Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 10, 1908, Image 1
I r The Macon Daily Telegraph WEATHER FORECAST FOR OEOROIA: PAIR THURSDAY} FRIDAY SHOW ER8; VARIABLE WINDS. ESTABLISHED IN 1826. MACON, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1908 DAILY, $7.00 A YEAR. PATRONS ATLANTA & WEST POINT APPEAL TO GEORGIA COMMISSION TO ALLOW ROAD INCREASED RATE TVonlil Give The I?oad 2 1-2 Cent Passenger Rate In- j stead 2 Cents. ARE NOVEL APPLICATIONS; NO REQUEST FROM ROAD Petitions Set Forth That the Road Furnishca Best Passenger Service in the 8tate; the Best Coaches and Schedules; That the Present Rate Makes the Return to the Company Lees Than Cost of Transportation; That For the Road to Suffer Means That the Territory It Serves Must Suffer, and That it Would be Better , For all Concerned to Hava a Rate Commensurate With Cost and Qual i y of Service. ATLANTA. Oa., Doc. 9.—The stock holder.-. patrons and friends of the .uiirtu & West Point railroad have n:'per led to the ruilroad commission to permit that road to Its ;*nger rale to 2 1-2 cents a mile, application i? n . they do not auooaed they will have other chance later In the j friends or legal representative* >f. prisoners. One of the appeals was on behalf of j MULE IS INSANE; HAS CASE BABIES ATLANTA. Qa, Dm. t—Dr. P. F. Bah naan, state veterinary sur geon. has reported to tha depart ment of agriculture on a very Interesting oase of rabiea* on the form of A. J. Swords, near Fitx- garald. About a month ago a mad dog apread terror through the com munity, biting several doge, hogs ■nd a mule on the 8vgorde place. The veterinary reports that the hogs were sold to a butoher, who probably distributed their flesh am#ng his customers. A short time ago, the male that was bitten began acting queerly, finally beooming wholly insane. The veterinary was oall- ed in. and he pronounoee it a clear ease of hydrophobia. The affect on the pereone who ate the hogs that had been bit ten by the dog is a scientific problem, and results will be watched with interest. aught white K" npa . It br ha s eh request Jlefltg hPV- efforts on signs t Ing been brought abou tht j art of the railroad, Three Petitions Submitted. the separate petitions from prom, raona living or doing business o line of r<»ad have been sub- They set forth the claims road furnishes the best paa- erv li e given In the atnte, the chea and ach«| •mi nf tw.> years In Richmond cou killed * negr-i W *-n sentenced « told bv Judge Har.iinend that if iavl -r wai Judgi i tills *rr*< ouM Join milted from behalf of J. sentenced to life Imprisonment in Wal ton county three years ago. He was rep resented by Hal] Nowelt, a former mem ber of the house from that county. 12,929,000 BALES JAS. CHESHIRE MORTALLY HURT SAVES THE LIFE OF HIS FATHER DEMOCRATIC SEARCHLIGHT W. H. Hall Norrowly Es- Resolution Introduced Look- rapes Death at Hands of Enraged Negroes Ran Into By Passing Train at Crossing Near Cuth- bert IS CROP ESTIMATE: CUTHBERT. Oa.. Dec. 9-^Mr. Jaa. Cheshire. living below Fountain Bridge, Into by an Incom- • ‘ Macon at i Ing the passenger train fre ( tho Beall crossing one mile east of ' Uuthbert thla afternoon and received Injuries from the effect of which he will die. His life is now hanging by a thread. Mr. Cheshire had been in Cuthhert all the week attending court as a wlt- WA8HIXGTON. Dec. 9 —The total ! and was returning home from production of cotton In the United Uuthbert when on this crossing. States for the year 199X-09 will amount | .. 11 1" stated that the crossing whin to 6.182,970.000 pounds, ' DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ' ISSUES REPORT ON TOTAL PRODUCTION. I tile ' that! ompanv less than the coat c.f the transportation; that the Inter state rite b<-inq higher much confu sion Is caused; thut for the road to suffer means that the territory It servos must suffer more and that It ■would be belt- r for Its patrons that 1t he permitted to charge a rote com mensurate with the cost and quality of the service renderet*. LaGranq© is Interested, one of the petition.