Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 12, 1908, Image 4

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THL MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, ISOS' ~~ Publish*) Ivtry Morning by TBE MACON TELCGRAfli FIB. CO. FIT) *T mi 1 itaat •* ,hl * our lut •»»!* 1» THE DEATH RATE SOUTH. I lie macon lelCSTclDD worM ‘tan ">* AM« * ni ttml » MUU*l4r. may ta dewrttad M tta EUb HHtWU ‘''‘''O V from .ut.-wlta prohlblilon to ruralL*,* , 0 ntm . bat much •ptlon will Improra oar mom I, .. w.ll I f ^, 4 , „„ th , ^anpYifc of it. fig. — slv# «■ th. bonoflt of a «y.trm t, rM an) j the concluN'.ona thrara drawn. mor.ooulUbl*.iid.on.lrt»n»wllhU»| Mr ctnranco H. Pon o.ltior oT th. principle of loci wlf-covcnncnt. | fu),^ Hro.roralv., uid May. " lor Rhetl, of Clurloton. bare boon PRESIDENT CAFFS CONORESS. .tudrtn, the dootli rato in IM South, Jadding from a general Tlow of the preeumably going to the oama aoureea Said at Waaklngton. thoee prophet* of information, and their atateratnta prom tee to bo eerlflad who have been j are atartlngljr In conflict, predicting that Prcaldent Rooaeerlt Mr. poo telle ua that —fill, the white would not atilfcr hie Incnmbeneir of| 4a ntb rata In the United Htatoe la the office of thief magletrato to oi-|ir.» per 1,000 population, {he white death rato In the South la 21.t per 1.000. and that while the death fata among the negroea. taking the country 0. R. Pendleton, President. Otreetera—O. S. PenOletee. W. T. An. Uereen, P. H. OembreM. Maceei A. S Pendleeen, Valoeeta. Oa.l Louie Pendle ton, Sryn Athyn, Pa. THE TELEORAPH IN ATLANTA. The Telegraph can be found on oele at the following pUeeo In AtlonUl The Plodmont Hotel, the Klmbail Hooeo. the Oregon Hotel, the Terminal Mellon and by Ms World Newt company. Linotype For Sale. lfo4«1 Mo. I. tMTMfl old. two-lot- tor Mergenthaler Linotype machine; in good order; 32.180. fob. Macon, dr mo Tho Telegraph. Macon. Oa. CHARLES F. TAFT EXCORIATED. Tha Indication* aro sticking ou dearly that If Charles P. Taft cue road* In gotUng to tho United EUto* Henate from Ohio over FomkoFa daad body (politically) tha fact will prove an ombarraasmant to lit* brother, tho Prooldont-eloet, and possibly go far to dls^mnt the lattei'a good Inten- tlon* and handicap bio admlnMtra- tlon. Charioo Taft’s ambttloa baa al rtady provoked an attack on him par. ■anally sad afforded tha puhlla outside of Ohio aotno Inkling of polltlsal eon dltloaa In the Buckeye State. Aaron Fani*. founder of tho Roosevelt Re publican Club aod said to be one of Cincinnati's foremost lawyers, la the author of a scathing letter to Charles P Taft. who. ho says, has "unremlt tlngly used (ho powerful forces at his command In perpetuating one of tho wickedest political organisations that ever afflicted an American municipal lty. M He doelarea that if Charles P. Tsft goes to ths Sonata ho will greatly embarrass his brother, tha President sleet and demands to know wkat C. P. Taft has over done to entitle him to represent the fltate of Ohio In tho highest law-making body of public. Ho dot lares that C. P. Taft contributed largely to hie brother's campaign expenses, and that but for those vest expenditure* of money he would have no chance on earth of going to the donate. Continuing, ho aays: Tho fact would remain that, should yon be elected to that body. It would ho charged In tha public press and elanwftore that yon had bought your way Into tho Rotate, and, while tho Proa I dent-elect had In no way bean a party to your election, ho would bo <herg*d with being a party to the bargain, and having understood be forehand that tho election to the don ate was to bo your pay." There can be no doubt about tho popular Implication, after all that has ftecurred. If Chartto Taft should gat to the denote that his brother, tho President-elan, actively eympathtsed with and aided him In Mo ambition. And If Brother Charley can not "read Me titles