear will be.accorded It.
M. To erect, maintain, operate and <
-_cn manufactories and workshops.
together with suitable plant or plants and
machinery as may be necessary or con
venient for carrying on the business of
the company.
9. To borrow money, to Issu* bonds
or other negotiable securities, to secure
the same by mortgage, pledge, trust deed
or anv otherwise and to provide for
the payment thereof.
10. From time to time, upon a ma
jority vote of the stockholders to Increase
the capital stock to an amount not ex
erting Two Hundred and Fifty Thou-
250.000) Dollars, and likewise to
form of Hen. under existing laws.
Seventh. They desire for said corpora
tion the power end authority to apply for
and accept amendments to it" * “*
either form
and accept amendments to Its charter of
' her form or substance by a vote of a
ijorlty of Its stock outstanding at the
time. They alao ask authority for said
Incorporation to wind up Its affairs, liqui
date and discontinue Its business at any
time It may determine to do so by a
vote of t *
In* at th
. Eighth.
If two-third*’ of it* stock outstand-
at th* time.
. .Jghth. They deaire for the said cor
poration the right of renewal when and
as provided by the laws of Georgia, and
. . . that it have all other rights, powers,
reduce the capital stock by purchase of, privileges and Immunities as are incident
itn own stock, the corporation to have, to like corporations or permissible undci
ike »ucn purchases; and i the laws or Georgia.
. ote of the stockholders! Wherefore, petitioners pray to be In-
cancel or retire such purchased stock; corporated under th® name and *tyle
, . *'A woman has no right to. . .
mm!. According to the f’onstltu- j un tn „ho | ia# had children,” says Mrs. for to hold tlie 'same fn the treasury of iforesVld'wIth the powers, privlirges and
'lion’s argument, then, tho Maddox ne- « n ,, rr . nil nfN>r the company ns treasury stock nnd to; immunities herein set forth, and as are
i Amelia E. Barr. And arter she 'iM. rf .!ssue the snme from time to time, pro-1 now. or may hereafter be. allowed a
had children the right sort of woma^ vlded^ thc^tomi ^eajHaJ^amek »h*»_not corporation ofjrimllar character under
groes were superior In virtue. Intel-
llgrnco nnd lovo of good government
t . the whites who supported Wood
Why. then, disfranchise the ne
groes? If nctuated by nothing but
"consciousness of duty,” without re
ward. and If they saw more clearly
the path of duty than the 5,000 whites
In Attnntf who voted for Woodward,
then the Constitution ahould apolo
gise to those negroes for the dl*-
right sort -
will no longer have any doubts i
erd Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand
*T have tried to be a gentleman and
, u. to isfue prererrea stocn ana io
dispose of the same upon any terms ad-
Ivsntageous to the company providing for
[different dividends upon different classes
_ rerst
»f stock: The rights of holdere ..
failed.” wan the explanation left by a ferred stock to be set forth by the by-
fntnchiiyment act .ml «,k to r.pral, of n ;„ rc|a „ wlth yo „ any ad
It, for tho Constitution declares
Jackson. Miss., turnkey for commit-I 12.’To subscribe for. purchase, sell or
.in, ,ul,.d,. I. U won Ui. p.n.l.y *X' r r *
does not apply universally. The worl 0 unsecured, of any corporation or eor-
1 Derations now or hereafter organised un-
der the laws of any state of the United
States or of any foreign country, and to
T l. *41.-*. n«tt i ho,< * thp w,!h aU ,h * <'*
Tne Atlanta boil ownership therein as Is permitted to nat-
To the Editor of The Telegraph: The urnl persons.
13. To sell, to lease, to rent out or to
otherwise dispose of any of its property
might be too much depopulated.
:them to bo superiof citizens to the
Tn an Interview In St. Louis the
other day Mr. Walter Damrosch.
leader of the famous symphony or-
! c l ,r " lrn that bears his nnme, mads
an Interesting suggestion as to a
meant of promoting harmony In tho
(home. In part hs Is thus quotsd:
1 There would be fewer divorces
In American families If there
were mors high-grade music In
I Amcrlcnn homes. Rut there Is
I little family music or art of any
kind, and It Is small wonder that
elements of discord enter when
there Is so little cultivation of
| the finer things of life.
