Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 09, 1908, Image 8

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————— ,— JHE lCAOON DAILY TELEGRAPH: ' WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1908 GREAT REDUCTIONS! Attend the Great 25% REDUCTION SAlf OF-— OVERCOATS STAR CLOTHING CO. Message of the President irvwitimjM) ttn\ P**« Reran). h»-re has boe*> steady program toward .it end Tha teat remaining etranghold 1 politic# In that sorvlce was the agency jnti-in. whloh tea #**n It# best days t li was gradually falling to places from atursl or pur#!/ gvoiutiooary «umi •jt. Ilk* #M 9J**n BUrvIvals. Was owly in It# later stag-s. itlnctJon m4 seem* *?, . _ better b# td* film; now. #o that th# ground can •'l for Iarg«r constructive work behalf of tli*- Indiana, preparatory to Indue sponsible Into ... full inaaaure 1 nip On November la ft the no v-naf^r therefrom. It la much u> nay tliat thla amend- i !,• -n <f benefit only, and could er,.t;t only, to tha criminal if d'llbarataly Introduced fur that had been fol- r or.-a of tl •. to drive gr< department* tin-an practices w<- ho .v-M.-nra whl'-h Dr. Lyon’s PKRFKOT Tooth Powder Cleanser, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and Purifies the breath A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Established in 1866 by ct .3L2?C£ I f.v great roifMi tATOOJB? 1. r TITI.I.YRR, VI e President alibi' *t STATEMENT OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF MACON *.rr 77. 190S. RE 00 URGES. aad Discounts Rtataa Bond* < Caah a |id Exchange nd Fixture*.. LIABILITIES. ua nd Nat Pr«*nta ktlon n<1n Unpaid 11.107 741 ?1 t «« .IMlI.idMR C. F. STROBERG (ScUntzmuu’s Old Stand.) :BLACKSMITH and rubber tire work specialty All Kinds- of Building nnd Repairing of ('HrriuKf-» and Wagons. . Ilul. nnd It a Itli wli nnd l° U lfv?Jt for mi labl« nr as'trBr < operating In vlo- of tl • anti-trust law and other* • - i.t in question wan of beri- , ri> eptlng to thttan rrlinl- seriously liainpera tha gov- ,h< <l< ti*- tlon of crime and (ring of Justice. Postal Saving* Banka. lew my recommendation far — \ Inwm li - ith the nr. urlty of I The • positing i 'la WSS tha dni In . nati rrs-ncy amount to fa.SM.- 4 t». i rant of th* enUro .. Tn th* remaining 32 in- only t70.SOV.4t, or 1 4 ..wing c..n. luaively that iy local It Ira In th* 1'nltert sufficient opportunity l» I hr people to dnpoalt their nployed. only 1.451 n:n ln«n thr comptroller than — < 1 0»m iMtatofflraa. 40,000 r Instrumentality of thr •mkn White there arr x/usu ow In re more than of which are Poatnl saving* In practical- untrtan with of Ihn 1'nlted Hlatea. Parcal Poa*. inual message I commanded vlllsed The OLD JASPER RYE A STRAIGHT RYE WHISKEY 100 Proof, Double Stamp Wo especially recommend this. goods to those tlint prefer a high proof good* eipial to bottled in bond poods at 2."> per cent higher prices. A trial order will prove the quality. We guarantee satisfaction. 4 Pull Quarts $3.85 8 Full Quarts $7.25 12 Pull Quarts $10.25 Express prepaid to any point reached by Southern Express Co. HID. F.&C.P. LONG P. 0. Box 1056 Jacksonville, Fla. bltehment of a ■oral rotitas would unity route*. serving mom tl'Hhlllt IS53U! ihould k*» utlllard ftillrnf practlcahla ^ 0Kh»nt • An portmnnler imrntl. provldln* ourpi>««’ of aacrrt of entnhllahlna UKKcatb - - llnf * utnlnlnn tlm aparlal local rural muta* ;r3!; t’nlfad fltataa. ha aulhorlBfd t... an.1 roiport to I ha if attc^ axparlmant lal loc*| pare * ary route* tn meed four countle# In tha 1’nlted f»r ■»••• ka*e* of fourth ci*a* matte itMtiln* «n a rueal route or at tha dl« htitfna poatoffice for delivery hv rural II would aeant onlv proper that experiment ahould he tried in • lemnnalrate tha pmetlrablllty to experiment • tha mault . hllahlna a apa. lal local pa'rne| p«at ..n rural delivery route# In not to countle* In tha 1’nlted fttatea matter