dear" they will be read for Mm. If bo succeeds Psraker, before the next four years shall have elapsed. A DEAD LETTER. Prohibition prohibits only where the dominant majority of a given com munity earnestly desires that It should, and even then complete pro hibition Is Impossible. When, on tho other hand, the controlling majority of the people do not believe prohibition to bo either desirable or possible and recent the law a* an Imposition from an autsldo authority, a demoralising farce la tha result This was striving. ly fllustrste.1 during tho automobile races la Savannah. Tha conditions Utaro at that time were thus describ ed by the staff reprosentatlva of tha Albaay Herald: Thta of tho things the threngof visitors to Savannah found thin week was that there aro as many. If not more, saloons In thst tr not more, an toons in thst etty than there eras before the prohibi tion Mw wont Into effect. At tho race track thirsty enthusiasts could buy rod liquor at the lemon ade stands at fifteen cent* a drink, or quart bottle# of tho tamo .at the prevailing market price. Throughout tho city the salnraia were wide open, front and roar, sad (hero was no more thought of concealment than them was af in terference by city or county au thorities." That this la a true picture aeema to be generally admitted. It dooe net plre without trarnlnc pome of the red fire which has eharacterts ed It throughout. Tha war o crimination and recrimination; o tho lie hurled and returned and (he various other flying epithets of which the President has been the tropical storm center threaten to result In something practical. Tho Prefldent In flashing right and left, aa usual, tn his message could not refrain from re. flsctlng on Congests Itlsef, aa a whole. In eonnectlon with an amendment add ed to the secret service measure pro- riding that the President's corps of deteotlvee should be confined to police work and not be used to get evidence for Federal prosecutions. The Presi dent openly Intimate* that this was done both In revenge for the Jailing and conviction of members of tb< donate and Hnuso for criminal brae tlcos. and In order to prevent similar Incidents In the future. The President said of (he amendment; "It Is not tan much to say that this amendment has boon of benefit only, and eon Id be of'benefit only, to the criminal classes. If deliberately introduced for tho purpose of diminishing the effect iveness of war against crime It could not have bees bettor devised to this end." Continuing the President said: The chief argument In favor of the provision wae that the con gressmen did not themselves •wish to be Investigated by secret ser vice men. Wry little of eueh In vestigation baa been don* la tho past; but It la true that th* work of th* eerawt service agents was partly responsible for (no Indict ment and ronvktlon of a oenator and a congressman for land frauds In Oregon. I do not bollovo that It Is In the public Interest to pro tect criminals In any branch of the public service, and exactly aa wo nave again and again during th* past seven years prosecuted and convicted such criminal# who war* In the efcecutlve branch of tho* government, eo In my belief wo ahould be given nmple means to prosecute them If found In the leg- Islntlve branch. But if this Is not considered desirable a special ex ception could bo mad* in the lew prohibitin'! the use of the seeret service feres in inveetigetihg mem bers of the Congress. It would bo far better to do this than to do what actuallv waa done, and strive to prevent or at leaat to hamper effective action against criminal# bv the executive branch of tha government. This terrific Implied stigma put upon tho Congress by tha President leave* that body no nltomatlvo but to do something and tho press news from Washington conveying the Information that members of both houses and of both parttee aro conferring and cau cusing relative to the action to bo