There Is nothing commercial In this
pronouncement of a professional mu-
lora. You nolle ■ fiSSS *
tem. d ou notlco In one of the Atlan- circumstances to sell, to mortgage, to let
ba papers that tho negroes took ad-'or to hire Hs franchises or other prop-
vantage and voted with the blinded I erty for the purpose of raising money,
newspapers of that city. We outside 14. No shareholder shall be liable to
Tjdv n0 . , , M l. b , U c„nrad!5*.h»„*, 8 .?,*
* nd .„ tn Iw b k; f' pl nty .J? course ] on h| , „ tock s U b* cr tptlon. nor then If
during tho late ovor-rldlng of the reg- he has raid debts of th# corporation equal
ulnr nominee. This same sin will over- 1 to his unpaid stock subscription,
take nnd react upon them. L ». The corporation shall at aU times
But If they alone could be made t° ! v ,?, Hr*,l"j?" 1 tl ?^"nn
would be well enough, but dividends declared thereon, for any and
they have Invented a machine that will a | t mdebtedneaa of every kind of such
retard the state’s progress nnd put, stockholders to ,th* corporation,
her back ten years. Their conduct 1«- 'And no transfer shall be made of
ter^amf*/! J nreccdura^thahrv "£n ' ^ 1®S? M fte“tSSItholdre SK
A * . thn , t 4 *!>« y can appears by the company's books to be
hardly out live, I don t think you the owner thereof shall be Indebted to
have taken sides In this Atlanta may- the corporation.
oralty, but you advocate adherence to ; 17. Etthc-r the hoard of directors or the
white primary nominations end for this
stnn.i miinritv nf »h* whii« non. * uc .n miss snfl regulations permis-
Now th* good name of Georgia Is
disgraced by the story of the Miller
county night riders who are charged
with whipping nnd otherwise msl-
I ratlin, th. numbtn of > n.cro f»m. Mr- nnmrorah m.raly r.
Ily. To make th, cm. more flagrant,; P-nt* * n It 1 , n W »F whnt po,t, hn4
of th. IwuJrra of ih. night rUlrra. wl ** ra,n »>»»• 10 "* »■"« »•
W*hen Rignor Fsrrero, the Italian
historian, prnlged Theodore Roosevelt | M charged ln th# warrant of arrest. i t0 uplifting, Inspiring
th, Augutu, Cum of hi, lira. „ s, pu , y •h.rllt nf Hiller eounty. I ot mu * ,c -
who,, offlco It t, to prae.nre th, prat* | Rhtkraprara raferrM to th, -dl*.
■na uphold th, t«w. of th. But,. Th«i cour "- of “<■'«>»'« mutlc,” dracriho-
new, report statra th«l th. ■ceu.rt* " ** "">• «* ,0T « " romp.ra.t th,
m.n «ra In hldln, tntl thirat. | *"«"<' of It to th,t ot rtorara- tonr>e.
he must have forgotten that under
Augustus Rom# ceased to be a re
public and became an empire with
the seeds of rapid decay In tta heart.
and that It la the fear of the com- {made that If they are arrested and
Ing of such • transition that has filled Imprisoned
American patriots with concern In the
presence of Mr. Roosevelt’* usurpa
tions and extra-Constllutlonal rulings.
Rut perhaps Rignor Ferrero did not
forget and was ths better pleased be-
Balter county, where
their crime la alleged to have been
committed, the wall# of the Jail will
not be etrong enough to hold them, the
suggestion being that their friends
from Miller county will storm th#
cause he knew all this. The point of Jail.
view of a European who Imbibed j If this crime was committed aa al*
autocracy and Imperialism with his! legtd. the sheriff of Miller county
mother’s milk Is of course widely dlf* j should exhaust the power of his couv
frrent from that of the old-fashhmed {ty and tho Governor of Georgia should
American nourished on the Ideals of j exhaust the power of the State. It
Thomas Jefferson. Ths praises show. ! necessary, to bring the accused men
ered on Mr. Roosevelt by monarchic j t i trial and punishment An example
Europe, while delighting the unthtnk-'made of the night riders would be
Ing. have but added to the untealnex* cheep at any cost. Society It not safe,
of real American* during the pest - the home t* net safe when each tn-
few years. j tolerable outrage# can be perpetrated
—-■ — - ■ ■■ -■ - ■■■ by a few reekless and lawless men.
by night” and said:
’The man that hath no music In him.