orlg- BEDINGFIELD & CO. (Incorporated) EDWARD L0H, President. Formerly of Macon, Ga. The names imply that everything bought here i* the highest grade of all standard whiskies, at lowest price*. Send ns your orders which will receive prompt at tention. Write for Catalog 29 W. Forsyth St. P.O. Box 1098 Jacksonville, Florida Central of Georgia Railway artilt t 7 yjpm|(a 1 I JiamfAti* GOOD CLOTHES If you’ll come here for your Clothes, you'll re ceive a full measure of satisfaction, nnd wo'll place you in the line of— Best Dressed Men Buy a Bottle Today A Three Weehe' # * AA Trests.Mt Oety B*sW a Nature’s Matchless Remedy tha propoaltlon, aapacially aa tha poatmuatar genml s*ilmaiei that tha ravenua darlvs-d from tha oparation auch a ryrfarn on all tha rural rout would amount to many million dollar*, education. Tha ahar* that tha national irovemmant ahouM taka In tha broad work of adtica- tton ha* not ramivad th# attantton and car# If rtchtly d#a«rvc*. Tha Immediate raaponalhlllty for tha nupport and 1m- provemant of our aducatlonai *y*tarna and Institution* raat* and ahou|fl alwaya a*t with tha people of tha »avaral atatai ctln* through th»‘r xt;ite and local gov- mmanta. but tha nation ha* an o- '•or- unlty In aduoatlonMl work which mutt not ba lost and a duty which ahould no longer ha neglected. The national bureau of education waa established more than forty year# ago. It* purpose la to collect and diffuse auch Information "«i shall aid ‘ til# I'nltad Ht.ita* In th* and maintenance of efflH' tain* and otherwise promote tha cam of education throughout the country Thla purpose In no way conflicts wit the educational work of the state*, ht may be made of great advantage to th state* by giving them tha fullest, moi aocuTOte, and hence tha moat helpful In formation and suggestion regardlm bast educational systems. The n through 1»« broader field of activity wider opportunity tor obtaining Infot .R3SL3 ■ran under ftvorabla oondltlona aeraiwl i tha ratfr*d Hat |Bf —lactai aa a> of tha othar promotions l by Mlactloo. tha aelactlon U;e president or the sac- from a list of at leaat two candidate* proposed for each Vacancy by a board of ... ... r .. bafora auch line* can put Into oBaratlon Accordingly 11 rge that tha congress act promptly Where forssifht already show# that ac tion sooner or Tatar will be Inevitable. Tha Philippines Real progress toward self-government la made In the Pblllppfrie Islands The gathering of a Philippine legislative bo«l> and Philippine as** mi»ly rn^rk# a pro. ess absolutely new tn Aewt, •hould _ a-third ba mad# i to ba made by tha aacretary of war aa regards Asiatic role pow«r« but aa racarda alone of othpr AaiatP: deed, always axceptiny nee of European .itatle striking and • ia great entirely thing ' K7h. r ra of Japan. It opens an en departure whoa compared with r which has happ. ned *mong A legislature has with moderation and aelf-re- atralnL and has aeamed In practical fashion to realise the eternal truth that th#r»- muit alwaya t*e goverrmant. and that the only way In which any body of Individuals ran Os« ape tha neceaaiey of being governed by outriders is to show that they are able to restrain them- aelv.s. to keep down wrongdoing and disorder. The Filipino people, through hair officials arc therefore making real itep* in tha direction of self-government. hope and believe that than# step* mark he beginning of a course which will ontinua till the Flllpli Officers frurr rhlrh . of the promotion la r.ow before the congress having tor if a object t« secure the promotion of officer* to various grades at reasona ble age* through a process of *ele« tlon. by boards of officer*, of the leaat effi cient for retirement wlih u percentage of their pay depending upon length of service. The bill, although not accom plishing all that should Be done, la a long step in the right dlrsction; and I earnestly recommend Ite