taken and that action on the message Is liable to be held up by th* donate In the meantime Is not surprising. It la not conceivable that th* paper can be received and tacitly approved by the body that It brands as the refuge of malefactors. But this Is tho pro position that Is put up to the Con gress and. In the meantime, there Is talk, on tho othor hand. In th* body of Inquiring into and giving th* pub lic tho real facta relative to tho al leged Panama canal ocandaL Involving, It la claimed by soma of the newspa per exponents of hta own party, per sona close to tho Prooldcnt'e admin istration. If the IIO.PM.tM paid for tha French right# In the Panama canal wera paid out legitimately to th* owner* of tho* 9 rights (hero ought to bo no objeo- tlon to allowing It by tho records In tho case. If tk* money or any undu* proportion of It waa abstracted from the United States treasury oa the plea of paying for the French rights, but really to bo diverted to tho pockets of shrewd American manipulators tn friendly co-operation with the admin istration, it le better that It be made known. In either case the situation oan not bo wort* than to leave It as It Is. When Republican President and Congress fall out tho publlo ought to bo able to get tho truth—but both ■Idea appear to have th* saving sons* to step abort of lotting In tho puhll^ and tho light generally, la 30:5 per .L800 populations In the douth It >■ 37.8. That la to say. a whfto man living In tho douth Jtas S3 chance# in a thousand of dying within a year, against 18 chances In a thousand If ho lived In some other t,ls home and wont Into the room part of the country whero the **nt- where the wife and sick daughter were FI8HER BELOTE'8 FAMILY, IN CCHOL8 COUNTY, TERROR IZED BY BAD CITIZEN, VALDOSTA. Oa.. Dec. II— Parties who came here Mat night from Bta- tonvlllo, in Echols county, brought some rather meager details of tho ex citing experience which the fkmfly of Mr. Ptriier Belote had at tho hands of a negm desperado who ran amuck during the previous night and bolted Into the bouse where the members uf the family were sleeping. Tho negro waa evidently one who had had some trouble with M~. Belote and. after be coming drunk at a negro frolic, later went to the white man’s homo for trouble. The negro first broke open the door tary conditions are said to be,,bet ter. By the same figures a negro would stand 37 chances In a thousand of dying If he lived In tho douth.! JJmls* not' against 30 chance# If ho lived In some other part of the country. Mr. Poe t# thus quoted In answer to a request for his authority: Regis tration area Met census only rsIMble source, says Director North. Regis tration area In the Routh embraces sleeping, exclaiming: “I want old Flakier Belote,” and firing three shots from his revolver Into the roof. Mrs. Helot#, who kept her nerve remarkably well, told the negro that Mr. Ileloto wae not In the room. The negro then stumbled to the bed Where the sick daughter was lying aaylng. "Here he la." and at the same time firing two shota Into the head of the b«»d. fly that time Mrs. Held# had gotten nut of the bed and secured the rlfio and waa calling her husband from the adjoining room to come and shoot the negro. A younger son. Harper. In the - meantime, ran In with hi# little single- the leading cltlex only, but statistics 1 barrel gun and fired once at the negro, •ho* out. 1 por rant dlff.reac. b»- **_*» hi. Mcil.mmit tho «hot wont tween city and country." Mayor Rhett. who has reached very different conclusions, says that the po- called "registration area” covers only It waa gtatad In tha British pkrita- , ... _ _ imeat tk* othor day that there had ! bran 00 In th. ell, of u». fl«a .Inra i. lilt, an nmn of Ira. than 1, murtar, I jrrar I* • population at mow than MM.M. Th. IttufM far arhaa popalatlona anrt- vaanth ara nail. an. Im# taw la, than than at athar rlttaa ait lawna hi Orartla. Th. unly dir.r- •ara