Nor Is not moved with concord of
sweet sounds
la lit for treason. . . , *
and "not to be trusted.” The past
ing nf Rvangeltne ifUs "like the ceas
ing of exquisite music.” says Long
fellow, end Wordsworth wrote of
music "born for Immortality” that
"would charm forever.” Milton eald
that "sweet compulsion doth In music
Ur," and the often-quoted Congreve
stand the nn fori tv of the whlto neo- m **e BUph ru,p * ■*»« regulations permta-
stanri ino mnjorlt) or tne white P#o „| W * by law as to th* transfer of atock
pie of Georgia, especially outside of ftn j (be creation and the enforcement of
Atlanta, are with you.
Griffin, Ga.
Coming Trouble.
Sparta Inhmeellte.
There seems to be a difference of
opinion between Governor Smith and
Treasurer Bark as to tho extent of the
deficit which will confront ths new
.dmmutratto.ot.Braw-;o f ORora f B, B ..c ? uNTV
the lien nf th* company for any !n<!»bt-
ednee* of stockholders to the company
ns said board of directors or stockholders
may deem proper.
it. Petitioners pray that they, their
associates, successors and assigns may
be incorporated under the name and
style aforesaid, for the above purposes
— —. - - - stmI Itrnnu-
nnd with the above powers
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
th* laws of Georgia.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
said county, do hereby certify that th#
foregoing Is a true and correct copy of
**-- application for oharter of Ethridge.
-_jeetlon for oharter of Etl _
Foor it Company as the same appears
file tn this office.
witness my offti
seal of said oourt,
beg. 1908.
lelal signature and the
this 2nd day of Decern-
Clerk Superior CourL Bibb County, Ga.
Washington Block.
Negotiated promptly on im
proved forma nnd city proper
ty on easy terms and at lowest
market rates.
If yon need money call on na
HOY/ARD M. SMiTH & 00,
663 Mulberry St, MACON. QA
During the last 16 years we have loan
ed $1500.000.00 on Real Estate for home
and foreign Investors. Safest and most
profitable Investment Those desiring *
borrow or having money to invest will
find It to their Interest to see us.
Commercial Bank Building.
Thomas B. West. Secretary and Attorney.
Leon S. Dure
Banking and Inveitments.
which one of them has the right view
of the matter, but Is of the opinion
that Bob Park’s figures are more near
ly correct then the governor's. r
seems to be certain that the appropria
tions of the last legislature for 1909
call for a decided Increese in expend!
turea both for education and for pen
sions. Thera can be no doubt also,
of a decrease in the revenues from the
passage of the prohibition lew and the
abolition of the convict lease. Posslb
1y the Increase from property taxes
may make up the deficiency, but that
seems to be only a hop* and a for
lorn one. It 1s said that the state Is
largely In arrears In the payment of
pensions and teachers, Already; and a
Urge Incresise ln the payment of these
two interests for 1969 was ordered by
the last legislature, without furnish
ing the means for meeting the Increase.
Tn addition to all this, the outlook
declared that “music hath charm* to j for flush times In money’matters lacks
soothe the savage breast to soften I a great deal of being bright. In gpite
of roey notes of tne Taft organs
Repudiating th* charge that the
IIT.OOO.OCO postofNc* deficit shows how
Borlaltem would fall in practice. «he
Ohicage Dally gootalUt urges that
there would havs been no deficit If
the ratlreeds had given the Govern
ment th* Mine ten of contract for
carrying the malls that the private!
express companies enjoy, but the Gov* j The Charleston Poet thinks Judge
•vtimeut** pestefnee ts "looked upon)Taft’s declaration of abstinence pre-
President Room veil’s latest nar
row escape was from being run down
by a fire wagon. Hie friends will
breathe frtfj when he ta eafe tn the
Jungles of Africa where the worst
that can befall him will bu for some
thing to bite him.
ae a fat cow to be milked" Exactly,
and under complete Socialism there
would be net only one but eevurul
hundred fat rows te bu milked, and
they would be milked unmercifully.