passage, that of a more completely efre< measure. The ravahr ed upon modern llnee. National Ouard. Now that the organised militia, the national guard, has been Incorporated with tha army ae a part of the national force*. It behoove* the government to do every reasonable thing In Its power to perfect It* efficiency. It »hou1d he n*- ■1*ted In Its hiHtructlon and otherwise Ided more liberally than heretofore. completely effective should ba reorganii- The continuo< train*-. ervlc, officer* will be of many woil- declde for therr alre It wbef Independent the i Ihey de- i from all 1.1 fro elgn _ . do that wh! even the rlchcit states can do. nnd with th# distinct Additional advantage that tha Informatloi obtained the Immediate benefit of all & th# limited mean* hitherto adequately the vldad. th. dared efflclen ha* neglected bureau with tlonaj growth of the country The n f rlatlon* for the general work o uraau, outside education in Alaak. the year 19«9 are hut |87.B«o art ai lesa than they were ten year* *go Important It' annrnprlntlo! thirty yei of public lei It I* thnn the Inex lorlaed. and It la unfair to the be obtained by propo by adenuate appmprlatlo mendatlon l of l ;ert hv the sch*M)la ■eaentatlvea nd great unlvf raltlea nnd the tendin'. who all unite In requesting favorable consideration and action by tn. upon thla Mubjert. Canaua. I afronglv tirge that the request of the director of l 1n •otloi tilth graphical requirements of the admirable renort of ». «nd I trust arm he adopted and Immediate action thereon taken. Qovarnmant Printing Office. The advantage of having the 4.tW19 em ploye* in thla office and the expenditure of the 15 741 *77 57 appropriated therefor stipervlaed by an executive department Is obvious. Instead of the preaent com bined supervision. Soldiers' Homes. AH aoldlera’ hnmse ahould h« under Juried oritrol of the war depart Indapandant Bureaus and Commlaalona. ny and aound hualn.-aa p<il|cy that all existing Independent requlr- bureaus and placed under tha Jurladl. ‘ctitlve deport on .... i every standpoint, and result ilachlef, to have nnv work done aave by the purely the control of the prosl- ich auch executive b«*dy should he under th vtalon of a cabinet Statehood. I advocate the Immediate admission of Mexico and An those Americans decode have done the Klllplnoa by agitation for an Imme diate Independence for which they were totally unfit) to remember that aelf- rnmant depend*, and muit depend, i the Filipino* tliern*elvea. All wo do Is to give them the opportunity to develop the capacity for self-govern ment. If we nail followed the advice of the foolish doctrinaire* who wlnhed ua my tlmo during the last ten year# to i tha Filipino people adrift, we jld have shirked the plainest poaal- duty and have Inflicted a last Ins tic upon the Filipino people. We have acted In exactly the opposite spirit. We have given the Filipino* constitu tional government; a government bused upon justice; and we have shown that we have governed them for their good and not for our aggrandlaement. At the present time, a* during the past ten year*, the Inexorable logic of facta shows that thl* government must ha supplied by ua and not by them. We must he wise and generous; we must help the Filipinos to master the difficult art of self-control, which Is simply an other name for self-government. Hut we ran not giva them self-government ■ave In the sense of governing them so tlmt gradually they may. If they are able, learn to govern themselves. Un der the present system of Just law* nnd sympathetic administration, we have every reason to believe that they are gradually acquiring the character which lira at the haxls of self-government, and for which. If It be lacking, no svstein of law*, no paper con*tltutlofl, will in any wise serve aa a substitute. Our people In the Philippine* have a'Moved what may legttligately l,e .ailed