I. that Ravaaaah rain epoalj talaratra tha mutant dlrr»„rd at itp pnhIMttan law. It ha. Waa wrtalwfl that tha pra- |4* ef Raraanah hara aa raapact far a law flrpttvtat th. rtttm at a TtaM la tha aaarrtM af which W commit, no mm- aflalnrt atwtaty. ranaclaaea *r taltotaa; an, that ttay raaaat aafl return ta W hound hr a law pat hpaa them Mutant that. *m by aa art at tha U^ ta which they took aa pan—had an vata Tha paint la uUat aaanah an* thu raanptatht la ftaaaanMa hut arm and aaatanHaaai dlmsnrd af ana an anjaat law ta harmful tn tt< rffrrta '••dins inward thu wrakm|fs -f tw pawur of nil taw. Sow. an, rrflnt las lmain, at Ou.rata nra Wins tacofti ta tha tacvttabW rutin, 1MMM In IM, country trmld trtshtan ua TW pratnpt and am enforramaat of tw death, npaa KnsMh murdarar. and tha aarapa af meat af tha Amrrtraa furatah IW ex planation at tw aaotnwL Tha Rmtaunt admanlchM, in —~^ ------. _ tarn, thu consreea. tw Jutl-lury, ; . ZSat 1 Ua rorpetattana, tha enpMnRato ‘ and labor orruattnllant an tw manner and mramru of tWIr taunt, mnlnga with .Mayla, warda. ■ nuadulphla Retard. WuU. why autr what ara thu can- Stan and Supreme Caart. th* .appear I ru. ordinal. tauarWa of IW |Wt ta»- munt. to him? Raya net tw puflpta allowed him ta sat tat. tw WhHtat rfcardtat blmuutf In puna* •beta ta IW Rmtai lid. ersahtn, thrmich a bureau mlr' for. Tho nogro thon left the and flod from thu scene. Vowicncora troro .out to tho con* ♦let tamos ut Terror for th* treoh dan. and they put on hi. truck. * n rj'xz r;7'“ a Arsy" jrwa only Bouthem Elate Included. Ho I Routhcrn road toward *Valdoatt, but ahowa from the cenaua of 1900 *.hat i dlappoxred In Orand 'Bay. where tho tho total don.h ™,0 In P „„.h Cun-1cp.^'u^l./uahaalf when twy’antamd llna la lit per porulntlon. In-1 the bay. stead of 37.8 per 1.800 population/ as given by Mr. Poe. and that Jhe whit# death rate In douth Carolina la 10.39. Instead of 25.8 per 1,000 population, aa given by Mr. Poe. The Average death rate for the oouthern roast dtatea from Virginia to the mouth of the Mississippi Is given as 11.38 per 1.000. In some of the other Southern States the variations are as follows: the Georgia ... Virginia .. Mississippi Florida .... Tennessee . Louisiana . 30.4 37.8 19.7 35.3 37.2 12.15 13.82 13.08 13.27 18.13 15.18 Mr. Poo has undoubtedly been mis ted. durh n stnrtllnf difference In fa vor of Northern climate, sanitation and general conditions I# Incredible, and ’.t stands to reason thst Mayor Rhett. whether perfectly accurate or not. Is nearer the truth. Th* death rate would. gatnrafTy be greater la the section wheye the peo ple live shut up In their houses for six months of. the year and where consumption and othor resulting dis eases abound. In th# South, on tho other hand, and tn tho lower South especially, tha windows are kept open and the people breath* tho outer air during tho greater part of tho year— an advantage now very generally re cognised as of vast Importance. Th* President finds that the legis lative and Judicial departments hara not don* what they ought to have done, and offers In his message g sin gle, and to hla mind, effective, reme dy. He would endow tho executive branch of the government with com plete and paramount control through tho regulation of all commerce be tween the States and of all corpora tions doing an Interstate business. That might simplify matters. Indeed, but tip results might remind ua that remedy le sometimes worn# than the disease, and that If we lightly get rid of tho checks and balance# pro vided by the founders of the govern- >nt the penalty of absolutism will have to be paid to tho uttermost farthing. President Roosevelt offers to lot Booth Tarklngton or Oeort* Ado ex amine tha Panama canal documents for tho benefit of the public. If It 1# all the same to him, however, tho public would prefer fact to fiction In this cast. Tha PnaMant lambs*ta the Federal Judges and raconranenda