There’s the rub. Mr. ffocialtet
llmlnar) tu coming to "the prohibi
tion state of Guprgla" Is "wholly
unnecessary, with the North Augusta
dispensary tn spurn Han end the Ba-
vnunkh nsnr-barcnams wltktn easy
rocks, or bend the knotted oaks.”
Mr. Damrosch ts not merely ro
mancing when he eayn that the llttlu
love god would stay longer In the
home If he were nourished on the
elev*ating strains of good music as
well as upon discussions of the an
noyances of the day. "What.” asks
he, "I* there resting to the tired hus
band tn ths tedious recital of esti
mate* on the repletion of the family
larder? What cacr the weary wife
find of Interest ta the shop talk of
her husband** business?"
He might have added that the cul
tivation ef good music <vnd other
harm onto* la the horns gouM
conjugal recrimination and ths fam
ily quarrel even ts the harp of David
ameliorated the madness ef King
throughout the country, the Roosevelt
panic Is still, and promless
to be In the vigor of Its destructive
ness next yenr. Financially, the coun
try Is Just entering on one of the hard
est winters It has ever known.
The n«w legislature which will enter
the clodd. next June, will havd a
rough road to travel, and the near ex
ecutive will need all the wisdom at
tributed to him. If he should point the
way out of the trouble. It Is to be
hoped, for the good of the state and
for the happy usefulness of th* legis
lature Itself, that there will be a min-
tmura of fools nnd fanatics tn that
Heartily Agrees.
Lyons Progress.
We heartily agree with Editor Pen
dleton when he says: "Now the beet
thing we <mr do Is to stick to the
principle* of democracy and hop* for
the bait na w* go along. The only
thing now certain la. that If Bryan l*
nominated for a fourth time it will
be Impossible to hold the solid south
_ _ U lint grant. «m g» irpuWraa."
going Is a true eeny ot the aoollratlon
tor charter of CENTRAL GEORGIA
BRICK COMPANY, as same appears of
file In thta office.
Witness my official signature and seal
of office, this 6th day of December, 1998.
Clerk Superior Court. Bibb County, Geor
GEORGIA. Bibb County.—Wherean. —
the itth day of May. 199T. Anthony
Matthews executed and delivered to the
Union Hank and Truet Company
a deed with power of sal*, said dead ot
record In th# clerk’# office
pertor court. In book 62. fo
th« following reel estate: That tot or
parcel of land lying and being In th#
county of Bibb, state ef Georgia, in Vine-
vill* district, a suburb of the city ef
Macon, and situated north of the Forsyth
road, and taewn as part of the land
formerly belonging to the estate of An
dersen Comer. Bald tot Is bounded on
the north by a forty-foot street, whleh
nine Into Foe street, on th# south by lot
by Thomas Hohuoe to J. J. Cobb. Said
lot fronts oe tho farty-feet street above
referred to sixty-two feet and runs back
•am* width a distance of one hundred
feet to lot of Joseph Btoedworth: and
Whereas, This said deed was given te
for the principal sum *ff’$'tf.e£*Tnd*the
for ^
secure seventy-two
note*, dated May
monthly thereafter,
one of the said “
for the prinetvel
last said promtaeorv notes
principal sum ef $26.99: an
Whereas. There Is new
unpaid upon said ‘indebtedness the sum
of ic? with interest upon th* eaae;
Whereas. Said default has continued for
a period of thirty day*: and
Whereas, said deed with power of eal*
by its terms authorise th* Union Bav
m*. Bank pm Tree ♦ Com r*n v :p*
default ts proceed to sell said real
to the highest bidder for cash after ad-
vertletn* the same, and the time and
igsi irjfflrc
sheriff*# sales tor Bibb county era adver-
tired, one* a week for tear w»#k«: nnd
I Wherrea the total tndehtedneas new
due the Unlae BayfegB pqpk add Treat
Company upon said past due srsmlssary
u to 8(88.66 principal, and a
Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate. Mortgages
Macon, via.