a marvelous suoceaa In giving to them n government which marks on the part of those in au thority hoth the necessary understanding of the people and the necessary purpose to sene them disinterestedly and In good faith. I trust that within a gen eration the time will arrive when the Philippine* can decide f„ r themselves whether It In well for them to become independent, or to continue under the protection of a strong and disinterested power, able to guarantee to the islands ordei at home and pmteetlor. from for eign Invasion. Hut no one can prophesy the exact date when It will he wise to consider Independence as n fixed nnd definite t>olli-y. It would h.» worse than folly to try to #et down auch a date In advance, for It way In which themselves develop th of offlci I guard. But the detailing ... for training at the service school* and for duty with th# national guard entail* detach’ — their regiment* which them from already great ly depleted by detachment of officer# for assignment to duties prescribed by acts of the congress. A bill I* now pending before the i It ought •ra officer* to be Instructor# of nutional guard will enable An regards the to the met that and enlisted Ifradei any rhlllppina Milo. but a sh< man should regard It as his \* to rise to the nlghcst rank In any more than In any other It la a curious and by no me abb* fact that there should b a failure on the part of the It* representatives to union great need, from th. standpoi service anA the nation, of refusing promote respectable, elderly Incompe tent*. Tha higher p'n;c** should bo given to the most deserving men wlth- ragard to seniority: ty should he i only ulus* oration. In the stress of modern trial coni|M‘tltlon no business firm * ‘ tpi*se ^rc-ipouBlhle^ for It* they were the oldest people ploymcnt; yet this I* the course I as regard* the army, and re quired by law for all grades except those of general officer. Aa a matter of fact, all of the heat officer* In the highest rank* of the army are those who, have attained their preaent noslticn wholly or In part by a process of selection. The scope of retiring hoard* should be extended so that they could consider general unfitness to command for mnv cause. In order to secure a far more rigid enforcement than at present In th. siTr - — — ■red if ... Its amp' advocated lunlnatlo mental. »l. phjral- . ded only if tha congraaa doe* not see fit to provide wnat in my Judgment la far better; that I*. plan I* rec. at the present i territories have of should be i ank by a certain It only alternative their votes thft admit tiiem as two. and I will he done without delay. Intsratata Fisheries. I call the attention of the congret tha Importance of the problem of fisheries In the Interstate waters, the <ireat Lakes we are now undei treaty of April II of year, endeavoring to come national agreement for the . and satisfactory uac of tha fli for the praaarvatfrw ha la 46 he should of course I It wlU he of the Tht Navy. I approve tha recommendation# of the general board for th# lnereaaa of the navy, calling especial attention soon as possllil. tleahlpa of the North Dakota desirable to eomplet* a squadron of eight bab "“■wr ' Deli lirat division <»f thh squadron. The four vessel* proposed will form the second division. It will be an Improvement on the first, the ahloa being of the heavy, single caliber, all big gun typa. All the vessel# ahould have the same tactical qualities, that I*, ■peed and turning circle, nnd aa near as possible these tactical qualities should he the same as 1* la the four vessels before named now being built. I most earnestly recommend that the general board be by law turm-d Into a geneiai staff There Is literally no ex cuse whatever for continuing the pre*- hureau organisation of tha navy, y should be treated aa a purely “JACK FROST Hs Oripnal “let Mm” —Who, for several thou sand years was at