* comes from I^Grnnge. and Is headed by Dr. F. M. Ridley, one of the most prominent physician* in the state. |t hears tho signature <»f of nearly every profes- | Including linter*. which is equivalent 920.000 bales of 600 pounds gross weight, according to tho estimate an nounced by the department of agricul ture today. The estimate of production by bales Virginia. 131.000. North Carolina. 619.00ft. South Carolina. 1.118,000. Georgia. 1,844.000. Florida. 61.000. Alabama. 1.273.000. Allsslssippi, 1.560.000. Louisiana. 472.000. Texas. 3.817.00ft. Arkansas. 1.<>09.000. Tennessee. 34.000. Missouri. 54.000. Oklahoma. 640.000. It is stated that the p was .sounded anil he attemirted IS.'.- back his horse and buggy off but waa too late. Tho horse was killed, buggy demolished and Mr. Cheshire horribly broken up. both arms and both legs being fractured and a large fructure of the skull being the Injuries received. The physician statna that there Is no chance for Mr. Cheshire to live. He !■ a married man with a large family. BLAKELY. Oa.. Dec. 9.— News h*s Just reached town of the attempted as sassination of Mr. W. H. Hall, who Is superintending the Bolllngbrokt- plan tation for his son, W. A. Hal), of this Mr. W. A. Hall wss going out to his farms and arrived Just as George and Tony Davis were in the art of killing Ills father, when the negroes turned and fired on W. A. Hall, putting a load of buckshot through the crown of his hat. Mr. Hall shot one of his negroes down, and ho will probably <lle. The negro George Davis made his escape into the swamp «nd*L. E. Riack. Jr., the deputy sheriff, has organised a posse that has left in search of him. Mr. W. H. Hall wss shot In the side but it Is not thought that it will prove fatal. TRAGIC DEATH ALBERT 6EL0TE While Cutting Timber, Tree Falls Upon Him, Result ing Fatally. VALDOSTA. On., Dnc. Relote. 30 years of age, and a son of Anthony W. Relote. of Ylnhlrn. vfui crushed to denth this afternoon while helping 'Ut timber for milling pur poses live miles west of Hahirn. ther pnrties were at ork tree In al and Arm In tha ninont business ertlo berlng more than a hundred similar petition was submitted by Itlr.ens of Palmetto, and another general character has been filed, is said that when the commission * tho matter up for consideration delegations of business men l along the line of road wMl be n* to make personal appeal on be o' the proposed increase of ran Biq Reduction in Receipt*. ie monthly report of th.» Atlanta \V«st Point, as submitted today, 1WS that the gross earnines for the I _ TTljr „ ““ ir weeks reported on was $26.818.?1 I DUBLIN, Oa.. T)e s than for the corresponding period j *;. oc i? < i k b-st year. About $7,000 of this rep- j "Y tents falling off In passenger earr. the tit In Thi E IS TOTALLYJESTROYEO EARLY YESTERDAY DUBLIN’S RESIDENCE SECTION VISITED MARTIN TO SUE WHISKEY HOUSE No Bill Found in Oase Against Him Reference to Unpaid Check. falling. It lodged against another tree and efforts were'made to dislodge It. While working to get it loose, the tr« e kicked hack and fell quickly; Pin ning Mr. Relote to the ground. It was some little time he fora he could h** extricate,] and he lived only a few minutes. His father was serv ing on the Jury here and was nntlfhd by ’phone of the accident. Tho Vting man was unmarried. UOLUMRUS Oa.. Dec. 9-Tho United States grand jury today returned a no- I bill in the ense of A. L. Martin, of Coleman. Ga.. charged with using the I mall with intent to defrapd and It la reported that he will bring hlg damage HOBSON IS MODEST IN DAMAGE SUIT WANTS ONLY $20,000,000 FOR AL LEGED DEROGATORY STATE MENTS. . BOSTON, Dec. 9—It was officially announced today that action for alleg ed slander, returnable In the United MtHtea circuit court February i. 1909, hlch $20,000,000 dainoget ing to Investigation Pan ama Canal Matter. WABHINdTON, Tim. • -Th. rrats of the house nre planning to de mand an investigation of the purchase Pf the Panama canal property and Jo tonformlty with this program, Repre sentative Italnny of Illinois, today In sured a resolution directing the ipeaker to appoint a committee of five o ".