their salaries bo doubted la the earns breath. la this what Is called blowing hot and cold? WlfS hla many and varied activities and preachments there waa one sub ject too Mg for Roosevelt to talkie— tk* high tariff rol THE SACRIST •bber barons. ■ •Tor AUTUMN. The thickets open now to view. ssar-sK isLrs™ StTgyjsa x'ss.. flaunt In the hoyden Autumn’s wasting ». Tbs bins smokes of tbs hltlaMe fires • hr* _ CMoamsJmre; new «oger henfie. too fnfi^to boig. ta^' Before her now ty 01100* cliffs ml Te desolate reeriieo of the deep Btw bears the wtntrv wa-Mrd** rail: an* MiMfl. dreaming: down the etei And fnM her 1 —Thano* r w»jj After aeveml hours In there Mirsucrs .came out without th* negro. They etnted. however, that he would not make any more mhlnlght raids. They ilhl not say so. but It I# the gen eral belief that the near© either re sisted arrest snd was killed, or he waa siren a speedy court-martial and re ceived the verdict of death. . . _ .hSLffatiKriA .n jassi-abBWLf: wsi»dif W ^ ">'rvu"h hu ra.u. i 3 ,ln - when the right man A COMPLETE FOOD Baker’s Cocoa CA Highett Award, in Europe and America vittSic, A medical .writer lajrx: Balter's pure cocoa acts at a gentle stimulant, invigorat ing and correcting the action of the digestive organ., fur nishing the body with tome of the purest elements of nutrition. Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. RstabBdwdlTlO. MMESIQllUt ENCROACHMENT NOTICE. Notice Is' hereby given that applica tion has been made by the Central of deorgla Railway Co. to the mayor and council of the city of Macon for an en croachment aa follow#: All thocc portion* of streets and alleys lying betw»H*n the north line of-Division street, and ths north line of Hammond street, and the enet right of way 111 the flmithem Railway on the west, on the exet by th# west line of the proper ty of the Central of Georgia Railway, purchased from the dty of Macon aa de- nrrlbed In deed, duted March 27. 1»07, and recorded In Wbb ^ County, Georgia. Book NO. lit. folio No. 497. April if. r.<o7. 1 be caught. MACON TO NEW YORK In Through .Slsepsr Via Southern Railway. Effective with first car leaving Ma con Wednesday. December »th. 7:38 a- m.. and arriving New York Decem ber l*th. 13:80 noon, the douthem Railway will Inaugurate drily Pullman drawing room glee ping car sendee be tween Macon end New York. Return ing this car will leave New York 4:25 p. m. and arrive Mncon 8:39 p. m.. following evening. Rent fare Macon to Atlanta 35 cents. For further Infor mation. reeen'nllon*. etc- call on H. R. PETTIT. Trav. Po«s. Agt. 413 Fourth street. Macon. Oa. Telephone 434. * Edward ‘Ward Carmack. Gsnlua Statesman, Patriot. By Savoyard See Sunday's Telegraph. la ths District Court of th# United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. Western Division. In the mat ter of George D. Wheatley. Bankrupt l?ir5u?nt rU S C, an order of hla Honor. Alexander Prmidflt referee In bank ruptcy, there will be sold at th* store house of George D. Wheatley, located at th# corner of Isimnr street and Cot ton avenue. In the city of Americas. Rumter county. Georgia, on the Sir* day of December. 1908. to th# highest bidder for cash, the entire stock of mer- chandles of said bankrupt; said atoex ronslRts of dry goods, notions, all kinds of dross goods, men’s clothing and fur nishing goods, carpeta. rugs, mailings, trunks, fixtures, sfo. This stock In Its oraraX .a, best bidder will be required to pay ten per cent of tho bid cash, and th* bal ance when sale ta confirmed: If sale not confirmed th* amount will ba returned to bidder. _ . — W. DYKES. Trustee. 