S. S. Parmelee
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons. Carta
Harness, Saddles, Bicycles, Baby Car
riage*, nccessone*.
Largest stock in th* South to select
from. A pleasure to serve you.
8. 8. PARMELEE CO- Macon, Ga.
Hoasj le Lend on
Real Estate
Well rated commercial paper
and rery low rate* on Mar
ketable securities.
Macon Savings Bank
Brown Douse
Opposite Union Depot—MACON, GA.
P. BARTOW 8TUBB8, Proprietor.
F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
"The Grand” Bldg., next t
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Grand Bldg.
Grand Building.
Phones: Office. 2654; Residence. 2485.
Office. 672 Mulbernr ct., rooms 4 and 5,
Washington Block. Hours: • to 10 a. na.,
12 to 1 and 5 to 6 p. m. Telephone con
nections at office and residence.
.Permanently located. In the special
ties venereal. Lost energy restored.
Female Irregularltlee and poison oak;
guaranteed. Address in confidence,
stamp. 816 FYiurth at., Macon, Oa.
854 Seoond st. Phone 915.
G. S. & F. RY.
Schedule Effective Oct. 18, 1906.
11:80 a.'m„ No. 1, Through Train to
elorido, carries Observation Par
lor car and coaches, Macon
Jacksonville via Valdosta; oon-
JSTcilTLSW?®" e '“ Lan -
w * onoo-riy, ms-
con .. t ? ™do«u and all Int.r-
medial, point.
HU ,. m. t No. J, "QioroU South-
•ra .uw.nM Limited.” Macon to
JncluonvUl, ,1, VnidoiUk Solid
train.wlih_a«prau Southwn nnd
ft-.rtd£-«'? U S .?S U oS , *^ra*;?
Ing'Boom Sleeping Car; open at
Sf:J0 p. m. in the Union Depot
12:16 a. m„ No. 95, "Dixie Flyer,”
coaches and Pullman sleepers,
Macon to T If tan. en rout* from
BL Louis and Chicago to' Jack
4:15 a. m.. No. 4, "Georgia South
ern, Huwanee Limited." from
Jacksonville and Palatka. local
sleeper Jacksonville to Wood;
passengers ean remain in local
Bleeper in Vu»cn Depot at Macon
_ until 7:80 a. tn.
8:25 m„ No. U, “Dint. Fly«r,“
coaches and Pullman elepers
Tifton to Macon, en rout* from
Jacksonville to Bt. Louis and
11:30 a. m.. No. 8, "Shoo-Fly,” from
4:25 p. m., Ne. 2. from Palstks.
Jacksonville and all Intermediate
points. 1'arlor Observation Car
Jacksonville to Macon.
Schedule effective 8ept. 20, 1806.
S. F. PARROTT. R«Mlv«r. :
Train, Iray, Macon for Uni.
te. Cullodcn. Yatravtlie. Thorau-
tan, Woodbury. Columbu,. Har
ris L. Oruit. nnd lnt.rm.dtet,
point, u follow,:
No. 41 ,t 4:28 p. m. dally and
No. 88 ,t 7:M >. m. Tuemtey,
Tbundiy .nd Saturday.
No. 41 make, direct connec
tion with 8outb.rn luilmy .t
Woodbury for Worm 8prln„
»bd Columbu,, .rrtvln, at Wua
Sp*In,, 1:17 p. m. and Colum*
bu, 10:00 p. m.
Train, nrrlv, Macon «, fol-
S” 1 .. 4 ^ »• “•
No. 80, 0140. p. m., Monday.
W.dnraday, uid Frtd.y.,
Train. Irav, from M. .nd B
ny d.pot; Filth and Pin, ,u.
C. B. RHODES, Q«n. F,u. Agt.
Phon, 1800.