•*" ert tin how much of the $40.00#.- 100 which appears <»n record to have >e« n paid to the French company, was ‘‘•ally paid to that company." It la laid that the national democratic' cotn- hItte,. requested Mr. Kulney to present ;he resolution. , The resolution provides that tha com- mitt-e shall ascertain If any portion the $40,000,000 w«H directly or indl- Srctlv paid to American cltlaen*. or to | in American syndicate, and If any member nr senator profited by the , transaction. During the recent campaign It wa* oharged In newspaper articles that the president’s brother In-law, Douglas Robinson, of New York, and Charles , P. Taft, of Cincinnati, brother of the I president-elect, had profited h.v the , transaction. It was this charge ami newspaper comment thereon which 1 provoked the letter from President Rons,. V, It to William Dudley Fmtlke, of; Ihdi ina. denying the statements aud i nsylng that all tho papers In the mat ter were open to the public. Editor Smith Answer* Roosevelt. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Dec. 9 Under the caption "The News and the Canal D<al." the Indianapolis News today "Disregarding the id (llrrlAlmimr any compete with hlti president’s alms leslre or amhltlo i In the Iehru ig the fact exist. irknlde ally tin the; it WHAT IS DOING IN THI CONGRESS #hlefty devetod sentatlon of dapartnw public bill* from tiro# to time. numbering 962 waro chiefly granting of pensions. Senator Johnston, of Alabama. Introduced • bill to reinstate form er Cadets Rosaell and Weaver dis missed from the military academy for hating. He declared that their by being given unlmpnrt hfa purposes. He did not have the Idea to go fo boys’ mother* have to lo them after they enter the brief executlYe session In WASHINGTON. Dm. For nearly five houra the house of rep reeentatlvea today consider- cf the bill providing for the taking of the thirteenth and subsequent de cennlal oensuaea and passed It without material change. Prolonged, animated and nt times heated discussion was precipitated over an amendment by Mr. tflPett. of Massachusetts, who sought to have the temporary censua force authorized by the bill with the ex ception of a few minor nnaitlona appointed upoi petftlve Inste; . - "* . _ VB%2£ system" which had obtained for so long. That th* civil service was not a bulwark against the spoils system wao the contention of Mr. Robin eon. of Arkansas, who sought to substantiate his assertion by citing the recent appointment of Daniel Keefe commissioner general of la- The only other bualnees trans acted was the reference to com mittee of a notice of contest by H. C. Warmouth, republican, for the seat of Albert Eatoplnal, dem ocrat, from the First Louisiana district. At 4:98 p. m., the House ad- JOE CANNON ADVISES HIS CALLERS THAT HE IS BY NO MEANS A CZAR; JUST PLAIN EXECUTIVE OFFICER LOCKED HIMSELF HP Speaker Becomes Satirical And at Times a TO WARD OFF BULLET8| SAYS HASMT THE POWER TO BIND AND LOOSE OF ST. PETER' HOKESBORO MERCHANT TELLS AWFUL TALE TO OFFICERS AT DOUGLAS'. DOUGLAS. Q*m DtS, t. Mr \V f, Hinson, of Hnkohboro. who nlh g< s that ho wrh furvi-d In ord«T to .*uv»* IiIm Hfa to ahut hlmwlf In bln store on Saturday night last at that plan*, nml that up until 1 o’clock Sunday morning. Roy Mrrrltt mid .!»»