Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 08, 1908, Image 6

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1 THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1908\ M Or What will be mighty close to one is what the weather man promises, beginning tonight. Hundreds of families will be thrown into a panic because they have not made preparation. To these we beg to say that we have every facility for fully meeting ANY demand that can possibly be made upon us for the Promptest Delivery of All Grades of Coal and All Kinds of Wood t t ♦ i I f 1 $ In addition to owning the greatest sufficiency of teams for handling a large amount of business daily under normal conditions, we have arrangements for calling into our service, at the shortest notice, practically an unlimited number of outside teams* Hence we can and do GUARANTEE the promptest delivery ALWAYS, of all our orders, no matter how large or how urgent. -V I OUR SOLICITORS ARE ON THE STREETS AND THE TELEPHONE IS AT YOUR OWN HAND Phone 211 GOINS & SMALL CO .TODAY, M.tln» and Night The Wayne Musical Comedy Company 15—PBOPI.E—>5 With * Chorus of SO Pretty Girls. Matinee* The Money Maker” Night “The Circus Girl” All full of Ginger. Speed and Lire. Teeming with Pun and Laughter, rrtoee—Matinee Wc; Night 26o io *1.00. WEDNE8DAY NIGHT, DEC. 'frldncy R. Kills A1 H. (Metz) Wilson * In his Song-bedsfhed Plajr, When Old New York was Dutch K romantic tale of early dhye cm Ixjllinhed with beautiful and well, arranged acenlc effects. NEW 80NQ3 A-PLENTY. Each a Musical Gem. "Hsian.* *The Old Chimney Cor- t»»r,** **Anf Wlodsresehn Fraullen/ -pnd “Around the Camp Firs." rRICES 25c TO 91.50. Thursday Night, Doctmbtr 10th, Mitswm presents; PAUL ILNORE In MAN WITH A BROKEN BACK Vsntsd • Certificate That He Was Physically Unable ts Plght Hla Wife, Who Had Him Arreitsd On That Charge. What appeared to ba an ordinary eaaa of domestic Infelicity at the recorder' court yesterday morning, turned mi quite an Interesting story. A one-armed negro named Henry ‘‘hargod by his wife, !,ou. Every lady In Macon will be ti'. , ioi 4 i|?S? l& it 5 l!3!S UK .7''I ntcr08tc d in tho demonstration [“' r .. »"? il.nrr " mull hivo hid hla doubts M to the result of the tri hcaauae he Induced Attorney Hines t<* to court and look after hie Interest l-Jenry Home eighteen elrlana ... In wrftBIPMpmRPI or more-momli* ago.'ilenry Was ... plove of the Central of Georgia Railway, and somewhere about the old Ice factory ■ar nr knocked down the Macoit IinspYt'ni'“and that hie hark was broken. It hundred to one ahql that Nanry must die. hut !»r. Howard J. Williams and ®th*r surgeons went to work on him. wora on ins oatKf.ine. What they did cannot he writ explained, hut they did all tlint modern science and skill could do. and then let It go with tho hope that Whatever they did would turn out all ! n ^ut course «/ time the bnnea RHHtf eice^Mon ’ of such rases. “TheBoysofCompanyB” r and Tor nad>* of Naw York National 4fe. by Rida Johnson Young, rnted at Lyceum Theater New FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 knit together, and wlS . .. that he had ope Hu bone In hla than he had before, and that he was necessarily mvay-hacked to some extent, Henry astonished and plcaawt the doc- tors by getting well. Fbr thla reason. Henry was always known after the operation as one of the Rentarkabl* Re coveries. and hla case has been duly recorded In all thF lending medical Journals, to wy nothing of betna point ed at with pride by ths hospital - gcona. The record Is ally — — * lent, the wife. told (hi Henry had triad to apeak i urday night. thev being separated, and tlmt when she refused io sneak to lilm. he drew a pistol from hla left mat pools- d pointing It at her said that he uln* to kill her and then kill him- ■I went after Officer An-*d Henry some two .. - later hut found nb pistol on him. Henry then told bis side. lie said that she came to him on Haturdav nlaht and tried to hulldoae him. and that nhe carried a knife tip her aleeve, and she threatened to mil hla threat lie aald tloil once before she had nut of him. and did cut hla mat. Ha said he war al ways afraid of Ida wife, and that at one time whan he did not get un as soon In the morning aa she wanted him. she ■loused a bucket nf cold Water on him tn the bed. lie told of other and divers In- dlgnltlea she had heaped upon him aver Ths since he had Ills hack broken, breaking of his lack seems to have be the cause of his wife turning sgalnat him. He said Ihet ho could not support her as well with n broken hack as he could before, and that ho was compelled only Halit work. The recorder dlan against him. but warned ~ wr at “ * After dismissed warned till pear at that court again After court It was foi —. ... Ilenrv. In