9th. 1908. This December I In th# District Court qf the Unit States for the Western OlvUlon of t Southern Dtutrict of Oeorgla. Notice of application for discharge in the matter of Edward HtaMInga, of Amertcus. Sumter County. Georgia. crMlltor. of th* >bo» nktnta bankrupt' Ton nr. tarabj notlflua that thu «bov. iraranl bnnhntut hu, fllta hi. nnllrullon tor n dlu-h»ra» from all of Im ,tat. provabl* In h*n»rupt<T.n*nln>t th. Mild Bkitllnn.. Thu nnta np. miration will b« hrnrl hr th. Hon. Fmnrr «P»*r. Judta «f th* Cnltta flwtra dtatrtrt court tar tald dtautrt nnd dl- vl.lcn. tt tn* United dutra ruurt buuM \iy% n. m. Ad crodltorn of th. raid bnnhrupt nr. nntlflad to bu nnd nrnwnr nt th. tlm. nnd .utrd to thow cam if anr thur ran. why th* praj.r rantnlnta In lit* raid uppUrntlon would not ta •'KSi at Macon. Oa.. this 8th dsy of iAmPeRWIN. Deputy Clerk. In the State* for the Western PM Ro^thera Ptstriet of Qeergte- Unit 1 of t above n 1 cation : > In bankruptcy 1 an of WratatSSJ-* KiS tadrS*n« - m ttall &Kf.t tlmnntaTS^b. 1H..I M n-etarh J. m. All creditors of said bankrupt are kero- "SKI nt Unrun. On., thin Pta«ntar **• IK *’ t. XL EltWTtf. Dapnty CTrrtt oxonoiA. 1 « tknfln bST'"" rata ta tta hlghrat MW fur «Mh tta ' P*T tarraturr IMML ta ltar nwn nuw ta 01* ta tb* tauattr* iffte* of rata r * ,ajrLrtr lUTtaM. flM JM ta; The deleft dent is hecsby .required per- gg.ks and ter eaJcseMy owTbo first M«nday ns nlrwry. UF. Mat then m4 user* to aa^wsc thojriaimUP* de mands tn aa actwa of Ubel tor divorce ae m dtfauli tkeenef tk^ 9ro ’ "w ttirai* tVH rifH I n bin. a. xinarr. iml Division street and the north line of iiammond street. All of Gilmer street between the east right of way line 6t the Southern Railway and th# west tins of Tupelo street. All the alley tn Block No. 10 between the east right of. way Une of the • fiouthem Railway and tha west line of Tupelo street All of Ham mond street lying east of the right of way line of the Southern Railway. All that portion of Division street lying between Tupelo street snd Haw thorne street, being the south 29 feet of said Division street, lying north of and ndjacent to the north nne of block No. C7. Also all that west half of Hawthorn* street lying between Harris street on the south and ths proposed remaining 28 feet portion of Division street on ths north; said west half of Hawthorne street lying Immediately east of and adjacent to the east line of block No. 87. Aim ell the alley running east snd west entirely through said block Ne. 87 from Tupelo street on the west to Hawthorne street on the east _ After thirty days from this data th* matter wilt be reported uoen by tha en croachment committee. CHA8. E. CAMPBELL. Clai*. Mayor and Council of ths City of Macon. Dated Dee. 13. 1808. GEORGIA, Bibb County-' ______ Court of said County: The petition Gate# J. Waxslbaum end il~ a Waxslbawn. both of said state ,T t.W«rra , ’ir : th.ta~W,.. associate*, successors and assigns to b* Incorporated under ths corporate name and etyl* of ”B. A. Waxslbaum A Bra. Inc.’’ . 3. Th# capital stock of eald corporation Is to be S50.M0.0e. divided into shares of 8100.00 each. Petitioners, however, de sire for said corporation the privilege ef Increasing saId capital stock from time to tlm# st any regular or called meet ing of the stockholders, by n majority volt of all the then outstanding stock, to an amount not to exceed IIM.SOO.ihi: and th* privilege likewise of reducing said caottal stock from time t* time by the purchase of Its own stork, the cor poration to have the power by a a ma jority vote of all the then outstanding stork at any regular or called meeting of th# stockholders, to make such purchases snd to cancel or retire such purchased stork, or to hold ths same In the tress* ury of ths company as treasury stock and to rs-lssu* th* same from lima N TSib said capital stoek of 118.009 M has already actually been paid In In money snd In property at a fair and agreed valuation. 4. The term for which petitioners ask to bo Incorporated Is twenty ysara. with th* privilege to said corporation of rt- LOANS Negotiated prompt)/ on im proved farm* and city proper- ty on easy terms End at lowest market rate*. 