•- Hutton, two well known men of that place, kept up a continual shooting ni him through door* nml window*, was In th<* sheriff's off lew thla morning with warrant* against each, charging as sault with intent to murder, and peace warrants to be nerved on each. He further alleges that one of the men folluwed him as far ft* Hrox’nu. threatening him with d<'a(h if ha sought the aid of the law. nnd that one was reported im guarding hi* store with a cocked gun fo kil< him If he returned with an officer. Rherlfl Klckwtson ha* gone u> the acene. ill* ring forth tho evldon, e of the WASHING'iON the convention nl Democratic Meeting. slnei of I Nil (In infered snlon. nil lu upon srhlch I made hy the News, which were baaed largely nuw IU „, ,5,]., T , on the statements of the New York ' World, charge* which were made over and over again during tho campaign. Were utterly Ignored till today. "The only man who paid attention to them wa* Mr Chas. P Taft, who did deny that lie wa* In any way related to the affair. We had no .word from | the president or Mr. Taft. The other men. *uch as From well and Morgan, who were known or believed to havo full Information In regard to the bunl- n«s«. said nothing. Hut now. nfter tho ' campaign Is aver, the prevldent rushes 1 .,,. Into print and says, with his usual ■ 1 IlCIl KUIIS AmnCK Oil Str66t8 FATHER KILLS TWO DAUGHTERS ! and violence, that the the facta? The first j Is far-from being the ; •entured to suggest | virul I* a liar. ‘•N,»w, what an W. that the News onhf paper that that the silence of nil concerned only served to strengthen the suspicion, which was verv generally held, that all wn* not right. The New York World was the original suthorlt". Tho Chicago Journal was quite as vigorous a* was thin paper In Its comment*. Unless our memory Is at fault, the Ijoulsvllle Oourldr -Journal wa* not wholly unimpressed by the charges. Charge* Were Repeated- "The charges were of Town, Shooting Gro cer's Clerk. WAKEFIELD. Mass.. Doc 9- Mm • imlng suddenly and violently lnsan> I Irani L. Hedger, a resident of (his own. today killed his two daughters. . aged 16. and Catherine, aged BY DISASTROUS FIRE. 9—This morning the illinms Esq., was almost totally destroyed by fire. It Is not \ (known how the fire originated. The 1 1 nnW-d The hhuse represented to the gm 1 ..ffi.-luU 11,ut ii-1, 111. !t .11.1 nr.* College ATLANTA. Foiile has nr ept free train ■cad*, id hif vie* fr< •*t will grlctiltural d over the greater part of th, 1st February nml March, undr npervlslon of Dr. Rotile. who I f the State Agriculture Uollegr d popular nnd arried exhibits. Illustrating many of the scientific sides of farming. A retlrom of speaker*, consisting of Dr. RonV -<nd other* from the University of Georgia, the comml«*loner of agriculture, state »n- tomologist nnd. for p»rt of the time, n pan led th when seen. Tin- dwelling was erected : th' some years ago by Mr. E. P. Rent* and wa* purchased lust year by Mr. L Dan G. Hughes, of Danville. The loss «>n the dwelling will amount to per haps $6,000. Insurance to the amount of $4,000 was carried by Mr. Hughes. "J™ ' ' Mr. William* wHI lose considerable iKlon »oKe I Tn " n °y on furniture. He carried In- ' ; surance to the amount of $1,000. mak- j ™ *"«• I> r "P‘ ,r <.'- hlch travel- | s , d Death of Youth. Frank Bright, the seventeen-year- old son "f I»r. Frank Rright, died last night cf tuberculosis. The young man lias hern afflicted with the disease for several yean. Gradual! Wheels Again. 1.. Dec. 9—Dr. A. * unced that the ”.v which was op«rat liim that It did 1 lyment on thin representation. 1 made out against Martin by authorities. fell through today and It Is lulanutlnn that when he sent hlaky company notified slat ABIDING FAITH IN DEMOCRACY ntll the ind discussed agrlciiltu vith the large crowd* which he party at nearly every, stai cat In Alleged Ftmii ATLANTA. Ga.. giving her Dei . Miss Eula Belle Gordon McNeer. who claims grandniece of the late Gen. John R. ! Gordon, was arrested here j-esterdav • afternoon on a chsrg.* of shoplifting. 