anticipation of his wife brlni not to ap- It was” found out that Ing the ‘iad got. hyslclans there „ his physical condition was such that > of righting against him, the hospital and asked liere to give him a certlflc Bt. L K Hatun t-uylei win p could not right, lie wanted thla tinea to to show, to ths court. Ths phy sicians were of ths opinion that rkahle recovery case was so nsrl rkahle that It could live and walk, but they couldiV ‘ " life * furnish the remarkable certlrfcats. on at our storo beginning to day. PURE FOOD GROCERY, SOUTHERN’S UF TOWN CITY TICKET OFFICE TO DE READY FOR THE PUBLIC IN A FEW DAY8—A GREAT CONVENIENCE. dereon who arrest* Yesterday Traveling Pausngir Agent Pettit was busy getting the of flee on Cherry street ready for occu pancy aa aoon as possible. This la to be the city tlekat office of the Southern Railway Company and la the same standas formerly. The re-establishing of this office wilt be a great convenience to tha patrons of the Southern. Heretofore the trav* t ier whs compelled to go down to the depot t» consult the ticket ngtnt about schedules and reservations and to gst any Information at all. Now they can step In ami If Mr. Pettit Is not In the city ticket agent will be. and there will be no further trouble on thla score. Lumber Blocks good for kindling, nnd as a cooking wood. Will go as far os load wood, at half the price. Ri-draond-Massce Fuel Oo. Telephones 100 and 223. (HENRY W. SAVAGE The Fur Man is Coming Offers the Dramatic Triumph Mr. H. G. White is making his annual mid-winter tour through the South. Ho represents tho best Furi House in New York. He will he with us ONE DAY— THE DEVIL Wednesday,Dec. 9th ALBERT McKAY, Maker of Men’s Clothes, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. You are invited to come in, look through his lino of ftne Furs. A more beautiful collection can he seen in no other store in the South. You can buy from us, any p cces he may have—the lowest prices practical is what you will pay. If you have a Muff or Neck Piece to be matched, he can doubtless supply it. COME IN TOMORROW rtSSSTXTxmmim- )0®DETY Rector of St. ti th» city i! Pistes, »n<J Inter In Macon, rery prominent rn by the older and thmuglioat imvtnbered bf Doy Preacher," odist ministry ho was seven- a a wonderful Theod nnd Ham I. Greene, Meaara. Ah sand nry Everett, ted the Kplseo- and has been charges In tho was for year* New Orlenna, John Man pal cl lionori gift n rector and w Georg- of sex tittle. t the exception of Tr wealtl alone leges Thrt rhapla with regiment, being Ladlei , C. A. to Hava r the Y M. C. Ilngham and tha young w> bridal party, and the merrl- Klnahlc wan had by the they offered ton ate to the bride and dle- cuased the approaching happy event. The only note of sadness. and one that trfed to keep In the Imekground. 0 k«_ . ... ... _. the thought that tin who la such a ^ocial fa make her home m another marriage. Thla evening Mrs. William Rrun will entertain fhe bridal party after College Htrec hearsal at her home Kitchens-Johnston. Mr. Tully Kitchens and Mias Kvle Johnston wera married at Itullurd*, Go.. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johnston, and was a very quiet afTalr. only a few of the Intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Kitchens woldvillo yesterday, where In futuro they will make their home. Cox-Phslps. Tho many friends of Miss Fannie l/m Phelps and Mr. Oscar fox will be tjrlsed to learn of their marriage Bun- afternoon at tin Claud Bridges, ‘‘helps Miss Phelps nnd Mr. REV. J. E. CALLAWAY WILL GO TO WILL JOIN MISSIONARIES AT MA- CAO, MR. CLIFFORD LOWE ALSO ON THE WAY. Tho Rev. J. I* Gall a way, late of Ma con, nnd a prominent member of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, sails today from New York on the express steam ship Kaiser Wilhelm II. of'the North German Lloyd line for China. Rev. Callaway will stop at Glasgow, Scotland, for a visit to hln parents, who reside there, and will then go as directly as possible to Macao, China, arriving there on January 29. He goes out to Join the band of mis sionaries stationed at -that point, and among them will t*.» Mr. Clifford Lowe, of Vlnevllle. a brother of Mr. H. E. _ were out _ ut ... rif.wi,1 nn’K!mLowo. and a* former prominent member of friends nnd suddenly announced their , , 0 vin*viii* n-mti.f pu.,.«k Intention of getting married. Rev. Claud of the Vlnevllle Baptist Church. their wish, he obligingly tied the nuptial before the col* The happy couple are now busy re- health. celvlng the /ongratulntlons of their many friend.?, to whom their suddr- exhlhltlon at Dec. II, In tho nek, and In the tlstlc sole a hand M I burnt K d U ¥• t painted done In lly embellished > of all they ) cents will be elude light re- se.