1 If voq need money call.nn na HOWARD M. SMITH & CO. 6S3 Mulb.rry 8L. MACON. OA, taMMOO.00 flA'flLV LOANED. UI, lut It ray. «“'■ .M».N on ■.tnt* tor tarn, in Invu'or., (uL.' .na mctat i. Invralm.nt. TlioM '3 or having money to Invest will „ to their Interest to seq; ua. SECURITY LOAN AND AflSTflACT CtX. CUfnmerctal Bank flulldllKL. Thom,. B. S«cr.t.r» and Attufnta. Leon S. Dure Banking and Investments. it,,j uortpit i 1 CHARLES A. OALDWELL, Macon. Go. IKE WINSHIP HflRflERT SMART WINSHIP ft SMART, INSURANCE. •' ACCIDENT. HEALTH. FIRE. Wuhlnxton Bloek. FOR SALE No.. 107 .nil 509 Mulberry at. !• .lory brlrk bullitln,. taronj .taory arranged for rraldence. BAROA1N fbr QUICK SALE. Orange at. residence, 10 room*, re cently overhaul* d awl painted. AUey on 2 sides; large, lot. Two-story brlrk sthre tn good busi ness locality. Will exchange for small farm. Inquire at office for particu lars. Now Cottage; large lot. ut Crump’# Park. Six-room dwelling and 4 acres In Bellavue. 25 acre* near town. Plenty of wa ter and Woods. 31,150. 100 acre# splendid level land. New Improvements; fine orchard or 2,000 trees. Some splendid farm# from 1800 prr acre up. Home funds on long time at 7 per cent. Call on me next week SURE For Sale A neat five-room cottaga on about an acr* of ground fronting ear llns^ near Log Cabin Club an axtroraaly deslr able place and with plenty of room for another house without crowding. Price 33.500. This Is cheap consid ering location and Improvements. Can make reasonable terms If wanted. Georgia Loan & Trust Co. -868 Mulberry Street. S. S. Parmelee Company, Carriages, Buggies, Wagon: Harness. Saddles, Bicycles. Bi rloges, accessorial. Largest stock In ths South to select m. A pleasure to eervs you. 8. 8. PARMELEE CO- Macon. Ga. Honey (o Lend on Real Estate pttvfiags to a __ nswtng Its charter beyond that tlm* upon a majority vote of all th# then outstand ing stock at any regular er called meet Ing of the stockholder*. X The object ef sold corporatl or ci i'KXS 0 ” rMrabySia mptaMImt. t“«t wholesale boot and shoe dealers. Includ ing the purchase, manufacture sad sal* for cash and on credit of boots, etwee, rubber goods, and boot and shoe findings, with th* power to said corporation to purchase and srlL for eaah and on credit and deal tn real .oatXt* and personal property ef all kinds: to eract, maintain, operate and construct such manufacto ries and workshops, together with such suitable plant and machinery as may be necerrary er convenient for carrylag on *T ^JfTra^'^'W^rarara,. Hon shell have the further privilege and power te loon and borrow money, dis count nepers, act ae general and tpcclal •nt for other persona .and — la buying selling. rairani'ar 'r on oommteeleo or ethsrartee. say ar- - or articles, or doe# of arrives ap- tsrttur syTraffvaBi ______ J carried on by said T^They "draira that said corporatkra shall have the further privilege and new er to give and receive mortgages, deed* with power of sola and ether securities fee debt te borrow money, gty* and re ceive pledge* and liens, te sell mortgtfe and convey la any wtee Its franchises and generally te make oh. and any con tracts tn the execution nnd enjoyment of the powers herein enumerated, with all other rights, powers and Privileges ex tended l« and usual with like corpora tion# under th# laws ef this state 9. They desire that said corporation shall have the power at say regular or cored raeettac of It* Itlffwltsi upon it ■alwrltj TStf ef all the then outstanding S5*ars»s2 T* ££h amounts as may tw determined at any auek raa§8rarara» IRfcW Rwl not to exceed, however, at any time the asses nt r,. a i rBSvgrSB ferent Husn of alMk. the ikhi it ps, steckfw»d>rsef prefer^ Jeb^centretled | bT 10 h Th^°4e^e ‘that sold eac^>cJ5»m pose of stock tn any ether corpora Oons mmup hereafter &rv*n'xed.i llcffl-ta Geera'*. wiriTth- rririlee.. .