1 gave her sge as 22 year*, and he The yn Carolina and had been 11vlr I In for four or five years . mains will be Interred toi j Northvlew cemetery. A Coincidence. On Sunday last the Mae I snd Ssvnnnah pnssenger 1 Macon brok down at the j street crossing In this clt , more than an hour’s delay t< trains. Yesterday morning , pulled by the same eng last nigh • >n. Dublin triln from T*awrence Gov. John A. Johnson Says Party Is Right and Will Win Eventually. WASHINGTON. D. C . !>er of the Iteinoci ley are. they Johnson, of side Ho T 0 Locate Federal Buildir Tonight there will be a mw Itlxen* to take some action ocatlon of the federal building I An Inspecto ampalgn opened. I am, hi- i<* say what caused >e what It was. Mr. Brj McNeer h*»* hecn stoirplng nt the Piedmont HctG for several day*. w»nt into * J*ara|ry ».tore yester day end a*k*d to *ee sonm ring*. A ’IJI **: • »nd il-rM** upon rr h*r fin*-.. »n,l ,h-.l look«.| al , „ t , ry of lh , ; j of the tesve the <»ne at which she h -nklng lots The other*. Decking 1 buy she She ■ she pr< ; nnd | De- 1 select one* 1 happens th«t th*- | Jorlty of th< p*-oplc do not 1-ant to see the building erected on Hher of the lot*, hut much prefer on** he other Mayor Phillip* sry of thr <;te until dela tho ed the rd and the people ha* • represented. there wa* a [ark of organi zation in the Democratic party end a unity or organisation In republican rank*. Then It Ir always so rme h easier for tim party In power to win." PARK HOARD PLACE FOR JOHN W. il had been brought by Congress man Richmond* P. Hobson, of Ala bama. against Congressman John A. Kellher, of Massachusetts. The alleged remark* which caused rhe aetjon were made this fall follow ing a visit to this city of Captain Hob ke for Jos. A. Conry, f< sfully the latte vlth Indeed repeat* over and over again, snd toward M close of the campaign we. a* did ot| er*. draw wttat seep sary and Inevltabh alienee was practically tant inmunt to confession. Rut now we have the pres ident's denial, which Is not .made till >>i x It I* too late for any votes to ha af- contestlng utrnjc- i fj‘ r,r, l for the numlnatlo ongressman Kellher | tint He FREDERICK A. HYDE GETS TWO YEARS’ SENTENCE only • Timed 1 his de; 7. and thei town, shouting at |i th'* street and firing Ini of the stores that he | Fortunately only 01,c person Jured by iltadgcr during his rn down Main street, Frederick \ a grocer's clerk, receiving a wound In the leg. Kudgcr w I by a crowd of I >»vns pen captured him and turn over to tha police. From lhi> nature of Badger's at the police station, the office of the opinion thit hi* sudd*- ness was due primarily to J. n MrH. Badger, the mother or t| dered children *.vho had beei from home o n a brief visit, r tonight. Rhe go' her first new tragedy k through ms he met 01 the wlmJowi S' lllle her 1 greedy for Ineenae, ref ! a candidate nominated h , of the United States through of official patronage, and als, ed to assume thnt In every I veracity between Infalllhllltv and the tlu«t M . cltlaen. Infallibility was always and of of the necessity rlpttit. Vork n "That Is the offense of this pnper. 'j!! !,,CT. And It I* on*- that Is peculiarly Irrl 7.™ " I fating to the president a* hi* -ihuslve land violent letter, assuming to deny # — . everything but denying potlilng. very H. Schneider, of Tucson. Aria.. L-ienrlv npoves an employe of Hyde and convicted with -Today the News enters cheerfully htm. was fined $1 000 and sentenced 1 1|pi>n , lH f or tl# tt» year, rejoicing In the „ nf , two months In the | fart fhnt on vnrv Anniversary If h hern distinguished hy Ihe serene. II poised snd temperate speaking of the affair pr night she whs phyrdchin. Radg. •d he nr-i'lS-nt <" M '’ ,l " « v*-nl ,| K «n.l pr< "inrni .... „ .. WASHINGTON. Dec. 9—Frederick A. Hyde, of San Francisco, recently convicted of conspiracy to defrnud th** United State* of large tracts of land In Oregon nnd Washington was to day sentenced In the district criminal court to piy a fine of $10,000 nnd lo serve two years In Hie penitentiary nt Moundsvllle. w. Va.. the maximum penalty under the law Ta/t to NEW YORK. I>hr. 3 wIII Hlten "wfil ilellvVr 1 Tl"* nn losing hanquet next penitentiary. 