-ved by tho Msstln The mpter, United racy, will - at the at l:*n o’clock Orangt icon Brown ■ Msstln D. A The R.. wl I'elock an Rr All r lacon Chapter 'bapter. ling at 10:30 of Mrs. Dun- Bsautli Mis. day al : the ah lions * £ond TV s Willingham rtalned yester- d hineheon In igham and all •arrled out In table decora- at- shaped decorat with a 1 UprCM was foi e hostess was Irene of the bfulljr directed arge oval led the eentral Better Desserts Are easily made If you use Blue Rib bon‘lemon end vanilla. They ara the best extracts money oan buy. MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE the city after a pleasant visit to friends Miss Rowena Taylor has returned to _i« city a ■*“ In Dublin, Mr. C’; — In the eltv yesterday ... JN Mr. and Ml _. returned from their bridal tr»n Jesse W. Mitchell havi- ■ Florida and are at home to their friends at the Arcadia. Mre. James W. Callaway. .Tr.. goes mer to Bufaula today to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Locke for sex'eral days. Miss Ine« Mlnter has returned from Forsyth, where she has been delightfully entertained the past ten days hy Miss Alice Newton nnd other friends. Mlsa Lillie Cornell Is the attraetlx’e guest of her sister. Mrs. McElrey Cor- l»ett. for a few days • route home from „is been Mr. and Mrs. George Cornell. Ala»>ama, where she lias been visiting Mrs. John Barrett and children hav< returned to MIUedgevIHe after a visit tr her mother, Mrs. Henry Home. . Mrs. Barrett has a larg. ... Macon, and she Is always given dial welcome to and Is delightfully en tertained at her old home. Owing to illness In the family the reception to be given to Miss Eula reception to be given to Miss Eulfll Willingham by Mrs. William Bmnsonl the Invltatlona are nccesoarlly recalled. Baptist The founder of the mission at Ma cao. Rev. F. C. Todd, wan formerly pastor of the Vlnevllle ‘Baptist Church, and is well remembered In Macon. Mr. Callaway has only been a res! dent of this city about two years, bu has made In this short time a host of friends and well wishers, who will wish hint unbounded success In the calling he has only recently mado his llfework. The Best Cough Cure Whisky, mixed, will cure any cough that Is rurahle and break a cold In 24 hours. Take a teasnoonful every four hours. Ask your druggist for the genulnn Leach's Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, pre pared and guaranteed by tho Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. WHO WILL BE APPOINTED LIEUTENANT OF POLICE Members of the Force Are Guessing as to Who Will Gst the Plum. There Is some guessing among the members of the police force ns to who will be appointed lieutenant to take tho place made vacant by the resigna tion of Lieut. Moseley. Some say that Brevet Lieut, Seth FOR SALE Five-room dwelling on lot 76x193. Just one block from city limits in South Macon. House has ju3t been thoroughly overhauled, new roof, painting and plaster ing in excellent condition. Rents for $150 per annum, and is a bargain at $1,250.00. We can arrange easy terms on this place to a prompt purchaser. Wadley Investment Co. Grand Building, Phone 627. Imitators Flatter.. If you want the real genuine and only drink that stands the test, drink Bottled At All Good Dealers 5c Knight, being In line of promotion. There are some who any that the plum 111 be given to Brevet Lieut. W’at- m. while some say that Officer John Davis may get It. It la all a matter of speculation, however. The ap polntment will probably be niftdo to day. There are a number of very com ng th# bishop- roses a tiny Jai Arrant' altar. • ‘ **». I we the dre her ma In* we* 1 The i tied wl! them w dime ai The i bride! . tiehed i white a The l y our J) e ]j ca [ e fljjld May Bg Restored To Health by Vino! jt d a miniature d of Liberty * at the r evening ure satchels, id In three or lymbolle ring, pretty each ends*-- me fled with God with cut h at r Issue and elegant Iclous courser In a worn e Mtsa hnMdeU to mate nations , unquotes. M»k. lovely chiffon hanJson dies Promt j thrown r "IMS i own was of over silk of a i French blue ad a hat to tltal ew nwial orel be >d MIm Ravi- . trimmed with pUmas I Mrs Morten's guMta wore MUo Makes tho Liver Lively. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup gix*es permanent relief In cases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liv er and restores the natural action of the bowels without Irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathar tics. Does not nauseate or gripe and la mild nnd pleasant to take. Re member the name. Orlno. and refuse _ _ _ „ , substitutes. H. J. Lamar A Co., near From a Canton, 0., Mother. Four,h N ’* ,lonal B * nk Read The Following Letter “I wish I could Induce every mother who has a weak, sickly child, to try that delicious cod Uver preparation. Vlnol. our little daughter waa pale, thin and sickly. She had no appe lit* and no ambition. "We tried various medicines, but without any benefit whatever, and ahe could not take cod liver oil or emul sions, as they nauseated her and up set her efomach. Learning that Yinol contains all the btedlrlnnl and strength-creating properties of cod llrer oil. but without the disagreeable *91. and tonic Iron added, we decided to tn* It. and the results were marvelous. U gave her a hearty appetite: the color returned to her cheeks and she Is stronger am; In better health than she has been for yearn cannot say enough In faVmr ot Vino) for week, delicate children, Mrs. C. W. Stump. Canton. O. There Is nothing equal to Vlnol for delicate. alHng children and feeble old people, to buttd up strength and ‘re store a normal healthy condition. Those why try It and receive no bene. fU may have their money returned on demand—-that's your guarantee.—Toy• lor-Bayne Drug Co*. Macon. potent men for thn position, but who will it be? That is the quesLo.i only the mayor can ansmer. MR. PATTON’S SINGING Was a Member of the Octette at the Elke* Memorial 8erviee Sunday Aft. emeon. Tn tome way the name of Ml*. Mon roe Ogden was substituted for that of Mr. Joe Patton In the octette elnglng the Te Deum at the Elks' memorial services at the Grand on Sunday after noon. Mr. Ogden was in the male quartette. Mr. Tatton Is a Rome boy. and has not long been a resident of M.'con. That he will guke many friends here la evidenced by the number of compli ments bestowed upon hla fine voice on Sunday afternoon. Watched Fifteen Years. Kbr fifteen y«am I have watched tha working of Rucklen's Arnica Halve; and It has never failed to cure any sore. boll, ulcer or burn to which It waa applied. It has saved u* many n doctor bill." nays A. V. Hardy, of it WUton. Mains, tic at all drug ■torse. SAM & ED WEIOHSELBAUM F. 0. Box No. 55. 610 Market St. Chattanooga, Tenn Phone Np. 820. Our stock is complete with the finest and best brands of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, etc. California Sherry Amontillado Sherry Imported . Duff Oordon Sherry Imported WINE IN BOTTLES 4 Qta. 8 Qts. ..| 2.60 | 4.60 California Fort California Ularet Imported 8auterns California Claret Rhine Wine (Konlgsbacher) Rhine Wine (Rudeshelmer) White Seal Champagne Imp. qts.. White Beal Champarne Imp. pta. Slum s Extra Dry Champagne, Import. ed quarts 12.60 '* I’a Extra Dry Champagne Import- 7.7R 7.75 7.75 10.71 24.75 12.00 9.76 12.00 6.75 9.7C 6.75 i.ii 10.75 10.78 24.75 Gold Seal American Wine, pta..., EXPRESS PREPAID All Orders Shipped on the Day Received. ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS A REAL OLD IRISH JAUNT Mr. Matt Daly Gets Back From His Trip to thj Old Country. The familiar figure of Mr. Matthew Daly was seen on the streets yesterday, and he waa shaking hands everywhere ha went. Mr. DeJv has Just returned from three months' trip to Ireland, the land of his birth, the land of his parents, the land of the shamrock and the land of exvrythlng that a true Irishman holds dear. He went to the County Mead, and put hla foot down on the blessed soil that he had not eeen in fifty-one years. Lyric Theater AL I. WAYNE, A "COKER IN CORK" Black Face Nonsense. He saw the old house wherein he lived as a^ boy. Fbr fifty yaars before that the house pled by Duiya. ... orcupl Dalys are living tn It Aa soon as be landed, bis staters placed htm tn the keeping of one of the sweet est !rl»h lassies In all Ireland, his niece, Maggie, and she was his constant com panion during hta stay. She piloted him over the country to see bis kltb and kin. and she took him to the spots where bis boyHh feet bad trod In tne days when be never thought of America. So well was he cared for. ind to many of bis people did he se*>. and on happy was he in being once mare In the land of Emmett that the only way ba could c»t a war was to gtre a solemn promise that be woukl return, "and boded. I'm 3? ftsi'-irdSkrKste.B, «.l Tbs trip to the old homes among the people and ths scenes be laves so well, added ten years mere to his Ilfs, whereat many friends tn Macon rejoice. Bingham & Thornton IN THEIR BURLESQUE FLIRTATION. “After A Husband.” TWO REELS OF PATHE’S POPULAR PICTURES. After Hit Own Vote. There Is n certain western congrsse- an whose boundless affability nnd habi tual absent-mindedness have occasionally led him Into absurd mistakes. One day during his last campaign, as he stepped from the train at tha station of his home town, after an arduous two weeks of mumping and "glad-handing.’* his little daughter rushed up to him and kissed him. The congressman beomxd upon her nr Mtil." 'Thn h, .4dM. m»- "An* fco—r I. your -U .Id tUMrr^HK saar ^ •“ L.