the head of the “ice trust”—and promoter of the society for “oold feet” — gets bu»y in Central Georgia, and hands out a few “cold packages.” One of our warm “Over coat* ig your best refuge. If you buy one— You’ll have a warm back— And we’ll have a “come-back”— At you— Because you’ll be satisfied. OVERCOATS—$10 TO $30—TOP COATS Wmeden/ Under United States Supervision Macons New National Bank The n IMtary organisation, and everything «hoibd be subordinated to the one object ' of secunng military efficiency. Such, military efficiency can only be guaran- I*-C.l :o time of war If there Is the most I thorough previous preparation In time of pe wl of Wl and The sh« cretary uld have u* his 7 line offie the powe ifflclul ad- | COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, MACON, GA. 0 BE STRONG 0 BE LIBERAL 0 BE POPULAR ImhIv of line officer* who should i OUR AIM We Invite Your Account I tvork and all the la of the several bureaus. A of promotion by merit, either by otlon by enlority Is kept. pact to get the be the higher officers. Our men come old. nnd slay for too short a time. In high command position!. Nothing better for the navy from cry stnndpnln ‘ of _the battleship fleet around hey have gained far more nee in hnttle tactic* Ul«n they have gained If they ban stayed In iaritle water*. The American peo- .* cause for profound gratification, i view of the excellent condition fleet ns shown by this cruise, and view of the Improvement th# cruise has worked In this already high 1 do **lle' •ondl- tIn*t there is Hny be a reservation made In i Ip the highest ranks— a* ’ ’ ~“>oken—and In i w? 'o *h a ve * Juat the mldshlpmei them f posltlm ow get full benefit aval school nt An- I not to graduate ensigns; to keep the law requlri ... them and to the In the academy Itself, every first class man Should he required In turn fn sen as petty officer and to discharge Id* dull* a prerequisite to his rely determine his officer; ht* ability ns such should I olng Into January, and each ■ommumilng should ifiTifc required to give at least six *n!y from one_ to three •oard of visitors she ;o be performed during June Is the least desirable time for the to bo at Annapoll* so far us here tic- navy by their observations Is CHRISTMAS CEMENTS THE BONDS. Of good fellowship and kindly feeling. Our cement will in sure a share of yours toward us. Like all our building mn- terials our cements nre the best we can get. If you ex pect to do any building or im proving have us furnish the materials. Quick deliveries for thoie in a hurry. WILLINGHAM SASH & DOOR CO, 457 Third St., MACON, GA. SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SUPPLY & MFG. CO Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures WIRING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY 171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. bee. and In this pri«vln< ordinance* in dllfcm these political dlvlsloi wnrk at rroa* purpoacs. a they achieve protection iherlea. on the on# hand, ai . tha localities and Individuals hand, and Justice la similar In Puget “Merode Underwear Four Essentials In Women's Under Garments You will find all four in "Merode” (Hand- Finished) Underwear, made exclusivoly for women and children by women. For perfection of fit and fineness of finish €f right ictlona fm tha theory • a«wren naiton* precl Individuals, and In oui last ten Year* we hav« rrovan our faith by our deeds nava behaved and are behaving iiat ' * * * have tn thla matter other nations, aa in nrlva moraM# man would behave toxin ■ fellows Latin-American Republics Tha commercial and material progrei -- - - —- * *- --“tub'll the twenty iJtttn , and OH win *** OrlW-n Ml BtHningn* SPd Binn-ngiirm M BUpr* MPT BUNOAV. parr# eta a t# sat* D •rthv i»f the t-areful sttenth No i •rtcan rep.i . jtte " tlon propo Ign trade greater proportkM l atted States !