'Moth noted appeals the district court of appeals. Hvd«* I was released o n $20,000 ball 01 I j R< hnelder on $10,000. The proseruflon of Hyde and flchnel- | GAVEL FROM 6ENERAL STORE WHERE LINCOLN SOLD NIPS Ida- ; WAHHINGTON l)i TWO YOUNG MEN HELD Mel >01 I Leagu dsy'» of the icsslo c. 9 - President Urn National Liquor United mates, at to the sixteenth annual rgn.nl7.aGon being held de*’s In the we«t. cost the gnvtmrne $100,000 and the trial occupied three j months. 1 que hut asked that I In letting their! I- ted th*r THROUGH will h« It A. A. 8cott Arrested. ' they be expedltl' ‘ wishes br known 1 1 th A meeting tonight , some of our cltlxers have decided 1 views In regard to the selection. The trot*, meeting has been called for the court on t house, the city hall being too small to The hold the crowd that It I* supposed will *'"• he preaent. GORDON LEE’S EF- COUNTRY STORE ROBBED AND TORCH APPLIED FORTS GEORGIA MAN MAY BE APPOINTED. WASHINGTON. Dec. President j Roosevelt told tome of hie callers to- j day that he would probably appoint *j Georgia njan ns a member of the Uhlrkamauga Park battl*-fluid comtnis- j Representative Gordon Lee. of; Georgia, saw the president In behalf Representative John W. ■^esthert’ Cssmlnttie TUZTXHURHT Gi :s* Ju*» r*sohed he; if ft W Roddenh<*rr; Idox. of Rome, Impression that Mr gill BLUE JACKETS TO GET SHORE LEAVE ON ARRIVAL fleet which I* t'l arrive at U«n Rond* February 22. contemplate thatT a squadron of «ight vessels shall r»5- main there for about two weeks nf»<-r their arrival. The 2.500 officers and men who are coming to the Inaugura tion will be taken from these vessel* and during th-- *»ay of these ships at Hampton Road* the usual shore leave will he given to officers snd man. | Feeretary Newberry today gave this Information to a d'-Iegatlon eonsDtlng of Alvih If- Martin, chairman of the 1 Ultlxens' Tldewate*- Committee of Vlr- g.nln. on the entertainment of the fleet. Wm V. Anderson, president the Nor folk board of trade and Theodore J. Woolf, of Portsmouth. This srrsngi-oient It Is hoped hy the department will **rn|»er.*af•• for the failure to land the blue Jackets *u, tm egpoaltton ground* for s parade which was the original Intention. RALEIGH. N ing of the orgai In this elty. was presented by the Illi nois delegation with a gn/el, made Train d log said to have h*<-n taken from the - general store" in Illinois In whh h Abraham FJnroln, It was said, sold liquor. The report of the secretary, Robert J Ham, declared that In Indiana. Ohio. IlllnoU. South !> kota. Rhode Inland. Bonds Defeated. The official returns for all precincts of the county voting yesterday fur and against bonding the county for thirty years maturity for $100,000 fur road Improvement purposes, will all not he in before noon today. A very small vote wss polled In the rlly 77 for and 140 ngalnst bond* Every In dication points to mi overwhelming defeat of tho measure. Had tho au thorities given more time and n full explanation of the benefits to be de rived from the Issuing of bonds, the vote for bonds would have been Vh-to. rlous Is the opinion expressed by well posted men. Son la Missing. A Mr Smith, of Reach, wa* In tne elty thl* morning Impplorlng the aid cltv tbl« morning Imploring th'-lr aid lions for the recovery of hi* M^ old son. who ran away from home In company with another lad named Lee. He stated that hi* son only had 75 or 80 cent*, while the Lee lad had MARLIN HELMS HELD IN JNO. H. STORY CASE WAS WITH HIS BROTHER WHEN LATTER SHOT 8TORY ALBANY, tin.. Ik of Marlin Helm*. November otlng was the outcome of a er the cotton crop raised hy elms on Story* place, on form* 1 was u tenant. Btory bv Helms with a slv Ohio Rlvsr Delegation Walt* on thg| Speaker, Utglng His Aid In Secure ing Bonds for Improvsmsnt of th« River—Ha Facetiously Advised Hi^ Ca'lar* That They Misunderstood His