♦ -• ■Mni bra nek burin# branch ofL fires or spends* hi such ether r'*ce or rtanso within or without Mw state #.f iV—es the cerperstrn may dra^v Wherefore petitions rnr i'a- uev may be mad* a Mj cerpe-ate under the ffVgaggtiJKSJll rrivi'ecee. and with »’l #»•■•- r-^%— »-• Pffvneowi extended to e* ww;a| pith try*, j * Well rated eonunercinl paper and very low rate* on Mar- ketablfl securities. Macon Sayings Bank Brown House Opposite Union Dspot— MACON, GA. American Plan F. BARTOW STUBBS. Proprlet.r. F. W. ARMraTRONa M.n.g.r. For Rent ....f«0.#0 ....325.00 ....325.00 ....358.00 No. 414 Fourth St.... No. 171 Orange Bt No. 433 Second Bt No. 081 Poplar Bt No. 748 College 8t.... No. 370 Columbus St. No. 013 Poplar Bt $25,000 j To Loan Geo. B. Turpin Sons Real Estate, Insurance, Leans. Ne. 851 Third tt Phene 77. CURRAN R. ELLIS architect omc. Cherry Bt nnd Cottou Ave. MACON. OA. FRANK R.HAPP. Architect. it Booms 22 and 31 Fourth Na- Banw Building. 532} Office 090. ALEXANDER BLAIR, Architect. Civil Engineer, WASHINGTON SLOCK. Row. M. Wafer tuppf} •0* r ' r f •, and Residence phone P. E. DENNIS, i Roem. Am,He,B N.Umi.I Bulk Bida. peon, tali rtiwi. rtif. CARLYLE NISBET, Architect. Off!oe Phone 459. Grand Bldg. Residence 141. Mseen. Oe. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. W. W. Of HAVEN. General Contractor and Builder, ne 090. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Classified advertisements under this head are Intended strictly for tho pro fessions. OOtjL DR. M. M. STAPLER. OCULIST AND AURISY. HORTEK, sr. Nos* a EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. }R. FRANK M. CUNNINGHAM, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Oran dPHYtICIANO AND 8UR8KOM8. Throat Specialist, DR. MARY E. McKAY. Orand BuO< Phones: Office. \ fBBli- Res'ldeficA 144(1. DR.-W. H. WHIPPLE, itsd. in th* epoelai. *9r!L l iuSS£ a £t*' cur# guaranteed. —, With sump. 118 Fnurtl / DENTISTRY. DR8. J. M. A n. HOLMES MASON, Dentists. 154 Second it. Phone IIL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ROBERT L. BERNER, Attorney at Law. Rooms ^708-lot American National Bank G. S. &F. RY. Schedule Effective Oct. 13,190A DEPARTURES! 11*80 a.<mta No, 1, Through Train te hiorida. cantos Observation Par lor car and ooaohsa. Macon te Jacksonville via Valdosta: oon- netuon made for. White Springs. 4:uu p! miyfxo 1 .^8hoo• FIy.” Ms- to Valdosta and all Inter* —j.-*- -"m, 10. 3, "Georgia I .— i UmlW Ms. Jacksonville train with O Florida. tag Koera Bleeping Car; open at weSfSS® 6 12:18 a. m ‘ ‘ ““ eatokea l_ - IfTLSi aonvIDa. ARRIVALS: 4:18 a. m.. No. 4, "Georgia South ern Huwanee l * Jacksonville and sleeper Jacl passengers e ■Mer jl Ih until 7:M a. a•. 8:28 a. m., No. *4, "Dixie Flyer," coaches snd Pullman supers Tlfion to Macon, en route rrom JacksenvIKe to 8L Louis and Chleag*. UvaldostJL N °’ *' " §h0 ° tr, y” frtm 4:29 u. m.. No. 8. from Pafetke. Jackssavflra and ail tstsmadlate polnta Parlor Observation Car Jacksonville ta Macon. C. B. RHODES. Gen. Past. Agent Macon. Ga. HARDEMAN. JONER A JOHN#tdn ci RENT LIST lit CUrrton An, l-r 1*1.M liegsSMgi^H IK.M cor. crann* ,na n.mtart, H.R Ita.N til Dvracnn Av«* HK, l-r....ili.M til ftaltlL T-r ;u.M IM Holt Bt. »-r iit.ta I1B BataHL T. Irr.N; nil ratal u 1 nbbr tta. tl* IWUM ,taL.'V.K.,.......trr.H *11 Monro., r-r.4.$1».0,1 «»••*[ op’.r s> III.M ’o.Ur U.n. t) SU.Co 1 «,i*r <J.n l< I B. A. WISE ft CO , Sch.d.1, .ff.iUv. 20, 1001. M.&B. *. F. PARROTT., Mm-W. MACON ANO BIRMINOHAM RAILWAY, Train, trar, M.csn tor Ui.l- U. Callsflra. Yat.irm,, Thomra. ton. Woodbury. Columbu.. Hnr- »ta. U (iran,. ,nj lnt.rm.dlJ.te potato 00 tOttawa: Ho. H nt 4:11 p. m. tally »n« Ho. U M 1:00 n. m. Turatay, Thuratay ,nrt Btttirtar. No. 11 mikra diner e Jlen Jill, flouttam luilw.y «t for warm fl,n„. urrlvinr at Warm Oo]am> mak.a dlratt miraac- .. Bouf rootaury^o. Bprint. «:ir p, m. nnd Cal Mta 1.J00 0. m. Tram. irrlT. Muon <■ tan 41, 11:00 n. tn. 4,i:r. M>. !«. 1:40 p. m , HonJ.jy ’n.ta»M »r.1 ITltara. „ Tr ‘ - '■.*'• fr m U. and « C. B. RHODE!. Oa. ,m. A.L