« offers toslay probithlv x pan slot .... the legitimate i commerce than any | r Merode ” rlSSud) Underwear haii no superior. Elastic, soft nnd porous, it la exceedingly comfortable to the skin and moot sntiafactory in wear. We ahow these garments ia a broad assort- mnt of styles end shapes, in materials and weights adapted to the season. “Merode” (Hand-Finished) Underwear is s revelation in comfort, benuty. fit end quality. We quote a few numbers for your benefit:—• Have a Carriage on# to be proud of. Its fine finish, handaonv* trimming and smart appaa.-. ance will not b# excelled by any you \ meet In your travel*. And all tha ' prettlness Is not on th# outsld# either. Th« material* and making are a* good as the looks. Think yop’d Ilka that kliv^ ] uaoo\ mt ulj ' Ha CON. CA. Nn- tagniol quantities, and we shal «pondlnsly nae«1 theirs. Tha Intama- "«c» Bureau of the American Rcrmh- I* doing a useful work tn t.xak'ng these nations and lhatr resource* l«ettcr know n to us. and tn acquainting them t onH with u* aa a people and *-th -ai purpose* towards them, but with inge for thalr it'onai In «t Its - iuppirt«4 by all tha governments of the two Americas Rename Canal. Tbs work on the Dana me eanal t« be- "C done atth a si-ed efTi-Menev xrd on tire devo*h*n to dntv xrt-’.-h make it « > ,»del to- x»l a .rk .*f the kind No task .d such mixggltfde ti#« over before ** e - umb-rtsk-n h' ,»t»v*natton. an.l no ' \*h o( the kind hxf '#Ve»- been bettr- jvr. formal The men on the Isthmus. fr*-m • *d Owetbals and fellow comml. a topees ttm'ush tha entire list of .-n • s»»es who are tMtbfully d'lt.* their •bit*, have won their right to the ,|U grudging rex|««ff ^fl gratitude of the \n than rs’i't | O ea^tffati Line* I aesln reoiBMPtnit the exie *»o of it* o. ean teti •« pt 1Y9t SO (Hat sslta- .. torv tnte.*-an'oceai n *i' ilues to . 'all' kmer-.. s Is* the I'ltllior oes. la) t» e«'«l>|. it*-m •»# »« h «io*seatiin l-i.e« nPfHrv! . «».oHe’- of the It sb mid prt nam# vans' i rood* H® CVIor fteaortptten Price !-• 44-44 (663 White light weight. IIneat cernbnd cotton .. .64 .4* II.M 666 Cream, medium weight, ft neat com bod cotton .Id .41 484 White, heavy weight fteecod oombod cotton . .It .M •61 VMte and Silver, heavy weight merino. It per coot woo! .ff Itt Wnlta. medium weight nsartno, 50 h a wool ,M l.ff ttt White, light weight merino. It p c wool ... .M •II White, light weight silk nnd wool, tt p. o ank l.M IJ t72 White and RUvur. winter weight merino. Tt g. •11 Pttltc medium weight, aitk and wool. M p. o silk 1-tt 14t White and Silver, heavy weight merino, tl p> c wool •74 White, hsnvy welffM. tt p e. wool It p c. pllk UU i at at-44 l.M l.M l.M IM IS l.M l.M IJt I.N •.Main k B.M :b Phone 2545. t DON’T WAIT TOO LONG} Children’ S I i'l us i 111.! 1 is i : ss Tt» 4X'“ #f thr bailie fl.^i ft #h *4# «M of tb* ranam ft*? White hasvr weight fleeced >44 f Whits ;-r*\-y weight fleeced cotton union suits all ataeo V444 White an.t NaMirml winter weight merino ta p o. wool !• 171 l r tVhite and Natural winter wetght martno. 46 p c. wooL urlon suit*, nil * te* W. A. DOODY CO. 60LL AU ENT'S Placing your orderi for your want* in our line— + the nuh nay delay prompt forwarding by expreu, and 4. caoM yon diwppointment. Send ns your order*—we + will take good care of them and in every inetanoe send < yon best obtainable value. Satisfaction guaranteed or, -4 money refunded. w Here ere two exceptional offoriagi: 4 OVERHOLT RYE, bottled ia bond, $13.60 com of. IS quarts. BLACK LABEL RYE, $15.00 per cue. r* ? A EXPRESS PREPAID. X 4 Other good things at equally as attractive price*. 4 4- Complete line of Wines, Whiskies end Cordials—from+ X f VLA> lly solicits th* fmrwra of ▼ -f ! w uompieve ane oi wines, wnu ♦ the low priced np to the beet. Send for prioe lift. ♦ SAM WEICHSELBAUK 6 MACK, he. T P. O. Omt MS. JACKSONVILLE. FI Y Mr Rosa A mason la with m End*rMpocffu:ij <4> his frtenM. ■m