Power—Ha is Just Common Pr«« . siding Officer, Whose Duties Are t<X Preserve Order and Enforce Rules—* Believes That Tan Billions Will bs Spent on Improvement of Water* ways. Ca dross that never since 1890 had there, been 11 time when under the rulea off Ihe house, either under republican or. democratic control, a majority of tha member* had not been uble t<* regis ter I heir will In legislation. II* was speaking t<> a delegation of about 90S members of the Ohio River Impcovn- ment Association, which through Ita chairman present' d him wl*h a me morial urging the Improvement of the Ohio river at a cost of $63,000,000 t<» he puld In bonds. Unci* Jo* Facotioue. "I appreciate,’’ said Mr. Cannon* appr I \ knot* that I have more power to hind ami to loose than hud St. Fitter when ig wm mild to him ‘On this rock I build my church.’ But that is Incorrect, speaker'* function is to' preside. 1 to enforce Itff declared that In ’view off the Helms n f II the fft Helm; use and committed aulrld< llmself through the heni stol Marlin Helms was hlng He th. thla fact It would rest with thq emn mitten on rivers and harhorc to makw. itecotn mandat Iona In this as Hn all other matters pertaining to th« Im provement of tho waterways of tha country, and with the house a«d then with tin* veuata and lastly with tha president to say what should he dona with such a recommendation. Referring to the suggeatlcn for »Uff Issuance of bonds for the proposed lm- provements ho called attention to tha. fact that nt present all Improvement* of the kind contemplated are m a da an. der contract, and said that thr coun-l try had neyor yet failed to provide th*| money for aueh work. ' Money Will Be Forthcoming. , "I cannot tell** ha aald, "how th«| money Is to he obtained for the vast l Improvement* needed, but there -will * ho sufficient for necessary ehanfceo, ff am quite certain. In the awltir ofij th<* twentieth century I have no doubt that ther-* will bo expended no lrsa thnn $10,000,000,000 In the Improve ment of of the waterways of the country, but of necessity seine g| thle work must be done by those wtl® must follow aft'- lie alt Hid hr the ulndfiil. he said, thaff me who did not waat| wing of the twentieth, Itn Helm* wh* r- inenisHves In u*he*tos mm >ry t<> the shooting. I maintained that such a four commitment trial whs re : necessary. Th* lust suggei $200 bund. I°ud laughl that th« hree responjkr . _ .... _ . .... ,..w ...embers of the •y • Condition Serious. delegation were not favoiakle to tli* Htory s condition became j thought of d*h*y. It was feared thut he would I l warrant for Helms 1 ns. ‘V. --unii'""-',™ 1 MSs Cannon and th# Freeldent-Ileet. I WASHINGTON. Dec t-PlMld#nt- I elec $ Taft today ci Inn Mrtmd. nnrt 111" I whiSKy l". rl>pul'illrin m.lnb-r. "of tti* a* sept to Sheriff F O. Ed- committee on ways and nisand Dougherty county. It being • meet Mr Taft at r, o'clock tomorrow afternoon nt the residence of Representa tive l/oneworth It whh also arranged that at the conclusion of this col ferencer .. •lai.niMil all..III.I l.r Issued to make of the, tuning 1 Helmt t-r Sheriff K«lt t Helms wa* on a Genii train bound for this clt met the train and H1I1 •d nml taken buck to U< WAYGROSS SECRET ORDERS ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR N.mmlttee Is >|■ 'ho respecting tl.o forthcoming revlsloa j of tho tariff. Discussion Friendly. 1 It Is understood that vsry little srae 1 said between the pre-ldent-*lct r.nd Mi# .speaker concerning the details of the proposed tariff legislation, hut that thg WAYUItOBH. Ga., Dec. »—W bekah I>»dge No. 6. I, O. O. F., bn tried the following officers for 1 suing term Mrs. Daisy Atklnsi hie grand; Mrs. Nellie IK" 1 ’n sts tiding nl. Mr Hardy. MU of the id Tei nlilbltlorilst* io|b. court t-.duv h> Id Kirle t'otton and I ||, Itn. It-.1 I'rfb .n- white men. with-' , it ball, for the n order , ‘ . Th . viftepie I .,wfd Uiat Dr Hndth °« ' .ad Von drugged . • him-.form mix- 1 naV) lire Ir.'* robbed of his flep da Hr.iils, iron ■■secretary. Officare. •t--d the following < suing term: Ran Hep B Hpence. V. 1 ,:ng that the ^ „( vv. * for the war and K. and the posMl de- ]„.., Morgan HIFAJO. Dec Southern Society. ir'YJ.iTrJ •tv of New York , .1 the Waldorf- ill t.e the twenty- I JStf- "Mtonew a Jack NEGRO PULLMAN PORTER FINDS S10.000 IN JEWELS Va. r thi ensuing term: T C. Hauls, hie grand; W. N. Hndth. vice grand. J. Allen, secretary. T. W. 8. Ilur- treasurer L. J Urtlller. J. T. I McGee nnd II. A Harris, trustees. Credentials Brfors Senats. I WAHHINGTON. Dec. 9 The cre- 1 d« r.tiul* of John Hhsrp Williams, of ! Mlsslaslppl. ns aenator wen- laid be- I the vi. nate today by Henatnr ie>- The credentials of Mr Me ry. of Louisiana, also were pro- ed and referred to the committee prlvlege* end elections. itlrely wilt the lived In that legtsla- led upon ths u niter- M| had come t.gcstber Re | nn tho lepr’-Hentattves of the cor-ordlnate branches of the government and whatever, ^ difference in detail th- future maf do th • 1 veicp. If any, today's discussion waa om 1. ths friendliest possible basis. " Agrvod Revision Necessary. ; ! Both agreed that th# tariff should be revised nnd that the revision should J»k ! along the lines Inllcstsd by tne twrtfff , plank of the republican platform. NeltheSf indicated a desire to d. part from protact- • Ivc principles In the w..rk to be doae. After the conference. Mr. Taft attend#^ ; the meeting o# the hoard of tiustses off 1 the Jenm-e fund for tho education of the .< negro In the south. . I This afternoon he took a long walk wlthl Heuntor Lodge, of Massachusetts, and on returning to ths lioardniaa residence where he Is a hour# guest, recalved many mambars of tha t*ro branches of cougr*** and others who called. The President-elect and Mrs Taft we*.-#, a U c*ts nt luncheon of Assistant Secretary t War Oliver and Mrs Oliver. • 4 f nkB ■J w * rountro wa nroe J*eT HatunU •hi-s’ Jit, guilty pvrti. in all the I1.0W. with R* preecntatlve Gains, of Ter.nessee, rtrodu'ed Col. P. P. Pickard. a one- r-.. • ex-confederate soldier* of Aeh- »nd City who desired to h** appointed 1 th* n ImSsu T1 • pros! lent t<dd h«- T••nneee* e people that he wanted u g.v the place to a Georgia mao. ember ship ertral In .,1 ■viably dials oi this place. Methodists. Ala De. 1 Me laymen of A Inti da are meeting l nuai oonreredee r ismfereni e. lav • and the vl»1.or» -nt'-rtallied by lit* U I for the work of l It It’ll M ON D, •Sti worth of J- Williams Hu«'k. of Richmond. »»n Untie t’n» nvered Upc med Tu. k. r f.rwi.rded to Governor Ole cion Ignat Ion a* th.. represent stive frot _ lui-aar . m...... w.-i ... found the I fifth North Uarolltia district t.* rdanl* Defeated I J^ w "* ‘ Me In Mr- Ruerk’s berth and effect January 11. Mr. Kitchen til 1 bald th* Jewel* tor reward. 1 b# inaugurated gevarnor January I .. ..*r 1 r when H. eretarv Htm u* .,».ens , Line recently hi i. it. n.-»iii,| of t. • Nat'i.nal ''oun.fl «*f ronf'-ssUtn '»f a ■ •' imrnic-iorroe Tti»- e««lasa w^Jiwho was arresti Kitchen Resigns. WAHHINGTON. Pec. 9 Rt.pree.-n- tntlve W W Kitchen, of North Caro linn, governor-elect of his state, today that ^ dined with Mrs. Mary Scott Ssnator Hals Suceeede Allleon. WAHHINGTON. Dec. t—A largely^ attended caucus of republican senatorj today unanimously elected Senator' Hale as chairman of the republlodn mucus to succeed late 8enator ATlhson. of Iowa The position oarrie# with lt| the chalnnanshlp of th# republican | steering committee of th* senate. Hcnstor Halo's nomination wag thd| only one before the caucua. of the birth oir John Milton wllff l»e formally celebrated by th# "'adantr.J faculty nnd trustoxs of Columbia Uni-’ \ erslty today. LONDON. Dec * Hpectat vverolssff In all the achools snd at Cambridge ud oxford, and meeting* of several 1‘nMT- l it nt literary *»• Mies, marked th* 30011ft anntvsrasry Of Milton today.